#craft weekend! craft weekend! craft weekend!
transform4u · 2 days
Working as an intern for the local Democratic Party is hard enough, but it's gotten worse with the Republican candidate for mayor trying hard to recruit me and my friends to work for him. It's annoying that he thinks that I'd work for someone like him, and offensive that he thinks I'm on the same level as the dumb frat bros that work for him. They keep saying they'll help me understand, but I'm not too sure..
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Sitting at your computer, you’re immersed in crafting a blog post about Kamala Harris for President, fueled by a mix of caffeine and idealism. The rhythmic clatter of your fingers on the keyboard is your only companion until a new email notification disrupts the flow. You glance at the screen, and there he is: Harlow Binger, the obnoxious Republican mayoral candidate, his waxy smile practically oozing through the pixels.
You try to close the email—click, click, click—but the cursor stubbornly hovers, refusing to cooperate. Defeated, you begin reading the email. Words like “conservative” and “family values” flood your vision, and your eyes glaze over as you fight the urge to roll them. Suddenly, without warning, the national anthem blares from your speakers, and your screen erupts in an eerie red glow.
A chill races down your spine as you feel an odd twitch in your body, a strange sensation as if time itself is rewinding. Your muscles begin to lean out; it’s like you’re shedding layers of stress and doubt and age? The wrinkles around your eyes smooth away, and that familiar anxiety melts into an almost blissful calm. You're regressing back in time, as the years wash away from your face and body. You glance down to see your casual attire morphing into something preppy—polo shirts and crisp khakis start to materialize on your frame.
You feel every muscle in your body shift, groaning with the effort, but instead of pain, there’s an exhilarating sense of rejuvenation. It’s as if each fiber of your being is shedding the weight of years and worries, leaving behind only vitality and promise. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of the screen, and you’re struck by the vision before you: a young man radiating effortless charm.
Standing tall and lean, you embody an athletic frame that speaks to countless hours spent on the soccer field and in the gym, where dedication has sculpted your body into something enviable. Your toned abs reveal not just physical commitment but a zest for life that resonates deeply. The contours of your muscles tell a story of resilience and energy, each line a testament to your active lifestyle.
Your face is classically handsome, a harmonious blend of features that draw people in. A chiseled jawline frames your expression, exuding strength and confidence. Warm, inviting eyes sparkle with mischief and kindness, glinting like sunlight on a serene lake. There’s a playful glimmer in your gaze, suggesting you’ve always got a clever quip at the ready, or a light-hearted joke to brighten someone’s day.
A tousled mop of sun-kissed hair frames your face, perfectly styled yet effortlessly casual, as if you’ve just rolled out of bed and into the world. Each strand seems to catch the light, adding to that inviting aura. It’s the kind of look that hints at spontaneity and adventure, an invitation for others to join you on whatever path you choose.
In this moment, you exude a magnetic confidence that draws people in like moths to a flame. Your laughter is infectious, echoing with the joy of living fully and authentically. But it’s not just the looks—it’s the energy. You radiate a blend of earnestness and playful wit, ready with venomous quips and dismissive insights. Your anger and rage is infectious, pulling people into your orbit with magnetic confidence. Deeply rooted in your Christian values, you navigate life with purpose, advocating for your beliefs with a balance of passion and respect.
You’re the guy who volunteers at church on weekends, always ready to lend a hand, and----your head starts to sting and there it is the nauseous feeling you were afraid to let in. What you once thought of as the vile, repulsive stench of Republican ideology begins to permeate every fiber of your being. It sears its insidious tendrils deep into your psyche, burning away any shred of compassion or empathy. Slowly, inexorably, kindness and humanity become alien concepts, replaced by an overwhelming imperative to prove superiority - to feel better than everyone else. Only those pure of heart who uphold tradition and submission to a strict patriarchal hierarchy earn any modicum of dignity and respect. All others are fair game to mock, abuse and annihilate. Faggots and Woke freaks represent a special kind of evil that needs to be excised. Their depraved degeneracy is a poison in the nation's womb that must be flushed out, along with their abortion-loving, gender-bending mothers. These modern feminazis and their sissie boys have no place in sane, civilized society. It is their twisted goal to corrupt the minds and bodies of our children through public schools.
The metallic warmth of the gold cross presses against your chest, pulsating with an all-consuming need. Each word you utter drips with a dark, twisted passion - the desire to spread not only the Word of God, but the tyrannical values of far-right Republicans. Your mind reels with visions of an idyllic Christian home - a beautiful wife draped in her Sunday best, cradling their well-behaved children at the altar. But the images swiftly morph into more carnal fantasies. In your thoughts, you undress a pretty young girl from Bible Study named Clara, her shiny blonde locks cascading over her cherry-pipped lips. Your fingers explore every curve and valley of her voluptuous body, trailing lower to tease her most intimate places. You envision pinning her down on the kitchen table, spreading her trembling thighs wide, and fucking her senseless with the thick rod of your virgin cock. It throbs urgently inside your pants as you recall jerking yourself off to racy tumblr porn, pumping your hard shaft to videos of hot MILFs in skimpy lingerie.
Your dreams are filled with debased lusts that defy reason and morality. The scent of her hair, her skin, it fills your nostrils with each deep breath. In your imagination, you bend Clara over the dinner table, flip up her petite skirt, and plunge deep into her tight teenage holes. The wet squelch of her juices sounds obscenely loud. You grunt and groan as she writhes beneath you, begging to be stretched and stuffed with your uncut manmeat. Her virgin walls clench desperately around the heady intrusion. With Clara's moans echoing through your skull, you rapidly stroke faster and harder.
Your mind swims with vivid memories of standing shoulder to shoulder with your fellow true believers, holding handmade signs bearing the president's name. The smell of beer mingles with the musk of masculine aggression as you cheered his every speech and promise. At every opportunity, you shamelessly ogled the attractive women surrounding you. Their pert breasts and swaying hips stirred something primal deep within you, a hunger to breed, conquer, dominate.
Your eyes roamed greedily over their curves - lingering on the creamy skin above their low-cut dresses. Some caught your leering stares and smirked back invitingly. Oh how you longed to sweep them up in your strong arms and ravage them on the spot, right there in front of your fellow deplorables. To pin them to the ground and claim your manhood's rightful place inside their quivering cunts. But alas, decorum forbade. Still, you couldn't resist grabbing their asses for a good squeeze, chuckling as they squeaked in protest.
Ah Mayor Harlow Binger, the alt-right hero who laid the foundation for Trump's victory! His unshakable commitment to family values and traditional gender roles. You revere him almost religiously, hanging his pictures in your dorm room and scouring the web for quotes to emblazon on your bedposts. Homophobia is more than just a bug in your worldview - it's the defining pillar supporting all other pillars. Anyone who opposes it is simply godless degenerate scum deserving of persecution! This dark fury burns within your heart, a constant rage against the sick, sin-stained liberal lies masquerading as progress.
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moltencreativity · 5 hours
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I made a thing! I went to a Yarn and fiber show last weekend and it was fantastic. Among other things, I found these little bone thread winder disks/stars and thought they would make great whorls for lace weight drop spindles!
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And I was right!!!
I just used a dowel rod from the craft store for the shaft and a pocket knife to carve the bottom down enough to pop the bone disk on. the top is just a knob and I half hitch the thread around the top.
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I am very happy with the spin on it. I had some plain white fluff from Webs and just started spinning it up. Still varying more than I'd like on width, but it's quite thin! Once I'm happy with the amount, I'll ply it and I'd like to make a super airy shawl. Something like this maybe?
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(Photo from pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/evelyne )
I'd only need about 230 yards for this pattern.
.....Crap. I need to make a Niddy Noddy now too.
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lostlegendaerie · 2 years
Hello and happy (almost) new year’s if you celebrate it the 31st/January! I’ve been super busy lately, so here’s a question- what pokemon do you think would be the most helpful to you for your life, at home or at work? A Mincinno or Swablu to help clean? Jigglypuff for a steady sleep schedule? Maybe you work with computers and could use a Porygon to help out! There's a pokemon for every job or issue, from water purification to stress relief to data analysis. What would yours be?
Man I would ADORE something to help me clean and keep things clean - Swablu has always been a fav, and would be appreciated. But is there a sorting and organizing Pokémon to help me remember where I put things??? Natu with that good Future Sight action?
Or maybe one of the Togepi line for the good vibes bc today is a great example of the shit that keeps happening. Example! My microwave broke last week approximately 15 hours before I left on a delightful vacation, so when I came back, I needed to get a new one ASAP. I picked it up tonight and went to put it on the shelf. The previous one sat on, but it was a quarter of an inch taller than the old microwave and therefore was too snug with the shelf above it, and airflow would've been restricted. So I take everything off of that shelf, including a bunch of vases that I planned on eventually going through but now I have to deal with this week, and the make up I keep there. (My microwave is right next to my bathroom, it's an old house, I gotta get creative with appliance placement so I don't blow the fuses over and over and over). Then, when I was trying to put the shelf back in place, after I had raised it, the shelf got stuck and as we tried to get it back in place it cracked in half. So now, I have solved one problem, but given myself three more; go through the vases, and figure out which ones I want to keep and also where I want to store them, find a way to better organize, and store my make up, which is all been dumped into one box, and go through the lumber in my garage, or buy a new piece of wood to cut to fit she replace the broken shelf.
Maybe just a luck Pokémon, oops. Who would that be?
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daycarefriendpickup · 8 months
DCA fandom arts and crafts party weekend one (starting 19th Jan 2024) ✨
This weekend we had a blast at our big arts and crafts slumber party where everyone drew together on one big art board!
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Lots of friends showed up, including:
Next weekend we’re planning to throw another party where we all draw together, and everyone’s invited! We’ll share an invite to the magma group and a link to the board on Friday (26th Jan) so watch this space- you can also feel free to join our DCA fandom chat where we’re busy making friends and planning more events! See you soon! 💕✨
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foolishcrafting · 6 months
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My finished hand-spun and hand knit, 100% Welsh wool sweater! 🕺🏼
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listen listen... imagine if you will, making a little Foul Legacy plushie.
you use whatever free time you have to sew a tiny, soft version of your favorite Abyssal moth, giving him little fabric horns and embroidered paw pads and little stars in his eye, small enough to grasp with one hand but big enough to squeeze and hug. the plush takes several weeks since you're busy most of the time, but finally you complete it, holding it behind your back as you approach Legacy, who tilts his head and trill curiously at your excitement. without a word you whip out the plush and Legacy squeaks in delighted shock, carefully taking it from your hands and turning it over, looking at the fabric doll from every angle and poking it gently with his claws; two Foul Legacies staring happily at each other
the plushie quickly becomes one of his most prized possessions, bringing it wherever he wants to nap or doze and keeping it carefully perched on a pillow at other times. Legacy treats it so delicately- it's a piece of art, after all- immediately bringing the tiny fabric version of himself to you if he spots any lose threads or tears. the plush joins you for any snuggles, usually held in your arms as Foul Legacy hugs you to his chest- sometimes you bring Legacy-plushie's paws up to give Foul Legacy a high five. and sometimes, when you've been having a particularly bad week, you'll open your bag and find a little fluffy plushie in there, carefully positioned to be facing you with its goofy little grin, and you smile a little bit, too.
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kirby-the-gorb · 5 months
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miodiodavinci · 4 days
im being so so brave but also i am gripping you by the shoulders and leaning in and letting you know i am so tired of being brave
#my job has invented new and even more agonizing ways to make itself stressful to endure#and that isn't even counting the fact that i've now seriously fucked up my wrist transporting 30lb boxes up and down stairs#or the fact that i occasionally get piercing shoulder pains if i'm not super careful about how i use the hand truck#or the fact that whenever i come home on mondays my entire lower body is so sore that i can't move beyond a weak shuffle#it's the fact that my boss has no sense of organization#so my supervisor and i are basically salvaging or starting from scratch every week#it's the fact that some of our clients are asking for things we're not even contracted to provide#like access to our company materials or additional resources outside of our scheduled bookings#and that there's this constant looming threat of 'ohhh don't be bad at your job!! or else we'll lose our contract with these people!!'#but 'bad at your job' in this case means 'not bending over backwards to accommodate the least accommodating circumstances possible'#like 'hey you need to lead this training exercise meant for 20 people except actually you only have 4 people'#'and actually none of them are familiar with the prerequisites for this training or have any experience with the skills'#'and also none of them want to be there and half of them just Don't Do These Things as a rule'#'and if you try to make them do anything they don't want to do (even if it's literally the point of the training) they Will leave'#'and then we will no longer have enough clients to pay you'#like. what am i doing. this company was not designed to work with this format. we're not an arts and crafts group or a club meeting#hi so i wrote this post before starting weekend work prep#it has been 3 hours now#im still not done#i haven't eaten and my wrist hurts so bad#i need to.................. take a break................................
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lavenoon · 1 year
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"The kids, right."
Some more experimenting with a new brush/ softer style for colored work! Told ya I had more planned for this Y/N <3
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bluedesignwall · 6 months
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I have been a little busy working on a quilt. It is for one of Daughters best friends who is getting married very soon. There is a deadline and it is a little on the tight side. Not much housework is getting done. I did however get to the eye people and have my eyes tested today. Tomorrow I need to try and get my half marathon training back on track. I also need to get as much quilting done on this quilt as possible. Whew better get off to bed, I’m exhausted just thinking about it all.
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My first ever victorian outfit is DONE! I made all these things!!
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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leaving the house 😮🫣✨
Treat me ~ Tip me (buy me a cold beverage as positive reinforcement)~ More of me
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heelanhomestead · 2 months
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Up early this morning and pottering around in the garden. Look how pretty these potato flowers are … 😍 Anyway, it actually looks like it might be sunny today, so soaking up every minute. Maybe sit in the sunshine with a good book and some coffee. Hope you have a lovely Sunday too … 🤞😃
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siriscrafts · 3 months
How to ecoprint a t-shirt!
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Take the cloth you want to dye – natural fibers like cotton, linen, wool and silk work best, but also polyamide! It it's new, it's good to wash it first to get rid of any surface treatments on the cloth.
Then you'll need mordant for your fabric: alum and tannins for cellulose fibers, or just alum for protein fibers. Mordanting will help the print stick to the fabric and stay vibrant! To pre-mordant, simply dissolve the mordant into hot water and dip your cloth in it. To calculate how much mordant you need, simply weigh your dry cloth and divide by ten.
After mordanting, you can let your cloth dry or simply wring it and continue to the next step. Using wet cloth will result in a more watercolour-like print, as the dyes spread a bit. For crisper prints, it's better to use dry cloth.
Next you'll need plant stuff! Most green stuff will give yellowish hues, but there are some plants that are special dye plants. Do your research or experiment! (I used dyers chamomille, st. john's wort and some purpleish plants that I'm hoping will give red.) Some kitchen scraps like onion skins, and some mushrooms (eg. surprise webcap) are also commonly used! You can use fresh or dried plants. Arrange them on your cloth in whatever pattern you like! I'm folding my shirt in half to get a mirrored print, so I placed some flowers facing up and some facing down, but generally you'll want to place the flower face down and leaves face up!
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Then it's time for wrapping up your cloth! You'll need another fabric or plastic to cover the cloth and something solid to wrap your fabric around, like a stick, some rulers or a piece of pipe. A rolling pin can be helpful in getting the plants flat against the fabric before wrapping. I used a big glass jar, like so!
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Place the other fabric or plastic on top of your cloth and roll tightly! Tie the roll with some scrap yarn so it stays tight and finally wrap it in a towel. If you want a background colour, you can use a transfer cloth that's dipped in dye in place of the plastic or other fabric.
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Next this roll will be steamed to get the colours from the plants into the cloth. A big kettle and small flower pot upside down work well, if you don't want to sacrifice a juicer. I used a bucket, a styrofoam box and an elecric kettle to save energy. Let it steam for 1,5 hours. If your cloth and plants were dried, it will take longer.
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Once it's steamed, let it cool completely. Then it's time for the reveal! Dry and iron, wear and hand-wash.
I'll post the finished shirt once it's ready!
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butterflieswhisper · 2 months
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looping echidna beastlife gif from trying to figure out toonboom
#based loosely off the bird who keeps taunting my cats through the window. brown headed cowbird who will sit there#and flap it's wings and yell until the cats show up and then it starts pecking at the window and jumping back and forth in front of them#weird bird.#it's done this for like two years now i think#anyways. sound it makes when it fluffs up is vaguely similar to echidnas birdsong soundboard noise thing. so. yeag#whisp whispers#my art#ALSO. ANIMATION PRECOLLEGE IS SO AWESOME. IM SO. AHRHRHNFMDM GET ME OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL PRLESDRRRE GIVE ME AN ART TEACJER WHO CARES ABOUT ART#it's so awesome here. toonboom access!!!! this is so awesome. guys toonboom is so awesome. not to turn a hobby into a job but like i was#genuinely kind of sad when i didn't get to go to school over the weekend it's so awesome here. who was going to tell me college doesn't suck#miserably all the time. like it's a precollege but still this is so ??? so much better than anything i've done in the past 8 years#<-except for fine crafts one i miss u fine crafts ...... not even a fine arts credit. but it was a nice class#anyways point being. hm. maybe i could animate for a job. i used to think about it but hs art magnet is so bad guys it's so bad .and i#was like hm this sucks actually. also like worst period of my life but that's unrelated . but this is so. nice? and im DOING things and i#feel like i'm learning??? god i hope dual enrollment goes well maybe i will be able to make it through college...#im so. this is so awesome. precollege animation 2-week intensive thing i love you i love you i love you#BTW GUYS DID YOU KNOW ALL AUTODESK PRODUCTS ARE FREE AS LONG AS UR IN ANY SCHOOLING. MAYA. FOR FREE. FOR AS LONG AS ENROLLED IN ANY SCHOOL#AND THEN SOME !!! i don't even like 3d modeling that much but. maya for free??? that's awesome. that's awesome!! anyways#rambling. i think i missed all normal tags. uhhhhhhhhh#beastlife#<-oh no i only missed that one. awesome. guys i love it here this is so. arbrnsnnm i love you figure drawing. i'm having fun!#with charcoal!!!!! i thought i hated charcoal but this is like !!!!! so aweosme ?????? i'm#this is so awesome. this is so awesome. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ibijau · 6 days
gone from "maybe this will go away once I rest" to "waiting for the pharmacy to open at 9 so I can do a covid test"
why couldn't this happen on monday so I didn't have to go to the office this week?? If it's covid now, I'll probably be counted as sufficiently recuperated to work next week...
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