#and a rouge who would often attack enemies from the air with her bow
nagalias-mindscape · 11 months
Sis: Go make your dnd character in Baldur's Gate or something.
Me: The harengon, or the tiefling? or my retired aarakocra?
Sis: Tiefling, dumbass. I want to see what you can do with that.
Me: I'm not going to make a new character just to roleplay a character I can't do correctly. My only bard- who happens to be a tiefling- is the dark urge, which is far darker than Medli is actually is, no matter the airs she puts on. Also, Med's perma blind. Can't do that to my BG3 character.
Sis: Not without mods, you can't. Bet you someone's already come out for something like that.
Me: Get me the mods required and I'll do the damn thing, bitch. I'll even romance and ascend the damn vampire for you.
#text#dnd story#tag story#so a bit about that aarakocra. It was hilarious.#it was an acquisitions incorporated inspired campaign that got canceled because life got in the way for everyone#but my little Errk was the cartographer of the group#and a rouge who would often attack enemies from the air with her bow#(aarakocra can fly all day and night if they have the right kind of altitude since their wings can lock in place and they can glide)#(something about air currents and being extremely light and whatnot)#but- and this is important#being the cartographer meant that Errk also had to deal with transportation vehicles.#the bird with almost limitless flight had to buy and manage transportation for everyone else!#(150ft flight speed in a single turn with dash action + cunning action bonus dash)#(and being so high above everyone meant that enemies had disadvantage on hitting them as they was usually out of attack range.)#ALSO#Errk's talons also did a 1d4-1 damage to enemies#so occasionally they would end up getting a nat 20 with a whopping 0 critical damage#just imagine getting bitch slapped by a bird with talons and then realizing that... nothing happened.#no pain#no discomfort beyond being tied up and glowered down at by a bird-person#who happened to have body-chucked you into a tree via high speed race through a forest#and they just slapped you for 0 damage#and probably just broke a point on said talons because their strength stat was an 8 (-1).#(would have been so much better if their strength was a -2 modifier. Errk roulette! Will you take damage or none or get healed 1 hit point?#lords help you if you saw them with their bow though#because a +8 to initiative and a +5 to hit meant that they usually were hitting things right off the bat#and being however odd feet in the air above meant they could just let gravity to most of the work with their range#did occasionally suffer a penalty for that kind of attack but the DM did allow Errk to bypass the normal bow range that way#and their alert feat meant that they weren't ever caught off guard even if they weren't focusing on whats around them#FUN FACT! Errk is only 5.
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starsmuserainbow · 5 years
!! !! !!
With every “!!” i get, I’ll introduce you to an OC! 
Thanks for sending some!
Those will be below a cut since I’d rather keep big images away from people’s dashes.
First off, I think it’s about time I actually explain why I have the icons that I use as mun-icons.
So here’s Cat!
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(a few images together here, since I didn’t want to add too many in full size. The above two are self-drawn, the latter three done with character creators while the right one is probably the most accurate. And of course I would have used these icons as her faceclaim if I’d ever have started RPing for her:)
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She’s very nice and friendly. She doesn’t like fighting much, and yet tries to do something against bad things happening. She’s a bit more mature than others her age would be, and she grew up in an orphanage.Of course, her original name isn’t Cat, she is Catherine, or more often Cathy, but she always had a liking for cats (hence why I draw her with cat ears on usually, she wears them whenever she can to the point that some might assume they’re real) and so one of her closest friends always called her ‘cat’ and it stuck with her.If they’re very strong (or if she doesn’t have her abilities under control), she will ‘hear’ thoughts of people around, without actually aiming to do it or focusing on it. This led to her being overwhelmed by everything before, especially when her abilities were still freshly ‘breaking through’, and even now she still sometimes just needs time for herself, best in silence or with calming music and/or scents around. She’s also capable of reading people’s minds and hypnosis, all only when eye-contact is established; and one time I actually wrote her also having, with very very much concentration, tiny amounts of telekinesis, like raising a needle or turning a key in a lock.
I thik I have mentioned all others that I can speak about here at least once before, but, another one that I’m still very much feeling and sometimes actually think about if I should try bringing her out there: Liquor.
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(both pics here are done with char creators, I haven’t yet done a drawing of her. I did have a tektek-avatar (pixelized figure) of her which felt really accurate, but I don’t have that anymore.)
Liquor is very much not a good person. She works as an assassin, and thanks to her abilities has never failed before. Only very few people live to know her, too; she’s always kept most about herself a mystery. Her go-to colors to wear are green and black, usually rather revealing too.She normally uses potions/poisons to finish off her targets, and seems to have a knack in it as she often produces things that no one else really even considers possible (turn people older/younger, cause temporary obsessive love, things like these and probably much more) - or maybe she simply has a very rare and unique ingredient that no one else knows of or can use?She can turn into a water-like fluid, and move while in that state too. So anything that isn’t airtight (/water-tight, if that’s a word) is also not protected against her, as she can simply sneak inside. If in close-combat, she can turn only a part of her body liquid to let an attack pass through - or she can move the fluid part of her body around a part of her enemy, which will not end pleasantly once she ‘solidifies’ herself again. She tends to carry a lighter despite not smoking - if stuck in a situation where she can’t escape otherwise, Liquor, or Liq for short, will tear off a part of her clothing and light it on fire, using the heat to then evaporate her fluid-turned body and escape through the air (as long as her prison isn’t airtight).
Next up, to name a third one (also one I mentioned before), she’s another one I’m sometimes interested in bringing out into the RP-world but usually shy away from it: Mia!
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(Again, I don’t have a pic I did myself, or at least not at hand right now - I think I did draw her once? Definitely with bad results though - so you get a pic from a char creator instead.)
I’ll just copy-paste what I once wrote about her here, since I still feel it’s nicely worded and so it’s easier than to write the same thing only in different again.
Blue hair, blue eyes, and she tends to wear light blue as a top, Mia definitely likes the color blue. Or maybe she just worked with what she had and figured fitting the color of her clothing to her eyes and hair would make sense.
She can be brash, a bit boyish too, and straightforward; she tends to say what she thinks and doesn’t hesitate to tell someone off or step in when something doesn’t seem right in her opinion. She has fought others before thanks to her personality, and it’s probably not been the last time, so she has some experience - and she probably learned some fighting skills from courses or something too, at least she can do it good enough to win most of the fights she starts, and she knows how to decently use most ‘tools’ too (bows, guns, staffs, etc).As long as you aren’t doing something ‘mean’ or ‘bad’, though, she’s definitely friendly. Maybe a little too intrusive and not giving others enough privacy once she’s interested in them, but still friendly. And good company, she likes to joke around, and she also likes to (strongly) encourage her friends (or people that she knows for longer than a few minutes) to do the things they actually want to do, regardless of what the consequences might be. As long as the consequences (and the action itself) aren’t illegal or hurting someone else, that is.
She doesn’t speak of family, but it seems that she lives by herself and so there’s a good chance that she doesn’t have anyone related to her. Or that’s how she wants it to look - Mia likes to play a role, every now and then.
Which brings me to her power. She can… she copies powers of people nearby, basically. Nothing that is an altering to their physical body, but she can copy powers otherwise. She only has them as long as she is close to the ‘source’, she can copy multiple people’s powers at the same time, and seems to have an easy understanding of how to use most powers too - it’s rare that she causes accidents by triggering a just-recieved power.[Again, this doesn’t really make sense science-wise, sorry. When using her, I basically made her able to copy things like Star’s flying and starbolts, but not Cyborg’s built-in weapons, if that explanation helps.]It makes her the ideal person to tell if someone is who they claim to be, especially when that one has powers or it’s about telling if there’s a shapeshifter in the group taking the role of someone else. (She’d be a very effective ‘way’ to tell when Madame Rouge is around, for example.)
She’s against crimes and hurting others, but she never quite took to hero-ing. Maybe every now and then when she comes across powers to copy (which happens pretty automatically by the way, she can’t really stop it, she can only try her best to not use the powers despite having them), but she never took up a disguise or a costume or anything, and even if she were to become a hero, she would probably just stick with her own looks without covering herself.
She’s also a fan of the heroes that are around, and sometimes she purposely goes somewhere where trouble takes place, only to get close to the soon-nearby heroes, to see them and watch the fight (and to get a chance to try, or at least “feel”, their powers too).
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