#and almost yeeted their phone across the room because of yet another email using html to fuck up my dark mode
razzek · 2 years
Little accessibility rant 8
Just saw a news article calling dark mode on devices a trend and mother fuckers I dunno how to explain to you that a lot of humans have been breaking the internet for decades because black text on a white bg is pure god damn agony. And if you're going to force your shitty app or your dumb email to break my phone's dark mode settings so it can look nice, bitch I am going to absolutely fuck you with forced custom app rules in the accessibility settings. 8) Now your shit looks like total ass and it's nobody's fault but your own. 8D
Btw if you too want to fuck up a company's hard work so you don't projectile vomit all over your screen, on iOS go to settings - accessibility - per app settings, then plug in any app that's trying to get around dark mode and go into that app and turn on "smart invert". It will mostly leave images alone but everything else it will flip color schemes on. No more eye gouging white bg emails now ahahaha! I'm not sure how this works on Android but I think it's also doable with those devices. To do it on your laptop/pc it just depends on your browser and installing a good dark reader extension.
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