#and I'm going to the beach tons soooooo
b-a-n-d-e-r · 2 months
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euphoriacrossing · 4 years
Why couldn't more focus could have been placed on the cherry blossom festival?
I am so sick of eggs. Really I never liked them but I tried to tolerate them and just... no. I finished making all the DIYs and I have no use for any more eggs yet it goes until the 12th.
The cherry blossom stuff is so difficult to collect I've spent HOURS attempting to and I still only have part of the recipes. I am missing at least two I really want, the clock and the wand, oh and the pile of petals I want too. And then I'm missing few others as well not even sure what they are. I did get the umbrella which I wanted and the little purse which I didn't even know was one you could get but I love it. And the thing is, despite it being difficult I am still having more fun with it than I did with the "Bunny Day" event and that goes on two days longer and has such a big focus compared to the cherry blossom stuff. I don't know why, really.
But anyway, yeah, I am pretty much doing the same thing as last night now. Wasting time and then checking the right beach on minutes that end in 0 or 5 for the regular balloons. It's been working pretty well I suppose, but it still takes a bit so I have to find some way to pass the time in between minutes.
Euphoria is getting better everyday. Today I was able to give Marina's house a fenced in yard and I prepared to move Biff's so I can do the same for him. I built the cherry blossom lanterns and put them at the entrance to my outdoor bath and they look pretty nice in the moonlight I think.
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Wart Jr. is moving out! In exchange for Coco who I am excited to have join the Euphorian Club. I hate to be one of those people who kicks out ugly villagers just for being ugly, but I mean, the thought of warts makes my skin crawl. And these games are supposed to be enjoyable and if this is how I enjoy the game then this is how I'll play it.
I still have to pick who I want to invite next, because I have 3 I definitely want to move out and as much as I love some of the others, the only ones completely safe are Marina and Beau. And if Beau asked to move on his own i might let him, so really the only one i know i would beg to stay is Marina. But yeah, I think I have a deck of amiibo cards something like 16 packs thick with less than 6 doubles, so I have quite the decision to make. I don't know if I want to go for a certain type of villager... I think maybe I could go smug for smug and move Curlos out and another smug villager in, but I don't know, I'll have to see who I have in my deck.
Oh! And I have to share the letter Biff sent me this morning completely unprompted.
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It's little things like this which make me love this game soooooo much. It's nice to be appreciated even by a fictional character.
I paid off my 758,000 bell loan today (or it was somewhere around there) and now the loan is over a mil? I feel like I won't ever be able to pay that back, but I need more STORAGE for clothes! And other things, but mostly clothes. Ugh, it got so expensive so fast. Was it like this in other games?
And I have gotten my paths done for the main middle part of the map where stores and things are. Now i need to figure out what kind of paths I am going to make elsewhere and honestly what I am going to do everywhere else. I think I want an outdoor library, but I need book shelves and such first. And I know I want to make my orchard more organized looking, but I don't know how to even start that. I want to do more decoration with cute pastel and dark spooky things (yes both) in the middle part of the map but I need to find more things like that that I can use as decor.
I guess I need to start seeing if I can get into the trading world. Or something like that where I can find more of the items I need and at least catalog them so I can buy them myself. I am kind of nervous about trying all that though because i am pretty socially anxious, and i get panicky even playing games with people i don't know. But then i have done so well playing with my new friends who weren't as familiar to me when we started playing, but I still didn't panic when we first played, so I am thinking I could do this. But I dunno. We'll see. First I guess I need to find a good place to go about such things anyway.
Anyway, I guess that is mostly it. There isn't gonna be a ton of new stuff to talk about since I beat story mode, but I am still enjoying the game and feel there is much left to do, so you know, I'll be around, wasting time in between balloons or shooting stars, or looking for helpful tips on different things.
I may be having oral surgery Wednesday, so I have high Hope's that when I can't sleep, AC will take away the pain. We'll see though.
Oh, like turnips. I found a good guide so I'm gonna read up on 'em for next week. The were selling pretty high here this morning like they seem to be every week so I put it off. But maybe next week.
So yeah, like I said I'll be around but I don't know how many more text posts I could squeeze out of doing a lot of the same things over and over.
I leave you with the weird stuff Puddles says when Wisp is around...
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I would totally watch a show called "Ghosts 'n Stuff".
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kim-isnt-seaweed · 6 years
I'm finally home from my brother-in-law's house. Yesterday we left for 서산 to visit our niece, to be completely honest I didn't want to go because I wasn't feeling well and my cheek has swollen so much I look like I have a potato hanging from it, but I went anyway since I didn't want to miss being able to see our niece given that we only see her once a month. On 1hour 30min~2 hour drive there, my mother-in-law kept urging me to sleep, something I had been trying to do but was unable to because they are soooooo loud, if you didn't know any better you'd think they're fighting all the time, but nah they just argued 50% of the time and the other 50% they were just talking. Only until Tae's co-pilot (my father in law) fell asleep and Tae didn't have anyone else to argue over directions, was I able to fall asleep.
When we arrived, they all headed towards the wrong building despite me telling them repeatedly that wasn't the one, but anyway we got to their home and they had lunch served. I, unfortunately, had to miss out on my sister-in-law's food because I couldn't chew for shit, even the smallest broccoli stems were a struggle so my brother-il made me a mango smoothie. It's honestly great going to their house because they have traveled so much they always make a little of everything when they cook. Aside from me the only person that didn't eat was my niece because my mother in law stuffed her with snacks, to be completly honest I dread they day I have kids for many reasons but one of them is my mother in law, don't get me wrong she is amazing and a great grandmother in the sense of spoiling and playing but not the most responsible, so she does a ton of shit that I really don't like nor does my sister-il but unlike her I don't think I'll be able to allow her to do it, one of the things is giving her so much candy and snacks, like even when they ask her not to give her more she still does or the one I definatly hate is for some god forsaken reason she keeps giving her beer. Like I don't give a shit if it's just a sip or a teaspoon of beer I would honestly lose my marbles if it were my kid, I actually almost did. My husband was drinking beer with brother, and my mother in law was like "oh i want to toast with hari (the baby)" so they were like sure, but don't give her beer we have sparkling water that will serve the trick but no, she insisted on giving a 2 y/o a sip of beer, despite all of us telling her no she still did, but then my brother in law got like really stern and said no, which is a first, to be honest, but it was needed, a bit late in my opinion given that its the third time she gives her beer so much so that my niece doesnt even flinch at the taste. Anyway~ after lunch we were heading out to explore the area 서산 is not quite yet a city but not rural area completely it has some buildings scattered here and there with farms in between, like right behind their building there's a rice farm and a goat farm, btw goats from far away sound like the souls of the damned. Oh oh but before we left they gave me my birthday present and honestly I do not deserve it, they gave me the cutest dress ever and a very cute wallet, those type of wallets that double as small purses, i wanted to use it right away so when I was taking out all the stuffing I noticed it was Coach and I really really hope they got it on sale, or it's never going to take it off, I don't think I've ever owned a something so expensive.
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Again i'm greatful but also a bit burdened, i can't affored to give them same quality gifts. Although i've noticed that being the 막내 and 막내며느리 my in-laws don't except much from us, like they never lets us pay for anything not even coffee, they always offer to help us and such, its good and also a bit frustrating, because we still feel very dependant on them, and in return we're expected to always go with their flow.
Going back on track, we went to the beach, I fell asleep on the way there these days I cant touch a car without falling asleep its crazy, but since my sister-in-law owns a daycare they have a very big school van that we use when all the family gathers and again being the 막내며느리 and the smallest im sent to the back of the van we're its very jumpy I hurt my cheek a few times.
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The day was extremly foggy, dark and gloomy but the beach was still nice.
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They were all looking for snails that they eat, I was looking for crabs and hermit crabs that I just like looking at
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Then we went to some sand dunes that we didnt get to see because of the gloomy day and they closed 5 mins after we arrived.
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grandparents and the apple of their eye.
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That other little girl is just a random little girl my mother-in-law made our niece make friends with. Is that a grandma thing?? Just randomly start talking to people anywhere?
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The cutest uncle ever.
After the beach, they went to eat seafood which thank god I couldn't eat because I had a reasonable excuse to not eat seafood. I hate seafood. So I just ate 킴치전 in the slowest possible way.
And that's all really, today we woke up they went to get breakfast, I stayed behind and then they took me to the bus terminal and came back to Seoul where I slept the whole way. My husband and his parents went to his aunt's house where they had dinner and then he left for the academy. And now I'm home with a potato in my cheek.
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