#and a line he gets in act 2(that doesn’t require flirting to trigger) is ‘you can’t keep teasing me im only a man’
drasticdoodling · 2 years
i wanna do an andersmance run of da2 bc i need to see if they let him have any normal dialogue bc the lines ive stumbled into? well. they are Written.
0 notes
ronsenburg · 4 years
Hi! I wanted to ask you something about Klapollo. What topic/argument do you think could possibly cause them to break up or take a break from the relationship? I live for the drama and was thinking about maybe writing a fic but like I dont want to make either of them assholes, like Apollo bringing Kristoph up to hurt Klavier, for example. I don't think he would do that but I struggle to come up with something else.
Oh boy, I hope you’re not upset about this, but I wrote you an essay. I’m sorry.
Overall, I really like the klapollo relationship timeline because, compared to, say, narumi/su they have a much more normal, organic story. They meet, flirt, share a mutual trauma, get together! Totally normal! But I also think that they would have a much harder time than narumi/su finding the balance you need in a serious relationship and I can see them calling it quits for perfectly practical reasons that aren’t really anything to do with one being a jerk, you know? Here are my top things that I think they would have to navigate and maybe struggle with before a real happily ever after:
1. Money. You’ve probably seen my post where I talk about Apollo feeling uncomfortable with displays of affluence. I don’t think that this is an easy one to get past. AA6 Spoilers, but Dhurke and Datz literally raised them in hiding on the run in the mountainous jungles of Khura’in. They sent Apollo to the states as a nine year old. We don’t know what he did when he got here, but my money’s always been on the foster system. That doesn’t typically breed a sense of stability, financial or otherwise. 
From my experience (so take it with a grain of salt), children who grow up with very little tend to behave in one of two ways when they reach financial stability and/or achieve wealth: first option, they’re really bad with it. They spend it nearly as fast as they make it on things they didn’t get to have or experience when they were growing up. Second option, they never spend it. They know what it’s like to be without, so they save as much of it as they can so they have the security of knowing, if something happens, they won’t have to go back to the way it was before. I will always put Apollo in the latter category. He works hard for what he has and what he gets and, I think, things that signify extravagance make him uncomfortable. On the other hand, I think that the Gavin’s have always had some sort of wealth. Klavier and Kristoph have very different aesthetics to their spaces that we get to experience (Klavier’s office and Kristoph’s cell) but they’re both pretty lavish. Now, we can assume they each made their money individually in their respective careers but, honestly, Kristoph’s cell is so gaudy. To me, it screams “this is what I’m used to and I refuse to accept any less” which is an attitude that I feel comes more from a lifetime of that treatment. 
So if we accept everything that I’ve said above as true, trying to put a person who saves every penny they get and feels bad treating themselves with a person who spends money freely because it’s been a constant throughout their life? It can go poorly. Casually dating, maybe it’s not such an issue once Apollo says “please no more presents and can we just get takeout for once?” but if you’re talking about something more serious, where you have to live in the same space and pay joint bills and be confronted with the other person’s spending habits constantly, it’s a whole other thing. Please take it from me as a person in a long term relationship who loves their partner tremendously—everyone fights about money. Everyone. It would be very difficult for Apollo to feel comfortable, even if he knew that finances were in good shape and there was savings, etc. Things happen, people leave. Nothing gold can stay. Changing that line of thinking takes work. It would also be easier said than done for Klavier to just do an about face on his own habits for Apollo’s comfort. Being a celebrity makes money, but it costs money, too. There is a certain amount of lushness that people expect. That can’t just go away. These are things that become bigger problems overtime, no matter how much you love each other. 
Anyway, I would be really surprised if—even if you’re writing them as really happily married—Apollo doesn’t have a ‘emergency fund’ that even Klavier doesn’t know about. It’s a ‘just in case’. Just in case Klavier leaves him. Just in case he needs to get away fast. Just in case the world ends. It’s not a logical thing, something that he sat down and rationalized doing, it’s just there because it feels better to have it than to not. But that can be kind of hurtful if the other person finds out about it, so. There you go, a whole minefield of money related drama.
2. Apollo’s Abandonment Issues. He’s got them! What do you call and orphan twice over who also lost his very best friend? I don’t know, but if capcom doesn’t stop picking on my boy I’m going to kick them in the teeth. I will still never get over AA6 for telling us that Dhurke took Apollo in when he was orphaned as a baby, then abandoned him in the USA, then came back for him and got his hopes up, and then was actually dead the whole time! Hahahaha! What a trip! 
Anyway, you don’t come back from that super easy. People who suffer this kind of trauma usually have a really hard time trusting others, which is understandable. They also can have unrealistic needs from their partners, become codependent, or even just self-sabotage their relationships, pulling away first to try and avoid the pain because they think the other person will leave them. I think that last one is most likely for Apollo, especially given the disparity in circumstances I mentioned above. If Apollo can’t trust that Klavier actually loves him, can’t trust that he won’t leave him like EVERYONE ELSE HAS, then they can’t have a healthy relationship. Drama.
3. Klavier’s Emotional Trauma. Kristoph is a pretty big jerk to Klavier in the last case of AA4. He criticizes and undermines Klavier, threatens and admits to manipulating him. In the anthology, Klavier shares an “lol so funny!” story about Kristoph accidentally breaking a window while he and Klavier are playing ball. In it, he convinces Klavier that it was his fault and that he should take the blame and apologize for breaking the window! And Klavier does! That’s gaslighting, baby, and since the Anthology is supposed to be canon, we can take that to mean it’s been happening since Klavier was a kid. Think about that. An entire life of gaslighting and manipulative behavior! You don’t come back from that easily, either. 
People who experience emotional abuse can, among other things, suffer from depression and low-self esteem. They need affirmation from their partners and can have a hard time with letting people in or being honest (though not from a malicious mindset—more a “I’m going to say what I think you want to hear because if you’re happy, bad things won’t happen!”). They can also always be waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. Sure things are good, but when will that end and the bad time start? It’s a self fulfilling prophecy: if all you can do is worry about things going wrong, then you aren’t actually enjoying when things are going right and you will cause the issues you’re so worried about. Drama.
4. Fame. Klavier has been in the spotlight since he was a literal child. If the Gavinners were already hits when Klavier was 17, they likely formed and starred their rise some time before then. A year, maybe two? Klavier spent his formative years in the spotlight. He quite literally doesn’t know any other way. Apollo, on the other hand, has never experienced the kind of scrutiny he’d be subject to when dating someone like Klavier. It can be really stressful and hurtful and just overall not a good time. And I’m not saying that Klavier wouldn’t be sympathetic, but I don’t think he would really understand how difficult it could be to have been thrust into that position out of nowhere, because he’s had years of dealing with it and was in a completely different place in life when it began for him. It’s not unreasonable to think that Apollo might not be able to take it. You can love someone and want to be with them but if you can’t adapt to their lifestyle, it’s not going to work. They could walk away rather than risk what might happen to Apollo if they kept it up. Drama.
5. Careers. They both have very demanding jobs. While sharing a similar profession can mean there’s a mutual understanding, it can also cause issues if you... never get to see each other? Schedules can be out of alignment (which could easily happen; their cases can’t always line up and they seem to require a lot of time investment outside of just normal hours). If Klavier goes back into music, that’s an additional time constraint. Why be in a relationship when you can only see the other person for moments here and there? What about the stress that comes with those jobs? That can cause drama.
6. Klavier looks like Kristoph. They are very different people, yes, but similar enough in some ways that it could cause tension. Maybe Klavier is tired and stressed and snaps at Apollo, and suddenly, all Apollo can see is Kristoph and all he can feel is the uncomfortable churning in his stomach that goes along with the memories of him. Someone he trusted, someone who let him down. That’s a difficult subject to broach, and it can fester like an infected wound if left intended. 
But Apollo sounds like Kristoph sometimes. We saw it in AA5, which is, of course, an extreme circumstance. But it can come out from time to time in other ways. A phrase that slips out, the way he intones certain words, the way he signs off in his emails—little things that are harmless, but can still act as triggers. 
Sometimes you need to get away from things that can remind you of your past in order to work on getting over them. If you are in love with someone who shares a similar trauma, who brings those issues from the past to light frequently just by being themselves, it might not be a healthy situation. I don’t think they would need to throw it in each other’s faces for it to become an issue. Drama.
There are more, but I probably took this more seriously than you intended. Whoops! Anyway, I hope that helps??? Maybe???? I hope you get them back together in the end because they deserve to be happy though!!!!!!!
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handlewithkara · 4 years
The long and thorny road towards omega!Mon-El and Alpha!Kara in season 2 with clueless Mon-El
Posting Gift of Choice lead to me kind of dumping a lot of random info in the comments, so I figured I might bring some of that here for preservation purposes. 
I think the first time I ever had a vague idea for A/B/O Karamel was season 3? Like how that would be an interesting twist on the Imra situation if either one of Karamel goes into heat and hence they are forced to deal with the situation. But season 3 was like really bad for my motivation, so nothing really came out of it.
One was that Karamel were a happy a/o couple in season 2, happily looking forward to their first heat together and all the grieving Kara was doing after he was gone makes a lot of sense with her being an omega who has lost her alpha. So Mon-El comes back with Imra and him being there again triggers Kara's heat and of course she is mortified and wants to suppress it and it's all superangsty and complicated, but of course Karamel can't stay away from each other etc 
The Legion is stuck in season 3, Mon-El goes into heat, Imra is not an alpha and they sort of agree that Karamel need to sleep together to get him through the heat with Imra giving her permission, but Kara is underneath still kind of fuming and angry and possessive of him. The idea there was in that story that there the bond is only completed and made permanent by the alpha biting the omega during the heat and Mon-El tells Kara the only thing he asks of her that she not do that but in the end Kara (who is still deeply angry about the situation) loses control during sex and does it anyway (again those pesky consent issues) and it just devolved into a big ball of angst (because of course Mon-El still loves Kara and not Imra, but he is still hiding secrets about the future etc) and again it just wasn't something I really wanted to get into.   
One factor is that I’m kind of very away of the various consent issues around A/B/O, so a lot of fic ideas I had for were really angsty and would have required a really long plotty story to resolve etc, etc. 
Moving away from that, my thoughts went more towards season 2. Anyway, Another, more concrete idea here featured omega!Kara: 
1.) Alpha/Omega are a thing on Krypton and Daxam, but not on Earth. Alex invents a suppressant for Kara and Kara is like "Uhmm, yes, about that..." because she actually is really curious about sex with Mon-El and kind of wants to "try it out" before taking suppressants. It was just kind of meh.
2.) Alpha/Omega are a thing on Earth, but not on Krypton and Daxam. Kara is deeply opposed to having a Daxamite as her mate, but when she tries to make it through her heat alone and things go bad Alex calls in Mon-El for help. Kara was super angsty in this one.
3.) Alpha/Omega were a thing on Daxam, but not Krypton. Or rather the Kryptonians were all strictly and permanently on suppressants. Nobody has ever given Kara the "Birds and the Bees" talk on this and at first she thinks Mon-El is lying until the Alura hologram confirms it. Mon-El was really snarky and teasing in this one. (I thought I might use this to feel the prompt "knotting" and as part of this story Mon-El presents Kara with a dildo of that type and offers to show her how to use to get through the heat and while Kara initially acts offended it doesn't take long till she wants the real deal) I had some fun imagining this, but I feel like it might just be too whacky for what is already a pretty whacky trope.
The number 2 scenario was definitely the initial one I thought of, but: 
My first attempt to write the story Kara didn't really trust Mon-El yet and she was really afraid of losing control and while Mon-El wasn't necessarily having bad intentions he was also really clueless about the situation and at some point it felt like I couldn't really write Karamel having their first time like that without it feeling kind of sad and superangsty or at the very least superlong (like Mon-El bringing Kara through their first heat while NOT full penetration sleeping with her?) but by that point it would have to be an actual story and doesn't really work as just a smut story anymore (aside from me being bad with long stories like that and having others to finish of first).
So I attempted the story again with Mon-El knowing the alpha/omega stuff and hence being a better alpha who has a better grasp on how to handle the situation. That was more along the lines of Karamel kind of flirting and negotiating to hook up, more to Alex' trauma because in that story humans were the ones not really having experience with this alpha/omega stuff. But I dunno, it didn't really work for me? Like it was kind of lacking tension and I'm not sure it really carried how that trope usually works.
So my last attempt was Mon-El being the more experienced alpha and Kara being the a bit clueless one, but yeah, eventually I figured that omega Mon-El was just kind of easier to write in that way and have fewer pesky consent obstacles since it's more easy to picture Mon-El being more chill and on board with having sex with Kara and not worrying as much about whether hormones are responsible for that attraction. Because hey, she's hot, why wouldn't he want to have sex to her and if he's gonna bond to somebody, why not get bonded to somebody who is hot and sexy an powerful.
Posting this story and writing this comments actually made me also spin some thoughts in regards to what a story would be like if Mon-El was actually a very deliberate and self-confident seductive omega and Kara is a clueless Alpha and Mon-El loves teasing and seducing her. 
(of course one thing about A/B/O is always that is kind of fun to imagine the world like that and what the various characters would be. Like Cat Grant would definitely also be an Alpha. I actually find Alex the most curious because I can kind of see her as everything, an Alpha because she is protective and action-y, an omega because she could seem kind of needy in Sanvers, or even as just a loyal beta) 
Anyway, I’m really grateful for that kinktober challenge I set for myself, to force myself to finish at least one story with the trope and zero in on one that was at least somewhat managable by focusing on the one setup that made getting to the smut in a reasonable time and not with too much angst to dilute it possible. 
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A Road Paved with Bad Endings - Nameless ~The One Thing You Must Recall~
Lance - Bought New, Popular and Mass-Produced
Lance is a straight-laced silver-haired young man, who likes to keep everything neat and tidy and hates messes.  He can act very cold, and can act harsh even toward Eri, but he is protective of her, and does not put up with other dolls bothering her, especially Red and Yuri.  Anytime Yuri tries to flirt with Eri in a way that upsets her, Lance has a slipper in hand ready to strike.  In his route its clear that even though he acts cold he, like all of her dolls, cares for Eri.  It’s just that as a doll, who’s personality was meant to be malleable for their owner to shape, Lance feels he doesn’t have enough of an identity to be interesting. 
Lance was Eri’s First Doll, and he’s expected to be your first route.  His route and the ending involved foreshadow story beats later, but its mainly a way to dip your toes into what routes will be like and how even the most composed doll gots some issuuuuuuuues.
I will say that when Eri and Lance get together in the end I am...the least concerned about their relationship.  It does get a little cliche and then it gets more intimate than I expected, but overall its a good start.  Now lets ruin it with bad endings.
Bad Ending 1 - Broken Heart - TFW You Can’t Imagine Being Anything More Than A Dull Blank Slate Destined to be Thrown Away So You Just Stop Having a Soul
How to Get It
This one happens about halfway through Lance’s route.  One rainy day Lance stayed outside after seeing a barbie doll in the trash, reminding him of the fact that he’s mass produced like the barbie doll, and like it he might be thrown away when Eri gets bored of him.  Because he stayed out in the rain he got sick, so Eri worried over him sitting next to his bed.  After falling asleep she wakes up to find him patting her hair, asking her to Stay Still.
So what do you do?  You Stand Up and Look At Him.  Sounds like a pretty innocent decision to make right?  Weeeeeeeeell...
What Happens
So Lance is on the verge of an existential crisis.  Its not so much that she was wrong somehow, but its easy to forget how bad a state he’s still in.  Eri looking him in the eyes when he wasn’t ready triggered a full on panic attack.  At one point Lance grabs Eri’s hand and presses it to his chest, asking her to remove his soul.  If he’s destined to be empty and thrown away, why should he have emotions to comprehend that emptiness?
After Eri screams, Tei runs into the room and pushes him away from her (I’ll get to get him later.)  Quickly the other dolls assure Eri they’ll watch over him and asks her to stay in her room.
The next morning...Lance stopped moving.  He doesn’t breath.  His body no longer felt human.  It was like his human body turned into a doll’s.  Tei assures Eri they’ll do whatever it takes to turn him back, but Eri is heartbroken.  She’ll never get to hear Lance again.
Meanwhile a mysterious voice comments that Lance lost his feather.  Game failed.  The voice asks to turn back time, but the man he’s talking to says that requires memories.  The voice suggests...why not that person looking at us from across the screen?  The man laughs.  They can’t touch them, but who knows, maybe the person across the screen will be a future client?  Anyway should they continue the game?  End.
How I Feel About This One
Listen I said this one was tame compared to the other endings.  I didn’t say it wouldn’t be horrifying.  
While I think the single seemingly innocuous choice leading to this end is jarring, the ending itself fits perfectly with both Lance and Eri’s fears.
Throughout this route in particular, Eri is absolutely terrified that the happiness she gained when the dolls turned to life will end, that eventually they’ll all turn back to dolls and she’ll once again have to get used to living alone with only memories.  Lance is scared of this as well, but mainly he’s scared of Eri leaving him behind for the other colorful dolls, who with the ability to communicate with her now can show their unique personalities.
Lance turns back into a doll in the end because he couldn’t imagine being anything more.  He gave up trying to be more than what he was made to be: plastic.  And Eri’s worst nightmare came true.  It’s a haunting, fitting bad end for Lance’s route.
Now the person our mystery buddies were talking about might be us in the meta sense, but at least in the localization they referred to them in he/him pronouns, making me think that they’re referring to someone specific.  Who it is, we might never know.
Bad Ending 2 - Accident - TFW You Really Wanted The Heroine To Bang A Doll But She’s Not Showing Enough Interest In It So You Just Have A Truck Run Over Her
How To Get It
This is the only route where you have to continuously make the wrong choice, from the beginning right until the last choice.
In most routes, choosing the wrong choice doesn’t automatically get you into bad route mode.  Rather, if you pick the wrong choice, you’ll miss things from cute moments between Eri and her Doll of the Week, to CGs.  It might also remove a chance to pick another choice later down the line.  So even when you’re not going for a bad end it’s a good idea to Q.Save and try out both choices and let it play out for a little while.  
This one, however, requires you to constantly show disinterest in Lance’s opinion, avoid interactions with him, and basically not listen to Lance’s worries and concerns.  The only choice that you have to do right is to Stay Still during the emotional scene after the rain.
What Happens
Basically while a lot of emotional beats still remain intact, Lance can’t initiate that penultimate moment where everything clicks together.  Because Eri acts uninterested and dismissive of his opinion, Lance doesn’t want to initiate anything.  It’s not like he suddenly hates her, its just he’s not going to try...what he did in the good route...in this timeline.
Which is awkward, because our mysterious voice really needs Eri to get cozy with Lance, but it looks like that’s not gonna happen.  Hmmm...what to do...
...Oh well lets just have a truck run over her.  Eri is sleepwalked right into the line of traffic and dies.  Rude.
How I Feel About This One
While Lance fearing his presence can’t sway anything comes to fruition, I think this ending could happen in Yuri and Yeonho’s route just as well...give and take.  The way their routes shake up shifts drastically after finishing the common route, and their bad endings are in drastically different places in the story.
Honestly I feel like they just couldn’t think up other bad endings for Lance, because his issues are not as harmful to him and to Eri as the other dolls.  But the other routes have 3 to 5 endings so they need to do something so...guess she’ll die?
Anyway I suppose this one is different in that its the only one where she dies.  The things that happen to her and her Doll Band later...woof.  Maybe her dying is one of the better scenarios.  Stay tuned for Yeonho’s Bad Endings, who’s mental state actually worsens in his own route because Eri gives him more attention and thus encourages his behavior.  YAAAAAAAAY.
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I am an antivirus program (2020)
> CHAPTER 2 The new human type cannot be properly understood without an awareness of what he is continuously exposed to from the world - Theodor Adorno. Minima Moralia, 1951 We can not change the medium as the medium is predicated on the message (use my square space code for a 10% discount)- we are fixed in this web 2.0 and the control of knowledge will be met with the streamlining of UI and UX design. Design tools like the adobe programs will continue to increase their premium and their monopoly hold on the design space - to be a designer is to be implicated with this process, regardless if you pirate software or notThis is where I raise flags against the tepid conglomeration of blog sites and web in general, the astroturfing of the internet has only amplified the feedback of Graphic Design. You’d typically call this commercial design. Commercial design fits the criteria of an evolving media world, “It is important to note that this ultimate stage of pictorialization was a reversal of pattern. The world of body and mind...was not photographical at all, but anonvisual set of relations”1. Commercial Design started to drive an efficiency science behind it’s aesthetic - you make the access mode immediate and your engagement success is far higher, and you do this through the pictogram, and when photography came about, that too was made into a design appendage. “To understand the medium of the photograph is quite impossible, then, without grasping its relations to other media, both old and new. For media, as extensions of our physical and nervous systems, constitute a world of biochemical interactions that must ever seek new equilibrium as new extensions occur.”1 This is potentially a valuable understanding of media, and thus design, presented by media theorist Marshall Mcluhan, commercial design (and all art and design in a sense) are schizophrenic presentations of the world, they accumulate meanings outside the presented scope of an advertisement, or typography - they link the relational experience of the mass media consumer, as Mcluhan states. However, this is not all, he states an ‘equilibrium as new extensions occur’ - in my context now this weighs with a great importance, we know the new extensions already, something that Mcluhan unfortunately didn’t get to experience fully, and that’s the web, the modern computer, the pocket mobile device. These are in their own rights mediums, your OS (operating system) is a computer language medium that dictates other program mediums, the access mode to the rest of the systems of design, websites contain live feeds and streams to distant realities, it’s all so lucid but at the same time it feels like an astral projection. At times this can feel nauseating, that collapsing feeling of ‘space’ and ‘time’. This presents a wider problem with modern design, technology has embedded itself into the core of the practice since the dawn of paper and pen, stone and chisel etc. The problem being that while technology has stopped gapped connectivity, it refuses to go further - refuses to return the creativity of a design practice unless commandeered. This has led to the necessity for the designer to code, and script, to kit bend and utilise AI - once again “fragmenting” the work role. “Under conditions of electric circuitry, all the fragmented job patterns tend to blend once more into involving and demanding roles or forms of work that more and more resemble teaching, learning, and “human” service, in the older sense of dedicated loyalty.” Graphic design namely has done well to adapt and reshape, showing its versatility in the age of digital design. Not only that, it hybridizes aesthetic models much like a fashion season generates new styles, which keeps design itself fresh and alive, while sometimes slipping into the contrived and over-saturated. But is the “human” service really what Graphic Design is becoming? It certainly hints to this with the proactive design studio model. Interaction and Bureaucracy, it’s an efficiency tactic. All design requires hierarchy even if that hierarchy is to not have one. I see the office space, I remember the spider plant, I see the shore line, I see the whitecaps. The workers space is a micro-territorial space of capital politics and a grab for faux socialism in most cases, in some, it is an honest attempt to form comradery - the cafeteria is an effective grounds to reinforce or detourne this thinking. People like artist Olafur Eliasson effectively install a commons space for the studio team to interact and communicate, job roles are made equal in that space. “The studio, as much as we don’t like it, means working in your own little departments, compartmentalised. And there are hierarchies even though everyone’s a part of the democracy. The kitchen is a nice leveller.” It’s a universal ideology that falls into a majority of Eliasson’s work that provides an effective future-proof for how the operations of studio practice should be carried out (see the Auteur myth). My cynicism is only symptomatic of the consumerist prerequisite that allows design to exist in the first place - a degree in the topic definitely is met with a careerist sentiment, to be financially viable within a milieu of art and design subjects. Graphic Design should not try to divorce itself from this grouping, it stands stronger with the complex wovings and multitudes that allow it to bloom as an individual practice that arranges the practice of others. The efforts here are a concern with the design practice no less, and how ethics and politics are sequestered by a shifting responsibility of effects, how and why Graphic design mutated into the corporate virus that it is now. ”All media work us over completely.”8 This is Mcluhan’s sentiment from his writings in the 60’s, and It stands up true to this day, more so than ever. Algoration (the use of data algorithms to curate a web feed) are notorious and globally implemented into most ‘social media’, but outside social media, it’s used as predictive data. This is the “reversal pattern”, Graphic Design puts a face to this slippery coded underbelly. The automation of design media has become an efficient business strategy to overmine its user base data, and subsequently requires illustration. To be concise, the study of the Graphic Designer is in part the study of Media, the study of media is the lens of relational activities and connectivity. And this is the permitted virus. Adversely, the antivirus program is a research protocol invested in studying the autonomy available to a Graphic Designer, and an extended hand to all fragmented sectors that require a similar reclamation. Language dictates media – media manufactures consent, therefore language manufactures consent. A small quibble no less, that the Graphic Designer goes to bed with media every day. And in the morning they arise with vast spawns of editorials, emailing lists, content posts - lots of fucking content posts by content creatures. The homogeneous sprawl of media is a compounded expository of new design conditions. “Today, the mass audience can be used as a creative, participating force. It is, instead, merely given packages of passive entertainment.”8 The passive entertainment is reflexive of its audience, an audience that is content on not being challenged when engaging and consuming media, not being challenged when creating and releasing it - the language logic is a false preposition - things don’t have to occur in the forefront of our percepts, media can be a stealth operation for critical theory or a dog whistle for nazis. Even a glass of milk is steeped in meaning. “The photograph is just as useful for collective, as for individual, postures and gestures, whereas written and printed language is biased toward the private and individual(s) posture.”1 Mcluhan and designer Rapheal Roake seem to fit perfectly in collusion with one another here, “All design is a political act”, this fits Mcluhan’s collective principle for the photograph precisely, as this explicitly gives backing to the relational dynamics of media itself, it sits in the collective sphere - the global village. It all begins to feel like a fever dream, the spectres of Helvetica, Comic sans and Papyrus jumping on your chest as you’re paralysed in a waking dream. Blink and you’ll miss the horses head 144hz refresh rate. The grid settings of your life are closing in tighter and tighter as you cant kern in a moment for peace, please adobe I’m plugged in to your creative cloud let me use my kettle already, yes dear, they’re wacom tablet plates, we threw out the cutlery and replaced them for tote bags and ironic panel hats. The decoherence of the 21st century is here and it’s got anthropocene smeared all over its lips. Everyone wants to fuck their OLED displays, the screen is constantly flirting with me, it bulges and writhes along with it’s circuitry like an obscene Cronenburg slide show, and with a tilt of the hinge, it rips my hands straight off the bone. It’s simultaneously psychosexual and completely meaningless, but there doesn’t seem to be any Big Other alternative, can you see the demons wearing the guise of post-modernity, and where they emit a solar flare? Just tryna game the system can’t you see, if I shake it at just the right moment, at the right angle, I’ll get an additional diet coke. You don’t understand how fucking much I like diet coke. A man who finds himself among others drinking diet coke is irritated because he does not know why he is not one of the others drinking diet coke. I have graphic design Stockholm syndrome, what do you mean you don’t know who Gerrit Noordzij is? At this point going outside will trigger my flight or fight response, I’m afraid of being swooped by seagulls while I’m bound on a rock, I sleep in a bed with a faraday blanket, I’m absolutely glowing, washed in sunlight. “As for the anticipation of reality by images, the precession of images and media in relation to events, such that the connection between cause and effect becomes scrambled and it becomes impossible to tell which is the effect of the other” These collective postures translate into all modern media and are littered with effects. One is singular and rhizomatic in any given instance of engagement towards media and the invisible hand of the ‘designer’. And on the contrary the medium is an assemblage of arborescence and is later politicised in the factory line assembly - a by-product of ‘essential’ capital labor. The capital fiction is overwritten by the post-market mythos of a company and it’s figureheads, it’s in-house publishing team use individual members to feature in nice magazines. Effects, we are overcome by so many different effects daily, to the extent that we become desensitized to the potential the subsequent causes and effects, modern reality makes sure to compound these consequences of media to a sensory overload of hysteria, the neurotic ones take to pinterest to organise themselves. We like to order things, It gives clarity and comfort within the dysphoria and entropy of our lives, pinterest, tumblr, are.na, instagram are all negentropical solutions in an overstimulated digital environment. “Instant communication insures that all factors of the environment and of experience coexist in a state of active interplay.”8 To understand this I need to clarify that the medium, the message, the photograph and all subsets of visual and nonvisual information are communication - it goes without saying - but this establishes the politicised and astroturfed space of Graphic Design, a designer is expected to make commercially viable work to thrive, and usually this is achieved by co-opting styles to any degree appropriate to a brief. This results is the parody, the hyperstition and hyperobject - an overly ironic and self aware ventilation apparatus that keeps the gimmicks of Graphic Design alive. The overtures of a design piece can appear stark placid and regurgitated. It’s very much easy to default to a ctrl-c, ctrl-v automation process. Reinforced no less by an autodidact push of some educational institutions - more concerned with juggling design briefs than focusing their teachings on a core design system (despite their ever love for the Bauhaus - yes huni the library is open). Of course, with the new emphasis on a technology dominated world we are expected to rely and reinforce the techno-dependent designer (work smart not hard). And we are yet to catch up to this mutation in design, where design was once a phylogeny of different features that collected to assume a physical medium, centrered on type, constrained by fibres and ink and oil - these components have congealed onto the Macbook, the ergonomics of physical/digital unbound the Designer from the difficulties of a physical medium. So why do we remain in the realm of rehashing typefaces and conventional media, why are we tied down to the revolving doors of design trends - surely now than ever we have all the components, all the tools to produce new design movements, this can’t keep up “When the circuit learns your job, what are you going to do?”8
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weightlossfitness2 · 5 years
How to Get That Elusive Spark
The first gymnasium I skilled at seemed like a set from a 80’s motion film. From the surface, it seemed like an previous stone mill. Every member was given a key to get in and practice no matter time of day or night time you wished. At the doorway, there was a desk with a boombox, CD instances, and a clipboard to register with the date and time.
  The gymnasium barely had gentle, and the ground seemed like an previous, soiled storage. The dumbbell rack was a mixture of previous cement dumbells, a few of them damaged or rusted, going as much as nearly 2 hundred kilos. There had been machines for bodybuilding untouched since these motion motion pictures had been launched. Toward the again, on the bottom flooring, there was a metallic spiral staircase that introduced you upstairs to the boxing space. It was a full flooring with each kind of punching bag, pads and gloves, and a full-sized ring with bloodstains on the canvas.
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    That gymnasium was the place I acquired heavy into weights. My father had launched me to gentle lifting in our basement as a younger child, however it wasn’t till I began boxing at that gymnasium that I began making an attempt to construct muscle and energy. It’s the place I first maxed out on a barbell elevate. That was nearly twenty years in the past. I’ve since maxed out many lifts in numerous gyms and at many kinds of barbell competitions since then, each small and huge.
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    The Wall We All Run Into
Walls in coaching are the imaginary boundaries we create and pit ourselves towards that maintain us from our potential and goal.
  We aren’t discussing what retains us from doing the work, however as a substitute what retains us from pushing to the restrict of our energy capability. These partitions can present up in a contest, or throughout a coaching session the place you deliberate to elevate to a brand new max. It makes little distinction.
  The wall is made up of delicate influences that restrain our effort. You maxed out. You mentioned aloud—and you recognize you would elevate a extra substantial weight—however you didn’t present them you would. What occurred?
  Why Do We Limit Ourselves?
There are instances the place, from a physiological standpoint, you’re completely ready to succeed in a brand new max.
  You’ve bodily peaked.
Nutrition is correct, and so is sleep.
You’re recovering as you need to and doing all of the issues to help that.
The coaching program was nicely designed and correctly deliberate.
Training went as deliberate, and each session was carried out precisely proper.
You lifted the meant weights throughout all periods, and also you felt recovered and able to go between each coaching day.
  And but on the competitors or deliberate max out, you didn’t elevate the burden you had calculated you’ll.
  Physically you had been ready. There’s nothing extra you would do. You failed, as a substitute, due to a limiting mindset, or a mentally limiting settlement, that you just’ve made with your self to borrow phrasing from the writer, Don Miguel Ruiz.
    To deliver your fullest out there bodily capacities beneath aware management, it’s worthwhile to be taught to attach, but in addition deliver your psychological and emotional states beneath command. This isn’t straightforward, particularly not at first. It’s arduous to not get carried away by feelings or caught in a psychological whirlwind and let it management you rather than utilizing the vitality of it towards a singular effort.
  This literal integration is key for a lot of to discover a place during which they will legitimately see the restrict of their energy that they’ve developed of their on-going coaching. They can acknowledge the successes this coaching has projected their maxes to be.
  Feel, But Don’t Be Controlled
This diploma of arousal required to push to our actual restrict isn’t simply physiological or psychological in high quality however can be emotional. All of this suggestions must be harmonized to supply a robust, singular effort.
  Barbell practices appeal to totally different character varieties. It can attract those that are wild, outwardly, passionate folks. But it additionally appeals to extra calculated, analytical varieties who deal with coaching as merely process-oriented.
  But to achieve success in energy sports activities or progress within the barbell, even essentially the most methodical brains have to be taught to make use of a kind of inner warmth to push their limits. The outwardly calm lifters who’re profitable could not present it, however they’ve this spark and aggression inside them. Sometimes retaining all of it inside quite than letting it out in a loud public show could be extra helpful for that character kind.
  Ed Coan, arguably the most effective powerlifter of all time, seemed chilly, calm, and calculated on the platform. But when requested about it, he mentioned that each time he lifted, there was a storm raging in his head. He known as it his managed aggression.
  Don’t Slide Too Far
There’s undoubtedly a tipping level the place you cross a threshold and attain a degree of overstimulation. It’s an excessive amount of to make use of and as a substitute turns into ineffective, nearly hysterical vitality.
  When I used to be competing in powerlifting in my early twenties, I lifted at a meet held within the faculty weight room the place I labored as a energy coach. It was my residence turf, and I wished to point out up. I labored myself right into a frenzy proper earlier than the competitors and took extreme quantities of caffeine as a result of it was the one means I knew attempt to push myself again then.
  I felt fairly respectable warming up, however as I used to be about to step out for my opening try, I turned means too jittery and overexcited, nearly to the purpose the place I felt agitated. My vitality degree and pleasure had been by way of the roof, however none of it helpful.
  I bombed out at that competitors; I believe it was my first time doing that. I couldn’t focus, couldn’t harness any aggression, couldn’t grow to be conscious, current, and fixated on this single process. It was an impotent depth.
  It by no means reached a peak however as a substitute simply stayed as a low hum. I had a lot vitality left over after the competitors, that I instantly put myself by way of a dumbbell exercise to repair what I assumed was the explanation I failed. But wanting again, I in all probability simply did it to punish myself.
  There’s a balancing act you flirt with when integrating the physique and spirit. You have to discover ways to work your self proper as much as that pink line with out going over it.
  An Interconnection
Harnessing the vitality it’s worthwhile to carry out your finest doesn’t finish with studying rein in your ideas and management your emotions.
  There’s an nearly esoteric peace to reaching the specified state the place you hit a groove, and practically any weight placed on the bar for the day could be lifted. While there are particular strategies we will focus on, the exploration inward is profoundly private and can take a unprecedented effort to determine your specific triggers.
If you’re all for studying a sensible information into perceive and observe visualizing, I extremely advocate the guide Mind Gym. It’s the one useful resource I’ve come throughout that offers you workable, real looking strategies to enhance bodily efficiency by way of creativeness.
  My largest takeaway from the guide was how imaginative your visualization must be. The writer directs athletes to first recall their finest efficiency up to now. Think of the next components of that have:
  How you felt.
What you would scent.
What had been the shapes and colours of every thing round you?
Can you bear in mind how the barbell felt in your hand or in your again?
Can you bear in mind the standard of your mind-set?
What was the feeling of being so engrossed in your effort that you just instinctively reacted bodily?
  After you create a vivid image out of your reminiscence, the writer recommends taking not solely the visible but in addition the emotions and mind-set and spirit and apply it to think about a future competitors whenever you wish to carry out nicely.
  The concept is to take the identical emotional state you simply recalled out of your reminiscence and picture your self on this future, taking with you an identical spirit. With this sense, envision how issues will really feel, look, and scent. Then see your self conducting what you goal for, each by way of your individual eyes and the gaze of a 3rd individual.
  Definite Belief
I exploit such a visualization and see the potential profit in it, but it surely by no means actually suited my specific temperament. What all the time did enhance my efficiency was a particular perception. This is totally different from a standard perception, and it’s very summary in high quality. It’s a manifestation of the fact you wish to occur. It’s an assumption it would come true and recalling it towards your residing current.
  Much of the idea you can carry out on the highest degree comes from the arrogance of previous success. If you’ve had success, you’ll be able to recreate it, and naturally, observe in competitors or in maxing out makes you higher at it. Still, some appear to have a proclivity towards self-belief, even when inexperienced within the observe. And some appear to by no means actually get it, regardless of constant coaching and expertise.
  Those who by no means handle to muster perception have limiting beliefs from an important developmental interval of their youth. They presumably had optimistic, wholesome encouragement withheld by their mother and father and different adults. They might have grown up by no means realizing that it’s attainable to alter the bodily actuality round them by way of their centered efforts. But I’m not an skilled to discuss this.
  The perception I’m referring to, although, is just not about squashing or ignoring all doubt. I do know this was by no means the case for me. Even the most effective opponents will admit that at the least a few of the time, they’ve fractional doubts throughout low factors in coaching and even at moments throughout competitors. It’s not about eliminating all doubts; it is about accepting them as part of the entire and making room for them.
  Accept and Make Room
This is one thing that I used to be in a position to take into my meditation observe to make me a extra introspective individual, which then I, in flip, might suggestions into how I approached my lifting.
  Negative, distracting ideas come up. Constricting and shutting them off places limits in your development and capability to remain aware. We all have to be taught to see the worry, doubt, and pessimism. Then we have to perceive that these are solely emotions and ideas, and never essentially a part of you and never all of who you might be. Just as a result of we now have an concept, doesn’t imply that thought is us.
  Believe it or not, the story of Buddha’s enlightenment speaks to how essential it’s to see the limiting beliefs that maintain us from reaching our bodily targets. I am speaking concerning the story right here, not faith—and it’s all a narrative.
  The story goes that when Siddhartha (the Buddha) sat all the way down to meditate and he was on the point of really reaching his enlighted state, the god of all issues awful man, Mara, got here at him, tempted him, after which despatched demons to assault him. But none of it harmed Siddhartha, and he reached his enlightenment.
  After the Buddha went on to show others, Mara would nonetheless present up occasionally, and the Buddha would see him. The Buddha’s assistants would develop afraid and overwhelmed that Mara had proven up. But the Buddha would acknowledge his presence and even name out to say: I see you, Mara. And because the story goes, the Buddha additionally invited him to take a seat and have tea with him.
  And that’s it—that’s the intangible high quality we want after we got down to push our limits. We see the doubt, the worry, and the rock we now have to push up the mountain, after which we settle for it for what it’s. We acknowledge that it’s there and simply part of every thing, a part of the entire.
  But we will have the presence of thoughts to know that we don’t have to act in a different way. We don’t have to suppose these random ideas that seem are a part of us; they’re simply there. And we will make area for these ideas and emotions and nonetheless act decisively towards our purpose.
  If you want extra confidence behind you for these massive moments the place you max out your squat and really feel such as you lack the instruments, try our free information on the rules of squatting. It’s a free video that may enable you to construct a extra stable basis for your self.
  Jesse competes within the sport of Olympic weightlifting, and he was additionally previously a aggressive powerlifter. He was featured in important energy and health publications. You can learn extra of his work on his web site.
The post How to Get That Elusive Spark appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/how-to-get-that-elusive-spark-2/
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fantisci · 7 years
A “Story of Seasons” gripe to break the silence...
I don’t generally look for my Story of Seasons (formerly Harvest Moon) games to be feminist breakthroughs, but for some reason the most recent Trio of Towns is really getting on my nerves in regard to stereotypes and sexism.
The HM/SoS games have always had some outdated ideas, from the good old “any woman over the age of 25 who is unmarried has been left on the shelf, will forever be alone and has generally Failed at Life” being one, the much more disturbing (and weirdly prevalent) “if you smile at / look at / talk to a man like that, he’ll get the wrong idea” (thanks, Harvest Moon, just what I needed in my farming simulation games: the oblique threat of sexual assault along with victim blaming. Great). However, a lot can be neutralised by the fact that you’re pretty much free to project a personality onto your character, even though your potential responses are so limited that they’ll generally be A Good Guy / A Nice Girl unless you want to see your relationship values plummet. 
So why is Trio so determined to make my character - a young woman who defied her family in order to go it alone, restoring a long-abandoned farm and turning it into a successful business venture - lose absolutely all of her competence, maturity and common sense in some of the love events?
Rest under the cut for spoiler, grumbling and dashboard-protecting purposes...
EDIT: Added a bit more to this on the heels of a really good message from a kind Anon. 
Let’s have a look at the three Love Events that you can do for the main bachelors - the ones you can see before having to “confess” and therefore commit to their relationship path:
Ludus is the worst offender for this. I know it plays into his “big brother of the town” thing, but  it’s hugely annoying when your farmer’s IQ nosedives every time a love event is triggered. Before I played the game, he was the candidate I thought I’d start out with...but who wants to be lectured by a romantic partner every minute of the day?
Event 1: Oh no! My door won’t open! Months of building and farmwork did not prepare me to fix a broken hinge! Manly Ludus will have to fix it for me! (Note: you are actually given the option to kick the door or try to fix it, only to be told that you are too weak or too incompetent to do it yourself. And remember that Ludus requires you assistance every time something substantial is built on the farm).
Event 2: Oh no! Kitty is stuck on a cliff! I must rescue it...but lookie, I’m too cute and clumsy to avoid falling off the ledge! Manly Ludus will have to rescue me, and then lecture me about doing stupid stuff like this. And of course, the cat was fine all along, so now I look like an idiot.
Event 3: I’m watching Ludus build a chair, and it ends with me being given the aforementioned “you’re going to lead me astray when you say things like that!” speech.
EDIT: Out of curiosity, I loaded my old save (pre-commitment with any bachelor) and had a look at Ludus’ confession, where he admits that he was out of line in Event 3 and apologises. Which is  nice, but doesn’t eliminate the weird bossy-older-sibling vibe.
Event 1: Oh no! Doctor Ford hasn’t eaten! I must fulfil my feminine duty and make him something immediately, because it’s too hard for him to walk the ten metres to the restaurant he always eats at! (This is harmless in itself, since everybody feeds everybody else in this game, but Ford’s “I’m too weak to walk to the restaurant three doors down from me in this tiny town” is pretty ridiculous, and it certainly adds to the pattern of stereotypically “feminine” roles).
Event 2: Oh no! I’ve passed out from exhaustion and get lectured on taking care of myself! Then I need to hold the doctor’s hand in order to fall asleep. (I quite liked how this one tied in with the stamina mechanic, but was really irritated that it triggered as I was heading to the restaurant!)
Event 3: Don’t drink the coffee. Other than that, nothing to see here!
Event 1: Oh no! Hinata warned me that ghost story night could be scary and that I better go home, but silly li’l me just had stay and listen! Now I’m too frightened to go home alone, and big, manly Hinata has to comfort me and escort me back to the farm!
This is the only event of Hinata’s that annoyed me, but it was the event that drew my attention to the fact that my player character was being given uber-”feminine” weaknesses. Look, everyone has their weaknesses, but if you maintain that the character is a blank slate, at least let the player assign that weakness to them instead of assuming “woman=scared of ghosts” and railroad me into it. Notably, there isn’t any player choice in this event - it’s one big cutscene. And Hinata looks like he’s twelve years old, so I don’t think he’ll be much use if Freddy Krueger pops up. Who would you back in a fight - the baby-face merchant/actor, or the farmer who does manual labour for a living?
EDIT: As Anon mentioned, Hinata, like Wayne, has a “GASP! FARMING IS TOO TOUGH FOR SUCH A CUTE GIRL!” thing at the start.
Wayne’s events are actually pretty nice - he respects your character’s job as a farmer, plays pranks with the kids in his town while reminding them not to take it too far, and goes stargazing with you. Once you’re an item, he fetches a loudhailer to announce how much he loves you to the world - including his fangirls, who he gently warns to back off. A nice change of pace after your character’s “I’m jealous because you’re a flirt” reaction in Raeger’s Flower Events in the game before. I ended up choosing Wayne in my first save file because he didn’t seem hell-bent on making my character look like she had the common sense and ability of a toddler.
EDIT: As pointed out to me by an Anon, Wayne’s lines BEFORE building a relationship with you aren’t exactly hallmarks of equal opportunity. Wayne “respects” women in an old-fashioned, chivalrous way...which isn’t really respect at all, as it focuses on calling them pretty, “protecting” them from the realities of the world, and being charming and gracious while making no promises. Initially, his attitude is one of “what do you mean, a pretty li’l thing like you doers a tough job like farmwork?” His flower events see him improve in this respect - the first one is when he visits you at your farm and comments on how happy and skilled you are at your work. Even if you don’t romance him, his green flower line is that he never thought men and women could be friends, but you’ve made him reconsider. Nonetheless, his initial views definitely reflect a certain stay-in-your-ivory-tower mindset. I’d forgotten this rather salient fact since it’s been a while since I started the game.
Like Wayne, Yuzuki’s pretty sweet - there’s a silly “GASP! A LADY’S STOMACH CANNOT POSSIBLY BE HEARD TO RUMBLE WITH HUNGER!” reaction in his first event, and there’s another event that makes it clear that you player character is ridiculously superstitious (again - fairly stereotypical “girly” trait), but you help him out with his job and fetch help when he’s in trouble, so there’s more give-and-take in your relationship with him, which makes you main character look competent instead of needing to be constantly protected from her own clumsiness.
Honorary mention: Woofio
Another game, another bizarre romance choice for the female PC while the male equivalent gets yet-another pretty girl.
All of this would be totally understandable if the male PC was equally dorky and awkward. If he tripped over his own feet, or needed to be rescued from falling into rivers and ponds, or generally had some traits that gave him canon weaknesses, all of the above would be more or less acceptable. But nope - his love events involve bailing out the bachelorettes whenever they screw up, or helping them with the jobs they’ve been doing for years, or generally working through their issues with them - in short, being the competent party. There are a couple of incidents in Siluka and Kasumi’s events where you’re suspected of doing something questionable, but the bachelorette always sticks up for you and you are vindicated. Also: shout out to Komari, whose dad, Ginjiro, demands that she be more “ladylike” and scolds her for being too “boyish” with the customers, all while Ginjiro himself acts as the most histrionic and melodramatic person in the town.
Whew! And now that I’ve vented, I feel better. I love the HM/SoS games, and there’s a lot to like in Trio - a single mother who has explicitly broken up with her partner (rather than the usual approach of “he’s dead or we never mention him”), marriages where the couple clearly adore each other (including one highly successful arranged marriage) and the broad variety of personalities. It’s just that it really struck me that my character was constantly getting so-called “girly” behaviours foisted on her, and as the player I wasn’t getting a say in how she expressed herself.
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D-Teens and Alcohol: No Bull from Uncle Wil
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-in-children-and-teens/d-teens-and-alcohol-no-bull-from-uncle-wil/
D-Teens and Alcohol: No Bull from Uncle Wil
Today, we bring you a special edition of our weekly advice column, Ask D'Mine. Your host, type 1 diabetes author and educator Wil Dubois has a few things to say about drinking with diabetes.
Got questions? As usual, email us at [email protected]
Uncle Wil on Alcohol Consumption
One of my type 1 patients is in jail today. Something involving a firearm and a bottle of whiskey downtown. He was so drunk he was shooting into the air.
He's 15 years old.
Before this happened, his mother had specifically asked me not to talk to him about diabetes and alcohol. He wasn't that kind of boy, you see. She was afraid I might put ideas in his head. Ideas that were apparently very much there already. Ideas with no facts and information to balance them.
So today, instead of our usual Q&A format, I'm writing today's Ask D'Mine as an open letter to all my little brothers and sisters. To tell you what I should have told him.
Dear Type 1 Teens and College-types:
Today I'm going to teach you how to get wasted safely. I'm not saying you should. I'm not saying I want you to. But if you are going to, I want you to know the dangers, and I want you to know how to do it right.
Why? Because no one else will frickin' tell you. Your parents won't. Your grandparents won't. Your doctors won't. Your educators won't. Your teachers won't. Your priests won't. But I will.
I call all young type 1s my little brothers or sisters, but I today I'm thinking of you as my nieces and nephews. Yep, I'm the Uncle your mother really wishes would just join the Merchant Marines and never visit until after you're all grown up. I'm the perceived bad influence. The tattooed guy who swears, smokes, drinks, flirts with all the women in the room, and makes politically incorrect jokes.
But God puts people into families for a reason. And the black-sheep uncle has an important role to fill: the adult who cares but does not judge.
To drink safely you need to first understand how alcohol affects you and me differently than it does the sugar-normals. Do you know anything about your liver? It does all kinds of things for your body. It has more than 500 different functions, actually. But most importantly to our discussion today: It's a blood filter. It removes toxins from your blood. Toxins like alcohol.
But the liver only does one thing at a time. Everyone and everything else just has to take a number and stand in line until it's finished the job at hand. And on that list of 500 jobs is "remove excess insulin." Unless, of course, alcohol is in line first. Then the insulin just builds up in your blood while your liver is dealing with the alcohol. It takes hours for the liver to "clear" a good binge, and all that time the insulin stays in your system. It's like taking an extra shot of basal. Big-time hypos hit 8-10 hours downstream from last call, when you're sleeping it off.
Oh, and when you've been drinking, your body will respond more sluggishly to the treatment of those lows. The rebound will be a lot slower than you're used to. So don't panic, just be prepared for a 2-3 times longer "recovery" than you'd experience with sober lows. Booze also reduces your awareness of lows overall, and sometimes even triggers a temporary state of hypoglycemia unawareness. So be aware that you may not be aware, OK?
If you want to learn more about the biology of booze, check this out. But the important message is that booze screws with your diabetic body differently than it does for all your non-D friends. And you need to plan for that fact.
So Uncle Wil, you ask, how do I get totally shit-faced drunk off my ass safely? Look, the only way to play Russian Roulette safely is with an empty gun. Oh dear. Now I've gone and introduced your impressionable little minds to Russian Roulette, too. Your mother is going to throw me out of the house.
The stone cold sober truth: for people with type 1 diabetes, there is no safe way to get four sheets to the wind. Hang on! Keep reading! I know that sounds like a typical "adult" cop-out answer. But it's true, and it's why most adults just throw in the towel at this point and say "Just don't drink!" But I'm a realist. I know you will still get wasted, no matter what the risks.
I don't have any magic bullets, or secret formulas to let you binge in safety. No two young type 1s are alike, and no two binges are alike. That said, here are my tips for making this dangerous undertaking as safe as possible. Three things to consider before the first sip -
One: To bolus or not to bolus? Should you bolus for beer or mixers? Both have carbs. Sometimes a lot of carbs. Logically, you should cover those carbs. But the alcohol in the drink will supersize the insulin downstream, remember? What to do? There's no right answer here, and the drunker you get, the worse you'll count carbs, the worse you'll calculate the bolus, and the less you'll care. I suggest cutting your bolus down. Should you take half what you normally would? A third? Sorry, I don't know. But some amount less should be in your game plan.
Two: To eat drink and be merry requires eating. If you're not throwing up, and even if you are, I think you should eat a snack before you sleep it off. Something high in fat so that it takes a long time to work through your system. That slice of cold pizza on the floor will do the trick. Don't cover it with insulin unless you are insanely high at bedtime. You'll want carbs in your system to soak up the insulin that the liver isn't filtering away.
Three: No alcohol and heavy machinery. If you're wasted, can you drive a forklift safely? No? Then what makes you think you can drive an insulin pump safely? Or a glucometer, for that matter? If you are really out of it, can you make good treatment decisions? Smart adults choose a designated driver when they go out drinking in packs. Is there anyone in your group who can serve in that role? If so, does that person understand diabetes well enough to help? Is that person reliable? Is he or she the kind of person that'll wipe the vomit off your hands and check your blood sugar at 3 a.m. while you're sleeping it off? Or will they be passed out on the other side of the room?
Well, that's it. Alcohol supersizes your insulin and sets you up for epic lows hours later when you're likely to be asleep. It blunts your ability to feel those lows, and slows down your recovery if you do feel them and are sober enough to deal with it. But you can lower your risk of all of those scary things by thinking and planning ahead and...Oh, crap! I forgot to tell you about the Zombies.
My tattoo artist has a glass case in his studio with a faux chainsaw in it. Stenciled in bold red letters on the case is: BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF ZOMBIE ATTACK. So let's pretend there's been a Zombie attack. Steps behind you is a shuffling, stinking, moaning mob of the undead intent on tearing you to shreds, drinking your blood, and feasting on your flesh. You barely make it to the case in time, grab the hammer, and... Crap! The case is empty.
This doesn't look good for the home team.
You know what? If you drink too many Tactical Nuclear Penguins, your glucagon emergency kit case might just as well be empty, too.
I bet your endo never told you, but, glucagon does not work when you are drunk.
A drunk liver won't dump its stores of sugar on demand. I'm not saying your peers shouldn't try giving you a shot if you have a seizure, but realistically, it won't work. When you're drunk, the break-glass-in-case-of-emergency cabinet is empty.
The only way to save your life if you have a severe hypo when plastered is to get an IV of dextrose in the back of an ambulance or at the hospital ER. So wear your damn medic alert when you go drinking—if the paramedics smell booze on your passed out carcass, they probably won't think to check your blood sugar.
The lesson here, my dear nieces and nephews, is don't let your drinking get to the Zombie attack point. Plan ahead the best you can. If you drink to get drunk—or find you're way well down that road—please get the carbs in and get the insulin out. If you're pumping, turn down the basal or take the pump off. If you shoot up and you haven't taken your basal yet, take less, or maybe even skip it. If you've already taken your basal, skip the fast-acting insulin and eat a snack.
Can you get drunk safely? No. Not really. But now you have the tools to do it as safely as possible, because I want each of you to grow up and become a black-sheep uncle or aunt for the next generation.
Much love,
Uncle Wil
This is not a medical advice column. We are PWDs freely and openly sharing the wisdom of our collected experiences — our been-there-done-that knowledge from the trenches. But we are not MDs, RNs, NPs, PAs, CDEs, or partridges in pear trees. Bottom line: we are only a small part of your total prescription. You still need the professional advice, treatment, and care of a licensed medical professional.
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
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weightlossfitness2 · 5 years
How to Get That Elusive Spark Used to Push Limits
The first health club I educated at regarded like a set from a 80’s motion film. From the surface, it regarded like an previous stone mill. Every member was given a key to get in and practice no matter time of day or night time you wished. At the doorway, there was a desk with a boombox, CD circumstances, and a clipboard to register with the date and time.
  The health club barely had gentle, and the ground regarded like an previous, soiled storage. The dumbbell rack was a mixture of previous cement dumbells, a few of them damaged or rusted, going as much as nearly 2 hundred kilos. There have been machines for bodybuilding untouched since these motion films have been launched. Toward the again, on the bottom flooring, there was a metallic spiral staircase that introduced you upstairs to the boxing space. It was a full flooring with each sort of punching bag, pads and gloves, and a full-sized ring with bloodstains on the canvas.
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    That health club was the place I received heavy into weights. My father had launched me to gentle lifting in our basement as a younger child, however it wasn’t till I began boxing at that health club that I began making an attempt to construct muscle and energy. It’s the place I first maxed out on a barbell carry. That was nearly twenty years in the past. I’ve since maxed out many lifts in several gyms and at many kinds of barbell competitions since then, each small and huge.
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    The Wall We All Run Into
Walls in coaching are the imaginary limitations we create and pit ourselves towards that preserve us from our potential and purpose.
  We aren’t discussing what retains us from doing the work, however as an alternative what retains us from pushing to the restrict of our energy capability. These partitions can present up in a contest, or throughout a coaching session the place you deliberate to carry to a brand new max. It makes little distinction.
  The wall is made up of delicate influences that restrain our effort. You maxed out. You stated aloud—and you already know you may carry a extra substantial weight—however you didn’t present them you may. What occurred?
  Why Do We Limit Ourselves?
There are occasions the place, from a physiological standpoint, you’re fully ready to succeed in a brand new max.
  You’ve bodily peaked.
Nutrition is correct, and so is sleep.
You’re recovering as you need to and doing all of the issues to assist that.
The coaching program was effectively designed and correctly deliberate.
Training went as deliberate, and each session was carried out precisely proper.
You lifted the meant weights throughout all periods, and also you felt recovered and able to go between each coaching day.
  And but on the competitors or deliberate max out, you didn’t carry the burden you had calculated you’ll.
  Physically you have been ready. There’s nothing extra you may do. You failed, as an alternative, due to a limiting mindset, or a mentally limiting settlement, that you just’ve made with your self to borrow phrasing from the writer, Don Miguel Ruiz.
    To deliver your fullest out there bodily capacities below acutely aware management, you might want to study to attach, but in addition deliver your psychological and emotional states below command. This isn’t straightforward, particularly not at first. It’s onerous to not get carried away by feelings or caught in a psychological whirlwind and let it management you rather than utilizing the vitality of it towards a singular effort.
  This literal integration is key for a lot of to discover a place during which they will legitimately see the restrict of their energy that they’ve developed of their on-going coaching. They can acknowledge the successes this coaching has projected their maxes to be.
  Feel, But Don’t Be Controlled
This diploma of arousal required to push to our actual restrict isn’t simply physiological or psychological in high quality however can also be emotional. All of this suggestions must be harmonized to provide a robust, singular effort.
  Barbell practices appeal to completely different character varieties. It can attract those that are wild, outwardly, passionate folks. But it additionally appeals to extra calculated, analytical varieties who deal with coaching as merely process-oriented.
  But to achieve success in energy sports activities or progress within the barbell, even essentially the most methodical brains must study to make use of a form of inner warmth to push their limits. The outwardly calm lifters who’re profitable might not present it, however they’ve this spark and aggression inside them. Sometimes conserving all of it inside reasonably than letting it out in a loud public show will be extra helpful for that character sort.
  Ed Coan, arguably the perfect powerlifter of all time, regarded chilly, calm, and calculated on the platform. But when requested about it, he stated that each time he lifted, there was a storm raging in his head. He referred to as it his managed aggression.
  Don’t Slide Too Far
There’s undoubtedly a tipping level the place you cross a threshold and attain some extent of overstimulation. It’s an excessive amount of to make use of and as an alternative turns into ineffective, nearly hysterical vitality.
  When I used to be competing in powerlifting in my early twenties, I lifted at a meet held within the school weight room the place I labored as a energy coach. It was my dwelling turf, and I wished to point out up. I labored myself right into a frenzy proper earlier than the competitors and took extreme quantities of caffeine as a result of it was the one manner I knew tips on how to attempt to push myself again then.
  I felt fairly first rate warming up, however as I used to be about to step out for my opening try, I grew to become manner too jittery and overexcited, nearly to the purpose the place I felt agitated. My vitality degree and pleasure have been by means of the roof, however none of it helpful.
  I bombed out at that competitors; I feel it was my first time doing that. I couldn’t focus, couldn’t harness any aggression, couldn’t change into conscious, current, and fixated on this single process. It was an impotent depth.
  It by no means reached a peak however as an alternative simply stayed as a low hum. I had a lot vitality left over after the competitors, that I instantly put myself by means of a dumbbell exercise to repair what I assumed was the explanation I failed. But trying again, I most likely simply did it to punish myself.
  There’s a balancing act you flirt with when integrating the physique and spirit. You must discover ways to work your self proper as much as that pink line with out going over it.
  An Interconnection
Harnessing the vitality you might want to carry out your finest doesn’t finish with studying tips on how to rein in your ideas and management your emotions.
  There’s an nearly esoteric peace to reaching the specified state the place you hit a groove, and almost any weight placed on the bar for the day will be lifted. While there are particular methods we will focus on, the exploration inward is profoundly private and can take a unprecedented effort to determine your explicit triggers.
If you’re concerned about studying a sensible information into tips on how to perceive and observe visualizing, I extremely advocate the guide Mind Gym. It’s the one useful resource I’ve come throughout that provides you workable, life like strategies to enhance bodily efficiency by means of creativeness.
  My greatest takeaway from the guide was how imaginative your visualization ought to be. The writer directs athletes to first recall their finest efficiency to this point. Think of the next components of that have:
  How you felt.
What you may odor.
What have been the shapes and colours of all the things round you?
Can you bear in mind how the barbell felt in your hand or in your again?
Can you bear in mind the standard of your way of thinking?
What was the feeling of being so engrossed in your effort that you just instinctively reacted bodily?
  After you create a vivid image out of your reminiscence, the writer recommends taking not solely the visible but in addition the sentiments and way of thinking and spirit and apply it to think about a future competitors once you need to carry out effectively.
  The concept is to take the identical emotional state you simply recalled out of your reminiscence and picture your self on this future, taking with you an identical spirit. With this sense, envision how issues will really feel, look, and odor. Then see your self conducting what you purpose for, each by means of your individual eyes and the gaze of a 3rd particular person.
  Definite Belief
I take advantage of such a visualization and see the potential profit in it, but it surely by no means actually suited my explicit temperament. What at all times did enhance my efficiency was a particular perception. This is completely different from a typical perception, and it’s very summary in high quality. It’s a manifestation of the fact you need to occur. It’s an assumption it would come true and recalling it towards your residing current.
  Much of the assumption that you would be able to carry out on the highest degree comes from the boldness of previous success. If you’ve had success, you’ll be able to recreate it, and naturally, observe in competitors or in maxing out makes you higher at it. Still, some appear to have a proclivity towards self-belief, even when inexperienced within the observe. And some appear to by no means actually get it, regardless of constant coaching and expertise.
  Those who by no means handle to muster perception have limiting beliefs from a vital developmental interval of their youth. They probably had constructive, wholesome encouragement withheld by their dad and mom and different adults. They might have grown up by no means understanding that it’s doable to alter the bodily actuality round them by means of their centered efforts. But I’m not an skilled to discuss this.
  The perception I’m referring to, although, is just not about squashing or ignoring all doubt. I do know this was by no means the case for me. Even the perfect rivals will admit that a minimum of a few of the time, they’ve fractional doubts throughout low factors in coaching and even at moments throughout competitors. It’s not about eliminating all doubts; it is about accepting them as part of the entire and making room for them.
  Accept and Make Room
This is one thing that I used to be in a position to take into my meditation observe to make me a extra introspective particular person, which then I, in flip, might suggestions into how I approached my lifting.
  Negative, distracting ideas come up. Constricting and shutting them off places limits in your progress and capability to remain acutely aware. We all must study to see the concern, doubt, and pessimism. Then we have to perceive that these are solely emotions and ideas, and never essentially a part of you and never all of who you might be. Just as a result of we’ve an concept, doesn’t imply that thought is us.
  Believe it or not, the story of Buddha’s enlightenment speaks to how vital it’s to see the limiting beliefs that preserve us from reaching our bodily targets. I am speaking in regards to the story right here, not faith—and it’s all a narrative.
  The story goes that when Siddhartha (the Buddha) sat right down to meditate and he was getting ready to really reaching his enlighted state, the god of all issues awful man, Mara, got here at him, tempted him, after which despatched demons to assault him. But none of it harmed Siddhartha, and he reached his enlightenment.
  After the Buddha went on to show others, Mara would nonetheless present up sometimes, and the Buddha would see him. The Buddha’s assistants would develop afraid and overwhelmed that Mara had proven up. But the Buddha would acknowledge his presence and even name out to say: I see you, Mara. And because the story goes, the Buddha additionally invited him to sit down and have tea with him.
  And that’s it—that’s the intangible high quality we’d like once we got down to push our limits. We see the doubt, the concern, and the rock we’ve to push up the mountain, after which we settle for it for what it’s. We acknowledge that it’s there and simply part of all the things, a part of the entire.
  But we will have the presence of thoughts to know that we don’t must act in another way. We don’t must assume these random ideas that seem are a part of us; they’re simply there. And we will make house for these ideas and emotions and nonetheless act decisively towards our purpose.
  If you want extra confidence behind you for these large moments the place you max out your squat and really feel such as you lack the instruments, take a look at our free information on the ideas of squatting. It’s a free video that can aid you construct a extra strong basis for your self.
  Jesse competes within the sport of Olympic weightlifting, and he was additionally previously a aggressive powerlifter. He was featured in important energy and health publications. You can learn extra of his work on his web site.
The post How to Get That Elusive Spark Used to Push Limits appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/how-to-get-that-elusive-spark-used-to-push-limits-2/
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weightlossfitness2 · 5 years
How to Get That Elusive Spark Used to Push Limits
The first health club I skilled at appeared like a set from a 80’s motion film. From the surface, it appeared like an previous stone mill. Every member was given a key to get in and prepare no matter time of day or night time you needed. At the doorway, there was a desk with a boombox, CD instances, and a clipboard to register with the date and time.
  The health club barely had gentle, and the ground appeared like an previous, soiled storage. The dumbbell rack was a mixture of previous cement dumbells, a few of them damaged or rusted, going as much as virtually 2 hundred kilos. There have been machines for bodybuilding untouched since these motion motion pictures have been launched. Toward the again, on the bottom flooring, there was a metallic spiral staircase that introduced you upstairs to the boxing space. It was a full flooring with each sort of punching bag, pads and gloves, and a full-sized ring with bloodstains on the canvas.
    That health club was the place I received heavy into weights. My father had launched me to gentle lifting in our basement as a younger child, however it wasn’t till I began boxing at that health club that I began attempting to construct muscle and energy. It’s the place I first maxed out on a barbell elevate. That was virtually twenty years in the past. I’ve since maxed out many lifts in several gyms and at many sorts of barbell competitions since then, each small and enormous. 
    The Wall We All Run Into
Walls in coaching are the imaginary obstacles we create and pit ourselves towards that maintain us from our potential and intention.  
  We aren’t discussing what retains us from doing the work, however as a substitute what retains us from pushing to the restrict of our energy capability. These partitions can present up in a contest, or throughout a coaching session the place you deliberate to elevate to a brand new max. It makes little distinction.
  The wall is made up of refined influences that restrain our effort. You maxed out. You mentioned aloud—and you realize you could possibly elevate a extra substantial weight—however you didn’t present them you could possibly. What occurred?
  Why Do We Limit Ourselves?
There are occasions the place, from a physiological standpoint, you’re totally ready to succeed in a brand new max.
  You’ve bodily peaked.
Nutrition is correct, and so is sleep.
You’re recovering as it is best to and doing all of the issues to assist that.
The coaching program was effectively designed and correctly deliberate.
Training went as deliberate, and each session was carried out precisely proper.
You lifted the supposed weights throughout all classes, and also you felt recovered and able to go between each coaching day.
  And but on the competitors or deliberate max out, you didn’t elevate the burden you had calculated you’ll. 
  Physically you have been ready. There’s nothing extra you could possibly do. You failed, as a substitute, due to a limiting mindset, or a mentally limiting settlement, that you simply’ve made with your self to borrow phrasing from the writer, Don Miguel Ruiz. 
    To convey your fullest out there bodily capacities underneath acutely aware management, you have to study to attach, but additionally convey your psychological and emotional states underneath command. This isn’t straightforward, particularly not at first. It’s laborious to not get carried away by feelings or caught in a psychological whirlwind and let it management you rather than utilizing the vitality of it towards a singular effort. 
  This literal integration is key for a lot of to discover a place during which they will legitimately see the restrict of their energy that they’ve developed of their on-going coaching. They can acknowledge the successes this coaching has projected their maxes to be.
  Feel, But Don’t Be Controlled 
This diploma of arousal required to push to our actual restrict isn’t simply physiological or psychological in high quality however can also be emotional. All of this suggestions must be harmonized to supply a powerful, singular effort. 
  Barbell practices entice totally different persona sorts. It can attract those that are wild, outwardly, passionate individuals. But it additionally appeals to extra calculated, analytical sorts who deal with coaching as merely process-oriented. But to be profitable in energy sports activities or progress within the barbell, even probably the most methodical brains have to study to make use of a form of inside warmth to push their limits. The outwardly calm lifters who’re profitable could not present it, however they’ve this spark and aggression inside them. Sometimes preserving all of it inside somewhat than letting it out in a loud public show will be extra helpful for that persona sort.
  Ed Coan, arguably the perfect powerlifter of all time, appeared chilly, calm, and calculated on the platform. But when requested about it, he mentioned that each time he lifted, there was a storm raging in his head. He known as it his managed aggression. 
  Don’t Slide Too Far
There’s undoubtedly a tipping level the place you cross a threshold and attain a degree of overstimulation. It’s an excessive amount of to make use of and as a substitute turns into ineffective, virtually hysterical vitality. 
  When I used to be competing in powerlifting in my early twenties, I lifted at a meet held within the faculty weight room the place I labored as a energy coach. It was my dwelling turf, and I needed to indicate up. I labored myself right into a frenzy proper earlier than the competitors and took extreme quantities of caffeine as a result of it was the one means I knew the way to attempt to push myself again then. 
  I felt fairly first rate warming up, however as I used to be about to step out for my opening try, I grew to become means too jittery and overexcited, virtually to the purpose the place I felt agitated. My vitality degree and pleasure have been via the roof, however none of it helpful. I bombed out at that competitors; I believe it was my first time doing that. I couldn’t focus, couldn’t harness any aggression, couldn’t turn into conscious, current, and fixated on this single job. It was an impotent depth. It by no means reached a peak however as a substitute simply stayed as a low hum. I had a lot vitality left over after the competitors, that I instantly put myself via a dumbbell exercise to repair what I assumed was the rationale I failed. But wanting again, I most likely simply did it to punish myself. 
  There’s a balancing act you flirt with when integrating the physique and spirit. You have to learn to work your self proper as much as that crimson line with out going over it.
  An Interconnection
Harnessing the vitality you have to carry out your finest doesn’t finish with studying the way to rein in your ideas and management your emotions. There’s an virtually esoteric peace to reaching the specified state the place you hit a groove, and almost any weight placed on the bar for the day will be lifted. While there are particular methods we will focus on, the exploration inward is profoundly private and can take a unprecedented effort to determine your specific triggers. 
If you’re fascinated about studying a sensible information into the way to perceive and observe visualizing, I extremely advocate the ebook Mind Gym.  It’s the one useful resource I’ve come throughout that provides you workable, real looking strategies to enhance bodily efficiency via creativeness. 
  My greatest takeaway from the ebook was how imaginative your visualization must be. The writer directs athletes to first recall their finest efficiency to this point. Think of the next components of that have:
  How you felt.
What you could possibly odor.
What have been the shapes and colours of the whole lot round you?
Can you keep in mind how the barbell felt in your hand or in your again?
Can you keep in mind the standard of your way of thinking?
What was the feeling of being so engrossed in your effort that you simply instinctively reacted bodily?  
  After you create a vivid image out of your reminiscence, the writer recommends taking not solely the visible but additionally the sentiments and way of thinking and spirit and apply it to think about a future competitors whenever you wish to carry out effectively. The thought is to take the identical emotional state you simply recalled out of your reminiscence and picture your self on this future, taking with you a similar spirit. With this sense, envision how issues will really feel, look, and odor. Then see your self undertaking what you intention for, each via your personal eyes and the gaze of a 3rd individual. 
  Definite Belief
I take advantage of this kind of visualization and see the potential profit in it, nevertheless it by no means actually suited my specific temperament. What all the time did enhance my efficiency was a particular perception. This is totally different from a typical perception, and it’s very summary in high quality. It’s a manifestation of the fact you need to occur. It’s an assumption it’ll come true and recalling it towards your residing current. 
  Much of the assumption you can carry out on the highest degree comes from the arrogance of previous success. If you’ve had success, you may recreate it, and naturally, observe in competitors or in maxing out makes you higher at it. Still, some appear to have a proclivity towards self-belief, even when inexperienced within the observe. And some appear to by no means actually get it, regardless of constant coaching and expertise. 
  Those who by no means handle to muster perception have limiting beliefs from an important developmental interval of their youth. They presumably had constructive, wholesome encouragement withheld by their mother and father and different adults. They may have grown up by no means figuring out that it’s doable to alter the bodily actuality round them via their centered efforts. But I’m not an professional to talk about this. 
  The perception I’m referring to, although, will not be about squashing or ignoring all doubt. I do know this was by no means the case for me. Even the perfect rivals will admit that at the very least a few of the time, they’ve fractional doubts throughout low factors in coaching and even at moments throughout competitors. It’s not about eliminating all doubts; it is about accepting them as part of the entire and making room for them. 
  Accept and Make Room
This is one thing that I used to be in a position to take into my meditation observe to make me a extra introspective individual, which then I, in flip, may suggestions into how I approached my lifting.  
  Negative, distracting ideas come up. Constricting and shutting them off places limits in your progress and capability to remain acutely aware. We all have to study to see the concern, doubt, and pessimism. Then we have to perceive that these are solely emotions and ideas, and never essentially a part of you and never all of who you’re. Just as a result of now we have an thought, doesn’t imply that thought is us. 
  Believe it or not, the story of Buddha’s enlightenment speaks to how vital it’s to see the limiting beliefs that maintain us from reaching our bodily targets. I am speaking in regards to the story right here, not faith—and it’s all a narrative. 
  The story goes that when Siddhartha (the Buddha) sat all the way down to meditate and he was getting ready to truly reaching his enlighted state, the god of all issues awful man, Mara, got here at him, tempted him, after which despatched demons to assault him. But none of it harmed Siddhartha, and he reached his enlightenment. After the Buddha went on to show others, Mara would nonetheless present up on occasion, and the Buddha would see him. The Buddha’s assistants would develop afraid and overwhelmed that Mara had proven up. But the Buddha would acknowledge his presence and even name out to say: I see you, Mara. And because the story goes, the Buddha additionally invited him to sit down and have tea with him. 
  And that’s it—that’s the intangible high quality we want after we got down to push our limits. We see the doubt, the concern, and the rock now we have to push up the mountain, after which we settle for it for what it’s. We acknowledge that it’s there and simply part of the whole lot, a part of the entire. But we will have the presence of thoughts to know that we don’t have to act otherwise. We don’t have to assume these random ideas that seem are a part of us; they’re simply there. And we will make house for these ideas and emotions and nonetheless act decisively towards our purpose. 
  If you want extra confidence behind you for these large moments the place you max out your squat and really feel such as you lack the instruments, take a look at our free information on the rules of squatting. It’s a free video that can enable you construct a extra stable basis for your self. 
  Jesse competes within the sport of Olympic weightlifting, and he was additionally previously a aggressive powerlifter. He was featured in foremost energy and health publications. You can learn extra of his work on his web site.
  The post How to Get That Elusive Spark Used to Push Limits appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/how-to-get-that-elusive-spark-used-to-push-limits/
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