#and also giorno clearly has ptsd at this point
dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
Hey bro, I hope you're doing well🥺💖 if your hcs are open, could you do hcs with bucci gang and a s/o getting catcalled/street harassed (only if this is not a trigger for you obviously)? I am upset 🙂🙂🙂...ANYWAy I love you sOoo much Morgane
This is extremely late my apologies but dw I don’t mind writing for sensitive topics such as this one!!! Behavior like this absolutely enrages me and you have all the rights to be upset because it’s fuckin vile. It goes without saying but tw harassment yadda yadda.
- He’s usually freakishly good at masking his true feelings and overall keeping his calm under pressure, but if he were to actually witness you getting catcalled he’s going to go lowkey sicko mode. His motherly/protective instincts kick in and he’s instantly death glaring the person who dared wrong you like that right on his weary watch. Honestly he’d feel like throwing a fit even if it didn’t happen before his very eyes. No, he’d be EVEN more enraged if you’d just come home one day and tell him that since he wasn’t there to intervene.
- At this point he doesn’t even have to do much, all that it takes is for Bruno to shoot said person a quick murderous glare then tell them to beat it and they’ll instantly fuck off not even 2 seconds later. After they are out of scene, he flips back to his usual calm and polite self (the d u a l i t y of man) as he proceeds to check up on you by asking if that asshole’s words managed to get to you. Hell, this man is going to be comforting you for hours and wouldn’t let go of you unless you were absolutely certain you were feeling at least just a little better.
- No matter your response, Bruno is going to pull you into his arms and firmly let you know that he’ll never let anyone hurt you. As long as he lives and he’s by your side he’s going to fight whoever dares to bother you, you have his absolute word for it. Normally he’d at first try solving the issue through diplomatic means but there’s just something about catcalling that utterly enrages him and makes him lose control for a few seconds, let alone if it’s his partner we’re talking about. Tl;dr: dont fucking make the mistake of wronging his s/o, he’ll fucking end you.
- Just like Bruno, but 3 times more menacing if that’s even possible. If Bruno managed to hold himself back just a bit and didn’t let his anger COMPLETELY consume him in that moment, our dear aries right here is quite the opposite. Sure it’s not like he’s going to throw said person into a death loop of despair (although that’s the first thing that would cross his mind), but in that second Gio wouldn’t really be able to mask his emotions like he usually does.
- If it happened before his eyes, that person is as good as dead. He merely steps in between you two, hooks an arm around your waist and “kindly” asks said person to repeat themselves since he’s not sure whether he heard them correctly or not the first time. At this point the person in question would already be getting lowkey uneasy since Gio’s aura and overall presence would be goddamn menacing, and so they’d be beating it in due time after he throws them a cold glare and tells them to never speak to you in this way ever again.
- Akin to Bruno, he’d revert back to his usual calm self right after that asshole leaves then ever so gently he’d check up on you and tell you that you should ignore their dirty, meaningless words and that he’ll be there to protect you always. That day Gio would try his best at keeping you preoccupied and cheering you up since he wouldn’t want you to think of this experience again. He’d put on an unbothered mask for you but deep down he’d still be fuming at the thought of another person just...insulting someone like that. Not only a random someone, but HIS beloved.
- Straight up shoves his fist in front of their face, I ain’t even joking. The second he hears them whistling and saying some dumb dirty shit he’s instantly walking over to them whilst seeing fucking red and asking if they have a problem with HIS partner. As said person would desperately try explaining themselves, Abbacchio would merely scowl then threaten to beat the fuck out of them if they don’t fuck outta here in the next 3 seconds.
- He’d be highkey scary threatening that person like that but would then try calming himself down in order to be able to actually think rationally again and check up on you. By the time he’d walk over you and grab your shoulders whilst asking if you’re alright, poor Abba would still be breathing heavily, his cheeks tinted red from the previous intense anger episode. He’d immediately escort you away from the place where the harassment happened as he’d keep reassuring you that you’re safe now with him here.
- That day Abba would keep replaying that episode inside his head over and over because he simply cannot understand how someone could just speak to a stranger in such a horrible way, and the thought of you getting insulted like that is enough to send him into a fit of anger, let alone if you were actually touched by said person. He’s absolutely ready to square up for you 25/8 and, although he’s not the best with words, he’s going to make sure that you’re feeling better and would keep cuddling and comforting you for as long as you need in an attempt to make you forget about the incident.
- Makes a damn scene and rightfully so. He’s already a very touchy guy even in public, so the fact that the person in question clearly saw the both of you together and STILL decided to hit on you absolutely enrages him. Hell, even if you were alone what do they think gives them the right to talk to someone else like that??? Mista cannot wrap his head around it and at this point he doesn’t even try to anymore, he’s full on f u m i n g. He already took on some fuckers that were harassing a poor woman in the past and will gladly do it again for his partner.
- Whether he was there when it happened or not, you bet your ass that Mista is going to go on a rant and insult that person’s entire bloodline, mostly using italian curse words of course. He’d hate himself for not being there to properly protect you if it happened when you were alone, but if we’re talking about him actually WITNESSING that scene then it’s game fucking o v e r. Mista would just go like “O I” then waltz towards that rude ass with his fist clenched and brows tightly knitted together in sheer anger. He’d be screaming his ass off at that person telling them to never get near you again, calling them out on their bs right in front of everyone else on the damn street.
- He wouldn’t be afraid to legit fight them whilst everyone was watching either so you’d most likely have to drag his ass away from there or else he’d end up fucking killing them or something. Mista would need some time to come down from his rage episode but when he does he’s going to be apologizing over and over for his outburst, quite literally crushing you into his arms afterwards and trying not to fucking cry whilst telling you how much he loves you and how he’s going to beat up anyone else that tries wronging you like that again. Expect him to be EVEN more clingy than usual for the next few hours as well since he can get v e r y protective over you.
- As expected, probably the one that erupts the worst. If you thought Mista and Abbacchio threw a scene honey you ain’t seen s h i t. The second he hears that person call out to you in an insulting way he’s violently whipping his head around towards them, his jaw clenched and hands trembling with anger. In that second said person knows they F U C K E D U P because Fugo starts screaming his ass off and calling them all sorts of colorful insults.
- Just like in Mista’s case you’d have to hold him down or else he can and WILL kill them. Fugo has absolutely 0 patience and regard for people that do this also because of personal reasons, so it would almost be ptsd inducing for the poor man. Not only would he be utterly enraged with such behavior directed at a total stranger (who also happened to be his beloved mind you), but it would also remind him of some past experiences he wished he could forget. 
- Afterwards Fugo will be unusually clingy and significantly more open with his feelings, telling you over and over how he’ll stop at nothing to protect you and constantly expressing his love for you through gentle touches and soft words. He’s normally extremely shy when it comes to showing affection, but after this he’d feel an overwhelming need to be there for you and comfort you through your distress, swearing that he’ll protect you no matter what and that you shouldn’t care for such heinous comments coming from an uneducated rude ass.
- At first is flabbergasted and tries to process what that person just said. Did he hear that right?? Are they really serious?? Did they really just dare to mess with Y O U???? That’s it, Narancia is angrily stomping towards the scene, throwing an arm around your shoulders whilst straight up bullying your harasser for their disgusting behavior. Now if said person tries mocking him that would be their last mistake because Narancia can and WILL throw goddamn fists regardless of who’s watching.
- He’ll tell off anyone that bothered you then smother you in hugs and spoil you with anything you wanted in an attempt to cheer you up. He’s also a surprisingly good listener so you can pretty much pour your heart out at him for he will sit through it all then proceed to comfort and hug you plenty. He may be smol but Narancia has no fear of fighting for his close ones, so he’ll let you know that whenever someone else starts bs you should immediately call him.
- He doesn’t like dwelling in the negative feelings and will instruct you on doing the same. Basically, he’ll try getting your mind off of things to the best of his abilities and is going to constantly be encouraging and reassuring you. Narancia is pretty much a walking serotonin machine who will be your emotional support human as well as your “bodyguard” because he really likes to pride himself in protecting and keeping you safe.
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abri-chan · 4 years
my la squadra oc/self insert is female/afab, and i'm curious as to if buccellati's gang would or would not hesitate to hurt the enemy if she was female...
Using previous JoJo parts as reference as well as Prosciutto as the pinnacle of a mafia “feminist” most would hesitate but still hurt the enemy if she were female. I’m thinking how Prosciutto enunciated his complaint about Formaggio killing the wife(?) of the politician when the target was just the politician. But when backed up against the wall, he didn’t hesitate to use Grateful Dead on the whole train, women included.
And in previous parts we have seen *good* characters hurt women, although not quite kill. (I forgot if Enya died in SDC). *good* meaning the heroes through which we see the story, not necessarily morally good. Jotaro probably messed up the faces of quite a few women and the magnetic chick was severely injured by Advol and Joseph.
If it comes to just hurting or torturing for information, I think all of Bucci’s Gang would go through with it. Some would be less happy about it, like Mista or Narancia, but they know it’s life in the mafia: sadly you have to look out for yourself and those close to you. Bruno would also feel iffy about it if the woman is relatively young-- he has a soft spot for young people being abandoned in general as we see with his gang and Trish. I think they may aim for non-lethal wounds-- thinking Mista shooting in places that wouldn’t case long term damage. And if torture they would probably go easier on a female member (a lot of cultures have this notion of women being weaker than men and somewhat it’s low to apply equal force when dealing with women). I’m talking mostly physical pain here, because I feel in terms of mental manipulation of torture gender probably wouldn’t matter to them. Although I doubt they would threaten anything sexual, while someone like Melone would (even Formaggio and Illuso... sorry not sorry, these guys like to mess with people’s minds).
If it comes down to killing or eliminating, I think Abbacchio would do it without hesitation if it is for Bruno. I feel Abbacchio has this yandere attachment to Bruno; he’s very loyal to the point he would not question any order he gets-- despite how moral or messed up the request is. If Bruno decided it’s the right thing to do, it must mean Bruno weighed all the pros and cons and has a bigger picture, and Abbacchio is like this foot-soldier that is fine with doing the dirty work.
While I think none of Bruno’s gang would inflict an unusually painful death, Mista and Narancia especially would try to be as “gentle” and quick as possible. We see Mista specifically doesn’t condone violence against women, and Narancia is just a kind soul (he was so idealistic getting into the mafia bc the mafia had great men like Bruno-- these kid is not here to kill others but seriously thinks good men in the mafia may be good rulers for the city). It pains me to think of Narancia in a situation he knows he has to kill the enemy because now that the gang knows you’ve been caught they may dispose of you (since you know too much information)-- basically situations when death is easier than dealing with the consequences of surviving and Nara has to pull the metaphorical trigger as a merciful act.
Bruno would be conflicted if the woman was quite young or middle aged and it stems from his backstory and how he views family. If very young the woman is someone’s daughter and it would hurt Bruno to think someone so young is involved with the mafia, and do the parents know of them? Did they have to sacrifice for their family like Bruno did? If older woman, she may be someone’s mother-- and it reminds Bruno of his own mother. We also see Bruno is more forgiving towards girls than boys (Trish vs Narancia). But ultimately he’s a determined capo and if he believes there’s no other way but to kill them, he will go through with it. He has his own group to protect after all.
Fugo would probably do it without hesitation-- going by how he was ready to leave Trish behind. He’s also very idealistic like Abbacchio, but the difference is Abbacchio is loyal to the person while Fugo is loyal to a vision. So if he trusts Bruno’s vision (as long as Bruno doesn’t betray that vision-- changing his mind like he did after the fight with Diavolo), he will do what is necessary bc he clearly distinguishes outsiders from the in-group. It also helps that his stand can kill by poison/virus, so you don’t have to physically fight someone: you can release the virus and wait outside the room until the deed is done. Not much remains after so you don’t have to worry how the person felt or what expression froze on their face as they died. I do think Fugo may get random PTSD from his murders later on, but in the moment he doesn’t have to think about it.
Giorno is tricky (I don’t know what this boy thinks). He will definitely go through with it because he’s dreams/vision about anything else. And PHF Giorno has no regard for tools: the way he treats Sheila is very callous imo. But in canon Giorno strangely we haven’t seen him interact with women that much. We’re told his mother neglected him, so he probably didn’t spend much time with her anyways (she was out and he mostly spent time with his step-dad). Then he attends a boys-only school. The other woman he gets close to is Trish, but Trish is special because she’s the daughter of the boss. He can’t act like she’s a girl in his age-group: they need to protect her and she’s someone important and they’re below her. Even when Bruno defects, and Trish is now no longer important to Diavolo, Trish is still someone to keep separate or in the dark bc she can’t use her stand (at first) and because Bruno decided it’s best to keep the entire Diavolo business away from her. So Giorno has to create a distance between himself and Trish: unlike Narancia who tries to friend her. I legit don’t know how Giorno would act towards women bc he’s mostly spent his life around men, and never truly got to know someone of the opposite gender in any meaningful sense: mother, friend, and so on. So can’t tell if he’d feel remorse or just kill cold-blooded (like he does with men). -- By the way what place is your OC from? What’s her stand and so on? :3
What characters does she interact with in La Squadra: friends, romances, etc?
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2, 3, 7, 20 :3
(the ask meme in question!)
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
My next project is secret (>:3) but there’s one heck of a wham line near the end of it which I’ve been *heavy breathing* about for months.  Also looking forward to the whole...structure of the thing.  [/vague]
In slightly less vague pronouncements, I had a lot of fun writing Koichi & Jotaro in “seventh day” and I’m looking forward to writing more of that in the future!
3.  What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
God, so many of them, some of which I may wind up resentfully writing all the set-up for anyway, since that’s my M.O.  (See: Buddhism fic was written in order to make one (1) joke, disjoint was written to make one (1) point about dissociation, etc.)  A couple which I’m slightly less likely to write any time soon:
Less a scene and more a series of concepts related to Giorno (“Gold Experience is C-PTSD: The Stand,” I holler at the sky), which I will only wind up writing with a lot of kicking and screaming.
Nagoya AU: Jotaro nearly drowns in the three inches of water on top of Oasis 21.  I would have to write an entire casefic to get to this point (it’s the climax), but maybe someday my desire to make that joke will override my common sense.
Also Nagoya AU: literal earworm Stand, controlled by a member of a mediocre Nagoya idol group.  Do not ask me to explain myself.
7.  What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
Let’s see:
so much focus on body language and tone of voice. so much
That Uncomfortable Feel
unreliable narrator! not in the “crazy and lying” way (ugh), but in the “trying to tell the story right but inevitably biased” way
I tend to utilize blank space a lot--either omissions from the narrative saying as much as what’s included OR that void that an emotion/sensation/reaction/person should occupy but very clearly doesn’t
what is a linear narrative
mentally ill people learning to navigate each other!!!!
very distinctive rhythm to the prose (to the point that I will write “[extra beat here]” when drafting if it doesn’t feel right)
People tend to characterize a lot of my fic as sad, which is...probably fair enough.  I cannot attest to the sadness of my own fic, although I can say that I don’t write fic with the intention of making people cry.  (Mostly I’m interested in depicting an experience, and you can feel how you want about it.  Sad is apparently the predominant feeling for most people.)  I’m also not sure that others read my prose quite as deadpan as it is in my head!
(A side note: I’m always fascinated by how people read their own writing!  When I was little I went to a lot of author events and loved listening to folks read their own stuff, because there are little nuances and moments that hit differently.  And then as a writer I’m always fascinated to hear people read my stuff, because the rhythm or delivery is always a little different than it is in my head.  It makes me see the prose in a new light, which is cool!)
20.  Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Oh gosh, let’s see if there’s anything that you don’t already know about.
Here’s one that is so deeply in the weeds as to be nigh incomprehensible from Shrine AU:
Yukako is sitting on the floor, clutching a writing brush in one hand, and a wish-granting jewel in the other.
Kakyoin’s sacred object is a wish-granting jewel both because wish-granting jewels are associated with Inari and because wish-granting jewels are Buddhist iconography.  This is relevant because Kakyoin’s lineage is mentioned in the fic:
He would not be able to recite from memory Kakyoin’s exact lineage of Inari subdivisions such that he wound up traveling from Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto to Toyokawa Inari in Toyohashi to Kakyoin Temple in Morioh. 
First of all, understanding this requires knowing that Inari can be subdivided, meaning that you basically break a piece off the original (sort of. sort of.) and then enshrine it elsewhere for a specific purpose.  If the new Inari is successful, its specialty also becomes the specialty of the Original Inari on Fushimi Inari.  This is why Fushimi Inari can offer success in fishing even though it’s located on a landlocked mountain.
Now, Toyokawa Inari is interesting because it’s one of the few remaining Buddhist Inari institutions (due to various historical factors, almost all major Inari institutions have wound up being/becoming Shinto).  In case you’ve forgotten, the real life Kakyoin Temple was a Shugendo temple that was destroyed in the Meiji period.  So Kakyoin’s whole path was: subdivided from Fushimi Inari (the Original Inari Source) to Toyokawa Inari (Buddhist institution) and then from Toyokawa Inari to Kakyoin (Shugendo instutition), then separated into its own shrine in the Meiji period (due to the forced separation of Shinto and Buddhism and the destruction of Shugendo sites), THEN merged with the Kishibe Shrine.  Like a lot of forced separations, Buddhist elements weren’t entirely expunged, so his sacred object is still a wish-granting jewel, even though he hasn’t formally been associated with a non-Shinto institution for about 150 years.  So Kakyoin has had a pretty wild and miscellaneous religious path--as befitting of the god of so on and so forth!  Whereas Rohan’s been in the same place the whole time, which is part of why he’s so scornful of Kakyoin (“third-rate Inari splinter with no coherent theme,” etc.).
“Wow, Queenie, why is this so unnecessarily specific?”  Every part of Shrine AU is unnecessarily specific; I don’t know what to tell you.
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