#and also scale bars! unmissable in geol
thesecondface · 2 years
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Spent most of the day on Procreate. Wanted to see if I could design some sort of paleontologically–inspired fabrics, ultimately for quilting purposes, though it’s proving to be more taxing than expected! The first was done on a whim some time ago. The second was today’s venture, a reasonable piece after a series of abstract failures that did not manifest prettily.
The first is the Quilted Organisms of the Ediacaran. I thought it was rather serendipitous, having quilted organisms on a (future) quilt. There are a bunch of Precambrian life forms in this one, including Charnia, Rangea, Dickinsonia Spriggina and Fractofusus. (There’s also Vernanimalcula in the background, and I have a bunch of blender fabrics with the same).
The second is the March of the Dinosaurs. This one is based on dinosaur trackways, which are vaguely colour coded here—red for theropods, yellow for a sauropod, orange for ornithopods, dark green for triceratops and light green for ankylosaurs. Alas the spectrum does not imply relatedness, though if it bothers me sufficiently I might just change it, but we’ll see. 
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