#and I'm just like 馃し what are you talking about. it's fine. there's no rush. I'm gonna pack everything and there's enough time for that. and
running-in-the-dark 5 months
oh, yeah - we found a storage unit place (it wasn't that easy, those aren't common here - or at least not where I live). it's actually an old barn that's been converted lol. anyway, so we've rented that for three months (the shortest period they allow), which is perfect. then we don't have to move everything out of there immediately when we can move into the new place in April.
I think I've got enough boxes. I've got a spreadsheet that I'm putting all the information in about what's in which box. I've planned where everything will go and when. I think it's going to work out fine. the last time we moved was so stressful (because I was pretty sick and that made everything really hard), I really want it to go better this time.
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helluvapurf 9 months
Ayyyy new HB episode just dropped, and its the Fizzarolli one!~ Been SUPER curious about it since the initial trailers/sneak peek previews, soooo... lets talk about it~
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First things first, the Positives:
-Loved loved LOVED Fizzarolli and Asmodeus since their initial debuts in "Ozzie's", and... yeah, I very much enjoyed them here too!~ 馃憦From Fizz's maniacally-pampered goofiness to Ozz's "lovingly suave & powerful" demeanor, it blends into some super enjoyable chemistry when we see them both onscreen~ 鉂わ笍Not that they have a flawless relationship ofc, given Ozzie's overprotective coddling at times & Fizz being too careless about his own safety (+his inner worry of what the public would think of Ozz dating an Imp)... but at the end of the day, whether it's fluffy cuddles, kinky fun, or pummeling the hell out of some boring lawyer dude... it seems like nothing will ever tear these two apart, aww~ :3
-Blitz and Fizz's dynamic was SO fun to watch from start to finish, everything including their snarky banter at the start, their gradual teamwork when kidnapped, and their heart-to-heart by the end was quite touching to see play out (like man you can just FEEL the pain in Blitz's voice as he recounted all that tragedy/genuinely felt remorse for what happened... poor guy ;-; )馃ズ I know some could argue that Fizz forgiving Blitz at the end was a little... "rushed", but personally I like to see it more as them agreeing start over "fresh" to give time in rebuilding things, with plenty to catch up on now that they're free from danger 馃憤 Here's to some more great Blitz/Fizz content in future HB eps!
-As... "lukewarm" as I've grown towards Stolas lately, I honestly found him pretty fine here in terms of character portrayal/writing (surprising too that he didn't take up much screentime since he stayed more to the sidelines during the B-plot... huh .3.). The lil bit of him excited to read the contract was pretty funny too lol ("Ohoho, I love words!~")
-Didn't expect to see Striker so soon, but he proved a fun threat to watch along with the bigger arsenal in Crimson's gang! 馃憣 Curious to see what he'll be up to next, with that slick escape of his by the end~ 馃憖
-I liked the lil fly-Chihuahua things Fizz had as pets during the intro, they were cute :3
-Much better writing in the humor-department here, as even some of the "raunchier" jokes (like from Fizz and/or Ozzie) didn't really phase me here since most of them do come from two prominent Lust Ring performers. Ironically enough though, it was actually Crimson who surprisingly gave me the most laughs ngl (like the screen recording threat to Ozzie, his confused face at Fizz singing in Italian, etc. lmao).
-Beautiful shots of animation & color work as usual, and even Fizz's song (-cluttered as it was lol) proved an amusing one to see given the circumstances of him improvising the whole time XD. Hope we'll see more of Alex Brightman's singing talents in HB's future, given his past Broadway work! 馃憦
-So it looks like we were right to assume Stolas is planning to give Blitz an Asmodean Crystal after all (possibly meaning the end of their Full Moon deal, too? :o), so that'll be interesting to see how that'd play out later (esp. now that Fizz gave the okay to let Blitz have it by the end, thanks to their renewed bond ^^)
Now, as for any potential Negatives...:
-As much as I enjoyed Striker's antagonist role here, along with the looming forces he gained from Crimson's alliance... like, why is Crimson of all people here for the villain-count, again? .-. Sure, it is refreshing that Striker's learning to let go of "sucking up" to Goetia's (aka: Stella & her brother) to get by... buuuut idk, I would've thought Crimson's next big appearance would've been suited more to a Moxxie and/or Millie-centered plot, I guess? 馃し Idk...
-For someone who went through such an intense kidnapping/beat-up during his last starring role... I'm surprised Stolas is apparently walking around fine now, with no other visible injury? I mean sure, he is a Goetia so I guess it makes sense he'd heal up fast... yet since its only been canonically a week since "Western Energy" happened, I feel like he should've at least had a couple bandages/scars on him, to at least leave some more of a narrative impact of what he went through imo.
-Funny as the B-plot was with the boring lawyer guy... yeaaaaah I'll admit after awhile, I couldn't help wondering why Ozzie didn't just say "f*** it" and killed the dude already lol. Like, big threats from Crimson aside... Asmodeus IS an Embodiment of Sin nonetheless, arguably more powerful than any Goetia if we consider the Hell hierarchy system. Couldn't he have just... idk, raised up hell like Stolas did in "Truth Seekers" to go save his man? 馃し Not that it took me out of the ep too much given all the great Blitz & Fizz content we got instead... buuuut yeah lol.
-With that one flashback sequence of Blitz and Fizz's childhood... I'm surprised Barbie Wire didn't show up much in it (save for the burned photo with their mom)? .-. I mean I'll admit I even saw some leaked storyboard-screencaps showing that Barbie was meant to be seen running out during the tent fire scene, but in the actual-finished ep she's just... not there somehow? Weird .x.;
-I'm... not really sure how to feel about Blitz straight up calling Striker a "supremacist"? Like yeah Striker's clearly within the "Eat The Rich" mentality since his debut in S1... buuuut with how its been subtly stated of how oppressed the Imp race is compared to most other Hell classes, I don't really get how Striker is "wrong" to outright detest royalty/rich folk? .-. Idk, hopefully they'll clear this up more with a later episode/backstory moment for Striker down the line... 'cause otherwise, the implications of it all just feels very... ehhhhh .x.;;
-...okay, I'm just gonna cut to the chase here (*and no offense meant-in advance to any shippers out there, btw*), but I'm... reeeeally not a fan of how much this show's been trying to "water down" Blitz and Stolas' current dynamic here 馃槕 Like, its one thing to show Stolas catching honest, genuine feelings but recognizing his mistakes enough to try & make things "right" (hence again, the Asmodeon Crystal thing)... but to straight up paint Blitz as being some "uwu stubborn meanie who doesn't know true love when he sees iiiiit~" is just... really? 馃う
Mind you, Stolas is the same guy who coerced Blitz into their Grimoire deal all so Blitz can keep up his I.M.P. business (& for Stolas to... well, "get some" >>;), kept stepping over boundaries throughout S1 (aka: calling him "Blitzy" over & over, hitting on him when he's not interested, etc.), and then didn't even try to defend Blitz when they both got publicly mocked in "Ozzie's" (only way later when they were in the privacy of his manor did he offer to talk/have some "cuddly couple time" together... 馃槖). Again, I don't mean to dunk on Stolas too much 'cause I know he IS trying to be better now (+Blitz wasn鈥檛 exactly a saint either, given that he only ever asked out Stolas back then just so he could spy on M&M >>)... but really, all that in mind I can't say I blame Blitz for not being exactly "receptive" to Stolas' affections 馃し Personally, I think its best that these two just give eachother some space (once the Grimoire/Crystal thing is sorted out), imho...
Aaaaand yeah, all-in-all I'd say this ep was... probably the best of S2, so far??馃槼Not "perfect" by any means, and def could've used a bit more polish in a few scenes/plot holes/script-writing... all-in-all, the strong chemistry of Blitz, Fizzarolli, Asmodeus amongst the drama made it a truly worthwhile episode~! 馃憦馃憦As for my current S2 ranking atm:
"Oops" (S2 Ep. 6)
"Western Energy" (S2 Ep. 4)
"Exes and Oohs" (S2 Ep. 3)
"The Circus" (S2 Ep. 1)
"Unhappy Campers" (S2. Ep 5)
"Seeing Stars" (S2. Ep 2)
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lovecolibri 3 years
A love triangle for Echo and an alternative love interest for Liz who matches her intelligence and ambition would have made some actual sense if the show had let her stay mad at Max after the Rosa reveal and she hadn't started a relationship with him at all before the other love interest was introduced. Also, Liz had not one but two previous love interests who shared her passion for science so it's not like that's a new idea. Echo needs fixing after last season and I once again don't see how a rando guy is going to help, but 馃し.
Right?! They got them back together too quickly so we are now stuck with a season 1 that was "I like you! But wait, I'm suspicious! But wait! I like you again now that you've shared your secret! But wait! You were still lying to me and I never want to speak to you again! But wait! I ran out of reasons to stay away! But wait! You brought my sister back and now you're dead! 馃槹" all just in season 1! I talked a bit here about what should have happened in season 1 and it's a shame the rushed all that story so we ended up with a season 2 with them just not talking about anything and pretending everything is fine while they are on totally different pages about basically everything! I don't know what the plan is, and I personally fail to see how brining in another love interest for her (who wears a white coat like Diego and Kyle so...at least we know she has a type? 馃ぃ) is going to help anything, but I sincerely hope they can get Echo back on track. I know they are the "main" couple so I want to like them and root for them! C*rina just made doing that really hard and the convoluted plot of season 2 didn't help and then Chris got stuck with a main character who moved several states away and how he was going to bring her back which clearly helped lead to that year long time jump (derogatory), and Max dying. Again.
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