#reinstalled the app so I can tag shit again
razzek · 2 years
Little accessibility rant 8
Just saw a news article calling dark mode on devices a trend and mother fuckers I dunno how to explain to you that a lot of humans have been breaking the internet for decades because black text on a white bg is pure god damn agony. And if you're going to force your shitty app or your dumb email to break my phone's dark mode settings so it can look nice, bitch I am going to absolutely fuck you with forced custom app rules in the accessibility settings. 8) Now your shit looks like total ass and it's nobody's fault but your own. 8D
Btw if you too want to fuck up a company's hard work so you don't projectile vomit all over your screen, on iOS go to settings - accessibility - per app settings, then plug in any app that's trying to get around dark mode and go into that app and turn on "smart invert". It will mostly leave images alone but everything else it will flip color schemes on. No more eye gouging white bg emails now ahahaha! I'm not sure how this works on Android but I think it's also doable with those devices. To do it on your laptop/pc it just depends on your browser and installing a good dark reader extension.
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madamsnape921 · 2 months
Phone Help
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x female reader
WC: 2557
Warning: f/f smut; I really went out of my comfort zone for this one but I think it turned out okay; my husband deserves a shout out for his help of writing this one: Thank you, Nick!
Tags: @alwaysachorusgirl @beccabarba @storiesofsvu
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You had just started your first month at Quantico, not exactly your dream job but it provided a steady income and federal benefits. It was a relief to be able to afford a two-bedroom apartment in the city after your recent relationship ended. However, the agents were a challenge. They were arrogant, thinking they were the ultimate saviors, and their actions reflected that attitude.
As you snap out of your self-absorbed tirade, you notice one of the top members from the Behavioral Analysis Unit standing in front of you, looking just as perplexed as you feel. Why is she here? You wonder to yourself.
“Yes, Agent…?” you look for a nametag.
“Prentiss. Emily Prentiss. I am with the BAU. So, hey. Our normal tech person is not keen on doing our personal phones. She mentioned I should come to the new girl, which I am assuming is you, to help me?”
You despised phone work. Actually, you loathed it. But you knew that earning some brownie points with a senior agent could be beneficial in the future. So, you forced yourself to answer the call and politely responded, "Of course, Agent Prentiss. What can I assist you with?"
“The phone is acting slow and I can’t seem to find any of my files,” she hands you a card. “YN, here is my work number. Call me when you figure it out?”
“Sure. I’ll look at it here and then I’ll see what I can…,” you started. 
I'd rather not use agency time or equipment for this task. The data on my device is personal and I don't want anyone else to have access to it. One of my close friends happens to be a top-notch hacker, so she probably has something lurking around in there.”
Prentiss gave a nod and then exited your office. She walked away with ease, her sensible pantsuit moving smoothly with each step.
After a grueling day at work, you finally reach your apartment. Your fingers are still warm from typing on the keyboards as you touch the doorknob. You step inside and are greeted by your faithful feline companions. "Sorry guys, Mom has to fix a friend's phone."
A friend's phone? That was unexpected, you thought.
You pour yourself a glass of wine and sit down at your computer, confident that this task will not take too much time. All I need to do is scan the phone for any harmful files and reinstall everything. It should be a piece of cake, you think to yourself. After completing the scan and finding everything to be in order, you give Agent Prentiss a call, relieved by the ease of the process.
“Hey, Agent Prentiss, it’s YN. Your phone is finishing up now. If you want to head down I can text you my address.”
“YN, that would be fantastic! Thank you for being so efficient,” Prentiss exclaimed. “I'll be at your residence in 15 minutes.”
“How do you know that?” you asked.
“I’m with the government. I know everything,” Prentiss joked.
After completing the scan, you realize that there is an issue. The program alerts you to the presence of a malicious app on the phone, Calculator PlusPlus. You launch the app and it prompts for a password. Using your own knowledge, you successfully crack the password and let out a triumphant laugh, "Take that, Penelope."
The next thing you see are numerous pictures of nude women, all with the same hair color and style as you. This must be what's taking up all the storage space on the phone, along with all of the data. You panic when you hear a knock at the door.
“YN, it’s Emily. I’m here about my phone,” Prentiss called from the hall.
“YN, I thought it was ready,” Prentiss knocked again. 
After hearing a knock at your door, you call out "Coming!" and get up to answer it. You open the door to see Agent Prentiss standing there.
"Hey there, Agent Prentiss. Please come in," you say with a smile, dressed in your comfortable lounge pants and cat mom tank top.
“Please call me Emily, we’re not at work.” You close the door behind her, her in the same suit from work.
“Please sit. Do you want something to drink?” you offer. 
“I’ll have a beer. It’s been hell with the BAU.” She sits on your couch and begins to pet one of your cats. “Beautiful cats, YN!”
“Thanks, they’re my babies,” you smile.
You grab the beer from the fridge and pop it open, handing it to Prentiss. As you both relax and chat about work and other small talk, an hour and a half quickly passes by. Suddenly, you remember something and say, "Oh, your phone! It's in my room. I'll go get it for you."
Upon entering your room, you find the computer still frozen on a picture of a nude woman. The figure resembles you, but not entirely. It's almost like a lower-quality version of yourself. You are immediately jolted by the realization that these intimate images are displayed prominently on your oversized screen.
“Oh, I see you found the Calculator PlusPlus App…,” Prentiss whispered.
“OH MY GOD! I AM SO SORRY. I was trying to find any malicious apps and I cracked this one’s code and…. I wasn’t snooping. I promise,” you apologised.
“I believe you, but you know what this means, right” Prentiss scowled.
“No…,” you said in response.
Prentiss puts her hand on her gun holster, “I’ll have to kill you to keep my secret safe.”
The room fell silent, and Prentiss let out a chuckle. "Just kidding," she said with a smirk. "Just put them back and don't tell anyone. I have a type...smart, dark-haired girls like yourself."
The phone was too easy to fix. Would she… she wouldn’t.
Prentiss gently brushed your hair and whispered, "We can keep another secret just between us, if you'd like." Your face paled as she tenderly kissed your lips. You had never been with a woman before, let alone one as stunning as her. Feeling unsure of yourself, you tentatively kissed her back, unsure of what to do next.
“Do you want to do this, YN?”
You nod your head.
Prentiss continued to kiss you softly. Mostly on the center of your mouth, but then switching to the left and the right sides, keeping you guessing. You felt yourself become weak in the knees. 
“Let’s sit on the bed, YN.”
“Yes, Agent Prentiss.”
You both sat on the bed and continued to kiss. Prentiss’ hands exploring your body. Your mind and your arms begin to open up.
“Good girl, YN. Take off my jacket.”
You obey the orders given to you, carefully removing her jacket and placing it on the chair next to the bedside table. She sits there, still wearing a sleeveless blouse and her gun holster.
“Now take off your top, YN.”
You cautiously remove your top, wondering how she has such control over you. Your breasts are now exposed to the cool air, and the intense energy in the room causes your nipples to harden. Suddenly, a soft yet firm suction envelops your left nipple, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You've had boyfriends do this before, but never a woman. Prentiss continues to knead and suck on your breast while gently stroking your hair, creating an overwhelming sense of bliss.
Prentiss stopped and moved to the other breast. It was just as amazing. However, you where brought out of bliss with a sharp bite. “Ow,” you moaned.
“Pay attention,” Prentiss stated.
“Yes, Agent Prentiss,” you moaned again.
Prentiss finished with that breast and stood up and removed her shirt, bra, and gun holster. “Now you do me,” she smiled.
You attempted to replicate Prentiss’ actions on her, but your efforts fell short. Prentiss chuckled and giggled as you struggled, until you accidentally bit down too hard. She stopped and got up. You panicked.
“Pants off. Now!” Prentiss ordered.
“Yes, Agent Prentiss,” you jumped to your feet and stripped. She stood there and watched you sit back on the bed.
“Lay back.” You did as you were told. “Now don’t cum until I say or I will have to leave. Understand?”
“Yes, Agent Prentiss,” you sigh. 
Prentiss flashed a sly smile before sinking to her knees. From this new vantage point, she spotted a drawer slightly open and couldn't help but peek inside. She found a small vibrating wand tucked away and placed it beside her feet. Starting at your thighs, she lavished kisses leading up to your glistening womanhood. You let out a soft moan as she got closer to your sensitive areas. With deft fingers, she parted your lips and exposed you fully to the world. "I bet your ex never did this," she said with a hint of smugness. "And I guarantee it won't be this good with anyone else."
Prentiss pressed her tongue against the sensitive spot above your clit, applying a constant and firm pressure. At the same time, she used her thumbs to press into your lips, causing a rush of sensation to flood through your body. It was a new experience for you, and you couldn't help but gasp in response. With a smile, Prentiss continued her oral exploration, slowly moving down from the flat spot towards your hood. She flicked her tongue gently against your hood, alternating between soft and medium pressure while also pulsing on your opening and lips. Your moans of pleasure grew louder with each movement she made.
“Don’t cum, YN. Don’t be a bad cadet!”
“Yes, Agent Prentiss, I will be a good cadet.” Cadet, where did that come from?!
Prentiss started licking your clit. This licking was a continued game of alternate pressures and circular licking. You hear a vibrator turn on.
Prentiss moaned. 
“You naked girl, spread out for me, huh?” She did two licks around your clit. “Mmm, who’s wearing the pants, cadet?”
“You are, Agent Prentiss.”
“And who is the naked slut, cadet?”
“I am the naked slut, Agent Prentiss.”
“Who’s in command of this pussy, cadet?” 
“Agent Prentiss is the commander of this pussy.”
Prentiss then takes the vibrator and places it firmly on your clit. You start to buck. You are so close. You don’t want her to leave. Prentiss then takes two fingers and slides them into you, putting sudden and strong pressure on you G-Spot.”
“What do you want, cadet?”
“To cum, Agent Prentiss.”
“You may cum, as long as you ask nicely.”
“May I cum, Agent Prentiss?”
“May I please cum, Agent Prentiss?”
With that she presses hard against your clit with the vibrator and your g-spot with her fingers. You quake as a hard, loud, and wet orgasm rolled through you. You feel shaking and the last thing you see before passing out is a smiling Prentiss.
You came to and found Prentiss taking her phone from your computer. She is now fully dressed.
“How long was I out?”
“Thirty seconds or so. I got you a glass of water. It’s on your table. I’m going to leave, wheels up in the morning.”
“If you need any more phone help, let me know.”
“Oh, next time I need phone help I’ll make sure you do all the work.”
You can feel every thrust deep inside you. Each one makes a distinctive thud and shlick sound. Your orgasm is building, getting closer with every movement. You tightly grip onto the strapon as it fills you up. Nothing has ever felt as unyielding and solid as this before. The plug in your backside grinds against the bright red toy, adding to the intense pleasure of being penetrated.
“Come for me, Cadet.” Prentiss demanded.
You feel the grip of orgasm squeeze you tightly and pleasure erupts from within your core. Your body trembles and shivers as a powerful orgasm overcomes you. As it subsides, you take a moment to catch your breath.
"That was incredible," you exclaimed with gratitude.
"Rocking a holster isn't the only thing I'm good at," Prentiss replied with a sly grin on her face.
She gently pulls out your plug and carefully cleans you up with a towel from the bedside table. You thank her with a smile as she helps you stand up and put on a robe. Prentiss starts to get dressed, putting on her panties first before reaching for her pants.
“Why don’t we spend the day together? We can watch a movie?” You suggested.
“YN, we just finished fucking… you don’t need to ask me for a “movie” to watch,” she laughed.
“No really, Emily, stay with me.”
You two have been fucking feverishly and often in a kinky mist of desire and need for a few weeks at this point. Emily was not an odd name to call her, but it was new. You didn’t know if you should call her that or Prentiss.
“Why? We both finished and I’m sure you’re busy today. As am I.” Prentiss declared.
“Actually, it’s Saturday… at 11 am. I’m off today. Aren’t you? Or am I a lunchtime snack?” you smiled.
“You’re definitely satisfying my appetite,” she replied with a coy smile.
I stood up from the bed and handed her a shirt.
“So, we have underwear and shirts covered… I’ll grab some drinks. You can choose the movie.” You suggested.
Prentiss strolled into the living room and switched on Netflix while you headed towards the kitchen. You grabbed her favorite European beer from the fridge, excited for the chance to surprise her. Balancing both beverages in your hands, you made your way back to the couch where Prentiss had already pulled up "Une vie de chat," a French cartoon about a cat.
You sit down and offer her the beer.
“Thank you! This is my favorite beer! It’s only at that one German store downtown. How’d you know?”
“You mentioned it once. I thought it’d be a nice treat,” you smiled.
As the cat's misadventures unfold, you realize that you and Prentiss have gravitated towards each other on the spacious couch. You rest your head on her shoulder as you continue to watch the show together.
As she begins to say, "This is my favorite..." you rest your head on her shoulder. Emily grins and gently kisses the top of your forehead. It's a new experience for both of you, but it feels natural and perfect in that moment. Your stomach flutters with excitement, but it's a pleasant sensation that matches the rhythm of your heart. It's a mix of thrilling and serene feelings all at once.
"Emily, this is really nice," you say with a smile.
"I'm glad you're enjoying it, YN. It's been a while since I've felt this relaxed. I could definitely get used to this," she replies, returning the smile.
"I have a proposition for you. In here, I have my Emily and in there..." you start, but she interrupts with a knowing smile.
"...you have Agent," she finished your sentence. You try to hide in her embrace, but she finds you anyway.
"Yes, YN, you can have your Emily out here and your Agent in there," she confirmed, snuggling into you as you both fall asleep watching TV together.
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tirsynni · 2 years
Small RL update: things are improving but don’t expect to see much of me until January. I’ll provide more of an update then. In the meantime, expect actual fic updates soon. I’ve taken some of my self-care time to organize them, as well as organize a priority list. As always, if you interested in a commission or just have questions about a fic, poke me. I uninstalled all of my social media apps and have no plans to reinstall them for the rest of the month (and no plans to reinstall some of them), so reaching out to me via email or BMC/Ko-Fi would probably get you the quickest response... or replying to this, as I receive email notifications of replies.
Now onto the real reason for the post. I haven’t even been reading fics much lately (things have been too crazy and stressful), but one of my goals is to read fics and get better at commenting. SO! Please enjoy this short list of recs, several of which I need to catch up on and all of which I need to leave a comment on.
All of these recs are for Resident Evil. Here soon I plan on delving into Legend of Zelda again to help energize my LoZ bunnies, and when I do, I’ll make another list.
call me (tell me what you feel) by fonulyn
Author description: “Yeah, I’d like that,” Piers said, voice low. He’d sounded a little distracted already, but Leon had chalked it up to him being tired too, as they’d both had kind of a rough week. Yet now that he paid attention to it, there was no mistaking the way Piers was breathing more heavily than usual, even as he tried to sound as steady as he could.
And that was all it took for Leon’s brain to finally connect the dots.
“...are you touching yourself?“ he asked, a bit disbelieving, a bit amused, a lot intrigued. And way too loudly, considering that now it wasn’t only that one woman giving him annoyed looks but like three other passengers too.--
Or the one wherein Leon is stuck at the airport. At least he gets a nice phone call with Piers.
My Notes: This is a fic I don’t hear much about but it is so sweet and fluffy and hot. A nice, stress-free, smutty, playful read.
And its sequel!
thank you for picking up by BeesKnees/ @kneesofthebee
Author Description: Leon finally gets a ride home from the airport so that he can ride Piers at home.
My Notes: Author tagged it as “that good domestic shit” and I agreed. Very satisfying read in more ways than one. <3
There, unfortunately, aren’t many Nivannedy writers, so definitely check out their works. @fonulyn has written most of them for the fandom, with a special shout out for her self-indulgent series. @kneesofthebee also wrote the awesome if you're still bleeding, you're the lucky ones, which is one of the rare fics touching on the events of Raccoon City and people reacting to it in the present.
The ship needs more love, so please check it out and don’t forget to comment! (Seriously, please, please always comment. A big goal of mine over the holidays is to catch up on fics and comment and reread favorites and make sure I commented on them and/or leave an additional comment on them. If you’re the type to not comment, please check out the above link. If you still don’t feel the need to comment, let me know so I can recognize you for the entitled person you are and make sure not to interact with you. Thank you.)
I’ve done a more thorough list here! These are just the fics which caught my attention now.
guess who's back (Krauser's back) back again (aka post-RE6 reunions) by fonulyn/ @fonulyn
My Notes: Krauser survives RE4 and reunites post-RE6 with Leon... who isn’t necessarily the happiest to see him. There’s angst and porn and blood (because it’s Metaltango), and I love this series because it has Krauser being rough and tough without going overboard and deals with the aftermath of RE6 and the emotional/moral issues of the pairing. The porn is also hot.
can't help but follow in spite of going insane by fonulyn/ @fonulyn
Author’s Description: “Consider it done?” A sudden voice cut in, and Leon saw Krauser freeze immediately. Then Krauser did the unthinkable and turned on his heels, exposing his back to Leon. Not that Leon was going to do anything about it right now. He’d rather take in the new player who had just entered the field. Saddler stood on the ledge where Krauser had earlier taunted Leon with his mutating arm, looking down at them. Or, looking at Krauser, specifically. He looked… disappointed? “That is what you told me, soldier, is it not?”
Krauser squeezed his right hand into a fist, his shoulders tensing. It was as if every single molecule of his being was trembling with how he was holding himself back, and Leon could’ve sworn he could hear Krauser’s teeth gritting from where he stood. He did not say a word, but he didn’t need to, as Saddler went on. “Then why is our American friend still breathing?”
Or the one wherein Krauser takes too long to kill Leon and Saddler intervenes.
My Notes: Another one by fon because I’m going down my bookmarks for this one. This is how I wish that scene ended. I’ll forever feel cheated that we lost Krauser and like to imagine this version instead.
Between Ruins by Grimmy88
Author’s Description: A request for helpfulmango on tumblr - Metaltango with a/b/o dynamics set within the Krauser boss fight in Resident Evil 4. Involves dubious consent.
Krauser is envious, spiteful, and completely enraptured with Leon from their first mission together to the events in Spain. Leon is an omega unlike any other-- not submissive but obstinate, cocky, and independent. Krauser wants him as much as he'd wanted power and strength, and now that he has the dominant plagas strain inside him, he's going to claim him.
My Notes: I’ve recced this before and I’ve said this before, but while I’m not a big fan of ABO, I love how this author wrote these two. It contains some of the things I love about this ship -- that they’re both badasses and their ability to be rough and badasses with each other. -- and these things are hard to find in this pairing. Too often it’s just rapefic or dramatically reducing the badassery so important with these two.
I previously did some fic recs on this ship here! This is a rare ship which needs more love so definitely check them out!
I wish I could include more for this pairing. @fonulyn helps keep the Nivannedy ship alive and active, but while this ship has some amazing art, outside of kink writing, Metaltango doesn’t get much attention and not much has recently happened in this ship. Woe.
(Chreon) Shake This Frost Off of My Bones by AnchorsOutAtSea
Author’s Description: After the events of Resident Evil Village, Chris Redfield finds himself in possession of Rosemary Winters with no clue as to what his next move should be. Turning her over to the government could lead to her being treated more like bio warfare than a child, and hiding her whereabouts could cause a chain reaction of catastrophic events.
What Chris really needs is someone he can trust, especially once he realizes Umbrella is more involved than he initially thought. His sister Claire knows exactly who he can trust, special agent Leon S. Kennedy.
Unfortunately, Leon has no idea what he’s getting himself into.
My Notes: This and the first Nivannedy fic I listed is what inspired this post. It’s a WIP I got into and fell out of, not because of the fic, but just because RL kicked my ass and I pretty much stopped reading fic for a while. I need to catch up and leave some comments, but in the meantime, it’s an incredibly solid fic and well-written enough to almost make me forget how pissed i am that RE veered so dramatically away from everything in RE7 and RE8.... almost.
(Carlos/Leon) put the world down for a second, son by BeesKnees
Author’s Description: “I thought I'd give the fighting a try but then I realized that I'm good with people in a way that most of you aren't, and you lot never remember to take care of yourself. So, here I am. A friendly, charming face who can cook, do basic first aid, and am handy enough with a gun to keep the safe house safe, if you know what I mean.”
Leon gets sent to Carlos' safe house after Spain.
My Notes: An ultra-rare pairing and one of my comfort reads. It’s one of the first I found in the fandom and is definitely on my list to see if I commented on it. If I did, it’s one of my go-to comfort fics, so it would be worth a second comment. I love the combination of badass + exhausted Leon in this fic and how it shows that yep, he’s no longer the rookie he was in RE2, and he is comfortable enough to show it.
(Wesker/Leon) More Sinned Against than Sinning by Androdamos
Author’s Description: Fascinated by his potential viral immunity following his infection in Spain, a resurrected Albert Wesker abducts Leon S. Kennedy to his laboratory for experimentation purposes. He doesn't expect Leon to be a charming and formidable sparring partner who lacks the coyness of most of his captives.
When Wesker learns of Chris and Leon's relationship he quickly develops feelings of jealously he doesn't quite understand. He has the resources so he might as well kidnap Chris too and sort it all out. His façade of control slips and the limits of his strength are tested when Leon realizes that his captor is just as much a captive as he is.
My Notes: Another WIP I started following and then fell out of due to RL winning its war on me. Not normally a pairing I enjoy, because people tend to twist one or both of the characters to make the ship work, but I enjoyed this writer’s take and how the characters still remained forces to be reckoned with. I haven’t caught up with the last few chapters but hope to do so soon.
This is a short, absolutely not comprehensive rec list based on me reminding myself to take some time to read/reread/catch up with some fics and make sure to comment. 
My plans changed (quite dramatically) for the next two weeks, so I have far more time than originally planned. Hopefully I can both get caught up on fics/comment-writing and updating my own fics.
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lovebugcody · 6 years
Important Update!
(TL;DR at the end)
Hey guys,
so as you all know, Tumblr is fucked. So fucked that even the staff have made a post announcing how they fucked up.
If you don’t know exactly how, here’s the deal; first of all Tumblr is so infested with porn bots that the app has been taken from all app stores having been deemed “too full of inappropriate content” which is good and fun for the rest of us. Secondly, apparently people are having trouble launching the app, so staff suggested deleting and reinstalling the app (which you can already see how that is flawed). Then we have posts with links aren’t being shown in search-bars. And all of this is on top of the shit we were already dealing with (including a bot that was supposed to delete porn bots but instead is deleting good and honest content creators). 
we as a collective have tried our hand at getting the porn bots, we have tried telling staff what exactly is wrong with their hellhole of a website, we have tried to be the most honest creators we can and still we are being fucked over.
So here’s the deal, I still have 5 things in my queue, but once those are gone (and they will be by the end of the day, my time), I’m going too. I’m not deleting but I’m going on a mini-hiatus. I’m going to keep checking in on authors with on-going series’ that I’m already far too invested in (with likes and reblogs to my side blog of those posts only), and I will still be here to send asks too, but other than that, I’m gone.
I was going to delete the app from my phone when I first thought of going on hiatus, but that is not going now with the app gone from app stores. Initially I was going to just not post/reblog but likes are still interaction and I don’t want Tumblr to see that. I don’t want them to still see me using their broken-ass website.
This also works out well for me because I just need a break from the app in general. I have had this blog for three years (which I know isn’t that long realistically) and have been on it almost constantly for over a year and a half.  A year and a half on this website that is filled with a lot of toxic fandoms (one of which I am apart of and is the most toxic thing I have ever seen) with almost daily use has taken it’s toll. So as well as this hiatus being a mini-strike against the staff, it’s also me taking a mental health break.  Again I know I haven’t been here for as long as many others but still.
I’ll be back when they fix their shit (so I may be going a very long while).
Again I will still be here to answer asks or to chat on DM (so if you tag me in things I may not see them for a while), and I will still be liking and reblogging fics I’m invested in to my side blog, but other than that I won’t be here until at least some of these issues are sorted out.
I hope to be back soon but honestly who the fuck knows at this point. 
- Char
TL;DR - This website is broken and I’m going on hiatus until it’s fixed and also for a mental health break because I may or may not be addicted to this website. but i’ll still be answering asks and reblogging fics to my side blog.
(I will continue making headers while I’m going and people that reblog the post will be marked down, don’t worry! And if i’m not off hiatus I will still post headers and updates on that)
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vorpalgirl · 7 years
Things that really bug me about tumblr (especially lately):
1. why the fuck do I have to go to “edit appearance” to BLOCK someone? That makes no goddamn sense, why isn’t it in normal “Settings”?? If people can’t find the Block feature just by poking around in LOGICAL PLACES, then it’s not in a good place 2. why does “blocking” someone barely do anything?? They can still access your blog, they can still reblog your posts. Why?? This doesn’t help anybody who is being harassed or stalked badly. It’d be one thing if it was just them being logged out that helped them get around this, but it’s not. It just...barely does anything.
3. why the fuck do I have to block them on EVERY SINGLE BLOG, why can’t I just blanket block them from contacting ANY of my blogs?? Do you know how many fucking pornbots follow any reasonably active blog trying to use tumblr to game google’s algorithms?? A LOT. And yet, apparently you have to block them on any given blog you have, or just hope they don’t find all your sideblogs too
4. WHY DOES TUMBLR KEEP SUGGESTING “POSTS I MIGHT LIKE” THAT ARE THE ANTITHESIS OF WHAT I WOULD LIKE. I don’t just mean like, suggesting Disney fanart when I click “like” on a Sailor Moon fanart, where it’s just “oh, not completely antithetical but not my thing”, I mean e.g. what happened just now, where I clicked “Like” on a post warning people about a filmmaker who ripped off a black trans woman’s work to make his documentary, and tumblr’s stupid algorithm suggested I “might like” a post where if I clicked through it was not only anti-feminist but explicitly hosted on a blog run by some dude who literally believes women are “biologically inferior” and should have less rights than men, and also is a lesbophobe and probably general homophobe to boot. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THINK SOMEONE WHO REBLOGS FEMINISM-POSITIVE AND LGBTQ- POSITIVE THINGS ALL THE FUCKING TIME, TAGGING THEM AS SUCH, WOULD EVER IN A MILLION YEARS WANT TO LOOK AT THAT BLOG OR THAT POST, LET ALONE BECAUSE THEY CLICKED “LIKE” ON A POST CALLING ATTENTION TO A BLACK TRANS WOMAN’S STRUGGLES? Why??? There is??? no reason at all for tumblr’s algorithms to make the assumption that that post, that blogger, or their garbage opinions, would at all be appealing to me. NONE. The guy literally tags shit “anti-feminism”, not even “feminism”, anti! And it would be one thing if you could like, tell it “Oh, no, you made a mistake, I don’t like that and don’t want to see it” - because then you could teach it to better gauge what posts you might actually be interested in. But you can’t. And worse, why do I suspect that by clicking it, I “confirmed” to tumblr’s algorithms that I “did like” the post, when I absolutely opposite of liked it?? Oh and the same holds true of Sponsored Posts - I haven’t reinstalled Xkit again so I’m stuck viewing them and a good third of the time it’s stuff that grosses me out or isn’t relevant and for some damn reason tumblr hasn’t come up with the brilliant concept that even Facebook (which is also pretty garbage) has, where you can tell them “this ad is not relevant to my interests, please don’t show it on my dash again”?? You’d think they’d LOVE to give you that option since it would help make their ad targeting BETTER and therefore make them more money, but apparently even monetizing this hellsite is done badly. Why do we even use this anymore. Why. This site is so garbage, it’s barely even functional at ALL and mostly just serves to be frustrating. When is the next Killer App replacement gonna finally take hold, pls, because clearly tumblr isn’t actually going to fix any of this shit at this rate, so I am so fucking ready for it. >_>
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