#and also her design isnt traditionally feminine at all which i like
sonknuxadow · 1 year
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mariska · 2 years
so a few days ago i bought an ~Adult Gentleman's Entertainment~ magazine on ebay cuz it featured a person i am a fan of in it and there was a listing for 2 dollars so i was like yeah sure why not, i collect magazines/books/comics etc, i have a specific little suitcase in my room where i keep my magazine collection specifically and theres plenty of room for more, get on in there. and the whole situation has just kind of been cracking me up ever since because
1.) i have never bought like. anything remotely nsfw for myself ever aside from like. Lollipop Chainsaw or Bayonetta, like M rated games that might have suggestive themes or stuff like that, because i have very little independence due to the limitations of my disabilities and have only had my own personal income since i was approved for disability payments in like 2020 or 2021 so i'm still very new to the concept of having any money that isnt birthday or xmas gifts from family to spend on anything
2.) because of the above part, i immediately felt like a big ol scumbag because i got a swimsuit edition type of magazine with a buncha pretty ladies in it and Those Are For Adults!!! Not Me, A 25 Year Old Grown Adult!!!
3.) i havent checked my public profile section in a few months on ebay but im pretty sure i have it set with my bio to be like '25 | she/her | big fan of anything vintage/retro' just 'cause i think it's nice for me to give a bit of an idea of who someone is selling stuff to in general, but then my profile picture is like, official Barbie art from the 80's/early 90's era Barbie design and my name shows up on my profile which is a very traditionally feminine name and the whole profile is just. very femme presenting, very obviously Flamboyant and Girly™️ in nature (i dont use a specific gender label for myself aside from nonbinary as kind of an umbrella term but i am very femme by choice as im sure nobody could ever tell by spending two seconds on any of my online profiles lmfao)
anyways. the person i got it from who was like the exact opposite of me and had a pretty masculine seeming profile/username/general online presence was very nice and shipped it out super fast and left me a positive feedback right away after they shipped that was very kind so that was all wonderful. and it arrived in like two or three days or something so of course i also immediately left a nice positive review and added them to my saved seller section in case there was ever another collectable thing on there i would be interested in. but the point of the story is just. it cracks me up so much whenever i get something on ebay that is not a part of my typical like, aesthetic/community and theres this unspoken knowledge between me and The Ebay Seller that I Am Gay. I Am A Homosexual. and like i'll check out the other reviews on the persons page and it'll be like, a bunch of men and grandpas and dads being like 'thanks man really appreciate it, trustworthy guy' and then Im There like 'super kind seller high reccommended!! shipped out very fast and exactly as described, really carefully packaged as well, thanks so much!! :) 🤗✌️✨' with the item listing right above that being 'sexy ladies magazine swimsuit issue manly male entertainment brand' hdshvdsgsfwidhsdhshdjsgajdbdskjdjsf. just me and the boys hangin out in the feedback section. goin' fishing later should be a great time. bob's hosting a bonfire tonight since the wives are on vacation this week, bring ur guitar we're gonna improvise some AC/DC on the beach and eat the worst stakes you've ever had in ur life
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aingelic · 7 years
trans boy yusaku
im not sure what to call this... speculation? headcanon? 
but i hc yusaku as a trans boy, and then realized as i watched vrains that theres actually canon stuff that backs it up a little so i wanted to put it all together
this is all just speculation(?) so im not trying to act like an authority or anything! i just thought it was interesting
also forgive me i have no idea how to organize things. this isnt in any kind of order
EDIT: i feel like something i talked about a lot but didnt really make clear was that i view playmaker as yusakus ideal appearance. like, projecting onto playmaker what he would look like if he could idealize his own appearance? if that, makes sense. i feel like it makes more sense as a trans thing. idk. im not good with words
for one thing, playmaker looks generally more masculine than yusaku like yknow
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(i dont have many good caps of either of them but) it just feels obvious to me, but a big part of it could be that yusaku as playmaker is a lot more aggressive and outgoing*
physical appearance-wise playmaker also has a more physically masc appearance and on top of that a skintight suit to like, Accentuate and Emphasize those masculine features, but theyre not like super in your face. like he didnt make playmaker super buff and booming voice etc etc. he couldve, but he didnt, he just made himself but with little changes to make himself more masc and in general more attractive. there are just, so many little details (namely, stuff like broad shoulders, his eyes being closed towards the middle of his face [like atems!] etc. i can go into more detail if you ask i guess?) ive had someone say, in reference to this, "playmaker isn't a typical male power fantasy..Its a trans kids dream fantasy" and i totally agree!!! like if he were designed to be more like "im a cis boy and i wanna look cool and badass" wed probably have a playmaker that looked more like go does or something. big and strong and intimidating but we dont!! we have yusaku but idealized
(this same friend added that part of what adds to this is their color schemes, which also might have smth to do with it)
like with aoi vs blue angel its easy bc blue angel is like very over the top levels of feminine but with yusaku vs playmaker its a lot more like, little subtle differences that when theyre put together add up to a big but not too noticable difference (although i do think that theyre both trans and both use their vr personas to look like their ideal appearances! just with yusaku and playmaker its a lot more subtle of a difference than with aoi and blue angel, yknow)
* it could be that like. he feels more confident for lack of a better word as playmaker? like the anonymity (that he does have to work to keep up, but still has nonetheless) gives him. like. the feeling he can express things more outwardly. like that he can be reckless and more outgoing also yusaku would never like, go after and do anything about hanoi as yusaku but as playmaker he like not only goes out after every instance he can do something about but like, saves people he can (ie blue angel in ep 1) and is also. cockier
how does this tie in to him being trans? i think, part of it might be that being able to be viewed the way he wants. like, its hard to explain, but not having to worry about how people might perceive him would help a lot for his confidence, and thus help him be more outgoing as playmaker (and, of course, with the anonymity, he doesnt have to worry about people knowing its him)
also, these two things go down here because theyre a bit more of a stretch than the rest of this:
so. yusaku wears his uniform untucked and thus its looser on him. like his clothes look too big on him. which may just be me projecting but like (from my and other trans people i know's) experiences thats smth we Do, is, wear excessively big or loose clothes (esp shirts) to give off like a more wide/square looking shape (and also to hide Boob if binders arent available/arent working great) and playmaker has. a skintight suit on a very fit body
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when yusakus watching blue angels challenge, ignis asks why he doesnt just duel her, and he explains. ignis tells him people will say hes cowardly if he doesnt accept. yusaku basically says “i dont care” and ignores it.
however, when the announcer says this: 
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hes visibly bothered by it. not only this, but he makes a little motion
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that is, a very traditionally feminine one
and the whole thing makes me go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
thats all i have in terms of canon “””evidence””” but. There It Is
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