#need to do a deep dive
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Wei Wuxian 🤝 Maleficent: Not being invited to a child's birthday party but showing up anyways (to make things worse).
(for @youremysunshine8)
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Fun fact for people who might not know this: Spider Noir is canonically weaker than most versions of Spider-Man.
It’s pretty well known at this point that Spider-Man holds back during fights because he doesn’t actually want to seriously hurt or kill anyone. Noir is a little less inclined to that particular aspect of Spider-Man, so naturally the man really isn’t holding back. He goes 100% every fight and will still sometimes get his ass handed to him. He is almost constantly in kill or be killed survival mode. This is also part of the reason why he wears bullet proofing, wears all black, has weapons like guns, and goes for more of a stealth approach.
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up1r · 1 year
Same Nero
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lookninjas · 2 months
Had a hard time stopping myself from overthinking this one, but I think we're finally there:
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Pick a song from a bad description! You do not have to recognize any of the songs to vote. Just go by vibes. Pick whichever seems funniest to you. Or most relatable. Or whatever floats your yacht. At the end of the week, I will put all the songs in order from the song with the least amount of votes to the song with the most amount of votes, and share the playlist with you.
If you would like to hear the playlist when I'm done, leave a comment or put it in the tags of your reblog (or just write it in the reblog, whatever) and I will tag you when it's finished. If you're too curious and you just have to know about a song, send me an ask and I will answer.
Also, please reblog! The more votes I get, the less ties I get. (Usually. Last time we had three ties. Maybe all the descriptions were just that good, IDK.) But reblog it anyway. Inflict my weird music taste on your friends, followers, and mutuals. It'll be a good time.
Oh, and for those unfamiliar, let Get Smart! teach you how to frug.
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tvlandofficiall · 6 months
the devs mentioning that a lot of the objects in the nightmare monologue were deliberately abstract because the characters are acting in the construct's limited frame of reference has made replays really fun; firstly because it makes for really interesting characterization on both sides when the voices or the princess are familiar with something unexpected, but secondly because it makes replay liveblogs look like this;
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featheredmoonwings · 1 month
Here's a thought.
Sam has been irrevocably changed since his coming back from hell (and jumping in of course). So often I find myself looking at later season's Sam, a Sam who's not a firey rebel against what the world wants of him, a Sam who would fight for himself. This is a quietly submissive Sam who can't stand to disappoint Rock No.1. Someone who takes on pain again and again and again because he's so used to it.
Sam from the first seasons it's not the same Sam as the later. This is a broken, traumatized man who excels at being high functioning and I am SO sure of it.
He LOOKS resigned and tired a lot of the time. And it reminds me of hell!Sam begging himself not to remember. hell!Sam knew what he was talking about and what we're seeing in later seasons is his reflection.
And let me throw in a Silmarillion reference because why the heck not. Like the souls of elves go to Mando's halls, Sam's soul needed to go to heaven and heal from all the years of hell he suffered (earthly ones and hell ones). He was not ready to be reembodied in earth and now he's come wrong.
Like 5 different entities warned us about Sam's shredded to ribbons soul. To me, that doesn't sound like a soul that should've been put back in a body.
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marylily-my-beloved · 11 days
A short little ramble about the black sisters cause I'm bored and I'm not writing fanfics:
Narcissa: Narcissa was always stuck, she was always in the middle, never on one side, never on the other. While Bellatrix was hopelessly devoted to Voldemort, Narcissa stayed silent and enjoyed a mostly quiet life as a barely present Death Eater. While Andromeda was free and married a muggle-born, and did what she truly wanted. Narcissa was on Voldemort's side of course, she wanted to be, but she didn't agree fully. She thought it might be a bit wrong, but never really voiced her opinion. She loved Alice, so much, but again Alice was a pure-blood. She was friends with purebloods and some half-bloods, not any 'mudbloods'. But her sister had left her for a muggleborn and this had made her detest them most of all. In the end she was the half-half. Stuck in between. 
Bellatrix: Bellatrix was devoted, she fully believed in Voldemort, well for the blood-purity and everything like that. She knew it was 'wrong' she didn't care. She was very extreme. She loved the thrill of it, for her it was thrill, killing off those 'pests' was enjoyable, like playing a video game, or watching a movie. This hatred of ‘mudbloods’ increased to a level unknown and probably bigger than Voldemort when Andromeda left for a stupid muggleborn, her Andromeda, her sister. She vowed to never let Narcissa leave, even if she had to kill that stupid pure blood she was friends with who was on the wrong side, she needed her sister to stay. If she loved someone (like Rita Skeeter) they had to be just like her. Bellatrix’s life always revolved around being a Death Eater and her life as a pure blood, she showed off her status and her power. Of course she still fully fufilled all her 'Sacred 28' Pureblood needs like her family expected, but her main priority was the cause. Above her own life. Over anyone’s life. Above her husband whom she only married to keep up appearances. Above everything but Voldemorts word.
Andromeda: Andromeda knew what was wrong, and couldn’t keep silent about it. She knew everything was wrong, she had stayed for her sisters, and then left for Ted, a muggleborn. She ran from the family, ‘tarnishing’ the Black name, but she was free. Free of the abuse, free from their lies, free to live as she saw fit. She knew it was the best, though she missed her sisters, and occasionally her cousins, she loved the freedom. She knew Voldemort was doing bad, her husband was fighting against it all day, but she couldn’t bring herself to in case she died and left her daughter all alone. Everything she did in the end was for who she loved and who she had made her family.
In the end Bellatrix was just a Death Eater, Narcissa was just a Death Eater, and Andromeda was the one who escaped. That’s all they were to people who they didn’t know, people were unknowing of the differences, of how those three sisters could’ve done everything, but were just apart forever.
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un-pearable · 8 months
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quick redraws of her renders to figure the new gal out + a little redesign i inevitably started doodling :] i like her spiky :]
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arson-09 · 24 days
its very interesting to me how Tamlin is the character and High Lord that is heavily vilified (I would almost say even more than Beron strangely) when he is the only High Lord to have talked about d how he has gone about removing slavery within his court, protecting lower fae in general, and his court was open to immigration from other courts (i cant remember if its mentioned again in acomaf but in acotar fae from other courts are free to move to the spring court. example, Alis) and how overall he is a great leader. Especially when you compare him and Rhysand as High Lords.
The Court of Nightmares is well, a nightmare. Its existence is extremely strange and makes Rhysand look very odd. as well as its unclear how Rhysand gets his wealth. Velaris was a hidden city until acomaf-ish, which means it was locked (so no immigration or emigration which isn't bad per-say but does bring up how it works economically) and Rhysands inability or unwillingness to protect his citizens (not enforcing the wing clipping ban and allowing people to be abused in the CoN. and before anyone starts about him not being able to control the illyrians, why did he make it a law in the first place? It just makes him look bad) makes him look like a shitty ruler. His supposed "feminism" and friendship with the people of velaris doesnt answer these very important questions or justify the strange shit he does. Versus Tamlin, which you can refer to my opening statement for the comparison. Also to note, his rule only came into question and stability after Feyre broke into people minds (which I do feel is extremely gross and a huge violation of ones autonomy and privacy) and had to sabotage him. I won't comment how I feel about this in this post, but it says a lot that she had to go through such lengths to break him down. Especially after it was revealed he was in fact a double agent and never actually siding with Hybern.
The only time Tamlin is an arguably bad high lord is in acofas and acosf where he is in a severe mental crisis and not in a position to properly rule. But even then, it's not clear if this is actually causing harm to the land and people. It's probably not good because they don't have a proper leader but I can't believe it's a severe issue.
Its definitely a strange choice, isn't it? Cause I think anyone in their right mind would choose the anti-tyranny, anti-slavery leader who does his best for his people... and its somehow not our supposed 'hero'
"I once told you I would fight against tyranny, against that sort of evil. Did you think you were enough to turn me from that?"
Acowar, chapter 44
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 3 months
tumblr glitched and spared you all the most heated rant of my entire hoa fandom tenure
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blinkpen · 8 months
thought about how kids educational media will give earth a friendly cartoon face (i, personally, was VERY fond of Spin, from national geographic's Really Wild Animals VHS tapes, if that flicks a nostalgia switch for anybody)
anyway, if schools in the MD setting tried doing that, it'd probably look kinda gnarly,
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bloobydabloob · 1 day
Idk if this is ur type of music but i love listening to Talkshow Boy while drawing striders&dirkjake i think its a fun vibe. Especially Testosterone & Chop Us Out though i have a hard time picking favorites especially with the testosterone(album)
Just got back from a degree show. Check out this awesome art before I answer, sorry for lack of credit. I went near the end of the exhibition and most of the artists had no business cards left sadly. Sigh. I’ll have a look & update the alt text if I can find credit.
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I’m mostly a death grips / Fiona Apple guy when it comes to music nowadays, if you are asking about taste. (My favorite song right now is coco mango diced by MF DOOM though) but I did used to listen to talk show boy when I was maybe 13 or 14.
From memory my favorite on testosterone was called something like “four breakbeats” or something. My bad, it has been a hot minute. I’ll relisten after this. I definitely understand where the Strider connotations come from with that artist though. I don’t think you’re alone either considering I’m also pretty sure there is a Dave Strider animatic to his biggest song. Ignore if I’m just lying here.
For songs / artists I associate with Dirk, I’m lacking. I have one song in my Dirk playlist and it is “declare independence” by Björk. (Don’t think he would listen to it, just associate with him). I do associate a few death grips songs with him but I think it’s purely by virtue of being a fan. (Specifically hot head, spread eagle across the block & I break mirrors with my face in the United States for Dirk / Spikes + culture shock + you might think he loves you yadda yadda for UltDirk. I recommend all songs. All good songs)
Here is a selection of songs on my DirkJake Spotify playlist though. Ignore if this is actually a sucky selection, don’t tell me if it is. I’m willing to explain any if you are curious.
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Thanks for sharing this with me though. I’ll relisten to the album next time I draw Dirk… so probably soon. I draw that guy too much
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jv-f1 · 5 months
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witchering10123 · 4 months
nah but can you imagine if sokka had joined katara and zuko in southern raiders, yon rha would have shit his pants seeing an identical copy of the woman he killed
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endless-vacant-mind · 5 months
Song Association Time
Good Omen Fans!! I bring you- Just Pretend by Bad Omens
Please please give this a listen and tell me I’m not the only one who hears it.
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shima-draws · 5 months
Okay I legitimately need to break from watching OP for a bit because A. I’ve been binging nonstop and I need to actually like. Be a human person and do something else other than sitting and watching TV for 6 hours straight And B. I’m at Sabaody now and I’m fucking SCARED man. Things are so fun and lighthearted rn and I know it’s all going to shit soon and my heart isn’t READY for that yet,,
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