#and I’m tempted to pull for all the guys I know on it (the 3H characters)
apollo-just-ice · 1 year
Tea Party theme is so awesome. Beautiful and a fun idea!!
I hope it sticks around for more than just this once.
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
AM Chapter 18
Spoilers below for FE:3H Chapter 18.
I checked!! I do have Linhardt recruited!!!! Thank God. I really didn't want to kill him (had to see after realizing he was on the VW map)
I'm excited guys, this is the first time I'll see Dimitri leading the group.
Is AM the only route where it calls Grondor a victory? I know in SS they don't participate, and CF doesn't have it, and even though I just played VW, I can't remember since I did some stat boosting distributing.
AM really just decided to not follow the other routes anymore. Kinda relieved.
Fhirdiad wants Dimitri back (who wouldn't want Cornelia gone). OMG, does this mean I get to kill Cornelia???!!! Finally.
This is so much more hype than the other routes because it's so personal compared to them. Even in SS facing Edelgard is just a giant shrug since the plot doesn't seem to care all that much, but you feel the emotions here after everything.
Fuck Cornelia.
Other routes: we're playing dress up and taking over a fort. AM: Dimitri is returning to his people, who've been suffering under Cornelia's tyranny. That last time he was there, he had to kill his own guards to escape death, believing Dedue died rescuing him from imprisonment and pending execution and sent him even spiraling further into darkness. Like, holy shit, why didn't the other routes get this kind of writing?
They really don't mince here like they do elsewhere. Dimitri talking about stealing weapons from corpses is just . . . time for more Chamomile after all of this.
It's really sad that Dimitri wanting to SURVIVE a battle is an improvement.
It's so nice to see Dimitri leading. I worried he'd just default to Byleth like other routes do, but seeing Dimitri actually get to play his role and Byleth stay in a role that makes sense makes me like her a whole lot more here.
We're really taking back the Kingdom 😭😭😭😭
Fuck Cornelia.
Aw, yeah, the city hates her as much as I do. They know Dimitri's coming.
This fucking jerkass out here killing citizens. Why the fuck did Edelgard give her soldiers?
Not going to lie, hearing Dimitri called "that little princeling" does things to me.
I just love how much Dimitri fucks with her plans though lol.
It's nice to actually play a different map and not the same one three times in a row.
Oh, Dimitri's gravely voice is back. And he's calling for smashed heads again. But it's Cornelia's so, who the fuck cares.
This is going to be the best chapter yes. Because I get to kill Cornelia. Tempted to use Dimitri to do it because that's how it should be, but she'd die way too fast almost.
LAMO. So I pulled the lever for the magical items, and Dimitri's like "now we can land a hit on those things!" As if Dedue didn't solo one already.
Dedue is so funny. He punches someone once, and they die. OMG I love having him back and using him.
Cornelia wasn't even worth any real experience points. Seems right though.
Dimitri sounds unhinged talking to her, don't blame him though.
Oh, more Patricia. She caused Duscur and sacrificed Dimitri and everyone else so she could see Edelgard?
It runs in the family. I kid. Slightly.
So did Patricia cause Duscur? Because Cornelia tweaked her?
Poor Dimitri. So his mother figure never really loved him. Can these writers just stop already?
Ok, Dimitri sounds all good again.
The Empire really treated Fareghus like shit 😭😭 but their king is back 😭😭😭
We gonna prove Duscur's innocence now 😭😭😭
Dimitri doesn't want to face his people. After Cornelia and the Empire, I'm sure he's (literally) a god-send.
OMG he's King Dimitri now 😭😭😭
And they're all cheering for him 😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Do I really have the right to stand here? Will they accept me as their king?" 😭😭😭😭😭
I got Dimitri to BLUSH - telling him not to cry, that this is a happy time. He's crying, omg. 😭😭😭😭
God this story is so emotional compared to the other ones.
"I am finally home again . . ." 😭😭😭😭😭"Faerghus, how I missed you." They missed either other.
OMG, I'm tearing up right now. They wanted him back so badly.
Dimitri is skipping out on his own party lamo.
Dimitri's afraid of the graveyard 😭 Not because ghosts, but because so many people he loves are there I'll bet.
OMG, lamo, Byleth made a funny. The silly answers she can guess what Dimitri taught him. That was actually some personality from Byleth.
Dimitri's seen VW and SS too lol, knowing he dies there in other routes 😭😭
Dimitri still doesn't think he deserves to be happy 😭😭😭
So Dimitri's bolstering his army AND kicking the Empire to the curb. He's a champ.
Dimitri nailed Edelgard's motivations. Wants to get rid of the church, wants to revolutionize the world, but he thinks the cost is too high (I agree).
"I wish to end this war through acceptance, not annihilation." So . . . is he going to attempt to talk Edelgard out of attacking?
Really curious to see if Dimitri actually attempts to reconcile with Edelgard or not.
Would be really nice if he could talk her down from needing to unite the world and could reach some kind of peace deal (but I seriously doubt they'll let everyone live through a single route, so . . . .)
And what about Claude? He didn't die in Grondor, right?
Ohhhhhh here we go. The Alliance sent someone.
So are we gonna fight Claude now or . . . I hope not. It only barely made sense in Grondor, it would make no sense now.
OMG - I didn't think they'd let two lords actually work together, but are we really going to help Claude out? This isn't a trap thing?
OFC the Empire is invading the Alliance. I bet they're freaking out right now with Dimitri taking the Kingdom back under his control and out of theirs.
And Dimitri's not even hesitating to save Claude 😭😭😭
Who's Lord Volkhard von Arunedl?? It's not the Death Knight leading the invasion??
Oh, so he's behind the tragedy too. Is this that dude Dimitri researched in part 1?
LAMO Annette is "devious" for suggesting a "sneak attack."
"far more importantly, they need us. We cannot turn our backs on them." 😭😭😭😭 Just Dimitri things.
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