#and Tick used to have a paper brick wall you could send him busting through
senoritafish · 6 years
Just looking at a couple of my 1995 Taco Bell The Tick toys on the shelf above my desk and reminded of this dialog, which always gives me a chortle...
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Tick: It’s your turn now, Thor-smog! (or Forest Smog - Tick is congested from a cold, and sometimes he’s hard to understand)
Thrakazog: Thrakazog! Thrakazog, with a K! Boy, are you ever rude!
Thrakazog’s 2nd mouth: EAT RUDE BRAAIIN!!
Tick: No brains today - we’re only serving humble pie, Whatchamazog!
Thrakazog: Listen buddy, for the last time, it’s...
(Now speeding up and overlapping each other)
Tick: Thorax in a bog?
Thrakazog: Thrak-a-zog!
Tick: Ah, Laxative log!
Thrakazog: NoNoNo!
Tick: Laplander-zog?
Thrakazog: NOPE!
Tick: Four yaks and a dog!
Thrakazog: THRAK-...!!
Tick: Sapsucker Frog!!
Thrakazog: NO!NO!NO!!
Tick: Ahem...(Slowly) Susan?
(long pause while Thrakazog looks disbelieving)
Thrakazog: Tsk tsk tsk, now you’re doing on purpose. How juvenile.
Wow, they’re dustier than I expected - I need to take a few minutes to wipe everything down here. And the paint has started coming off one of Thrak’s eyes. :(
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