#and THEN i came back from cape claw and met the lightfoots and it was like i was being hit with a sledgehammer repeatedly for 20 minutes
taffywabbit · 1 year
i've been playing through the leaked N64 prototype build of Dinosaur Planet (that rareware game that got turned into Starfox Adventures on the gamecube later) over the past couple nights and i gotta say... i think people gave the gibberish alien voice acting in Adventure a bit more hate than it deserved? like don't get me wrong, it WAS hilariously awkward and impossible to take seriously, but i'd take that shit ANY day over having to listen to... a handful of british people doing the most inscrutable attempts at racist accents i've maybe EVER heard in a video game??? like holy FUCK it's bad y'all. in fact the entire chunk of the game in Swapstone Circle is pretty much fully unsalvageable. the music, the iconography, the way the NPCs talk and are dressed, the literal most basic tropes of the storyline itself in that area... good grief, it's no wonder that entire chunk of the game was cut from the final product. absolutely wild that anyone at Rare thought that shit was okay to include, even 20+ years ago
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us2dinosaurplanet · 3 years
The Stay on Dinosaur Planet: Chapter 4-Guess Who’s Coming?
Meanwhile back on Earth, a phone call just occurred a few days ago, but not just any phone call. Ash: “Good morning, Professor.” Prof. Oak: “Ah, good morning, Ash! How are you doing today?” Ash: “I’m fine. How are you today, Professor?” Prof. Oak: “Why, I’m fine, too, thank you for asking.” Ash: “You’re welcome. Say, has Pikachu returned from her visit, yet?” Prof. Oak: “Well, no. Pikachu has not yet returned, and neither has Misty or the Powerpuff Girls as far as I can tell.” Bow: “Princess Peach hasn’t returned yet, either. I’ve received a phone call from a concerned Toad that she’s not back at the Mushroom Kingdom.” Ash: “I’m worried, Professor. It’s not like Pikachu or Misty or the girls to stay off the Earth this long. I think something has happened to them that prevented them from coming home.” Prof. Oak: “I think so, too, Ash. Get Brock and meet Lady Bow, Tracy, Gary, Ribbon, and me outside my front gate. We need to get to the bottom of this immediately.”
Later, Ash and Brock met the professor and the other near the professor’s front gate. Bow: “It’s about time you boys got here. The professor’s grandson is getting impatient.” Brock: “I’m not surprised. The girls should have been home a few days ago. This has certainly gone out of hand.” Ribbon: “I miss Misty!” Gary: “I told you we shouldn’t have trusted that Fox McCloud! If we had just left with the girls, none of this would have happened!” Ribbon: “I miss Misty!” Prof. Oak: “Now, now, settle down, everyone. I’m sure Fox has a good explanation to why the girls haven’t returned home, but we won’t find out if we just stand here, complaining about it.” Ash: “The professor’s right! If we just ask Fox, I’m sure he could tell us what’s going on.” Gary: “I highly doubt it, but it doesn’t hurt to try.” Prof. Oak: “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get going.”
The professor called upon the space taxis, then he and the guys left the Earth along with Ribbon and Lady Bow.  
Later they arrived on the planet Corneria at their usual spot. They found that the girls and the Starfox team are not there. Ash: “Professor, this doesn’t seem right, I don’t see Fox, Misty, Peach, Pikachu, the girls or any of the members of the Starfox team here at all.” Prof. Oak: “Hm, you seem to be right, Ash. Let me check my radar.”
He opened a radar from his communicator. Prof. Oak: “Hm, this may seem a bit silly of me to ask this, but this is Corneria, right?” Gary: “Of, course this is Corneria! I recognize this place anywhere. I did you ask, grandpa?” Prof. Oak: “Because, according to this radar, they’re not here.” Tracy: “But if they’re not here, then where are they?” Prof. Oak: “Well, it says here that they’re on a distant planet far from here.” Ash: “You mean they’re on another planet? Pikachu, too?” Prof. Oak: “I’m afraid so, Ash.”
Suddenly, Ribbon started bursting into tears. Ribbon: “Misty!” Gary: “That Fox needs to be taught a lesson! I thought leaving the girls off the Earth this was bad enough, but bringing them to another planet, he’s gone too far this time!” Prof. Oak: “Now, now, settle down, Gary. I’m sure he has nothing to do with all of this.” Ash: “The professor’s right, Fox is a good friend of Pikachu and the girls. He would never do anything to them.” Gary: “Yeah right! He’s probably using that fact to completely throw us off course! I don’t trust him one bit! I never did and I never will!” Prof. Oak: “That’s enough out of you, Gary! Fox McCloud is a good person. He would never do anything to hurt those girls or deceive us. Now, until we find this planet, I don’t want to hear another word out of you. Understand?” Gary: “Hmph! Fine, but if anything ever happened to those girls, I won’t stay silent.” Prof. Oak: “Fair enough, let’s go, everyone.”
They left Corneria on the space taxis.
Many hours later, they finally reached Dinosaur Planet. Prof. Oak: “According to my radar, the girls are on this planet.”
They landed in Thorntail Hollow and the space taxis returned to space. Meanwhile, a certain little Earthwalker prince watched all of it occurred and ran back to Cape Claw. Tricky: “Fox! Fox!” Fox: “Hm?” Tricky: “Fox!” Fox: “Tricky?” Tricky: “Fox, you’re not going to believe this, but some humans landed on the planet. They’re at Thorntail Hollow, right now. Come on.” Fox: “OK, OK, I’m coming.”
Fox followed Tricky back to the hollow.
Meanwhile, the guys were still in Thorntail Hollow. Ash: “Professor, are you sure they’re on this planet? I don’t see them anywhere.” Prof. Oak: “100%, Ash.” Gary: “I hope so or else we’re on a wild goose chase no thanks to that no good Fox.” Brock: “We may not have any real proof that the girls are here, well, except for the radar, but one thing’s certain, Fox is definitely here. His Arwing is parked right there.” Gary: “Perfect, even if the girls aren’t here, at least we’ll have a score to settle with that Fox.” Ash: “But where is he?” Tricky: “There they are. That’s them, that’s them!” Guys: “Huh?”
Suddenly, Fox and Tricky came out from behind the Arwing. Fox: “Thanks, Tricky. Well, well, well, if it isn’t some old friends of planet Earth. Didn’t expect to see you guys here. What’s up?” Gary: “I’ll be asking the questions, here. What have done to the girls?” Fox: “What do you mean by that?” Gary: “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m saying. I know you did something to prevent those girls from coming home. Admit it, Fox!” Fox: “Excuse me? You’re trespassing on an ancient planet home to many species that are extinct on your planet and yet you have the right to accuse me of a crime I never even committed? You humans have a lot of nerve.” Gary: “Lies!” Prof. Oak: “That’s enough, Gary. I apologize for my grandson’s behavior, Fox. You see, he…” Fox: “Still hates me? That’s OK; I don’t feel very differently about him, either. Anyway, I’m guessing that you’re obviously here for the girls, right?” Prof. Oak: “Correct, it’s been weeks since they left for your home world and we’ve been quite concerned…” Gary: “Try outraged!” Ash: “I’m not outraged.” Gary: “Shut up, Ash!” Ribbon: “Gary!” Bow: “DON’T INTERRUPT THE PROFESSOR WHILE HE’S SPEAKING!!” Fox: “QUIET! Listen, I’ll take you to see the girls, but only if you guys remain silent. Understand?”
Everyone remained silent. Fox: “Good, now if we could just keep it that way, you’ll see the girls in no time. OK? OK, let’s go. Come on, Tricky.”
They followed Fox out of Thorntail Hollow and through the Lightfoot Village. Tricky: “Fox, are these guys really trespassing here?” Fox: “Nah, I was just kidding. I knew why they came all along.” Tricky: “Oh, hey, Fox, are you really going to show them what they came here for?” Fox: “Of course I am. If I don’t, then they won’t leave me alone.”    
Eventually, they arrived at Cape Claw. Fox: “OK, there they are, safe and sound. Are you happy, now?”
Suddenly, Ribbon’s eyes began to sparkle after spotting Misty. She flew towards Misty and landed on her heavily. Misty: “Huh? Ribbon?”
She laid her head on Misty and began to cry on her. Ribbon: “Oh, Misty, I’ve missed you so much. You’ve been gone for so long; I thought I would never see you again.” Misty: “Oh, my stars! I’m sorry, Ribbon. I didn’t mean to get you upset. I guess I lost track of time. Well, you don’t have to worry, now. I’m OK.”
Ribbon then looked up at Misty, her eyes were still sparkling. Ribbon: “Oh, Misty…” Fox: “Looks as if somebody’s happy, ay, Gary?”
Gary groaned and looked away. Fox: “Come on, Gary, admit it.” Gary: “OK, I’ll admit it, but don’t think you’re off the hook, Fox. I’m not finished with you, yet.”
Gary walked away. Bow: “That grandson of the professor gets more stubborn each day.” Fox: “Don’t remind me; I’ve been keeping track.” Bow: “Now, then, if you excuse me, I’ve got a group to reunite with.” Fox: “Knock yourself out.”
Lady Bow slowly floated down towards where Misty and Ribbon were. Fox returned to the beach and watched as Bubbles and Princess Peach regrouped with Misty, Ribbon and Lady Bow. He has never seen a more beautiful sight. Fox: “Looks as if the Friendly 5 is back together again. So, how does it feel, girls?” Ribbon: “It feels great!” Bow: “I’ve waited a long time for this moment. I thought it would never come.” Ribbon: “Thank you, Fox.” Fox: “No problem.” Prof. Oak: “Well, will you look at that? I told you Fox was a nice person.”
Gary groaned. Fox: “Hey, guys, why don’t you come down from there?”
The guys descended from the cliff and the pier onto the beach and towards Fox. Misty got up from her lounge chair and walked next to him. Ash: “Hey, Misty! Long time no see!” Misty: “Same here, Ash. I’m sorry to worry all of you, but we’ve been very busy since we last left Earth.” Brock: “But why were you off of Earth for so long and what were you guys doing on this strange planet?” Misty: “Well, it’s a long story and I don’t think I have any time to explain.” Gary: “Nonsense! We have all the time we need and we’re not going anywhere until we get some answers. So start talking, princess!” Fox: “Don’t talk to her like that!” Misty: “Alright, already. If it means that much to you, I tell you the story. It all started when Fox became bored of our usual Cornerian-Saturday spot, so we…” Gary: “Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew you were responsible for the girls not returning home, Fox. You WERE up to no good!” Fox: “Gary!” Misty: “Gary, please! It was my fault to begin with. I was the first to agree and convinced everyone else to join in.” Prof. Oak: “Hmmm…” Gary: “Yeah, well…it was Fox’s fault for even mentioning it in the first place. That proves he’s guilty. I should has never trusted you with them, you worthless animal!” Misty: “Gary!” Prof. Oak: “That’s it, Gary! I’ve heard enough out of you. Ever since we left the Earth, the only thing I’ve heard out of you is how terrible Fox is by preventing the girls from returning home. Now, I don’t want to hear another word out of you until Misty finishes her story.” Gary: “But grandpa…” Prof. Oak: “No buts! You’ve pushed this issue too far! Sorry that had to happen you guys. I just can’t seem to control my grandson, anymore.” Fox: “It’s OK, professor. At least somebody shut him up.”
Gary glared at Fox. Misty: “Now then, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I expected the trip to take a few hours, but I was wrong. We found ourselves traveling the entire Lylat System for weeks. I thought it would last forever until General Pepper contacted us. He told us about a planet that was falling to pieces, literally. He asked us to find a way to fix the planet before it got worse. It took us days to complete the mission, but we were able to pull it off.” Brock: “Sounds like you’ve been through a lot.” Misty: “I’ll say. And do you know the best part? We made a new friend.”
Misty kneeled down and picked up cute little Prince Tricky. Misty: “Guys, I would like to introduce you to our new ally and newest best friend, Tricky, prince of the Earthwalker tribe.” Prof. Oak: “Earthwalker, Don’t you mean triceratops?” Tricky: “What’s a triceratops?” Fox: “It’s just a name humans have for your kind. Sorry, guys, but on this planet, the dinosaurs have different names. The pterodactyls are called Cloudrunner, the brontosauruses and Brontosaurus are called Hightops, the ankylosauruses are called Thorntails, Lightfoots are close to raptors and the T-rexes are called Redeyes.” Misty: “There are Woolly Mammoths found on this planet, too.” Fox: “Right, but here, they’re called Showhorns.” Prof. Oak: “Fascinating!” Gary: “Blah, blah, blah!” Prof. Oak: “Gary!” Fox: “Well, that just about sums it up.” Misty: “As I was saying, Tricky helped us out during our mission. He was able to help us through many obstacles that Bubbles and I can’t reach even with our powers. Bubbles and I love Tricky. Right, Bubbles?”
Bubbles giggled a little. Bubbles: “That’s right. He’s such a cutie.”
Misty gently dropped him as Bubbles descended to rub his tummy and giggled while doing it. Fox: “Yeah, I, on the other hand, think he’s a menace. But the girls don’t care that he’s a menace; they only care about how adorable he is.” Brock: “I’m not surprised.” Ash: “Aww!” Bubbles: “Oh, I forgot to introduce you to Tricky’s little sister.”
She picked up Beauty and ascended to the air a little. Bubbles: “This is Princess Beauty.” Fox: “Beauty hatched a couple of days ago; not long after we fixed the planet. She grew up pretty fast and she’s better behaved than Tricky.” Tricky: “But I look out for her.” Prof. Oak: “Sounds as if you got along pretty well with the inhabitants of this planet.” Misty: “Yep! We found many friendly creatures here on Dinosaur Planet.” Prof. Oak: “Dinosaur Planet, ay? What an interesting name!” Misty: “I know, I like it, too.” Brock: “By the way, that other journey you had before you came here, did you finish it?” Misty: “Well, of, course, we did! We’ve decided that we wanted to stay here on Dinosaur Planet.” Tracy: “So, it was like killing 2 birds with 1 stone by coming here.” Misty: “Exactly, not only did we save an entire planet, not to mention the entire Lylat System, our quest has ended. We love it here!” Ash: “That’s great! By the way, it’s been a long time since I’ve last seen Pikachu. Is she here?” Fox: “Pikachu? Oh, yeah, she’s still here. Pikachu, Ash is here!”
Pikachu responded to Fox’s call and ran towards Ash and climbed into his arms. Ash: “Pikachu, I’ve missed you so much.”
Pikachu began to speak. Ash: “I understand you don’t want to leave, yet. I’m only here to check on you, to see how you’re doing. You’ve been gone for so long I was worried that something may have happened to you. I’m just glad to see you’re OK.”
Pikachu spoke again. Ash: “I miss you, too, Pikachu. Thanks for letting me see Pikachu again, Fox.” Fox: “Don’t mention it.” Brock: “Now that that’s settled, I think we should head back to Earth.”
Ash nodded and summoned their space taxis to return to Earth. Prof. Oak: “Tracy, I suggest you follow Ash and Brock back to Earth.” Tracy: “But, what about you, professor?” Prof. Oak: “I think I’ll stay here for a while. I’ve got some unfinished business that I need to take care of.”
Tracy nodded, hailed a space taxi and left the planet. Prof. Oak: “Gary, I want you to stay here.” Gary: “So I can keep an eye on Fox?” Prof. Oak: “Yes! There’s something that you must know about Fox and Misty. I don’t want you to leave until you find out what.”
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us2dinosaurplanet · 3 years
The Stay on Dinosaur Planet: Chapter 3-The Starfox Team Reunites
Meanwhile, back at the Great Fox, Slippy was busy with building backseats for the Arwings. Nevertheless, since Bubbles and Misty weren’t there to help him, consequently, it took him a long time to finish. However, he was able to finish in time for the rest of the team’s arrival.
On the same day as they prepare their arrival, Adeleine received their message. Therefore, she painted out a triangle, jumped out of Misty’s pouch and rang the triangle. Adeleine: “Wake up, guys! Come on, get up!”
After they awoke, she jumped back into the pouch and threw out pancakes towards them, then leaped out. Fox: “Uh, gee, thanks for the wake up call, Adeleine but why did you wake us so early?” Adeleine: “I need you guys to eat up before they arrive.” Fox: “Who?”
Then Adeleine turned on the message that she received from the rest of the team. It was an image of the rest of the team still back on the Great Fox. Slippy: “Hi, there, guys. This is Slippy…” Falco: “Falco…” Peppy: “Peppy…” D.W.: “And D.W.” Slippy: “And if you just received this message, then we should be leaving the Great Fox by now.” Falco: “That’s right, Fox, we’re coming down to the planet now…” Peppy: “We’ll need to perform the oath and regain our lost powers…” D.W.: “And we would also like to hear about your adventures on Dinosaur Planet. I’m looking forward to these stories and I will assume that it will become an excellent addition to mine. Well, we’re leaving. See you guys there.” Peppy: “Bye, Fox. See you soon” Falco: “Hang tight until we get there.” Slippy: “Can’t wait to see you and the others again, Fox. Signing off.”
The message was shut off. Fox: “Wow! I don’t believe it; they’re actually coming. Can you believe it, Misty?”
When he looked towards her lounge chair, he saw that she wasn’t there. Fox: “Uh, has any of you seen Misty?” Bubbles: “I have, she went to take a morning dip in her princess form again.”
Just then, Misty came out of the water. Fox: “Misty!”
Fox ran towards her and kneeled in front of her. Fox: “Misty, you’re not going to believe this…” Misty: “I know; the rest of the team is coming to the planet. I heard it all from underneath the water.” Fox: “What? Oh, great.” Misty: “So, tell me, Fox, is Falco really back?” Fox: “He sure is, Misty. He sure is.”
Meanwhile, back at Thorntail Hollow, Falco and D.W. landed their Arwings almost close to Fox’s. They got out of their Arwings along with Peppy and Slippy. Blossom and Buttercup deactivated their space suits. D.W.: “Wow! This place is beautiful. It almost reminds me of one of my stories.” Slippy: “All right, guys, let’s go look for Fox and the others.” Falco: “And how do we do that?” Slippy: “Well, if I’m not mistaken, they should be wherever Blossom and Buttercup’s wristbands will lead us. I’ve uploaded tracking devices in each of their wristbands so the Powerpuff Girls will be able to find each other, in case they were ever separated from each other. OK, girls, find the area to which the signal from Bubbles’ wristband is the strongest.”
Blossom and Buttercup searched the entire area until they stopped at the gate behind Fox’s Arwing where the signal was the strongest. Blossom and Buttercup flew towards that direction while Falco, Slippy, D.W., and Peppy followed.
They followed the girls passed the Lightfoot Village, through the maze (literally) and into the well to where they arrived at Cape Claw where the other were waiting for them. Falco and Slippy arrived down at the beach first. When Fox saw his friends, he leapt off his lounge chair. Fox: “Guys!” Falco, Slippy: “Fox!”
The guys ran towards each other. Fox: “I’m so glad you glad you guys could make it.” Slippy: “I can see you’ve received our message.” Fox: “Well, I guess you could say that.” Falco: “Man, Fox, I’d never thought I would actually say this, but…” Fox: “You already did…and it’s good to see you see you again, too, Falco.”
Falco was speechless. Slippy: “Say, Fox, is Princess Peach around?” Fox: “Princess Peach? Oh, yeah, the glue that holds us together, she around.” Falco: “Where is she?”
Suddenly, the guys heard a faint soft voice near by. It was Princess Peach. Peach: “(Gasp) Oh…my stars! Falco?” Falco: “Princess Peach?” Peach: “Rayman, Rayman, look, it’s Falco! He’s back!” Rayman: [“Falco? Falco! ”]
Peach and Rayman ran towards Falco and they were all over him. Falco: “I know, I know, I missed you guys, too.” Peach: “Falco, you idiot! Don’t you even realize how badly we’ve missed you?” Falco: “You’re not alone.” Rayman: [“I’m not surprised.”]
Peach suddenly pushed herself away from Falco. She seemed as though she was about to cry. Peach: “You senseless moron! I was worried sick about you! You left us without saying good-bye! I thought something terrible happened to you! How could you?” Falco:” Whoa, Peach, chill out! I’m OK, aren’t I? I mean, gee whiz, don’t you ever think about yourself?” Peach: “(Sniff) So, what? At least I always say good-bye to my friends before I leave them, unlike some people.” Falco: “Worrying too much, as usual, huh, Princess Peach? Good to see nothing has changed. Speaking of which, how’s Mario doing; discovering his own fingers, as usual?” Peach: “Worse, he thinks he’s the most famous being in the entire Mushroom Kingdom for discovering that he puts his feet in his shoes.” Rayman: [“That idiotic scatterbrain plumber is always forgetting about his own body parts everyday. What’s next; will he think that he’s the master of the Lylat System for discovering he has a brain?”]
Fox, Peach, Slippy, and Falco laughed at Rayman’s joke. Fox: “Don’t worry, Rayman, I have a pretty safe bet that we don’t have to worry about that happening.”
They continued laughing. Falco: “So, Peach, how about it, will you forgive and forget?” Peach: “Well, Falco, you may be an idiot but you still seem to remember Mario’s condition. I’ll let you go, this time but don’t expect a second chance from me if it happens again.” Falco: “Heh, heh. Right.”
Just then, Fox noticed something. Fox: “Whoa, what the…? Hey, Bubbles, you’re sisters are here.” Bubbles: “Huh? (Gasp) Oh, my gosh! Blossom! Buttercup!” Blossom, Buttercup: “Bubbles!”
Bubbles flew to her sisters and the girls did the girls had a group hug in a way most unusual and energetic. Bubbles: “I can see you’re in a better mood, huh, Buttercup?” Buttercup: “I sure am.”
She looked at Falco. Buttercup: “No thanks to some people I could mention.” Falco: “Hey, didn’t I already apologize?” Buttercup:” All right, all right, sheesh, don’t get all nasty on me. Anyway, Bubbles, I heard you were on a mission with Fox.” Bubbles:” You bet!” Buttercup:” So, out with it, how was the mission?” Bubbles: “It was the best mission ever!”        
Bubbles talked really fast as she went on with telling her sisters everything. Bubbles: “We met some dinosaurs. They were really nice and helped out on our mission. We met a cute dinosaur named Tricky and he was very helpful during our mission. We flew to the floating lands and collected Spellstones, which holds the planet together. We collected Krazoa Spirits, which channels magic energy back to the planet but instead revived an old enemy. We also met some mean dinosaurs called Sharpclaws and really mean one named General Scales who was responsible for the planet falling apart. Then Fox promised that we could stay here for a while after we finish the mission. Then we met this blue vixen named Krystal who was in bad shape and thanks to her, we get to stay here A LOT LONGER.”
Blossom and Buttercup were speechless. They exchanged looks and then back at Bubbles. Blossom: “Gee, Bubbles, it sounds like you had a good time.” Bubbles: “Are you kidding me; I had a blast!!! I love Dinosaur Planet and best of all we’ll be coming back here and spending our time here instead of Corneria from now on.” Blossom: “You mean it? That’s great!”  Bubbles: “I know!! We’ll never be bored on our usually meet up date ever again!!!” Blossom: “Wow, Bubbles, you must be really excited about this!!” Bubbles: “I know, but to be honest, nothing makes me happier than sharing the moment with my 2 favorite sisters.”
The girls then put their arms around each other. Fox: “Aw, isn’t that sweet? The Powerpuff Girls are finally back together again.” Peppy: “But we aren’t.” Fox: “Huh?” Peppy: “Not until we perform the recovery oath to return our lost powers.” Fox: “Recovery oath?” Falco: “Right.”
Then the guys and D.W. joined their left fists in a circle. Then, one by one chanted the oath and then watched as their crests slowly returned to their hands. Fox: “Yeah!” Slippy: “All right! Our powers are back! Our powers are back! Our powers are finally back!” Peppy: “I may not be so sure, guys.” Fox: “What? What do you mean?” Peppy: “The oath may have only returned our crests, not our powers.” Fox: “What? Are you really sure about that” Slippy: “No! Please say it isn’t so!” Peppy: “Well, I may be wrong. The oath may have restored our powers, as well. It depends on how long Falco has been gone.” Falco: “Terrific!” Slippy: “Falco, you had better hope that our powers aren’t gone!” Falco: “Chill out, Slippy. Even if they are, we’ll just get them back the same way that we received them in the first place.” Slippy: “Hmph!” D.W.: “Well, there’s only one-way to find out.”
D.W. placed her hand on her broken arm and performed her power code with her finger. She slowly moved her hand from her arm and before anyone knew it; her arm broke through the cast. D.W.: “My arm, it’s healed. My arm is finally healed. I can finally type with 2 hands again.” Fox: “Is it official?” Peppy: “Yes, it’s official.”
The guys started celebrating.
Just then, Falco stopped for some reason. Falco: “Hey, wait a minute, something’s wrong here.” Fox: “There is?” Falco: “Are you blind? Of course there’s something wrong. Where’s the ocean princess? I’ve been waiting a long time to see her again.” Fox: “Who, Misty? She’s in the ocean.” Falco: “If she’s in the ocean, then that means…”
At that moment, Misty popped out of the water. Misty: “Oh! My stars, I thought I heard some familiar voices from underneath the water and I was right. How’s it going, you guys?” Slippy: “Misty!”
Slippy ran towards her immediately.  Falco smiled as he stood by for a bit Falco: “Hm, jut as I thought.”
He went after Slippy and kneeled right to him in front of Misty. Slippy: “Misty, I would like to be the first to say that I’m glad you’re in your princess form again.” Misty:” Thank you, Slippy; I really appreciate that. Hello, Falco, glad to see you’re finally back. Hmph! Better late than never, I suppose. I’m surprised you still remember my secret. You’ve been gone for too long, it almost felt like an eternity to me.” Falco: “Oh, no, not you, too.” Slippy: “Tsk, tsk. The ocean princess is still angry with you.” Falco: “Hey, stay out of this, you moron! Listen, Princess, there is no way I could possibly forget your secret. That form of yours makes you so beautiful that I couldn’t forget it even if I wanted to.”
Misty blushed but seemed annoyed. Misty: “You’re just saying that.” Falco: “No way, I’m serious. I’ve waited so long to see that form of yours. I didn’t mean to leave without saying good-bye. I’m sorry. So, about it, are we cool?” Misty: “Well, OK.”
Misty dove back into the water and came back out in her human form. Misty: “I guess I can forgive you. I’m just happy to see you back again. So, other than leaving us without saying good-bye, how was your trip?” Falco: “It wasn’t so bad. How about you? Have you guys been up to anything while I was gone?” Misty: “Sure, we've been up to plenty.” Falco: "Great, love to hear about it." Misty: “Sure.”
OK, these guys are going to get involved into a long conversation, right now. It best that I started the next chapter.
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us2dinosaurplanet · 3 years
The Stay on Dinosaur Planet: Chapter 6-Another Secret Finally Revealed
The others were still silent. Suddenly, Princess Peach saw Fox walking back towards them. Peach: “Hey, everyone! Fox is coming back.”
Everyone around her opened her eyes and were excited to see their friend returning. Slippy: “Fox!” Fox: “Hey, guys, what’s up?” Slippy: “Nothing much!” Falco: “Glad to see you’re in a better mood, Fox.” Fox: “You know it; I feel much better. Now then, how are the girls doing?” Krystal: “Fine, thank you.”
Krystal walked up to Fox. Krystal: “I can see you have come to your senses, little brother.” Fox: “Of, course and I’m glad to see you finally back on your feet.” Krystal: “Well, yes! How about that?” Slippy: “All right, that means we can go home!” Bubbles: “(Groan) Already?” Fox: “Well, maybe we could stay, just for one more night.” Slippy: “Oh, sure!” Misty: “OK, then.” Falco: “Fine by me.”
Just then they heard shouting from the others that they have left back at Cape Claw. Falco: “About time! What took you guys so long?” Prof. Oak: “I must apologize, but you guys took off so suddenly and I had no idea what was happening.” Fox: “No need to apologize, Professor. Everything is under control.” D.W.: “But what happened? I was on my laptop and the next thing I knew, you were all gone.” Falco: “Ah, nothing unusual, we just returned to check on Fox’s sister, that’s all.” D.W.: “Really? I never knew! Wait a minute; I didn’t know you had a sister, Fox!” Fox: “Me, neither. We all didn’t, except for Peppy.” Gary: “Oh, great, just what we need; another annoying fox.” Ribbon: “Gary!” Peach: “There was a bit of an uproar but everything is calm now.” Prof. Oak: “Well, thank the stars.” Bow: “My, my, what an unexpected surprise.” Fox: “Yeah, I know.”
Just then, Peach had a thought. Peach: “Of course, why have I not thought of this sooner?”
She then walked up to the Professor. Peach: “Professor, may I borrow you for a minute?” Prof. Oak: “Well, sure, Peach, but why?” Peach: “Oh…you’ll see.”
Peach and the professor walked up towards Fox.
Before they approached him, Peach tapped on the professor’s metal wristband that he wore around his left wrist.  Peach: “Hey, Fox, how are you feeling?” Fox: “Uh, I’m fine, I guess. What’s on you’re mind, Peach?” Peach: “Oh, nothing different now that we figured out that Krystal is your sister, it’s time we focused on more important topics like, oh, dare I say it, your relationship with Misty.” Fox: “What are you talking about? Hey, wait a minute! Wait a minute! Are you still saying that me and Misty are in love with each other?” Peach: “That’s exactly right.” Fox: “Princess Peach, how many times do I have to go over it? I am not in love with her! There is no special relationship going on between us! We’re just friends!”
Suddenly, the signal on the professor’s wristband went off. He looked at it, he then became greatly startled. Prof. Oak: “What the…!?! Who turned on my lie detector!?!” Fox: “Lie detector?”
Peach smiled at Fox and gave him a satisfied and smug look on her face. Fox: “But…but that must mean…could this be…?” Peach: “Ah, ha! I knew it! I knew it all along! You’re in love with her!” Fox: “But…Peach…you…you don’t understand…” Peach: “No, Fox, you don’t understand! For as long as I remember, I’ve always convinced you that you have special feeling for Misty, feeling that everyone else can see but you. I always tried to let you know but ever attempt I had failed, even when I gave you lockets made by the Thorntail Storekeeper and paid for by me. You know why?” Fox: “Well…” Peach: “Because you’re stubborn! You have always have shut out your feelings! Well, it’s time you listened to the general and start using your head for once.” Fox: “But Peach…” Peach: “No more buts! I don’t want to hear another word out of you until you use that head of yours! Now stop talking and start thinking.”      
Fox stopped himself from saying another word and did what Princess Peach told him to do. Soon enough, he began to realize something. Fox: “No! She’s right. It is true…”
Then Fox ran back to the other side of the hollow. Peach: “Fox, wait!” Slippy: “Hm, so the lie detector was able to work on him?” Peach: “That’s right. By denying his own feelings, he was lying to himself. That’s why the Professor’s lie detector worked on him.” Slippy: “Huh, how about that?” Misty: “So, he finally figured it out.” Peach: “Hm?”
Misty then slowly floated towards a lone ledge. Falco: “So, she was able to figure it out on her own?” Prof. Oak: “Yes, she was.” Falco: “Hm?” Peppy: “And it was time we need to explain to them about everything.” Ribbon: “I agree!”  Prof. Oak: “Falco, why don’t you take my grandson and find Fox? Peppy and I will stay here and talk to the princess.” Falco: “OK, Professor, come on, Gary. Let’s go.” Gary: “Hmph! Whatever!”
Falco grabbed Gary and left for the Lightfoot Village, followed by Buttercup and Ribbon.
Fox sat on a ledge connected to the village wall while staring at the locket with Misty’s picture in it. Falco: “Hey, Fox.”
Fox looked over, he saw Falco and Gary coming over, they both sat beside him. Fox: “Are you here to brag?” Falco: “No, that’s Peach’s job. I’m here to talk.”
Falco looked at Gary in a very irritated manner. Falco: “Gary is here to listen!”
Gary folded his arms and groaned a little as he turned away from both Fox and Falco. Buttercup slapped him on the head a bit. Buttercup: “Just keep quiet and do what he says, Oak sprout!”
Falco then looked back towards Fox. Falco: “Look, man, I hate to admit it, but it’s true, you’re in love with the girl.” Fox: “I know that already, Falco, it’s just that…this whole thing is just so complicated. First, there’s the matter of finding out that I have a sister and now this. Peach was right, I am stubborn.” Falco: “Oh, come on, you’re not stubborn. You’re just…um, just…” Fox:” Don’t try to sugar-code it. It’s true. I was such an idiot. I can’t believe this. After all that I have been through with Misty, how did I not see this?” Falco: “Fox, don’t beat yourself up, man. It’s not easy to admit you’re true feeling, especially over a girl. It’s not your fault; it’s mostly Peach’s.” Fox: “Yeah, you’re right. I just wish I could have listened more.”
Ribbon then got right in front of Fox’s face while hanging her head over him as she latched on to the top of his head. Ribbon: “Hello!” Fox: “Whoa!”
Fox nearly fell on his back. Ribbon giggled a little. Ribbon: “Nearly got you, didn’t I?” Fox: “Ribbon! How many times do I have to tell you!?! Don’t do that!” Ribbon: “Sorry, Fox, I couldn’t resist!” Falco: “Very cute!” Fox: “Sure, but there is one thing I don’t understand: why her? Why am I in love with her? I mean, we’re 2 completely different species. Why not someone who’s…someone that’s…the same as me? You know, pointy ears, covered head to toe in fur, a tail! Well…one’ that’s…not like hers in her…princess form. But, seriously! We look very different from each other!” Falco: “Well…I…I can’t…really…explain…”
Ribbon then floated in front of Fox as she spoke to him. Ribbon: “It’s because she was always there for you. This story I heard a hundred times, before you met her, you were upset and nearly lost everyone you have ever cared about. Then she helped to turn it around for you. And you have always tried so hard to repay her kindness. Don’t you see, Fox? You have feelings for her because she has always been doing stuff for you.” Falco: “You helped her out as much as she helped you. You get it?” Fox: “Yeah, yeah I do. I understand it all. Thanks, guys.” Falco: “No problem” Gary: “Great, can we get back now?” Fox: “Sure, let’s go back to Misty and the others.”
Fox threw himself off the ledge as Falco levitate him self and Gary back to the ground. They all returned to Thorntail Hollow.
Meanwhile, Misty, sitting on the lone ledge, also stared at her locket. Prof. Oak and Peppy came and sat with her. Prof. Oak: “So, you did know about it the whole time, didn't you?” Misty: “Yes, Fox may not have seen it, but it was obvious to me.” Peppy: “I’m not surprised. Fox can be stubborn but you always listen.” Misty: “True, but, there’s one thing I don’t understand: why am I in love with him? Why him and not someone who is born on the same planet as me? What is so different about my relationship with humans and my relationship with him?”
They paused for a moment. Peppy: “Well, it doesn’t take people who are as smart as us to answer that question, my dear. For as long as I can remember, before he met you, he once lost a good friend of his that helped to patch up the wounds from the loss of his father. After losing her, those wounds returned and the pain was worse then ever. He then began to lose hope and believed that he would lose the friends that he still had. But then you came in and returned the friends that he had lost.” Prof. Oak: “I have heard this story a hundred times from you and from Fox, when you have returned Pikachu, he has regained all hope and the pain that he had felt for so long dissipated.” Peppy: “And just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, you did the impossible. You helped to regain a lot that I thought was gone forever. Fox has tried so hard to repay you for what you have done for him and he did. I watched so many times as he has tried to rescue you from so many dangers that you can’t even break out of yourself.” Bow: “He cares so much about you, dear. You’re his best friend and he would never let anything bad happen to you.” Prof. Oak: “You were there for him in his darkest hours and he was there for you in yours. That’s why you love him. Understand?”
Misty nodded. Fox: “Misty!” Prof. Oak: “Well, here he comes now.” Peppy: “Do you understand what you must do?”
She nodded again and gently floated off the ledge. Blossom helped Peppy and Prof. Oak off.
Fox arrived along with Falco, Gary, Buttercup and Ribbon. Falco joined in with Peppy as Gary did with his grandfather. Ribbon and Lady Bow came together. So did Blossom and Buttercup. Soon enough, Krystal, Slippy, Peach, Rayman, D.W., and Banjo arrived. Slippy joined in with Falco and Peppy. Peach and Rayman did the same with the professor and his grandson. D.W. stood near Ribbon and Lady Bow. Bubbles joined her sisters. Krystal stood along side with Banjo. They watched as Fox and Misty slowly approached each other. Then, little by little, they joined each other’s hands. Fox: “Misty, there’s…something I need to tell you. And I’m so sorry it took me a long time to realize it. I don’t know what came over me. I don’t know if…” Misty: “Shhh! It’s OK, Fox. I understand. We have known each other for such a long time, we know a lot about one another and yet, we have so much to learn.” Fox: “I…I can see that, and…that what I’ve been meaning to tell you. Misty, I love you.” Misty: “And I love you, as well, Fox.”
Then they joined each other’s lips and forever sealed they’re fates. It was beautiful. Peppy and Slippy cried. Prof. Oak, Princess Peach and Rayman cried, too, but Gary just smiled. Blossom and Bubbles held each other and cried as Buttercup folded her arms and rolled her eyes while staring at her sisters. Lady Bow pulled out a handkerchief and blew her “nose” before Ribbon rained tears on her like a faucet again. Banjo let it out; ever Falco wasn’t ashamed to admit that the sight was too overwhelming for him to hold his tears back. Krystal especially cried and smiled for her brother. Krystal: “Oh, baby brother, it was just yesterday when our mother still held you in your arms. But, now, you’re all grown up and even when we were separated, you still had someone who care about you.
Krystal sobbed a bit. Krystal: “If only our parents could see this now, they would be so proud of you, as I am.”
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