mewwfr · 1 year
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Practicing drawing AETHERS! I may make the second one an adopt... evil gremlin babies for everyone. They are so me-core it’s not even funny... I adore them 😭
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theolddarkmachine · 7 years
Writer Questions
Technically I was tagged in this by @smartcookie727 lol Not sure if being tagged in an answer counts. But also given that the actual words for the I’ll Tag section are “if ya wanna do it go for it,” I’m gonna avoid my responsibilities and sleep and do it.
1) How many works in progress do you currently have?
Is this like multi-chapter type things that are currently being written and shared? Or like, things I’m working on but haven’t been shared yet? Imma go with the first. I got four. On the Gajevy front we got Kingdom. On the Sheith front we got I’ll Take the Blame, You Take My Conscience; For the Love of Football does this really count since its a series of one shots i dont even know whatever counting it; and Vector to the Stars. PEEP THAT HORRIBLE EXCUSE AT SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION Y’ALL. dont worry i hate me too lol
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
Uuuuuh, yes. Because that’s literally why I’m here lol Writing is kind of my thing? I have a degree in journalism, which I got solely because I thought that that would do better for getting me a job than a degree in creative writing, but would still allow me to write a book. Not, that you need a degree to do that. But when I did decide to try my hand at fan fiction, it was as a vehicle to hone the technical aspect of my writing and my voice, not only for the possibility of publishing one day, but also for my own journalistic writing. SO, to answer this as 21 y/o Vicci who hadn’t yet dipped her toes into the proverbial fan fic pond yet, yes, I would. 
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
PAPER. There is something about good, old fashion paper books. Will I read an ebook? Sure. I read shit on my computer all the time, I got a couple things in iBooks right now. But I will always, ALWAYS go paper over ebook any day.
4) When did you start writing?
Like.... just.... ever? Or for fic? I wrote my first original work in the 6th grade. Still got it too. It’s horrible and has every lame middle school writer thing you can think of down to cross dressing to sneak into a villain’s lair-- TWICE-- dragons because why the hell not, and Egypt. Honestly, 6th grade Vicci was on a whole other level. I’ll have to pull it out some time to get a good laugh, and send myself into a void of embarrassment. no i was actually really proud of that thing. its like 200+ pages handwritten Writing fic, I started five years ago with ye olde 1D fan fiction. The first two were horrendous. To this day, I still cherish Tweethearts.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
This is the part where I admit to you that aside from like twice, no one reads my work before I post it. Everything you get goes up un-beta’d. Up until like a month and a half ago, I didn’t even read anything before posting it. I literally added my asterisks at the end and then sent it on its way. Now almost everything gets a read through before I share, but never ever to anyone else. WHY YOU ASK. I did my time with editors with the near decade I wrote for various websites and magazines and I have had my work changed to the point that the entire meaning and feeling behind it was torn away until it wasn’t even what I’d intended in the first place. So I have trust issues with other people getting their hands on my stuff. Long story short, no lol 
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
I don’t think I really have one. I do a lot of writing while I’m working, so a lot of it happens at the dining room table lol If not there, in bed. Sometimes the car. Sometimes the shower. 
7) Favorite childhood book?
How childhood are we talking? I had a book of old fairy tales haha is spelled it tail the first time rip that had the most beautiful illustrations and I really loved that book. And also A Wish for Wings That Work. ALSO I REALLY LOVED WALK TWO MOONS.
8) Writing for fun or publication?
Fun is my priority right now, but I am writing Vector to the Stars with the intent of possibly editing it into an original work and publishing one day. But I like to think that if I ever do publish something, I wrote it for fun to begin with.
9) Pen and paper or computer?
BOTH. I’ll also take on tablet and phone for $500, Alex. Look, I got my start in handwriting shit and sometimes you just need to feel pen on paper to get the juices flowing. Does it go quicker typing? Yes. Yes it does. But I’m a staunch believer that, much like in life, you sometimes need a change of pace and scenery. Whenever I get stuck, I switch the medium up. So both. All. Whatever.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
My entire college career was a writing class lol That’s a lie, the first year was core classes and the second year I still had to deal with science, but the last year and a half was nothing but writing. Of course, not really the same since it’s a completely different form of writing but you know. IT COUNTS OKAY I HAVE TO TELL MYSELF MY EDUCATION COUNTS FOR SOMETHING. 
11) What inspires you to write?
Music. Music, music, always music. There’s a reason I devoted that much of my life to music journalism, and it’s because music is one of the great loves of my life. Sure, I need the inspiration of characters that speak to me, but every single thing that I have written has a soundtrack and music that gets the juices flowing. I dare say 90% of the things I’ve written all were born from music. 
Tweethearts came to me while listening to R U Mine? by the Arctic Monkeys. I wrote that chapter-- which happens like more than halfway through the fic-- before I wrote anything else.
ITTB came to me while listening to Eden playlists. To this day I cannot write anything for that fic without putting on my Eden mix.
I’m Gonna Be came to me while I was in the shower listening to Sleeping At Last.
The one shot that became MLC came to me while listening to Walking On Cars, who the band Gajeel travels with is modeled after.
VTTS was born from Glory by Dermot Kennedy also while in the shower.
Pt 3 of the football AU revealed itself during a cover of Call Me Maybe.
Long story short, I am very much inspired by music.
I’ll tag: I’m not sure who has done this so I’m gonna throw folks on here and if y’all just hella don’t want to, it’s the biggest of nbds. IF YOU AREN’T TAGGED BUT WANNA DO THIS, CONSIDER THIS YOUR TAG. @nocturna131 @whereisthefood123 @phaltu @arahir @capaleran2 @ranunculus-fox @runicscribbles
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