#and also drunk doing hoodrat shit with my friends but that’s tomorrow
wanderinthedeep · 2 years
happy early new year ✨
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part III
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*Hello loves! This is Part III, we get to meet Kendra and read a little bit into more of Leah’s backstory. Bear with me here, I promise all of the details mentioned have meaning in future parts! For now, enjoy!*
A few hours pass by since I left the clubhouse. As soon as I got home, I showered and changed into a pair of old raggedy pajama shorts and an old Chicago Cubs t-shirt. Chicago is where I’m originally from, at least that’s where I was born and raised until I was 5.
I hear a knock at my door, and sure enough it’s my girl Kenz.
I open the door and let her in and give her a weird look as she has a key to my place.
“My hands are full, I couldn’t reach for my key.” She says laughing, and then I look down and see she has a million bags.
“What the hell did you bring?” I ask eagerly as she passes by me and into my home.
She plops one bag on the couch and takes everything else into the kitchen. “Well, my overnight bag for one because I plan on getting wine drunk and I ain’t going anywhere. Secondly, I had to stop and get our favorite men – Ben & Jerry, and I also picked up some stuff to make tacos, because you know I’m Mexican and I can make tacos in my sleep.” She explains as she places all of the items on my kitchen table.
I cannot stop laughing because Kendra always makes me laugh. It’s just her personality, she rarely takes anything seriously. She is the literal definition of zero fucks given, but the girl demands respect. She was one of my first friends I made in nursing school. Actually, she was my only friend I had made at that point, and by the grace of God we were able to come up through the ranks together. Kendra has been my side through a lot of shit. She’s had her fair share of family shit and guy drama, but she’s always been there for me – no questions asked.
“I was just going to order us a pizza.” I say, staring in awe at the groceries she has brought over.
“Well, think of it this way – you save some money on food tonight and you can repay me by holding my hair back when I hug the toilet later.”
“That’s fair.” I reply, and we shake on it.
Kendra takes over my kitchen as she preps the tacos, and I assist. We have our usual girl talk banter, because even at 26, we still act like teenagers.
“So, did you go to the club today?” She asks.
“Yup. They called before I was even walking out of the clinic.” I say as I dice up some onions.
“EZ and Angel?” She asks without missing a beat.
“EZ and Angel.” I repeat and nod.
Kendra, although she has no direct blood ties to the club, she is still clued in on myconnections – she knows everything, it was part of the deal Marcus and I worked out.
“Who started it this time?” She asks as she seasons the meat in the pan.
“I honestly don’t even know, EZ had a nasty cut on his face but Angel took a nasty beating as well.”
Kendra just rolls her eyes as she knows how immature this whole ordeal is.
“Did Angel thank you this time?” She asks even though she already knows the answer to that. I stop dicing the onions and stare at her with my “really?” face.
She puts her hands up and says “You know, I was kinda hoping for a miracle. You’d think after cleaning up his messes for the fourth time in a month, a ‘thank you’ would accidentally escape his lips as if he truly is thankful for someone who gives a damn.”
I let out a sarcastic laugh, “I’m just doing my job because it’s what I do for the club. They save my ass when I need them too, and I save theirs.” I say pouring all the veggies together in one big mixing bowl.
“When have they had to save your ass, Lee?” Kendra asks with a quirked brow.
Before I can even respond, she answers for me “exactly, they haven’t. You’ve held up your end of the deal, the least Angel can do is fucking say thank you – he’s such an asshole.”
One would think that after all of the disrespect Angel has thrown my way these last eight months, I wouldn’t give him a thought after I fix him up. It’s hard to explain, but he’s like a puzzle to me and I highly dislike how I cannot figure it out. He doesn’t go out of his way to bully me or anything, it’s nothing like that. It’s just, he doesn’t really care to acknowledge my existence whenever I’m around, and he’s the only member to do so.
Kendra lets out a chuckle, “Okay enough MC talk, let’s eat like the hangry fat girls we are.”
We end up laughing most of the night, stuffing our faces with tacos and wine, oh and catching up on some trash tv.
“How does someone let a so-called doctor inject cement into their face?!” I exclaim and look at Kendra with a major what the royal fuck face as we watch an episode of Botched on E!
“It’s like a nasty car wreck out on the 405, I don’t want to look but I can’t stop staring. Look at their cheeks, like legit cement is in there. How? Why? But like seriously why are we watching this? Isn’t there some cheesy romcom we can watch?” Kendra suggests as she snatches the remote from my hand.
“Bad Moms, perfect.” She says as she tosses the remote on the other side of my sectional.
I take another sip of my wine and tilt my head back, simply enjoying this moment – a quiet night in with my best friend.
“We’re going to be cool moms like these bitches. Right?” Kendra asks as she takes a bite out of a cookie that came out of nowhere.
“Cool moms are the only options, babe.” I answer, and we clink our glasses.
“I know you and I both got shit on in the mom department, but I really don’t want that to hang over our heads when we have kids. Like, if I see you slipping up, I will go full hoodrat Kendra on you.” She announces, and let me just say, hoodrat Kendra is a real thing.
“I promise, I’m not going to be like Briana. I can’t be. Also, if I see you being a shit mom, I’ll first smack you into next week, and if you don’t respond to that, I’ll just use my 1-800-MC card.” I say with a big smirk.
“You chicken shit, you rather call Marcus or Samcro than kick my ass?”
“Kenz, we all know you could kick my ass twice and your own ass at the same time.” I admit, and that’s the full on truth. I’ve seen Kendra scrap before, and I think everyone around Kenz should want her to be on their team.
“I’m so glad you know the true me, it will only continue to benefit you my young one.” Kendra tells me as she reaches out and touches my shoulder in a gentle way but it’s with full sarcasm.
“Okay real talk, what is the weekend plan Aleeah Starr?” Kendra asks while opening up her calendar app on her phone.
“Middle name? Really?” I say with a look, my look of ‘was that necessary?’
“Hoodrat Kenz can come out to play if you’d like.” She replies with a smile.
I laugh and eye roll, “Okay then, Kendra Sofia…” I say to her with an evil eye as I open up my calendar.
“Hmm, I’m off this weekend, all I have going on is Tessa’s birthday party on Sunday. Would you like to come?” I ask.
“Eva already called me and said she’ll see me Sunday.” Kendra says with a nervous expression on her face.
I give her a funny look, questioning why she looks like that.
“Aside from my Abuela Natalia, Eva fucking terrifies me – you just don’t say no to her.” She says deadpan.
I laugh, “A-freaking-men”.
Eva, she’s a true bad-ass. She and Marcus, I think they’re still married? They’ve spent more time apart than together in recent years, but they both love each other tremendously.
“Okay, so Sunday we can drive up together. Do you want to drive together tomorrow and go visit your dad?” Kendra asks.
I let out a big sigh, and I give her another look as Kendra knows my feelings about this subject.
“Why do you ask me this every weekend?” I plead.
“Lee, he’s still your dad. Prison jumpsuit and all, he’s still your dad and he still loves you.”
“I haven’t seen him in a while.” I confess.
Kendra nods, “I know, that’s why I asked if you want to go.”
“I don’t know Kenz, I just feel the older I get and the longer he’s in there, that Father/Daughter connection dies each day. He doesn’t even want to see me half the time.”
“He just hates the situation he’s in, babes. He got a shit deal, but we both know you’re still the light of his life.”
I rub my eyes, trying to keep it together yet again.
“I just don’t know how I would feel going up there now, especially when I’ve dealt with so much shit from the club. I don’t need anyone on the inside seeing me talk to my cop father turned inmate. That’s just asking for me to get someone killed or get myself killed.”
“Aleeah Starr Parker.” Kendra says with her eyes rolling, and I am deeply confused.
“Are you so exhausted that you forgot who is even protecting your dad?” Kendra asks, and I palm my face.
“No, I didn’t forget…well maybe for a second.” I admit.
“Lorenzo has Jesse’s back, okay? Our dads are prison buds! How poetic is that?” She says as she pulls me in for a cheesy hug.
I give off a look of disgust, because Kendra is never this touchy feely. But my facial expression does not stop Kenz from continuing on.
“Oh, stop that, give your best friend a hug and smile. Hell, could you even bother to laugh? Come on, if we can’t laugh that our fathers are both in prison, our moms are both dead due to their stupid choices, we would be miserable unsuccessful sluts working on a pole for a living.”
Kendra has a big grin on her face, and she keeps giving me the famous Kendra look – the one where it always makes me smile because she knows how to make me smile; that’s what a best friend is for.
I do end up laughing, quite a bit.
“Thanks for making me laugh, I needed it.” I say looking at Kendra with a puppy dog face, because I am on the verge of tears – it’s been a chaotic week, ending it with the cherry on top that is the Mayans MC. And wine always has me feeling some type of way.
“My little Lee-Lee, come here, give me another hug.” Kendra says as she pulls me in for a hug.
“Okay, time to refill. We are finishing this second bottle and then we are going to sleep like precious babies.” She says as she stands up from the couch and heads to my kitchen.
As Kendra heads to the kitchen, I look down at my wrist and I start snapping my pony-tail holder. It takes me a moment to realize what I’ve even doing or why I’m doing it.
“Breathe, Leah. Just breathe.” I whisper to myself.
“I’ll be okay, just breathe.”
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