#and all my brain could think was ‘omg windows nt just like the magnus protocol’
wuwubean · 7 months
Crack TMAGP theory time: my CS professor offhandedly mentioned that Windows NT, aka the os the OIAR is running, was known for being rife with memory leaks. It had to be rebooted constantly and overall was just a nightmare to deal with.
Now, hear me out, what if that’s how the JMJ gang are trapped. Memory leaks are basically when memory is incorrectly allocated, causing pieces of data that should be destroyed and freed up for other things, to not do that. Or in other words, they create unreachable, unusable, data, trapping it to never be released, only to take up space.
This would require Rusty Quill to understand basic computer science and specifically the problems that plagued Windows NT, which based on their knowledge of archives in their archive show (so many staplers…) I do not believe for a second they have. But just imagine if it was! The absolute horror of it all! Being trapped by a poorly designed machine that cannot get rid of you, only creating more and more garbage data until eventually, it destroys itself and you along with it. This is my new headcanon and nobody can take it away from me.
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