#and a happy monday to those who don’t :3 🎉
lifeonmvrs · 9 months
happy holidays from attorney matt murdock (who is definitely not daredevil)
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[Image Description: a half-body digital drawing of matt murdock from the daredevil comics. he is wearing a red sweater with white text that reads “i’m not daredevil”, a diadem with devil horns on his head, and black glasses. he’s standing with open arms and a cheerful expression while holding a white cane decorated to look as a candy cane with a little plant at the top end. at the right, there’s a bubble text reading “happy holidays, people!”. the background is a solid red with an ugly sweater pink pattern with crosses and devil horns hands. /end ID]
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angelbaby-fics · 3 years
hi chloe!! been a while since i stopped by your asks. if this is possible, may i please request a birthday themed fic? you can decide all you want it can be angsty or fluffy!! I requested this since my birthday is gonna be on monday!! thank u and have a great day <3 💕💕💙
Birthday Cake
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bWord Count: 900
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x Little!Reader
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONIQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳💕🎁🎉🎈 i'm sorry this is a little late but I hope you like it & I hope you had a really amazing birthday!!! 💕
Steve woke up the morning of your birthday, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he turned to look at you, still fast asleep and curled into his side. He always woke up before you and Bucky, loving to get an early breakfast and a run before he started his day. On this special day, however, his run would have to be cut a little short as he still had a few birthday themed errands to run before you woke up.
You stirred slightly as Steve peeled your arm away from his torso, murmuring in your sleep at the loss of his warmth. He paused for a moment, holding his breath until you turned yourself around and repositioned yourself as Bucky’s little spoon. Steve made sure you were tucked back into the comforter before he quietly grabbed some clothes from the closet and stepped out of the room.
He ran until the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon. Knowing you and Bucky would still be asleep for likely a few more hours, Steve came home to take a quick shower before heading out again. He drove downtown to the bakery where he’d placed an order for your custom birthday cake a couple weeks, or so he’d thought. You see, Steve still hadn’t quite gotten the hang of technology, and while he thought he’d placed the order successfully, he’d actually closed the window before the order went through. He didn’t realize this, however, until he walked into the bakery as soon as they opened and asked if they had an order for “Rogers, Steve”.
“I’m sorry sir, we don’t have anything under that name. Is it possible you used a different name?” The employee behind the counter asked. “Uhh maybe Barnes, James? Or Stark, Tony?” Steve replied, wondering if maybe he’d gotten his credit cards confused. “I’m sorry, we don’t have any of those names here, either. Do you have the confirmation email we sent you when you placed the order?” Steve sighed and scratched his head.
“Let me see…” He said, slightly exasperated as he opened his email app and scrolled through hundreds of unread messages to the day he placed the order and beyond, not finding any sort of email from the bakery. “It’s not here.” He replied, finally.
“Okay, then that means that the order didn’t go through so we do not have your cake ready, however your card has not been charged for anything.” “What do I do then?” Steve asked. “Well you could place the order now, but it won’t be ready for at least a week.” Steve sighed. He couldn’t believe his mistake. You hadn’t even woken up yet and already your birthday was ruined! He knew how excited you were fr cake, you always had such a sweet tooth and he was so looking forward to spoiling you with the perfect cake for your special day.
“Is there anything you can do in two hours?” He pleaded with the employee.
“Well, we have some pre-made cakes, they just won’t be decorated yet. But I can send you home with some decorating supplies if you’d like to do it yourself?” The employee replied, genuinely feeling bad for Steve, who contemplated for a moment before deciding that between this, a cake he made himself at home, or no cake at all, this was clearly the best choice.
“Thank you SO so much!” Steve answered, making sure to tip extra as the employee handed him a blank cake in your favorite flavor, and a bag of decorating supplies.
When he got home, he opened the cake box staring at the blank cake for what felt like a century before his attention was drawn to Bucky, who’d quietly and carefully gotten out of your grip as well and decided to help Steve set everything up before you woke up. He’d only been awake for a minute but he could already tell by Steve’s expression that something was wrong.
“What did you do?” Bucky asked with a smirk.
“You know that incredible custom cake I ordered? Well turns out I didn’t.” Bucky laughed, but Steve wasn’t smiling.
“It's not funny! Her birthday is ruined!” “No it isn’t, honey.” Bucky reassured him. “You tried your best and that’s what matters.” “But she won’t have a cake!”
“Sure she will, we’ll just have to decorate it ourselves. And if that’s not enough, we’ll just take her out for ice cream sundaes.”
“When are we goin???” You asked from the kitchen doorway, surprising them both.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HONEY!” Bucky cheered, while Steve stood there looking worried. “Hey bug,” He started as you crept over to him & climbed up into his arms. “I’m so sorry, but we didn’t get –” “YOU GOT A CAKE WE CAN DECORATE TOGETHER!!!” You squealed excitedly. “Can we put kitties on it?” “You- yeah, of course!” Steve stuttered for a moment before realizing that he’d really had nothing to worry about, there was no way he could ruin your birthday as long as he was in your life.
“And then after we eat cake for breakfast we can go get ice cream sundaes, right Baba?” You asked, turning to Bucky with a mischievous grin.
“Well now, I don’t know if I said that-” He started, but Steve cut him off.
“Of course baby. We can do whatever you want, it's your birthday!” He said, and the two of them smothered you with kisses as you dissolved into laughter.
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Taglist: @babybatdani @cherryynoir @chiyongberry @simpingbutch @xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo @mogaruke @flthyhrts @swfpugh @mariefischer @stuckysgirl27 @stevebuckyplzfuckme @leialittleone @midnight-dreams-23 @mischiefsemimanaged @0witchtrials0 @my-river-lilly @erynnnn @axhilles4time 💕💕💕
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