escriboliao-blog · 5 years
Al Wehdah FC - Singapore’s Band of Brothers (Original Form)
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Photo Credit: Al Wehdah FC
Al Wehdah FC is a completely All-Arabian social soccer team that comprises of Singapore’s very own Arab community all of whom are mainly Hadrami from Hadramawt-Yemen descendants. The Hadramawt-Yemen descendants are made up of Baalwies (Syed’s) and Masyaikhs (Sheikhs).
Their name - Al Wehdah, derived from a local community organization called The Arab Association Singapore, which is also known as Al-Wehdah Al-Arabiah bi Singhafura or Al-Wehdah for short.
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Photo Credit: Bicentennial
Formed on the 11th of November in 1946, this community organization has been actively participating in numerous Donation Drives, Bursary Award Ceremonies and even Campaigns like Eidul Adha’s “Gift of Love”, to name a few.
Its namesake albeit one that focuses solely around soccer and nothing more, Al Wehdah FC, was formed a couple years after the organization kick started.
Although the exact year remains a mystery to many including their current players, there’s a black and white photograph extracted from Singapore’s Berita Harian showcased an All-Arabian line-up clad in a somewhat vintage football gear coupled with the words “Pasukan Bolasepak Al-Wehdah Al-Arabiah bersama dengan jurulatih mereka” which translates to “The team Al-Wehdah Al-Arabiah with their coach”.
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Photo Credit: Al Wehdah FC
The origins of this picture was shrouded in mystery. It surfaced across one of their social media platforms after a user chanced upon it. Nonetheless, it’s able to serve as a pivotal evidence over how this team had existed decades back, long before color photography entered the picture.
Despite existing for years, it may come as a surprise to some over how this team had actually been inactive for a certain period of time.
Just like their aforementioned history, the reasons that brought upon this period of inactivity is a conundrum. Rumors has it that it may be due to work commitments or other personal engagements.
Regardless, this particular period has long been shelved aside to make way for a reincarnated Al Wehdah FC team comprising of both old and new players.
A team that makes one question if their previous state of inactivity was merely a tale of fiction judging by how consistently active they’ve been in the social soccer scene these days.
The Players, Uniform & Logo
Their team now has a potpourri of both old and young players alike making their age range stretch from as young as 17 to 40.
Their determination to make this team a promising one is first seen via their uniform and logo revamps.
In 2017, they had a new set of jerseys with a completely blue ensemble. Today, Al Wehdah FC can be seen donning either their all red or white/red kits.
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Photo Credit: Social Football Sg
Each jersey featured the community organizations symbol, a miniature Singapore flag at the upper left hand corner along with their brand new logo.
This logo was a tricky one for they had to think of what reflects them as players and how they fare on the field.
The outcome?
A lion.
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Photo Credit: Al Wehdah FC
And not just an ordinary lion. It’s a lion equipped with a mane that features the crescent and five stars from Singapore’s flag thus making this logo self-explanatory as to what it represents.
The Matches
Al Wehdah FC is currently actively participating in two tournaments - Social Football League (SFL) and the all new Noah League Cup. The latter only started three weeks ago on the 3rd of January, 2019 featuring other teams like El Retador pitting against another called Smileys FC. More information on when Al Wehdah FC will compete in this Noah League Cup and against which team will be revealed soon.
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Photo Credit: Al Wehdah FC
On the other hand, they’re currently placed forth on Division 3’s SFL scoreboard.
Apart from official tournaments like the aforementioned ones, Al Wehdah FC also organizes and participates in friendlies on a regular basis.
The most recent friendly match of theirs was done on 2018’s Christmas Eve and was called the International Friendly Xmas Special. It involved a team of Algerian players from Maghribe FC and just like their other tournaments, it was free for all.
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Photo Credit: Al Wehdah FC
That match kicked off around 9.30pm and went all the way to extra time and penalties. It finally ended with a satisfying draw of 4-4.
An active veteran albeit not too ancient player who also happens to be one of Al Wehdah FC’s goal scorers in the International Friendly Xmas Special - Syed Mohamed Alkaff, was keen on providing more information about his teams activities.
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Photo Credit: Syed Mohamed Alkaff
“Most of the tournaments are based in Singapore, basically for this team, it is just us Arab boys getting together for the love of football and togetherness.”, he explained.
When asked if Al Wehdah FC’s matches are, like the friendlies and aforementioned tournaments, strictly Singapore-based, he said, “We’ve had overseas tournaments in Malacca which happens yearly. 2017 and 2018. The Arab Association of Malacca, “Al-Wafaa”, were the main organizers for 2 years running and gets together all the Arab boys from different parts of Malaysia to represent their states. We were invited too.”, he elaborated.
He was referring to the annual Arab Futsal Cup. Their participation for this particular cup in 2018 appeared fruitful for they emerged seven hundred dollars richer after securing third spot which was no mean feat what with the strife competition around them.
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Photo Credit: Al Wehdah FC
Arab Futsal Cup 2018 also shared a special place in the hearts of Al Wehdah FCs players for one of them, Wafy Bentaleb, for whom they touted as “our one and only Mo Salah”, became the top scorer of this tournament and was awarded a Golden Boot Plaque thanks to his eight goals.
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Photo Credit: Al Wehdah FC
Syed Mohamed Alkaff
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Photo Credit: Syed Mohamed Alkaff
Syed Mohamed Alkaff has always been interested in sports. He was known as the boy who is adapt with his feet.
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Now, at the age of 28, he is a Recruitment Consultant who knows no such thing as ‘being tired’, especially when football is involved. Juggling with work, personal life and of course, Al Wehdah FC league games and friendly matches, it’s a wonder how he manages to handle all that without either jeopardizing one of them or being drained one bit.
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Photo Credit: Syed Mohamed Alkaff
He first joined Al Wehdah FC when he was merely 16 years old.
“It was around the period of time when the team got “revived” after years of inactivity.”, he quipped.
Fast forward to 2019 sees him as a loyal veteran player who has been steadily featured as one of Al Wehdah FC’s key players and even has a hand in managing the teams affairs.
Adel Alkaff
Al Wehdah FC is also known to be forward thinking. They already have a list of players that are slated to join their team in the near future. One of them is none other than Syed Mohamed Alkaff’s very own cousin, Adel Alkaff.
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Photo Credit: Adel Alkaff
This 29 years old man has had experiences of playing with Al Wehdah FC as a goalkeeper but he did so on a rather inconsistent basis due to work and other personal commitments.
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Photo Credit: Adel Alkaff
Nonetheless, his contributions albeit sporadic, must have left an impact for the team since no one was against the idea of him being a permanent member.
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That idea will soon become a reality for he’s slated to be an official member come February or March this year.
Although they have members aplenty be it at this moment and in the future, one thing seems missing in the Al Wehdah FC’s soccer equation - the coach.
They’re a team with no coach but they do have three passionate volunteers - Syed Mohamed Alsree, Hussain Harharah and of course Syed Mohamed Alkaff himself, all of whom manages the administrative side of the team – both on and off the pitch.
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“We don’t have an official coach. But we do have a contact person. Who oversees the team stuff and all.”, Adel Alkaff explained.
He also added, “Just senior players and stuff. But sometimes, we have Malek Awab coming down to support and all.”
Malek Awab
Malek Awab is a former Midfielder for Singapore’s National team from the 1980s to 1990s. He also played for Tampines Rovers, Home United and Woodlands Wellington consecutively - all of which are S. League teams.
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Photo Credit: Malek Awab Facebook
His stint as a professional Midfielder came to an end in 1999 as to which he proceeded to work at a sports equipment company called Pacific Sports Pte Ltd. whereby he headed all of the football equipment distribution department. He has been working there even till today.
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Photo Credit: Four Four Two
His name may ring a tune of familiarity to some, for he, just like Fandi Ahmad, is one of the familiar figures when Singapore’s football scene is in question.
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Photo Credit: Boothype
He is, after all, not only a Midfielder but a Vice Captain of the National Team who managed to win the Malaysia Cup not one or two, but four times.
He is also the man behind the record for the most number of international caps for Singapore.
Hence, when Malek Awab comes to observe Al Wehdah FC, he doesn’t just view them like an astronaut fanatic does during a stargazing session. With his vast amount of experience and knowledge about all things football, he imparts pearls of wisdom that no matter the quantity, is equivalent to being coached for Al Wehdah FC.
What to Expect Next
Al Wehdah FC is slated to have their first match for the Noah Leagues Cup on the 29th of January, 2019 at Tampines Hub.
They will be going against a team that goes by the name of Ezu Pelaajat FC.
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Photo Credit: Social Football SG
This tournament is free and will occur from 9pm onwards.
If you are feeling financially constrained or have some time to spare, go ahead and witness this tournament for it’ll certainly yank you off from the throes of boredom, all without the need to spend a single penny.
Written By: HZCA. 
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