#and Ishtar chose Eskel a long time ago
witchofmorena · 4 years
Eskel gets a bard
I got the idea from @jaskiersvalley and this fic (Imma steal name of competition, hope you don’t mind darling <3 )
Jaskier invites Eskel to stay and watch/listen to music, in hope Eskel finds someone he likes. Eskel stays and helps Jaskier prank Valdo over and over again (for one Eskel distracted Valdo while Jaskier put horse-shit (yes he was disgusted, and yes Geralt helped) in Valdo’s bed in place of his bed mattress... When Valdo went to bed with some other bard (yes they were going to be naughty) and as soon as they laid in bed they sunk into feces...well lets just say our dear witchers and Jaskier learned many new swearwords and other bards realized it might not be a good idea to bed Valdo during the Bard-Off).
The Bard-Off lasts for about 2 weeks, depending on number of participants, and teachers of Oxenfurt are judges, many nobles come to watch this event - it is one of most important events after all. During day the bards sing, the judges give them points for songs and audience enjoys some good music. In the evenings there is always a party, with lots of alcohol and food and people sneaking away for...some...private parties... 
Over hundred bards singed up, 128 to be precise - human,part-humans (fea, sirens, succubi, etc)... however non-human participants used magic to hide their “abnormalities” - they didn’t expect so many nobility and TWO witchers to be present. Each circle eliminated half of current participants (1st circle 64 get eliminated, 2nd 32, etc), there is 7 circles . 
In first circle, Eskel notices one girl who is fairly quiet compared to other bards, who cheers for her friends when they do well while most others boo-es them, she comforts other bards who get disqualified ("Why did they disqualify me? I can’t stop people from trying to impress me, because they are susceptible to even tiniest amount of siren voice! And I can’t even *turn it off* as they demand and they know it” “I know maybe, darling, next year will be better”)... Well now Eskel know why his medallion keeps vibrating - not every contestant was human... The girl is very pretty, she has short black hair and eyes that look like they are actual mini thunderstorm and pale skin, at least that’s all Eskel manages to see before she disappears from his view...For her first performance she sings a song about helping someone, falling for them and them taking advantage of her and her love /*AN: smth along the lines of Without me by Halsey*/ all while looking at Valdo. When she finishes and gets off the stage Valdo’s approaching her. He grabs her arm and drags her away and into an empty hallway. What Valdo forgot is that Jask is fond of this lady and sees her as younger sister. Jaskier asks his darling and friend to come with him (he already sang and doesn’t have to worry much about performing). They find Valdo yelling at her:“ Ishtar....what did I say about telling people about what happened between us?”. The girl, Ishtar, smells of fear and it makes witchers’ noses itch and Eskel growl - he hates seeing others being hurt in such way. As soon as bard raises hand and moves to strike Ishtar, Eskel appears in front of young lady. Idiot bard hits him and...regrets it immediately, for Eskel punches him hard enough to hear and feel breaking of bone. Jaskier and Geralt force Valdo outside, unkindly, and Eskel is alone with the beautiful woman. Only - she doesn’t seem fully human anymore, oh no. she has two horns coming out of her temples and ears have transformed as well... Eskel doesn’t address the fact that she is part succubus - her fear didn’t disappear and that is a bigger worry. So he tries talking to her.
“Did he hurt you? Do you want me to get someone else?”- he asks as gently as possible, not wishing to scare her even more, looking closely for any change that might indicate that she is calming down. “No, he didn’t and no need....Thanks for...help and....offer“ Ishtar said quietly, she didn’t understand why he was nice to her, especially now that her glamour is off, and why he protected her. Unable to stop herself she asked him. “Simple, I’m a witcher and my job is to protect innocent, besides I...uh...“ he stutters trough the rest of the answer, uncertain how to answer. “Oh....I thought witchers kill monsters“ Eskel frowns “We do, but not all,” he launches into explaining about differences and reasoning just about everything. Ishtar listens intently and calms down. Witcher gathers courage to ask her. “I’d like to dance with you, will you honor me and go to the party with me tonight?“ “Depends“ she answered shortly.”Will I be able to leave at any moment or will you force me to stay? Will I be able to speak with my friends?“ The scarred wolf smiles slightly, he likes her already”Why would I stop you doing anything you like to do? If you say you wish to leave I’ll walk you to your room....or corridor if you wish for that, wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened earlier“ our wolf has a feeling she’ll accept.  “Very well, but do not think I wont argue if try to restrict me!“ “Wouldn’t dream of it, lovely“ she blushes, unused to compliments while unglamoured.”I’ll see you tonight“ he says with a wink and turns to go find fellow wolf and his bard.
At the party Eskel and Ishtar dance until she decides to find Essi The Little Eye and some other people. Meanwhile Eskel finds Jaskier and White Wolf and tells them about the succubus bard he wants, Jaskier gets enthusiastic and tells Eskel everything he knows about her (and that is a lot) and Geralt just keeps up with his “hmmm”-s until Jask is done. Then starts teasing bigger wolf about his “love for horny women“ (pun is dumb but intended). When she says she wants to go, he walks her to her room. Ishtar get a kiss on her hand - he is doing this the way she wants.
Her second staging is about Essi and she sings about lover who fell for someone else, the one whose love changed from friend to lover and back to friend, the one who she’ll always love and treasure. Jaskier is impressed - he didn’t hear that one before so it must be new. Eskel appreciates how her voice is raising and falling so smoothly, how it goes from gentle to husky.
Third one is simply about the one who lied and despite that drove her crazy and did crazy things with this one and she doesn’t regret it at all (Ricky Martin - Livin’ La Vida Loca). Eskel raises eyebrows - it happened to him, a whore slipped him something for sleep, took his coin (leaving barely enough for room) and left him there, he felt resigned at the time and unhappy (he looked forward to eating her out and driving her nuts with his tongue). 
Fourth performance - she wanted to sing her newest song about the one who keeps Valdo away (aka Eskel), she composed it last night - and so she sings about a hero, a hero who is strong, fast, larger then life (Bonnie Tyler - I need a hero) all while keeping eye-contact with Eskel (he winks at her).
Fifth round and she has no idea what to sing - so she sings a song to god of vegetation, fertility, protection and war (aka Yarilo) and once again is looking Eskel in the eye, as if she is challenging him in some way. That is the day he asks her to be his bard... “I’m curious....“ he said quietly, as if unsure of something ”Do you travel around Continent, like Jask does?” Ishtar looks up from her notes, she’s composing something new “Hmmmm? Oh....yes, all bards travel, but Jaskier travels the most” she seems confused ”Tho if I had a chance I’d travel like he does...“ even tho that was all he needs to hear to know she’ll be up for travelling with him he’s still uncertain - who would want his scarred and ugly mug? “What if someone asks you? Say someone you’ve spent some time with during this Bard-Off?“ he hints he wants to travel with her. “Are you asking me to wander with you, oh scary witcher?“ her eyes sparkle as she asks him teasingly. “hmmmmm...“ Eskel humms thinking to himself <Good going, Eskel, you’re just as eloquent as Geralt....On the other hand that might help>. He keeps stuttering answer “Well....yes...I mean if....if you don’t....want to...it’s fine....Unless?...”  Ishtar pulls him down “I’d love to travel with you, sweet witcher”, kisses him and drags, well it’s not exactly dragging since he is following her willingly, to her room.”Just know that is not the only thing I want to do with you” pushes him on the bed ”The word among succubae is” perches on his lap and his arm goes around her waist, steadying her “That Eskel of the wolves” kisses and bites his neck, he grunts softly “is amazing in bed” whispers in his ear and sucks “Is that true?” He growls, aroused. “Want to find out“ he pulls her closer “Just how good“ tangles his free hand in her hair ”I can be“ kisses her, moving from her sweet lips, along her jaw and down her neck, leaving occasional bite or sucking on the skin. 
She is too focused on Eskel as they tear each others clothes off to notice the glamour slipping. He lies her down as they are kissing, and slowly makes his way down her body, taking time to warship her - sucking and biting than licking and kissing to sooth the sting. He makes her come over and over again with his tongue and and fingers til she’s overstimulated mess, begging him for something and even she doesn’t know what for. Is she begging for more? For less? Until she decides she wants him to be a mess. So she turns the table on him - suddenly he is the one in his back, and it’s her turn to drive him crazy, like he did her.
Afterwards, when they are both spent and cuddling, Ishtar looks at her witcher, for in her eyes he is hers, and whispers softly, gently, her breath tickles his neck “I want to travel and I want to travel with you, my dear wolf” she raises her head to look into his eyes “and the stories are true - you are amazing” leans in to kiss his lips, where the scar deforms them, gently.
Several months later.... Eskel is in a small town, so small it doesn’t even have name not to mention it’s in a swampy area, Ishtar is with him. They go to local alderman to check if there are any monsters that are terrorizing people. Turns out there are drowners - rather big horde of over 20 drowners. Eskel takes the contract and tries to convince his lovely succubus bard to stay behind and “maybe sing in a tavern? I don’t want you near danger”. Of course, she doesn’t stay in town/village and follows her darling. She keeps her distance, as to not make more work for Eskel. <Silly witcher thinks I need protection 24/7....*shakes head fondly*....well if he doesn’t need help I still need new material for a new song - it’s been a while since I accompanied him on his hunts...> she thinks to herself. The fight last much longer then either of them thought it would and Eskel left his potions behind, didn’t drink them thinking it’ll be easy fight. He’ll definitely have words with the alderman about this. He doesn’t notice couple drowners coming from behind, but Ishtar does. She picks up the first thing she sees - it’s a tree branch and thankfully it’s not dry. She runs at drowners (<NO NO NO! That is MY witcher! I wont let you have him>), starts hitting them with her make-shift weapon screaming at the top of her lungs “Die DIe DIE” until there is only...mess made of brain matter, mud and bones left behind. Eskel watches her with amusement in his eyes and proud smile on his tired face - the rest of drowners were already dead. “I know I should’ve stayed in tavern or something, but I’ve decided to follow you AND I’m not apologizing” Ishtar says defensively. “I was wrong” he admits, coming closer to her and hugging her tightly. She could feel his excitement against her hip, but since he’s ignoring it she does the same and returns the hug just as tightly. They found the alderman upon their return to the town. He admitted to not knowing how many drowners there really was, and, since he couldn’t pay for the ones he didn’t know about he invited duo to stay at his house for a few days. 
With time Ishtar’s songs become as popular as Jaskier’s and the Eskel Chernovuk becomes as famous as Geralt. While Jaskier and Geralt are known as Feral Bard and White Wolf, Ishtar and Eskel are know as Demon Bardess and Chernovuk. 
The person who supported me is my sweet tree climbing buddy Rhi, @merthurlocked so I’m tagging her (Thanks, love <3)
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