#and MAYBE a bit of caraway? idk how the flavors will work maybe ill season a little bit with caraway and see how it goes
rohirric-hunter · 5 months
Honestly a lot of things could have gone wrong with the soup. My refrigerator door was open when I went into the kitchen yesterday morning, and I don't know for how long, so the fish and bacon could potentially have spoiled. I don't think they did, because the ranch dressing that was in the door and right by the opening was still plenty cold (and I ate a lot of that earlier in the day and felt fine) and also Morgoth was eager enough to try and eat the fish and bacon, and he generally has a good sense for food that's gone bad.
Some of the cilantro I used was blooming. I picked all of the blooming bits (and the bits where the leaves were a different shape around it) out, but potentially that didn't sit well with me? Blooming broccoli certainly doesn't.
A few of the larger chunks of potato were undercooked, but I ate them anyway. I don't think this is it either, as I used to eat fully uncooked potato all the time with no negative side effects.
Had really bad heartburn, but drank wine anyway. (Completely unrelated to the soup. This is just a bad idea in general.)
Drank Pinot Grigio. Legitimately and unironically think how disgusting this wine is makes it just as likely a candidate as anything else.
This Just Happens Sometimes. This just happens sometimes. Like I said, I'm sure it was due to gas moving in my stomach. I have that pretty bad in general and I think that throwing up is sometimes just a physical response to that, without the necessity of having bad food (though bad food can of course make it worse). Could have just been bad timing. I hope that's it.
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