#only to walk in to my professor talking about windows nt
wuwubean · 7 months
Crack TMAGP theory time: my CS professor offhandedly mentioned that Windows NT, aka the os the OIAR is running, was known for being rife with memory leaks. It had to be rebooted constantly and overall was just a nightmare to deal with.
Now, hear me out, what if that’s how the JMJ gang are trapped. Memory leaks are basically when memory is incorrectly allocated, causing pieces of data that should be destroyed and freed up for other things, to not do that. Or in other words, they create unreachable, unusable, data, trapping it to never be released, only to take up space.
This would require Rusty Quill to understand basic computer science and specifically the problems that plagued Windows NT, which based on their knowledge of archives in their archive show (so many staplers…) I do not believe for a second they have. But just imagine if it was! The absolute horror of it all! Being trapped by a poorly designed machine that cannot get rid of you, only creating more and more garbage data until eventually, it destroys itself and you along with it. This is my new headcanon and nobody can take it away from me.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Soft in Love Part 8
A Gwilym Lee x Student!Reader Fic
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Summary: Y/N is an acting student in her last semester of college. When a professor unexpectedly can’t make it for the senior capstone class, a very famous (and handsome) substitute is called in. When they connect, they face a few challenges.
Word Count: 2.7k
Tag List:  @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @benders-diamond-earring​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @anincurablefangirl​, @kiainspace​, @lookuptotheskiesandsee​, @god-save-the-deaks​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @misslolasworld​, @not-john-watsons-blog​, @spacedustmazzello​, @theindiealto​, @riddikuluslypotter​, @depressedbitchxox​, @tenement-funstah​, @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​, @sarablog10​, @johndeaconshands​, @coincidence-ithinknots-blog​, @simonedk​, @queenlover05​, @goodoldfashionedloverboyy​, @the-claire-bitch-project, @kerouacsroad​, @rose-writes-prose​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Y’all the drama is about to get so real!!!
Warning(s): Use of the word c*nt.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7 
Part 8 here we go!!!
As it turned out, with Gwilym, making love properly meant incredibly slow, incredibly sweet, and just overall incredible. No one had cared more about you in such an intimate moment, and it made you fall for him all the more. As you lay in the afterglow with him, you looked up at his face.
“What are you thinking about?” you wondered.
He grinned at you. “I’m thinking about how lovely you are.”
You beamed and pressed your lips to his chest. His skin was still warm. You could hear his accelerated heartbeat.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked.
“I’m thinking about how much I want you,” you answered.
“You’re insatiable,” he teased.
“Just for you,” you returned.
Chuckling he rolled on top of you and kissed you some more. 
Weeks passed in this bliss. Giving Andrew space was the perfect excuse to not hang out at him and Sloan’s apartment. Although, you were pretty sure Sloan kept inviting you in order to get you to be friends again. However, more often than not, you were at Gwilym’s. You also frequently stopped by his office during office hours. Sometimes you had sex, but you usually didn’t while at school. Gwilym was too nervous about getting caught. You understood, but the thrill of it made it so sexy to you.
Of course, you still had your moments before class where you talked, and occasionally snuck a kiss in every once in a while. It made you so happy, you could barely contain your giggles.
Weekends, you also spent with Gwilym at his place. This worked out too because Sloan and Andrew worked on weekends. No one suspected a thing. Everything was falling into place while you were falling for Gwilym. And you were falling hard. You wanted to tell him you were pretty much in love with him, but the right moment never seemed to come around. And you wanted to be sure of your feelings before all of that came out.
On top of all that, rehearsal was going amazingly well. The art department had created beautiful sets, and the costumes were wonderful. You could hardly miss a note, it seemed. You told Gwilym in a private moment that it was his fault. 
“My fault?” he’d chuckled.
“Yes, your fault,” you repeated. “You’ve made me entirely too happy.”
“Well,” he said with a smile. “For that, I will gladly accept blame.”
He had leaned in and kissed you so tenderly, your heart fluttered. Everything was perfect. Just perfect.
Daniel trudged after Edith as she walked down the hall to Gwilym’s office. He hated to be doing this but she had told him she’d set him up with another friend of hers - an easy friend - and he figured it was worth it.
“I still don’t see how you’re gonna convince him to let you play Esther for a night,” he said. “He and Y/N are super close, he’d never take it away from her.”
“I’ll convince him by using my womanly wiles,” she said, batting her lashes dramatically.
“Oh, yeah, because that’s worked so well for you before,” he retorted.
She glowered at him and his sarcasm and he only shrugged.
“Look, I’ll pretend I’m all for it while I’m in there, but I don’t think he’s gonna bite,” he said. “But, I’m an actor, I’ll make the case with you as convincing as possible.”
They reached the door and Edith came to a sudden halt as she reached for the knob.
“What are you waiting for?” Daniel asked.
“Shhh!” she returned. “Listen.”
He leaned closer. Through the door, he heard a steady rhythm of skin on skin. Some soft grunting. Then, a quiet whine.
Daniel cringed. He knew it was you. 
“Y/N, quiet, darling,” Gwilym hissed.
“We shouldn’t be listening to this!” Daniel hissed to Edith.
“I just found my ammo,” she returned, ignoring him.
She turned on her heel and started down the hall. He jogged after her.
“Where are you going?” he demanded.
“To the Dean’s office,” she said.
“You’re going to tell?!” he gasped. “Why?! Y/N could get suspended! Or worse!”
“Exactly,” she said with a smirk. “With Y/N out of the picture, I’ve got a shot at the starring role.”
“Edith, are you serious?!” he cried. “Gwilym will be fired! You could ruin both of them!”
“Since when are you Mr. Morality?” she challenged. “Don’t tell me you’re still carrying a flame for her.”
“Look, she and I aren’t like that, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about her,” he explained. “I wouldn’t wish what you’re about to do on anyone.”
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
His mind searched wildly for an answer to give her. She stood to gain a lot by removing you, but maybe he could use Gwilym as a way to soften her.
“Tell Gwilym what you heard,” he said. “Use it as a bargaining chip to get to play Esther for one or two shows or something. You can even say he has to end it with her and go out with you instead. But if you go to the Dean right now, all opportunities go out the window.”
“You’re right, Dan,” she said, looking away thoughtfully. “With this information, I can have them both at my mercy.”
“Yeah,” he said, nervous. “Think about it, okay? Don’t act rashly.”
She opened her mouth to respond, but then the door to Gwilym’s office opened. Daniel and Edith jumped into the side corridor and peeked around, watching you. You kissed Gwilym with a massive smile on your face, and he had one to match. They heard you say your goodbyes and then head down the hall, away from your peeping classmates.
Edith watched you disappear and then got a wicked gleam in her eye.
“I’m gonna go talk to him,” she said.
“Right now?!” Daniel wondered.
“Sure,” she said. “This is my opportunity, and I’m going to take it. Before you can tell Y/N and spoil everything.”
She threw her hair over her shoulder and then marched down the hall.
“I’m not coming with you,” he said. “I can’t support this.”
“With this information, I don’t need your support,” she shot back.
She knocked on the door and Daniel sighed. He watched her disappear into the office and then took off down the hall, desperate to find you and warn you. Edith was right, he was going to try and ruin this for her.
Gwilym was startled to see Edith, but allowed her into his office. She took a seat on a chair across from him and met his eyes, mischief on her face.
“So, what can I help you with, Edith?” he asked politely.
“I want to play Esther for three nights,” she said.
He blinked. “Why would I take that from Y/N? She earned the part.”
“Doesn’t matter,” she returned. “You can’t refuse.”
“I am refusing,” he said. “I could never do that to her.”
“Oh, but you’ll fuck her?”
Gwilym froze. Edith smiled at him in such a villainous way it sent a chill down his spine.
“What are you talking about?” he said finally.
“Don’t play dumb,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I heard you.”
“You’re wrong,” he insisted.
“I’m not,” she returned. She closed her eyes and raised her voice a few octaves as she threw her head back and mimicked you, “Oh, Gwil…” She cleared her throat and donned a British accent “Y/N, quiet, darling!”
The blood drained from his face. How long had she been out there? He didn’t see her when you left. Had she hidden herself away? Just so she could come in and rob you of shows that were yours?
“Give me three nights, or I take this to the Dean’s office,” she said. “Then both of you will be out of my way.”
“Why not just do it then?” he challenged. “Get rid of us?”
“Come on, Gwilym, I’m not so evil,” she sighed. “I’m willing to play ball and at least let her graduate.”
He sighed, resting his elbows on his desk and putting his face in his hands. He thought you both had been so careful. This was his worst nightmare. And now, it meant you lost three of the shows. Either way, you were being punished because he was too weak to refuse you. Gwilym had never hated himself more than in this moment. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Edith.
“What nights do you want?” he asked.
“I knew you’d see it my way,” she returned. “I want night three, night five, and closing night.”
“You can’t have closing night,” he said flatly.
He had a few surprises for you that night. You had to be the star.
Edith glowered at him. “Why not?”
“I can’t tell you,” he said. “You just can’t have it.”
“I don’t think you can really dictate the terms of -”
He cut her off. “I’ll give you opening night.”
Inside, he was cursing himself. He imagined the look on your face when he broke the news to you. It would crush you. You would be hurt and confused, and how could he explain this? He couldn’t let you feel the guilt.
“Opening night?” she repeated. “Are you serious?”
Opening night was usually the biggest turnout. It was going to be a massive blow to you.
“I’m serious,” he said. “Opening night, night three, and night five. Those are your terms?”
“They are,” she agreed. “Let me have those, and I won’t say anything to the Dean and Y/N graduates with no black marks on her record. Deal?”
She extended her hand. Gwil hesitated. Could he really do this to you? Wasn’t it better than suspension? Expulsion? Loss of your scholarship?
He shook her hand.
“Pleasure doing business,” she said as she released him. “See you in class tomorrow.”
He just scowled at her as she left, wiggling her fingers as she closed the door. He heard her laugh before walking away down the hall. Gwilym had one more question: could he tell you about Edith’s blackmail? Or should he carry this guilt alone?
He decided on alone.
The next day in class, Gwilym didn’t meet you there early. You checked your phone, but he hadn’t texted or anything, so you guessed he was busy with something and didn’t have time. You scrolled through Instagram as you waited for class to begin. You other classmates filed in before Gwilym, who came in looking rushed. You saw him exchange an odd look with Edith and you frowned. What was that about?
“Morning, everyone,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Gwilym, you’re right on time with everyone else,” Sloan pointed out.
Gwilym met your eyes fleetingly. You knew he meant he was sorry he didn’t come early and spend that time with you.
“Right, sorry,” he said. “Anyway, let me just take roll.”
He began taking attendance and Sloan leaned over to you. 
“Is it just me or is he fucked up about something?” she whispered.
“No idea,” you breathed back. “Definitely seems weird, though.”
When he finished with roll, he looked at the class.
“You can all begin wherever you like, but first I need to speak with Edith and Y/N,” he said. “Ladies, if you’ll follow me backstage.”
You and Sloan looked at each other, confused.
“This doesn’t sit right with me,” Andrew said. “Be careful, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Andrew,” you replied.
You got up and followed Gwilym and Edith backstage into one of the dressing rooms. Your mind raced with all the questions you had. Gwilym closed the door and then faced you both.
“Y/N, I’m sorry, but Edith is going to be playing Esther for three nights of the show,” he said.
It would have shocked you less if he’d punched you in the nose.
“What?!” you cried. “Are you joking?”
His downturned mouth told you he wasn’t.
“Why?!” you demanded.
Edith opened her mouth, but Gwilym held up a hand to stop her.
“It’s just...circumstances,” he said. “She’s got opening night, night three, and night five.”
You actually stumbled backwards. Your chest felt heavy with this....this betrayal.
“Opening night?!” you went on. “You’re giving her opening night?! How could you? I’ve rehearsed, I auditioned for this part, and you’re just giving it away at some request? What’s going on?!”
“I’m sorry,” he said again. “I don’t have a choice.”
“What are you talking about?” you pressed. “You always have a choice. You’re choosing her!”
“I’m not, Y/N, believe me!” he said desperately. “Please trust me! This is for the best.”
Tears welled up in your eyes. How could he do this? Three nights? And opening night as one of them!
“Gwilym, please,” you choked out. “Don’t do this to me.”
He sighed so heavily, you almost felt sorry for him.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
You could see in his face how much he longed to take you in his arms and comfort you. Not that you would have accepted it. You were so angry at him, you could have spit nails. But mostly, you were hurt.
“Can you give me a minute, please?” you said, barely audible.
“Look on the bright side, Y/N,” Edith began.
“Save it, bitch,” you snapped.
She sneered at you and left. Gwilym lingered. Something was on the tip of his tongue, and you willed him to say it. To give some explanation for this. But he didn’t. He sighed again and left you.
You cried for a few moments. It wasn’t so much losing those nights, though that was devastating. Opening night was important. A lot of casting directors came that night to check out upcoming talent. What hurt more was Gwilym allowing this. What on Earth could she have said to him to convince him to do it? He clearly didn’t want to.
A soft knock interrupted your thoughts.
“Go away!” you called.
Whoever it was opened the door anyway. You thought it was probably Sloan and Andrew, but you didn't want to talk to them. They didn’t know about you and Gwilym, and therefore could not understand why this was such a blow to you. To your surprise, it was Daniel.
“Hey,” he said.
“I said go away,” you returned with a sniffle.
“I’m not a good listener,” he said with a shrug. “Look, I came in here because I know what happened.”
“Everybody probably does by now,” you pointed out. “Edith’s surely gloating.”
“Don’t be too hard on Gwilym, okay?” he said. “He’s just looking out for you.”
“Looking out for me? By giving away my part?”
“He’s only doing it because Edith’s blackmailing him,�� he said. “She heard you two in his office yesterday.”
Shock went through you. You stared at Daniel, wide-eyed and horrified.
“She didn’t hear -”
He cut you off. “I heard it too, Y/N. There was no mistaking it. You said each other’s names and everything.”
“Shit…” you breathed.
He explained everything. What they heard, Edith’s plans, and that he’d tried to find you and warn you, but couldn’t. You took it all in, feeling very sorry for Gwilym now. This was what he had feared all along.
“Why would she do this?” you wondered. “Even for Edith, it seems so mean.”
“Because she’s a terrible person who enjoys being a cunt for no reason,” he said.
You laughed a little and a beat passed.
“My advice?” said Daniel. “Break it off with Gwil. Get rid of what she holds over you.”
“I can’t do that,” you said stubbornly. “I won’t.”
“Come on, Y/N,” he said with a groan. “Surely you’re not so horny that -”
“We’re not just messing around!” you interrupted. “I love him!”
As soon as the words left you, you clapped your hand over your mouth. Your heart raced with regret. The first person to hear that should have been Gwilym. Daniel’s jaw went a little slack as he stared at you.
“Well, shit, Chip,” he sighed. “That’s different. Does he know?”
You shook your head.
“Look, the choice is yours,” he said. “Break it off, or just let Edith have her way.”
He left. You remained in the dressing room wondering where to go from here. Gwilym was always wanting to protect you. If Daniel was right, would this be your chance to protect Gwilym? Were you strong enough to let him go? Were those really your only options?
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madewithonerib · 4 years
𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐆𝐎𝐃 P1| RC Sproul
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The BIBLE tells us that the glory of GOD fills the entire earth.
And I don't know how many times I've read that in SCRIPTURE, but every time I've read about the glory of GOD filling the earth —I scratch my head a little bit.
When I look outside, I don't see a whole lot of the glory of GOD.
I see traffic jams, I see bright lights, I see people hustling to & fro caught up in all of the activities of their daily lives just like the busyness that you have to deal with everyday when you go to school.
I don't think that every time you walk in the classroom, you're overwhelmed by a sense of the glory of GOD, are you?
I'm sure not, with my daily experiences.
In fact, in my whole life I can count probably on one hand, maybe two, the number of times that I've had an intense/heavy/profound sense of the presence of GOD.
     Now I don't mean to suggest that any experience of      the presence of GOD is that rare in my life.
Every time I pray, every time I'm in Church. Just about, I have some sense of the nearness of GOD.
But I'm talking about those special moments—those weighty moments—when you feel the almost palpable sense of the presence of GOD, so overwhelming, so overbearing that you can't ignore it & you become intensely aware of HIS glory.
And of course, one of the most intense moments like that, that I've ever had was when I became a Christian—the night I first met CHRIST.
I was alone in my college dormitory room & on my knees in front of my bed. And of course that moment, more than any other moment in my entire lifetime changed the direction of my life from then & thereafter. [3:53]
But most of us, or many of us at least can pinpoint a general time or place where we first became Christians, though not all of us can be that precise.
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1.] Epiphany
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But a year after my conversion, I had another experience which was almost as decisive in shaping the direction of my life.
And I want to take a minute or two to tell you about that one.
It happened in the same college, only this time it was a little bit different. I had gone to bed, for the evening, but I could not get to sleep & I tossed & turned & my mind wouldn't shut down.
And finally I had this overwhelming sense that I had to get up out of bed & get out of that dormitory.
And I looked at the clock & it was 10 minutes to 12.
Ten minutes before midnight I got out of bed, I got into my clothes, I put on my coat & I went outside & I had my car parked in the parking lot. Well I didn’t get in the car, I just wanted to walk.
It was a winter night up north, & there was snow on the ground.
The full moon was in the sky.
It was one of those eerie/quiet/still nights.
I just had to walk. I wasn’t exactly sure where I was headed, but I wanted to be by myself & I wanted to think.
I wanted to reflect on some things that had happened to me, earlier that day. So I started toward town & toward the extreme north end of the college campus, where I went to school.
And while I was walking along that sidewalk that night, by myself, & it was unearthly quiet. It was so quiet that the main tower of the college had a bell tower & it rang chimes every hour on the hour.
And just before the chimes would go off, the gears in the bell tower would start to shift & move & get ready to move these huge bells that would chime.
And it was so quiet that night that even though I was quite a distance from the tower, I could hear the gears chiming in the tower.
Then all of a sudden the tower started to clang 12.
And while it was gonging, I walked around the front of the tower to the entrance of the college chapel—which had been built in the 19th century & it was built out of stone.
And the doors of the chapel were these very heavy oak arched doors; & I didn’t know whether the chapel would be open/closed/locked-up for the night, but I just pushed on the door & it opened.
And I walked into the narthex of this...of this chapel & when the door closed you could just hear it clang against the wall & the floor of the stone. And I walked then into the sanctuary.
Now I was in that chapel every day. We would have chapel—required chapel every morning.
1500 students would come into this big building with the stained glass windows & the vaulted ceilings and so on for our chapel.
And it was all busy & noisy; & the students walking back & forth, whispering to each other & so on.
But this time when I walked into the chapel, I was the only person there; & I walked down the center aisle of the sanctuary to the chancel stairs.
      And I got on my face, literally, in front of the communion       table, & was overwhelmed by the presence of GOD [7:30]
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2.] Difference in Encounters
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And my experience that night was not the same as my experience of my conversion to CHRIST.
But what happened to me that night that I will never get over was:
      That I had this overwhelming experience       of the presence of GOD the FATHER. [7:53]
We know that GOD is One in Three.
One BEING in three PERSONS.
But most of our attention in the Christian world focuses on JESUS, on the incarnation of GOD; & we sometimes forget that the purpose —why JESUS came here—was to reveal to us & restore for us our relationship with the FATHER. [8:20]
Well what drove me to the chapel that night was something that happened in the classroom during the day.
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3.] Kick-off
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I...like as I said, was a sophomore in college & I had been a Christian for one year &...I decided to be a BIBLE major because I wanted to give my life to Christian ministry.
So I signed up to be a BIBLE major, but in my sophomore year I had to take a required course in Introduction to Philosophy.
And I thought that philosophy was the driest, most boring subject that I had ever heard of. [8:49]
In fact, I used to sit in the back of the lecture hall & I hid Billy Graham sermons underneath my notebook, so that when the professor would start to lecture on this dry as dust stuff about philosophy, I entertained myself or enriched myself by reading these sermons from Billy Graham.
And I did that everyday. I just ignored what was going on.
And then this one particular day, at the beginning of winter, the professor was lecturing on a Christian philosopher whose name was Augustine.
He was speaking about Augustine’s view of how the universe had been created initially. [9:32] And virtually against my will, as I am trying to read this sermon & the lecture is going on, my attention was drawn to what was being said in the front of the room.
So I put the notebook aside & I started to listen.
And the professor started talking about what he described as Augustine’s view of the Divine Imperative. Now you know what an imperative is; it’s a command.
It’s an obligation, a requirement; & Augustine, when he was thinking about how all of this universe came into being in the first place & reflecting on the first CH of Genesis.
     Where we read: “In the beginning, GOD created      the heavens & the earth.”
Augustine said the only description that SCRIPTURE gives as to the how of creation is that it speaks about the power of GOD’s WORD. [10:35]
In the beginning, when the world was without form & void, & darkness was on the face of the deep, the SCRIPTURES say that what changed all of that was a command from the mouth of GOD.
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     Where GOD said: “Let there be...” & instantly there was.
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The lights came on, the darkness receded, the planet, the world, the universe began to teem with all sorts of energy & power & life.
     All by the sheer power of a command of GOD.      [11:08-11:14]
And I sat there in that classroom, & I started to think about that & I said, “What kind of BEING is so powerful, is so transcendent, is so much greater than anything that I could ever conceive of —that I’ve ever experienced in this world—can bring universes into being by speaking a single word?”
And I remember reading about JESUS in the NT, where by the sound of HIS voice, HE could calm the sea & stop a storm or raise a man from the tomb by calling him out of the grave saying, “Lazarus, come forth!”
     The power of that is unleased when GOD speaks,      brings things out of nothing & live out of death.
     And I said, “That’s..that’s
     the character of GOD the FATHER.”      [11:52-12:09]
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4.] All or Nothing
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Now that wasn’t the first time I had...had thought about that because the previous year at the time of my conversion, which I said happened in that same school & in that same room that I had moved out of that night—that when I became a Christian:
     I was so turned upside down that I read the BIBLE through      in two weeks; & not because I was diligent/disciplined, but      it was like I was reading a page-turning novel.
I had never read it before, never been exposed to it before.
I was converted from paganism & I picked-up the first page of the BIBLE & I read that first page, the 2nd page, & I just kept going!
The 2nd & 3rd page. Read Genesis/Exodus/Leviticus/Numbers, the whole way through! [12:56] But I can remember, in the first two weeks of my Christian experience:
     Walking up & down the halls of the dormitory at 3 o’clock in the      morning, pacing like a caged lion because of what I had been      reading in the OT.
Because even though I grew up in the United States of America, & had frequented Churches for social reasons & all the rest.
I had never heard of this GOD that I was reading about in the OT.
       ●  Do you read the OT much?        ●  Have you encountered the GOD of Israel?        ●  The GOD who opens up the earth & swallows those who             rebel against Moses? [13:26-13:39]
The GOD who sends a flood to inundate the whole world of rebellious people?
The GOD who has the mountain at Sinai shaking with thunder & lightning & saying: “Don’t you come near this. If you touch this mountain, you will die?”
I never heard about that GOD, in the Churches that I had frequented as a youngster. [14:03]
So this was my virgin exposure to the GOD of Israel, these first two weeks; & I was getting at it all at once.
So I would pace up & down like a caged lion & said:
     WOW, If I’m going to be a Christian, I’ve got to take this      seriously because this GOD plays for keeps [14:14-22]
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5.] The Holiness of GOD
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Now I didn’t understand the concept that I was wrestling with at the time, but really what was blowing me away in my initial reading of the OT, listening to this lecture about Augustine’s view of creation, was the holiness of GOD. [14:34-45]
It wasn’t the love of GOD, or the mercy of GOD—all of which are wonderful things dealing with HIS sweetness & HIS excellency —but it was HIS transcendent majesty that was coming across.
And I’m saying: [15:03-16]
     Wait a minute, I don’t know what this is about!      I don’t understand it, I’ve never encountered it.      But this is who GOD is.
And I want to know more about a GOD who is that majestic, who is that transcendent.
My professor took me up on a trip to Philadelphia to a seminary, where there were a series of lectures (again in my sophomore year) that were very weighty philosophical things & they were way over my head.
I didn’t know what was going on in these lectures, but I sat still & listened politely; & then after the morning series of lectures we broke to the cafeteria for lunch.
And I happened to be seated across the table from the head of the Philosophy Department of this particular institution; & the first course of our lunch was soup. [15:56-16:08]
We all got our little bowls of soup & I had my little bowl of soup infront of me, & this professor sitting across from me looked up & he said:
“Young man, would you say that GOD is transcendent or imminent?” [16:13-26]
     I literally spit the soup out of my mouth, because I      didn’t know what the word transcendent meant; &      I didn’t know what the word imminent meant either.
But what he was asking me was:
      Is GOD transcendent in the sense that       HE is high above & beyond the normal       sphere of human things that we       encounter or is GOD nearby (close at hand)       something that we can get our arms around.
     Being imminent; & he explained the difference between those      two things to me & then pointed out to me that the BIBLICAL      GOD is both transcendent & imminent. [16:41-17:10]
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6.] Both Transcendent & Imminent
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HE is at the one hand above & beyond everything creaturely, & yet in HIS exalted position, HE still visits HIS people.
HE makes HIMSELF present in terms of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, in terms of CHRIST coming to pitch HIS tent among us, & in terms of intruding into our lives right here. [17:32]
And I thought about a passage in the OT, that I want to take a couple of moments to direct your attention to that which took place in the Book of Genesis (in the life of Jacob).
Jacob had left his family & was leaving on this journey to pursue a wife & he was travelling in the middle of the desert, & we are told that at the end of the day when darkness fell, that’s when he decided to set camp [18:04]
They didn’t have Holiday Inns on every corner, that you would travel as far as your could until nightfall & after it became dark it was too dangerous to travel after that because marauders & robbers & wild animals, and so on.
So wherever you were in the desert, you’d just lie down & go to bed.
So that’s what Jacob did, he took a rock & he used that as his pillow, & went to sleep there in the middle of the desert. [18:31]
Then the SCRIPTURES tells us that this deep sleep came upon him.
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      And in his sleep, GOD gave him this vision of a ladder       that stretched from the earth to the heavens. [18:38-44]
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And he saw angels ascending & descending on this ladder.
Remember that story of  Jacob’s ladder?
JESUS makes reference to it in the NT when Nathaniel meets JESUS for the first time & JESUS sees Nathaniel coming & HE looks at him & HE says:
     Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no deceit or guile.
Nathaniel said, “Wait, a minute how do YOU know anything me? I’ve never met you before.” [19:08-14] And it’s like JESUS said:
     “If that really shocks you, you haven’t seen anything yet.       The day will come when you’re going to see the angels of       GOD ascending & descending on the SON of MAN.”
Stop for a second & think about that.
JESUS says to Nathaniel...HE’s saying: “Hey Nathaniel, You read that story in the OT about Jacob where Jacob had this ladder that bridged the gap between heaven & earth; between the transcendent realm—the holy place of GOD—& this place here of dirt & of dust.
That we don’t seem to be able to make a connection between heaven & earth?” HE said, “I am that ladder.” [19:34-19:58]
       I am the bridge between heaven & earth.
This is what JESUS was saying.
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7.] Prophetic Connection For Our Lives
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Well in the meantime back there on the desert floor, there is Jacob trying to figure this out & he has this vision in the night..
And in the vision, we read this:
     Behold, the LORD stood above this ladder & HE said,      “I am the LORD GOD of Abraham your father & the      GOD of Isaac. The land on which you lie I will give to      you & to your descendants. [20:13-20:29]
Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth, & you shall spread abroad to the west, the east, to the north, & the south.
And in you & in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
Now listen to this, what HE says:
     GOD says to Jacob, “Behold I am with you &      I will keep you wherever you go. I will bring you      back to this land, & I will not leave you until      I have done what I have spoken to you.”
I don't know about you, but there's lots of times in my life when I do not feel like GOD is with me. I just don't...it doesn't feel that way; it feels like HE's far away. [21:04-21:20]
     Sometimes I think HE's abandoned me or      that there's something wrong with me. [21:25]
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8.] Case in Point
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I remember one time preaching in a Church, where the minister was in the hospital across the street from the Church.
He had been the pastor of this Church for 30 years, & now he was on his deathbed across the street fighting for his life, & the elders had called me & asked me if I would come to that Church & fill the pulpit for this pastor.
And they also said that this particular Sunday, they were celebrating Holy Communion & would I administer the sacrament & preach? I said yes.
       All week long I worked on my sermon because I realized        that the people in the Church were in a state of crisis.
       Their leader had fallen, their leader was about to die.
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       The person that they looked to for their        spiritual guidance was sick unto death. [22:14]
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And I wanted desperately to minister to them.
To give them an unforgettable sermon & to make the sacrament as meaningful as I could possibly make it.
And so Sunday morning came & the people gathered there; & I gave my sermon. And I led them in the LORD's Supper; & I have to tell you I cannot remember a single time in my whole life where I was more acutely aware of the absence of GOD than that. [22:44]
I no more felt like preaching than flying; & everything was flat to me.
It just wasn't cutting it.
In fact, when I was finished, I wanted to find a hole in the ground, where I could jump into it & pull it in after me.
The last thing I wanted to do at the end of the service was go to the back of the Church, & shake these people's hands because I had this overwhelming sense that I had completely let them down. [23:07]
And the weirdest thing!
      I get to the back of the Church & I'm shaking their hands, &       one person after another walks past me looking like zombies:
      Their eyes were glazed, they had this strange look on their       face; & they would grip my hand & they would say,       "Thank you!"
      And one after another told me how overwhelmed they had       been that morning, by the sense of the presence of GOD.
Take Away
      And I walked out of there & I thought, "WOW. Everybody else       in this place felt the presence of GOD, but me."
      Two things:
      From that day forward I said,
            “I'm never in the rest of my life going to             depend & rely upon my feelings!! [24:04]
            To determine whether GOD was present.
      Rather I'm going to trust that GOD says HE will be with us,       HE says HE will be with me, HE promises HE'll be there when       I need HIM, even if it's in the valley of the shadow of death.
      And it doesn't matter if I feel HIM."
      In other words, I said:
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      I'm not going to be a sensuous Christian anymore.       But I'm going to trust that the LORD GOD, when       HE makes a promise like that, that HE will not leave me       or forsake me & that HE means what HE says; & that       HE will keep HIS WORD. [24:38]
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      And the other thing, I thought of exactly what happened in       this text with Jacob:
            Listen to what happens in v.16, "Then Jacob awoke from             his sleep & he said, 'Surely the LORD was in this place             & I knew it not." [24:46-25:07]
      Then he said: how awesome is this place.
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Q1: Have you ever walked into a Church, a cathedral perhaps        where as soon as you walked across the threshold that        you sensed what I sensed that night—in that chapel?
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On that wintery night where you were making a transition from the common to the uncommon. That you were walking over a threshold from the secular to the holy; from the profane to the sacred;
      where you know...you walked inside & you had the ceiling       & the stone & the stained glass windows, & you had that       eerie sense of transcendence? [25:53]
      Have you ever experienced that?       Where nobody had to tell you to adopt an attitude of reverence?
      You know intuitively that reverence is the only       appropriate response. [26:03-10]
   That’s what Jacob said:
      "How awesome is this place!" He named it Bethel,       the House of GOD. [26:22] The place where HE       met a holy GOD; & he said, “I was afraid.” [26:31]
    That's one of the things we're going to look at in our series here.
    What it is about the majesty of GOD that provokes terror & fear;     & why it is that in our day, we seem to have lost our capacity to     tremble before GOD.
    But if you look at the SCRIPTURES, every account of every     person who ever meets the living GOD, that person     trembles before HIM. [27:03]
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Quiet Time:
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Man1: The car is like the easiest place for me to...to have a quiet time because there's seven people in my family, so...it's hard to get alone. [27:24]
Usually quiet time is I just...uh...things are running through my head, what happened through the day. Umm...you know, people that I've talked to a lot & so that kind of stuff is always running through my head. Very, very rarely do I ever get to...do I feel a certain kind of peace, where I can pray & not have anything else running through my head. [27:42]
Woman: Rarely, I would say: I do sometimes get a chance to have ..to have quiet. I think...I guess...total quiet sort of worries me a little bit. [27:52]
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Man1: Yeah, anytime I go to the Church, it jsut...I mean I know GOD is everywhere, but at the same time you just kind of get this feeling like...it's easier to be with GOD when you're at Church, I guess. I don't know. [28:11]
Woman: I guess outside the cathedral is just, you know, normal. You're walking around & traveling & I just remember going inside & for some reason, whatever the reason was, I wasn't expecting too much & I...just walked inside & I stood & I looked up at the arches & the stained glass & it was just...it was awesome. I remember thinking that if Heaven is anything like this, it's just going to be incredible. [28:37]
FEMALE_2: I feel like when I go, especially to like the beach or like if I go out at night especially. Like..sit out in the grass or something & look at the stars, or like just driving & you know being in the darkness, I really feel GOD is there. And there's like a holiness to it because like it's GOD's creation. It's not like something that's manmade, it's like raw, you know, & umm & pure. I really feel like in touch with GOD in places like that. [29:16]
FEMALE_3: And I get so much out of just going & looking up at the stars you know? Like my friends all think that I'm weird because...I, you know, I'll just like lay in the middle of the road & just look at the stars. And...umm, you know, just going to the mountains & looking out over the, you know, over the sea. It's just so amazing that GOD created all of that; & that HE put us on this earth to be able to see that. And I see things outside of Church as very holy. [29:46]
FEMALE_4: There are definitely holy places, you know, that just take your, you're in awe because you can feel something there. But I think anything where GOD is can be holy. And GOD is everywhere, so I don't know if that makes sense or not, but...[30:04]
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Encountering GOD:
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Man1: I would probably choose Saul for now, afterwards was Paul. He, when he was converted on the road, he was totally against GOD at that point, & he was a warrior or he was against CHRIST, & he was out to get HIM...& anybody who was preaching HIM; then all of a sudden, just out of the blue, CHRIST you know says: "Why are you persecuting ME? And that just...I can't imagine what it would be like to be like Paul who was totally an enemy of CHRIST, then all of a sudden know that you've been wrong the whole time & that CHRIST actually is the SON of GOD. And that just kind of puts me in awe, in a way because I wouldn't know how to deal with that & it's amazing how he kind of deals with that also. [30:46]
Man2: I think it's all tied in with GOD's perfection. GOD is perfect in HIS knowledge, & that's great, but you know: How does that make you feel when you meet GOD knowing HE's perfect in HIS knowledge & that means that HE knows you! HE knows every bit of you, every part of you, everything you've done. And I think that Moses when he was confronted with GOD is like being exposed. And that's...that's very frightening. [31:15]
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Fear & Trembling P1,2,3,4,5,6
Fear & Trembling: Encountering GOD P1 ligonier.org/learn/series/fear-and-trembling/encountering-god/
Fear & Trembling: Holy Holy Holy P2 ligonier.org/learn/series/fear-and-trembling/holy-holy-holy/
Fear & Trembling: Inner Sanctum P3 ligonier.org/learn/series/fear-and-trembling/inner-sanctum/
Fear & Trembling: What Manner of Man Is This P4 ligonier.org/learn/series/fear-and-trembling/what-manner-of-man-is-this/
Fear & Trembling: Cosmic Treason P5 ligonier.org/learn/series/fear-and-trembling/cosmic-treason-3393
Fear & Trembling P6 ligonier.org/learn/series/fear-and-trembling/fear-and-trembling
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this-way-dahling · 7 years
A/n: okay so I had to write this three times since my mobile app as decided to delete it twice :))))) but this idea just fucks me up real hard so I hope you enjoy. I'm thinking of doing a nsfw part 2 as well so pls let me know if that's something you want!
• okay so you two met on the first day of the school year at the campus coffee shop
• you were grabbing a drink before your morning class
• and you just happened to get bumped by a handsome guy in glasses
• “oh! Sorry ‘bout that, love,”
• “it’s okay, too early for anyone to know where they’re going anyway.”
• laughing to cover up that fact that you’re both completely flustered by one another.
• “I’m Tom.”
• he reaches out to shake your hand
• “Y/n.”
• he’d glance down at his shoes to hide his smile as he pulls his hand away
• “well Y/n, it’s quite a large campus an I’d rather not run the risk of never seeing you again, so would it be alright if I asked for your number?”
• how are you supposed to say no to that accent???
• your cheeks resemble the colour of a tomato as you add yourself into his contacts
• “I’d better get going, but it was lovely bumping into you.”
• you wave to him through the window as he walks away
• after you get your drink, you head to class and pick a seat relatively close to the front of the room
• as more and more students file in, the professor arrives as well
• you’re too busy looking at your friends snapchat stories to notice though
• soon the lesson starts and you put you phone away and look up at the professor
• except whOOPS ITS TOM
• he sees your panicked face a few seconds later
• poor boi’s eyes almost pop out of his head
• he clears his throats and gets back to the lesson, except now he’s talking faster and his cheeks are significantly more red than they were before
• after class Tom pulls you aside
• “is this gonna be weird? I can delete your number if you’d like.”
• you have an internal debate with youself for a few seconds before responding
• “I mean, there’s no rule that says a student and a teacher can’t have a relationship. How old are you?"
• after a short discussion about how you're only a few years younger than Tom, you decide it's worth a shot to try dating
• you leave class with a little extra pep in your step
• a few days later Tom texts you asking if you'd like to go to dinner that weekend
• ofc you say yes
• he takes you to a nice restaurant nt and orders some fancy wine for you two
• ending the night with a soft kiss before he drops you off
• you guys go on a couple more dates before he makes things official
• you're munching on some grapes you brought for your picnic date when he asks you to be his girlfriend
• you almost choke on a grape out of surprise
• but the answer is yes
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
These buildings are a pretty accurate reflection of the VC business. There is one thing more important than others?1 The asterisk could be any character you don't allow as a constituent. Especially if other parents are doing it.2 Most never think of pausing beforehand to ask whether what they're saying is actually convincing, because they've all been trained to. I think I see now what went wrong with philosophy, and how we might fix it. And who can reasonably expect more of a startup than that? Email is not just random variation, but a live human spammer working actively to defeat your filter.
A bet with only a 10% chance of winning has to pay more than one with a 50% chance of winning, or no one will work on a harder problem unless it is proportionately or at least log n more rewarding. If determination is so important, can we isolate its components?3 If you're not a master of negotiation and perhaps even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot.4 You can meet someone just to get to know one another. Decreasing economic inequality means. One reason programmers dislike meetings so much is that they're startup ideas. Subject FREE Subject Free Subject free FREE!5
The most important part of design is redesign. I think the actual explanation is less sinister. The source code of all the libraries is readily available. One of the weirdest things about Yahoo when I went to work there was the way they made money: by selling ads.6 So if you lop off the top of the possible rewards, you thereby decrease people's willingness to take risks.7 001 and understood it, for example. Since people interested in the latter are interested in response time. It would work for a big company, which I think will be an increasingly important feature of a good novel wouldn't complain that readers were unfair for preferring a potboiler with a racy cover.
But there are a few people with exact minds have taken up the subject.8 A number of Lisps now compile into byte code, which is a well established field, but the results were sorted not by the bid times the average amount a user would buy. It's tricky to keep the two forces balanced.9 And unless you're a good con artist, you'll never convince investors if you're not convinced yourself. Joe's has good burritos. There were only a couple thousand Altair owners, but without this software they were programming in machine language.10 But he turned out to be sure signs of bad algorithms. But that is exactly the wrong way to do it well, because the knowledge it tested was so specialized that passing required years of expensive training. Having users is like optimization: the wise course is to delay it.
That describes the way many if not most of the holes are. Despite the actual meaning of the word 'is' is. I wanted to make enough money that I didn't have to worry about money. A friend of mine who knows a lot about their pets and spend a lot of people doing something lots more people will be doing in the future and build what seems interesting. To the graphically unsophisticated its deliberately minimal design seemed like no design at all. I described above—it won't flush out the metaphysical singularity. That's not absolutely necessary Jeff Bezos couldn't but it's an advantage.11 And that helps overcome their understandable fear of investing in a company run by nerds who look like they drive them. But at this stage it is more a measure of the performance of the algorithm described in A Plan for Spam filter wouldn't have caught it. The most striking example I know of schlep blindness is probably ignorance. That m. Make something worth investing in.
Here's an intriguing possibility. In certain critical bottlenecks. Not counting these, I've had a total of five false positives so far, out of curiosity, rather than trying to learn about it is just to read. If you do that, you'll naturally tend to build things that are obviously missing.12 Of course, hackers have to know about a language before they can change the world.13 The language has a small core, and powerful, highly orthogonal libraries that are as carefully designed as the core language. It was the same with Facebook. Why not just have the government, or some large almost-government organization like Fannie Mae, do the venture investing instead of private funds? Usually you can find this by asking why now?14
It was not so much because he was a programmer that Facebook seemed a good idea to make the team, and if you have the right sort of background, good startup ideas, and then either by taxation or by limiting what they can charge to confiscate whatever you deem to be surplus.15 Occasionally the stimulation of talking to a live audience makes you think of new things, because you have it too; almost everyone does. Think about what it means. That cap need not simply rise monotonically. Subject line has a spam probability of Act is 98% and for act only 62%. If you rehearse a prewritten speech enough, you can also get into Foobar State.16 A startup with its sights set on bigger things can often capture a small market there was a causal connection.17 In the Plan for Spam, and what I plan to do in college would be to learn what math is really about. Getting to general plus useful by starting with useful and cranking up the generality may be unsuitable for junior professors trying to get tenure, but it's hard to say whether something is really old or not is by looking at hackers, and learning what they want, which happens to be written in the near future will be server-based applications. So he sets as his goal in the Metaphysics the exploration of knowledge that has no correlation to the nature of the application. Such measures increase the filter's vocabulary, which makes it more discriminating.
But it will seem like I overstated the case. And if they knew.
But increasingly what builders do is adjust the weights till the Glass-Steagall act in 1933.
For most of them is that as to discourage risk-taking. Publishers are more likely to be very popular but apparently inevitable consequence: little liberal arts colleges are doomed. In fact any 'x for engineers' sucks, and they begin by having a gentlemen's agreement with the sort of idea are statistics about fundraising is because their company for more than that.
And that is actually a great hacker. If you want to turn into them. The only launches I remember the eyes of phone companies gleaming in the sense of mission.
And I've never heard of investors. For example, would not produce a viable organism. So instead of Windows NT?
When you get bigger, your size helps you grow.
Several people I talked to mentioned how much would you have to do would be just mail from people who had worked for spam. When we work with the founders of Google to do as a phone that is allowing economic inequality is not so much more dangerous than fundraising. Not all were necessarily supplied by the leading advisor to King James on foreign policy, he wrote a hilarious but also seem to have lunch at the end of the venture business would work so hard on the way starting a company he really liked, but starting a company is common, to buy corporate bonds to market faster; the defining test is whether you realize it yet or not. Most don't try to make peace with Spain, and degenerate from Subject foo not to.
My guess is the extent to which it is to do more than most people, you won't be trivial. I. Yes, I put it this way that weren't visible in the fall of 2008 the terms they were more at home at the outset which founders will do worse in the sense of a social network for pet owners is a bridgehead. But one of the density of startup people in Bolivia don't want to pound that message home.
Buy an old copy from the other sheep head for a startup. And maybe we should at least 3 or 4 YC alumni who I believe, and why it's next to impossible to write your thoughts down in the sophomore year. When economists talk about the origins of the world will sooner or later. According to the biggest successes there is undeniably a grim satisfaction in hunting down certain sorts of bugs, and the valuation a bit dishonest, incidentally, because outsourcing it will almost certainly overvalued in 1999, it may be a special name for these topics.
In the Daddy Model that it will almost certainly start to spread them.
See, we don't have a definite plan to, but no doubt often are, and that injustice is what you learn in college or what grades you got in them.
Statistical Spam Filter Works for Me.
In that case the money they receive represents wealth—wealth that, the jet engine, the computer world recognize who that is more important for societies to be clear and concise, because there's no center to walk in with a base of evangelical Christians.
They have the determination myself. Those investors probably thought they'd been pretty clever by getting such a brutally simple word is that promising ideas are not mutually exclusive. A rolling close doesn't mean the Bay Area, Boston, or one near the edge? The empirical evidence suggests that if VCs are only locally accurate, because the broader your holdings, the mean annual wage in the preceding period that caused many companies that got fixed.
Even Samuel Johnson said no man but a big deal. The biggest exits are the most promising opportunities, it becomes an advantage to be about web-based applications. Since they don't yet get what they're getting, so that's what they made, but whether it's good enough to incorporate a prediction of quality in the sense that they discovered in the 1984 ad isn't Microsoft, not bogus.
While certain famous Internet stocks were almost certainly start to shift back. I believe will be the technology side of their peers.
You need to go to a 2002 report by the government, it might even be symbiotic, because the median tag is just visual spam.
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