#and again i really don't fucking get how are they pandering to the west at all
ishikawayukis 1 year
no you know what, i'm gonna be annoyed fuck it. if i make a post basically saying let svt experiment with their music you don't get to say "yes they're allowed but not if they want to appeal to the western market". because 1 what the Fuck does that even mean, especially since their last song might be their only song where they have traditional instruments and clothes and it's named after a chinese character, how is that pandering to the western market. 2 yes ever since hybe acquired pledis they've been trying to influence svt's music one way or another, be it by adding different producers to their songs or whatever, even then, their popularity grew massively in korea and other asian countries, how is that pandering to the west. also maybe just a bit of critical thinking that they want to break into the western market for whatever reason, that they want to grow more outside of asia and that sometimes means changing their music, changing the way they do things. and lastly it annoys the living crap out of me that so many fans have so little faith in them and who they are as a group, that the moment they take a path they don't like it's all fingers pointed at the company because obviously is their fault because obviously svt doesn't want that. these are all grown ass men that spent who knows how long discussing their contracts so that they could all be happy with the direction svt is taking, and yet it's all the company's fault? as if they didn't get any single saying in any of their actions and were fucking puppets ready to do whatever others say with the snap of a finger. they have never been more proud of something they've done but it's still not evidence enough for some of you to understand that maybe, maybe, they're the ones actually making the decisions on where they want to go.
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talkingtea 3 years
The show lost viewers this season because it was insanely dreadfully bad. If they want any chance of a successful season 8, they're going to have to make some serious changes.
1) un bloat the damn cast. We do not need DP playing 2 shittily written mediocre characters with no plot taking up screentime when they can't even write 1 well. If they're not going to get rid of them both, I'll take Caitlin's blank face looking ass over white privilege Frost. Get rid of that dumbass Chillbean. Get rid of all and any Caitlin love interests forever bc DP has no chemistry with any of them. Cecile needs to be guest or recurring - she has no more use for the plot, esp now that Jenna is nonexistent and Joe is sharing scenes with Kramer. Unless they have a continued significant plot for Joe next season, he needs to be bumped down to supporting cast too and ACTUALLY support his pregnant daughter. Allegra doesnt need to be in episodes not focused on Citizen plots. Even if I dont mind her character, we don't need Sue back. She serves no purpose in the overall narrative. Why tf did they feel the need to bring her back and write for her when they can't even write their existing longterm characters properly?? Too many plates at the table. This focus on side characters has got to go. They didn't develop them well when they first joined the show which they should have done to make us invested. Trying to force in filler for that now after the fact is too late and disrupts the trajectory of the show. The only one they've done right is Chester.
2) go back to the roots of the show, with the Wests and Westallen family at its core and the characters and character dynamics driving the narrative, not the terrible and inconsistent plots. The show needs to stop being so invested in the spectacle and focus on the heart.
3) cool down the corny goofiness and gearing this towards kids bc I doubt the younger audience make up the majority of viewers at this point. This may not be a late time slot show but it is starting to resemble Disney shows with how "kiddy" and silly it has become. If s8 is indeed the last season, I hope they say fuck it and stop giving a damn about those (probably made up) constraints. Is it really that much to ask for the main couple to have some intimacy in bed? Even just cuddling under the covers? Steamier kisses?
4) let the writers who have experience writing the show and characters have more episodes because inconsistent characterisation and writing is ruining pivotal moments. And conversely, stop letting longtime writers with a clear anti agenda have pivotal WA/Iris episodes to write because again, inconsistent characterisation and writing is ruining it
5) they need to do right by Iris. Proper journalism story arc, proper pregnancy arc with her husband, proper investment in her vulnerability emotions and fears. Enough with the misogynoir.
6) a strong overarching villain with good, steady buildup and good motive who has stakes in the personal lives of every character, otherwise ppl are not going to get invested in the fight.
7) utilise their stronger actors more. They have significantly better actors with less screen time playing support like roles and keep pushing the actors who can't fucking act or carry episodes at the forefront and it is resulting in pretty bad episodes. A good actor can make bad writing tolerable. A bad actor just highlights all the flaws in the show. The focus on side characters exposed the show, bad writing, and how crappy some characters are this season, which we've been able to disregard in the past for the most part because at least there was fantastic acting and moments we could focus on instead.
8) they refuse to dismantle Team Flash at this point, so they need to make Barry a CLEAR leader. No more looking to others for decisions or having them in his ear all the fucking time. He's spent all seasons needing everyone's help for everything. How is he supposed to build his legacy as legendary if he needs everyone else to tell him what to do? He's about to be a father. They better have him shape up quick and learn to be a protector and leader in his own right. He's a muppet I can't take seriously at this point. If the titular character is written shoddily, the rest of the show won't hold up.
And 9) STOP PANDERING TO THE RACISTS AND DUMBASS WHINY BITCH FANBOYS. How hard is it to understand that whenever they do, the show suffers for it and has worse episodes, and when they don't, it thrives?? It's morons running this show I swear. How are fans of the show understanding the show more than the actual ppl who made the show??
It's not too late for the show; they can turn it around and end on a higher note but they seriously need to reevaluate the wrong turn they took after s4/s5ish.
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sar-per 3 years
Do you think LGBT people of color wouldn't be the first lgbt people affected by the don't say gay bill if it passes? Do you think that Disney is the only production company in existence that produces movies or shows with all person of color casts? Disney is literally trying to get people to forget about how they tried to financially supported this bill using this exact tactic of throwing representation scraps at them. Plus many people of color-including the op of that post- have added that they don't want their culture sold as a commodity as it's guaranteed to do so if Disney makes a movie on it. Disney literally tried to trademark The Day of the Dead after Coco came out. It's not moral to support Disney, no matter if they're trying to pander with representation scraps or not.
Let me state this at the very top:
It could very well be that I'll go back to this post tomorrow to add a few points and correct a bit. English is not my first language and my fluidity in it is ehh? so any mistakes in phrasing could be very much this, so please ask questions if any concerns come up.
I'm also clearly not from the US - I've stated that often - and thus wouldn't directly be affected by that bill. This is all outside observations.
I'll put my response under the cut because it got kinda long
I get where you're comming from, and like I said, fuck Disney.
I can't speak on who the bill would effect first - from all I have learned about racism, particularly in the US, it could very well hit them first and hit them hard.
But I've never said that Disney is the only production company to produce with representation- heck they are some of the last to do so, which is questionable.
I can't speak on your validity to the claim that it's just a distraction tactic - I can see it, but I don't know when it came out, how hard it really hit them, the behind-the-scenes of it all. An animated movie isn't produced overnight, but again, I can't really speak on this.
But what you fail to see here is that with Encanto and Turning Red there are actual POC people behind it. There are people who fought for thoose movies to be made, with all the culture that was in it.
Coco, while I enjoyed watching it, is a different situation. And yes, what they did was shitty and questionable (just as much as the Loki situation)
And while Disney may by no means be the only production company, it is a monopoly. It's what's huge. It's what everyone will definitly see - they have all the big names under their belt by now and determine a great amount of pop-culture.
As shitty as it is, you can't deny that Disney dictates a lot of pop-culture in the west, which includes representation.
I've never wanted to defend Disney - seriously, fuck them and what they are doing and have done - all I'm saying is that there is nuance. People behind the scenes have fought for the representation in thoose movies, body types and culture, and completly boycotting it can have negative effects on it.
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