#and a teensy break from serious threading
quickdeaths · 2 years
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karaoke headcanons
Rio is not a great singer, but she'll gladly tag along with friends or her middle brother. At an anime/game otaku, when it comes to her turn, basically all she knows are anisongs. She's got a lot of enthusiasm and is very smiley so everyone has a good time, although the inevitable rendition of A Cruel Angel's Thesis does elicit the collective groan of not this again.
Izumi is a fantastic singer, being classically trained and having perfect pitch. She doesn't like singing at all and gets very very nervous singing in front of crowds, so it's an uphill battle even getting her to come along. She might be convinced to do one (1) song if it'll get everyone to otherwise ignore her. As for what that song is? Her tastes are very eclectic, so it could really be anything.
Tsubasa doesn't really know how to sing, and a lot of their favorite music isn't really karaoke-friendly either due to being instrumental or too underground or too subculture-y. They do know how to rap, though, whether that's breaking out something they know, or filling in the obligatory rap break in someone else's take on a popular pop song.
Shinobu is a decent singer, but doesn't inherently enjoy it. More often than not, if they're at karaoke, they've been dragged by Anzu. 90% of what she'll sing are 'duets that Anzu wanted to do with her.' Over the course of a long night, Anzu will probably get two duets out of her, if she's lucky. There's only so much pleading puppy eyes that she can resist.
Anzu is a pretty good singer and more than that, she's a great performer. She has a strong ability to read the air and find what kind of thing will get her the most praise and attention, whether that's a bouncy pop song that will get people on their feet, or a soulful ballad that will bring a tear to the eye. She's still a teen girl though, and she'll have fun as long as she's with friends, especially if she can get Shinobu to play with her.
Yi-Chun is cheating, she's an actual idol. She likes singing and dancing, but it's at least partially her job, so it's not necessarily something she likes to do to relax and have fun with friends. She won't complain about it, though, and she'll do songs from idols she likes and admires, particularly if there's a section in Mandarin. Don't expect anything too polished though - if it's just for fun, she'll just sing in the booth rather than get up and "perform."
Kousuke doesn't know popular music. His reference for music is like, folk songs from rural areas. He's like that meme of the medieval peasant and mcdonald's sprite, if you played him a Hatsune Miku hyperpop remix it might kill him. That said, he has a soft, pleasant voice well-suited to ballads, if you can teach him some songs that won't activate his 'city people are insane and scary' sensors.
Kiyomi likes karaoke a lot, it's one of her favorite after-school hobbies, and she's quite good at it. Her taste is a little basic, in the sense that she likes what's popular online, the kinds of songs that get millions of views or are in commercials. Whatever pop songs are big at the time, she'll listen to enough just to pick up without really thinking about it, and just pop out whatever comes to mind when it's her turn.
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