#and Land of Smoke by Sara Gallardo - even though that one makes me feel a bit unintelligent - it's beautifully written
veterveter · 1 month
I, too, was drunk when I reblogged the Berlermo post, so kindred spirits ✌️ we deserved a better spinoff
Hahahahaha I love that!! Kindred spirits 🥺❤️ Drunk Berlermo posting dream team.
And ugh, yes, there was so much potential for interesting, thoughtful stories being told (not to mention, ones that could've been more in tune with the persistent melancholia of the main show), and instead we get-- that.
And since you mentioned this, I simply have to share with you a story from that night. A bit of rabid madness, if you will.
So imagine this, right: I'm at the club with a friend, talking to some guy I don't know. This must've been around 3, 4 AM (for timeline reasons that's four, five hours after my drunk posting on tumblr). We talk books or whatever, and he asks me what I'm reading.
"The Dangers of Smoking in Bed," I tell him, "Argentinian horror stories. I'm going through an Argentina hyperfixation."
"Why Argentina?" he asks me.
I flick my wrist to show him my watch, or more specifically, to show him the Berlermo picture I keep as the watch face.
"The guy on the left? He's Argentinian," I explain, not actually explaining a thing.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a man so earnestly confused. Guess the takeaway is that I wasn't only drunk Berlermo posting on tumblr, but also at the club. :D
Here's a starter pack (feat. my darling @buttercuq, who gave me the watch)
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