#and I'm hyped as HELL to use my new miter saw to cut things!!!!! hell yeah!!!!!
lostlegendaerie · 2 years
Hello and happy (almost) new year’s if you celebrate it the 31st/January! I’ve been super busy lately, so here’s a question- what pokemon do you think would be the most helpful to you for your life, at home or at work? A Mincinno or Swablu to help clean? Jigglypuff for a steady sleep schedule? Maybe you work with computers and could use a Porygon to help out! There's a pokemon for every job or issue, from water purification to stress relief to data analysis. What would yours be?
Man I would ADORE something to help me clean and keep things clean - Swablu has always been a fav, and would be appreciated. But is there a sorting and organizing Pokémon to help me remember where I put things??? Natu with that good Future Sight action?
Or maybe one of the Togepi line for the good vibes bc today is a great example of the shit that keeps happening. Example! My microwave broke last week approximately 15 hours before I left on a delightful vacation, so when I came back, I needed to get a new one ASAP. I picked it up tonight and went to put it on the shelf. The previous one sat on, but it was a quarter of an inch taller than the old microwave and therefore was too snug with the shelf above it, and airflow would've been restricted. So I take everything off of that shelf, including a bunch of vases that I planned on eventually going through but now I have to deal with this week, and the make up I keep there. (My microwave is right next to my bathroom, it's an old house, I gotta get creative with appliance placement so I don't blow the fuses over and over and over). Then, when I was trying to put the shelf back in place, after I had raised it, the shelf got stuck and as we tried to get it back in place it cracked in half. So now, I have solved one problem, but given myself three more; go through the vases, and figure out which ones I want to keep and also where I want to store them, find a way to better organize, and store my make up, which is all been dumped into one box, and go through the lumber in my garage, or buy a new piece of wood to cut to fit she replace the broken shelf.
Maybe just a luck Pokémon, oops. Who would that be?
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