#and MS numbness fatigue and brainfog are brutal af lol
densewentz · 4 months
Commissions Availability Update
alrighty guys gals and nb pals so regular followers may or may not be aware that I've been going through a very annoying health crisis (and general hellish series of unfortunate events) since February. It has, regrettably, made it nigh impossible for me to work on art at present. THAT BEING SAID My commissions ARE still technically open, with the caveat that for right now, new messages and pitches for commissions are being put on a waitlist for when my health allows me to work again. Anyone who approaches me about comms will automatically get a spot on my queue list and will get a message from me when I am back to work to reassess interest and flush out commission details. If you're interested in commissioning me, I encourage you to please still reach out! I'm working hard to get back into working order, and am looking forward to resuming commissions and getting to draw all your lovely characters 💕 [Commission Info]
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