#and a car mechanic in mystreet
garbagepile · 5 months
Namari looks a lot like how I would imagine Nicole to look like
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cloverrr8 · 1 month
Aphmau - Childhood Development degree -> Child Welfare Social Worker / Part time Daycare worker
Aaron - Architecture degree -> Construction Manager
Garroth - Entrepreneurship degree-> Sales Manager (at his father’s company)
Zane - Psychology degree-> Human Resources worker (at his father’s company)
Laurance - Engineering -> Mechanical Engineer for cars
Katelyn - Army -> Exercise Science degree -> Personal Trainer
KC - Manages her own restaurant
Lucinda - Witchcraft degree (yes I made that up) -> Potion Mixer
Dante - Computer Science -> Software Developer
Travis - Economics degree -> Bartender
Cadenza - Textiles degree -> Dress Designer
Gene - Engineering degree (he dropped out) -> Waiter, Retail Worker, Garbage Man, EMT
Nicole - Nursing degree (switched majors -> Biomedical Engineering degree -> Medical Technologist
Ivy - Nursing degree -> Nurse
Teony - Pyschology -> Children’s Therapist
Kim - Library Science -> Librarian
Ok that’s all I’m gonna do thanks for reading :)
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wuhohblockmen · 1 year
also the fact that nicole is not a car mechanic in mystreet makes me cry a little bit
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
October 27, 2018: 12:54 pm:
October 27. 2018: 12:11 pm:<br><br>The weekend attack from Nathan Phillips Va... StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-27T15:54:22-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-27T15:54:22-0400
October 27. 2018: 12:11 pm: The weekend attack from Nathan Phillips Vatican terrorist training center at 520 "MyStreet" is underway. Today's attack, so far, includes the standard attack of the "sodomy" play. This attack, the "sodomy" attack is simple and effective. The Seventh Day Adventist soldiers use the sodomy attack very often, so much so, that I can see the ingredients necessary for this attack immediately. I have been a victim of the "sodomy" attack thousands of times. Here is how it went today, and is typical. First, Nathan Phillips saw that I had gone outside for a walk, he and his cell are watching my front door closely. If my front door opens, the child terrorists that Mr. Phillips trains for terrorist activities announce out loud that I have gone outside. They don't hide the announcement. "Asshole's in the yard!" is the announcement. All American's are assholes to the terrorists, so, it's the same as saying "The American is in the yard". After the announcement, Nathan and his cell started up their chain saws, and the man lift they rented yesterday. A lot of noise cover for advancing soldiers through the woods, and serves as a distraction for me to pay attention to that direction of the noise. The real threat is closer, and is about thirty feet away at the time of the sodomy attack. So Nathan makes a bunch of noise after I go outside for a walk. There was no noise all morning, it was quiet, until I opened the door to go outside, then, three chainsaws and a noisy man lift motor all started at once, complete with teh sound of a tree falling just at the time that the sodomy attack is supposed to take place. The sodomy soldiers are signaled into position and begin to speak their scripted, verbal lines, upon the sound of the falling tree. So, on the tree falling signal, a woman shows up, seemingly out from nowhere, but suddenly, there she is. The woman is a stranger, I do not recognize the woman. She is in the Monroe terrorist cell yard next door the opposite from where Nathan and the saws are making noise. The strange woman who suddenly appeared is just twenty to thirty feet away, and has an eight year old boy with her, they begin to speak their lines. Meanwhile, Clyde Baum, Seventh Day Adventist French Canadian from 333 "MyStreet" has also been signaled into position. He is near his red pickup truck, parked on the road, and is dressed in a mechanics coverall suit. Clyde begins to pretend to be loading his truck with leaves that have fallen at the side of the road. It's all bullshit, is scripted, and there are wardrobe costumes. The woman was signaled of my approach and sprang into action. The idea is for the woman to begin to yell "SODOMY... SODOMY... HELP... SODOMY". Normal people taking a walk have no idea what sodomy is... not when they are out for a stroll and just minding their own business while making an assessment of what is going on around them. So, those words "SODOMY... SODOMY" don't mean anything. And that is what happened today, as it has happened thousands of times over the course of twenty years of enduring this bullshit. So, when the strange woman begins to yell, she also has a secret communication device connected to both Clyde Baum, and Nathan Phillips. That is when Clyde Baum would have normally come speeding down the road in his big red pick-up truck, get out with a gun, and yell "I got here as soon as I heard the screams!". It's always the same verbal line..."I got here as soon as I heard the screams!". Today, I used my Bic Lighter and someone nearby burst, then launched away. The Nitrous Oxide.Versed airborne gas is flammable, they need the Nitrous Oxide.Versed/airborne gas to make sure that I, the intended victim, don't scream in pain when Clyde shoots. They also need the gas to torture the victims so it will prevent the victim from screaming. The Nitrous Oxide eliminates pain almost entirely. The torturing works with the gas because the terrorists use mirrors to show the victims that they have been injured. Injured victims can easily see when their arms have been broken, or their hand has been cut off with a sword, head injuries are shown to the victims with a mirror, and the victims are tortured pain free this way without making unwanted noise. So the sodomy attack failed. The idea is to kill the victim or take the victim captive. Fake law enforcement are usually nearby as well and show up shortly after the shooter, or other means of capturing, has done his part in the attack. The attack on me with the "sodomy attack" has never been successful, so my knowledge of what is supposed to happen after the good Samaritan, Clyde, shows up, is limited to observing when other American Citizens have been victimized this way. I think the woman who was playing the role of the sodomized victim may have been one of the terrorists that ignited, burst, and launched away. Clyde stayed by his truck in the road, and was making visual signals to others by tossing leaves with a rake high into the air while pretending to fill his truck with leaves. The visual communication of leaves flying all over the place and never really getting into the truck bed is obvious even from a distance. The signal of the flying leaves is "terrorist burst, and launched". I was not paying enough attention, but the sound of a noisy vacuum cleaner or leaf blower would have been necessary just then to convey to other, more distantly placed terrorists, that a "Medivac", or "medical evacuation", or "evac" is required. There was a lot of noise coming from Nathan Phillips terrorist training center, there could have been a vacuum cleaner sound in all that noise. I did hear the sound of at least three chainsaws, one man lift, and children making screeching and screaming sounds, like the sound of a small group of children at a pool party... that sound is remarkably easy to identify. But it's October and there is no pool party.
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+1'd by: Pauline P. Fenske
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-27T16:43:58-0400
October 27, 2018: 1:29 pm: While the "sodomy attack" was underway earlier, there was a secondary attack being staged on me. Nathan Phillips is, and was making a lot of chainsaw noise, and the sound of the motor on the man lift is also noisy. The noise allowed that terrorists from 598 "MtStreet" Medical Democrat terrorist cell were sneaking into the woods towards one of the houses on my property. One of them launched a few minutes ago while trying to get closer to me. Dead Terrorists are piling up someplace today, too bad national security personnel don't do security work, they could learn a lot here this weekend. There was a third attack in the works also, and that one was deployed and almost worked. It was close. The Medical Democrats of 598 had lost a soldier just moments prior to this third attack, they had the riding lawn mower that belongs to the Stephen Bell cannibal US Postal Service terrorist cell at 445 and there were two terrorist soldiers riding double on the lawn mower and going around in circles in the road in front of Nathan Phillips terrorist training center. So, when I went for another walk out to the end of my driveway, two people on a riding mower that does not belong to them were doing doughnuts in the road. Naturally, I was curious and stepped out into the roadway. That is when Wesely Crowel of 547 came quickly from behind me driving a 1926 Pierce Arrow historic car that he has. He aimed directly at me and made no attempt to brake, slow down, or drive on the opposite side of the road as I stepped out to have a look at the thieves doing doughnuts, riding double, on a mower that does not belong to them. Wesely missed hitting me, however, if I wanted to, I could have grabbed the headlight on that car as it went by, that is how close he came by while aiming to hit me with his car. It is going to be a long weekend while Nathan has that man lift. 
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-27T17:38:29-0400
October 27, 2018: 2:03 pm: The "sodomy attack" that happened earlier today required a set-up in advance which I did not explain earlier. The set-up, as follows: At about 2:30 am this morning, an email was sent to my inbox from Symantec Internet Security Products. The email explains that "Ransomeware" is a problem for people, and with "Life-Lock" and "Identity Safe" products from Norton, these problems can be solved. Ransomeware is often used and deployed when American Citizens access pornography websites. So, my guess is that my computer use last night and this morning will reflect someplace that pornography was accessed on the internet through my computer, or modem. I did not use the internet for pornography today, or last night. Pornography can be useful for understanding terrorism in a number of ways, and, it can be used to lure terrorists to my home. I can turn on a pornography website, and them wait outside... the terrorists are sent by CenturyLink internet to kill American Citizens while they are busy watching pornography. I did not access pornography lately for any reason. The set-up also included, on the heals of that email notice, that a attack on my computer took place at about 11:00 am today. The attack included a small notification window that poped up, and also a chime sound. The fake notice was from Symantec Internet Security advising me that my subscription to Norton 360 was to expire in three days, and that I should take steps to maintain my Norton Product by renewing my subscription. My Norton Product was renewed about sixty days ago, I still have nearly three-hundred days of subscription, yet, Symantec demanded that I renew, and the message was sent via pop-up window, very small little pop-up only about one inch by two inches, and there was an audible bell sound. So, the idea here is to provide someone, someplace, with a faked and bogus report or log of internet use that includes pornography. That way, the "sodomy attack" would have been supported by pornography web use. It's bullshit, and I am only one example of victims that number in hundreds of thousands of DEAD AMERICAN VICTIMS of SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST variety of SCREEN ACTOR GUILD TERRORISM that renders DEAD AMERICAN BABIES... No one will help. Victims are slaughtered daily by the tens of thousands. They are WHITE CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS. No one understands that terrorism has no boundaries, it has no age, nor gender, and... terrorism IS NOT BOUND BY RELIGION. Terrorism is advanced by the Screen Actors Guild, it is driven by greed, and it is driven by fear. The members of the Screen Actors Guild are terrified themselves that they may have to do some work at some point in their lives, so rather than do the work, they have devised a plan to make certain they will not ever have to do any work, but instead, will have access to millions of slaves to the work for them. Also, the Screen Actor Guild is composed of people who want to take the entire Earth  as their own, and for their exclusive pleasure. They will not allow anyone outside of the SAG to visit beautiful places, go to beaches, enjoy hiking in the wilderness, or simply ride a bicycle around a lake. They want all that for their exclusive use, and are taking it. Right now, Americans are slaughtered if they go to the Rogue River, nearby where I am. People who go to the Rogue River are killed by French Canadian terrorist soldiers who patrol the River and the forested areas. There is a Jet Boat Excursion in Grants Pass Oregon called "Hellgate Excursions". The operators of the excursion boats are terrorists from Quebec. They take the passengers on a boat ride, then intentionally make the boat break down. It's fake. Another Jet Excursion Boat is radioed for assistance, that boat shows up, a group of terrorists is on the boat and they open fire on the passengers of the distressed boat in a drive-by, or float-by attack with machine guns. The persons with the machine guns are often famous movie stars, television stars, and musicians who are terrorists and enjoy killing for pleasure. The passengers on the boat are killed and the two boats are taken to a place down river where the bodies of the victims are disposed of. That place downriver is the destination of the "Diner Boat Cruise". ABOUT
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
July 29, 2018: 11:18 pm:
July 29, 2018: 4:40 PM:<br><br>StoneMan has to go to the store today and run ... StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-29T19:42:42-0400 - Updated: 2018-07-30T02:18:53-0400
July 29, 2018: 4:40 PM: StoneMan has to go to the store today and run errands. Either he will be killed or held captive and not return, or, at least one terrorist will die as a result of the shopping experience of this socio-terrific dystopian environment in Grants Pass Oregon. The absence of freedom is the presence of captivity. There is no freedom here.
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StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-29T22:01:40-0400 - Updated: 2018-07-30T02:27:18-0400
July 29, 2018: 7:00 PM: StoneMan Unscathed! StoneMan returned from the socio-terrific dystopian shopping experience with groceries, cookies and milk inclusive. Upon leaving, henchmen Screen Actor Guild Monroe family terrorist cell members were waiting near the roadway just past the the driveway exit onto "MyStreet". They had knowledge that StoneMan had left his house and had started his vehicle. The Monroe SAG terrorist henchman signaled another terrorist cell just at the corner of Russel Road and Three Pines Road where StoneMan needs to turn Right. There were Terrorist henchmen waiting there in the corner house driveway at the "Bad-Guy-Auto-Repair" terrorist cell. That is the name of the cell, I am not making it up, they call themselves "Bad-Guy-Auto-Repair" ( they do mechanic work on cars that belong to other members of the terrorist Flock, hence the name) There was a representative there from another terrorist cell called "Fast-Car". (Fast-Car is the name of the cell, it is a terrorist service provided by terrorists for terrorists and is exactly what it sounds like, think of a taxi ride that goes 90 miles per hour, or "Mr, Toads Wild Ride where the idea is for the terrorist assassin to get to a location before the targeted victim gets there in enough time to attempt to kill the victim after they arrive at the location. This only works when they know the destination of the targeted victim.) Fast-Car used a late model Chevrolet utility sport vehicle, grey, and license ending in 'GCO'. As StoneMan passed Bad-Guy-Auto, the henchmen assassins got into the car. StoneMan got onto Interstate 5 at the Southbound entrance number 66 and merged into traffic. "Fast-Car" quickly passed at great speed. StoneMan violated speed limits today, and was determined to get the licence number of "Fast-Car" for reporting here. StoneMan is only able to remember the last three digits of GCO, and there was a 5 in the preceding digits. StoneMan followed "Fast-Car" having played this game too many times and did not want to be taken by surprise by them like the other times. "Fast-Car" chose not to exit the freeway, they acknowledged that StoneMan had spoiled their plan with a gesture from the driver and passenger. StoneMan exited the freeway at exit number 55 and went to AM/PM. The terrorists at AM/PM who work the counter and pretend to be customers were confused about how StoneMan was there, but not "Fast-Car". The clerk AM/PM terrorist asked a Fake customer terrorist "He got here fast... where is "Fast-Car?" The reply was, "They are on their way to Gold Hill, they missed the exit. (Gold Hill is 20 miles South). StoneMan made his selections for purchase and encountered a terrorist play, maneuver, scripted situation, where there was a baited racial problem that could have turned bad. This is too complicated to report here, just understand that StoneMan has encountered this racial bait maneuver a number of time and it is scripted to the letter and designed to provoke a problem no matter how the victim responds. StoneMan ignored the bait. Bare in mind that the terrorists where ever StoneMan goes in Josephine County and beyond all have listening devices that act as receivers for the dental implant broadcasting blue-tooth implant in his jaw. It makes life challenging. Fight terrorism with a Bic Lighter. At least one terrorist "Burst" at the AM/PM convenience store in Grants Pass when their Nitrous Oxide/Versed tank of airborne gas was ignited. StoneMan Unscathed at AM/PM. StoneMan Proceeded to Wal-Mart, also in Grants Pass. At the Wal-Mart, the shopping experience is not really a shopping experience, it is something different, it is survival in a war zone where the enemies uniform is street clothes and no one has a gun that is visible, instead every one in the store is a enemy soldier, dressed in street clothes or Wal-Mart uniform clothing and everyone is armed with a tank of Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne poison gas. They follow the American victims around the store while communicating that Americans position in the store with the use of personal blue tooth communication devices. The devices that the terrorists have are adjustable for volume and can be turned on or off, the implant that StoneMan has in his jaw is not adjustable, is not removable, is always on at full volume, and is much loader than those of the terrorist soldiers. StoneMan can hear his own voice coming from the earpiece of the soldiers if he engages in conversation with them. Remember, they look and act as if they are either shoppers, or employees at Wal-Mart, or anywhere else that people shop. So, that is how StoneMan learned of the implant that was put into his root canal dental work in 2011 or so. In this way, the shopping in a socio-terrific dystopian environment is living in a war-zone, except only the offensive soldiers know there is a war, so it's a slaughter house at the Wal-Mart, or anywhere an American goes. The stores are killing fields and the victims do not know they are in danger. The offensive soldiers behave friendly and curtious as they chop the heads off of their victims. There are some sayings that have been in circulation from Americans who have learned of this and tried to explain it to their loved ones and friends such as "It's as if they are killing us with cotton that turns to stainless steel at the checkout", or "The terrorism is a 9 to 5 job, and they work 24/7". The shopping experience is too difficult to explain in further detail other than at the checkout, in the line, at the bottleneck, while paying for the items selected, is when the swordsmen strike. Today, the swordsman looked remarkably similar to Richard Chartrand who has been discussed at length on this page, however, it was not Richard Chartrand, but a look-a-like instead. While StoneMan was using the point-of-purchase machine to pay with debit card, the swordsman assassin was in line behind him. The swordsman approached the adjacent checkout booth directly behind StoneMan, and with the words "I need a loaner" he requested a sword from the clerk there who has a sword hidden behind the counter somewhere concealed in disguise. StoneMan has played this game every trip to the store for twenty years, he knows what to look for, how to behave, what to do, and how to respond. Fight terrorism with a Bic Lighter. The swordsman's Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas tank ignited and he left the area very quickly, he launched. StoneMan collected his groceries after paying with debit card and left the building and went to his vehicle, returning home without further incident. Fight terrorism with a Bic Lighter. Terrorism knows no boundaries, it has no age nor gender... terrorism knows no boundaries. Don't get on the bus, never get on the bus.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-29T23:36:52-0400 - Updated: 2018-07-30T00:02:22-0400
July 29, 2018: 8:22 PM: I have mentioned in previous posts that there are themes in terrorism. One of them happens in July and is called "Christmas in July". I have also mentioned on this page to watch out for "The Twelve Days of Christmas", during which the ideas in the song are thrown at the USA in the form of terrorist activity. So, there are many fires burning in the area. Forrest fires, big ones. There is not a lot of fire fighting going on, it's more about fire management for the purpose of a "Salvage Timber Sale" that will take place after things cool off. The firefighters "Milk" the fires for what they are worth, and they are worth a lot of money in the form of "Salvage Timber Sales" of timber that would not be cut and sold from State, Federal and County forest lands had there been no fire. If they put the fires out, which they are able to do, then, they cannot make any money by raping the USA for everything she has. Hence, "Eight-maids-a-Milking". I will bet dollars to doughnuts that there are currently eight fires being managed for the upcoming  Christmas in July fire sale. They let the trees burn, but not enough to spoil the timber. It's all about the terrorists earning every penny they can at the expense of the United States of America, and freedom. The people who are doing this to us are the movie actors and actresses we love, and the musicians we worship. In return for our love and worship, they rape us, burn us, torcher us, imprison us, enslave us, and make us watch block-buster movies as long as we can pay to see them before they kill us. SAG. They are the enemy. Forest Fires are useful in terrorism. The baby is on fire.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-29T23:46:38-0400 - Updated: 2018-07-30T00:33:59-0400
July 29, 2018: 8:40 PM: When we have heard news reports from a news reporter who is explaining that a block-buster movie earned so many millions of dollars at the box office, what is really going on is that the news reporter is providing a "Body-Count" of the number of American Victims that have been killed and replaced. I don't know if the report is straight up where each dollar represents and American victim and a replacement put in that persons place, but it actually could be, considering that this Screen Actor Guild terrorism started at some point before Bob Hope began to do USO shows on the US Navy vessels during the Vietnam War. How ever they do the math, the earnings report is a report to SAG soldiers, from SAG soldiers, about their progress towards" French American Republic Territory" in place of the United States of America. 
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-30T00:42:00-0400 - Updated: 2018-07-30T00:42:49-0400
July 29, 2018: 9:34 PM: And to close for the night, the Screen Actor Guild heroin dealer at 601 "MyStreet" just made another assassination attempt in association with Nathan Phillips family terrorist cell at 520, and perhaps new terrorists at 598 "MyStreet" that I don't know much about except that they are way up on the Democrat political party chain of command and also are associated with terrorist medical services of some kind. They all worked together to do a shooting event, in addition to a "Rig-Run-Down". There was a shooter on "MyStreet" moments ago and I was downrange. had the bullet hit, i would have been run over by the Volkswagen wagon that the Dietricks call Farfignugen. A bullet missed my head by an inch at the end of my driveway. Bullets are warm when they go by.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-30T00:45:15-0400
July 29. 2018: 8:53 PM: I am the last American in Josephine County Oregon.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-07-30T00:47:38-0400
July 29, 2018: 9:34 PM: And to close for the night, the Screen Actor Guild heroin dealer at 601 "MyStreet" just made another assassination attempt in association with Nathan Phillips family terrorist cell at 520, and perhaps new terrorists at 598 "MyStreet" that I don't know much about except that they are way up on the Democrat political party chain of command and also are associated with terrorist medical services of some kind. They all worked together to do a shooting event, in addition to a "Rig-Run-Down". There was a shooter on "MyStreet" moments ago and I was downrange. had the bullet hit, i would have been run over by the Volkswagen wagon that the Dietricks call Farfignugen. A bullet missed my head by an inch at the end of my driveway. Bullets are warm when they go by.
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