#and also tiktok gives me angsty audios as well
xitsensunmoon · 1 year
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Did I tell you how much I love angst?
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islandtarochips · 1 month
Take Her Name Out of your Mouth
Warning: A bit personal and Angst between the characters.
*Adler and Koa were arguing about the failed mission that Koa had messed up*
Adler: We were SUPPOSED to bring him back ALIVE, Nakiu!
Koa: But we ALREADY got our answer! And also, he killed my SERGEANT!
Aleks: Guys, please……
Adler: You really just enjoy killing people don’t you?
Koa: WHAT did you say?
Adler: You tell me, do you enjoy HURTING people?
Koa: *glaring at Adler* I don’t BELIEVE you-
Adler: *took a step closer while glaring back* Do you enjoy KILLING people?
Koa: I’ll KILL you.
Adler: What, like what you did to your DAUGHTER?
Koa: *eyes widened as he was about to beat the shit out of him*
Aleks: *quickly stopped Koa* KOA! NO!
Mason: *jumped in to pull Koa back* NAKIU! CALM DOWN!
Aleks: *trying to push him back* KOA! STOP! PLEASE!
*Woods went to Adler to pull him back as well seeing him going for it too*
Hudson: THAT’S ENOUGH! *pointed at Mason* Mason, take him AWAY. PLEASE.
Mason: Sure. *looking at Koa* Come on, buddy. Let’s go.
Koa: *was breathing heavily before looking down at Aleks*
Aleks: *giving him the pleading look* Please…Koa….
Koa: ……*breathe before nodding at Mason before following him*
Aleks: *watching Koa walked away before giving Adler a disappointing glare* That’s out of the LINE, Adler.
Adler: Tch. Not my fault.
Charles, smoking: It IS. *took a puff before looking at Adler*
Charles: As much as I DESPISE that man but even I wouldn’t go over THAT line.
Adler: Oh what? You’re being soft on him now?
Charles: I never said that I am. *flicked his cigarette before digging his hands into his pocket as he walked away*
Charles: But…I do now since you have mention something that will change his life FOREVER. *walked into the office*
Adler: ……*saw Aleks glaring at him and watched her walked outside to check on Koa*
Woods: ……*also walked out*
Adler: ………*groan and just walked to the opposite direction*
Characters (Left -> Right)
Professor Charles Moore -> @deeptrashwitch
Aleksandra Clarke R. -> @alypink
Koa Nakiu -> Me
Arthur’s Note: Inspo by the vid on TikTok. Will show at the VERY end. And I feel angsty when I saw it so I took this opportunity!
Inspo vid from TikTok (can’t seem to download the original video so just listen the audio. Thank you!):
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lqfiles · 3 days
i feel like the tiktok audio that’s like KENDRIIIICCCKKKK!!! DROP ANOTHER DISS TRACK AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!!!! when i consume lqfiles angst i love lqfiles angst lqfiles is the only writer ever to do it right thank you god for bestowing lqfiles on tumblr dot com. ALSO THE CHATGPT APOLOGY HELPP THATS SO ME I LOVE USING CHATGPT FOR EVERYTHING SO MUNDANE
on a side note… she’s just overthinking things in regards to rina…right……. there won’t actually be…. angst…. with karina….. right…….only hyuck…….right…….
HSKDHSJDHSK those years of consuming painful and heart aching angst on wattpad did me good.. look at what i’m bringing to the function.. and this not even the angst fr just wait till we get to the ANGST…. what can i say i just rlly love angst, like yes give me the heartaches and emotional turmoil!
brooo tmi but a few weeks ago i was tryna log into chatgpt from my phone except i forgot my password and literally could not remember it, until i remembered i had it saved on my laptop, but it was useless because my account got literally BLOCKED (mind you i had an assignment due the other day) but we fixed it WITHOUT chaptgpts help #WOMENINSTEM
well yes she is! won’t mean i’m not gonna make that part angsty tho 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
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mars-onthe-moon · 2 years
I saw that picture(s) you just did of Bill and Dipper (lol, they were just being funny in that one), and it mentioned Covid.
Did you get Covid? If so, I hope you feel better. I caught something too recently (either Covid, Strept throat, or the Stomach Flu) and it put me out of commission for like a week (too), give or take less too, and I am just now, kind of getting over it. So I hope you feel better soon too; being sick sucks.
Also, when you are feeling better, I am excited to see ur Mabcifica animation! And it is going to be angsty too! Nice. Even nicer, since your last 2 animations have been more comedic; though still great.
Ur Bill and Ford was funny btw (I esp. love when Ford starts speaking, I think it was Japanese? And then starts levitating, mainly due to the context reasons why Ford is doing so), and ur animation with Mabel, Soos, and the Fairies was so funny and so underrated. Soos, little laugh at the end and the "I am dead"/"I am so dead" (can't remember if that line had a "so" or not) was so SO funny.
My BillDip heart hopes one day to see a BillDip animation from ya, but I still love the animations you have done/will do regardless.
P.S.: I really like ur BillDip fic; one of my favs. And sorry for the anon on this Ask. I got a bit nervous/shy for some reason.
Yeah, unfortunately I think I picked it up from work. So, I’ve been resting mostly. I’m just now starting to draw and write again because, man- those first five days were killer. Now I just have this cough that won’t go away, but fever wise I’m all good, so, thank you! Yeah, being sick is no fun. Its like, on one hand I’ve gotten to miss some work, but on the other, I’m too sick to enjoy the days off. Glad you’re starting to feel better tho and hopefully it’s gone for good soon!
Legit, thank you for your feedback! It’s honestly nice to hear because I feel like I put out the most random shiz content.. so no one is gonna follow it in it’s entirety, but here you are proving me wrong and I’m psyched!
Making the crack animation is so fun. I mean, I love angst and ship art too, but finding funny tiktok sounds and then drawing my goofy boy Bill is a mood boost. Levitating Stanford sends me.
Also, glad the audio worked out for the fairies one! Because I had to splice that Bob’s Burger ep with audio from ‘Soos and the real girl’ and I was worried about the quality diffs.
I have a few billdip animation idea’s in my drafts, so maybe I’ll start to focus on some of those! I honestly have like waaaaay to many billdip wips in general, that I start and then never finish 😅 so yeah, I’ll start going through those!
Thanks about the fic! It’s my first and only one so I really appreciate that! I’ve been in like writer’s/editor block for too long now, I really need to just post the chapters that I have. So, since I have till Friday before work starts up again, I’ll try and get that up for y’all!
Hehe sneak peek time. Rn I’m working on a Bill animation, magical girl style! So, I’ll try to be posting that in the near future as well!
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