#and Mozelle had sushi
kyuusei-shadowleaf · 1 year
ToA Day Two: The Rose
“I have something for you.”
After wandering the booths and the performances and the dueling, Kyuusei’d made her way up the hill to the same cooking competition as opening day. It might have been the so-called Tournament of Ages, but nothing said it all had to be a competition of martial strength, dora dor. The crowd held many of the same faces as the previous night of competitive appetizers, for this night’s contest of main dishes.
Mozelle was among them and, despite the human doctor’s dry and ascerbic wit and detached manner, Kyuu considered her something of a friend. Mozelle’s knowledge and appreciation of nature and life bore unusual depth, more than enough to endear her to the druid. Besides, Isha spoke well of her. The regard of birds wasn’t easily granted.
It didn’t make it any less of a surprise when the good doctor drew a single orange rose from a small bundle of flowers and presented it to Kyuusei.
“It was the only one I could find that matched your skirt,” Mozelle explained matter-of-factly. “A Helena’s Feather rose from the Ashes of Al’ar booth. They’re supposed to make a good incense as well.”
The bundle of flowers Mozelle carried, obviously intended for other gifts, assuaged a brief moment of unreasoned concern, and Kyuusei inclined her head in thanks.
“Shaha lor’mar. Thats so thoughtful of you.”
A nod of acknowledgement and both turned their attention went back to the competition to see what could be made of salmon, yak cheese, and cabbage. Kyuu absently tucked the rose into the vines that entangled her staff, a few newly sprouted tendrils twining about the rose’s stem to hold it firm among the pale leaves and small white blooms.
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(@mozelledeliond for mentions)
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easternkingdomer · 5 years
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An Enjoyable Party
Odum arrived through the portal into Suramar, he was a bit late yet it was worth it in regards to helping Mr.Brandstone. He payed his respects to Seraanna whose party it was. With that he was off, kind a bit scattered as he looked for familiar faces. He wore a large black coat that went down to his ankles, a nice dress shirt with a vest and coat to match. His colors subdued except for the crimson sash at his waist and bracers on his wrists. His raven hair slicked back, greying shaved sides a bit brighter and he quickly picked up a glass to nurse during the evening.
He regaled Lady Soulthorn for a time, getting to know her a bit better and enjoying the conversation about her tavern. To him it seemed like quite a delightful establishment and eventually he wandered over to Mozelle, Mary and Haleth's corner.
"Finally...Some one normal has arrived."
Mary started, to which he laughed a bit sitting down and eyeing this strange fish-rice combination offered by the Doctor. "Oh no...I've just never had...Sushi before is it?" Mozelle seemed almost appalled that he hadn't tried such. Odum kept quiet most of the evening at least for the start as he observed those there. Sipping from his drink, eating a few pieces of fish here and there. He noted a human at the party, one Mr.Raleth and eventually was distracted from his musings by Mary.
His crimson eyes held her curious gaze as she rapid fired questions and he spoke cautiously on the matters. He was amused by her constant questioning as she always seemed to have them, curious and inquisitive. Though he also suspected she just enjoyed knowing things, drama topocs and more. He himself didn't like to give some one everything nor the entire truth. He lied quite readily on occasion if he felt he needed to or twisted truths.
Eventually people began to leave when he spotted Mr.Rathel again acquiring some food and he spoke first. "Enjoying the evening so far?" He rumbled, a dark brow raising at the man who finished up his food nodding. "Yeah, how about yourself? Malrek...By the way." Odum took in the one eyed mans rough exterior, though he caught a calm nature around him and something intriguing in the demeanor. "I'm enjoying myself...Odum." the two shook hands, Malrek remarked on the firmness. The two speaking briefly on their father's teachings and stoicism.
"Not taught much anymore these days..."
"Mh, no it's not..." Odum replied, he smiled a bit and added off handedly. "I could never beat my father at chess...He was always better at such than I." Malrek's attention was on him now, that bit seemed to garner interest and eventually the two parted as things died down.
"Shadow's guide...I'm certain I'll see you again soon."
"Likewise...Take care, Odum."
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@brandstonethings @foxglovethings @mozelledeliond , Haleth mentions and pieces))
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