#and Levi's been processing *his* feelings since Chapter freaking 9
mxanigel · 5 months
fic update: Cut to the Feeling
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an Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) fanfic
[Read on AO3]
An in-progress longfic that asks the question, What if they lived?
Chapter 25: Kiss My Scars
With assistance from Orvud's Garrison, Survey Corps forces defeat the massive Titan that was once Rod Reiss. Yet a rift remains between Shion and Levi. With Hange still hospitalized, Shion expects to face the night alone. To her surprise, she doesn't.
Rating: M
Relationships: Levi Ackerman/OC, Levi Ackerman & Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë & OC, eventual Levi/Hange/OC
Additional Tags: They/Them Pronouns for Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë Being Hange Zoë, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Friendship, Banter, Swearing, Lots of Cursing, Angst, Love and Loss, Asexuality Spectrum, Levi Ackerman Is Obsessed With Cleaning, Falling In Love, Literal Sleeping Together, First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Eventual Canon Divergence, Nightmares, Torture, Blood and Injury, Demisexual Levi Ackerman, Bisexual Hange Zoë, I'm writing this because it's taken over my brain, I have spent so many hours on the wiki lol, Eventual Romance
----- preview snippet below -----
Shion throws herself into her duties for the next few hours—such as dismantling the unused set of explosives and interviewing soldiers for her report to Hange—stopping only when ordered to eat dinner. After the meal, she visits Hange’s hospital room to find them sound asleep. She leaves a scribbled summary of today’s battle with a personal note at their bedside before navigating a maze of halls and stairs to reach her assigned quarters.
Fuck, this room is excessive. Granted, this is one of the fanciest buildings in Orvud, but it’s surreal to experience that opulence, to think about how much money was wasted here instead of rebuilding Stohess or supporting refugees fleeing Titan activity.
Over a dozen candles burn in wall sconces, most of which she blows out to conserve them. A four-poster bed more than double the size of a captain’s bunk sits against one wall, far too many pillows piled on top of it. The oak dresser is as wide as she is tall; Zane would probably admire its construction. Situated on its polished surface is a washbasin, the softest linen cloths she’s ever touched, and an ornately gilded mirror.
Oh, she’s a terrible sight. She diligently brushes knots from her hair before braiding it again so it’s out of the way while she reviews her notes and begins drawing the grotesque not-face of the Titan per Hange’s request. When she can’t stare at her third sketch attempt any longer, she wearily flops backward onto the bed, exhaling as she drapes both arms over her face. She’s running out of distractions. Perhaps the best course of action would be to try to sleep, nightmares be damned—
Knuckles rap against her door. Who’d swing by at this hour? Hange wouldn’t knock. Historia’s a possibility, though her movements are likely restricted now, or it might be Sasha. “It’s open.”
Shion barely swallows a gasp when Levi steps inside. He slumps against the closing door, his head bowed, looking as exhausted as she feels. But he doesn’t speak. When she can’t stand the dead air any longer, she murmurs, “Hi.”
He merely grunts.
Distance yawns between them as silence returns. She doesn’t know why he’s here. She isn’t sure whether she wants him to be here. But it’s the first time he’s sought her out since their disastrous reunion after the Stohess ambush. This heavy atmosphere is better than being alone. Right?
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gloriousbaka-blog · 7 years
SNK (AOT) Theory: Is Ymir dead? The current 9 shifters, the mule titan and why Armin will not become a colossal titan!!
Here's my theory about Ymir and the 9 shifters and why we are still missing a titan type and why Armin would not become a colossal titan.
We never came to know what Marcel's titan capabilities were. So Ymir eats Marcel and becomes a human(shifter with Marcel's titan capabilities) again. And when she became a titan again, she maintained her previous form(I personally did not notice any significant differences).
Then she is held captive by RBZ. And in her letter to Christa, she mentioned she may die soon. I feel there is a good chance that Ymir was fed to Peak (a reliable member of the Marley force, someone who can be trusted unlike Ymir, from the Marleyan perspective) so that Marley could gain back the titan ability which they had lost due to Marcel being eaten. And I think that titan trait was the Mule Titan. Because, we hadn't seen the Mule titan until just before the war at Shiganshina. So what if Marcel was the mule titan, Ymir ate Marcel and then Peak after being injected with the serum had Ymir and finally unlocked the ability that Ymir couldn't unlock completely. And I say completely because I feel Ymir's titan gained great agility and speed from the mule titan capabilities. We noticed the mule titan was very swift and fast that it snatched away Zeke from the hands of freaking Levi.
And I also have a theory why Ymir couldn't transform into the Mule titan. The  trained warriors (RBAMZ) might be injected with specific serums to become a titan before eating the previous titan container to completely unlock the titan abilities. We saw Eren getting his hands on "Armour" serum in the fight against Rod Reiss's titan. This implies there are specific serums developed for specific titan abilities (but of course just serum won't work because you need to eat the particular shifter to completely gain those abilities). Grisha had that serum from Kruger and probably had some extra of it with him or maybe developed it himself to inject that serum into Eren. The Reiss family had those serums as you can see Rod Reiss trying to inject it into Frieda. So RBAMZ, Grisha, Eren, and the Reiss family were given specific serums in the titanizing process whereas Ymir was given some vague, random serum which probably prohibited her from completely unlocking the Mule transformation(from Marcel). Also when Eren was first transformed into a mindless titan by Grisha, he was a small titan and looked nothing liked the Attacker Titan that he is now. But since the serum was correct and he ate Grisha, he became a shifter by gaining the Attacker Titan abilities and hence his physical feaures changed. Whereas in Ymir's case, the serum was different and hence she looked the same before and after becoming a shifter from a mindless titan. Also I am pretty sure the same would had happened with RBAMZ. They would had looked differently than they have been shown till now as titans when they were first injected with specific serums and only becoming the specific titans after eating the container.
I do not think Armin was given a specific serum for the colossal titan. So I don't think he will become the colossal titan, but he may gain some abilities like emitting hot waves of air and stuff, but if I am correct he should look exactly the same that he looked when he ate Bertholdt (a midget titan lol).
In the latest chapter, commander Magath mentioned they lost the collosal titan and the female titan in their attack on Paradis. This means they still have Marcel/Ymir's titan with their army. This only means two possibilities: 1) Ymir joined forces with Marleyans(highly unlikely especially because of the way Marleyans treated her and if she joins, she would have to go against Historia) 2) Ymir has been killed by Zeke and the warriors. (and according to my theory was fed to Peak)
But I still believe there is a big reveal in Ymir's letter to Historia. In the end she noticed something and said "Aah" but it wasn't revealed to the readers and you can notice Historia had tears in her eyes (Either because of the reveal in the letter or she is just missing Ymir).
Many people believe Ymir was eaten by Zeke. And because of that he had claws and black shiny eyes which he did not have when he was first shown. But firstly, many people have mentioned that Isayama himself stated that the Beast titan was supposed to look like that in the first place itself and he may have improved on the Beast titan designs in the upcoming issues. (But I will admit, it is debatable especially the similarity in Beast titan and Dancing titan's eyes.) Secondly Zeke and the Marleyans would not do something stupid and just lose a shifter which would be a valuable asset to their army. So there is no chance Zeke has eaten Ymir because it does not make any sense strategically. But, I am suspicious about what RBZ were drinking atop the walls before the war at Shiganshina. You need to drink the shifter's spinal fluid to gain the shifter's ablities. So, what if RBZ had extracted a bit of spinal fluid from Ymir before feeding her off to Peak and were enjoying a hot cup of Ymir's spinal juice atop the walls. And maybe these shining black eyes and those claws were an after effect of that drink. Just speculating...
So based on my theory, the 9 shifters are: 1) Founding (Eren) 2) Attacker (Eren, my boi again) 3) Colossal (Armin) 4) Armour (Reiner) 5) Beast (Zeke) 6) Female (Annie) 7) Jaw (Galliard) 8) Mule (Peak) 9) Unknown (If I am correct, else Ymir)
You know, I just thought there is a chance Peak already existed as a mule titan and Marcel/Ymir had the Jaw titan ability. You decide, I will stick with my thought that Peak had Ymir for dinner.
Let me know your thoughts. Open to bashing but let us have constructive arguments. Thanks.
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