#and NO overtime. same salary for like 56 hours a week
17gz · 6 months
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i think i might go forward w the full time position at my job. happy yet defeated.
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ieltsformyself · 7 years
Job questions and vocabulary
What do you do? What’s your job? What do you do for a living? What are your main responsibilities? What do you do every day? What are your duties? What is your daily routine? What does your job involve? How many people does your firm employ at present? Can you have some time off whenever you want? Why don’t you apply for another job? Have you filled in the application form? If they offer you a well-paid job, will you take it? How much holiday do you get / How many weeks holiday do you get? What are normal working hours for most office jobs in your country? What kind of jobs get very high salaries in your country? What is the minimum amount of income tax you have to pay? What jobs often involve shiftwork? Would you like to do one? Is flexi-time common in your company? What are your working hours? Do you do / work any overtime? Teachers don’t earn very much, do they? Why (not)? When were you last promoted? Why / When did you apply for this job? Why did you take an early retirement? Why did you resign? Did they give you a lot of training before getting the job from the company? Did you do / go on any training courses for this job? Have you been promoted since you started in the company? Do you normally get a good pay rise at the end of each year? How do you feel about your future prospects in the company? Are you happy in the job or do you feel is time for a fresh challenge in another company? What exactly are your duties as a nurse? Who do you work for? Are you usually busy at work? What do you find difficult about working there? Can you describe your place of work? What do you like about your job? Do you usually cover for a colleague when he is on leave? How do you find visiting a lot of people / clients? Who will take your place when you leave? How do you feel about this? What kind of jobs are you good at? Can you tell me about your boss? What kind of a person is he / she? Have you ever had any serious problems at work? Do you work at the moment? Tell me about the work you do. Have you ever had any other jobs? Would you like to do the same job as your mother / father?
1. I’m a / an (+ job). e.g. a nurse / an accountant / a builder
2. I work in (+ place or general area). e.g. a hospital / an office marketing / social
3. I work for (+ name / place of the company). e.g. Union Bank / IBM / Fiat / an international bank
What your job involves 4. I’m in charge of e.g. a big company
5. I’m responsible for e.g. some workers in that department
6. I have to deal with e.g. any complaints / overseas clients, mainly
7. I run e.g. the company / a restaurant
8. I manage e.g. a shop in downtown
Daily duties / routines 9. I have to go / attend (formal) e.g. (to) a lot of meetings / conferences
10. I visit / see / meet e.g. patients / clients
11. I advise e.g. people / clients and give them help…
12. It involves e.g. writing letters / filling in forms / doing a lot of paperwork / using computers a lot of the time
Getting a job 13. It’s not easy to get / find work e.g. in big cities / round these parts
14. I’d love to do e.g. marketing / this kind of work
15. It’s difficult to make a living as a / an e.g. freelance writer
16. I’ve been offered a job e.g. in that company / in London
17. I’ve applied for a job e.g. in a local company / in the accounts department
Working hours 18. I have a nine-to-five job / I work nine-to-five (regular working hours in Britain)
19. I do / work shift work. (nights one week, days next)
20. I am on flexi time. (flexible working hours)
21. I have to do / work overtime. (work extra hours)
22. I only work part-time / take a part-time job. (part of a day or a few days a week)
23. I am a workaholic. I work full-time. (work too much)
24. I took early retirement. (retire at 55 in Britain)
25. I am on / take sick leave. (a period spent away from work, etc. because of illness)
26. I am on / take maternity leave. (expecting a baby)
27. I gave up work e.g. in order to study
28. I was laid off (informal) e.g. when the factory went bust
29. I was made redundant. (no longer needed and therefore out of work)
30. I was dismissed (formal) e.g. for refusing to obey orders
31. I was fired (informal) e.g. for always being late
32. I am on / off duty. (to be working / not working)
Other useful phrases 33. We usually take a break e.g. for lunch / for ten minutes
34. We normally knock off work (informal) e.g. about 5:30 p.m. and go off to a restaurant nearby
35. I get some rest. (a period of time when you relax after working)
36. I was rather inexperienced e.g. for that kind of work
37. I have a lot of experience e.g. in this area / of this kind of problem
38. I am sufficiently qualified e.g. for this position
39. This is a job requiring (a period of time when you relax after working)
40. I try to be hardworking. (work hard)
41. I’m quite competent e.g. at my job
42. I try to work efficiently. (work quickly without making mistakes and wasting time)
43. Efficiency is very important e.g. in my job
44. A lot of people do voluntary work. (you want to do it and you’re not paid)
45. I was promoted. (get a higher position)
46. It is a demanding job. (needing a lot of effort, care, skill)
47. I fill in for / stand in for / cover for e.g. her while she is off sick
48. I am acting e.g. as a manager for the next couple of months
49. I will take the place of e.g. our manager when he leaves
50. The morning shift takes over from e.g. the night shift at 9 a.m.
51. It is great teamwork e.g. that helps get the job done on time
52. We teamed up e.g. with another group to finish our project
53. We cooperate e.g. with a German firm on this project
54. I was employed e.g. as a secretary for a couple of months
55. I do casual work. (not regular, usually paid hourly)
56. I’ve got a temporary job e.g. working in a newspaper office
57. This factory has 200 employees. (a person who is employed)
58. The staff e.g. are so polite and friendly
59. They promoted e.g. me to office manager
60. I’m on leave e.g. at the moment because…
61. The post has been vacant e.g. for some time
62. I turned it down. (to refuse one’s offer)
Payment 63. I am paid e.g. every months and this pay goes directly into my bank account monthly
64. My salary e.g. is 20.000$ a year
65. I earn e.g. 200$ a week as a hairdresser
66. With many jobs you get holiday pay and sick pay. (when you’re off duty or ill)
67. I’m going to a pay rise. (my pay goes up)
68. My average income e.g. has risen 2% this year
69. I’m poorly paid / badly paid / don’t earn much. (I’m paid very little money)
70. I have a high income / earn a lot / am well-paid. (I’m paid a lot of money)
71. My take-home pay / net income is 150$. (money left after deductions)
72. My gross income is more than that. (before deductions)
By the way , i have this book but i try find online version of this topics . Because i think it is most helpful than that one
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My Story
 I came out as transgender to my friends and family nearly 7 years ago (2011), it was not an easy experience. Some people (namely my family) made it excruciating, my father excoriating me with statements like "Nobody will ever love you" and "you'll always be miserable." I pushed back against that false narrative, 24 hours after coming out to him my father told me to get out if transition was what I wanted. I packed every belonging I could fit into my semi-broken down vw beetle, and left home without a plan and nothing but the kindness of newfound friends. All of my old "guy friends" had abandoned me at this point, and none of them ever offered to help in any way - fading out of my existence. My sisters, just as damaged as I by our rough childhood in the "care" of my psychotic and abusive drug addicted mother - were able to acknowledge that they verbally supported me in my decision... but would not do any more than that. My 97 year old grandmother supported me in my decision, but sadly passed away in May of 2013.
I am not a religious person, but thank god for saints like Nadiah and Jeff Whitlatch, and Lance and Amy Braun - without the kindness of these newfound friends and allies (new family) I never would have made it past these dark times. Because of them I was able to find a new job and then a new career and I started to build my life back up to a sustainable level. By October 2013 I was finally living on my own with my own place, I had a good paying job with great transgender health benefits. Things were looking up.
It was at this time that my father was taken ill by a severe infection, and I went to visit him in the hospital. It seems this experience had made him realize that life was short and family is important. So he re-established communications with me, doing a complete 180 degree turn and telling me that he wanted to be involved in my life again - and that he was sorry and now supported me and my decision. Desperate for a Utopian future where my dad loved and supported his new daughter - I foolishly let him back in to my life. We would talk on the phone at least once a month, each conversation becoming more and more productive. Since our falling out my dad had moved out to tiny town in Northern Arizona called Williams about 40 miles outside of Flagstaff, AZ. My relationship with my dad had improved to the point that I was again visiting him for a holiday or two, feeling safe that my sisters would also be there.
In July of 2014 my dad convinced me to move to Flagstaff, AZ. Knowing that I could transfer my job with Wells Fargo out there, and I could be closer to him in his elder years. Blinded by a desire to have a relationship with my father and the love I truly felt for him now, I uprooted myself and crossed state lines to find a new direction. I lived in the loft of my father's new house, until I had saved up enough money that I could afford an apartment and furnishings of my own. By December 2014 I was in my own apartment, and self sufficient - and even promoted to being a manager with WF.
Working in Arizona for Wells Fargo was much different than working for the same company in California, as Arizona's labor laws are laughable at best. Most days I did not get a lunch break as it is not mandated by state law, even when working 12 hour days - yes 12 hour days. Even worse, when I became a manager I became a salaried instead of an hourly employ - allowing them to work me 56 hour weeks without being paid any overtime whatsoever. Also my male colleagues in similar job positions were paid thousands of dollars more than me in a year. My life became nothing but work, as Wells Fargo's upper management continued to push me to coerce and probe my direct subordinates who were not "selling enough." My view of the job was that we were there to help people, if a specific product was helpful to someones needs we would mention it - but they want you to have a sales conversation with every human interaction. When you go to the bank do you want to be given a sales pitch and then be sat down with an aggressive banker, of course not - but getting cheeks in seats was the name of the game.
Another consequence of moving to Arizona at the time was that I had to change health insurance providers, and I bet it's not surprising that the options are far worse in Arizona than California. The entire time I lived in Arizona and worked for Wells Fargo I was unable to find a psychologist, psychiatrist, or endocrinologist anywhere but 3 hours away in Phoenix. I lost access to my hormones and other prescriptions, and had to order them from an overseas pharmacy with a 1000% mark up. In September of 2015 I suffered a fall and broke my collarbone, needing clavicular fracture surgery which I underwent in October. Because of this Injury I was forced to go on medical leave from my position at Wells Fargo, and being a manager they needed to replace me. So when I returned from medical leave there was no actual "spot" for me to return to. I ended up being a floating service manager for 4-5 months before ultimately being let go from Wells Fargo as a cost saving measure.
Losing my job was very tough on me as it was a part of my life for 50+ hours a week, not to mention the sadness I felt of having no friends outside of work and missing everyone from my past life. It was at this point that I attempted suicide - but was prevented by the angels on my Facebook who had Flagstaff PD and a Crisis management team visit me in the middle of the night. Not having a job anymore, and knowing of my fragile emotional state my Dad offered to house me until I could get back on my feet. After moving all of my belongings into his garage (the first night I was at his house after all of this) my dad and I ended up having a long fireside chat - as always him being accompanied by a glass of scotch. He asked some tough questions with rough answers about my state of mind and about my past and the damage my mother had done to me mentally and emotionally. He pushed me over and over to point out his past flaws - he wanted to know if I ever thought in the past that he hurt me or failed me. I was honest and it was a mistake, as he immediately became hostile... drunkenly insisting that he never did anything wrong and that he tried his best to be a father. I tried to explain that I wasn't blaming him, but merely honestly answering his questions about how I have felt in the past.
So I spent the first night back at my Dad's house sleeping in my car after he told me that I should've killed myself and that he wanted to have nothing to do with me. And just as he's done a thousand times before he apologized in his sobriety for his behavior the previous night. After this experience I was trapped in a bipolar house. By day my dad totally focused and rational, by night drunk and disorderly. I ended up retreating to my room, doing my best to limit my interactions with him because I was afraid of him. After three months, he had kicked me out of the house again - upping the ante in hyperbolic rhetoric. Telling me again that the best thing I could do is kill myself, that he "never liked me" "maybe you'll find a guy who doesn't know what a real pussy smells like" and started calling me Judy Jr. (my estranged mothers name). Yes my dad is basically Donald Trump.
Since then I have been living in my car, only being able to afford a motel for maybe one or two days a week so I can have access to a bathroom, take a shower and sleep in a comfortable bed.
I made a lot of mistakes, but my motivations were pure - I just wanted the family I never had. I've finally realized family can be what you choose, instead of a group assigned to you at birth. The outpouring of love I have received on Facebook proves that.
I desperately want to move back to CA, find a job, and go back to school to become a registered nurse. I need to be surrounded by my chosen family, in a state with such great protection for minorities like myself.
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