#and although my writer brain wants to see what would happen if he perished
its-a-branwen-thing · 3 years
“We Can Kill The Man Who Put Us Here...”
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[Hey! it’s my first discussion of RWBY season 2020 and guess what? It’s totally about Qrow and Ironwood and Robyn, who’d have thunk it?] Also I promise it isn’t that long...
I know we’re being lead to believe that Qrow is talking about Ironwood here, and I totally think that may well be the case BUT I also think there might be a bit more at play in the narrative than what we’re seeing. The scene transitions directly to an image of Ironwood after this and it seems the most obvious target of this anger is definitely Ironwood. These two have been set up for a fight since V3, and I think that confrontation is a long time coming but--and this is important--Robyn says something earlier that makes me think the threat of murder might be a red herring of sorts.
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“He didn’t kill anybody.”
Because Qrow clearly blames himself for Clover’s death and I think they’re going with “everyone will believe he’s a murderer” as his new scarlet letter. If we have, once again, Qrow believing that he’s this awful person that got someone murdered, having him throw himself down the path of revenge seems more tragic than redeeming, even if his opponent is a despot who we’d very much like to see thrown from his perch. The thing about terrible people is that getting rid of them sometimes involves good people having to resort to terrible things, but it’d still be tough to watch Qrow pull that particular trigger. 
And yet there’s something that got me stewing after I thought of all of this and it has everything to do with a past fake-out in V3:
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I don’t think this scene will necessarily repeat itself, although that’d be a cool callback, but I do think it planted some seeds in my brain for what would happen if the writers decide to take that track. Ironwood mistook Qrow here for coming after him but, really, Qrow knew Ironwood didn’t call the attack, and he knew the grimm were a bigger threat. He didn’t say anything because he’s just that kind of ass he probably didn’t think he needed to. Now, obviously, things have changed, but not enough for me to think Qrow is going to straight up murder Ironwood like the general did with the councilman. I predict this going one of three ways:
1. Qrow actually landing the blow this time. No fakeout, full fight. Oof. outcome TBD, cool fight song, lots of yelling
2. Ironwood being the one to defend the team when they think he will attack them as a last showcasing of his humanity before he ultimately perishes ala Ozpin’s V6 nugget about Lionheart being remembered for who he was leading up to his fall rather than his fall itself. But...I think that’s too kind.
3. A repeat fake-out of the same kind--all season we’re built up to think Qrow has it out for Ironwood, perhaps even cheering him on as the pieces fall into place, only for him to focus on a greater threat at the last minute and show little care for getting revenge on Ironwood. In fact, forgoing it totally in order to focus on their single greatest threat: Salem (or he’ll finally 1v1 Tyrian, not to the death though, because reasons I have stated and also I hate/love Tyrian and don’t want him to die yet). This is my favorite little theory.
Because instead of being responsible for passing judgement on Ironwood himself Qrow will instead, at the end of the season, offer him up for his due process punishment to those who now hold the people’s loyalty--Robyn and the Happy Huntresses. And that punishment might not be death. It might be mercy.
Not dissimilar to a reverse Tin Man, just as we saw with Lionheart’s fate to die as a coward, the great general would be frozen in place, ensconced likely metaphorically but maybe also physically, in his own rusting morals, unable to do anything as the world and his people move on without him. A chess piece taken off the board.
Ironwood’s fate could be death, but he could also very well be left alive knowing what he has done, the good and the horrible, so that his reputation never has a chance to become legend. He’ll never be a martyr like he seems to want so desperately to be, likely because he thinks it will help remediate some of his bad choices. By living he doesn’t get the chance to die in glory and his actions gain less nuance; the last few decisions will be a burden he has to bear. For the rest of his life.
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gildedmuse · 3 years
So the whole time we're in Wano, my bro and Em are overly excited. They keep saying, "there's this scene and... You know how many times you blogged about the ninja scene?" (Oh, sweeties, not nearly as much as I blogged about the drunken ZoLaw hug, but I get your point) "Well, you're going to blog so much more about this one."
Problem is, they have manga prevision, but they didn't know exactly when it would be happens in the show. So every week they would wait and see and watch me.
And then...
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[How old was Zoro's Samurai Girlfriend TWENTY YEARS AGO? Cause I would put her age at middle to late twenties. Was she basically a child soldier?]
Mina: Oh man, do I finally get to see Zoro's Samurai Girlfriend actually, seriously fight for real?
Thaniel & Em: *Exchange Looks*
Mina: She better kick as much ass as Zoro implied she can.
Thaniel & Em: *Wait for it...*
Thaniel & Em: *Stare*
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[Let's take a minute to appreciate her, and really the whole team's, bad ass posing skills. For being out of action for 20 years it is on point]
Thaniel & Em: *Stare*
Thaniel & Em: *STARE*
Em: Okay, are you not paying attention or are you just not going to say anything?
Thaniel: I mean, we specifically worked so hard to make sure that stayed a secret.
Mina: And you did. I had no idea Zoro's Samurai Girlfriend was Trans.
Em: So aren't you going to freak out? Or even comment?
Mina: I mean, get with it Chopper; that question is so uncool. But, you know, he was raised a reindeer... And crazy people.
Mina: I do love that over all he cares way less about that than the fact that ahhh! Scary mask!
I'm so sorry you two, I failed you miserably. Truth is, I love that there is a nonbinary character who isn't like a mythical animal or otherworldly presence. She's just a kick ass samurai and one of Oden's nine (nine!) Zoro's. Amazing. And as long as characters continue treating her just like they have up until now, then, yes, super excited about this totally love it.
But it's like when Crocodile reappeared in Impel Down, or when Ace died, or the giant frozen Strawhat, or any situation in which I am given a gift. Once expectations are placed on my reaction, I just freeze up. Like, well, I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't know what's coming so I'm going to assume a neutral emotion until this is over.
Rest assured, I'm excited to see more of her. I'm also excited about having a nonbinary character, but if I'm totally honest I was excited to see more of her before that. She's like the second girl to ever really impress Zoro. That's way more interest-
I will say, I get why at first Em really tried to get me to learn the character's name instead of reducing her to Zoro's Samurai Girlfriend. But, come on, it made Thaniel laugh and it ensured that I would like her. I mean, I have to. She's Zoro's Samurai Girlfriend (and, sorry, Kiku, thus you will forever be known to me. But I'm a good way! Like how Pedro is Cat Zoro until the day he.... Oh... Right.)
Although now I have to constantly be nervous around her like, "come on show, please don't fuck this up." But that's just my lit crit brain that has seen too much media attempt to be inclusive and fail.
And let's admit, One Piece couldn't keep two mildly tan characters on the show given a whole two years were they could just bleachify them. Also, Zeff, Sanji, Brook, Kin'emon, Pervert Dragon Kid, and the idea that Judge Vinsmoke designed this for his sons and then looked at his daughter and thought, "hmm, I suppose the most practical outfit for the one of you without the full genetic modifications would be this."
So I already liked her, now I just have to fear for her. Well, more than I did before. Let's face it, you constantly fear for any character that isn't "The Default". And you should. Writers often fuck them right up and over.
Now, on a happier note (though it does mention fields of dying soldiers), some Bonus Content:
Mina: Also... How did they know that Kikiunojo was so beautiful if she always wore the mask?
Thaniel: Maybe she took it off after slaughtering an entire army. Let them gaze upon her beauty one last time before perishing forever.
Em: How did that work if they all perished forever?
Thaniel: I didn't say they died.
Mina: Maybe it's the super sexy mask. Like... Look, I don't know how that handsome devil is under there, but it is no doubt a handsome devil. I mean, look at that sexy oni!
Em: Demons are known to be sexy motherfuckers.
Thaniel: Eh.... I'd say it's a 50/50 between Hot and Horrifying.
I mean, I can't argue with that. We all know it to be true. Personally, whenever I hear a demon is coming for me my first thought is, "shit" followed by, "God I hope it's one of the hot ones and not the festering pus sacks with the faces that you cannot unsee until madness finally overcomes your mind."
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boundarycrossings · 3 years
Time, Love, and Memory
The first ever inkling of a life goal began when I was 12 or 13 years old, when I read a biography of Seymour Benzer, called Time, Love and Memory. I had always loved science and natural history as many children do, but somehow it was the notion that something as ephemeral as behavior had something as concrete as a genetic basis that captured my imagination more than anything else. I decided then that I, too, would become a behavioral geneticist, just like Seymour Benzer.
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Grafitti - Newtown, CT (2020)
I gave up a lot of things I took up as a kid. 
In chronological order: piano, saxophone, skateboarding, snowboarding, guitar, knitting, sewing, graffiti, printmaking. I couldn’t seem to make anything stick, except the single concrete goal of becoming a behavioral geneticist. 5 years later, I started as a freshman in biology. It wasn’t Caltech, but I was finally in a Drosophila lab.
But reality so rarely lives up to expectation. Looking at the anesthetized flies under a microscope wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. Or maybe it was exactly all that it was cracked up to be. As I had cycled through various instruments, I cycled through various lab courses - spending weeks studying the visual systems of locusts, sucking up transparent little worms with pipette tips - until I landed in a fish lab.
For almost 2 years I studied communication behavior of little tropical fish. Popping out the tiny popcorn brains out of anesthetized fish somehow didn’t gross me out as much as the fruit flies did. I even got to be surprisingly adept at freezing and making impossibly thin slices of the brains. Yet, I still found reality lacking. In one particularly depressing incident, the basement flooded over holiday break, wiping out several large tanks of fish. Being the one lucky research assistant who happened to be around the next day, I was tasked with cleaning up the dead fish which had been marinating in the tropical heat overnight. Ankle deep in dead fish soup and cleaning chemicals, I wondered what I was doing this for, and whether I should consider an alternative to being a behavioral geneticist - something that I seriously hadn’t done since starting down this path.
Being a lowly (and worse yet: broke) undergrad research assistant, there were no trips to the jungle to carry me through the daily grind of lab work. Biostatistics didn’t come naturally to me. I was - and still am - an inefficient writer. I would dream of projects far beyond the scope of an undergrad honors thesis, and the smaller projects within my scope didn’t motivate me in the same way. I barely finished my thesis on time. Although I stayed on another several more months to try to expand it into a real publication - because after all, publish or perish - the fish kept perishing at inopportune times. It made me want to perish. The editing process became physically painful. My initial dream of unlocking the biological basis for human behavior had been downgraded to unlocking 1 particular gene’s expression in 1 particular fish, at a particular point in its short life.
It is human nature to apply everything around us to our own lives and particular situations. We see human emotions in non-human animals, even inanimate objects. We apply the language of gravity to human attractions. In contemplating the trajectory of my scientific ambitions, I couldn’t help but think of the biogenetic law, the theory of recapitulation, that “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.”  An antiquated theory which states that in embryological development, the animal goes through stages that resembles various adult stages of the animal’s evolutionary ancestors. Discredited or not, it rang true with me - it felt like my journey recapitulated the journey of the field as a whole.
Science may have started its journey as a quest to find universal truths about the world in which we live, but through its maturation, development, as well as with changes within the larger societal context in which science happens, it became progressively narrower in scope, at least on the individual scale of pursuit. Aristotle contributed to classical mechanics as much as he did to zoology. Freud dreamt of understanding the entire human subjective experience. Seymour Benzer sought to find the genetic basis for behavior. My professors - as accomplished and as brilliant as they were - had carved out niches which seemed incredibly narrow compared to the historical giants.
Was this an inevitability? That as human knowledge accrues, there is only so much that you can expect to know, and to specialize in? That narrowing the scope of your dreams is just an essential part of growing up? Or was this the product of a larger societal force - the same neoliberal drive towards hyperspecialization, competition, and production pressures plaguing all of society?
I didn’t contemplate this very deeply at the time. If the choice was to publish or perish, I perished. The end.
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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - Newtown, CT (2020)
A year later, I was on the interview trail for medical school. Most questions about my research usually ended up becoming pleasant conversations about the interviewer’s fish related hobbies (I had no such hobbies outside of the lab). The one notable exception was an interviewer who asked me in a suspicious tone why I had done that research.
“Because all knowledge is valuable, and I found it interesting?”
She replied disapprovingly, “You will never get a grant this way.”
I was furious in the moment, but she was right. I never did get a grant that way. I did get into a medical school, though, where I found myself still drawn to the mysteries of human behavior, briefly contemplated a PhD in neuroscience, and ended up being a regular ol’ psychiatrist, MD sans PhD.
Regardless of my childhood ideals, science and academia could not be the refuge I sought from neoliberal capitalism. Having a modern scientific career is as much about “strategic action” and elevator pitches and branding as any other career in capitalism. There is little room for imagination and wonder if it doesn’t get you a grant, a publication, or at least an additional line on your CV.  Not that medicine is a refuge from capitalism, but at least I don’t have to publish if I don’t want to.
With all of the extra time indoors (and with encouragement of a few close friends, who are also admirable readers and writers), I have been reading a great deal this year, and sporadically, inefficiently, writing. These have been the few positives during the pandemic.
As I read again, I find myself equally enthralled by the accounts of field work of anthropologists, biologists, geologists, physicists, just as when I was 12. 
I wonder, in a different world, if I, too, could have been a behavioral geneticist.
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thechocoboos · 5 years
Chocobro HC: Grammar and Em Dashes
it’s been sitting in my google docs folder for a  m o n t h
Noctis writes his em dashes as hyphens--and everyone hates it. So, so much (“Can noct turn his location on i just wanna have a talk” -- @angelic-guardienne)
Example: “Prompto and I ate all of Iggy’s dumplings-and they were fucking great”
And this, my wonderful babes, is not an em dash at all!!! It’s a hyphen!!!!!!! And! It’s! Wrong! So good job noct
Ignis is always ready to fuckin fight Noctis whenever he checks over his essays
And Noct never fixes any of the grammar points, either. All those hyphens? They’re staying hyphens, and Noct doesn’t give a fuck about what grammarly tells him
As @angelic-guardienne put it, “it’s called style, sweety”
Noct not only uses his em dashes correctly, but he loves them, so there are a lot
Why, you may ask? Well, when Noctis uses an em dash, he usually doesn’t have to finish his sentences all the way (or at least, that’s what he thinks)
90 Percent of his grammar errors are laziness, and the em dash is one of them
As for other grammar points
He has so many fucking run on sentences that i want to throw up just thinking about it
He’s a comma FIEND
Don’t know what goes there? COMMA
End of a phrase? COMMA
Already used one hundred supposed-em-dash-hyphens? COMMA
Someone stop this man
He also has the tendency to put a comma when he pauses as though he were reading the sentence out loud (which i, too, am guilty of, so, mood)
He’s not a bad writer, he’s just bad at grammar
His biggest reason for too many commas and run on sentences is just that he’s too lazy to truly revise and proofread his essays
We end up with gems like, “And that’s how my great-grandpappy lost his right leg-he jumped a ship, ate a poisonous squirrel, got stung by a jellyfish, and threw up in the span of an hour because he couldn’t see from when he got a new eyepatch”
Okay, maybe he isn’t a great writer, but he has good content and that’s what matters!
Prom tries to avoid em dashes at all costs (although they are a great writing technique sometimes)
He has no idea how to use them--like straight up
The second someone advises him to use an em dash his face grows panicky and his brain just goes ERROR 404
Therefore, every time he uses an em dash, he does it differently
There was one time when he used an em dash five different times in one essay (noct was so proud of him), and each time it was done differently
Example: “And King Regis declined to answer- it was a mistake”, “Starfish then became part of the echinodermata phlyum -- a fact that no biologist could ever forget.”, “Leeches are apart of the platyhelminthe phylum - not the annelida or nematoda as some people think.”, “After the war, the Citadel was cast in a 10 year darkness that stopped their improvement --and everyone perished - and halted any construction on the site.”
He just struggles okay
He never knows what’s happening with em dashes and he swears everytime he looks it up, it changes
Prom’s biggest problem with writing is that he struggles to focus and stay on track
His mind is always elsewhere and he gets distracted every five seconds--unless he really, REALLY likes what he’s writing about
Much like Noct, he has quite a few run on sentences as well as sentence fragments, but these are because he just can’t focus
It’s so hard for him to get in the zone and when he can’t--which is admittedly, quite often--he ends up jumping from thought to thought and unable to wrap one point up before his brain is on the other
Gladio helped him figure out how to combat this, by making outlines before working on essays and such, but it can only do so much for Prom
Prom still aims for improving things, however, and he’s determined to one day get those damn em dashes down
AND AND AND… he knows how to use them!
He loves those little fuckers with every fiber of his being, they make him so happy and he swears to the astrals that he could never make it through his essays without the support of em dashes
He loves them so much oh my god
He just went through an Emily Dickinson phase (as @angelic-guardienne believes) and the em dashes just… stuck
Ignis sometimes tells him to stop being so carefree with em dashes and Gladio proceeds to text him from then on with only em dashes as his punctuation (it was a bad week for ignis)
Gladio actually has a lot of run on sentences in his first drafts of essays and such, but he’s so anal about revisions that he comes out with absolutely immaculate final drafts
In fact, his first draft is always COVERED in errors
His em dashes may be on point, but he too is comma crazed and riddled with run on sentences; he just has so many ideas to get down and explain that he likes to worry on grammar later
There were some things that Gladio used incorrectly just because he would see it in the books he read, and later on he finally learned how to use them correctly in school (and felt like a damn fool, too)
Gladdy is fairly relaxed about his writing, he just likes to let the words flow (although he does have basic outlines prepared just in case he forgets where he’s going with ideas)
Gladdy loves his em dashes and now hates commas, and his rough drafts are never perf, but he is quite proud of his grammar nonetheless
He doesn’t use em dashes very often tbh
He’s more of a semi-colon and comma guy (and he is a hard ass about commas btw)
When he does use em dashes, they are eloquent, they are well-placed, they are B E A U T I F U L
He is also a hardass about seeing incorrect or too frequent em dashes (i think he’d throw up at my essays)
His little green eyes flash and he immediately throws his back out trying to comment and reach the unfortunate soul whose em dashes he’s looking at
Noctis’ essays give him aneurysms
Ignis is the man who people turn to for help on his essays, however, he isn’t the one they should go to
He’s glad to try and explain the rules of writing and grammar, but honestly, he doesn’t know how to have them make sense
He knows the rules, but he defo can’t explain them, even if he gets pissy at the broken rules
Iggy spends more time on his essays than people would think, merely because he is 100% focused on getting it as perfect as it can be on the first try
He honestly gets hella anxious if he can’t figure out how to word something right the first time he writes something and if a teacher or a prof has more than just a couple points for him to fix for final drafts, he F R E A K S out
This is the man who will pull all nighters because he’s struggling on one small thing on his essay
It’s not so much as freaking out because he wants to be the perfect student so much as freaking out because he can really only afford to do these things once, especially with how little time he has to himself
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sadyeriddell74-blog · 6 years
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