#and Kjelle hitting on Severa - her bully/rival
heroismdreams-moved · 6 years
Cyn x Kjelle?
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[ vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn /screaming and crying /i will ship them in hell ]
( Ah yes, my rarepair! They have only one canon interaction but hot damn is it one of my favorite ones Cynthia can have! Unlike (sadly) every other second gen interaction, Kjelle in their Hot Spring Scramble conversation never says anything demoralizing to Cynthia, or insulting, or snide, or could be taken the wrong way - absolutely nothing negative! She talks to Cynthia with respect and even kindness!! And that makes me cry!!! )
( And to make matters more interesting - it reveals that when they were children Kjelle literally jumped in front of a blow for Cynthia. She almost died so that Cynthia wouldn’t. Kjelle was her hero, and Kjelle continues to support Cynthia’s quest to become a great hero. )
( The only other canon interactions are the Drama CD - where Cynthia gets upset when Kjelle says she doesn’t want to go to the past - and Futures Past - where Cynthia gets so upset when Kjelle gives up and finally breaks down and admits that maybe this is hopeless but she’s not giving up - so everything else that follows is my headcanon )
( And my headcanon is - Cynthia loves Kjelle - because Kjelle is strong, and respected, and brave, and beautiful; she saved her life and she continues to be a bastion of support in her life. She does hate how Kjelle treats their friends, and when she hears about the (canon) time Kjelle drank a truth potion and proceeded to call Severa beautiful and say that she wanted to date her, it does break her heart a little - but she loves Kjelle. Kjelle was her hero. Her champion. She’s only alive because Kjelle was in her life. )
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