#this became smut on accident xD
witchofmorena · 4 years
Eskel gets a bard
I got the idea from @jaskiersvalley and this fic (Imma steal name of competition, hope you don’t mind darling <3 )
Jaskier invites Eskel to stay and watch/listen to music, in hope Eskel finds someone he likes. Eskel stays and helps Jaskier prank Valdo over and over again (for one Eskel distracted Valdo while Jaskier put horse-shit (yes he was disgusted, and yes Geralt helped) in Valdo’s bed in place of his bed mattress... When Valdo went to bed with some other bard (yes they were going to be naughty) and as soon as they laid in bed they sunk into feces...well lets just say our dear witchers and Jaskier learned many new swearwords and other bards realized it might not be a good idea to bed Valdo during the Bard-Off).
The Bard-Off lasts for about 2 weeks, depending on number of participants, and teachers of Oxenfurt are judges, many nobles come to watch this event - it is one of most important events after all. During day the bards sing, the judges give them points for songs and audience enjoys some good music. In the evenings there is always a party, with lots of alcohol and food and people sneaking away for...some...private parties... 
Over hundred bards singed up, 128 to be precise - human,part-humans (fea, sirens, succubi, etc)... however non-human participants used magic to hide their “abnormalities” - they didn’t expect so many nobility and TWO witchers to be present. Each circle eliminated half of current participants (1st circle 64 get eliminated, 2nd 32, etc), there is 7 circles . 
In first circle, Eskel notices one girl who is fairly quiet compared to other bards, who cheers for her friends when they do well while most others boo-es them, she comforts other bards who get disqualified ("Why did they disqualify me? I can’t stop people from trying to impress me, because they are susceptible to even tiniest amount of siren voice! And I can’t even *turn it off* as they demand and they know it” “I know maybe, darling, next year will be better”)... Well now Eskel know why his medallion keeps vibrating - not every contestant was human... The girl is very pretty, she has short black hair and eyes that look like they are actual mini thunderstorm and pale skin, at least that’s all Eskel manages to see before she disappears from his view...For her first performance she sings a song about helping someone, falling for them and them taking advantage of her and her love /*AN: smth along the lines of Without me by Halsey*/ all while looking at Valdo. When she finishes and gets off the stage Valdo’s approaching her. He grabs her arm and drags her away and into an empty hallway. What Valdo forgot is that Jask is fond of this lady and sees her as younger sister. Jaskier asks his darling and friend to come with him (he already sang and doesn’t have to worry much about performing). They find Valdo yelling at her:“ Ishtar....what did I say about telling people about what happened between us?”. The girl, Ishtar, smells of fear and it makes witchers’ noses itch and Eskel growl - he hates seeing others being hurt in such way. As soon as bard raises hand and moves to strike Ishtar, Eskel appears in front of young lady. Idiot bard hits him and...regrets it immediately, for Eskel punches him hard enough to hear and feel breaking of bone. Jaskier and Geralt force Valdo outside, unkindly, and Eskel is alone with the beautiful woman. Only - she doesn’t seem fully human anymore, oh no. she has two horns coming out of her temples and ears have transformed as well... Eskel doesn’t address the fact that she is part succubus - her fear didn’t disappear and that is a bigger worry. So he tries talking to her.
“Did he hurt you? Do you want me to get someone else?”- he asks as gently as possible, not wishing to scare her even more, looking closely for any change that might indicate that she is calming down. “No, he didn’t and no need....Thanks for...help and....offer“ Ishtar said quietly, she didn’t understand why he was nice to her, especially now that her glamour is off, and why he protected her. Unable to stop herself she asked him. “Simple, I’m a witcher and my job is to protect innocent, besides I...uh...“ he stutters trough the rest of the answer, uncertain how to answer. “Oh....I thought witchers kill monsters“ Eskel frowns “We do, but not all,” he launches into explaining about differences and reasoning just about everything. Ishtar listens intently and calms down. Witcher gathers courage to ask her. “I’d like to dance with you, will you honor me and go to the party with me tonight?“ “Depends“ she answered shortly.”Will I be able to leave at any moment or will you force me to stay? Will I be able to speak with my friends?“ The scarred wolf smiles slightly, he likes her already”Why would I stop you doing anything you like to do? If you say you wish to leave I’ll walk you to your room....or corridor if you wish for that, wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened earlier“ our wolf has a feeling she’ll accept.  “Very well, but do not think I wont argue if try to restrict me!“ “Wouldn’t dream of it, lovely“ she blushes, unused to compliments while unglamoured.”I’ll see you tonight“ he says with a wink and turns to go find fellow wolf and his bard.
At the party Eskel and Ishtar dance until she decides to find Essi The Little Eye and some other people. Meanwhile Eskel finds Jaskier and White Wolf and tells them about the succubus bard he wants, Jaskier gets enthusiastic and tells Eskel everything he knows about her (and that is a lot) and Geralt just keeps up with his “hmmm”-s until Jask is done. Then starts teasing bigger wolf about his “love for horny women“ (pun is dumb but intended). When she says she wants to go, he walks her to her room. Ishtar get a kiss on her hand - he is doing this the way she wants.
Her second staging is about Essi and she sings about lover who fell for someone else, the one whose love changed from friend to lover and back to friend, the one who she’ll always love and treasure. Jaskier is impressed - he didn’t hear that one before so it must be new. Eskel appreciates how her voice is raising and falling so smoothly, how it goes from gentle to husky.
Third one is simply about the one who lied and despite that drove her crazy and did crazy things with this one and she doesn’t regret it at all (Ricky Martin - Livin’ La Vida Loca). Eskel raises eyebrows - it happened to him, a whore slipped him something for sleep, took his coin (leaving barely enough for room) and left him there, he felt resigned at the time and unhappy (he looked forward to eating her out and driving her nuts with his tongue). 
Fourth performance - she wanted to sing her newest song about the one who keeps Valdo away (aka Eskel), she composed it last night - and so she sings about a hero, a hero who is strong, fast, larger then life (Bonnie Tyler - I need a hero) all while keeping eye-contact with Eskel (he winks at her).
Fifth round and she has no idea what to sing - so she sings a song to god of vegetation, fertility, protection and war (aka Yarilo) and once again is looking Eskel in the eye, as if she is challenging him in some way. That is the day he asks her to be his bard... “I’m curious....“ he said quietly, as if unsure of something ”Do you travel around Continent, like Jask does?” Ishtar looks up from her notes, she’s composing something new “Hmmmm? Oh....yes, all bards travel, but Jaskier travels the most” she seems confused ”Tho if I had a chance I’d travel like he does...“ even tho that was all he needs to hear to know she’ll be up for travelling with him he’s still uncertain - who would want his scarred and ugly mug? “What if someone asks you? Say someone you’ve spent some time with during this Bard-Off?“ he hints he wants to travel with her. “Are you asking me to wander with you, oh scary witcher?“ her eyes sparkle as she asks him teasingly. “hmmmmm...“ Eskel humms thinking to himself <Good going, Eskel, you’re just as eloquent as Geralt....On the other hand that might help>. He keeps stuttering answer “Well....yes...I mean if....if you don’t....want to...it’s fine....Unless?...”  Ishtar pulls him down “I’d love to travel with you, sweet witcher”, kisses him and drags, well it’s not exactly dragging since he is following her willingly, to her room.”Just know that is not the only thing I want to do with you” pushes him on the bed ”The word among succubae is” perches on his lap and his arm goes around her waist, steadying her “That Eskel of the wolves” kisses and bites his neck, he grunts softly “is amazing in bed” whispers in his ear and sucks “Is that true?” He growls, aroused. “Want to find out“ he pulls her closer “Just how good“ tangles his free hand in her hair ”I can be“ kisses her, moving from her sweet lips, along her jaw and down her neck, leaving occasional bite or sucking on the skin. 
She is too focused on Eskel as they tear each others clothes off to notice the glamour slipping. He lies her down as they are kissing, and slowly makes his way down her body, taking time to warship her - sucking and biting than licking and kissing to sooth the sting. He makes her come over and over again with his tongue and and fingers til she’s overstimulated mess, begging him for something and even she doesn’t know what for. Is she begging for more? For less? Until she decides she wants him to be a mess. So she turns the table on him - suddenly he is the one in his back, and it’s her turn to drive him crazy, like he did her.
Afterwards, when they are both spent and cuddling, Ishtar looks at her witcher, for in her eyes he is hers, and whispers softly, gently, her breath tickles his neck “I want to travel and I want to travel with you, my dear wolf” she raises her head to look into his eyes “and the stories are true - you are amazing” leans in to kiss his lips, where the scar deforms them, gently.
Several months later.... Eskel is in a small town, so small it doesn’t even have name not to mention it’s in a swampy area, Ishtar is with him. They go to local alderman to check if there are any monsters that are terrorizing people. Turns out there are drowners - rather big horde of over 20 drowners. Eskel takes the contract and tries to convince his lovely succubus bard to stay behind and “maybe sing in a tavern? I don’t want you near danger”. Of course, she doesn’t stay in town/village and follows her darling. She keeps her distance, as to not make more work for Eskel. <Silly witcher thinks I need protection 24/7....*shakes head fondly*....well if he doesn’t need help I still need new material for a new song - it’s been a while since I accompanied him on his hunts...> she thinks to herself. The fight last much longer then either of them thought it would and Eskel left his potions behind, didn’t drink them thinking it’ll be easy fight. He’ll definitely have words with the alderman about this. He doesn’t notice couple drowners coming from behind, but Ishtar does. She picks up the first thing she sees - it’s a tree branch and thankfully it’s not dry. She runs at drowners (<NO NO NO! That is MY witcher! I wont let you have him>), starts hitting them with her make-shift weapon screaming at the top of her lungs “Die DIe DIE” until there is only...mess made of brain matter, mud and bones left behind. Eskel watches her with amusement in his eyes and proud smile on his tired face - the rest of drowners were already dead. “I know I should’ve stayed in tavern or something, but I’ve decided to follow you AND I’m not apologizing” Ishtar says defensively. “I was wrong” he admits, coming closer to her and hugging her tightly. She could feel his excitement against her hip, but since he’s ignoring it she does the same and returns the hug just as tightly. They found the alderman upon their return to the town. He admitted to not knowing how many drowners there really was, and, since he couldn’t pay for the ones he didn’t know about he invited duo to stay at his house for a few days. 
With time Ishtar’s songs become as popular as Jaskier’s and the Eskel Chernovuk becomes as famous as Geralt. While Jaskier and Geralt are known as Feral Bard and White Wolf, Ishtar and Eskel are know as Demon Bardess and Chernovuk. 
The person who supported me is my sweet tree climbing buddy Rhi, @merthurlocked so I’m tagging her (Thanks, love <3)
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ice lolly, m | ksj
pairing(s): seokjin x reader
summary: You (accidentally?) deep throat a popsicle in front of Min Yoongi. It's not what it looks like! Well, it kinda is, but you have a good reason! You just want to give your boyfriend, Kim Seokjin, a mind-blowing blowjob and you read some stuff online and, uh... okay, that still doesn't sound like a good reason, but I swear it is.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship; featuring seagull-BTS LOL; crack and fluff; smut (fem reader, m-receiving oral); ft Min Yoongi witnessing your, um, attempt XD; my tongue technology strikes again, maybe you'll learn something?
this is inspired by your hapless adventures, cat whiskers. you told me not to do it, but I'm a brat and I did it anyway LMAO get rekt
You read this thing online.
What if you just...
"What are you doing?"
You started with a shriek, jamming the entire ice lolly right into the back of your throat, instantly choking and yanking it out of your mouth, only for it to be flung off the wooden stick and fly across the sidewalk, leaving a long, ice-blue streak of melting sugar syrup ending with a demolished hunk of discarded popsicle.
A seagull immediately appeared to peck at it.
You gawked, still clutching the wooden stick, Min Yoongi standing beside the bench you were sitting on.
"Why did you try to deep throat your popsicle?"
A second seagull arrived to peck at the icy hunk of sugar water.
Your mouth was still open, mechanically jerking to face him with fire-red cheeks, and it wasn’t because of the bright sunny weather. He looked very much like a disgruntled cat with his expression, black eyebrow raised, dark brown eyes narrowed, pink lips slightly pursed. Yoongi squinted disapprovingly from under his wide-brimmed straw hat. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt under a white t-shirt, breezy black trousers, and sandals.
Yoongi hated the sun.
A third seagull flapped down onto the boardwalk and joined the other two to poke at the rapidly melting mess on the ground.
He raised a hand dismissively, eyes flicking away from you. "On second thought, don't tell me. I don't want to know." Yoongi jammed his black clutch under his armpit and ripped open his own cold sweet treat, turning away from you to face the ocean.
A fourth seagull flocked over to peck one of them in the head and assist in devouring the ice pop.
"Hey, hyung, what flavor did you get?" a smooth baritone voice piped, appearing in an aqua-and-pink colorful shirt and brown shorts with snazzy sunglasses and tan skin.
You were staring at the four seagulls eating your ice lolly with glee, somewhat frozen yourself, feeling a mixture of jealous, mortified, and absolutely ready to chuck yourself into the ocean if Yoongi said anything to out you to Kim Taehyung right now.
"I don't know. I told them to pick one at random," the straw hat replied.
A fifth seagull appeared, slightly smaller than the rest, poking one in the neck and squawking before trying to prod at the puddle of blue syrup with a small chunk of ice in it.
"I got strawberry," Taehyung replied.
Two more seagulls swooped down, pushing the other five all around. All of them were now pecking at the ice-blue sugar syrup, honking and squawking. Like laughter. One of the seagulls had a weird cry, like a cloth rubbed onto wet glass.
Or a windshield wiper on a car window.
You narrowed your eyes at the seven seagulls.
We they... laughing at you?
"Strawberry-flavored things are the worst."
You jumped as someone sat down next to you, ripping open a paper package. He was wearing a short-sleeved pale pink dress shirt with a flashy tie and long blue shorts. A familiar someone dressed like this. He placed his backpack down next to you, smiling brilliantly. Full lips, sparkling brown eyes, milk chocolate-colored locks framing his handsome face.
Your boyfriend, Kim Seokjin.
He grinned and leaned in, kissing you lightly. Then he became flustered and laughed awkwardly, a little squeaky, almost like a windshield wiper on a car window.
"Hah, sorry, you looked really cute just now."
You blinked rapidly.
Do you tell your boyfriend that you tried to deep throat your ice lolly in attempt to see if you could extend your tongue around the bottom because you read on a certain-website-not-to-be-named that it might be possible to suck dick and lick balls at the same time and you were determined to learn so you could perform said act?
And do you tell Seokjin that Min Yoongi caught you in the middle of it?
Seokjin cheerfully licked at his lemon ice pop, oblivious to your inner struggle.
"Where's yours? I thought you got one too?"
The seven seagulls cackled. You glared at them, ready to fight.
Never mind, you paled to the color of rice paper as the deep voice with a little rasp to it appeared beside Seokjin, straw hat and all. You wished you could merge with your pastel floral summer dress and float off with the sea breeze, straight into the ocean after seeing the deadpan expression of Min Yoongi holding a mint green popsicle.
He looked bored, but his eyes were mocking you.
"She dropped it by accident."
"Ah, really?" Seokjin frowned, nudging you with his hand. "Here, have some of mine. I'll share with you." He wrapped his arm around you and patted your shoulder fondly, holding his ice lolly out to you. You felt your heart skip a little at his kindness and closeness.
Yoongi smirked behind Seokjin's head.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
The seven seagulls flapped off, flying above five guys standing near you three, eating icy sweet treats together on the boardwalk this sunny day, enjoying this nice retreat to the sea. A lone seagull popped out from behind a trashcan, trotting over, eyeing the wet spot of sugar syrup soaked into asphalt.
It slunk away in a back corner, dejected that there was nothing left.
"Come on, hurry before it melts."
You nibbled off a chunk. Mmm. Cold, lemony, and delicious. You smiled at Seokjin gratefully and he smiled back, warm and inviting, his cheeks puffing a little like the edges of raised bread. A little sheepish at the public display of affection, but unable to help it when he was with you.
"You might as well stick the whole thing in your mouth," Yoongi said off-handedly, walking away to the group of five guys, leaving you choking on the bench again as Seokjin rubbed your back soothingly, worriedly asking you what was wrong.
"Erm, it's not what it sounds like–"
“I swear it’s not what It sounds like!”
Seokjin yanked the towel off his head, half-dried brown hair sticking up every which way, gawping at you with a slack jaw and shocked brown eyes. He was wearing his emerald green silk pajamas, fresh after a nice shower from the hot day. You too, wore a set of pajamas, a matching outfit with Seokjin.
“It’s not what it sounds like?” he sputtered, flabbergasted, partly flabbered but mostly aghast.
You opened your mouth and closed it. Then you opened it again.
“Okay, it is what it sounds like, but–!”
Why did you bring this up now? Well, your boyfriend was asking you if you wanted to take some medicine and sleep early because you said you weren’t feeling well at dinner. He was a sweet bean and wanted the best for you, and the truth came out in mid-discussion. Seokjin and you had left earlier than everyone else, declining the scenic walk home, mostly because you could no longer stand Yoongi making snide remarks that meant nothing to anyone else except you.
“You might need a bit more force to suck up that thick milkshake. Or wait for it to melt.”
“That’s a pretty big piece of steak. Maybe you should cut it a bit smaller, so you don’t choke.”
“You sure you don’t want to stay for dessert? We could stop by the store and get you an ice lolly on our way home.”
You glared at him all evening.
Yoongi just smirked when Seokjin wasn’t looking.
“Why would you do that in public?” Seokjin was saying, yanking you back to reality and out of your daydreams of socking that smug little shit in the face. “Why would you do that at all?”
“G-Gah, it… it just… just occurred to me…”
“It occurred to you to suck an ice lolly like a dick?”
Seokjin looked as if he was going to pass out and divorce you at the same time and you weren’t even married yet.
“Why, because you’re going to suck frozen dick at some point in your life? Because my dick isn’t ever at subzero temperatures, so unless you’re sucking Mr. Freeze or Subzero’s dick–”
You waved your arms in a panicky manner, flapping your sleeves like a fucking seagull. “No, no, no, I read something online–”
“Oh, you read something online!” he exclaimed, wiggling in place, and now it sure as hell sounded like Kim Seokjin was mocking you while also being disappointed in you and if that wasn’t the most big dad energy you weren’t sure what was. “Yes, because that totally means you should perform fellatio on an ice pop in front of Yoongi of all fucking people! Are you trying to get bronchitis or something–”
“I admit it was a mistake!”
“A miss-take! It was a terrible take! Cut! Refilm! Actually, no, because maybe don’t try to give a blowjob to a fucking popsicle at the boardwalk in broad daylight!”
You smacked Seokjin in the chest and he looked highly offended, finally shutting up for one goddamn second so you could (poorly) explain your logic behind the incident.
“Look, Yoongi was not supposed to be there. At all. I got mine first and you all were deciding and arguing, so I decided to sit down and eat it, but then I noticed it was a specific length–”
Seokjin’s eyebrows rose so high they nearly left his face.
You prodded him in the pecs and he winced, pouting at you.
“So, I tried to put it in my mouth, but then Yoongi showed up and fucking spooked me and I jabbed myself in the throat because I was surprised and ended up rocket-launching my ice lolly across the sidewalk and then these fucking seagulls showed up, those bastards–”
“None of this explains why you tried to do it in the first place.”
Your eyes shifted awkwardly.
Seokjin impatiently tapped his naked wrist that had no watch on it.
“I read it… in an online smut story I was reading…”
You perfectly handsome boyfriend might actually get a wrinkle if he continued to raise his eyebrows to the fucking moon. “You do what?”
You poked your index fingers together, biting your lip. “Because… I’m not very good at it… so I was thinking maybe I could learn some tips or something…”
Now his voice was soft, immediately dropping the act and his anger. You saw him reach out and place his hand over yours, wrapping his fingers around tightly, tugging. You looked up and he tilted his head, brow knitted in worry.
“Hey,” Seokjin frowned, full lower lip sticking out. “What do you mean, you’re not good at it? You are. I like everything you do.”
You chewed on your lip anxiously. “But… but…” It was a stupid thought and, honestly, not that big of a deal, but it had been eating away at you for a while, so you just winced and let it out.
“You never finish with my mouth.”
Rapid blinking was his response. His eyebrows disappeared under his brown hair again.
“And it bothers me. You always finish with your hand into my mouth, but I can’t seem to do it by myself.”
Seokjin’s lips parted, looking apologetic. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
You wrung your hands, loosening his grip on you. “I don’t know, it seems weird to say in the moment and it’s embarrassing… I thought maybe I wasn’t good enough…”
“No, no,” he said gently, holding your shoulders and shaking his head. “I...” His ears turned bright red and he swallowed. “I just like… seeing it shoot out into your mouth.” He coughed awkwardly, squeezing your shoulders. “It’s, er, nice, watching my cum drip onto your tongue and lips…” Seokjin cleared his throat and smiled, cheeks puffing out, looking a bit like the sides of freshly baked bread. “I didn’t realize my selfishness was making you feel inadequate. That’s not it at all. I only wanted to make it easier on you, and, cough, it’s kind of hot…”
“O… oh.”
He patted your shoulder fondly. “It’s only a misunderstanding. We can do whatever you want next time, okay? I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I will do better.”
You nodded and smiled, feeling much more relieved about the whole thing. Seokjin always had the ability to help you let things go, and it always made you feel a little lighter. It was part of the past now and you wouldn’t be bothered if Yoongi teased you any longer, because you had the best boyfriend in the whole world. There was no need to feel embarrassed.
You wrapped your arms around Seokjin and gave him a big, fierce hug.
Only to be impaled in the lower stomach.
You jerked back, whipping your head down.
“No, no, no, stop! Stop looking!”
“Why are you hard?!”
Seokjin waved his arms and abruptly flapped his hands down on his massive tent. “We were talking about blowjobs! And you! What do you think is going to happen?” he spluttered, the red creeping from his ears to his cheeks now, matching the exact shades used on merchandise during Christmas time with emerald green pajamas and a red face.
You gawked at him and he gawked back.
“This is a perfect chance!”
“No, no, no, it is not, cease and desist, woman! Everyone is coming back soo–Gah!”
There was flurry of movement and Seokjin’s pajama pants were flung off, along with his shirt, and you were pushing him down onto the bed, him panicking the entire time, but he couldn’t have been that mad about it, because he was helping you by backing up, yelping as you hooked your fingers over the waistband of his underwear and yanked down, freeing his erection that nearly slapped you in the face.
“You trying to take out my eyeball?” you teased, grinning.
“You assaulting me and you’re upset that I’m fighting back?” Seokjin retorted, trying to hide his smile and be serious, but he was terrible at that and so were you, both of you grinning like a pair of idiots.
Well, you were certainly a little bit of an idiot for trying to deep throat a – you’re right, we’ll let it go (for now).
“I learned some things,” you said excitedly, forcing his legs open abruptly and making him squeak.
“Things? Ack!”
You leaned down and lifted his hard length up delicately, licking a fat stripe from base to tip, sighing softly as you came into contact with the velvety skin and his clean scent, Seokjin gasping above you, but suddenly this was not about him, this was about the cock in front of you and all the information you had complied to this point, ready to apply your learning. You wrapped your lips around the head, swiping your tongue on the underside, and Seokjin groaned, hips twitching but you grabbed them and pressed them firmly to the bed, shooting him a glare.
“Don’t interrupt me,” you growled around his dick.
He gave you a helpless frown. “Hello, I’m still attached to this di–”
You stared at him and slid your tongue out from your lips, swirling it around his girth, pressing the sensitive tip around the contours of your mouth, his eyes widening as he witnessed spit dripping from the wet muscle.
“O… oh…”
You let your eyes drift over his form, slowly, slowly, savoring the lines of his body, broad shoulders, shapely collarbones, the curve downwards to his trim waist, all the while taking him your mouth, tongue and lips soft and mouth tight, breathing deeply, eyes flickering up to his face and his expanding pupils, watching you with awe.
“Holy shit… and you’re not even naked… o-oh, fuck…”
You cocked an eyebrow, probably looking much more confident than you actually felt, but that didn’t matter. Fake it till you make it, right? And besides, every protagonist in every story has a moment of letting go and having courage and this was your moment, inorganic or not, flexing your tongue against Seokjin’s ever stiffening length, his breathing turning into wispy moans, watching you poised over him with his dick in your mouth, still wearing the silk pajamas and yet.
He watched you with amazement, love and lust in his brown orbs.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Your ears burned hot and you tried not to choke on his dick in embarrassment.
Don’t ruin the moment!
Somehow you managed not to freak out and pressed your lips to the base of his cock, hitting his crotch, the uncomfortable feeling of too full expanding your throat, the head practically plugging your airway, but one glance at Seokjin and the suffocation was worth it, seeing him tip his head back, messy brown hair sliding past his forehead, groaning your name with his eyes closed.
You pulled back a little, took a breath, and went back down for the kill.
“What the fuck…?”
Lower lip opening, tongue stretching out, only able to move the tip a bit at the top of his balls. Hm. This wasn’t working. You adjusted and cupped a hand under them, lifting the two soft mounds and pressing them to your chin, your tongue swiping out over them, his dick bending a little in your mouth (more flexible and a lot warmer than an ice lolly, by the way), and Seokjin was losing it above you, shuddering and whining, a mix of curses and your name as you turned your head to get a different angle, the tip of his cock pushed to one side of your throat, determined to see what was most comfortable and got you the best reaction, saliva coating his balls and causing them to become more slippery. You furrowed your brows and gripped his balls tighter, smearing the slick liquid over the soft skin and Seokjin moaned obscenely loudly, falling onto the bed, back arching.
“Oooh, fuck, fuck, fuck…”
Abruptly, your throat spasmed, reminding you that needed to breathe, and you pulled back, coughing and panting slightly.
“Does that feel good?” you wheezed. Not the sexiest. You grimaced and cleared your throat, asking again. “Did that feel good for you?”
Seokjin tipped his head up, brown eyes glazed over, breathing hard. “Ah… It feels nice, but I don’t think I could finish with that…” Your frown deepened, but he shook his head, sending his brown hair floating everywhere. “It’s not tight enough. But it’s an insane turn on, so I think I could cum faster after…” He coughed, cheeks flushing. “After feeling and seeing it, you know?”
Your frown erased and you nodded, gently rubbing his soaked balls, seeing him shiver and his breathing shallow. “I think I understand, yeah.”
“Can… ah, can you finish me, p-please, ack, you k-keep – fuuuuuuuck…”
You went down again, but this time your focus was on the tightness of your mouth, tongue sliding from side to side, bobbing your head in a smooth, swift motion, keeping your lips soft, eyes closing as you felt his cock twitch inside your mouth, completely focused on the sensation of Seokjin in between your lips, breathing him in, the soft scent of fresh soap and his sweetness, trying to remember if there was anything you had forgotten.
Ah, yes!
You tipped your head back slightly and Seokjin cried out, heady and erotic, as the head of his cock dragged along the roof of your mouth before burying into your throat, over and over, hot saliva and a squirming tongue amplifying the sensation, realizing you needed to relax your throat but clench your mouth muscles while relaxing your lips and doing all this while keeping track of where his cock was going in your mouth so you didn’t accidentally choke on his dick.
A whole new level of multitasking.
Was the writer of that erotica you were reading some kind of sex god, because what the fuck–
But it didn’t matter, because even if it was sloppy and you couldn’t focus on all these things simultaneously, Seokjin was feeling only pleasure, fingers curling in the sheets, barely able to choke out his words through his moans.
“F-Faster, please…”
Faster? You could barely keep up as it was!
“Please…” he whined and you obeyed immediately, faster it was, because you were weak for him, weak for Kim Seokjin and his pleading face, pupils so blown out he seemed intoxicated, drunk on pleasure, and that made you aroused too, seeing your effect of him, tightening ever more and increasing the pace, the wet smacking sounds quickening, echoing in the bedroom with his lustful groans of your name, so sweet and loving that if you weren’t going to pass out from how fast you were going, you were surely going to pass out from the overwhelming adoration in his eyes. It made you push for a little bit more, push your limits a little harder, made you feel like you could do this.
For him.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
Seokjin gripped the sheets tight and threw his head back, chest expanding with a low moan, thrusting his hips up and cock jolting, shooting thick streams into your throat, and your eyes widened, forced to stop, feeling his cum pool, creamy and viscous, tasting the delicious saltiness at the base of your tongue, your eyelids fluttering a little at the feeling of the tip rutting against the roof of your mouth and more dribbling out, coating the inside of your mouth.
Oooh, fuck, it felt good.
You swallowed, feeling victorious and insanely horny, tongue circling round and round his flinching stiffness, able to sense the pulse and his shudders, descending again because you couldn’t get enough, so good, the feeling of him still in your mouth, him shivering at your persistent licks and light sucks, stroking his hips and moaning at the skin to skin.
The front door banged open downstairs and there was a lot of laughing and shouting.
Your eyes snapped open and Seokjin looked back at you in sheer panic.
The footsteps up the stairs proved they were being taken two at a time.
Never had Seokjin yanked his cock so fast out of your lips (sad) and snatched his underwear and pajamas, bolting to the bathroom and throwing himself in there in record time the literal second the bedroom door was yanked open by rambunctious strength and a grin whose front teeth were ever-so-slightly too large for his face.
“Hyung, noona!”
You were laying with your head in your hand and your elbow on the bed, which was probably too sexual and weird for Jeon Jungkook, but that was all you got that this moment. He gave you a slightly disturbed and confused look under his big black bucket hat.
“Where’s hyung?”
You coughed and lowered your hand, trying to get in a less awkward position. “B-bathroom…” you rasped. Oh no. Did you go too hard? You sounded a bit like the crypt keeper. Fortunately, you didn’t look like one, so there was that. You rubbed your throat, wincing at the soreness. You definitely went a bit rough. You weren’t no young spring chicken anymore. You were going to feel that in the morning.
Sacrifices had to be made.
Jungkook pouted, bounding up to you and tilting his head. He was a moving black fabric mountain with his long-sleeved shirt and billowy shorts. “Are you really sick, noona? Do you want hot tea or some milk?”
Oh my God, Jungkook, I just sucked some dick and that’s why I sound dead.
Don’t say that.
“I… I’ll be fine, Jungkook. Did you have a nice walk?”
“Oh, yeah! There were fireworks! I think the city was celebrating something, and it was so colorful and pretty…”
You sat there and nodded, trying to listen intently while trying not to think about how Seokjin was in the bathroom rinsing off his saliva and cum-covered dick literal meters from you and oblivious Jungkook.
You saw movement behind Jungkook’s excitedly bouncing head. No straw hat, just black hair flattened against his forehead, covering his cat-like, dark brown eyes.
He smirked, holding up a box.
Frozen ice lollys, the fizzy soda flavor that was light blue.
A muscle in your eye twitched.
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xpao-bearx · 3 years
《This story series is also on my AO3 acc @ Paoloca》
SUMMARY: The bachelors of Selphia conjure up a plan to decide who truly deserves the beautiful princess' heart...if Frey can only choose one of them, that is.
PAIRINGS: Frey x Vishnal, Frey x Kiel, Frey x Doug, Frey x Arthur, Frey x Dylas, Frey x Leon (Polyamorous Ships)
RATING: Mature/18+/Romance & Smut. Please bear these in mind if you are uncomfortable and do NOT report!
NOTE: I have been an avid fan and lover of the Rune Factory series for a looong fooken time now and with RF 5 coming up (who else can't wait?!?!) along with my bursting inspiration, I decided to do something a lil special~ 💖
This story is actually one I wrote--or at least TRIED to write as I didn't finish it--many years ago on my old Wattpad acc (I have a new one now). As such, I'm taking the basic plotline from the original idea I had and simply making it a bit better especially now that I'm older + more mature (pfft yeah sure "mAtUrE" xD).
I sincerely and deeply love ALL of the amazing bachelors on RF 4 and as someone who absolutely ✨A D O R E S✨ reverse harems, I really *personally* don't think that Frey has to choose! And so, here's a naughty + sweet story that'll kinda just delve into my--and I'm sure others'--fantasy ;)
I hope ya lovelies will enjoy this story series and your wonderful support is always very much appreciated! 🥺💕💕 Also, feel free to fangirl/fanboy with me anytime~
P.S. Please forgive mah pathetic ass in advance if I ever portray any of the characters wrong, I promise to do my best!!
"The Princess' Harem"
Part 1: The Game
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Summer 1, the dawn of a sweltering season. But most of all...
Beach Day!
Ah, yes, a most wonderful holiday to take a dip in the refreshing water and don the most attractive swimsuits that perfectly hugged one's form! And while it was understandable for the gentlemen to gawk and admire the lovely ladies, it seemed that all the bachelors of Selphia were completely ensnared by one warrior princess in particular...
Frey's tinkly laughter carried in the air as she happily swam around in the lake with the other girls. It was certainly a gorgeous day, yet none could quite rival the turquoise haired beauty's radiant smile.
"Haa... The princess is SO beautiful~" Vishnal sighed dreamily, his violet eyes turning into hearts.
"A goddess among mere mortals!" Kiel piped up cutely.
"You guys are so lame! But, uh... Y-Yeah, I agree, I guess." Doug conceded, face flushing as scarlet as his hair.
"I am a man, after all. Therefore, I must say I agree as well." Arthur cleared his throat, propping his glasses.
"You are all perverts..." Dylas grumbled, though he couldn't help but shyly sneak a peek at Frey.
"My, my~ You're such a bad liar, horsie. Calling us perverts when you, yourself, are one~" Leon chuckled, smirking.
"Who're ya calling horsie?!" Dylas snapped, but couldn't start an argument when all of them heard a splash and saw Frey emerge onto shore.
"Princess!" Vishnal beamed, not wasting a single second as he dashed towards her with a towel much like an excited puppy. "Are you done swimming?"
Frey gratefully took the towel, wiping her drenching body with it. "Yes, I am! And once I change into my clothes, I'm going to be checking the requests."
"You're ever so diligent, Frey. I truly admire that about you." Arthur smiled as he and the rest of the boys approached their beloved girlfriend. Arthur's glasses then flashed as the sun reflected on them, and he quickly grabbed that splendid opportunity for his gaze to drop and hyperfocus on Frey's nearly naked body. He barely managed to suppress it as he almost shamelessly licked his lips, fully taking in and very much appreciating her wet and fit physique.
"Oh, it's nothing! I'm only doing my duties." Frey giggled, embarrassed as her cheeks tinted pink. "But other than that, how come you guys aren't in your swimsuits? It's boiling!" She frowned worriedly.
"Why, is milady that eager to see me in all my glory?" Leon purred, standing in front of her in a flash. His teal eyes sparkled mischievously, as one of his hands reached forward to run his fingers through her long hair. "If you want to see me that badly, I'd rather 'perform' a private show for you tonight~"
Frey became as red as a ruby, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly like a fish out of water. She tried to speak, but no words came out as she could only stare up with eyes as wide as dinner plates at an amused Leon who was enjoying this situation far too much.
"Oi, knock it off!" Dylas growled, wrapping a protective arm around Frey as he glared sharply at Leon. "She's gonna go fishing with me after she's done, anyways!"
"WHAT?! No fair, you can't hog her all to yourself! If you guys are going fishing then I'm going, too!" Doug huffed, snatching Frey away from Dylas.
"No way, you dumbass dwarf! You're not invited!"
"Well, I am now, you fucking nag!"
As the two handsome idiots bickered like an old married couple and fought over Frey, she could only release an exasperated sigh. Honestly, she loved them both, but there was really no use trying to talk any sense into them. The best anyone could do was just wait it out until they inevitably get tired.
But as Doug and Dylas were yanking Frey from one side to another like a ragdoll, they suddenly stopped. It seems that everyone else halted, too, and the air blew bitter cold. Frey, oblivious, could only raise a brow before she finally realized--or more like felt--what all the boys were staring at.
She looked down, Doug and Dylas' hands accidentally cupping each one of Frey's breasts. All of the boys were a thousand shades of crimson, and Vishnal even started to have a nosebleed.
"ACK! S-Sorry..!" Doug and Dylas exclaimed in unison, abruptly pulling their hands away as if they were burned.
"O-Oh, uh, it's f-fine..!" Frey stuttered, not being able to meet anyone's gaze. "I-It was just an accident, after all!"
"Are you sure you're alright, Frey?" Kiel asked, holding her hands into his gently as he studied her face in concern. "These lowlifes didn't hurt you, did they?" It was rare for Kiel to be angry let alone badmouthing anyone, but it was clear from his tone how upset he was. Honestly, Doug and Dylas were a little scared...
"Y-Yes, I'm alright!" Frey nodded vigorously, smiling brightly. "Seriously, guys, don't worry about me! I'll see you all later, okay?" She hurriedly gave each one of them a chaste peck on the cheek before making her way back to the castle.
"So..." Leon began, a fake smile plastered on his lips as his eyes held no emotion. "I wonder who the true perverts are now?"
"H-Hey, it was an accident! Besides, it's all this moron's fault!" Dylas retorted, pointing an accusatory finger at Doug.
"MY fault?! If you just invited me in the first place, none of this would've happened!" Doug shouted furiously.
"You guys...touched...the princess' b-b-breasts..." Vishnal muttered, totally lost in his own world as he was slowly deteriorating from existence.
"Oh, my..." Arthur let out a heavy exhale. "I'm sure you two already know this, but as soon as Frey is done with her tasks then you both must apologize to her again. Accident or not, it is completely unacceptable for a man to touch a woman without her consent."
"Hey, y'know, I've been wondering..." Kiel cut in. "Do you guys ever think if Frey is just being strung along by us?"
"What do you mean?" Doug frowned.
"Like, didn't we confess to Frey at different times? And at every confession, she rejected all of us. And later on, it was only then we found out that we all shared the same feelings for her."
"So, what's your point?" Dylas pressed.
Kiel sighed, staring pointedly at the taller man. "Don't you find it a bit weird that now, we're all in a relationship with her? I know that being in a polyamorous relationship with Frey was something we all consented on from the very beginning, but why the sudden change of heart?"
"Isn't it obvious? Being in a polyamorous relationship means that Frey likes all of us at the same time, which is fine. Maybe she was just too shy at first to admit it." Leon shrugged.
"That may be true, or...what if she's only with us out of pity?" A wave of realization washed through everyone, and a certain pang of sadness settled in their hearts. "Frey is such a nice person, it's possible she only agreed to be with us since she felt bad for rejecting us. And now, she doesn't know how to break up with us for fear of hurting us even more."
"There's also one other possibility..." Arthur spoke up. "What if she actually likes one of us, but can't exclusively date that person?"
Dead silence. Only the faint sounds of the lake thrashing and birds chirping, before Vishnal was the one who first woke up back to reality.
"So... What are we supposed to do?" He questioned softly. "I feel so terrible... If what you're saying is true, then I don't want to continue on like this. I love Frey, but I can't ever bear the thought of hurting her!"
"How about a game?" Leon suggested.
"Now's really not the time, foxy." Doug rolled his eyes.
"No, no. You've misunderstood." Leon shook his head. "I'm talking about a game to see who Frey truly likes or doesn't like. And that way, we won't have to be hurting her and suffering like this anymore."
"Hmm... An interesting proposition." Arthur hummed thoughtfully. "I don't quite like referring to this as a 'game', but colour me intrigued. What's your idea, then?"
"Alright. So, we each get one whole day to spend with Frey. Completely alone, and no one is allowed to bother anyone else. As long as Frey is okay with it, then we can do whatever we want with her. Going on dates, exploring...you get the idea. Finally, by the end of the week, we'll all ask her how she feels and who she had the most fun with. Her answer will then determine what will happen afterwards."
"Hmph. Okay, that sounds good." Dylas nodded, agreeing for once. "How can we settle who goes first and last, though?"
"I think it would only be fair if we go in the order that Frey met us. So it's Vishnal, me, Doug, Arthur, Dylas, and then Leon." Kiel offered.
"All in favour?" Arthur asked, and everyone collectively voiced out their approval. "Good. It's settled, then. May the best man win!"
"Speaking of, I forgot that the castle is undergoing construction! So please excuse me, I'll have to get going now!" Vishnal grinned, disappearing in a blink of an eye.
"Wait... I just visited Ventuswill earlier with Granny Blossom." Doug furrowed his brows before gasping. "That bastard..! He went to go have a headstart with Frey!" He immediately chased after the conniving butler, but not before his shoulder got bumped hard by Dylas.
"If anyone's gonna get a headstart, it's me!"
"Oh, shut the hell up, HORSIE!"
Arthur sighed deeply, rubbing his temples stressfully as Kiel only chuckled sheepishly. Leon simply watched the scene, his fan hiding his smirk.
'There is a saying: Save the best for last~' Leon thought satisfyingly to himself.
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I debated on sending this as a DM but I feel like you deserve all the public acknowledgement for your greatness
1. The last chapter of Extraordinary??? Phenomenal. I blushed the entire time and was absolutely so giddy. Not to mention, I’m like SO invested in the plot. I need to know what’s going to happen next my poor heart can’t take it 😫 ALSO THE MORCIA OF IT ALL.
I have lots more thoughts/thots about the last few chapters that I will most likely be picking your brain over soon
2. DOG DAYS IM SO EXCITED!!! I saw the notification and I almost burst into excited tears (I’m an emotional person, sue me) I’ve been in such a fluffy/sweet mood because of the holidays and I feel like this is the perfect fic for December.
You truly are the gift that keeps on giving, lovey 💞
You are the absolute sweetest Emmy, thank you so much 🥺💕😭💕 I barely have words. (Which proves to be a lie, I say after I just wrote the longest ask reply xD but it deserves it for all your kindness)
1. Honey, I made MYSELF blush writing that scene 🙈 and I've written a lot of smut over the years. But I'm so glad to hear it was worth the wait, as well as THE MORCIA OF IT ALL. I've never written Morcia before so that was a learning experience for me -- but the end of that chapter might have healed my soul and all the trauma the show inflicted on me for not making them canon xD
I'm so stoked you're invested in the plot! If you want to DM me guesses/thoughts you are MORE than welcome to. I have a few other people that have made some _very good_ guesses that came so close to being right on the money it astounded me xD But no one has gotten it 100% right yet so bring on the theories. I love to hear them 💕
2. YOU AND ME BOTH! Extraordinary and Dog Days overlap a little that first week of December so I might temporarily _lose my mind_ trying to get it all figured out and posted but it will be WORTH IT. I almost couldn't contain myself waiting until this morning to post that Masterpost, I've had it ready for so long. And I love that you got so emotional about it because I'M emotional about it! It will have some cute/sweet/fluffy stuff as well as some terribly heartbreaking stuff so I hope it fits into your Holiday spirit <3 It totally became a Christmas fic on accident xD but it really makes it all the sweeter.
NO YOU'RE A GIFT 💕 an absolute treasure, thank you so much for your kind words and infinite support 🥰 I can't wait to share everything that's to come with you. As well as what will be coming in 2022 because you can bet that I already have the first 6 months planned out for what fics are coming next.
I hope you are doing well, my friend. All the love to you 💕💕💕
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moonlightflower21 · 5 years
A/N: my 2 am activity is writing cringy smut, what's yours?
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His fingers dipped down your back, smoothing over the curve of your ass before travelling up to your thighs once more. Raphael missed this, he missed you so much. Never were you going to leave for more than a week out of the country again. The sleepless nights, the craving for your presence, just you overall. And then you had the nerve to tease him throughout the day. Wearing that tight pair of jeans that hug your add and calves so perfectly, brushing past his crotch "accidently", smirking at him when you fluttered your fingers over his abdomen and the list goes on. Finally, here at night in your apartment away from prying eyes and ears, he was going to repay your teasing for some of his own.
He kneeled in front of you, the head of his cock rubbed against your aching slit, making your back arch with delight and frustration. Why was he teasing now? You raised your head to see his grinning face and you arched a brow.
"Raphhh I-" but you were cut short when he jerked his hips forwards, without any warning given to you. A curse word fell from your lips, your arms that had been supporting some of your weight had collapsed under you, never truly prepared for the length of him. How long had it been?? He let out a sly chuckle, almost exiting you before plunging in deep. A cry ripped from your throat, hips bucking into him. He kept up the brutal pace, hands occupied with groping and petting your skin. His lips were on yours, kissing you with such passion it was dizzying when you both broke away for air. Fuck, you missed this so much. You missed him and the intense fire he always carried.
Throwing your head back, you felt him twitch inside of you, hearing his roar signalled he was coming. With a few hard, lengthy thrusts you felt his hot seed spill inside the depths of your body. But it wasn't over, not yet. Something clicked inside of him, the need to mate you became stronger.
You wrapped your legs around his torso as best as your could, his hips rocking inside of you with a brutal pace. Your arms clamped down around his neck as you bit down on his shoulder, your entire body shaking violently on the brink of your own orgasm. He could feel it too, his thrusts more penetrating, his growls heard deep within your ears.
"Come for me, baby" he replied in your ear, his mouth attacking your neck with kisses. His hand trailed down your body, tracing with such delicateness before they reached their intended target. He spread your folds and with one finger, sank deep within. Skin slapping, breathless moans and groans could only be heard in the room.
"Fuck!" You cried out, the pressure in your belly tightening. Your back arched and your toes curled as his thrusts deeper, hitting that sweet spot over and over. You mewled out his name breathlessly, legs shaking as you reached your euphoria. His lips were on yours, drinking the moans that fell from your lips. His arms encircled you in a little nest, peppering kisses on your neck and chest soothingly.
"Too much?" He called out, a little hoarse and you shook your head. "No, just perfect"
and this is why i don't write smut. just not good at it. tell me never to write anything sexy again. hope you didn't cringe anyway xD
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waiting4inspiration · 5 years
Changed (Stephen Strange x Reader)
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Summary: Your marriage with Stephen was never been a happy one and it only got worse after the accident. When he finally comes back after being gone for close to a year, he explains that he’s aware of his past actions and shows you that he’s a changed man
Warnings: little angst, fluff, implied smut at the end
Marvel Masterlist
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Long shifts at the hospital are always energy-draining. But getting back home and finally getting off your feet is always a relief that you never get tired of. Even after being a neurosurgeon for over 5 years. 
As always, you come back to a quiet and dark home. It’s been that way ever since Stephen left. Your husband. And since it’s been close to a year now, you have become used to having to switch on lights when you return from a late-night shift. 
Only this time, there a side lamp in the living room that’s glowing brightly and you don’t remember leaving it on before you left. Slowly placing your bag on the ground and walking towards the light, your eyes scan around the room for any signs of an intruder. When your eyes land on an open photo album on the coffee table, your heart sinks into your stomach because you know who might be in your house now. 
“You just got off work?” that familiar voice asks behind you, causing you to spin around and stare with wide eyes at Stephen standing a few feet away from you. “You don’t normally work the long shifts,” he states, taking a step forward toward you. 
Shaking your head, you step back with each step forward he takes and fold your arms over your chest. “Well, I had to take on as many shifts as I can after you left,” you snap, your glare making him freeze in his tracks and drop his head between his shoulder. “You know, leaving me to deal with bankruptcy, trying to keep this house and fending off every single loan shark because of your vanity to try and fix your hands,” you hiss, letting your hands drop to your side as you laugh sarcastically. “What the hell are you doing here?”
He lifts his head to look at you. Noticing something different in his eyes makes you shift on your feet. “I know you must want nothing to with me,” he starts, blinking at you as he swallows nervously. “Especially after the way I’ve treated you in our relationship. How I’ve disrespected you...”
You laugh at his words and shake your head. “That’s putting lightly, Stephen,” you say, rubbing your hands against your thighs as you drop your head to stare the ground. “You belittled and mocked me, always looking at the things I did wrong in my career,” you point out, glancing back up at him as you bite your lip. “Do you even remember when I told you that I saved a little girls life when everyone else thought that she would die?” you question, Stephen going to reply but you hold up your hand. “No. You don’t. You only saw the things I did wrong, the people who I couldn’t save and you told me that you were ashamed of me because of my mistakes,” you add, wrapping your arms around yourself as you stare at him with sad eyes. “I had to do all that myself. And it made me wonder why I was even married to you in the first place if you were never there for me.”
Stephen sighs as he begins to walk towards you again. “I know. Believe me, I know and understand everything that I’ve put you through,” he says, feeling relieved when you don’t try to step away from him. “I’ve seen it all. With new eyes and a different mind. I’ve changed,” he explains, slowly reaching out to take your hand in his. 
“What do you mean you’ve seen it?” you ask, lowering your gaze as he weaves his finger with yours. 
“I’ve seen how dedicated you are to your career, how dearly you love me despite how I’ve treated you,” he explains, resting his forehead against the top of your head. “It’s a lot to explain but if you give me the chance, I will tell you everything,” he says, pressing his nose into your hairline, waiting for you to agree. 
Pulling away out of his arms, you stare up at him and bite your lip. “You just left, without a word and now you want me to give you a chance?” you ask, pulling your hand out of his and glaring at him. “How can I take your word that you’ve changed?”
Stephen sighs, dropping his head as he shakes his head to himself. Lifting his hands, a golden glow surrounds them as a portal opens beside him. In this portal, a memory plays from when you and Stephen were still in medical school. 
You both were so young and your relationship was still new, so you could keep your hands off each other. And it made studying hard. But still, the sight of the memory makes you smile and bring your hand up to your mouth in shock. Turning your head to him, he nods his head and closes the portal with a wave of his hands. 
“So, you’re like some kind of a wizard now?” you question, folding your arms as you stare at him in shock. 
He chuckles at your words, taking a step closer to you and shakes his head. “Time Master,” he corrects, taking your hands back in his as his eyes stare down at the wedding ring on your finger. 
Following his gaze, you smile as he lightly twists the ring, your own eye staring at the gold band around his finger. Neither of you has taken them off for different reasons. For you, it has always been a reminder of the hope that you have that Stephen will come back and change. For him, at first, it was something that he was just used to having on. But then when he became the Master and saw how much he means to you, the ring became a reminder of your love - just like it’s supposed to. 
“So, if you’re a Time Master, then you can see into the future?” you ask, stepping closer to him as you weave your finger with his. “Then you know what I’m going to do?”
He chuckles, his forehead touching his forehead with yours. “There are many things you could do right now. It’s your choice which path you choose,” he states, making a giggle roll off your lips and Stephen to smile at the sound. “I haven’t you laugh in a long time,” he whispers, leaning forward to place his lips over yours. 
Letting go of his hands, you move your arms to wrap around his neck as you melt into his kiss. God, he hasn’t kissed you like this in a long time and it sends butterflies fluttering wildly in your stomach. He runs his hands down your sides, cupping the back of your thighs and effortlessly lifting your off the ground, making you wrap your legs around his waist. He hasn’t touched you like this in an even longer time. 
Pressing your back against the nearest wall, he grips your hip roughly and deepens the kiss. He grinds his hips against you, making you moan into his mouth as you clutch onto the side of his face, his tongue slipping into your mouth. 
As his tongue explores your mouth as if it’s the first time he’s kissing you, your fingers trace his bearded jawline before grazing down his neck, his own hands run under your shirt. “I love you,” you whisper against his kiss, running your hand down his chest and tugging at the hem of his shirt as the other hand rests on his shoulder. “I always have and I always will.”
“I know you will,” he mutters, pulling your shirt over your body before placing kisses over your collar bone. “And so will I,” he states, his breath against your skin making it erupt in goosebumps. “I will always love you,” he groans, helping you pulls his shirt off his body before kissing you passionately.
You can tell that he’s changed. That he’s not the same person he was before the accident and definitely not that same person that came out of it. You know this because of how the words come out of his mouth. They’re not forced or rehearsed. They’re sincere and spontaneous, but so full of love and feeling. Just how you dreamed they would be.
I didn’t want to add a smut because this is the first time I’m writing for Stephen Strange and I didn’t want it to be a smut XD
Tags: @tephi101 @rororo06 @flokidottir-imagines-br @mad4oak @nerdypisces160 @xinyourdreamsx @vikingaestheticsblog @xenavistania @medievalfangirl @simam12 @paintballkid711 @chameerah @momc95 @lucille-lovely @marvelmenappreciation @mother-of-fire-snakes @peterman-spideyparker @mywinterwolf @ultramagicaltacofandom @princessizzy36 @death-unbecomes-you @smolbeanthings
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starscreamloki · 5 years
Drabble #22 - 6K followers celebration
Requested by: Anon
Pairing: Loki x Grandmaster
Type of content: dark, smut, dub-con
Starter: “How much does that Lord Brother mean to you?”
Warnings: dark, dub-con, dubious consent, sexual content, manipulation, blackmailing, drugs.
Words: 800
A/N: Well, this drabble was requested as dark and/or smutty dub-con, and I initially wanted to write it solely dub-cun, but it became a little bit of both. It’s what happens quickly with this trash-ship, apparently. XD
6k followers masterlist
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“How much does that Lord Brother mean to you?” the Grandmaster asked as he trailed a slender finger over the pulse of Loki’s throat.
Unwillingly Loki shivered, his breath hitching. He mulled over the question without saying anything, the answer even eluding him. He didn’t want Thor to mean anything to him, yet he still did. The problem was that Loki just didn’t know how and on which level he still cared.
He didn’t want to care…
He shouldn’t care!
“Well? Hmm?” the Grandmaster prompted. “You see, because I- Scrapper One Four Two found a new contestant yesterday. Yes, a new one. And she is- ah… This one is interesting.”
Loki inched away on the sofa they were seated on, creating some distance between himself and the Grandmaster. “Is that so?” he breathed, keeping a wary eye on the man.
A brief moment of displeasure crossed the Grandmaster’s features before he smiled again. “Ah, well, you see. It’s the first one I’ve had here. And she… This species has a skin made of rubber. And she is a trained warrior. Quite formidable and it would be… interesting to see who… How long that Lord of Thunder of yours would hold up against her.”
That made Loki’s stomach turn; the Grandmaster said and did a lot of things, but he never lied. His explanation might have been a little hackled, but Loki knew the man always weighed his words carefully.
Loki swallowed the lump that was still in his throat and with a hoarse voice he asked, “And why are you telling me this?”
Without warning the Grandmaster scooted closer, putting his hand on Loki’s thigh and leaning in so their faces were close. “Well, I'll… I’m going to put his fate in your hands, so to say. We could make an- an arrangement.” The man smiled, rubbing Loki’s thigh softly with his thumb.
Loki was very well aware of what type of arrangement the Grandmaster was talking about, and even though he feared the answer, he still asked. “And what if I decline?”
The Grandmaster shrugged. “Nasty accidents always happen in the arena.”
Now Loki truly felt cornered. If he denied the Grandmaster’s advances, Thor would suffer for it, but if he gave in - which he wasn’t sure he wanted, he had been actively avoiding it for days now - then Thor might be safe. Or safer, since ‘safe’ wasn’t exactly what Sakaar or the arena was.
It couldn’t all be bad, could it?
The Grandmaster leaned closer to him, erasing that last little bit of space between their faces and spoke against his lips as their noses touched. “I see you have made up your mind.” Then the man’s lips were on his and all Loki could do was answer that kiss as the man’s hand traveled up his thigh towards his groin.
Sooner than Loki had anticipated the Grandmaster pulled away and gave him a smile that sent shivers down Loki’s spine. “Take off your clothes and lie on your back,” came the demand.
Briefly Loki was confused. That was more forward than he was used from the man.
“Now where did I put that…” the Grandmaster murmured as he pushed off the couch and rummaged through some cabinets. When he had found it he triumphantly held up a small flask in the air, the blue sizzling liquid inside evoking for an ominous feeling in Loki’s stomach.
“Off!” the Grandmaster said irritated when he turned and found a still fully clad Godling on his couch.
Quickly Loki obeyed, magicking his leathers away. Nervousness was eating him alive and he could even feel the small pangs of panic hovering nearby. “Wha-” Loki swallowed against the dryness in his throat. “What is that, if I may ask?”
The Grandmaster laughed, climbing back on the couch and settling between his legs. “Oh, this. This is a- Just something to make this more interesting,” he answered as he bent forward to apply the liquid on Loki’s lips, his robes falling open and brushing Loki’s naked skin. “Do we have a deal?”
Then Loki spoke that one word that would seal his fate. “Yes.”
“Good, good!” the Grandmaster nodded. “Now open your mouth.”
The command grated against Loki’s nerves, he hated to get commanded in such a fashion, but he found that he couldn’t disobey. His body had a sudden will of its own and thus he obeyed, his lips parting.
The Grandmaster put the two slick fingers with which he had just applied the liquid in Loki’s mouth, pressing on his tongue. A faint hint of something fruity and sweet prickled his taste buds.
“Well, Lo-lo. Let’s see what we have here, hm?” the Grandmaster purred, his fingers slipping from Loki’s mouth to trail over his chin, his throat, and then farther south…
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nymphl · 5 years
Lie to Me - Hux x Reader - Ch. 4 - Bad Liar & Good Liar
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A/N: Hi, darlings! xD As promised, here I am with chapter 4 of Lie to Me. The old readers will probably noticed I added the mention of a Kalikori - I was rewatching Rebels and this part quite captured my attention, and it’ll make sense for future chapters. Don’t worry, it’s not something that affects this chapter or the story so far greatly. Thank you for all the support and I truly hope you like it. 
Story Summary: Falling for the enemy… That’s probably the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. Letting him live… for he should be dead. And you should’ve been the one to kill him. You had him, right there… and you let it escape through yours fingers. He lived. And now only the time could tell if you made the right decision — more likely wrong — by saving the amnesiac General of the First Order and telling him he was your husband. [Hux x Reader - Hux x You]
Warnings for the entire story: Will contain at times; graphic violence, sex, drugs and manipulation, coarse language and OOCness.
AO3 Tags: from enemies to lovers; eventual romance; memory loss; fake marriage; fake marriage becomes real marriage; rebellion; married couple; canon divergence; slow burn romance; politics; rebel alliance; resistance; first order; OOCness; eventual smut; eventual sex; power play; power dynamics; syndicate; lies; you lie; Hux lies; Hux backstory; manipulation; political alliances; political betrayals; secret organizations.
Wordcount: 4141
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IT WOULD BE WEEKS BEFORE YOU COULD STARE AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR WITHOUT FEELING ASHAMED. You watched the bathtub fill to the brim with water before you entered it; the warm liquid easing all the tight spots in your back.
He was — thankfully — outside. Doing kriffs-knows-what. He mentioned something about exercising his sore muscles. While you would be normally against it this early in his recovery stage, you realized it was better if he stayed away from you.
After the shocking words — you were not sure you could look at him in the eye for more than half-second without blushing madly — you thought best to keep your distance. If he did not know better — if he did not know you were his wife and were a wife to someone else in the past — he would probably think you to be a virgin.
A sigh left your lips as you ran the sponge over your tired limbs. It had been quite hectic back at the hospital and only now, after the excitements of the day had died down, you realized how exhausted you were.
Some sleep would do you some good — you needed it. You knew, however, he would not let you sleep if not in the same bed with him. You had evaded it for days now; after that kiss and how shamefully you gave in, he would not take no for an answer. Heading back to the hospital as huge no-no this time as well.
You hugged your legs and placed your chin on your knees.
Even if you were dead tired and in need of some rest, you did not dare to sleep now. You had to be utterly spent by nighttime. It was the only way he would not try anything. And besides, afternoons usually went by quickly. It is, if you busied yourself enough.
It did not mean you were fine with it. You actually feared the night and the fact you would sleep together.
You dozed off in the bath and only when the water was rather cool you jerked awake. His steps headed towards the bathroom made you jump to your feet and wrap a towel around your frame, hugging it firmly.
He did not open the door, however. There was only light knock.
“Just a moment,” you answered, drying yourself as quickly as possible and throwing over your old clothes. Because of course you would forget to bring fresh clothes to the fresher. When you opened the door, he was not waiting for you anymore.
Instead, you were greeted with changed sheets and a mug of tea waiting for you. The sun was shining outside, even if blended with twilight colors. It brought you some relief. It only meant you did not sleep as much as you thought at first.
“I am so sorry,” you muttered, not really sure what to say next. Kriffs! You were not sure you were apologizing for taking too long in the fresher or for kissing him back — for wanting more than you should possibly want. Wetting your lips, you began, “I did not realize I was this tired.”
He did not give you a reply, but you were getting used to that. The General did not strike as a man who engaged in small talk. Everything he did was extremely measured, his words could not work otherwise.
When he did speak though, you were rather astonished, “you should sleep.”
You were afraid of staying awake during the night. Horrified at the thought of him trying something. And, more than that, utterly terrified at the prospect of giving in.
After that kiss — you almost kissed, it was barely a kiss —, it was no using denying how much you were attracted to him.
It has been so long…
The fact you pleasured yourself from time to time, when the need became too unbearable did not mean you did not crave for… well… the real thing. 
It’s not the same as to say you could only reach orgasms with a man, but you missed more than the sex itself. To embrace someone during the act, having limbs, lips and hands intertwining… sharing the same air… hearts beating at the same rhythm… it was not something that one could simply put into words.
“I am not tired.”
If he was a lesser man, he would have rolled his eyes. Needless to say, you were just being contradictory. It was obvious you were exhausted. You said so yourself before.
He merely rose his light brows and stared at you.
As a confirmation, a yawn escaped you.
“Perhaps I should?”
Your words were met with no reply. As expected. He had already left the bedroom. As expected too. And sleep found you quicker and sweeter than ever. Once again, as expected.  
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The sun was no longer in the sky when you stirred awake. It had been a dreamless sleep and yet you had the sensation you had not rested at all. You figured out that it was somewhat related to the fact that you were quite worried about the upcoming night arrangements.
Would he… Would he be too mad if you simply did not take any rest at all? You could always use the excuse of needing to check onto something — something about healing, perhaps? — or simply leave the bed by saying you were rested enough not to need any sleep. Not likely.
A voice in your mind reasoned you had to try. The other half of you — the sensible one — told you to let him do what he must. There was no need to be afraid of it. Sex was only… natural. And straightened bonds between couples too. And maybe, just maybe, it was time to let go of your fear of getting physical. Men all around the galaxy used sex as a means to achieve something, so why couldn’t you?
The very idea made your stomach churn.
You can do it, (Y/N)!
Yawning, you took a moment to get yourself situated. Eyes open now, you quickly spotted him sitting on the armchair. Part of you expected to find him focused on the datapad — his favorite companion for the last few days; not that you were complaining —, instead, his icy blue eyes were set upon you.
“Good evening,” you said, in a form of a short greeting. What else could you say? It was so awkward to look at him after that… You gulped, it was even more awkward to gaze at his lips. It did not go unnoticed by your attentive eyes how full his lower lip was… And how soft it looked.
He did not reply again. Arms positioned over his thighs, and hands supporting his chin, he seemed very comfortable but no less intimidating in his scrutiny of you — did he ever look otherwise?
You sat straight in the bed, the sheets covering most of you — and even if you were completely clothed, you felt naked under his smoldering analysis of you. And not in a sexual way. It made you more nervous it was not the case.
“By your reaction earlier, I gather we are not very much…” He gave the impression to be choosing his words carefully; they made your heart thunder in your chest. “Intimate.”
That had you biting your bottom lip.
Mother of moons!
What were you supposed to say?
Did he expect you to say how many times a week you have been intimate before the accident that nearly reaped his life?
You had to tread carefully. If you said too much, he could be surprised and if you said too little, he could be offended. Men were always easily insulted when it came to their prowess in bed.
More than that, you really did not know anything about him in such… aspects. Kriffs! You had never seen him naked before! At least, not while he was awake and moving about. Of course, it would bring some color to your cheeks. You were no virgin, by no means, but it did not mean you partook in ogling the other sex very much.
When you did not respond, he moved his hands to the armrests. Your lack of reply forcing him to sit straight. He was bothered.
You shuddered.
“Or that you did not enjoy our intimacy that much.”
Talk about awkward.
What were you supposed to say to that? Either way he could take your answer as an insult.
“I did.” Your voice was small, low and almost a whisper. Not very believable. Kriffs! You did not believe yourself, you doubted he would.
He took a moment to reply, his face as cool as a dead star. His eyes, however, were very tempestuous. They did nothing to hide how conflicted he was.
“Bad liar.”
His words left his lips in a whisper as well. You had to strain yourself to hear them. When you did understand what he said, your heart was on the verge of leaving your mouth.
“Excuse me?” Your brows were arched. Your bottom lip trapped between your teeth. “My Lord? I don’t under—
“You are a bad liar,” he replied, this time in a reasonable tone. “You refuse to look at me when you are not telling the truth.”
To that, you had no response.
Again, what could you say? What did he expect you to say? You simply had no clue. He was a very difficult person to read. Probably the most difficult of all.
You rose from the mattress and walked towards him. It was obvious that this conversation could not happen with the two of you so far from each other. He mimicked you and stood to his feet. He was much taller than you, towering above you as you stopped in front of him.
Clearing your throat, you began, “My Lord, it’s just…” and the words died on your mouth. You shook your head and closed your eyes when he placed both hands on your shoulders.
Your head shot up; eyes completely focused on his. There was some feeling there… In his bluish orbs. Something you could quite not grasp but made your heart ache for him.
It made you realize that his questions were not only related to his masculinity. Your lack of answer bruised his ego, too, but not only that. There was a part of that man that strived for greatness and perfection in just about everything. To have his wife — a possession to do as he pleased; to control, for what more were wives in most societies? As a lone child of an influent family, even if in Dantooine you had close to nothing, back in your home country you were almost royalty — you learned quite early in life the role of a woman and a wife — sexually unsatisfied would be… inexcusable.
How could one man reach the top of the most influential organization in the whole galaxy and still be unable to please his wife?
“Am I…” He seemed to choke in his words, as if the mere utterance of them would disgrace him greatly — and for generations to come, depending on your answer. “Incapable?”
Your eyes widened. You sucked in a breath.
“What? No!” You took his hands in yours, entwining your fingers together. The simple act seemed to ease his fears a little. However, that icy stare was back and focused on you. That made you almost recoil. Instead, you found some ounce in courage within you that you did not know where it came from. “My Lord that’s—” You interrupted yourself, looking for the best words. You decided to take another approach and say something truthful. Or as truthful as you could be with him. “I know you have no reason to believe me and that you think I am a bad liar, but so far in your relationship you gave me no reason to mistrust you, even if you hid some aspects of your previous life from me.”
There was silence from his part, as if he mulled over what you said, trying to make some sense of it.
Those were… half-truths… So far, in your relationship of merely a few days with him, he never gave you any reason to mistrust him — excepting for your dying fear of him killing you. Perhaps you should continue to stick to half-truths… They were more likely to work.
You just would have to say you did enjoy your sex life. Perhaps you should speak of your ex-husband? The mere thought made your stomach churn.
That was a line you would not cross.  
“That doesn’t explain your reaction to me.” You bit your bottom lip. Blast! He was quick. He brought both of his hands to your face to prevent you from looking down. “Nor explains whether I am unable to perform or not.”
“My Lord!”
He was… Insufferable!
“I assure you can perform quite fine.”
“Quite fine,” he repeated your words with disgust. He brought his fingers to your lips, tracing them slowly. His own curled up in a snarl, “is not enough.”
Your eyes were widened.
“Believe me when I say I am not unsatisfied.”
You saw him opening his mouth, ready with a reply, and instead continued. “I am more than satisfied.” You were firm in your words. Taking a deep breath, you continued with something that was completely true. “My giddiness and abrupt reaction earlier have nothing to do with your ability to perform.”
He seemed to take what you said in consideration. His fingers never stopping their caresses over your face. When his tips found your lips again, your tongue — out of its own volition — brushed his skin.
You did not know if the shudder came from your body or his.
He stepped forward, closing the gap between the two of you. You had to crane your neck to watch his face. He was handsome, not classically, but enough to command every attention where he went. You figured out it was something he was probably very skilled at: commanding people. Part of you — a baser, ridiculous and primitive piece; needy even — wondered if he was good at commanding in bed as well.
The General of the First Order really looked like someone who enjoyed seizing control in and out of the bed. Especially in the bed.
The mere thought sent a tingly sensation straight to your core.
Your eyes averted to his lips. His plump and inviting lower lip.
Kiss him.
Your mind said in a whisper.
Kiss him.
Your mind continued to whisper to you. A derisive, manipulative and wanton murmur. It would not leave you alone until you did its biding.
However, to kiss him you would have to pull him down — to stand on your toes would not do — and part of you were curious to know how he reacted when commanded.
“Kiss me.”
He blinked once. His light eyelashes beautifully outlined his bluish orbs. You did not know if it was a mere impression, or if their color was more vivid now. Shining with something akin to realization.  
“Kiss me now.”
That was bold.
Even for you.  
There was no time to blush, however, for he crashed his lips against yours. It was a demanding kiss — one that screamed that even if he did your biding, you were no more in control than a non-force sensitive was of a lightsaber —, not a meager brush of lips. He was greedy, thrusting his tongue inside your mouth and drawing out of you sweet sounds of pleasure.
One of his hands moved to your throat, holding you in place — you realized that he quite enjoyed having his fingers securely positioned in that area; it gave him total control of you — and the other moved to your lower back, keeping you close to him.
Your fingers were in his hair, entwined in his soft, ginger locks. Part of you wanted to guide him and have him at your mercy. You were used to be dominant in the bed, but it felt… odd and… exhilarating to be dominated.
He was so unlike everyone else — controlling but passionate —, taking his time with you. Alternating between languish brushes of lips and deep thrust of his tongue inside your mouth. The only constant was the fact that he did not allow you to dominate him even for a second.
You moaned in frustration, which caused the General to smirk — was he smirking? That smug bastard. He walked back to the armchair, with you still in his arms, your lips still interlocked and leaned against the armrest. Positioned with one of his legs between yours, he attacked your mouth once again.
His hand returned to your throat, and yours found his chest — you did not realize your fingers met with bare skin until it was too late. He distracted you with his skilled lips — he was thoroughly making love to your mouth. The burning sensation in your core was too much, causing you to bounce against his thigh. You had to seek some sort of relief. It was just too much. You did not know what to think, what to feel or what to do. And in fact, thinking was the last you did when you felt his fingers brushing against your ribcages.
Jerking away from his touch — but not entirely from his arms — you opened your eyes and stared at him. At this very second, you did not think he was your husband and that kind of intimacy was more than natural — kriffs! You wanted to move to such… level earlier… — and merely acted on your impulses.
You kind of expected him to ask how you felt about it, but he hummed quietly in your ear. Two kinds of men asked if their partners were satisfied: they were either too confident in their skills or they lacked faith in themselves. And again, the General did not strike as a man to engage himself in small talk.
His lips skimmed your chin and your cheeks, till they reached your earlobe. He did not trap it between his teeth, but his heavy breathing made you tremble in his arms and your hips to casually bounce against his thigh.
You bit back a moan at the friction.
“I should shave. And get my hair trimmed as well.”
Your fingers itched to touch his face. As if reading your thoughts and sensing your needs, he shifted — forcing your hips up, towards his erection, which caused you to blush beautifully — and held both of your wrists between one of his hands. The other caressed your throat lightly, before he replaced it with his lips.
“I-I… I like this five o’clock gracing your features,” you responded, your legs barely sustained you. If not for one of his hands — the one that was on your throat before — holding you by the waist, you would have collapsed. “And your hair too,” you admitted in a whisper.
He hummed at your words.
Appreciation or doubt? You had no idea.
His lips returned to your ears and the next question came so low you almost had to strain yourself to hear, “It is clear to me I am not sexually impotent, but that does not mean I am fertile.”
You bit your bottom lip.
What in the kriffing hell?
“As far as I know, there is nothing wrong with your health, my Lord.”
How were you supposed to know if he was able to conceive a child with a woman? With you? If you did not think it could get worse, now you were reevaluating your hypothesis.  
You felt the beginnings of a terrible headache starting to chime in. Could he just stop? Would he?
“And you?”
Apparently not.
“I am able to conceive, my Lord.”
He was silent for a moment, his arms around you slackened a bit, allowing you to leave the warmth of his arms. Your body protested — it needed this proximity, the blood in your veins sang at the prospect of running faster and pumping your heart even faster in the religious, magic and primitive dance of lovemaking.
You shuddered at the traitorous thought.
The rational side of you knew you should never have asked for that kiss.
A mistake.
That was a terrible mistake.
You walked away, sat on the bed and stared at your feet. You could even reach for the hairbrush, but your hands were trembling.
Everything was happening too fast. The kiss, the burning desire, the need… It had been so long since you last felt such need. And he seemed willing to satiate it for you. More than willing.
Resisting him would prove very difficult. Not only with your body — that was the last of your worries right now — but with your words as well. You feared that one day you would tell him everything — the truth and only the truth — and bring upon Dantooine the worst of disgraces: the First Order again.
“Did you have any child with Syndulla?”
The question startled you and found you with round eyes. You opened your mouth twice, not sure of what to say. And again — what a disgrace! — there you were, telling him the truth, “No.” You wetted your lips and looked down. You found your throat clenching in thin air. The need to cry was overwhelming. You thought about the Kalikori that he never kept too far from himself — a gift for his children; children he would never have —; the Kalikori that disappeared even before he did. “He never wanted a child. He thought— thought that his family was cursed, that any child he may have would suffer greatly and make me suffer as well.”
He was silent.
Very silent for a moment.
“Why?” you asked. You had to speak, least you wanted to cry in front of him. He did not strike you as a man who enjoyed any displays of weakness.
He seemed to hate everything that was weak.
Including a child.
“It occurred to me that you would have abandoned it.”
You opened your mouth, looking for words, but they failed you.
I would never!
That was what you should have said.
Instead, you recalled what you saw in the datapad about him. A bastard child, taken all too soon from the breast of his mother. Parted from the soothing presence of that who gave him his life and welcomed him into the Galaxy.
He did not mean to ask if you had abandoned the child — if you had one —, but if he forced you to abandon your son or daughter. You wondered if he saw himself doing the same unspeakable and vile acts his father committed — not only against the Galaxy, but against his son and ex-lover as well.
It made you understand why he seemed so insecure about you not wanting him. Again, it was more than a bruised ego and toxic masculinity — those were in the equation as well — but he feared to become what he hated and yearned to get rid of his entire life.
What the General really meant with his awkward and even offensive question was if he had — just like the monster he had for a father — yanked your child from your tender arms, and, in the process, killed you as well. It was reasonable to say that a mother who had her child taking from her loving embrace was as good as dead. You had never mothered a child, but you knew you would be scarred for life.    
The words came to your lips muffled and you realized you were indeed crying this time. The tears rolling down your face torrentially.
Even if you wanted to control yourself, it was no longer possible.
“You would never.”
His face was still stoic as he walked to you and forced you to stand on your toes, his arms holding you tenderly. Or as tenderly as a man who had been deprived of a mother’s love — or anyone’s love for that matter — could. You embraced him back — strongly, tightly, desperately — your arms encircling his waist as you cried in his chest.
“I am not lying.” You sobbed against his shirt. “You would never take my child away from me. Yours or otherwise. You are not a monster.”
He did not reply immediately. You did not let him to. He ran his hands through your hair, his fingers massaging your scalp in soothing gestures.  
…I swear, you are not a monster...
…You are not a monster...
…Not a monster…
It became a muffled mantra in your lips, followed by I am not lying, to which he answered simply with an affectionate kiss to your temples and a sweet whispered confession that had you crying even harder for the rest of the night,
“I know. You are a bad liar.”
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A/N - I quite enjoy these first few chapters of Lie to Me. I like the denial, the building relationship, Reader acknowledging her attraction to Hux and how he himself is trying to deal with everything around him. I also miss writing smaller chapters and less complex... Well, I think that’s all. If you like this story, consider reblogging my work. It’d mean a lot xD Chapter 5 - Safety & Danger will be posted next Friday, April 26. Stay tuned. 
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lisinfleur · 6 years
His... His Only - His Crime
Requested by my lovely @akamaiden
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Author’s note: This came from a conversation between me and @akamaiden, but I have to say I’m about to be kinda cruel now hahaha This is gonna be a fast series of little drabbles I’ll post for you all! Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: there will be Smut, of course. Just because! Angst. And Ivar being Ivar XD
Words: 948
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His crime
Since you could remember, you and Alfred belonged to each other. Your family used to work at the castle and after your parents passed away, you remained serving the royal family loyally; especially your close friend Prince Alfred.
When you were children, there was only you and Alfred of the same age inside that castle so Alfred used to spend his free time with you, running and playing around the castle or simply trying to beat each other on the chess board. However, with the time, your games have changed. From running after each other and finding each other hidden spots to hide-and-seek, you two started finding hidden spots around the castle where no one would find you kissing each other, or his hands running your waist, your hands running his back…
You loved him with all your heart and there was no future in your life that wasn’t built over your marriage with Prince Alfred in your imagination. You didn’t give a damn for the fact he was a prince and even less when his mother managed to make him a king. Instead of being happy or whatever, you were worried only about the weight in his shoulders and a way to relieve his pain.
You were always there for him. Always. For everything, always.
So you couldn’t really help yourself from looking at him with teary eyes when you heard his voice on that afternoon, shattering your dreams just like the cups of your tray shattered on the ground when your hands became too weak to hold it.
A local king had come offering an alliance. In a moment they were dealing with uncountable attacks from the Norsemen, of course, you could understand the need for strong allies like that man. But in exchange for his help, men and farm products, he wanted his daughter to become queen, sealing the deal with a marriage that should make their alliance last longer.
You were serving the table and there wasn’t a single drop of concern in your heart. You were sure Alfred would say no and try a different proposal to satisfy that man. But he didn’t even try…
“We’ll start to treat about the arrangements to the marriage. I can’t wait too much time for receiving your troops. The Norseman are…” his voice was cut by the sound of the crockery you broke unintentionally and so your eyes crossed with his.
A long second in which he could see your broken heart in your eyes and you could see the apology on his before you went into your knees, taking the more of the broken glass you could, getting up with the tray and going as fast as you could into the kitchen.
The other servants took it as a terrible accident, and so did the guest of the king. Your tears and sobs at the kitchen? Ashamed, for sure… Or maybe the pouring blood from the large cut in your palm that one of the servants took care for you before leaving you on your room for the rest of the dinner.
You cried your soul out in your bed. All the moments of love, all the kisses, and touches… How could he accept her so easily without even try to avoid that marriage? How could he turn his back on you when you gave him so much of yourself?
With the night already high, he sneaked to your door, lowering his head when you opened, looking at him with puffy eyes, your face marked of the intense cry.
“Is my king in need of something?”
He twisted his face, hurt. You never treated him this way before. But he knew there was no other way. For the sake of his people, he needed that help and he knew no other option would satisfy that man.
“Please, forgive me.” He started “I had no other choice”.
“How can you know, Alfred? You didn’t even try!” you answered with your eyes filling with tears once again “You just accepted that marriage as if we were nothing! Nothing!!”.
“It is just a mere formality! She’s just a representative figure, (Y/N)! Of course, we are something! I just… I just needed this help. We need this help. The city will fall without reinforcements. A king must sacrifice for his people. I had to do it. But we can…”
Your face frowned and you cut him before he started, not even giving him this chance.
“Don’t you dare to even suggest me to be nothing but a concubine, King Alfred! I’m not a whore you found on the streets of these castle surroundings! I was yours and yours only for all these years! I kept myself chaste for the day of our marriage and if this will not happen so I’m no longer yours.” You said, harsh, again stopping looking into his eyes and acting as a servant should act “Now, if my king doesn’t need anything, I’ll go back to sleep. There are too many chores I have to do tomorrow to provide our future queen a proper breakfast.”
It was an arrow on his chest. You were right and more than that he could feel your pain. You would not only see him getting married to another woman, but you would work at his marriage and serve his bride until them, as a servant of the castle that you were.
It was cruel. And in his prayers for the night, he asked God why to be so cruel when you two had only loved each other. But in your room, there were no prayers.
There wasn’t a God in the sky for you to pray to.
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fanaticwritings · 6 years
His Secret - CHAPTER 1
Sam Winchester x Reader [AU]
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A/N: This series was lowkey inspired by a book I read and also another favorite character of mine. (Bonus points to those who can guess which character I’m talking about XD) Thanks to @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba for being kind enough to brainstorm and lay the story line out with me. Couldn’t have done this without your help <3 The aesthetic was made by me, pictures courtesy of pinterest.  I am really really excited about this series and hope you guys like it too.
my masterlist
word count: 1.9k
warnings: implied smut and loads of backstory
Sam Winchester twisted the key and the car whirred to life. The steering wheel felt smooth under his hand, spinning at the lightest touch. The XXW Mary sped out of the parking lot and Sam pushed down on the accelerator. The car roared and lurched forward. In the matter of a few seconds it was breaking lightning speed. It screeched as Sam made turn after turn, testing the limits of the beautiful black vehicle.
The car was the newest product of his brother’s, Dean Winchester's company and equipped with technology from his own. Sam made another swift turn at the next corner, as the road widened out ahead of him. He was almost there. The sky grew darker as night settled in, the tall buildings almost camouflaging into the velvet of the obsidian sky. He pulled to a stop in front of the hall, heart thudding against his chest. In spite of having done this for four consecutive years, he hadn't gotten used to it. He stepped out onto the red carpet and was instantly greeted by shouts and blinding camera flashes. Sam stood there for a heartbeat, letting the cameras capture his dazzling smile and then handed the car keys to the valet. The paparazzi followed him, as he made his way up the stairs of the hall. "The car looks new, Mr. Winchester. New item the Winchester Mobile Ltd. bringing out this year?" "Yeah. It's equipped with some of the latest Winchester Tech and is easy on the eyes," he answered, flashing a brilliant smile. He could see the headlines tomorrow. Sam Winchester confirms launch of the XXW Mary. He continued to talk about the car for the next few minutes, letting the cameras and microphones record his words. It was all he had to do for publicity. Draw them in and hype it up. He made his way up the stairs, determined to get away from the swarm of paparazzi. "What's the next big thing for Winchester Corp?" "Who are you dating?" They quizzed him mercilessly but he didn't take the bait- Only smiled and winked at them. He was thankful when he reached the top and walked into the hall, leaving the wave of cameras behind him. He was immediately greeted by Dean, his brother and also the most important person in his life. "Hiya, Sammy," Dean said, embracing him. He smiled at him appreciatively and for a moment Sam was whisked back in time. Jo Harvelle, Dean’s girlfriend, stood beside him, smiling. Sam embraced her too. Guests continued to pour in behind him. Associates of the corps, big names in the city and a few family members. Media partners were present too and were walking around, talking to the guests. Every year, the Winchester brothers held a benefit in the memory of their loving mother on her birthday. The proceeds of the benefit would all be donated to “Wings“- a charitable foundation, which looked after orphaned/abandoned children and underprivileged mothers-to-be. Sam spotted Castiel Novak standing with Mr. Azel, one of the oldest associates of the corporation. Cas was one of the most senior members of the company and also happened to be Sam and Dean's best friend. His blue eyes instantly lit up at the sight of his tall friend. Sam greeted Mr. Azel too, extending a polite hand. Mr. Azel shook his hand firmly. He had a very unsettling smile but one that Sam was used to, having had to do business with him for the longest time. He excused himself politely and ran into yet another associate. He was getting desperate now. He was listening to the elderly associate intently but his hazel eyes darted around the hall, in search for someone else. There she was, leaning against an ivory pillar, drinking champagne from a delicate glass. His nerves calmed on their own accord. He made his way to her quickly and before she could even say anything, pulled her into a warm embrace. "Heya to you too, handsome," she said when he finally pulled away from her. Y/N. The love of his life. She looked resplendent in the silver gown that shimmered into gold when she moved. The delicate rings of diamond that looped through her ears, accentuated her features perfectly. Her hair was in an up do, a few loose curls making look even more enticing. It was mesmerising, but nothing compared to the beauty that she herself was. Y/N grounded him and understood him like no one else. It hadn't taken him long to fall for her. "Late to your own event, Mr. Winchester?," she teased, glancing at an imaginary watch on her hand. "Yup," he said, winking at her. "Finished with the meet and greet?" She asked again. He wanted to kiss her but it was too crowded for it to be possible. Besides, news reporters were around. "Sadly, no. Don't you see the crowd?" he replied, gesturing at the public. She made a face at that and he fell even more in love with her in that instant, if that was even possible. "You go finish with that and come back to me soon," she commanded. He would incline to her request at this very instant if he could. He nodded his head in acknowledgement before kissing her cheek lightly, unable to resist the urge and then walked away. He had to talk a lot throughout the evening, something he grew easily tired of. It was in his job description to do so, but he couldn't for the life of him, ever get used to it. Running such a giant company was no piece of cake. He loved his company, there was no doubt about it. He poured his heart and soul into the work he did and never questioned it. However, there were certain aspects to it that he couldn’t help but dislike. Winchester Corp was founded and owned by John Winchester, Sam and Dean's father, until the great tragedy that befell them. Everybody had heard the story one too many times. On the fateful night of November 2nd, 1985, the Winchester House caught on fire. Both Mary and John Winchester, did not make it. John had escorted Dean and Sam outside, who were six and two years old at the time, respectively. The fire had consumed half of the house by then and John had rushed in to rescue an unconscious Mary. 
He never made it back. 
The police had confirmed that it had been an accident. The power lines had short circuited somehow and that was it. Winchester Corp saw it's downfall after the tragedy, with nobody to man it. None of the associates owned enough share in the company to become the next owner. All the beneficiaries were passed down to Sam and Dean, according to the company policy, but they were not of age. Until either of the sons became of age, the organisation was ruled to be in charge of their uncle Bobby Singer. He couldn’t help the company much, having had to deal with his own issues at the time. Winchester Corp was almost on the verge of bankruptcy, having managed on the shoulders of a few faithful associates, until Sam and Dean who were just 19 and 15, took the wheel into their own hands. They then began to restore the company back to its full glory. Ten years later, Winchester Tech- lead by Sam and Winchester Automobile Pt. Ltd.- lead by Dean, united under the Winchester Corp brand, became two of the biggest companies in the world. The brothers seem to have moved on with their lives, to the world. But only their closest knew that their past still haunted them. The benefit came to an end after Sam declared the final funds they had managed to raised, with Dean clapping by his side cheerfully. The cheque was handed over to the representative from the charity and after a few drinks, the crowd parted. "Finally," Y/N said as she walked over to Sam, the gown shimmering at her every step. Sam was in awe. It was only them, Dean and Jo now.   Sam smiled down at her as she looped her arm through his and they walked outside, along with Dean and Jo. Sam and Dean talked alone for a while, immersed deep in the conversation while Y/N and Jo chatted with each other. Sam was still distracted by her, he had barely seen her all week and hadn’t been able to spend any time with her today either. Their timings rarely matched. She would be called for work randomly and he had a company to man. How they still managed to love each other, was something neither of them knew. Maybe, some things were just meant to be. Finally, Sam and Dean broke apart and made their way to their respective cars. "Come home with me?" Sam whispered to her when they were finally alone by the car, brushing his lips against her ear. She nodded a yes, clearly having missed him too. She wanted to say something, it shone in her eyes but she chose not to. Sam didn’t press her. The city blurred around them as they drove by. Y/N looked out the window the entire time, barely saying anything. Sam stole occasional glances at her and she looked beautiful then too. If he could, he'd stop the car right now and show her just how much he had missed her. "Look at the road, Winchester," she murmured, not sparing him a glance. Sam smiled as he pulled into the parking lot. The moment they were at the two storey house, Sam slammed himself against Y/n and sealed her lips with a kiss. Frantic hands found her waist and he pulled her close until not even a hair width of distance separated them. God, he had missed her so much. Later, they lay in bed, holding each other.
"You okay?" she asked him, pulling herself to him. Y/N knew all too well how being social took a toll on him. It was tiring, pretending to be someone he wasn't- all smiles and perfect posture. There was no way around it though and he tried his best to get used to it. It was slow and painful but he tried. There was also something else on his mind, however. "Yeah, I'm fine. Go to sleep, baby. You have to wake up early tomorrow," he said, curling her hair behind her ear. "I’m proud of you," she murmured, sighing deeply. Sam smiled at her and pecked her forehead. Her words had assured him, somehow. A moment later, she was fast asleep. Sam waited an hour, listening to her rhythmic breathing and soft snores. He smiled internally. How he had gotten so lucky, he'd never know. If two months ago someone would've told him that he was going to meet the love of his life, he would've laughed at them. He got up gingerly, shifting incredibly slowly so as to not wake her up. She mumbled something in her sleep as he placed her back on the bed. She shifted a little and then stilled again. Making sure that she was still asleep, Sam put on a t-shirt, a jacket and a pair of tracks. He pocketed his phone and a wad of cash that he carefully took out of his safe. He closed the door slowly, watching Y/N all the while. He watched the slow rise and fall of her chest. He almost didn't want to leave her; it was a feeling he had to push away every time. He locked the door behind him with a soft click. Soon, he was out the door and past the gates of the large villa. The security guards didn’t stop him. They were used to this. He pulled his hoodie over his head in a way that shadowed his face completely and trudged off into the night. // Feedback is my elixir, people! Please please let me know what you think of this fic!! It’s what keeps me going. Leave a comment/ ask <33 //
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Get to know more Tag
Tagged by: @tanithrea​ - thank you sweetie, I adore you endlessly! <3
rules: tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 4 songs:
Steal Your Heart - Monsta X
Zombie Party - SPEED
Remember  - 9 Muses
Knock Knock - MXM
grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what is line17:
"There was a lot of time for thinking, because” (Bessie duly left to be married and Sophie was mostly alone in the shop.) - Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (my favourite book)
have you ever had a song or poem written about you?
Nope but recently @eau-de-liz​ wrote a cute as hell Leo fiction just for me and that’s worth mentioning lol.
when was the last time you played air guitar?
Uhhh, I wanna say sometime this year, but not really an air guitarist lol.
what’s a sound you hate?
People eating / ASMR / basically everything people do because I have misophonia. 
a sound you love?
My horse nickering when she sees me... it’s always so soft and endearing (and of course aimed at getting food). 
do you believe in ghosts?
Completely. I’ve had many encounters with spirits and have a huge respect for that realm. 
Do you believe in aliens?
I mean the universe is so big, I’m not going to discredit their existence but have no understanding either, so I’m pretty neutral on this topic. 
do you drive? if so, have you ever crashed?
I do, and I’ve backed into a parked car as a learner driver when it the road was too slick. Last year I was rear-ended twice in the space of about a month due to ignorant drivers - one on her phone, the other dropped nuts in her lap, distracted drivers are the worst. I now have a panic disorder when sitting at a set of lights or when cars come up behind me too fast. Yay (:
do you like the smell of gasoline
Because I have hyper-sensitivity as well (go me), the smell is uber strong. Sometimes I like it, others I cannot stand it. 
what was the last movie you saw?
A Star is Born - was pretty decent, but wasn’t prepared for the ending and came away pretty triggered by it. 
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had
Haaaa, you know how I write a lot of clumsy characters? That’s me IRL! The worst injury I’ve had is I shattered my right leg in a freak horse riding accident (I wrote a Mark fiction called Accidents Happen based off of it). I became part bionic with a metal rod put in and I couldn’t walk for 8 months. Great news though, I was back up on my horse 2 months after that lol. Otherwise hundreds of sprains, a genetically dodgy right knee that has thus weakened my ankle in that same leg so basically partially disabled, and cysts in my left wrist from bracing myself from all the falls my knee makes me have on a regular basis when it gives way (: I’m always told I need to live in one of them bubble ball things... probably find a way to hurt myself in there too, sigh. 
do you have an obsession right now?
Writing fanfic. Ever since I broke free of my 2 year writers block, all I wanna do is write. My work as an artist has even suffered because I’d rather use my creativity to write stories, not paint dolls lol. And obviously, kpop and kdramas are a constant obsession of mine.
are in a relationship?
Sure, I’m dating plenty of idols through my writing. Lol kidding. I’ll be forever single because I’m too old and set in my ways XD I hear you have to go outside your home to meet people these days too... who knew!
Tagging the following people to try this challenge: @mark-tuan-and-namjoon-lover​ @nyx-goddess-of-choas​ @baekhyunbitz​ @smut-wars​ @notsosubtlekpop​ @monicaexol​ @squeallyeel22​ @trickytrickster27​ @xkpopobsessedx​ @katdefbeom​ and anyone else who wants to do it!
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intelsought · 6 years
GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER ( repost, please don’t reblog )
▐ NAME: Sarah ▐ PRONOUNS: she/her ▐ SEXUALITY: Pansexual ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: single as a dollar bill ▐ FIVE FACTS:
I used to do theater in high school, I did it all throughout high school and helped with sets and props after I ‘graduated’ from the program (aka turned 18) and couldn’t act on stage with the group anymore. My favorite play I did was The Little Mermaid, I got to be Scuttle!
I’ve been out of the country (excluding trips to Canada since I live close enough to the border now) three now. Once was to visit Australia when I was four (my dad was doing a multi-month business trip to Sydney), to Germany when I was eight to visit family, and a cruise when I was 22 to go down around the Bahamas.
I’ve been cosplaying for four years now. Altean Pidge is one of my new cosplays planned for this year (taking her to fantasy week of a Ren Faire in NY).
I miss horseback riding like no one’s business. I haven’t gone riding since I had to put my mare down almost four years ago. It just doesn’t feel right riding another horse that’s not her.
I’ve been in six car accidents since I started driving at age 18. All were minor, I nor the other parties were ever injured bc of said accidents. Nearly had another during my drivers permit days driving home from work one night, two deer very nearly became hood ornaments for my dad’s car.
▐ HOW LONG ( YEARS/MONTHS ): it’ll be 7 years at the end of July ▐ PLATFORMS USED: Facebook Messenger, text messaging, Skype, Discord, Tumblr, and DeviantART ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: I get to say that I was directly responsible for my best friend from college finding the man she’s going to marry. I invited them both to join an RP group on dA that I was admin of, that’s where they met each other and the rest is history~
▐ MALE OR FEMALE: I don’t really have a preference. 95% of fandoms I RP in I do at least one boy and one girl and Voltron is no exception
▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: All three. I need angst in small doses since sad muses make for a sad Sarah. Smut my muses gotta be in the mood for (and I’m not at work where co-workers can read what I’m doing xD), but fluff I’m always down for.
▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: Depends on the mood. Sometimes I want a good plot, sometimes a quick meme ought to do the job
▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Usually somewhere in between. Depending on the RP or the muse sometimes I’ll word vomit (and promptly apologize to my RP partner) but it’s rare that I do that for a shorter reply type of roleplay.
▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: Usually at night when I can sit down without outside distractions and focus on replies or Discord RP’s.
▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: I'm not really much like Keith but his muse has somehow stuck with me for more than half a year now. I’m not really much like Allura either but her muse has manifested strong and seems like she’s here to stay. I’m most like Pidge (and it’s probably why her muse is strongest and I’m the most active on her blog) with her self-confidence issues and her sarcasm is on point with my own lmao.
TAGGED BY:  stole from @sharpxshootcr bc I need to get off my old rp blog xD TAGGING: anyone who thinks Dreamworks should bring the space weasel back
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bughead-fic-request · 7 years
Hi. Would you consider writing a bughead one-shot that was a romantic date night? It's up to you if you want to make it a fluffy fic or smut. xD Anyways, that's my request and its a super broad one at that.
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Modern Love
Summary: Rising movie star Jughead Jones takes seasoned pop star Betty Cooper on a date unlike any other. 
Words: 4,487
Warnings: Mentions of miscarriage, drug use, smoking, drinking, slight sexual situations. No smut. 
A/N: Here is my take on the romantic date night cause I can’t do anything like a normal person. I posted on AO3 as well. 
I edited this myself so there are probably errors. 
Betty Cooper had been famous for most of her life. When she auditioned for X-Factor as a fourteen year old, she was put together with three other girls to create the next big girl group, Aurora.
They came in third place on the show but became one of the biggest girl groups since the Spice Girls. Four years and three albums later Betty was ready to move out on her own as a solo artist and was met with astounding success. Not only was Betty a talented singer but a gifted songwriter as well.
Her first solo album went on to win 4 Grammys and sky rocketed her into super stardom.
It was around this time she met the much older Academy Award winning actor, Archie Andrews. Their courtship was a whirlwind and four months later the couple was married.
It was a rocky marriage at best that lasted a little over two and a half years. Unknown to Betty when they wed, Archie was a heavy drug user and this made him erratic, unsupportive, unreliable and, at times, violent.
The marriage ended after Archie had gotten them into a serious car crash. Betty had broken her arm, both of her legs and had technically died for two minutes. Neither Archie nor the former Mrs. Andrews ever spoke about the accident and Betty filled for divorce the moment she recovered.
Betty was twenty-two, divorced and had just released her sophomore album. It was an album about Archie and it showed. Beautiful heartbreaking songs about love, loss, mistakes and an eyebrow raising track called “Not If You Were The Last Junkie On Earth” got people talking.
She refused to confirm if it was a song about her former husband but there were already plenty rumours about Archie Andrews alleged drug use. Archie had a great PR team but people and the tabloids could speculate but it was never harmful enough to ruin his career.
Betty assumed she would never fall in love again. She couldn’t date like regular people, she couldn’t do anything without it being looked over with a fine toothed comb. Archie had messed her up too badly and she knew she would never be who she was before she met him.
And then Jughead Jones came out of nowhere.
He was listed as one of the actors to watch in 2017. The year before he had been in six movies working with Martin Scorsese, Jennifer Lawrence, Damien Chazelle, Anton Yelchin, Jeff Bridges and Mike Nichols. He had worked on the reboot of Twin Peaks and had four more films coming out in 2017, including a role in the newest Star Wars movie.
He had been working on a film with David Fincher in Los Angeles when he met Betty. She was a friend of actress Veronica Lodge who was currently working on the movie as well. They had all been invited to a party Charlize Theron was throwing.
He met her on the terrace after he snuck out to have a cigarette he wasn’t supposed to be having. Veronica was trying to ween him off the cancer sticks, as she called them.
“You’re not supposed to be doing that.” Betty chided coming out of the shadows. Her soft blonde hair whipping around her face.
Jughead jumped and clutched his chest in surprise. “Fuck!”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you but those things will kill you and if they don’t, Veronica certainly will. She’s been telling me all about her mission to make you smoke free.” Betty joked taking a step towards him.
“Can it be our little secret? I’m still not used to all this Hollywood stuff and the cigarettes calm me.” He admitted.
She smiled and nodded her head. “Sure.”
“You want one?” He offered her the pack.
“No thanks, it’s not good for my voice.” She informed touching her throat.
Jughead moved his head in understanding and put the pack in his pocket. “I love the new album by the way.”
Betty felt her cheeks flush, still not able to understand why anyone would praise her. “Thanks. It turned out really well but it was hell to make.”
“Yeah, I heard about all that stuff. I’m sorry.” He took a drag of the cigarette looking out to the city.
She shrugged, ripping up a leaf she had pulled off a plant. “I made a bad choice, we all make them.”
He stood up straight and stuck out his hand. “I’m Jughead Jones, by the way.”
Betty laughed. “I know.”
“You do?” He asked shocked.
“Well, yeah, Veronica pointed you out almost the second we got in here and I’ve seen your movies.” She smirked when his eyes went wide.
“You have?” He said still shocked.
“Yeah, there isn’t a lot to on a tour bus so I’ve seen La La Land and X-Men and Green Room, you’re good.” She tucked her hair behind her ear.
Jughead blushed. “And how did you meet Veronica?”
“I did a song for the Hunger Games movie she was in and we met her at the promo party. I found her in a bathroom, drunk and throwing up. I held back her hair and cleaned her up. We’ve been friends ever since.”
“What a strange thing to bond over.” Jughead remarked.
“Jug?” Veronica’s voice rang out. “Bets?”
Jughead started panicking, not knowing what to do with the cigarette. Betty giggled as she watched him struggle before taking the cigarette from his hand and throwing it over the side of the building.
They both turned to watch Veronica, the statuesque brunette, step out onto the terrace. “Good! You met, sorry I didn’t introduce the two of you sooner but these parties are so exhausting.” She stopped in front of the pair. “Were you smoking?” She asked, eyeing Jughead.
He shook his head. “It must be from one of the buildings around us or something or maybe a raccoon carried a cigarette up here-”
Betty cut him off. “There was someone out here smoking. They went in just before you came out.”
Veronica’s eyes narrowed. “Let’s go inside. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender showed up and they are singing karaoke.” She clapped rapidly before turning on her heels and skipping back into the apartment.
Betty glanced at him with a grin. “You know, for someone who lies for a living, you’re a terrible liar.” She moved towards the inside and motioned her head in the same direction. “Come on, if we are doing karaoke then this is my time to shine.”
The two of them found themselves gravitating towards each other all night. Jughead couldn’t take his eyes off her when she sang a rendition of ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’ with Michael Fassbender.
He immediately understood why she was the only one to be successful when the girls broke free from Aurora. She had that thing, that star quality that would make her incredibly famous even if she wasn’t talented. Your eye was instantly drawn to her.
The night came to a close but before her and Veronica left Jughead caught up with them.
“Hey Betty, do you think I could give you a call some time?” He asked feeling stupid for doing it in front of Veronica who began to smirk. “Or a text or email or call your agent? I don’t know, I’ve never asked out a famous person before.”
Betty laughed and shot a quick look to Veronica who gave her an encouraging nod. “Give me your phone.” She instructed.
He handed her the device and she punched in her number. “That is my personal number, please protect it.” She handed it back to him. “Please use it though.”
“I will, I promise.” He smiled at her.
Betty tucked her hair behind ears and laughed. “I’ll see you around then.” She gave him a small wave, got into the elevator and disappeared with Veronica.
He did call her and they went on a handful of dates, usually at her place and one at his. They had attempted a dinner out but the paparazzi and constant interruptions from fans made it impossible.
They had managed to go on an outing to a secret lake in a field two hours outside of Los Angeles. No one had followed them and it was the first time they were alone in a place that wasn’t one of their homes.
“You know that I’ve never been on a real date before. I guess this would come closest.” Betty said as she sunned topless while Jughead looked over the scattered tattoos on her body.
“What do you mean?” Jughead asked looking up at her.
“I mean every date I’ve ever been on has been overrun by paparazzi or every other person is asking me for an autograph.” She sighed. “I’ve never had that, ’Where did you grow up?’, ‘What’s your family like?’ kind of dinner date. I’ve never really felt normal but I guess that’s the price for everything I have.”
“A real date isn’t much different, I can assure you. I can understand the want to have something you’ve never had.” His finger ran across the underside of her breast. “What is this? What do these names mean?” He asked tracing the names Natalie and William.
Betty shifted uncomfortably. “The second I tell you, you’ll look at me differently.” She admitted.
“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to tell me.” He said taking a sip of his beer, looking at the tranquil surroundings around them.
They were silent for sometime before Betty spoke. “I was two months pregnant when Archie got us into that car crash. I had no idea, my period had always been fucked up so I thought the light spotting was normal.” She swallowed hard. “He was on heroin that night, I didn’t know that either. I thought he was drunk and he had become so belligerent I just wanted to leave.” She was silent again for so long he thought the story was over until she started again. “They said I barely looked like a person when they pulled me out of the wreckage, they couldn’t believe I was alive. When I came too and found out that I had lost the baby, I wish I had died. I was even more furious that Archie walked away unscathed.” She sat up and took a sip of her drink. “There were some dark nights I thought about killing him.” She confessed and looked down at him. “I didn’t know if it was a boy or a girl but this is what I would have named them either way.”
“That’s what the song is about? The Junkie one? It’s about Archie.”
Betty nodded. “‘Red Red Red’ is about the babies.”
Jughead nodded and thought about a certain lyric from the song.
What’s happened has happened/What’s coming is already on its way/With a role for me to play/I don’t understand/I’ll never understand/But I’ll try to understand/There’s nothing else I can do
“I’m so sorry Betty.” He said.
“So am I.” She shook her head. “He was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made and I’ll never forgive myself for making it.”
Jughead sat up and brushed the hair from her face. “Bets, you have to, okay? You have to try. I’ll help you if you want.”
She smiled and nodded, leaning in to kiss him. “Thank you for being so wonderful.” She remarked.
“It’s easy when I’m with you.” He brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her again, pushing her down into the grass.
They made love for the first time that afternoon.
Jughead knew he wanted to do something special for her because he was falling in love with her. She had been through so much in her short life and it killed him to watch her deal with the pain.
He wanted to give her something no other person could give her.
“Can you be ready for 8?” He asked her on the phone as he paced his trailer.
“I can, is there anything you want me to wear?” She teased in a playful way.
“If I said I have a thing for little black dresses, would you be repulsed?” Jughead joked.
“Many fashion critics have said that a little black dress is what I look best in.” She giggled. “Let me know when you are getting here and I’ll buzz you in.”
“Sounds great!” Jughead was trying to hide his excitement as he signed off on a release for the nights upcoming festivities. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”
“I’m counting on it.” She hung up and Jughead head smiled.
He looked at the grey three piece that hung in the closet. He looked good in grey, grey was the right color. She would like him in grey.
Betty had too many little black dresses, they had accumulated over the years. Ones she had bought and ones that had been given to her for photoshoots, red carpets and when she was performing on stage. She settled on a tight, strapless satin dress that cut off just above the knee. She put her hair up in a high teased ponytail and slipped on some strappy gold high heels. She kept her makeup minimal.
Her doorbell rang around six. Betty was confused because she hadn’t agreed to let Jughead in yet and he was far too early for the date. She strode to her front door to be greeted by Gus, the man who guarded her community, holding a large bouquet of red roses in a vase.
“Oh my god, come in Gus!” She waved him in, making room on the table sitting in the middle of her grand foyer. “Where did these come from?”
“A messenger dropped them off, there is a card.” Gus said placing them down.
She opened the card and couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips.
You’re smiling aren’t you? You better be smiling. I’ll see you soon. - Jughead xoxo
Betty bit her lip as a blush crept into her cheeks. She was falling hard for this boy and it terrified her. The last time she fell for someone she almost lost her life but she loved the smile on her face and the fire in her cheeks and knew she needed to take that chance.
“Thank you, Gus.” Betty cooed.
“Never a problem, Miss Cooper.” Gus gave a slight nod and went out the way he came in.
Betty had gotten dressed far too early and found herself sitting around watching crappy reality TV with a nervous excitement running through her. She didn’t think her foot could bounce anymore when her house phone rang.
“Hello, Miss Cooper, a Jughead Jones is here.” Gus said knowing full well who Jughead was.
“Yep, let him in.” She instructed putting down her phone and running to the mirror to make sure she still looked good.
She took a deep breath in. This felt different from any other date they had ever been on. Betty felt like everything would be different when she kissed him goodbye that night.
The doorbell rang and she forced herself to walk at a normal pace to answer it. She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face when she saw him. He was wearing a pristinely tailored, grey three piece suit and his dark hair was brushed back.
“Hi.” She sighed leaning against the door, forgetting all her manners.
“Hi.” He softly said back, taking a step towards her, his arm wrapping around her waist pulling her flush against him. His lips met hers, the kiss was delicate but filled with all the expectation of the coming night. “You look incredible.”
Betty blushed. “Thank you.” She kissed him again as she ran her hands up and down his arms. “What are we doing tonight?” She asked.
“It’s a surprise.” He grinned wickedly.
“Do we have time for a drink?” She asked.
Jughead shook his head. “We have reservations for 8:30 and we have to be on time for them.”
Betty pouted before smiling at him. “Fine, let me grab my clutch.” She turned to collect her small black satin bag that was sitting beside the roses. “Thank you for those by the way.” She said as she locked up. “I love roses, they are so beautiful.”
“I’m glad you liked them.” Jughead placed his hand on her lower back and steered her towards the car. He opened the door to his black Mercedes and helped Betty inside. Jughead handed her a blindfold once he was in the car.
“What is this?” Betty asked with skeptical eyes.
“I need you to put it on. I want where we are going to be a surprise and it can’t be a surprise if you see where we’re going.” He explained placing the blindfold in her hand. “I promise it’ll be worth it.”
She stared at him for a moment and then half smiled. “Okay.” She put it on and settled back into the seat as the car took off.
“Are you ready for the crazy amount of paparazzi that are going to be wherever we are going. You know they are following us. They sit outside my house constantly.” She informed.
“I’m ready for it.” He assured linking his fingers with hers.
They were silent as they drove to their destination, Betty trying to count turns, trying to figure out where they were headed. The car stopped and Jughead got out.
“Jug? Jug?” She said almost taking off the blindfold before he jumped back in.
“Sorry about that, just a few more minutes, promise.” The car started moving again.
She felt a wave of excitement flow through her. “Can I take off the blindfold?” She asked when the car finally stopped again.
“Yes.” Jughead said getting out of the vehicle.
Betty blinked a few times after taking off the mask letting her eyes adjust to where they were. They were parked on a quiet street. There were shops, apartments and restaurants lining the block as people went about their lives. There was no paparazzi, no star fuckers, nothing Betty was accustomed to. “This place looks weird.”
She stepped out of the car when Jughead held the door open for her and directed her to a small Italian restaurant called, Alle Testiere, a few doors down from where they parked. “Where are we? Are we still in the city?” She asked.
“Kinda.” He smiled as they entered the building.
There were a few couples in front of them and they waited their turn to speak to the hostess. Betty couldn’t remember the last time she had to wait for anything.
“Hi there,” the dark haired hostess beamed. “For two?”
“Yeah, there is a reservation under Jones for 8:30.” He looked over the podium to look at the log.
“Ah, yes, we are just getting your table ready right now, please take a seat.” She motioned over to a bench by the door.
Jughead and Betty sat down and she looked around at the other people waiting to be seated. They carried on conversations with each other seemingly ignoring the movie and pop star in front of them.
“Is your car actually a Tardis that sent us to a parallel timeline where we aren’t famous?” Betty asked looking over at him.
He laughed, unbuttoning his suit jacket. “No, my car is not a Tardis.”
“It’s a Delorean and we have gone back in time to the 90’s?” She inquired.
“Why are you so obsessed with time travel?” He questioned.
“Why aren’t any of these people looking at me? At us?”
He shrugged. “Maybe you aren’t as famous as you think you are.”
“Jones!” The hostess called.
Jughead stood and held his hand out to her. “Come on.”
She followed him to a small table for two surrounded by couples who didn’t seem to care they were there.
“You like Italian food, right?” Jughead asked as he began looking over the wine menu.
“Yeah, I love Italian.” Betty said looking around. No one was secretly pointing their phones at her or whispering to each other. “Seriously though, where are we?”
“Hello, my name is Andrew and I will be you server for tonight.” A tall blonde man smiled down at them.
Jughead looked at her. “Do you mind if I order wine for the table?”
She shook her head reaching for her phone, trying to figure out where she was but was distracted when Jughead started speaking.
“We’ll have the 2013 Switchback.” Jughead said with a smile as he handed the waiter the wine list.
“Excellent choice, sir, I’ll be right back.”
Betty looked over it him. “Jug.” She said calmly, her hands pressing flat against the leather menu.
“Bets.” He said looking over his food options.
“What is this place?”
He put the menu down and smiled at her. “Do you remember our date at the lake and you told me you had never been on a real date before?”
Betty nodded slowly.
“This is your first real date.” He lifted his arms, showcasing his work off.
“I don’t understand.” She admitted.
“I called in every favour I was owed and most actors in L.A. will do anything for a free meal and 50 bucks. Fincher being Fincher demanded to have a whole city block built and wanted to do tracking shots into this restaurant so…” He trailed off.
“This is a backlot?” She asked starting to understand what he had done for her.
He nodded.
“And all these people are actors?”
“Who have all signed non-disclosures, have no phones and, for just tonight, have no idea who you are.”
A wave of emotion hit her and she let out a mix of a sob and a laugh. “Oh my god, Jug.” Tears filled her eyes as she covered her agape mouth.
“Everyone should go one at least one real date.” He smiled warmly at her.
“I cannot believe you did this.” She laughed as a few tears streaked her face. “How much did this cost? How long were you planning this?” She asked wanting to jump across the table and hug him with no intention of ever letting go.
“That’s not for you to worry about.” He smiled. She could see the love in his eyes and she felt like she was about to burst.
That was the moment she fell in love with him.
“Sir.” The waiter showed him the bottle of wine and Jughead nodded. The server began to uncork the wine. “Are we here for a special occasion?” He asked.
“It’s our first real date.” Jughead told him before sniffing, tasting and nodding that the wine was okay.
“Oh, well that is lovely.” He smiled at Betty who was drying her eyes, still overwhelmed by what was happening. “The specials tonight are Chicken Carbonara and Seafood Bolognese. I would recommended both.” He smiled.
“Can we have one of each? We’ll share.” Betty laughed.
“Coming right up.” The waiter left.
“How are they cooking the meals?” Betty asked as she took a sip of the amazing wine.
“You don’t need to worry about that either.” He leaned back in his chair. “So, where did you grow up?”
She laughed. He was making sure she had a true date experience. “I grew up in a small town called Riverdale. It’s not very interesting. You don’t want to go there.”
“You didn’t have a happy childhood?” He asked.
She shrugged. “It was fine, it’s just a small town and it’s boring and I was forced into a lot of excitement at a very young age and I’m not sure I could live there anymore.”
“I grew up in a small town in Canada. Innisfil, Ontario, it’s not far from Toronto.”
“You’re Canadian?” Betty exclaimed. “I didn’t know that! Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It never came up but I never much cared for where I grew up either. I felt like I had bigger ideas than a small town would allow.” He took a sip of his wine. “That’s probably why I left.”
“I can relate to that.” Betty laughed. “My mom took me to LA when I was ten. I was in so many commercials before I tried out for X-Factor.”
“What was it like being famous that young?”
“I think I thought I was an adult when I wasn’t. I didn’t really get to be a kid, I basically had to sexualize myself the second I was put into Aurora. I grew up fast and it was probably the reason I thought I was ready to get married when I was eighteen.”
“Would you have done anything differently, in retrospect?” Jughead asked knowing the answer.
Betty took a sip of her wine. “Other than that horrible night, no. Being in Aurora was amazing and I love what I do. Marrying Archie was a mistake I needed to make to get myself to this very moment.” She smiled warmly. “This is a pretty exceptional moment.”
“Do you have any siblings?” Jughead asked.
Betty nodded. “An older brother and sister.”
“Really?” Jughead leaned forward. “Do you get along?” He asked.
Betty started talking about her family and every aspect of her life she could think of. Jughead did the same as dinner came and went along with dessert. No one bothered them, they received no knowing looks, not a single phone was ever pointed at them just as he had promised.
For the first time in a long time, Betty felt normal.
Jughead paid the bill and they lazily walked back to the car without a single paparazzo shoving a camera in their face or asking her if she was still in love with Archie.
Betty looked out the window, her fingers laced with Jughead’s as they left the lot and drove home. She couldn’t remember a time she felt so content, like everything was going to be fine.
Jughead parked the car in front of her home and walked her to the door, which she unlocked and stepped inside. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you properly for this night.”
“I’m hoping there will be plenty of moments for you to try.” Jughead whispered pulling Betty in for a kiss. This was more intense than the first one they shared that night. He didn’t care if he was going to mess up her make up or wreck her hair, he needed to be as close to her as possible.
“I’m in love with you.” Betty said first, panting when they parted.
Jughead looked at her, his eyes moving over her face wanting to remember her flushed cheeks and swollen lips. “I love you too.” He kissed her again as she pulled him into her home and he closed the door behind him.
Jughead stayed the night and every night after that.
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The Love of The Dancing Clown
I was inspired to write a Pennywise drabble. No there will be no smut involved XD sorry guys. This is just pure sweet romantic fluff with some angst in there. This drabble does take some creative liberties with Penny’s background and is a bit AU. However, I do hope you enjoy it all the same. 
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 Pennywise the Dancing Clown was an old soul. Older than the children of Derry could ever have comprehended. But, did he always look like a demonic clown? Oh no, for you see Pennywise once looked like you or me. He wasn’t always the painted faced demon we see. Oh no children, Pennywise was once a normal man. And the children of Derry would soon discover this when an accident occurred in the room of dolls. For you see that is where Pennywise kept the one thing that meant everything to him.  
On one of the shelves high away from the rest of the dolls sat a beautiful porcelain ballerina. She had long flowing sun-kissed red hair, rosy cheeks that stood out on her pale skin. Beneath the long red eyelashes lay beautiful bottle green eyes. Yet her beautiful face was always sad. 
Yet one of the boys went to attack Pennywise, but the weapon went flying and broke into the shelf. Pennywise looked up and felt his heart stop as the doll fell to the floor with an ear-shattering sound. Pennywise’s heart stopped momentarily as his eyes flashed to a normal pair of blue eyes. The children saw this and were instantly confused only to become horrified again when the demon clown let out a blood-curdling scream. Eddie took notice before the others, he had always been a perceptive little boy. The clown ran to the doll and fell to his knees as his eyes beheld the shattered body. He wanted to touch her, he wanted to pick her up and cradle her. But his hands were shaking and he was afraid to do so. He was afraid to damage her even more. That was when the children heard a name escape his painted lips in sobs. 
Alice was an acrobat at a circus, Pennywise was a clown who traveled from circus to circus enjoying the laughter of children who watched. Often times Pennywise and the other clowns would act as spotters for the highwire acts. They stalked the base of the nets to make sure nothing went wrong. And Pennywise was the best. His keen eyes were trained on his beautiful Alice like a hawk every show. The two were in love, deeply in love, and everyone around them supported the couples union. 
All but one...
The Magician, he was white with anger. He wanted Alice to himself and he vowed that if he couldn’t have her then no one could. 
And so one night when Pennywise and Alice were walking around the camp, the magician followed. He watched from affair as the gangly clown dropped to one knee and proposed to Alice. The magician’s blood boiled as she said yes and they shared a romantic kiss. That should have been him! He should be the one placing the ring on her finger and be kissing her!! In a blind rage, the magician ran forward and raised his wand. With his spell, he struck Pennywise right in the chest. 
Alice screamed as she watched him fall as his body started changing. Pennywise screamed as he saw his own hands growing into large grotesque claw-like digits. He roared as he watched Alice being turned into a Doll. Before he could finish the spell Pennywise ripped out his throat. 
Pennywise rocked back and forth on his knees sobbing as his chest was filled with pain. Eddie, despite the fact his friends tried to stop him, walked closer to the clown. Pennywise’s hand grabbed Eddie’s neck. “THIS IS YOUR FAULT! YOUR FAULT!” He screamed as his demonic face started to take over. “YOUR FAAAAUUULLT!!!” 
“I can fix her!!” 
The roaring died down as his eyes still glowed. “How? How can you fix her?! Are you magic!? Can you reverse the spell and bring her back?!” 
“Spell?” Richie spoke up this time. “What spell?” 
Pennywise’s face snapped back to Richie as he placed Eddie back down on his feet. His eyes stopped glowing, his face became normal again. But his eyes turned those sad blue as his voice almost sounded human... “A spell was placed upon us...I was turned into the demon you see...forced to kill children...and see the love of my life..forever with me but I can never touch her...I can never hold her in my arms...” His hands shook. 
“If we can fix her...will you go away and not ever return.” 
“I CAN’T!” He roared causing them to step back. “Don’t you see...I can’t as long as the spell is here. I will forever be cursed to be the demon clown. I will be forced to kill children!” He roared “I love children...I loved making them laugh...hearing their sounds of joy.” he touched his chest and sighed. “Such...sweet sounds...” he sighed again as a tear fell down his cheek. “Every time I killed a child my soul screamed for that innocent life lost. My soul cried for the child as I heard their screams of terror and pain!” he sobbed as he fell to his knees. “I am a damned soul...never to be forgiven for my sins against them...” 
Suddenly, Eddie got an idea. “Guys that's it! If we forgive him this could all end. I read it in an old book my mom had. The one thing that can cure all is forgiveness.” 
“How can we forgive him?! He killed Georgie!” 
“But what if this is our chance to save everyone else!” Eddie countered Bill’s argument almost immediately. Then he turned to the huddled form of Pennywise. “I forgive you...” He said softly causing Pennywise to look up as more tears fell from his eyes. His tears now smearing the greasepaint that had forever colored his skin. 
“Y-you do?” He asked softly not believing his words. 
“I forgive you.” Said another
“I forgive you....” 
“I forgive you....” 
Bill was the only one who wouldn’t say it. He couldn’t say it. He looked away from the Clown arms crossed in front of his chest. 
“Bill.....” He looked up and saw Georgie standing there in his little yellow rain jacket and boots. “Bill we have to forgive him.” 
“No Georgie...no....” 
But Georgie walked forward and placed his hand on Pennywise’s fave. “I forgive you, Pennywise.” Pennywise felt his heart thumping in his chest. Louder and louder it grew. “I forgive you Pennywise...” 
“I forgive you Pennywise...” more voices echoed Georgie’s as the spirits of all the children he had ever harmed surrounded him. Pennywise sat on his knees crying and crying as the light surrounded him. Their souls leaving his being. With each glowing orb that left his body began to change. His hair was no longer orange, his face now slowly turning to human-like features. To the shock of the children...Pennywise...wasn't’ much older than them. He was a young man with gentle features and sad eyes. 
“I am so sorry...” he said in his original voice. A voice he had long forgotten, which now sounded strange to his ears. 
Georgie’s ghost looked towards Bill as he was the only one who hadn’t said it yet. “Bill...” He begged softly as his older brother started to cry. 
“I forgive you...Pennywise....” 
As soon as he spoke the words, Pennywise gasped as a bright light shot from his body and spread all over the city of Derry. Once the light vanished all the souls were gone. Georgie was gone...but the children now stood in shock of another presence in the room. A woman now stood behind Pennywise, her vibrant red hair and beautiful green eyes gazed down upon the weeping man with loving eyes. She walked over to him, her hand caressing his sharp jaw as he turned his head to her. More tears fell as he stood to embrace her and once he did their bodies began to fade. The woman smiled at the children “Thank you....” she said softly as their bodies faded as a light seemed to come from the sky and envelop them and the children. 
Bill jerked awake in his bed with his alarm clock blaring. He sat up blinking and looked about. “Hey, Bill!” That voice! He looked up as Georgie ran into the room. “Bill it stopped raining can we go play outside!!!” Bill enveloped Georgie in a tight hug. “Um...Bill, are you okay?” 
“Yeah...yeah Georgie...” he smiled happily as he looked ou the window. Derry seemed different now. It was happier and everything was as it should be. 
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