#and also just. them talking directly feels weird unless it's SC and c!alan
i3utterflyeffect · 7 months
oooooo secret content!! what did you cut
basically what was supposed to happen was that victim was about to come in and the two heard them talking to agent, so basically Yellow told Purple 'ditch me and run' much to their dismay-- they told them to go after SC instead
Yellow did also mention that if worse comes to worst that they were working on something and it's incomplete, but y'know. kind of an emergency. said that c!Alan knows where their project folder is. ofc purple promises to come back and free them asap--
i said i didn't like it but tbh the art wasn't actually that bad-- it just felt rushed and like a clumsy transition from the last panel i posted and i kind of wanted that mood to sink in because just, man... the trust issues in this au are INTENSE.
as for the program yellow mentioned i was thinking that it'd be something to interact with Alan when they're outside of his computer; the whole Dark Lord thing was stressful so yellow probably thought that they should have something to contact Alan with.
whether they have video or text is completely dependent on whether you like them interacting with Alan verbally or not, which i personally like them interacting nonverbally since it's more interesting (and also more entertaining)
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