#snk 91
aruanimess · 6 months
*blows a kiss* 47, 62, 64, 77, and 91
Hi!!! *kisses and hugs*
ask game referenced
47. what story are you most proud of?
I'll have to break fandom lines for this one, since I haven't published much in the snk fandom, but it's definitely my rhaenicent fic Remorse is memory awake (idk why I'm linking it nobody here cares, but oh well). I'd never worked with two different timelines in the past, but I'm supremely proud of how that one turned out. Chapter 3 especially has this huge brawl that breaks out between the characters where everyone's involved and the rising tension is just excellent.... sometimes I worry I'll never write anything half as good again.
62. what’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
I thought I was weird for shipping Armin and Annie lmao, but turns out there're many of us. And I started shipping them because I took the Female Titan Arc as a thinly veiled metaphor (and not so metaphor) about Armin falling in love. But turns out, my weird ass assessment was kind of canon? Isayama is just as weird as the rest of us, it seems.
64. what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read?
For someone who agonizes over titles, I sure don't notice them a lot lol. Most of the time I remember a fic from the premise rather than the title. Right now the only one that springs to mind is These City Lights by Katsy0c0, because I feel like it captures the tone of the story perfectly.
77. how do you write kissing scenes?
Hmm, I guess it depends on what I want to achieve with it. Is it the first kiss? is it the 1000th kiss? the last kiss? Also, is it meant to be sexy, is it meant to be romantic, casually intimate, tragic? I go into more or less detail based on the answers to these questions and the language changes as well.
91. how has your writing style changed over the years?
This is something I don't really pay attention to until I read my older work. Other than the technical stuff (better sentence structure, more complicated and yet simpler plots, better handling of tone) I think the main difference is that these days I'm trying to be more vulnerable and honest on the page.
I used to write a lot of things that sounded cool, but with very little substance to back them up. Like I still write this sort of thing, it's just that now I'm allowing the characters to do most of the heavy lifting without forcing them into impossible scenarios, and I believe the end result is more impactful that way.
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olivieraa · 8 months
During my re-watches of certain things, I want to take note of a lot more that I didn't take note of the first time around. But... I'm finding it hard. And idk if I'm finding it hard bc of the specific animes I've chosen, or bc I forget all the tropes lmao
I'm gonna get so annoyed if after rewatching 10 more animes I only THEN remember the tropes and be even more annoyed that I didn't catch them in the 10 animes I just watched
But, I'm hoping its actually to do with the animes.
Like, SnK is unique. It has some stereotypical anime themes, but for the most part, and I said this before, its almost like an anime that isn't an anime. I suppose the most anime thing about the show is more to do with inner monologues. I'm so used to inner monologues that I forgot that that was an anime thing. Like you might see an inner monologue in a real life comedy, like a scene from Friends or something, where someone is talking to Joey but he's zoning out and thinking about food, and the audience gets to hear his thoughts.
SnK has a lot of moments where you hear the characters thoughts, and then time freezes at certain points so that if the inner monologue happens to be quite long, its not as if they're just sitting there thinking while a hundred things are happening all around them. Or even moments where they talk to themselves about the action they're going to take.
I legit didn't notice these as being unusual until I looked over to my dad who was utterly confused. And then I realised, all the marvel shows, the FBI shows, the star wars shows, the whatever else shows, they don't do this. He's 100% not used to it. So I can imagine it'll throw you off a bit.
But anyway, SnK is unique, like I said.
But also so is Osomatsu. On a completely different scale.
Both of these shows are realistic and far-fetched at the same time. It's crazy. One of them tries to not be an anime, and the other one wants you to know its an anime. But like, they're aware they're in an anime. Like they're actors in an anime.
So these two as my first two re-watches aren't the best to try and analyse.
Now we have 91 Days. I remember watching this weekly and it being one of my faves to get to every week. The mafia concept isn't insanely new in anime, but its not that common. So that in itself makes the show stand out a little. The art style is unique in the sense that the studio doesn't really have many other projects under their belt, so it doesn't really look like any other anime.
But, a few things.
I know I didn't like the ending. So I'm going into this mostly forgetting what happened in the anime (minus very small insanely memorable scenes, like Kaiba being a freak), but fully remembering the ending and not liking it. So... I don't know if my weekly enjoyment of this anime, but my dislike at the ending, made me rate this anime a 7 or an 8.
Because its Mafia and so its more serious, I'm not spotting any stereotypical anime tropes. I'm defo watching a stereotypical revenge story tho, that you'd see outside of anime.
Kaiba's eccentric ass may be anime specific? If there's real life characters like him, I'm not remembering any off the top of my head.
I dont know if I liked this anime bc it had a good story and characters, or bc I was so sick of being tortured by animes that hurt women in various ways, and had asshole main characters beloved by all. That anything ANYTHING different was to me a good anime.
So yeah, the first anime I get to (if you erase the uniqueness that is SnK and Oso), and I'm sitting here blanking on what I'm supposed to be looking out for, but, its probably bc its a mafia anime. If I'd chosen a highschool anime, or a magical anime, or a mecha anime, or just a straight up comedy anime, anything overdone in the field of anime, then maybe I'd notice. But mafia of all things lmao I'm likely not gonna spot any.
I'm just hoping that, when I start to recognise tropes again, that if there did happen to be one or a few that appeared in 91 Days, that I'll remember to note it down
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gaminghearts1-blog · 6 months
Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture- 30 Years Later
The Fatal Fury series has been around since ’91 and its considered to be one of the most underrated fighting franchises within video game history. Fatal Fury series consisted of numerous games that were released throughout the 90’s when the fighting genre of gaming was still very popular. Despite, not reaching the same level of popularity as Capcom’s Street Fighter II series SNK’s Fatal Fury…
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nobluesea · 4 years
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I see no difference
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[Insert laughing Connie here]
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Hi lost. Now that the dreaded episodes in rts are finally upon us (i dont know how im going to survive it!!!!) i had a question for you. where does the panel with the "only one man" come from and which episode do you think it will be in? i need to mentally prepare myself for it :((
The famous “only one man” panel comes from chapter 81, which is aptly named Promise. Levi has just singlehandedly taken down all of Zeke’s Titans and made mincemeat of the Beast Titan, but at the crucial moment he hesitates to kill him. 
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According to the episode schedule this week’s episode is called Perfect Game which is the title of chapter 79, and next week’s episode is Hero, which is chapter 82, so Levi’s fight with Zeke could feasibly appear in either episode.  If I had to take a guess though, I think it will be this week. 
There’s been a lot of speculation as to whether Levi’s vision of smiling shoujo Erwin will appear in the anime.  If it doesn’t I predict a riot, but I think (hope) it will, because it’s essential to setting up the Serum Bowl.  If it does appear I’m curious to see how they translate Levi’s words, because there have already been several translations. The one above is a cap from Mangaseeonline, the one below, from an earlier translation.  I’m not sure which version appears in the tankobon. Either way, it’s going to kill me. 
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our-first-gloria · 5 years
I was reading about old finnish fortresses and found out we actually have one named Fort Slava. It’s also circular like it’s namesake in SnK. 
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Fort Slava (Fort of Glory) is situated in a small island of Kukouri in Kotka, Finland.
It was built in 1792-1794 and was meant for countering the enemy coming from the sea. It got destroyed in 1855 by english navy and is pretty much just a ruin now.
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donuttrymedebil · 6 years
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falcon94ssy · 7 years
Snk Predictions: The fate of Gabi
I have just re-read the Marley arc and found this:
Chapter 91
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Remember what had happened to the two soldiers of the Mid-East Allied Forces who spared Gabi’s life on battlefield? 
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And then in chapter 102 Gabi is ready for revenge.
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Now the important question is, what will happen when the Survey Corps meet Gabi?
It is very likely that the Survey Corps are not aware that Gabi is one of the top warrior cadets who has been sent to battlefield before. If the Survey Corps act like the Mid-East soldier in chapter 91, thinking Gabi is an ordinary girl with no threat, something bad is going to happen.
But guess what is worse?
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Judging by what he said about the Marleyans, it seems Floch is willing to pull the trigger to stop Gabi from attacking his comrades.
In the beginning of Marley arc, Gabi sort of using the mercy of the enemies to win the war for Marley, in order to prove herself to inherit the power of Armored Titan.
Now the Marley arc is approaching to its end, what if this time, Gabi’s enemies show no mercy to her? 
And as you can see in the Marley arc, you know how Isayama treat cute kids. Zofia and Udo NOOOOOOO 
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olivieraa · 8 months
Not the best thing to be comparing it to since they're on completely different levels but I cant help it.
Ok so, when I finished Attack on Titan, I remember sitting there just like... staring at the window ahead of me and just thinking to myself "what can I possibly watch now that wont feel insanely mediocre in comparison?"
Truly. It was akin to a feeling of a breakup but with someone so perfect you think "well that's it, nobody can compare to that, no point in even looking"
Osomatsu was the best thing for me to get back to first. For various reasons. And it worked. It helped. It took my mind off of SnK, even if I kept thinking about it here and there. And then I watched 91 Days and Acca and was able to appreciate them for what they were, but SnK changed a lot for me. Because I had never seen it done before.
There's some that say otherwise and that someone with my viewpoint is wrong, but I really and truly felt like the creator of SnK had every second of that story planned. And I could pull up various moments in the show that made no sense when you watched them in s1, only to have that answered in s3 or s4, and its like, "ok if he didn't have that planned, and it was 10 years later that we saw the answer, why would it have been in s1 in the first place." I want to get into that in a different post. But lets just say, SnK is what the show Lost could have been. But they defo didn't know where they were going with that and pulled a damn plot out of a hat and an ending out of another hat and went along with it, and it is widely regarded as the show that could have been the greatest TV show ever made (and then Game of Thrones did the same thing lol).
While watching Maou-sama, I watched it the same way I watched 91 Days and Acca. I watched it for what it was. None of them are SnK. They're just animes. Fun animes. And they were my top rated. I'd given them all an 8 (Maou had a 9 but I brought it down).
But with Maou-- Like SnK, it also happened to feature something I'd never seen before. And that is that is it the most wasted potential I have ever seen.
I don't remember being this disappointed. This would have been the exact type of show in which you should have had your whole story planned out, just like SnK. Definitely not on the grand, epic scale. But you don't have to be of the same genre to put your all into your story. Your very best. Your goddamn heart.
Some animes go a little bit downhill. Some animes start off medicore and get better.
But to have the premise that Maou-sama did and go in such a route that turned it into the most basic, run of the mill, generic anime that could easily blend in with thousands of others... Absolutely crazy to me.
And everyone is in agreement on it. I felt this way and then looked at the comment sections and its very much accepted that the creator got to a point where he stopped giving a shit. And that's so sad.
I wish he'd just been like "here, I got this far. I gave it my all to a point, so please continue cause I actually don't know what to do from here on out" and just handed it to someone else.
But anyway. I watched Maou-sama 10 years ago.
S2 part 1 came out in 2022 and S2 part 2 came out in 2023 (idk why it wasn't just S2 and S3). The anime ended in the most basic manner.
So, instead of waiting for a S3, I'm gonna read the manga and finish it off, bc I'm so disappointed I really couldn't be bothered, and wanna get this outta the way so I dont have to look at it again. And there's only 10 chapters left (idk how they'll make a whole season outta that).
Oh what could have been.
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lenok993 · 7 years
SNK vol. 23
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nobluesea · 4 years
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Season 4 is almost upon us! 🎉
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a-dank-on-titan · 7 years
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Chapter 91 in a nutshell.
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superjaegerbros · 7 years
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Colt Grice ※ Birthday: August 12 ※ Warrior Cadet
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yourramysaila · 7 years
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coloring the jaw titan :3 
it took me 4 days to complete ‘-’ 
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coldeggtart · 4 years
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“Is Eren going to kill me…?”
 an eremin mafia au
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