#and a stone fireplace is shown. wall trim
nihilminus · 1 year
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New York Master Bedroom
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golshiftehnews · 1 year
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Living Room Open
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immiebee · 5 years
Oh god...I loved Valerius’ ending in Nadia’s Route. I’ve been working on stories for him and Lactarius, but I haven’t reached this point yet. I had to share this short before I go crazy!
A boisterous laugh filled Valerius' study on a warm sunny day. The windows opened to let in fresh air and warm sunshine into the large grand study; books lined the walls in large bookshelves, paintings of Valerius, Lactarius and their son hung on the wall. A constant reminder to continue to better himself, not just for him but for his family. Currently abandoned work documents  pushed to the side of his desk and in their place a large leatherbound book opened to reveal a knight doing battle with a great dragon.
Valerius couldn't resist his son's large blue eyes, especially when Alaric cocked his head to the side, soft pout on his lips. Damn his wife! She could teach him fire breathing for all he cared, but her signature smolder playing on his cubby face....TYRANNY! It also didn't help that the toddler was desperately clutching the large book to his small body, trying so very hard not to let it touch the floor. Nadia had let the boy keep the book when Lactarius and Alaric had visited the palace a few weeks ago. The Countess eyes sparkling when Alaric sat at the floor in front of the fireplace sounding out words, eyes squinting in concentration as he tried to read the words before him. Soon what was supposed to be a meeting for the aquaduct system turned into story time as the group took turns reading the fairytale the young boy was currently wrapped up in.
So here the partially retired Consul sat, with his son in his lap, at his desk, and reading how the brave Knight Oryn battled against the vicious Dragon. Smiling when Alaric squealed as Knight Oryn barely missed a sharp claw, rolling away from snapping jaws. The ombre haired man reaching down to playfully grab onto his son's side, mocking a growl as the Dragon's tail lashed out striking the Knight, giving his own laugh as he tickled Alaric's side. His son turning in his lap, arms raised and short ombre hair thrown back as he gave his own fierce little roar in return.
Valerius shrunk back in his chair, "Oh dear! It seems as though my son has been transformed into a dragon! What ever will I tell his dear mother?!"
The Consul falling back clutching his chest dramatically(maybe he should stop going to the theatre? or tell Lactarius that damn doctor isn’t allowed on the ground) closing his eyes, peeking open one as his two year old placed his small hands on his face. He gave a soft smile as Alaric's eyes became huge.
"No Da! It me! No faint!"
Alaric squealed as Valerius sat up tickling his sides. The two of them too wrapped up in each other that they failed to see Lactarius staring out her greenhouse window across the length of the manor, eyes shining as she watched the two of them playfully swat at each other. The witch shaking her brown misscut hair, pulling it back so the undercut was clearly shown as she continued to clip and trim her overgrowing forest that she called a greenhouse. Gannen's large black body sprawled out in the greenhouse window, the Main Coon mix chittering as the birds hopped around on the stoned patio that connected the greenhouse to the outdoor garden.
As the pair finished the story, Knight Oryn having slayed the mighty Dragon and was now to wed the Princess Amata, Alaric sat in his father's lap content and tired. Valerius closing the book, craddled his son against his chest, placing his son's head on his shoulder as he picked up the scattered documents to read later. Alaric's little arms wrapping around his neck, tiny fingers twisting into his ombre braid.
Valerius gave a soft smile. It wasn't anything new that his son would randomly blurt out anything he thought of or saw. That magician's violet snake may not be cute to Valerius, but Alaric had picked up on her random outbursts. Watching the two of them (supervised under Valerius' commanding request) the two of them could make a crowd melt.
Patting his son's back Valerius murmmured softly, "Yes son. Da's wine are made from grapes."
Confusion shifted in the Consul's face, "Your Momma has her cows in the barn. We can see them after you had your nap."
“Moo! Eat grapes! YUM!"
Alaric sat back pointing out behind Valerius, his bright blue eyes wide and a grin crossing his chubby face. Short ombre hair raising in excitment, mimicing his mother's excited demanor. Valerius turning his head to the window in confusion nearly dropping his son in the process. Golden eyes wide open as he stared in horror as one of Lactarius' brown Swiss cows poked her head into his study, licking her red/purple covered muzzle. Bellowing into the study to the man and his son.
"MOO!" Alaric laughed as Valerius placed him down before he raced over to the window slamming it in the cow's face, as his son bounced happily. "MOO! MOO! MOO!"
"Shoo!!! AWAY WITH YOU! NO! nonononono!!! Get away from there you beast!" Shrieking when he saw three more happily trotting through his vineyard.
Valerius opening the window to yell across the length of the manor, "Lacatrius! LACTARIUS!!!! YOUR DAMN BEASTS ARE OUT!"
Staring in horror as he saw the short woman desperately battling one of her other cows, shoving at it's chest as the brown silver cow happily munched on an uprooted strawberry bush. Quickly picking up his son and shouting for servants, Valerius had an army of guards and servants trying to contain Lactarius' five free roaming girls. As they wrangled the first two, Bane, the eldest and head guard, discovered the rowdy group had broke the fencing that went around their pasture and barn, successfully containing them until now. With two of the brown and silver cows contained in the large stone barn the group turned their attention to the three runaways.
Passing Alaric off to Mabel, the senior house maid a kind greying woman, Valerius raced off to help Lactarius with an irrate cow. The one in question, Sweet Pea (the guards having named the aggressive silver cow) throwing her head low, stomping the ground as Lactarius, her grey dungaree dress and white sun hat firmly tied around her neck, held her hand open in a desperate attempt to buffalo the cow. Valerius slowing to a stop behind Lacatrius, unsure but ready to help his wife. Thank the gods, she had rubbed off on him fashion wise. His black casual pants and knee high boots, loose white shirt were better for fighting off angry heifers, not his expesnive cashmire robes. Turning back to Lactarius, Sweet Pea wasn't falling for it, she charged forward head lashing out as she butted agianst the woman. Lactarius gripping, the heifers ears as she locked her legs in place keeping her head back from Sweet Pea's thick skull.
"OI! Knock it off you cantakerous bitch!" Another buck of the head followed by a quick session of front hooves stomping the dirt in a desperate attempt to crush toes. "Quit it Sweet Pea!"
Valerius covered his ears as Lactarius gave a loud sharp whistle. Head turning when he heard the sounds of whinnys from the stone stables, directly across from the barn. His beautiful black Arabian mare, Isadora, and Lactarius' blue roan Draft Shire, Onyx, were turned out to pasture earlier that morning. Isadora cantering up and down the fence as the chaos continued, her snorts and whinnys shrill and annoyed as people scattered about. Onyx on the other hand had stood watching, ears perked forward, breathing steady taking in the scene. That was until Lactarius' sharp whistle had him galloping away from the fence only to race back towards it, clearing the tall wooden structure.
His thunderous hooves charging towards the two humans and the irrate cow. A loud bray had Sweet Pea backing off from Lactarius, head still low ready for a fight. Onyx cantered around the couple placing himself in between the group. His large head lowered, stance wide as Sweet Pea charged again, only to be met with Onyx's flank in her face and his bucking legs. The cow backing down as soon as she realized she couldn't bully her way into the garden, turned her attention to the green and blooming vineyard. Valerius' breath hitched in his throat, pushing past Lactarius towards the blue roan Shire. "HERD HER BACK DAMMIT! HERD HER BACK!"
After an hour of Onyx playing body guard for the vineyard, all of the cattle was placed in the barn. Not without casualties, some of Lactarius' garden had been trampled and eaten, while a small section that was closest to the pasture was stripped clean from the other two that they had been dealing with. Groaning the sweaty and dirty couple sat down on the greenhouse patio under the shade of a willow. Valerius grumbling curses as he counted the cost of the damages done, Lactarius chin tucked up to her chest as she growled lowly. Those damn girls! She can't blame them, it was a beautiful day and they were just being animals. If anyone was to blame it was her, she should have built them a stone wall last year. Rubbing her eyes she stared over at Valerius, eye downcast as he met hers.
Scowl on his lips, he sighed reaching over to brush the hair out of her eyes, "It's not your fault. Your damn girls are too smart and strong for their own good." He grimaced as he picked a bit of mud from his braid, white shirt stained with mud and grape juices from helping shove the final heifer into the barn.
"I should have gone out to check the fence this morning."
"Yes you should have." Leaning over to kiss her sweaty cheek. "But then it would have made for a very boring day."
Snorting she rolled her eyes, "Well boring, but we would still be making money."
"It's not about money, love. We can make money anytime, this makes for a amazing memory."
Standing up, she stood over placing a leg on either side of his lap before sitting down. "Well listen to you, my beloved husband. I feel like our roles are reversing, shall I go up to your study and finish your work for you? I don't think I am fit to call myself your feral witch any longer."
Gripping her hips he dropped a kiss to her chest, "Never. You have brought out the best in me ever since I placed that ring on your finger." He leaned up locking eyes with hers, slowly bringing her down for a kiss. Tongues dancing, as she sank into his embrace with a soft sigh.
The two of them nearly jumping out of the seat, turned to see Mabel walking towards the pair, smirk playing on her lips as Alaric rushed forwards with a large serving plate. On the plate was a stack of small sandwiches, fresh salad, and a small pile of bite sized fudge. Taking the plate Lactarius slid off her husband's lap to set it on the small wooden table, picking up Alaric to set in her lap. Gannen making an appearance as he sat on the edge of the wall, long tail swishing as he opened his jaw yawning. Mabel setting down a pitcher of fresh lemonade, serving it to the family before turning to leave, "While you two were out here playing round up, your boy was very helpful in the kitchen. He even helped make the sandwiches."
Lactarius hugged him tight blowing rasberries on his cheek, "Did you now?! What a helpful boy!"
Giggling Alaric picked up a sandwich chewing it and Valerius shook his head smiling, reaching over to take a sandwich for himself. Looking at his wife and son enjoying their snack, he looked over their estate and over to the fence as the guards repaired the last woodent structure under the confused stares of the cattle from their windows in the barn. Onyx and Isadora both trotting alongside each other in the evening sun in their pasture, heads thrown back, and Onyx kicking his heels. Despite the chaos and damages caused that day, many years later Valerius still held it as one of his fondest memories.
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gtarealestatepros · 4 years
Top Staging Tips – Outside Your Home
We previously discussed the importance of staging the inside of your home in our last article Top Staging Tips – Inside Your Home and covered our 3 top staging tips for inside your home. However, the outside of your home is just as important, regardless if you’re living in a condo, townhouse, semi-detached or detached home!
As we mentioned before (and will in future articles), staging is an absolute must when selling your home. Studies have shown that it can increase the price you get by as much as 6.3%, which is a considerable amount of money when talking about properties. 
Many people are not familiar with house staging and have a certain aversion towards it, thinking it’s just a waste of precious time and money. However, staging is not like that at all. You don’t have to spend days, even hours, on staging the outside of your home and the money you invest is insignificant, compared to the return.
In fact, house staging is the most cost-efficient thing you can do when preparing your house for sale. A few simple tricks are enough to make the outside of your house ready to welcome potential buyers and wow them before they even set foot into the house.
To help you achieve that “wow” effect and increase the final price, today we will reveal our 3 top staging tips for outside your home. 
1. Go stand on the street to see what clients see when driving up to the house.
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Going the extra mile to make your home look absolutely stunning on the outside pays off in the end. It’s what the buyers first see when they walk up to your home showing, so any negative impressions they get is just going to make them think that the house itself has not been well taken care of.  
If your:
Landscaping is not maintained or non-existent,
Paint is peeling off the walls
Exterior lights are not working
They can be seen as a warning sign to buyers.
If you haven’t taken care of the outside, what will they find hidden on the inside? Needless to say, this may result in buyers pulling away from a deal before even considering the purchase, or low-balling the offer.
The criticism of buyers comes right down to the doormat!
Buyers are very critical when looking for their new home so that funny doormat, that you thought was hilarious, could be just a bad first impression for your potential buyer.
Even if you have dedicated a lot of time and money to fix up the interior, it would all be wasted if the clients get a bad first impression as they drive up to the house, so make sure you do your due diligence when it comes to the exterior as well.
2. Next, step outside your front door and close the door, then look around for 5 minutes
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Have you ever wondered what your buyers see when they stand in front of the entrance?
While the realtor fumbles for keys and tries to figure out how to open the door, the clients are standing behind and looking around, so it’s very important for you to see what they see.
What are they seeing?
Do you have any of the following when you do this?
Dead plants
Old Halloween decorations in the middle of January
Sometimes, it’s the outside that matters more, so it’s definitely worth it to take some time to make it look as appealing for buyers, as the inside.
Take a look around and if you notice any flaws that catch your eye, take care of them one by one.
If you’re unsure where to begin though, a good starting point is;
Trimming any overgrown shrubs
Cutting the uneven grass
Clearing the pathway
Pulling up weeds
Cleaning the outside of your windows
Clearing off the deck
Clear access to the garage
It wouldn’t be pleasant for buyers if they had to walk through leaves, pebbles, or dirt just to get to the front door.
This means:
More work for them, if they buy the house
More money to spend
More time to spend
And that is surely something they will probably back away from.
Want to go a step further?
You can always upgrade your patio with;
Some new furniture or accessories
Place a few new flower pots
Give your walls a fresh coat of paint
Although seemingly minor, these small upgrades can make the outside look newer, more modern and most importantly, well kept by its current owners (you).
3. Don’t forget the backyard
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It’s time to get the garden gloves and shovels out!
While the backyard might not be part of the potential buyers’ first impression experience, it’s still worth giving it the time and effort. Many buyers will be interested in seeing this part of the house. You can’t just leave it as it is unless it is in a spotless condition.
Pull those wild weeds that grew out of nowhere
Water the plants
Do some sweeping (if that’s applicable in your case)
Maybe even Purchase new furniture or accessories (plant pots, birdhouses, sunbed, etc.) or transfer the old ones from your patio
If you’re in the mood for some gardening:
Enrich your backyard with a few colorful flower pots
Make a stone pathway with old stones
Even build your own fireplace
The last two bits may sound expensive, but that’s if you hire a professional to do them for you, and there is no need to do that. Luckily, today there are countless DIY project videos you can search on the internet that will show you how you can make the ideal backyard paradise that will bring a few extra numbers on the final house price. So if you’re a DIY project fan, don’t be afraid to get creative in your garden!
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The best tip we can give you when you’re taking care of the exterior is to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes.
Imagine looking at your property for the very first time.
What impressions are you getting?
Would YOU buy your house?
What would you like to see changed before you put an offer on your house?
When it comes to spending money to get your house ready to sell, don’t sweat too much about it. If you have a good Realtor by your side they will make sure all of this is looked after.
At GTA Real Estate Pros, we make sure that you get the right Realtor to make your life easier.
Get started today for free, no obligations, by applying through our 40 second application: http://www.gtarealestatepros.ca/Apply-Now.
Based on your location and needs, we’ll find a great, proven, and effective Realtor to talk to you.
Top Staging Tips – Outside Your Home first appeared on: GTA Real Estate Pros 154 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M5V 2R3 647-362-2000 https://goo.gl/Yj7G5g
source https://www.gtarealestatepros.ca/top-staging-tips-outside-your-home/
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dawnjeman · 5 years
Beach House Interior Design ideas
  Beautifully designed by the host of HGTV Dream Home 2018, Marnie Oursler of Marnie Custom Homes, this beach house features plenty of coastal interior design ideas.
The 5 bedroom, 5.5 bath beach home is located just blocks from the ocean in Bethany Beach, DE with a sophisticated beach vibe. A calm, neutral palette reminiscent of refreshing salt air mixes with a variety of textures, wood tones, and rough stone, making this the perfect summer getaway.
This coastal home features many unique design elements by Marnie Oursler, including custom built-ins and molding throughout, reclaimed wood accents, hanging beds, exposed beams and French doors leading to a private balcony.
The custom designed kitchen is truly the heart of this home boasting white maple cabinetry, gorgeous white quartzite countertops and adding a touch of glam with a white pearl mosaic backsplash. White Oak floors throughout offer a feeling of casual beach elegance.
Outside the home, the entrance welcomes guests with a front porch and an extra wide blue custom front door, a signature of Marnie Custom Homes. The unique exterior design is accentuated by the cedar siding gives a classic beach house look. This home feels comfortable yet elegant and was built for generations to enjoy.
Pin your favorite coastal interiors and take notes on all sources shared by the designer!
  Beach House Interior Design Ideas
A cheerful turquoise front door brings a coastal feel to the exterior. Paint color is Benjamin Moore CSP695 Antique Glass.
Outdoor Lighting: Hanging Light & Outdoor Sconces – similar.
Siding is White Cedar Siding with Envirobleach stain.
I really hope this home inspires you as much it’s inspiring me. The color scheme and the decor are perfect for this time of the year, so go ahead and start getting the ideas to refresh your own home! Wall paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 by Benjamin Moore.
Paint Trim & Front Door Interior: Benjamin Moore Steam AF-15
Paint ceiling: Benjamin Moore Decorators White
Console Table: Ro Sham Beaux leafy console (discontinued) – Others Similar: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Mirror: Made Goods coco mirror – Other Beautiful Mirrors: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Light fixture: Markos hanging shade in natural brass – not shown.
Rug: Natural Sisal from Carpet Palace Bethesda – similar here & here.
Kitchen & Dining
I have to be really honest with you guys… I might feature almost all types of homes (to keep inspiring you) but this is the type of home that really makes my heart sing.
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I love, love, love coastal homes and this one is perfect from every angle. Just take a look at this kitchen! It features beautiful white cabinets and white pearl mosaic backsplash. How dreamy is that?
Kitchen Cabinetry
The kitchen cabinets are Brookhaven II by Wood-mode. Finish: Nordic White
Cabinet Hardware
Cabinet Hardware: Pulls & Appliance Pulls.
Appliances: Wolf range & Sub Zero refrigerator.
Backsplash & Pendants
This gorgeous backsplash is Milestone White Pearl 1/2 x 1 mosaic – similar here.
Beautiful Backsplash Tiles: here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Faucet: Delta.
Kitchen Sink: here – similar.
Island Pendants – Visual Comfort Katie Conical Pendants – similar here & here.
Similar Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop on island and perimeter cabinets is Taj Mahal Quartzite from MSI.
Dining Table: Bernhardt Marquesa.
Counterstools & Chandelier
Counterstools: DesignMaster – Other Beautiful Counterstools: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Table Chandelier – Ro Sham Beaux Fiona chandelier – similar here, here & here.
Dining Chairs
Side Dining Chairs: Bernhardt Marquesa Marquesa Carved Back Upholstered Dining Chair.
Host Chairs: Bernhardt Marquesa Upholstered Dining Chair.
Paint Color: Balboa Mist OC-27 Ben Moore.
The kitchen bar is located just across from the dining table and it features the same Taj Mahal Quartzite and White Pearl Mosaic Tile. Notice the glass cabinet doors with X mullions.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs – similar.
Cabinets: Brookhaven I by Woodmode. Finish: Nordic White.
Living room
The dining room opens to a tailored living room with a soothing color scheme.
Sofas & Coffee Table
Sofas: Vanguard whitaker sofas, theodore natural fabric, brushed brass nailheads, antique brass ferules (Available through the designer).
Tailored Sofas: here, here, here & here.
Rug: Natural Sisal – similar here & here.
Coffee Table: Bernhardt Marquesa cocktail table.
End Tables & Pillows
End tables are Lewiston. They’re even more beautiful in person.
Blue side lamps: Simon Blake Interiors -similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Throw Pillows: Michael Alan Ikat Pillows, #APA-A1000377 (Available through the designer) – Other Beautiful Pillows: here, here & here.
Paint Color
Wall paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 Benjamin Moore.
Fireplace Grate: Dessau Home antique gold oval loop firescreen.
Powder Room
The powder room features a wood flooring in a criss-cross pattern with tile insets.
Vanity: Custom – Small Vanities: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta.
Mirror: Birch Lane.
The interior designer carefully designed the staircase spindles and the white board-and-batten wainscoting.
Hardwood Flooring
Floors: White Oak Hardwood stained Classic Gray (this goes for entire house).
Lighting: Visual Comfort – similar here.
Upper Landing
The upper landing is one of my favorite spaces in this house. It features exposed beams and French doors leading to a private balcony.
Paint Color
Paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 Benjamin Moore.
Chairs: Bethany Resort Furnishings, Capri Furniture – similar here, here, here & here.
Throw Pillows: Home Goods
Throw Blanket: Cashmere throw, Nordstrom – similar here & here.
Chandelier: Custom, Wish Design – similar here (smaller) – Other Beautiful Coastal Chandelier: here.
Laundry Room
The laundry room paint color is Benjamin Moore Colorado Gray.
Flooring: Charleston Multicolor 3×36 – similar here.
Hanging Beds
How fun are these custom rope hanging beds?!
Bedding: West Elm Belgian linen quilts
Throw Blankets: Crate & Barrel – similar here.
Accent Pillow: Elaine Smith
Nightstand: here, here, here & here – similar.
Rug: Jute patterned rug – similar here & here.
Lighting: here – similar.
Twin Beds Bedroom
Paint Color: Muslin OC-12 by Benjamin Moore.
Dresser & Nightstand: Durham Furniture – Others: here, here, here & here.
Beds: Kubu Rattan woven headboards, Pier1
Bedding: West Elm.
Rug: Greenfront – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Coastal Vibes Bedroom
Paint Color: Decorator’s White PM-3 Benjamin Moore. Ceiling paint color is Horizon OC-53 by Benjamin Moore.
Bed: Lexington.
Bedside tables: Lexington.
Dresser: Lexington Oyster Bay.
Rug: Pier1 Imports popcorn jute rug in mist – similar here, here, here & here.
Fixture: Ro Sham Beaux, Malibu up – Other Coastal Chandeliers: here, here & here.
Blue & Ivory Bathroom
Isn’t this bathroom adorable? I am loving this blue vanity with louvered doors.
Cabinets: Woodmode Brookehaven I Maple Cabinet. Finish: Aqua Shade. Door: Key West
Mirror: Pottery Barn – Other Beautiful Mirrors: here, here & here (Floor mirror – on sale!).
Floor Tile: Chelsea Blanco (similar here) – Shower Tile Wall: Profiles Ice White 3×6 (similar here) – Shower Accent Tile: Milstone White Naomi mosaic (similar here) – Shower Floor Tile: Color Palette Pale Matte 1×1 mosaic (similar here).
Neutral Coastal Bedroom
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Muslin OC-12.
Bed: Stanley Furniture – Discounted – Other Beautiful Beds: here, here & here.
Rug: Local store – similar here & here.
Side Lamps: EF Chapman.
Bedding: here – similar.
Bathroom Cabinet Inspo
This guest bathroom features a custom vanity with X inset mirrored doors in a Pewter Glaze finish.
Tile: White Carrara Basketweave II w/gray dots – similar here.
Hardware: here.
Kids’ Rec Room
This rec room features five daybeds so the kids can have plenty of sleepovers!
Bedding: Pottery Barn pick stitch quilts and shams.
Paint Color
Paint color: Benjamin Moore OC-27 Balboa Mist.
Flooring: Custom.
Bathroom Inspiration
Bathroom Cabinet: Wood-Mode Brookehaven I. Wood: Maple. Finish: Nordic White. Door: Edgemont Recessed.
Floors: Charleston White 3×36
Counter: Quartz Arctic White.
Faucet: Delta.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom features a barn wood shiplap accent wall. Also, notice the beautiful color scheme found in this space,
Bed: Upholstered bed by Willams Sonoma Home.
Bedside chests: Bernhardt Marquesa.
What an inspiring and comfy look! I would never get tired of it.
Bedding: West Elm coverlet and shams, beaded pillow by West Elm – Other Recommended Bedding: here, here, here, here & here. Other Lumbar Pillows: here, here, here, here & here.
Throw Blanket: Home Goods – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
The bedroom paint color is Benjamin Moore Cool Breeze CSP-665.
Chandelier: West Elm round capiz chandelier.
Bench: Bernhardt Criteria.
Rug: Loloi Rugs Dorado DB 04 grey on grey
Master Bathroom
Cabinet is Wood-Mode Brookehaven I Maple. Finish: Nordic White. Door: Edgemont Recessed. Wall paint color is Cool Breeze by Benjamin Moore.
Countertop: Elegant White Marble.
Floor tile: Bianco Neve 12×12 Select – similar here.
Mirrors: Uttermost.
Hardware: here.
Accent Tile & Flooring: (mosaic): Lunada Bay Agate Rio Lucca Pearl-Silk – similar here.
White tile: Bianco Neve 12×12 Select – similar here.
All molding/trim work is custom by Marnie Custom Homes. Wall paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 by Benjamin Moore.
Lighting: Visual Comfort – similar here.
Paint Color for built ins/trim: Steam AF-15 Benjamin Moore. Wall paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 Ben Moore.
Baskets: Serena & Lily striped La Jolla baskets (similar)
Hardware: Atlas Pulls.
This beach house features some impressive architectural details. Notice the beautiful arched porch entry and the unique tampered porch columns.
Outdoor Shower
A beach house isn’t a beach house without an outdoor shower…
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Windows are Andersen Windows and Doors.
Beach House
Who would you invite to spend a weekend in this beach house with you?
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  Many thanks to the designer for sharing all of the details above.
Interior Design: Marnie Custom Homes (Instagram: @marnieoursler & @marniecustomhomes)
Marnie Oursler is the host of HGTV Dream Home 2018, DIY Network’s Big Beach Builds, and the President of Marnie Custom Homes  – based in Bethany Beach, Delaware – which specializes in building sustainable beach homes using locally sourced materials. Her innovative use of materials, impeccable craftsmanship, brilliant design sense, and unparalleled work ethic have earned her a thriving business. Every Marnie Custom Home is unique and perfectly tailored to the homeowner. The result? An ideal luxury beach retreat, built in harmony with nature.
Photography: Dana Hoff Photography.
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Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Atlanta.
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New England Home.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/beach-house-interior-design-ideas/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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jodybouchard9 · 7 years
Time to Brush Up: 9 Ugly Painting Mistakes You’ll Come to Regret
To a new homeowner, painting rooms might seem like the ultimate dream. After years of renting white walls that weren’t yours to alter even a smidge, you finally get to slather your home in whichever colors you desire. Freedom!
But if you’re gonna do the job right, there’s way more to do than sifting through fan decks and playing with online visualization tools—there’s actually a lot to consider when it comes to painting your home. The wrong move could ruin your decor (at least temporarily)  and fill you to the brim with regret.
So before you pick up that brush, learn the most common painting mistakes homeowners make—and save yourself some heartache.
1. Getting tiny samples
When it comes to swatches, size matters. Ask a color expert for an oversize sample or fan deck, and make sure that when you test different shades, you paint swatches that are big enough to evaluate how the color will really look.
“It’s essential to paint large blocks on every wall to see what they look like in each light and gloss level,” explains Sara McLean, color expert and stylist for Dunn-Edwards Paints. And don’t crowd samples, she says. “You need room between swatches to focus on each color.”
Next, try not to rush the testing process. “Live with your color choice to be sure it’s the right one for you,” urges Kaitlin Willhoit, a Realtor® with The Boutique Real Estate Group.
2. Not comparing finishes
Photo by AAA Architecture – Discover bathroom design inspiration
The finish you choose should correlate with the room’s purpose.
“Many homeowners are nervous about using shiny semigloss, but it’s more durable than flat or matte and more moisture-resistant, which makes it perfect for bathrooms and the kitchen,” points out Kristen Chuber, marketing director at Paintzen.
On the other hand, flat and matte finishes allow for easy touch-ups, so save those for high-traffic spots like hallways and the kids’ rooms, she adds.
You should also consider the room’s undertones. “Your color will look off if you pair a pink undertone with a yellow one, so look at the counters, the stone fireplace, and cabinets when choosing paint,” says Karen Gray-Plaisted, a home staging expert with Design Solutions KGP. And don’t forget about your flooring—a warm mahogany hardwood might look off-base when paired with a cool gray paint.
3. Choosing a boring palette
Photo by RLH Studio Beige on beige with some white trim? Zzz … sorry, we dozed off there for a moment.
“Some homeowners stick to dull colors so they never have to repaint, but color is a reflection of your personality,” McLean says.
Plus, using the same color throughout will create a decor scheme that lacks depth. “It’s important to develop a complementary palette, and it’s trendy to mix neutrals, like warm grays, beige, and soft colors,” says Dessie Sliekers, an interior designer with Slick Designs.
4. Picking the wrong white
Photo by Crisp Architects If you’re new to the world of paint, we’ve got news for you: You can’t just pick “white” paint and call it a day. Even white has different levels and shades, and you need to know what you want before you head to the store.
“Some whites are cool, others warm, still more are neutral, so the one you pick will depend on the room’s finishes and undertones,” Gray-Plaisted explains.
Another common mistake is using too much white—it makes a room look gray and drab, says Liat Tzoubari, CEO of Sevensmith, a home decor boutique. “Instead, choose a white with a slight pink or yellow tint such as cream,” she says.
5. Forgetting about the function of the room
The psychology of color has a few general rules, according to the experts.
“Red, for example, has been shown to raise the heart rate and blood pressure, so it’s a good choice in a room where you’re entertaining, but poorly used in a bedroom,” Chuber says.
Amy Bly, a home stager with Great Impressions, prefers navy blue in an office and calming shades of green or blue in bedrooms.
Also, whatever you do, never paint a bathroom brown or yellow, says Justin Riordan, founder of Spade and Archer Design Agency. They don’t send the right message. Instead, he says, “White exudes cleanliness.”
6. Skipping the ceiling
Photo by Sroka Design Inc
The ceiling is your fifth wall, so treat it with the same TLC as the other four, Chuber says.
“Whether you pick white or a bright color, painting it properly will give you those sharp edges along the top and can make wall color pop,” she says.
You don’t need to repaint ceilings as often as walls, but ignoring them will make them appear dull and dirty, she adds.
7. Adding an accent wall that’s jarring
Photo by Lindye Galloway Interior
“Accent walls seem to be the go-to solution for homeowners who are afraid of using color,” says Liz Toombs, president of Polka Dots & Rosebuds Interiors.
But think carefully about saturated color on one wall. You don’t simply want the loudest color you can think of, cautions Bee Heinemann, interior designer with Vant Wall Panels: “For an accent wall to work, the bold hue needs to be within the overall color scheme of the room or house.” Plus, going too bright may turn off a potential buyer.
Be cautious about where you paint an accent wall, too. Certain rooms are more appropriate than others.
“Accent walls are supposed to draw attention to a beautiful area, like the dining room—but not the bathroom or toilet area,” Willhoit says.
8. Ignoring the light
When you see a color in the paint store, the lighting is often harsh and industrial. But at home, you have softer bulbs with a warm glow, plus some natural light to work with.
“Test your color swatches in different lighting, or you’ll end up with a shade that’s all wrong,” Chuber recommends.
And you’ll want to consider the direction your rooms face, Bly adds. “North-facing rooms give colors a cool cast, while rooms looking south make colors warmer.”
9. Trying trends without professional help
Photo by Lindsay von Hagel Stencils and sponge painting may be cute on TV, but adding them to your walls can be tricky.
“Some of these can damage the wall, leaving an undesirable texture behind,” Heinemann explains.
This can be difficult to fix and may require a pro to restore the wall’s surface. And if you’re thinking of selling, remember that not every potential buyer will be in love with your designs.
The post Time to Brush Up: 9 Ugly Painting Mistakes You’ll Come to Regret appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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Family Home with Transitional Interiors Built by Homes by Tradition and nestled on a beautiful 2.6-acre property, this classic-meets-modern design will leave you inspired. Creativity abounds as you walk through this impressive and elegantly appointed home. Your eyes will be treated to a smart combination of bold, architecturally rich details with modern conveniences, all while taking full advantage of the beautiful landscape. Take notes on many sources from lighting to paint colors! Transitional Family Home Design Beautiful acreage lot allows for privacy and breathtaking views. The home features 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, 4-car garage and about 5,627 Square Feet. Exterior Paint Color The exterior paint color is Benjamin Moore Cloud Cover – Benjamin Moore Cloud Cover OC-25 is a beautiful off-white that works great with this neutral stone. Benjamin Moore Cloud Cover is used on lap siding, trim, lighting block, soffit/fascia & brackets. Front Door: Custom mahogany grained torrefied wood entry door – custom stain. Foyer Entering the foyer will instantly set the tone for the home’s aesthetic; modern-meets-traditional-meets-glam! With buttery wire brushed white oak flooring, white trim and walls, bold trim profiles, combined with a subdued color palette and dramatic contrasts of black throughout, this home will impress. The library is located on the right and the formal dining room is located on the left. Library Black doors and cabinet paint color is Sherwin Williams Black Magic. Doors Hardware – Emtek crystal knobs w/ stretto backplate 1.5”x11” (satin brass finish) Doors are reverse 2-panel raised solid doors. Trim Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Cloud Cover (bold 9 ¼” main floor base trim). Foyer lighting is Arteriors. Dining Room The dining room features custom designed glass hutches, panel molding accent wall and a chandelier dripping with mixed metal chains. Wallpaper is Innovations Rangoli RAN-003 Alpana. Lighting Chandelier is by Arteriors. Similar chairs can be found here. Similar zinc top dining table can be found here, here & here. Flooring Hardwood is White Oak, 7” wide. Ceiling Details: Metrie-2 Piece Crown Molding 3 5/8” x 8” Poplar with Benjamin Moore Cloud Cover. Sconces are Capital Lighting. Similar console table can be found here & here. Great Room The foyer leads you to an open-concept great room. Paint Color The paint color throughout the main floor is Benjamin Moore Cloud Cover OC-25. Ceiling: 2-Story vaulted ceiling w/ distressed beams. Similar coffee table can be found here, here, here & here. Lighting The two-story great room is detailed with rustic reclaimed beams and a blend of natural alder built-ins and enameled fireplace trim surround. Chandelier is by Arteriors. Kitchen An archway connects the great room to the kitchen and breakfast room. Notice the windows allowing plenty the natural light inside. Alder The kitchen features white perimeter cabinets, Alder island and Alder hood. Kitchen perimeter cabinets are Benjamin Moore Cloud Cover. Countertop Kitchen Island & Perimeter Countertop: Silestone Quartz (Eternal Marquina – Suede finish). Kitchen Island – Custom stain on clear Alder species. Island Dimension – 125” long x 60” deep Knobs & Pulls: Emtek – Flat Black. Sink: Elkay. Lighting Kitchen lighting is from Rejuvenation. This kitchen also features a distinctive walk-in pantry. Cabinets are Inset and overlay construction throughout. Faucet Faucet is Brizo Tresa Kitchen Faucet with Spray. Staircase A custom staircase, with runner, leads to the upper level. The stair runner is Milliken Hardanger (Greyfell). Lighting (not shown) is Visual Comfort. Master Bathroom I am loving the black and white color scheme of this master bathroom. Cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore OC-25 Cloud Cover. Countertop is Silestone Quartz (Eternal Marquina – Polished finish). Faucet Delta Cassidy Bathroom Faucet. Bathroom sconces are Hudson Valley. Floor Tile The master bathroom also features heated marble floors and a sleek free-standing soaking tub. Similar stool can be found here – in white & brass: here. Tub is Kohler. Kids’ Bedroom Paint Color Paint color is Sherwin Williams Requisite Gray SW 7023. Jack & Jill Bathroom The Jack & Jill bathroom features a great layout and fun floor tile. Countertop is Quartz by Caesarstone (Symphony Gray). Neutral Laundry Room Paint Color Sherwin Williams Requisite Gray . Sink is Kohler. Countertop: Quartz by MSI (Fossil Gray). Lighting is Capital Lighting. Mudroom This small mudroom features a very inspiring layout. Hardware is Amerock – knobs – pulls – drawer. Hooks can be found here. Mudroom lighting is Feiss. Basement The basement is perfect for entertaining, and features a gorgeous wet bar, large media, game, exercise and two more bedrooms. This neutral paint color is Sherwin Williams Requisite Gray. Flooring: Masland Crochet Elegance (Fusion) throughout. Picture lighting is by House of Troy. Family Room This lower family room feels cozy and comfortable.Wallpaper is Phillip Jeffries Iberian Linen 7528 Gibraltar. Similar ottoman can be found here. Sconces flanking the tv are Arteriors. Entertain I am loving this layout and the amount of natural light this space gets! Billiard Table Lighting The billiard chandelier is by Visual Comfort. Bar I love how sleek this basement bar feels. The countertop is Quartz by Quartz Source (Roanke). Barstools What a nice view this bar has! Similar barstools with ring back can be found here & here. Screened Porch Isn’t this place dreamy? I would love to read a book in this space. Decking: Azek Autumn Chestnut. Roof & Windows The black windows are Anderson 400 Series window package (black finish). Roof – Tamko Rustic Black. Outdoor lighting is Hinkley. Builder: Homes by Tradition. 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Christmas Interior Design Ideas. Modern Farmhouse Family Home. Inspiring California Beach House Design. White Kitchen with Navy Blue Island. Latest Interior Design Ideas. More Interior Design Ideas. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hello my friends, Pinterest: Many of you have written emails asking me why you aren’t being able to pin lately. Pinterest is working to resolve this issue ( I have sent them many emails – feel free to send them an email too – that might help them to act faster!) and hopefully we’ll be able to pin soon. Meanwhile, feel free to pin from my Instagram or repin my pins here. Thank you for your support, my friends and have a Blessed day! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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joesbrownusa · 7 years
Houses For Sale in Brewerton, NY
5186 Orangeport Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $349900
MINI-ESTATE on peaceful 8.5 acres/8 years young. Opportunity for Horse Lover, Car Enthusiast or Hobbyist w/ two story 24×30 pole barn w/loft. This gorgeous 3600 sq. ft. home comes with a two story foyer, gourmet granite dream kitchen with stainless steel appliances, formal dining w/tray ceilings, first floor office, great room & sunroom. The luxurious master suite has an oversized air jet tub & walk in closet. 2nd floor laundry/large bedrooms.
5714 Bartel Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $91198
Investor opportunity! This property was recently foreclosed by a bank or financial institution and is now available to purchase online at Auction.com ending 03-07-2017. Visit Auction.com now to view additional photos, Property Reports with title information, Plat maps with property lines and Interior Property Inspection Reports when available. Auction.com sells properties across the country online for financial institutions and government agencies who are very motivated to sell to investors. Don’t miss this special opportunity to buy homes at wholesale prices! In our online auctions and live Foreclosure Sales, Auction.com currently has 39 properties scheduled for sale in Onondaga County and 481 throughout New York. All properties and sale details can be found with a simple search at Auction.com. Create a FREE account today to find more properties like this one, save searches of properties that meet your investment criteria and have the properties you’re looking for emailed directly to you when posted in an upcoming sale event. To view the complete details of this exact property, click the Auction.com link below or paste the Property ID 2333193 into the search bar at Auction.com
8990 Beach Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $169500
Great affordable waterfront property. 50 feet of sandy waterfront with a cement sea wall. Relax by the water with a fire pit and dock for your boat. Has a 2 year old steel roof. Has a large 1st floor master and another bedroom upstairs. Just move in and enjoy the summer by the lake
5121 Orangeport Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $244900
This beautiful 2000+ square foot open floor plan ranch on over 2 acres has been meticulously cared for by the original owners. On the main level there are 3 bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, a large living room with vaulted ceilings and sliders leading out to an oversized deck which overlooks a pond–great for fishing, canoes and paddleboats. The kitchen has been updated with new countertops and new appliances. In the walk out basement there is a 2nd kitchen, large family room, full bathroom and another room with a closet which would make a great office/den/etc. This home sits back from the road a nd has a 24′ x 32′ pole barn. 0% down USDA financing if you qualify.
9468 Bear Springs Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $129900
Well-maintained Raised Ranch with a great floor plan. Finished lower level features a wood burning stove and laundry room with half bath. Large backyard with Jacuzzi deck and spacious shed for storage. Newer roof (5 years) and Central Air.
8970 Beach Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $175000
Live on the lake in this 5 bedroom raised ranch with stunning views of the Oneida Lake, Master and Dining room open to a large expansive deck. Great location and year round home with an inlaw apartment to boot. Have the best of both worlds, live in one side and rent out the smaller!
9488 Bear Springs Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $119900
Enjoy the first floor family room and extra room ideal for guest or teen bedroom or even an office set up. On the main floor you will encounter large and updated kitchen with a nice formal living room and three nice bedrooms. Sliding doors take you out to a second story deck and large fenced in yard.
5438 Library St, Brewerton, NY
Price: $104900
Spacious 5 bedroom home within walking distance to everything including the canal and Oneida River entrance. First floor hold large living room, family room, formal dining area and updated kitchen and full bath/laundry. Upstairs has 5 bedrooms including the master with vaulted ceilings! Very easy to convert the middle bedroom/hall closet into a second full bath! brand new roof- newer mechanicals and windows, freshly painted, central air and more!
8875 Beach Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $149900
this home is waiting for a large family or it would also be a great summer escape. with 2 decks(screened in porch)just sit back and enjoy the smell and sounds of water.fisherman or biology teachers dream.with three levels 5 bedrooms 2 and half baths 3 living rooms basement rec room sliders to back yard.second level main living 3 bedrooms 2 full baths 3 level living room 2 bedrooms .3.69 acres see survey
5988 Sneller Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $124900
Move right into this 5 acre Ranch. This 3 bedroom home features a stone, wood burning fireplace in the living room, beautiful Hardwood floors through out, Vinyl Windows, and enclosed Florida room. Nice quiet location, peacefully nestled on a very low-traffic street, yet minutes away from expressways, shopping, restaurants and much more. Come take a look.
5376 Brandybuck Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $154900
Simply move in and enjoy the upcoming holiday season by the wood burning fireplace. Roof, furnace, central air, water heater, composite deck and driveway have all been replaced and should be good for many years to come. The owners have also installed a ceramic tile bathroom and a solid surface kitchen counter. The interior has lots of natural light and has been painted in Pottery Barn style colors. Very cozy lower level living room with half-bath. Kitchen appliances stay as well as the washer and dryer in this lovingly maintained home which is located on a very nice street surrounded by beautiful homes as well.
5788 Albert Dr, Brewerton, NY
Price: $264900
Come see this fantastic home with 4 bedroooms, 2 ½ baths , brand new granite countertops as well as first floor laundry and a beautiful open loft family room overlooking Oneida Lake. Very open with plenty of large windows for all of that cheery natural sunlight. Master suite with large master bath and private deck plus 3 more large bedrooms make this house just right for you! Full basement can be finished off for added living space. First floor laundry as well as first floor office. The home you dream of on a large corner lot with water rights. Best of both worlds.large yard as wel l as lake access for what ever your mood strikes you! Deeded lake rights (25 ft) gives you a place to launch your boat. Dead end street .TAXES SHOWN WITHOUT STAR EXEMPTION OF $568. 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE PROGRAM – RESTRICTIONS APPLY
9592 Brewerton Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $50000
This is an incredible opportunity to own a prime piece of commercial property in a prime location. BUY THIS INDIVIDUAL PIECE OF LAND or PURCHASE TOGETHER WITH TWO OTHER PARCELS as seen in MLS listing S1024060.
6307 Muskrat Bay Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $349900
Beautiful brick home on Oneida Lake. Mature perennial landscaping with flowering fruit trees and bushes. The Master Suite has a sitting area with built -in book shelves, fireplace, sauna, spa master bath with large walk in shower and Jacuzzi tub. The kitchen opens to the family room and dining room with a spectacular view of the lake. Large open deck and enclosed porch to relax on while enjoying the beautiful lake. Fully fenced in yard with brick storage building. This is a 4 season vacation home!
4568 Becker Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $499900
Spectacular, one of a kind, 4/5 bdrm on the canal. Owners have updated this stylish contemporary, utilizing open space, and bringing a softer edge to this exceptional family home. Cultured stone and a new roof enhance the exterior, which boasts an exceptional landscape, including a huge patio w inground pool, and large dock at the canal. Complete trim package, incl new doors and fireplace surround, add to the already fabulous design featuring three fireplaces, a dream kitchen and dramatic floor to ceiling windows. Four bedrooms on second level, master suite, plus 1st flr office and den. Heated garage w new epoxy floor. Elevation survey available, no flood insurance required. Gorgeous lot with a unique family home awaits it’s new owner. Call for a private showing of this special offering.
8804 Emmons Mercantile, Brewerton, NY
Price: $219900
Welcome to Champlain at the Lake and this beautiful custom built colonial home featuring four roomy bedrooms including a master bedroom with private bath. Enjoycooking and serving casual meals in this great country kitchen with pantry.Then celebrate special occassions and holiday dinners in the adjoiningformal dining room. Snuggleup with a great book or watch your favorite TV show in the adjoiningfamily room with the soft glow from thepellet stove. Looking for a man-cave or TV Media room then look no longer because this beautifully200 +/- square feet professionally finished game room wa s installed in thelower level. Not two but a three car attached garage is just what you’ve been looking for to store that extra car or snowmobile. Summer is just around the corner and with summer comes grilling and outdoor activities.From the kitchen thereis awalkout to a fabulous wood deck and a huge backyard.Located in Cicero within the Central Square School District this lovelyhome issituated on a third of an acre,and is minutes to Oneida Shores to the East and Route 81 to the West. Follow Steamship Manhattan to Emmons Mercantile. Check out new construction and then visit us here at 8804 Emmons Mercantile. You’ll love the savings!
9581 Black Creek Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $119500
country ranch sits on over 2 acres of land no neighbors behind and a dead end street .home features 3 bedrooms oversized 2 car garage 8ft garage doors .. new metal roof , public water , home shows like new because almost is first floor laundry full basement , 100 amp service , new carpets in all the bedrooms , ceramic tile in the bath , laminate counters , custom oak cabinets , new deck , mechincals are new furnance, and hot water heater ,, home has central air shows light and brigth circle driveway and even a shed for extra storage
5350 Carrick Cir, Brewerton, NY
Price: $159900
Welcome to this 4 level split level home located in Brewerton. This house is located in a private cul-de-sac. This house has been remodeled top to bottom including the kitchen, two bathrooms, and many more updates. The backyard is a private oasis with lots of trees and an inground pool. The pool has been updated with a new liner, new fence, and new concrete.
6024 Wood Duck Path, Brewerton, NY
Price: $314900
No need to build, this 2 year young home is ready to be moved into! This light & bright transitional colonial is located on over an acre w/lots of trees for privacy. Convenient 1st floor master suite with WIC, grand foyer w/soaring ceilings, 2-story atrium w/a wall of glass that allows the sunlight to brighten the kitchen, eat-in & great room areas. Kitchen is equipped w/granite & stainless appliances. G/R has gas fireplace w/stone front. Atrium leads to 12 course unfinished basement w/plenty of opportunity to be finished. Basement has larger windows for light. 1st floor has hardwoods t hroughout (except bedroom), hardwoods in atrium & on stairs. D/R w/tray & custom moldings. 2 large bedrooms upstairs w/full bath. Side load garage & stone front. Nature trails for walking across the street.
9610 Brewerton Rd, Brewerton, NY
Price: $174900
Here is an incredible opportunity to buy 2 homes with 4 apartments (3 units in front home and 1 stand alone unit in the back home) all fully rented. Total income coming in more than covers mortgage. Take advantage of a prime location that never seems to allow vacancies. Come take a look and start earning investment income from day 1! BUY THIS INDIVIDUAL PARCEL or PURCHASE TOGETHER WITH TWO OTHER PARCELS as seen in MLS listing S1024060.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-brewerton-ny/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158119608355
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sherlocklexa · 7 years
Get This Look: Fixer Upper Big Country House Living & Dining Rooms
We’re back today with another ‘Get This Look’ idea from the Fixer Upper Big Country House Living & Dining Rooms! There’s something so cozy and warm about these spaces, especially in the dead of winter! 
Images courtesy of Magnolia Market, used with permission
Let’s dig into the details!
Don’t you just want to curl up by the fireplace on one of those window seats with a good book?!
The dining area is equally as beautiful, combining equal parts chic and casual as is common in rooms Joanna designs. The open space with tall ceilings still feel cozy with those wood beams that add warmth. Because of that height, the gorgeous chandelier takes center stage!
All those wooden French doors let in so much light and allow for gorgeous views to the outdoor entertaining space! The wall-mounted lanterns, typically used in an outdoor setting, help bridge the indoors and outdoors and add additional light and character to the space.
How to Get the Look: Fixer Upper Big Country House Living and Dining Room
Do you love the look as well, but don’t know where to start in your own home? We’ve got some easy to follow tips and have rounded up some nearly identical items from these spaces so you can recreate the look in your own living and dining area! 
The walls are painted a light, warm cream tone accented by white trim around the windows. The stone on the fireplace mimics these two colors, but adds texture to help the space feel anything but flat and lifeless. 
Natural wood tones add such great warmth to rooms and help inject personality. By layering in several tones of wood from the floors to the beams to the furniture, the space instantly feels homey and cozy rather than cold and stark. The leather furniture adds a masculine vibe to the space and add additional warmth to the Big Country Home.
To keep the wood floors from feeling cold, Joanna added large area rugs. One is full of color and softness and the other is heavy on texture. Both help to group the furniture and make the room feel finished. Layering neutral throw pillows and blankets in the living room help make the leather look cozy rather than cold. Woven place mats and napkins at the table help soften the lines of the solid wood and iron table.
Below, we’ve rounded up similar or identical pieces that Joanna used to create this gorgeous dream kitchen and dining room. Click any of the images below to learn more about each item!
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Click any of the images below (or double-click on mobile) to learn more about each item. We’ve sourced a few options with different price points, when available, for some of the items given you multiple opportunities to ‘get the look’!
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  Which Fixer Upper space is your favorite? Are there any you would love to see us recreate? Let us know in comments!
More great Fixer Upper style ideas:
Get the Look: The Graham House Kitchen and Dining
Farmhouse Console Building Plans
Farmhouse Bench Building Plans
The post Get This Look: Fixer Upper Big Country House Living & Dining Rooms appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from car2 http://ift.tt/2kaEEC2 via as shown a lot
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dawnjeman · 5 years
Beach House Interior Design ideas
  Beautifully designed by the host of HGTV Dream Home 2018, Marnie Oursler of Marnie Custom Homes, this beach house features plenty of coastal interior design ideas.
The 5 bedroom, 5.5 bath beach home is located just blocks from the ocean in Bethany Beach, DE with a sophisticated beach vibe. A calm, neutral palette reminiscent of refreshing salt air mixes with a variety of textures, wood tones, and rough stone, making this the perfect summer getaway.
This coastal home features many unique design elements by Marnie Oursler, including custom built-ins and molding throughout, reclaimed wood accents, hanging beds, exposed beams and French doors leading to a private balcony.
The custom designed kitchen is truly the heart of this home boasting white maple cabinetry, gorgeous white quartzite countertops and adding a touch of glam with a white pearl mosaic backsplash. White Oak floors throughout offer a feeling of casual beach elegance.
Outside the home, the entrance welcomes guests with a front porch and an extra wide blue custom front door, a signature of Marnie Custom Homes. The unique exterior design is accentuated by the cedar siding gives a classic beach house look. This home feels comfortable yet elegant and was built for generations to enjoy.
Pin your favorite coastal interiors and take notes on all sources shared by the designer!
  Beach House Interior Design Ideas
A cheerful turquoise front door brings a coastal feel to the exterior. Paint color is Benjamin Moore CSP695 Antique Glass.
Outdoor Lighting: Hanging Light & Outdoor Sconces – similar.
Siding is White Cedar Siding with Envirobleach stain.
I really hope this home inspires you as much it’s inspiring me. The color scheme and the decor are perfect for this time of the year, so go ahead and start getting the ideas to refresh your own home! Wall paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 by Benjamin Moore.
Paint Trim & Front Door Interior: Benjamin Moore Steam AF-15
Paint ceiling: Benjamin Moore Decorators White
Console Table: Ro Sham Beaux leafy console (discontinued) – Others Similar: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Mirror: Made Goods coco mirror – Other Beautiful Mirrors: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Light fixture: Markos hanging shade in natural brass – not shown.
Rug: Natural Sisal from Carpet Palace Bethesda – similar here & here.
Kitchen & Dining
I have to be really honest with you guys… I might feature almost all types of homes (to keep inspiring you) but this is the type of home that really makes my heart sing.
Tumblr media
I love, love, love coastal homes and this one is perfect from every angle. Just take a look at this kitchen! It features beautiful white cabinets and white pearl mosaic backsplash. How dreamy is that?
Kitchen Cabinetry
The kitchen cabinets are Brookhaven II by Wood-mode. Finish: Nordic White
Cabinet Hardware
Cabinet Hardware: Pulls & Appliance Pulls.
Appliances: Wolf range & Sub Zero refrigerator.
Backsplash & Pendants
This gorgeous backsplash is Milestone White Pearl 1/2 x 1 mosaic – similar here.
Beautiful Backsplash Tiles: here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Faucet: Delta.
Kitchen Sink: here – similar.
Island Pendants – Visual Comfort Katie Conical Pendants – similar here & here.
Similar Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop on island and perimeter cabinets is Taj Mahal Quartzite from MSI.
Dining Table: Bernhardt Marquesa.
Counterstools & Chandelier
Counterstools: DesignMaster – Other Beautiful Counterstools: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Dining Table Chandelier – Ro Sham Beaux Fiona chandelier – similar here, here & here.
Dining Chairs
Side Dining Chairs: Bernhardt Marquesa Marquesa Carved Back Upholstered Dining Chair.
Host Chairs: Bernhardt Marquesa Upholstered Dining Chair.
Paint Color: Balboa Mist OC-27 Ben Moore.
The kitchen bar is located just across from the dining table and it features the same Taj Mahal Quartzite and White Pearl Mosaic Tile. Notice the glass cabinet doors with X mullions.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs – similar.
Cabinets: Brookhaven I by Woodmode. Finish: Nordic White.
Living room
The dining room opens to a tailored living room with a soothing color scheme.
Sofas & Coffee Table
Sofas: Vanguard whitaker sofas, theodore natural fabric, brushed brass nailheads, antique brass ferules (Available through the designer).
Tailored Sofas: here, here, here & here.
Rug: Natural Sisal – similar here & here.
Coffee Table: Bernhardt Marquesa cocktail table.
End Tables & Pillows
End tables are Lewiston. They’re even more beautiful in person.
Blue side lamps: Simon Blake Interiors -similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Throw Pillows: Michael Alan Ikat Pillows, #APA-A1000377 (Available through the designer) – Other Beautiful Pillows: here, here & here.
Paint Color
Wall paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 Benjamin Moore.
Fireplace Grate: Dessau Home antique gold oval loop firescreen.
Powder Room
The powder room features a wood flooring in a criss-cross pattern with tile insets.
Vanity: Custom – Small Vanities: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta.
Mirror: Birch Lane.
The interior designer carefully designed the staircase spindles and the white board-and-batten wainscoting.
Hardwood Flooring
Floors: White Oak Hardwood stained Classic Gray (this goes for entire house).
Lighting: Visual Comfort – similar here.
Upper Landing
The upper landing is one of my favorite spaces in this house. It features exposed beams and French doors leading to a private balcony.
Paint Color
Paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 Benjamin Moore.
Chairs: Bethany Resort Furnishings, Capri Furniture – similar here, here, here & here.
Throw Pillows: Home Goods
Throw Blanket: Cashmere throw, Nordstrom – similar here & here.
Chandelier: Custom, Wish Design – similar here (smaller) – Other Beautiful Coastal Chandelier: here.
Laundry Room
The laundry room paint color is Benjamin Moore Colorado Gray.
Flooring: Charleston Multicolor 3×36 – similar here.
Hanging Beds
How fun are these custom rope hanging beds?!
Bedding: West Elm Belgian linen quilts
Throw Blankets: Crate & Barrel – similar here.
Accent Pillow: Elaine Smith
Nightstand: here, here, here & here – similar.
Lighting: here – similar.
Twin Beds Bedroom
Paint Color: Muslin OC-12 by Benjamin Moore.
Dresser & Nightstand: Durham Furniture – Others: here, here, here & here.
Beds: Kubu Rattan woven headboards, Pier1
Bedding: West Elm.
Rug: Greenfront – similar here.
Mirror: here.
Coastal Vibes Bedroom
Paint Color: Decorator’s White PM-3 Benjamin Moore. Ceiling paint color is Horizon OC-53 by Benjamin Moore.
Bed: Lexington.
Bedside tables: Lexington.
Dresser: Lexington Oyster Bay.
Rug: Pier1 Imports popcorn jute rug in mist
Fixture: Ro Sham Beaux, Malibu up – Other Coastal Chandeliers: here, here & here.
Blue & Ivory Bathroom
Isn’t this bathroom adorable? I am loving this blue vanity with louvered doors.
Cabinets: Woodmode Brookehaven I Maple Cabinet. Finish: Aqua Shade. Door: Key West
Floor Tile: Chelsea Blanco (similar here) – Shower Tile Wall: Profiles Ice White 3×6 (similar here) – Shower Accent Tile: Milstone White Naomi mosaic (similar here) – Shower Floor Tile: Color Palette Pale Matte 1×1 mosaic (similar here).
Neutral Coastal Bedroom
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Muslin OC-12.
Bed: Stanley Furniture – Discounted – Other Beautiful Beds: here, here & here.
Rug: Local store – similar here & here.
Side Lamps: EF Chapman.
Bedding: here – similar.
Bathroom Cabinet Inspo
This guest bathroom features a custom vanity with X inset mirrored doors in a Pewter Glaze.
Tile: White Carrara Basketweave II w/gray dots – similar here.
Hardware: here.
Kids’ Rec Room
This rec room features five daybeds so the kids can have plenty of sleepovers!
Bedding: Pottery Barn pick stitch quilts and shams.
Paint Color
Paint color: Benjamin Moore OC-27 Balboa Mist.
Flooring: Custom.
Bathroom Inspiration
Bathroom Cabinet: Wood-Mode Brookehaven I. Wood: Maple. Finish: Nordic White. Door: Edgemont Recessed.
Floors: Charleston White 3×36
Counter: Quartz Arctic White.
Faucet: Delta.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom features a barn wood shiplap accent wall. Also, notice the beautiful color scheme found in this space,
Bed: Upholstered bed by Willams Sonoma Home.
Bedside chests: Bernhardt Marquesa.
What an inspiring and comfy look! I would never get tired of it.
Bedding: here, here & here – similar.
Throw Blanket: Home Goods
Paint Color
The bedroom paint color is Benjamin Moore Cool Breeze CSP-665.
Chandelier: West Elm round capiz chandelier.
Bench: Bernhardt Criteria.
Rug: Loloi Rugs Dorado DB 04 grey on grey
Master Bathroom
Cabinet is Wood-Mode Brookehaven I Maple. Finish: Nordic White. Door: Edgemont Recessed. Wall paint color is Cool Breeze by Benjamin Moore.
Countertop: Elegant White Marble.
Floor tile: Bianco Neve 12×12 Select.
Mirrors: Uttermost.
Hardware: here.
Accent Tile & Flooring: (mosaic): Lunada Bay Agate Rio Lucca Pearl-Silk – similar here.
White tile: Bianco Neve 12×12 Select.
All molding/trim work is custom by Marnie Custom Homes. Wall paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 by Benjamin Moore.
Lighting: Visual Comfort – similar here.
Paint Color for built ins/trim: Steam AF-15 Benjamin Moore. Wall paint color is Balboa Mist OC-27 Ben Moore.
Baskets: Serena & Lily striped La Jolla baskets (similar)
Hardware: Atlas Pulls.
This beach house features some impressive architectural details. Notice the beautiful arched porch entry and the unique tampered porch columns.
Outdoor Shower
A beach house isn’t a beach house without an outdoor shower…
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Windows are Andersen Windows and Doors.
Beach House
Who would you invite to spend a weekend in this beach house with you?
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  Many thanks to the designer for sharing all of the details above.
Interior Design: Marnie Custom Homes (Instagram: @marnieoursler & @marniecustomhomes)
Marnie Oursler is the host of HGTV Dream Home 2018, DIY Network’s Big Beach Builds, and the President of Marnie Custom Homes  – based in Bethany Beach, Delaware – which specializes in building sustainable beach homes using locally sourced materials. Her innovative use of materials, impeccable craftsmanship, brilliant design sense, and unparalleled work ethic have earned her a thriving business. Every Marnie Custom Home is unique and perfectly tailored to the homeowner. The result? An ideal luxury beach retreat, built in harmony with nature.
Photography: Dana Hoff Photography.
  Best Sales of the Month:
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  Wayfair: Up to 70% OFF – Home Remodel Sale!!!
  Serena & Lily: Enjoy 60% Off hundreds of sale styles!
  Joss & Main: Warehouse Clearout – Up to 70% off!
  Pottery Barn: Up to 70% OFF + Free Shipping – Use code: FREESHIP
  One Kings Lane: High Quality Design Decor for Less.
  West Elm: Best time to shop. Up to 40% off Everything!!!
  Anthropologie: See the super-popular Joanna Gaines Exclusive line!
  Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor.
  Horchow: High Quality Furniture and Decor. Up to 30% off the entire site!
  Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF. New Decor!
  Posts of the Week:
Home Bunch’s Top 5: Cabinet Paint Colors.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Atlanta.
Nantucket Shingle Style Home.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Fairbanks Ranch California Homes.
Transforming a House Into a Home.
Small lot Beach House.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Modern Coastal Shingle Home.
New England Home.
Follow me on Instagram: @HomeBunch
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/beach-house-interior-design-ideas/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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samuelmmarcus · 6 years
Interior Design Ideas: California Modern Farmhouse
  Hello, my wonderful friends! I hope you’re having a great day!
If you’re thinking of building a farmhouse-style home, this new “Interior Design Ideas” should be very useful to you. Recently built AK Construction (previously featured here) and tucked away on one of Silicon Valley’s most picturesque streets, this French Provincial farmhouse inspired home is filled with inspiration, inside and out!
Take notes on the sources shared by this California builder and make sure to save and pin this inspirational new-construction.
  Interior Design Ideas: California Modern Farmhouse
This home is really impressive. I love the brick accent and the windows.
Tired of white kitchens? If so, this one should inspire you! Notice the island with waterfall on only one side. Very sleek, fresh and it allows plenty of space for counterstools.
Kitchen Cabinetry: “Decora Cabinets” Fog Finish / Maple Wood / Roslyn Style / Flat 5-piece drawer face/ Edge Profile #17
Kitchen Countertop
Island countertop is Sequel Quartz Merano and perimeter countertop is Black Vermont Granite.
Bar Faucet: Kohler Purist – Matte Black
Kitchen Backsplash
Backsplash is also Sequel Quartz – Merano – slab.
Pot Filler:  Delta in Matte Black.
Similar Kitchen Hood: Here.
Similar Range: Here.
Sink & Faucet
Kitchen Faucet: Kohler Purist – Matte Black.
Similar Farmhouse Sink: Here.
Kitchen Cabinet Hardware: Pulls: Top Knobs Nouveau 3 in Flat Black. Knobs: Top Knobs.
Kitchen Island
Island Dimensions: 4’x13’ with 18” overhang.
Kitchen Pendants: RH – similar here.
Great Room
The kitchen opens to a large Great Room with high ceiling, tall fireplace and custom media cabinetry.
Fireplace Stone
Fireplace Stone: Eldorado Stone Autumn Leaf (rough cut) – Other Beautiful Veneer Stones: here, here, here, here & here.
The windows are the Anderson E series.
Paint Color
All Common Areas: Sherwin Williams SW 7008 Alabaster.
Lovely Ideas for this Style:
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Breakfast Room
The grey steel windows are done in a Sandstone finish.
Dining Room Lighting (not shown): Hubbardton Forge-Zephyr.
Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood Flooring: Domaine Allier by Monarch Plank – similar here.
Room Layout
 A wide view of the kitchen, breakfast nook and Great Room, which opens to the expansive backyard.
Ceiling Treatment
Ceiling treatment is faux wood-beams in box beam orientation.
Entry Lighting
Foyer Lighting: Corbett Lighting- Vertigo 45” Wide.
Powder Room Accent Wall
The powder room is one of my favorite rooms of the house. You can’t help but feel impressed by the glamorous choices found in this space.
Lighting: Craftmade – Sigrid 4 Light.
Floor Tile: Glorious White Marble 12×24 Polished – similar here.
Magic Mirror on the Wall…
Antique Mirror Tile: Timeless Reflections Antique Mirror Tile- (Mystic Tile) – similar here.
Powder room Faucet: Kohler Purist – Towel Bar.
Washstand is custom. Beautiful Washstands & Bathroom Vanities: Here & Here.
Similar Mirror: Here.
Landing Area
The main staircase leads to a large landing area with custom built-ins.
Paint Color
Paint color is Alabaster by Sherwin Williams.
Trim Paint Color
The grey trim color is a custom-match to the grey windows, similar to Benjamin Moore Ozark Shadows.
Guest Bedroom
This guest bedroom opens to a balcony.
Paint Color
Benjamin Moore 729 Jack Frost.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta Trinsic- (Chrome).
Bathroom Lights: Innovations Lighting.
Paint Color
Benjamin Moore 970 White Down in Eggshell Finish.
Similar Floor Tile: Here & Here.
Similar Cabinet Hardware: Here.
Bathroom Paint Color
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Decorators.
Similar Floor & Wall Tile: Hex Marble Tile. Walls: Marble Subway Tile.
Faucet: Delta.
Lighting: Innovations Lighting.
Similar Knobs: Wayfair.
Countertop is Calacatta Oro – Honed.
Lavender Bedroom Paint Color
Benjamin Moore 1401 Nosegay.
Bathroom Paint Color
Benjamin Moore Decorators White –  Eggshell Finish.
Similar Tile: Walls: Subway Tile – Larger Subway tile. Flooring: 3/4 Penny Rounds Mosaic Gloss White.
Faucet: Delta.
Lighting: Innovations Lighting.
Similar Cabinet Hardware: Here & Here.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom is very large and features faux ceiling beams, a fireplace and a separate sitting area.
Bedroom Sitting Area/Home Office
The sitting area/home office opens to a private balcony.
Paint Color
Benjamin Moore 970 White Down – Flat Finish.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom features a large vanity with two sinks. Isn’t this bathroom stunning?
Bathroom Faucet
Master Faucets: Brizo Odin– (Chrome)
Similar Bathroom Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Lighting: RH – similar here, here & here.
Wall Tile
Master Bath Wall Tile:  Statuario Porcelain Planes – similar here.
Floor Tile
Bathroom floor tile is a combination of marble basketweave, Absolute Black Granite and Statuario Marble porcelain tile.
The shower is very spacious and classic.
This is a tile combination that you might want to save or pin, especially if you’re planning on building or renovate your bathroom.
White & Grey Bathroom Tile
Grey and white marble tiling add some drama and an inspiring color scheme to this guest bathroom. Notice the grey trim.
Shower Boarder Tile: Bardiglio Nuvolato marble tile.
Shower Tile: Bardiglio Nuvolato 1×3 herringbone tile – in 1×2: here – similar here. These tiles are so beautiful! I am loving this stone. They would look great as accent tile as well.
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Wall Tile: Statuario Marble.
Beautiful Bardiglio Nuvolato Tiling: here, here, here, here & here.
This new home exudes beauty from every angle.
Exterior Color
The exterior paint is a colored acrylic stucco by BMI called White Cloud.
 Windows- Anderson E series – Color- Sandstone.
  Many thanks to the builder for sharing all of the details above.
Builder: AK Construction (Instagram – Facebook)
Photography: Bobak Radbin.
  End of Summer Best Deals!
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
Wayfair: Up to 70% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!!
Joss & Main: Surprise Sale! Up to 70% Off!!!
Serena & Lily: Huge Sale! Up to 60% Off!!!
Pottery Barn: New Arrivals!!! Up to 70% Off!
West Elm: Mega Sale – 70% Off sales!
Caitlin Wilson: Beautiful Rugs & Pillows.
Anthropologie: Extra 40% Off Sale Plus 20% Off Furniture + Decor.
Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor – Big Summer Sales!!!
Horchow: Flash Sale: Up to 55% Off!!!
One Kings Lane: Save Up to 70% OFF! Free Standard Shipping on Orders over $99!
Williams & Sonoma: Spring Clearance: Up to 75% OFF!.
Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF!
Neiman Marcus: Designer Sale: Up to 40% OFF.
Pier 1: Biggest Memorial Day Sale: Up to 50% Off!
JCPenny: Final Hours of Huge Sale.
Posts of the Week:
Painted Brick Exterior Home Renovation
Classic Home with Blue and White Interiors.
Interior Design Ideas New Home Inspiration.
Palm Beach, Florida Home Design.
Spanish Colonial Home Renovation.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Kitchen and Mudroom Gut Renovation Ideas.
Before & After: Small Farmhouse-Style Home Renovation.
Custom Home with Artisan Craftsmanship Interiors.
Santa Barbara Beach Home Design.
Interior Design Ideas Coastal Florida Home.
Georgian Home Design Ideas.
Interior Design Ideas: California Coastal Home.
Interior Design Ideas: Colorful Interiors.
New-Construction Modern Farmhouse Inspiration.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Andrea McQueen Design.
Texas Gulf Coast Beach House.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
New-Construction Home for First-time Home Buyer.
California Beach House with Beautiful Coastal Interiors.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors
2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home
Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures
Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas
Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas
Interior Paint Color and Color Palette
New 2015 Paint Color Ideas
Interior Paint Color Ideas
Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color
Interior Ideas: Paint Color
More Paint Color Ideas
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
Interior Design Services within Your Budget
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/interior-design-ideas-california-modern-farmhouse/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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dawnjeman · 6 years
Interior Design Ideas: California Modern Farmhouse
  Hello, my wonderful friends! I hope you’re having a great day!
If you’re thinking of building a farmhouse-style home, this new “Interior Design Ideas” should be very useful to you. Recently built AK Construction (previously featured here) and tucked away on one of Silicon Valley’s most picturesque streets, this French Provincial farmhouse inspired home is filled with inspiration, inside and out!
Take notes on the sources shared by this California builder and make sure to save and pin this inspirational new-construction.
  Interior Design Ideas: California Modern Farmhouse
This home is really impressive. I love the brick accent and the windows.
Tired of white kitchens? If so, this one should inspire you! Notice the island with waterfall on only one side. Very sleek, fresh and it allows plenty of space for counterstools.
Kitchen Cabinetry: “Decora Cabinets” Fog Finish / Maple Wood / Roslyn Style / Flat 5-piece drawer face/ Edge Profile #17
Kitchen Countertop
Island countertop is Sequel Quartz Merano and perimeter countertop is Black Vermont Granite.
Bar Faucet: Kohler Purist – Matte Black
Kitchen Backsplash
Backsplash is also Sequel Quartz – Merano – slab.
Pot Filler:  Delta in Matte Black.
Similar Kitchen Hood: Here.
Similar Range: Here.
Sink & Faucet
Kitchen Faucet: Kohler Purist – Matte Black.
Similar Farmhouse Sink: Here.
Kitchen Cabinet Hardware: Pulls: Top Knobs Nouveau 3 in Flat Black. Knobs: Top Knobs.
Kitchen Island
Island Dimensions: 4’x13’ with 18” overhang.
Kitchen Pendants: RH – similar here.
Great Room
The kitchen opens to a large Great Room with high ceiling, tall fireplace and custom media cabinetry.
Fireplace Stone
Fireplace Stone: Eldorado Stone Autumn Leaf (rough cut) – Other Beautiful Veneer Stones: here, here, here, here & here.
The windows are the Anderson E series.
Paint Color
All Common Areas: Sherwin Williams SW 7008 Alabaster.
Lovely Ideas for this Style:
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Breakfast Room
The grey steel windows are done in a Sandstone finish.
Dining Room Lighting (not shown): Hubbardton Forge-Zephyr.
Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood Flooring: Domaine Allier by Monarch Plank – similar here.
Room Layout
 A wide view of the kitchen, breakfast nook and Great Room, which opens to the expansive backyard.
Ceiling Treatment
Ceiling treatment is faux wood-beams in box beam orientation.
Entry Lighting
Foyer Lighting: Corbett Lighting- Vertigo 45” Wide.
Powder Room Accent Wall
The powder room is one of my favorite rooms of the house. You can’t help but feel impressed by the glamorous choices found in this space.
Lighting: Craftmade – Sigrid 4 Light.
Floor Tile: Glorious White Marble 12×24 Polished – similar here.
Magic Mirror on the Wall…
Antique Mirror Tile: Timeless Reflections Antique Mirror Tile- (Mystic Tile) – similar here.
Powder room Faucet: Kohler Purist – Towel Bar.
Washstand is custom. Beautiful Washstands & Bathroom Vanities: Here & Here.
Similar Mirror: Here.
Landing Area
The main staircase leads to a large landing area with custom built-ins.
Paint Color
Paint color is Alabaster by Sherwin Williams.
Trim Paint Color
The grey trim color is a custom-match to the grey windows, similar to Benjamin Moore Ozark Shadows.
Guest Bedroom
This guest bedroom opens to a balcony.
Paint Color
Benjamin Moore 729 Jack Frost.
Bathroom Faucet: Delta Trinsic- (Chrome).
Bathroom Lights: Innovations Lighting.
Paint Color
Benjamin Moore 970 White Down in Eggshell Finish.
Similar Floor Tile: Here & Here.
Similar Cabinet Hardware: Here.
Bathroom Paint Color
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Decorators.
Similar Floor & Wall Tile: Hex Marble Tile. Walls: Marble Subway Tile.
Faucet: Delta.
Lighting: Innovations Lighting.
Similar Knobs: Wayfair.
Countertop is Calacatta Oro – Honed.
Lavender Bedroom Paint Color
Benjamin Moore 1401 Nosegay.
Bathroom Paint Color
Benjamin Moore Decorators White –  Eggshell Finish.
Similar Tile: Walls: Subway Tile – Larger Subway tile. Flooring: 3/4 Penny Rounds Mosaic Gloss White.
Faucet: Delta.
Lighting: Innovations Lighting.
Similar Cabinet Hardware: Here & Here.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom is very large and features faux ceiling beams, a fireplace and a separate sitting area.
Bedroom Sitting Area/Home Office
The sitting area/home office opens to a private balcony.
Paint Color
Benjamin Moore 970 White Down – Flat Finish.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom features a large vanity with two sinks. Isn’t this bathroom stunning?
Bathroom Faucet
Master Faucets: Brizo Odin– (Chrome)
Similar Bathroom Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Lighting: RH – similar here, here & here.
Wall Tile
Master Bath Wall Tile:  Statuario Porcelain Planes – similar here.
Floor Tile
Bathroom floor tile is a combination of marble basketweave, Absolute Black Granite and Statuario Marble porcelain tile.
The shower is very spacious and classic.
This is a tile combination that you might want to save or pin, especially if you’re planning on building or renovate your bathroom.
White & Grey Bathroom Tile
Grey and white marble tiling add some drama and an inspiring color scheme to this guest bathroom. Notice the grey trim.
Shower Boarder Tile: Bardiglio Nuvolato marble tile.
Shower Tile: Bardiglio Nuvolato 1×3 herringbone tile – in 1×2: here – similar here. These tiles are so beautiful! I am loving this stone. They would look great as accent tile as well.
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Wall Tile: Statuario Marble.
Beautiful Bardiglio Nuvolato Tiling: here, here, here, here & here.
This new home exudes beauty from every angle.
Exterior Color
The exterior paint is a colored acrylic stucco by BMI called White Cloud.
 Windows- Anderson E series – Color- Sandstone.
  Many thanks to the builder for sharing all of the details above.
Builder: AK Construction (Instagram – Facebook)
Photography: Bobak Radbin.
  End of Summer Best Deals!
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
Wayfair: Up to 70% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!!
Joss & Main: Surprise Sale! Up to 70% Off!!!
Serena & Lily: Huge Sale! Up to 60% Off!!!
Pottery Barn: New Arrivals!!! Up to 70% Off!
West Elm: Mega Sale – 70% Off sales!
Caitlin Wilson: Beautiful Rugs & Pillows.
Anthropologie: Extra 40% Off Sale Plus 20% Off Furniture + Decor.
Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor – Big Summer Sales!!!
Horchow: Flash Sale: Up to 55% Off!!!
One Kings Lane: Save Up to 70% OFF! Free Standard Shipping on Orders over $99!
Williams & Sonoma: Spring Clearance: Up to 75% OFF!.
Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF!
Neiman Marcus: Designer Sale: Up to 40% OFF.
Pier 1: Biggest Memorial Day Sale: Up to 50% Off!
JCPenny: Final Hours of Huge Sale.
Posts of the Week:
Painted Brick Exterior Home Renovation
Classic Home with Blue and White Interiors.
Interior Design Ideas New Home Inspiration.
Palm Beach, Florida Home Design.
Spanish Colonial Home Renovation.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram.
Kitchen and Mudroom Gut Renovation Ideas.
Before & After: Small Farmhouse-Style Home Renovation.
Custom Home with Artisan Craftsmanship Interiors.
Santa Barbara Beach Home Design.
Interior Design Ideas Coastal Florida Home.
Georgian Home Design Ideas.
Interior Design Ideas: California Coastal Home.
Interior Design Ideas: Colorful Interiors.
New-Construction Modern Farmhouse Inspiration.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Andrea McQueen Design.
Texas Gulf Coast Beach House.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
New-Construction Home for First-time Home Buyer.
California Beach House with Beautiful Coastal Interiors.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
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2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home
Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures
Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas
Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas
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Interior Paint Color Ideas
Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color
Interior Ideas: Paint Color
More Paint Color Ideas
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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jodybouchard9 · 7 years
Time to Brush Up: 9 Ugly Painting Mistakes You’ll Come to Regret
To a new homeowner, painting rooms might seem like the ultimate dream. After years of renting white walls that weren’t yours to alter even a smidge, you finally get to slather your home in whichever colors you desire. Freedom!
But if you’re gonna do the job right, there’s way more to do than sifting through fan decks and playing with online visualization tools—there’s actually a lot to consider when it comes to painting your home. The wrong move could ruin your decor (at least temporarily)  and fill you to the brim with regret.
So before you pick up that brush, learn the most common painting mistakes homeowners make—and save yourself some heartache.
1. Getting tiny samples
When it comes to swatches, size matters. Ask a color expert for an oversize sample or fan deck, and make sure that when you test different shades, you paint swatches that are big enough to evaluate how the color will really look.
“It’s essential to paint large blocks on every wall to see what they look like in each light and gloss level,” explains Sara McLean, color expert and stylist for Dunn-Edwards Paints. And don’t crowd samples, she says. “You need room between swatches to focus on each color.”
Next, try not to rush the testing process. “Live with your color choice to be sure it’s the right one for you,” urges Kaitlin Willhoit, a Realtor® with The Boutique Real Estate Group.
2. Not comparing finishes
Photo by AAA Architecture – Discover bathroom design inspiration
The finish you choose should correlate with the room’s purpose.
“Many homeowners are nervous about using shiny semigloss, but it’s more durable than flat or matte and more moisture-resistant, which makes it perfect for bathrooms and the kitchen,” points out Kristen Chuber, marketing director at Paintzen.
On the other hand, flat and matte finishes allow for easy touch-ups, so save those for high-traffic spots like hallways and the kids’ rooms, she adds.
You should also consider the room’s undertones. “Your color will look off if you pair a pink undertone with a yellow one, so look at the counters, the stone fireplace, and cabinets when choosing paint,” says Karen Gray-Plaisted, a home staging expert with Design Solutions KGP. And don’t forget about your flooring—a warm mahogany hardwood might look off-base when paired with a cool gray paint.
3. Choosing a boring palette
Photo by RLH Studio Beige on beige with some white trim? Zzz … sorry, we dozed off there for a moment.
“Some homeowners stick to dull colors so they never have to repaint, but color is a reflection of your personality,” McLean says.
Plus, using the same color throughout will create a decor scheme that lacks depth. “It’s important to develop a complementary palette, and it’s trendy to mix neutrals, like warm grays, beige, and soft colors,” says Dessie Sliekers, an interior designer with Slick Designs.
4. Picking the wrong white
Photo by Crisp Architects If you’re new to the world of paint, we’ve got news for you: You can’t just pick “white” paint and call it a day. Even white has different levels and shades, and you need to know what you want before you head to the store.
“Some whites are cool, others warm, still more are neutral, so the one you pick will depend on the room’s finishes and undertones,” Gray-Plaisted explains.
Another common mistake is using too much white—it makes a room look gray and drab, says Liat Tzoubari, CEO of Sevensmith, a home decor boutique. “Instead, choose a white with a slight pink or yellow tint such as cream,” she says.
5. Forgetting about the function of the room
The psychology of color has a few general rules, according to the experts.
“Red, for example, has been shown to raise the heart rate and blood pressure, so it’s a good choice in a room where you’re entertaining, but poorly used in a bedroom,” Chuber says.
Amy Bly, a home stager with Great Impressions, prefers navy blue in an office and calming shades of green or blue in bedrooms.
Also, whatever you do, never paint a bathroom brown or yellow, says Justin Riordan, founder of Spade and Archer Design Agency. They don’t send the right message. Instead, he says, “White exudes cleanliness.”
6. Skipping the ceiling
Photo by Sroka Design Inc
The ceiling is your fifth wall, so treat it with the same TLC as the other four, Chuber says.
“Whether you pick white or a bright color, painting it properly will give you those sharp edges along the top and can make wall color pop,” she says.
You don’t need to repaint ceilings as often as walls, but ignoring them will make them appear dull and dirty, she adds.
7. Adding an accent wall that’s jarring
Photo by Lindye Galloway Interior
“Accent walls seem to be the go-to solution for homeowners who are afraid of using color,” says Liz Toombs, president of Polka Dots & Rosebuds Interiors.
But think carefully about saturated color on one wall. You don’t simply want the loudest color you can think of, cautions Bee Heinemann, interior designer with Vant Wall Panels: “For an accent wall to work, the bold hue needs to be within the overall color scheme of the room or house.” Plus, going too bright may turn off a potential buyer.
Be cautious about where you paint an accent wall, too. Certain rooms are more appropriate than others.
“Accent walls are supposed to draw attention to a beautiful area, like the dining room—but not the bathroom or toilet area,” Willhoit says.
8. Ignoring the light
When you see a color in the paint store, the lighting is often harsh and industrial. But at home, you have softer bulbs with a warm glow, plus some natural light to work with.
“Test your color swatches in different lighting, or you’ll end up with a shade that’s all wrong,” Chuber recommends.
And you’ll want to consider the direction your rooms face, Bly adds. “North-facing rooms give colors a cool cast, while rooms looking south make colors warmer.”
9. Trying trends without professional help
Photo by Lindsay von Hagel Stencils and sponge painting may be cute on TV, but adding them to your walls can be tricky.
“Some of these can damage the wall, leaving an undesirable texture behind,” Heinemann explains.
This can be difficult to fix and may require a pro to restore the wall’s surface. And if you’re thinking of selling, remember that not every potential buyer will be in love with your designs.
The post Time to Brush Up: 9 Ugly Painting Mistakes You’ll Come to Regret appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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samuelmmarcus · 4 years
Utah New-construction Home
  Before finding the right lot and a builder you can trust to build your dream home, we all go through many years (or at least months) of collecting inspiring ideas for our new-construction home. We often collect ideas that will be transformed into what works for us and if you’re in the phase of finding the best ideas for your new home, this recently-built Utah home should fill up your inspiration file.
I have loved the many homes built by Millheaven Homes for many years now and this one was certainly built with a young growing family in mind.
Make sure to take notes on all details shared by this talented builder and make sure to pin your favorite photos and ideas. I hope this helps and inspires you with your dream home!
  Utah New-construction Home
Tired of white siding homes? This color will stand the test of time! It’s classic and far from being boring. Home Exterior Color: Samovar Silver by .
Trim/Pop Outs/Shutters: Extra White by Sherwin Williams SW7006.
This builder really knows how to build a beautiful home. Look at the classic architectural details!
Shingles: Certainteed Natural Timber.
Metal Roofing: Burnished Slate.
Garage Door: Design: Clopay Coachman Design 21. Window Style: Arch 3 Windows. Color: white.
Stone: Antique Pearl Stone with Trinity White Mortar.
Sconces: Hinkley Revere Wall Mount Lantern.
Ah… that feeling of walking into a brand-new home! I immediately start working the decor in my mind whenever I see an empty room. Do you feel the same or do you feel lost?
This Entryway feels grand but still welcoming. The formal Dining Room is located on the right and the Home Office is located on the left.
Walls/Ceiling: Silent White by Clark+Kensinton CW-C1.
Front Door
Entry Door: Custom design with custom stain.
Sliding Barn Doors
Sliding Barn Door Paint Color: Mindful Gray by Sherwin Williams SW7016.
Home Office
Custom built-ins are perfect to add storage and value to your home.
Sconces: Savoy House Morland 1-Light Adjustable Sconce in Polished Nickel.
Paint Color
Cabinet Paint Color: Iron Mountain by Benjamin Moore 2134-30.
Hardware: Pulls: Top Knobs Kinney Pull in Polished Nickel. Knobs: Top Knobs Lily Knob in Polished Nickel.
Dining Room
Accent Wall Paint Color: Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore #OC-27.
Lighting: Savoy House Middleton 8-Light Chandelier in Polished Nickel.
This home features a gorgeous kitchen with a dream layout. The warm gray cabinets work beautifully with a custom-stained island.
Pantry/Homework Room Doors Paint Color: Chelsea Gray by Benjamin Moore #HC-168.
Kitchen Island
Kitchen Island: White Oak with Custom Stain.
Wood Flooring Throughout: Artisan Hardwood English Forest Collection in Newborough – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Ideas to Refresh your Kitchen:
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Perimeter Cabinet Paint Color
Perimeter Kitchen Cabinet Color: Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore OC-27.
Tile: Bedrosians Cloe 2.5X8 Tile in White 50% Brick Set w/ Herringboned Hood Detail – This tile is gorgeous in person!
Pot Filler: Pot Filler: Moen Show House Pot Filler in Chrome.
Kitchen Lighting
Kitchen Lighting: Island Pendants: Visual Comfort Aspen Large Conical Hanging Shade in Blackened Rust – Other Inspiring Options: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Hardware
Hardware – Pulls: Berenson Metro Pull in Flat Black. Knobs: Berenson Valencia Oval Knob in Flat Black.
Sink & Faucet
Sink: Elkay Quartz Luxe 33X20.5” Undermount Sink in Ricotta.
Sconce: Savoy House Glenn Sconce in Polished Nickel.
Faucet: Moen Patterson Kitchen Faucet in Chrome.
Countertop is Contempo Arabescato Polished.
Breakfast Nook Lighting: Quorum.
Great Room
The Great Room features high ceiling with Tongue and Groove and custom box beams.
Great Room Cabinet
The custom built-in offers plenty of storage and shelving space. Cabinets are in Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore OC-27.
Ceiling Fan: Savoy House Bluffton 72” 8-blade Ceiling Fan.
Fireplace Millwork Paint Color: Silent White CW-C1 by Clark+Kensington.
Cabinet Hardware: Knobs: Berenson Valencia Oval Knob in Black.
Tile: Bedrosians Cloe Tile 2.5”X8” 50% Brick Set.
Music Room
Sliding pocked doors in Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore add some privacy to the Music Room/Den.
Paint Color
Walls/Ceiling/Trim: Trout Gray by Benjamin Moore 2124-20.
Lighting: Capital Lighting Sedona 1-light Pendant in Oxidized Brass.
Staircase Paint Color
Newel Posts/Balusters: Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore.
Newel Caps/Railing: Custom Stain.
Stair Runner
Carpet: Tuftex Scout Carpet in Oyster Shell.
Upstairs you will find a cozy loft with custom built-ins and a long window-seat. This is a great spot to read to the kids.
Sconces Going Down (not shown): Savoy House Clifton 1-Light Wall Sconce in Polished Nickel.
Staircase Lighting
Chandelier: Generation Lighting Southold 4-light Lantern in Polished Nickel – Large.
Built-ins Paint Color
Built-ins Paint Color: Chelsea Gray HC-168 by Benjamin Moore.
Lighting: Savoy House Glenn 1-Light Sconce in Matte Black.
Laundry Room
The Laundry Room is located just off the Loft. Barn door paint color is Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore.
Cabinet Color: Van Courtland Blue by Benjamin Moore HC-165.
Countertops: MSI Stellar White.
Floating Shelves: Custom, White Oak – similar here.
Backsplash: Floor and Décor Equilibrio Encaustic Cement Tile in Gray – similar here.
Floor Tile: Bedrosians Chateau 12X24 Tile in Midnight 50% Brick Set.
Master Bedroom
The Master Bedroom features wall paneling with a custom design and beautiful carpeting flooring.
Carpet Throughout: Tuftex Purrsuasion Carpet in Backdrop.
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas:
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Ceiling Fan
Ceiling Fan: Fanimation Spitfire Motor in Brushed Nickel w/ Fanimation Spitfire Blades in Brushed Nickel.
Master Bathroom
The Master Bathroom features large custom cabinetry in White Oak with a custom stain. Countertop is Silestone Desert Silver, Polished.
Vanity Backsplash: Designer 4X12 Clear Glass Tile in White – similar here.
Sinks: Toto Waza Sultana Undercounter Lavatory Sink.
Faucets: Moen Weymouth Series in Chrome.
Lighting-Vanity: Vanity Light in Chrome.
Hardware: Pulls: Amerock Revitalize Pull in Polished Nickel. Knobs: Amerock Revitalize Knob in Polished Nickel.
Flooring: Bedrosians Chateau 12X24 Tile 50% Brick Set.
Towel Ring: Moen, in Chrome.
Beautiful Mirrors: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Shower Tile
Shower Walls: Arizona Tile Core Subway Tile in White Glossy – Herringboned – similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Accent & Floor Tile: 1X1 Mod Dot Mosaic in White Carrara.
Fixtures: Moen Weymouth Series in Chrome.
Yes, your kid would definitely love this… even I would! LOL  The custom playhouse siding/shiplap paint color is Riverway by Sherwin Williams SW 6220.
Ladder/Door/Trim Paint Color: Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore HC-172.
Wallpaper: Saugus Olive Branch in Teal.
Hanging Chair
Hanging Chair: Wayfair – Others: here & here.
Kids’ Shower Tile Inspiration
Shower Walls: 4X16 Subway Tile in White Glossy 50% Brick Set.
Accent Tile: Bedrosians Costa Allegra Wave Mosaic in Adriatic – Similar: here, here & here.
Guest Bedroom
This guest bedroom features board and batten wall paneling in Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore.
Lighting: Savoy House.
Guest Bathroom
This guest bathroom features an inspiring design that doesn’t break the bank! I love what they did with the shower tile. Countertop: Silestone Desert Silver, Polished.
Hardware:  Pulls: Amerock Blackrock Pull in Polished Nickel. Knobs: Amerock Blackrock Ring Pull in Polished Nickel.
Sink: Decolav Rectangular Undermount Lavatory.
Lighting-Vanity: Z-Light Mariner Vanity Light in Chrome.
Faucet: Moen in Black.
Shower Fixtures: Moen Doux Series in Black.
Shower Walls: 3X6 Subway Tile in White Glossy 50% Brick Set.
Shower Wall Accent/Shower Floor: Bedrosians Chateau 2X2 Mosaic.
Downstairs you will find a bright basement with plenty of space for entertaining and fun times. Notice the adorable Playhouse!
LVP Flooring Throughout: Mannington Dockside Distinctive Plank in Boardwalk.
This kitchenette is perfect for preparing some snacks or drinks.
Countertop & Floating Shelves: Custom, White Oak.
Backsplash: 3X6 Subway Tile in White Glossy 50% Brick Set.
Lighting: Savoy House Bayden 4-Light Pendant in Black.
Paint Color
Paint Color: Tricorn Black by Sherwin Williams SW 6258.
Hardware – Pulls: Top Knobs Kinney Pull in Honey Bronze. Knobs: Top Knobs Knob in Honey Bronze.
Sink: Elkay 16X16 Quartz Luxe Sink in Caviar.
Faucet: Moen Patterson Faucet in Black.
Basement Family Room
Fireplace Stone: Antique Pearl Stone w/ Trinity White Mortar.
Cabinets are in Repose Gray by Sherwin Williams SW7015.
Home Theater
Cabinets, Walls & Ceiling Paint Color: Repose gray by Sherwin Williams SW 7015.
Sconces: Matteo Wall Sconce #S02702MB in Matte Black.
Flooring: Stanton Rejoice Carpet in Deep Sea.
Beams: Custom Stain.
Mudroom Locker Paint Color: Boothbay Gray by Benjamin Moore HC-165.
Lighting: Generation Lighting Nuance Large Flush Mount in Aged Iron.
Flooring: Crossville Gotham 12X24 Tile in Mainline Herringboned – Others: here, here, here & here.
    Many thanks to the builder & designers for sharing the details above!
Builder & Interiors: Millheaven Homes (Instagram – Facebook).
Photography: Miranda Kimberlin.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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Custom Single-story Home This custom residence was the first “ground-up” spec home for A Finer Touch Construction. One of their main goals was to create a home that is unique from all of the others in the greater Phoenix area. The builder wanted a single-story home with large ceilings throughout and so the heights range could from 22 feet in the entry to 10 feet in the secondary bedrooms. An open floor plan with a nice “flow” was a must. They designed incredibly wide but minimal hallways. One of my favorite features is the master suite. The master closet is the largest secondary room in the home, outside of the master bedroom itself. The master bathroom features 12 foot ceilings with an incredibly large walk-in shower. This home is so perfect that as soon the builder posted a rendering of the home and the current floor plan, a young family saw it and jumped on the opportunity to purchase the home. They were able to make some personal touches to the interior. Read on and get to know more details shared by the builder. Custom Single-story Home From the Builder: “You’ll note the “stacked and staggered” exterior, so that the stone always makes a clean return into the house to eliminate exposed cuts. The balcony is strictly for aesthetics and is not accessible. This design element gave us a 22-foot ceiling in the entry when you walk through the front door. We designed the roof to be constructed of black concrete tile and the black windows were purchased from Sierra Pacific. Our trim shop built the custom wood entry door and we installed custom can lights in the soffit for accent lighting. The main exterior house is constructed with white synthetic stucco and white Texas limestone. And to top it all off, our clients were amazing to work with and we are so happy that they are enjoying their new home!” Front Door This double entry door and custom trim work makes quite the statement entry. Front door paint color is Iron Ore by Sherwin Williams. Foyer The front doors open to a gorgeous foyer with crisp white paint color; Dunn Edwards White Pickett Fence DET 648. Lighting is Shades of Light, Be Squared Modern Chandelier. Similar vintage rug can be found here, here, here, here and here. Foyer Sconces “The entry of this gorgeous custom home is everything we could have asked for; simple, yet welcoming. The ceilings are 22 feet high with the drop down black light fixtures and a large double black entry door. Wood flooring throughout with wall trim and sconces.” Sconces are Cedar & Moss Wyatt Sconce. Bench is Flanders Bench from Jason Home. Similar woven leather bench can be found here. Piano Room A piano room is located just off the entry. The mid-century chaise is from West Elm. Similar rug (piano room) can be found here and here. Flooring is Provenza Floors – Heirloom -Liverpool, with oil finish – 6.25″ W. Kitchen This is the ultimate in kitchen design! I truly feel inspired by every detail. This kitchen features Wolf Subzero appliances, custom built island and hood and decorative 14-foot ceiling. Counterstools are Bailey Woven Stool from Ballard Designs. Countertop All of the countertops are Cambria Swanbridge (throughout the entire house – 9 slabs in total). The backsplash is chevron patterned marble. Sconces can be found here. Lighting Lighting is Gabby Lighting’s Adler chandelier – no longer available in brass – only in bronze. There are 3 decorative “X” ceilings spaced evenly throughout the great room and kitchen. The ceilings are 14 feet to the peak and 12 feet to the soffit. Black Kitchen Island Paint Color The black island is painted in Iron Ore by Sherwin Williams. All of the kitchen cabinetry ranges from 9 to 10 feet tall. Kitchen is 7 feet by 13 feet. Dining Area This minimalist modern farmhouse dining room features shiplap walls, black windows and patio doors, wishbone dining chairs, marble top dining table, bleached hardwood floors and modern glass and rope chandelier. Cabinet is Urban Outfitters Marte Storage Cabinet – no longer available. Lighting Lighting is Bobo Intriguing Rope Globe Chandelier – more affordable option can be found here. The wishbone chairs are from Amazon. Great Room A large great room is the perfect place to entertain friends and family. The great room features 14 foot decorative ceilings and black accent walls on either side of the Isokern fireplace selected by the interior designer. The columns and fireplace are then fully wrapped in custom trim work. And to top it off, you’ll see the 25-foot automated multi-slide pocket door, wood flooring and custom light fixtures. Furniture I am loving the simplicity of the mid-century inspired furniture. Similar Grey Sofa: West Elm. Similar Ivory Sofa: Wayfair. Similar Black Leather & Walnut Chairs: here. Similar Leather Wrapped Coffee Table: here. Furniture Layout “When we designed this floor plan, a large great room with access to the backyard was super important to us. It made this home perfect to entertain and hold large family gatherings.” This large great room features two distinct sitting areas. Great Room Doors Patio Doors: “We received a lot of messages about our custom multi-slider and what it looked like “open”. This door consisted of 5 panels, each just under 5 feet wide. The total opening is 24 feet wide and 10 feet tall. You’ll notice that the doors fully pocket into the wall to really create the ideal indoor/outdoor living.” Ceiling Detail “X-Men the ceiling”, as appropriately named by the photographer. The visual symmetry of this ceiling is even better in person. The framers took three days to lay out this ceiling on the floor. The entire room had chalk dust as the framers ensured that every soffit and decorative X were perfectly lined up. They built the entire ceiling in sections on the floor before we it was raised and attached to the trusses and exterior walls. It truly was a work of art. The drywallers, electricians, trim carpenters, and painters then followed with precise craftsmanship to the image you see here. Powder Room Powder Room: “There is a touch of Gold all throughout this home. In this powder bathroom you’ll find it at the cabinet hardware, plumbing fixtures, door hardware, light fixtures, bath accessories, and also the mirror frames. The powder room also features floor to ceiling white shiplap on all four walls, the interior door painted charcoal gray, and cement tile floor with quartz counters.” This powder room features a stunning custom vanity with white quartz countertop, shiplap walls and cement tile. The cement tile is Estrella Black Pattern from RiadTile. Brass Faucet are Newport Brass. Sink can be found here. Similar Square Mirror: CB2. Lighting: Schoolhouse Simone Single Sconce. Mudroom The mudroom features grey cabinets painted in Sherwin Williams SW7670 Grey Shingle. Key Drop Sconce (not shown): Rejuvenation. Laundry Room From the builder: “It’s rare that we have the opportunity to build a laundry room that is one of the prettiest rooms in the house. One of our favorite details in this laundry room is the wallpaper chosen by our designers. Green The Benjamin Moore Forest Green and Cambria quartz countertop are also a fun element. The dedicated laundry also serves as a craft room with double desk cabinets and computer hookups. Kids Desk Area In lieu of a standard storage closet, the interior designer and builder reconfigure this location for the kids homework area. They installed floating cabinetry with matching uppers and then prewired low voltage for the computer stations. And of course, wood flooring throughout. Brass Flushmount Lighting: West Elm. Master Bedroom Master Bedroom Fireplace: “One of our favorite features in this master bedroom is the Basalt stone fireplace surround selected by the interior designer. The black wood beams in the ceiling continue our black/white theme throughout this custom home. Another fun feature is the decorative bookcase on either side of the fireplace.” Fireplace Sconces are Rejuvenation. Details Mid-century inspired furniture is also carried to this space. Sitting Area The master bedroom features a large sitting area with view and access to the backyard. Ceiling: White oak beams painted charcoal gray. Barn Door A dark stained barn door opens to the master ensuite. Lighting is Rejuvenation. Walk-in Closet The master closet is the largest secondary room in the home, outside of the master bedroom itself. Capiz Chandelier is from Horchow. Laundry This spacious walk-in closet features a large island and laundry machines. Hardware is Rejuvenation. Master Bathroom “One of our main goals when creating this floor plan was a large master bathroom.” Notice the floor-to-ceiling hex marble tile and the gold Schluter trim. Brass Faucets are Newport Brass. Sink can be found here. Hardware is Rejuvenation. This gorgeous brass pendant is from Anthropologie. Cabinet Paint Color The “Sherwin Williams Iron Ore SW7069” painted clear alder cabinets are the perfect contrast to the 8” Cambria waterfall countertop edge. Similar Mirror: Cb2. Flooring is Carrara Matte 6 in. x 24 in. Glazed Porcelain Floor Tile. Tub Master Bathroom Tub: The interior wood windows are also painted Sherwin Iron Ore, but the trim and casing are white. Throw in a large soaking tub, gold Newport brass plumbing fixtures, and gold cabinet hardware to top it all off! Tub Filler: Jacobean Exposed Tub & Hand Shower Set – Wall Mount BRASSTECH-Newport Brass. Freestanding tub can be found here. Rug is from Etsy. Shower Shower: “This is the ultimate Shower! One of the key components in this master bath was the large master shower, capped off with 12-foot ceilings and a dry-off area. Our interior then hit a homerun with their product selections. The colors, layout and patterns all tied in perfectly. They had tremendous vision when putting these choices together. One of our favorite elements is the gold trim all around the shower, soap niche, and curb. The Newport brass plumbing fixtures, Cambria quartz shower bench, and black shower frame were the cherry on top. One side note is that we installed the right tile wall 3 times. The first install had the tiles spaced incorrectly that created a small sliver of tile when butted against the left wall. We had our subcontractor remove the tile and on the second install, the tile was crooked and falling to the right. However, as they say, the “third time is the charm” and this time, it was approved.” Floor tile is Bianco Carrara Hexagon Marble Mosaic. Boy’s Bathroom “The perfect wall mount sink for the ideal boy’s bathroom! I love the chiseled “floor to ceiling” white wall tile and the black and white concrete tile floor. Kholer sink faucet can be found here and the Kohler dish soap can be found here. Tile Bathroom floor tile is Zenith Moroccan Encaustic Cement Tile from Cle Tile. Notice the Black Schluter trim around the shower. Lighting Lighting is Schoolhouse Factory Light No. 6 Rod Pendant. Similar at Rejuvenation. Mat is from Urban Outfitters. Boy’s Bedroom This neutral farmhouse bedroom feels calming and inviting. Modern Farmhouse Jack & Jill Isn’t this modern farmhouse Jack & Jill bathroom full of great ideas? I love the mix of gold and black and the grey hex cement floor tile. Hex tiles are from Cle Tile. New Trend New Farmhouse Trend: Mix black metal with gold. The gold sconces are from West Elm. Similar round metal mirror can be found here. Hardware is Rejuvenation. Shiplap Bunk Room Bunk Room: “Our designer came up with this incredible design for the built-in bunk bed for our clients.” Bunk Room “The bunk beds are wrapped in shiplap and then topped off with gold sconces. Each of the sconces can be controlled individually for night time reading. I think we may need to build one at my house next .” Sconces are from Etsy. Girl’s Dance Studio Isn’t this dance studio dreamy? Imagine how much fun the kids would have! Studio Bathroom The bathroom features a frameless floating vanity with a greywash finish. The lotus wall tile is Villa Heirloom Linen Lotus Porcelain Mosaic – similar can be found here and here. Abaca Woven Pendants are from Burke Decor. Hardware is Rejuvenation. The brass Hex mirror is from West Elm. Floor tile is Cle Tile -Cement Tile- Encaustic Victoria Larson, laid in an alternating pattern. Herringbone Patio The patio features black slate tile in a herringbone pattern. Transition “We installed black granite inside of the track itself to blend the black door to the track. The exterior patio features black slate installed uniformly on the 4” curb. The rest of the patio has black slate installed in a herringbone pattern. The interior of the home has engineered wood flooring. Great design choices and color palette.” Details Gorgeous stone patio with grass. Gorgeous! Backyard The patio doors open to an expansive backyard with two underground trampolines, playhouse and a pool area. Design This entire backyard was perfectly designed. Pool & Spa Which one would you choose? Pool or spa? Slide This backyard is perfect for entertaining! Night View A large patio opens to the pool area and pergola. Fun Isn’t this slide so fun? Pergola What better place to spend your time than outside at this gorgeous fireplace and trellis. As a bonus, if the fire is too warm, you can just jump in that amazing pool! Flooring The pergola carries the same black slate herringbone flooring. This home is truly dreamy – inside and out!!! Builder: A Finer Touch Construction. (Instagram – Facebook) Interiors: E. Interiors. Photography: @roehnerryan and @highresmedia. Posts of the Week @urban_farmhouse_build: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Tuesday: New & Improved Kitchen Design Ideas. New Southern Living Showcase Home. New Construction Modern Farmhouse Design Ideas. Interior Design Ideas: New Interior Design Ideas. Trending on Pinterest: Hamptons-Inspired Home with Coastal Colors. Trending on Home Bunch: Open-Concept Family Home Design Ideas. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hello, everyone! I hope you’re all having a wonderful day. I am having a few problems with the site today and it took most of my time – that explains why I am a bit late with the post. I hope everything goes back to normal soon! See you tomorrow, my friends. with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!” Save Save
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Interior Design Ideas Seeing and being inspired by interior design means not only that you are open to new ideas but also that you are learning something from them. Today’s post should bring plenty of inspiration if you’re planning a renovation, a new construction or simply want to dream a little. I think you’re in the right place for that! Interior Design Ideas: Follow @HomeBunch on and on Interior Design Ideas Gated modern farmhouse with gravel driveway, custom barn wood gate, black steel windows and metal roof. Holder Design Associates. Metal Roof Modern Farmhouse Backyard & Architecture: This roofing is made by Metal Sales, standing seam in “Mystique Plus” color. The builder used it for its universal color, which goes with most any wall color scheme. This modern farmhouse is about 6,200 square feet. Holder Design Associates. White Farmhouse Kitchen This white farmhouse kitchen features a pale gray kitchen and bleached ceiling beams. Beams are rough cedar and then white/grey washed. Backsplash tile is from Louisville tile. Artisan Signature Homes. Breakfast Nook Beautiful breakfast nook with custom banquette and custom window treatment. Artisan Signature Homes. Kitchen Island White kitchen features dark hardwood floors, zinc hood, Bianco carrara backsplash tile and black steel window. Countertops are honed Calacatta Gold marble with an cove ogee edge. Forte Building Group LLC. Windows Windows are Integrity Wood-Ultrex Casement windows from Marvin. They come with a bare pine interior and a pre-finished clad exterior in a variety of colors. This home chose bronze as the exterior color, bronze hardware, and the builder chose to stain the interior of the wood window sashes. Forte Building Group LLC. Timeless White Paint Color Timeless White Benjamin Moore Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Simply White. Grey front door paint color is Farrow and Ball Plummet. The floors are white oak stained in Rubio Monocoat Smoke 5%. Fox Group Construction. Shades of Gray Kitchen features pale gray perimeter cabinets and blue gray kitchen island. Square Footage Inc. Navy Farmhouse Kitchen Paint Color The kitchen paint color is Benjamin Moore HC-154 Hale Navy in a satin semi gloss finish. Holder Design Associates. Subway Tile Subway tile backsplash is a Waterworks tile – Grove Brickworks field tile in Sugar White. Lighting is custom. Holder Design Associates. Dining room Expansive dining room with custom wine cellar. Lighting is custom. Holder Design Associates. Barn Wood Shiplap Wine Cellar Farmhouse wine cellar with barn wood shiplap paneling, steel sash doors, concrete countertops and reclaimed barn wood cabinets. Holder Design Associates. Lumber Beams The ceiling beams are custom-treated, distressed lumber. The builder found a craftsman who brushed wired the lumber because finding reliable sources of barn wood timbers was becoming difficult. The custom plate bracketing is cut plate steel treated, again with a custom process. Holder Design Associates. Barn Wood Fireplace Paneling Living room features Barn wood clad fireplace with exposed rafters and collar ties. Holder Design Associates. Wall Paint Color Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore Iron Mountain. Leslie Harris-Keane Interior Design. Ceiling & Trim Paint Color Ceiling and trim paint color is Benjamin Moore Swiss Coffee. Decor: Chairs are Lee Industries. The sisal rug and coffee table are from Restoration Hardware. Pillow fabric is Betwixt, Schumacher and the zebra rug is HD Buttercup. Lighting is from Pottery Barn. Leslie Harris-Keane Interior Design. Wet Bar Wet bar features reclaimed brick wall, custom chunky 100-year barnwood shelves, white marble countertop and white shaker cabinets. Leslie Harris-Keane Interior Design. Navy, Brass & Plaids Navy Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. Fox Group Construction. Laundry room This farmhouse laundry room features glazed brick backsplash tile, crisp white quartz countertop, wide plank hardwood floors and burlap Roman shade. Disc Interiors. Thomas J. Story Photography. Blue Gray Laundry room Laundry room features blue gray cabinets and a farmhouse sink flanked by a pair of gray washer and dryer. Countertop is white quartz and backsplash is a patterned cement tile. Artisan Signature Homes via @gretchenblack. Laundry room Flooring The laundry room tile is American Olean – Historic Bridge 6″ x 36″ – Old Hollow Floor Tile. Folding table is a custom piece from Wood Works Custom in Nashville. Lighting is Feiss, Hobson Collection. Dimensions: The washer & dryer wall is 16′-10″ and the window wall is 11′-0″ Forte Building Group LLC. Mudroom Tile Mudroom features a neutral floor tile. Tile is Portland White natural stone in Versailles pattern. Holder Design Associates. Grey Bathroom Cabinet Grey Benjamin Moore Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Shadow. Holder Design Associates. Crisp White Subway Tile Bathroom features shower and half wall subway tile. Tile is from Filmore Clark in West Hollywood, CA. Disc Interiors. Shower Inspiration I am loving the floor and the quartz tower in the middle of the shower with the mitered corners. Artisan Signature Homes. Landing Area Artisan Signature Homes. Greyhouse Design. Dreamy Bedroom Paint Color Soothing Bedroom Paint Color: Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams. Artisan Signature Homes. Bedroom Chandelier Lighting is Made Goods Patricia Chandelier. Artisan Signature Homes. Pinnable Paint Colors & Color Palettes Best White Paint Colors: Soft Whites: Benjamin Moore White Dove. Restoration Hardware The Right White. Benjamin Moore Simply White. Warm Whites: Restoration Hardware Mediterranean White. Benjamin Moore Swiss Coffee. Sherwin Williams Shoji White. Via Jamie Belessa. Home Exterior & Gardens Exterior features custom steel sheets and painted brick. Disc Interiors. Modern Beach House Modern beach house with wood siding. Disc Interiors. Board & Batten Farmhouse Paint Color Paint Color: Benjamin Moore 2134-30 Iron Mountain. Holder Design Associates. Classic Shingle Home Artisan Signature Homes. Porte-cochère Design Artisan Signature Homes. Farmhouse Patio Farmhouse Patio with outdoor kitchen under pergola, seating area and string lighting. Patio flooring is red brick and slate tile. Torrey Pines Landscape Co. Inc. Photo by Martin Mann Photography. Quote of the Week Posts of the Week @middlesisterdesign: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Tuesday: Ranch-style Beach House Interior Ideas. Wednesday: Transitional Modern Farmhouse Kitchen Design. Thursday: Modern French Chateau Style Custom Home Design. Latest Interior Design Ideas: Latest: New & Fresh Interior Design Ideas for your Home. More Interior Design Ideas: More Interior Design Ideas on Home Bunch. Trending on Home Bunch: Interior Design Ideas – a weekly series on Home Bunch. Popular on Pinterest: Interior Design Ideas. Popular on Home Bunch: Beautiful post featuring a collection of Farmhouse Interior Design Ideas. Follow Home Bunch on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hi everyone! I felt devastated with what happened in Houston this week and I can’t tell you enough how much I feel for all of those brave people. I even mentioned on my Instagram how special Texas is for me… I have met so many wonderful readers and clients from that state and I am honestly praying for all of you there. I know you’re tough but most of all you have shown the world how kind you are with each other. This is a lesson the world was in so much need to see. Kindness and love overcomes any difficult time. You have taught us this. Have a Blessed week, my friends. with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane Sources: 1st image: Fox Group Construction.
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