#and also tycipally a deeper emotional connection and them being in sync
scatterbrainedart · 11 months
I’m thinking soo hard about a gemcyt Double Life AU rn where the soulmates are fusions. It would make sense since that’s the closest gem alternative to sharing a health bar. But then I also imagine Pearl & Scott and Martyn & Cleo to not be fused. Not being fused while the others are will make them more fragile in comparison, which fits nicely with how you’re not able to protect your soulmate when they’re not a part of your team and am therefore (maybe) more likely to die. Pearl & Scott and Martyn & Cleo would simply not be able to fuse due to the fusion being far too unstable, at least not for extended periods of time like the others. But I also think Scott and Cleo would just prefer to stay unfused as well.
Some fusions would also be more stable than others just in general as well, and I don’t imagine them to be fused ALL of the time (although, definitely most of it as not being fused is a huge security risk. What if your teammate gets shattered while you’re gone? Who are you gonna fuse with then?? You’ll be all your own, and super vulnerable). I imagine Grian’s and BigB’s secret soulmate alliance to be just be them attempting to fuse and having each other as a plan B if their partners are somehow unable.
Grian and Scar’s fusion is silly. I’d like to say it’s one of the more stable ones just because of how they spent 3rd life together as well, but like. We all know it’s probably one of the most unstable ones there. If anything, I reckon them fusing would mostly just be Grian’s way of making sure Scar doesn’t do anything that Grian wouldn’t want him to, pretty much just trying to hold him in place by fusing
Hmmmmmm I have thoughts
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