#and always say brilliant or stunning or yes or a key smash
tory-ben-hi-shelton · 3 years
my favourite quotes from exposure
Multiple sets of handcuffs appeared and were applied. Bailiffs began peeling off the dog-pile like layers of an onion. And there, at the bottom of the scrum, was Kit. He was panting like a marathoner, arms still wrapping the Gamemaster's legs in a death grip. He'd clearly been the first to react.
"Oh, man!" Shelton had both hands on his dome. He seemed winded, despite not having moved during the attack. "Things just got real in here."
"Sorry I froze in there, Tor." Shelton frowned as he shirt wiped his glasses. "Not exactly my 'One Shining Moment', huh?" I waved off his apology. I knew Shelton hated how skittish he could be.
I try to hide the eruptions, but the guys can always tell. They do their best to support me even though it makes them uncomfortable. It's very sweet, but teenage boys make lousy grief counsellors.
The previous semester, Ben had been in half our classes, too, despite being a junior. Obviously, he was no longer around. Sometimes it felt like a limb was missing.
"Jason might be there," Courtney chirped. "He likes you."
"Oh." Not a brilliant response. "Yeah, maybe. I might have a thing, though."
Wonderful. Good job, good effort, Tory.
Behind me, I heard Hi fake coughing to cover his snickers
"I should be a secret agent." Hi blew on his fingernails, then buffed them on his lapel. "Or a magician. Maybe both. Someone write that down."
My hands shot for the Ray-Bans, but Ben caught my fingers mid-flight.
"It's not nice to grab," he said calmly.
"I can't handle all this tension," Shelton moaned. "Too much fighting."
Hi nodded, watching Ben dissapear down a side street. "We need to work on our conflict management. Maybe attend a seminar."
"Make your own?" Hi shifted to look at my face. "Victoria Grace, have you been holding out on me?"
"Tell me everything."
"You're not gonna be happy," Hi warned. "Don't kill the messenger."
"Or his good-looking buddy," Shelton added.
"On Saturday Ben and I drove to John's Islands to see Skyfall."
"You did?" Hi said sharply. "Thanks for the invite, jerks."
Shelton raised his palms. "You were at temple. We're suppose to wait around? Plus, you've seen that movie like five times."
"You still could've asked," Hi grumbled. "I don't—"
"Guys!" I clapped my hands once. "The story, please."
"So many gentleman admirers," Hi mused. "Must be tough, being a heartbreaker."
"Zip it. Unless you wanna see a leg-breaker too."
Ella adopted a mock serious tone. "Will you bodyguards consent?"
I giggled. "If Shelton and Hi are my bodyguards, I don't like my chances. And yes."
"See this?" Ben glanced at the mirror and pointed to his chin. "This is my 'couldn't care less' face."
"Boys?" I stood and faced them. "Something to share?"
"It was a secret." Hi aimed a kick at Shelton, who dodged easily. "Ben made us swear not to tell."
I crossed my arms. Waited.
"Tell Kit we're cutting a music video," Hi suggested as we walked. "Something real gangster, so we need to smash-cut our dance routines. Lay down some visuals. We could offer to let him freestyle rap over the second verse."
"Come on, Sambo!" Hi winked. "Live a little. What are we going to do, rob the place?"
The guard crossed his arms. "Wink at me again, Hiram, and I'll throw you to the wolfpack."
"Did I not mention that?" My brain was truly deep fried. "We went together."
"Oh." Hi and Shelton at once. Ben looked away.
"Hey, wait." I leaned closer to the screen. "You guys wouldn't have wanted to go. I took Ella so I wouldn't be paraded around like Whitney's toy poodle." No one spoke. Nonplussed, I decided to change the subject.
I glowered at Ben from the backseat. I'd given Hi shotgun, having sensed this argument was inevitable. I didn't want to be close. The urge to slap might become overpowering.
"Why don't we use our friendly words?" Hi suggested. "Let's take five, and everyone can say something we like about each other. I'll start. Shelton you're super at—"
"Shut up, Hi!" Ben and I shouted, the first thing we'd agreed upon all morning.
"Must be hell to keep the pH balance correct. I know how it is. I owned a goldfish once."
"Once?" Shelton asked.
"It died. Almost immediately."
"Nice work."
"It's a cultural thing," Hi was saying. "I think you're being insensitive."
Hines snorted. "Do you want me to cuff you?"
"A minute alone, Tory. I'd like a quick chat."
Ben shot forward. "You can stick chat right up—"
Hi waved at me from across the yard, waiting for his mother to arrive. Apparently he'd body-blocked the first cops to chase me through the house. The police were none too pleased. I owe you one, Hi. You bought me enough time.
Entering the Virals chat room, I found all three boys present.
Uh oh.
They'd met there ahead of time, before alerting me. To discuss me.
I glanced up to see Shelton holding latex gloves. Hi had the ziplocks. Ben handed me a cotton swab and stopper. "Anything else?"
Despite the circumstances, I smiled.
Ruth popped her son on the back of the head. "Mind your manners, Hiram."
"Why does everyone do that?" Hi muttered. "And that was child abuse. In front of the police, I might add."
He looked away. The harbour breeze ruffled his silky black hair. My hand found his, almost by its own volition.
I couldn't be mad at Ben anymore. It was like being mad at my left arm. And right then, I needed my arm back.
A smile quirked on my father's lips. "And you, Mr. Blue? Ready for a good ol'-fashioned backyard barbecue? My daughter will be there."
Ben's uneasy smile was his only response.
Ben reached up from where he was lying with his eyes closed. Smacked Hi's dome.
Hi rubbed his head. "I'm getting pretty tired of that move."
"Then quit being a dope." Ben's lids remained shut.
"Hey, sure. No problem. I just need to—"
Hi lunged for Ben, intending a flying body slam. Ben caught Hi in midair and tossed him downhill in one quick motion. Hi tumbled, rolled, and dropped over the berm of the sand.
"That was dumb." Hi informed the blue sky.
Ben started talking about Wando High. I countered with news of Bolton. Before long, we'd exchanged stories, catching up on the last five months of each other's lives. I hadn't realized how much I missed Ben. How badly I wanted him back at Bolton.
He was right, of course. I was keeping several secrets from Ben. Like how comfortable it felt to be alone with him. How much I'd missed his reassuring presence. His quiet strength.
Ben removed his shoes, plunged both feet into the lapping salt waters Then he leaned back against a post, sighing contently. The little-boy maneuver brought a smile to my face.
"You're staying out here?" Shelton asked. "Alone?"
"No big deal. I don't want Kit to see what I'm up to."
"I don't like it," Ben said. Behind him, Hi looked uneasy.
"No one knows this place exists." I pointed to the other room. "And there's an 85 pound predator in there that loves me. I'll be fine."
"Text me when you get home." Ben requested. "Please don't forget."
I hid a smile. "Will do. Bye, guys."
I sat forward at the table. "Okay, so ... like, don't freak out."
That got their attention.
"About?" Ben took the seat across from me, next to Hiram.
"There was an incident last night." Oh so calm. "I'm perfectly okay, but on the way hone someone attacked me on the beach."
"What?!" Three stunned voices.
"That's why you didn't text," Ben muttered.
Ben shook his head in wonderment. "Incredible. It's nice having a genius around."
"It's only genius if it works." But I flushed at the compliment.
I squeezed Ben's shoulder. "Who's the genius now?"
He snorted, looked away.
"You let her go alone?" Ben scolded, slowly working his way down to where Hi was beached. "That defeats the whole purpose!"
"I'm aware of that, Benjamin." Hi tried slinging a leg onto the riverbank, but it flopped back into the rolling current. "But she'd figured out you sent her away from the mine on purpose. You try telling Tory what to do when she's pissed."
"I'll pass."
"How's the leg, detective? Or did my wolfdog bite you in the ass, instead?"
"Hey, at least it's not your birthday. Worst one ever, by the way."
His fist came up. I dapped it with mine.
"For Tory," Shelton said.
"For Tory." All jokes shelved.
Coop was rolling in the leaves, pinning someone beneath his massive bulk.
Ben dove on the tangle with a voice-cracking whoop.
I was no longer alone. The Virals had found me. Ben was beaming, unable to hide his relief. He turned quickly, wiping his glowing eyes. Shelton darted forward and crushed me with a hug. Coop was dancing and bucking, his tail wagging so hard he had trouble keeping balance. My boys. My heroes.
"Do you confronted the twins alone, without waiting for us?" Ben couldn't keep the anger from his voice. "After making us promise not to do anything like that?"
"We can discuss my impulsiveness another time—"
"Oh, we will." Ben assured me.
I ejected the spent clip from the HK45, slammed the new one into place, then worked the slide to chamber a round. Then I held the weapon loosely at my side, barrel pointed toward the ground.
"I'm terrified of you right now," Hi said wide-eyed. "And in love. Take me shooting with your aunt Tempe next time."
"Take the SUV and go. I'll stay with Ella and handle the fallout."
"Out of your mind." Ben said immediately.
"We could drive away without anybody knowing."
"I'm not leaving Tory to face this alone," Ben insisted. "Get serious!"
I spoke softly. "The cops will eat you alive, Benjamin Blue. You have to go."
Ben tensed, ready to argue.
"Detective Hawfield died. This is going to get serious. It's way too much heat for you. Please be sensible."
Ben hesitated. Then his shoulders slumped.
"Maybe you're right." Deep breath. "But you're taking away the other possibility, too."
"I don't understand." I glanced over my shoulder at the approaching vehicle. "What other possibility?"
He smiled wanly. "Ben Blue, The Hero. That kinda would've been nice."
I paused, at a loss for words. My heart broke for him.
"But that's okay." Ben dug keys from his pocket. "After all, we're Virals, not heroes. And that's fine. Plus, I'm not really the hero type."
He turned to leave.
Impulsively, I grabbed Ben's arm. Pulled him close. Smashed my lips against his. The kiss only lasted a second, but also an eternity. Then I stepped back an shoved Ben towards the Explorer.
"Of course you're the type." I was grateful the darkness hid my blushes. "Now go."
Ben stared, stricken, thunderstruck. Hi and Shelton watched, wide-eyed with shock.
"Weirdest birthday ever," Hi whispered.
"Corcoran will survive," Ben commented sourly. "He always does. We crack the case, he gets to be the hero."
My head whipped to Ben. Was that bitterness?
I saw no trace. Ben was smiling, relaxed for the first time in days. Maybe months.
As my father strode away, Shelton and Hi both unleashed dramatic yawns.
"Welp." Hi stretch his arms over his head. "I'd better go check on various things that aren't right here. You coming, Shelton?"
"Oh you know it." Hiding a smile. "Stuff to do. No time to waste."
I descended two steps.
Shot back up.
Wrapped Ben in a bone-crushing hug.
Startled, it took him a moment before he hugged me back.
"He didn't say anything to me," Hi repeated. "And if Shelton were sick, I'd be the first to hear about it. At length."
"So what's the plan?" Ben asked.
"Go inside. Look around. Improvise."
"Brilliant." Hi stroked his chin. "Quick question: Is having no plan the same as having a terrible plan, or are those different categories?"
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dansnaturepictures · 4 years
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28th February 2021-Spring walk at Magdalen Hill
Today we walked at Magdalen Hill a fantastic butterfly site we have enjoyed so many brilliant walks at especially in the last few years. Of course building on my ambitions held last week with the weather staying very sunny and pretty warm for the time of year I wanted to see a butterfly today my first of the year. With so many people having done so now my desire was very ripe. I was elated then when minutes into the walk a butterfly glided gently in front of us and landed a few times. My eyes were transfixed on it I just had to get a bit closer to make out its’ species of the few early/all season ones emerging and my desire paid off when I got to see it was one of my favourites the Red Admiral. I had done it, seen my all important first butterfly of 2021 to begin a new year list. My first butterfly seen since October I can’t remember the last time I didn’t see a November or December butterfly in a year which happened in 2020 so it felt like it had been ages since I saw one of these insects, but at the same time when I saw the one flying it was as though there had been no gap and butterfly days were here again. And I was so thrilled and happy.
It was a top species to open with too. A favourite of mine for around 10 years, it has four times been my first butterfly species of the year now which is the most for any species for me and is my fourth earliest ever sighting of the species in a year. It was a year tick at Magdalen Hill last year too on a daily exercise walk in April one of my best walks of the year with Green Hairstreak the one I took the picture of which I felt was one of my best ever butterfly shots and notably so many more butterflies starring and that’s four times it’s been a year tick here so it is a strong place for this beautiful red and black species my favourite colour scheme. I took the first picture in this photoset of this Red Admiral. I have only photographed my very first individual butterfly in a year twice as they usually fly very erratically early on in the season and high up etc. making it harder, the last time was a Red Admiral too recently three years ago at Blanford Forum, Dorset in February 2018 the last time this species was my first of the year. To indicate that point neither picture was with my usual for butterflies closeup macro lens the one before because I didn’t have it on a walk on a still winter’s day I didn’t expect to need it and today this one was too far away to get close to and was high up in a tree when I got the picture. It felt so brilliant to get off the mark with seeing and photographing butterflies this spring it brought me a lot of happiness.
In those opening minutes of the walk today spring had well and truly sprung and we had a phenomenal few moments. Firstly we saw a glorious looking Chiffchaff scuttling through branches shining as it went, and then heard its nice little short one note alternative call to saying its name. Moments later and it was another important first, my first Skylark singing this year one of the greatest and most beautiful sounds in nature. And always such a landmark. We couldn’t quite see one on our walk at this key site for them but I very much hope to soon. 
As we walked on I took the second, third and fourth pictures in this photoset of yet more catkins lately, one of many Long-tailed Tits it was fantastic to see today a star bird of the afternoon and another tree with buds about to blossom lately. I then took the fifth, sixth and seventh pictures in this photoset of beautiful views in excellent unbroken sunshine with bright blue skies. Today we really enjoyed on our walk in great weather taking in the scale of a place, being somewhere so open where you could see rolling scenery yes but also such a lot of sky too which was peaceful and brilliant. Wildlife wise we saw a lot else as we walked on too it became a red day with some special views of Redwings very possibly our last view of any this season you never know and I will miss them its been probably my best autumn/winter for Redwings and thrushes in general with so many of a few of the species seen and Redwings getting to enjoy them so much very locally at Lakeside where its so good for them going there more days than normal due to working from home.
I haven’t often seen Redwing the same day as butterflies or Chiffchaffs or hearing a Skylark so this meant it acted as a great unique meeting point between winter and spring summing up the vibes lately. 
The red hat trick today was complete as we saw three Red-legged Partridges quite mysteriously and entertainingly dashing across and then flying from a field it was quite a sight not knowing what they were until we got binoculars on them. Its been great to see these two weekends running. I also took the eighth picture in this photoset of another brilliant sun through trees scene after one on our walk yesterday this weekend lending itself to this so well, and ninth picture in this photoset of a lovely white flower in the garden when home which I photographed recently and tenth and final picture in this photoset of another stunning sunset tonight they are starting to look really nice and orange when its the right day for them and the sun is shifting right across the sky from my room so my window is looking a little bit more directly onto the sunset now where I so often take so many picture of it and see them in spring, summer and autumn after long winter months of only just being visible to the left out of my window. This winter being at home all the time I did make the most of these more though but its so exciting getting towards summer seeing them further right. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary on the Magdalen Hill walk: My first of one of my favourite butterflies the Red Admiral this year, Bees, Redwing, plenty of Robins, loads of Woodpigeons, Long-tailed Tit, Great Tit heard and seen, a delightful group of Meadow Pipits on power cables that in the light you could faintly see so if you didn’t know better it was as though they were floating in the air which was interesting, Red-legged Partridge, Carrion Crow and I heard my first Skylark of the year. 
Well that brings to an end a fantastic spring weekend with so much beauty and wonder to take in as we are delightfully thrust a little into my favourite time of year such an optimistic, busy, critical and fantastic time to love nature and what we all need right now. And it also ends a brilliant second month of the year for me. February has been a smashing month, snow and ice which was really stunning to see in probably the coldest part of the winter being replaced with a beautiful delve into spring with warmer and brighter weather towards the end of the month was so notable and quite defined the month. I very much enjoyed seeing spring gradually emerge, from birds at Lakeside I knew only came in the spring to breed and catkins that transformed that landscape to go green and others increasingly throughout leading up to the place we are in for exciting wildflowers and insects now. Its also been as I said in yesterday’s blog a month of smashing birds with five crucial year ticks with some rarer species being able to see them safely was great to keep my year list ticking over. Thank you so much for all your comments, interactions and support this month, I wish you all a great and safe March.
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haught0pocket · 7 years
Fic Writers Week - Day 4
The Devil’s In The Details- Highlight small details you loved in the fics you’ve read or written.
Okay, this is really tricky because I have to resist the urge to write pages and pages about @piratekane , @sensitive-pigeon , and @iamthegaysmurf .
Ah. I’ll write them anyway.
Also, I’m a day late because ... well, if you click “keep reading” you’ll see. I just had a lot to say.
This will be long, so I’m just giving it the chop right here.
HEY. GUESS WHAT. We’re talking about i don’t mind you comin’ here again! (You will have to physically remove me from my computer to stop me from talking about this. So.)
There is no mentioning details without mentioning @piratekane , and the amount of work and dedication that is put into the incredible 80′s Mixtape AU. I could write an essay on the details, the attention to them, how accurate and good they are. But I’ll choose one from the latest installment (which I’ll never be over)
Waverly stands with her hands on her hips. “If you didn’t want to come on an adventure, you could have-” “I do!” Nicole insists. She squats down, just barely avoiding a moss-covered rock. “Which way are we going?” She peers at the map. Waverly drew it on a piece of large construction paper. She probably used the crayons Wynonna got her for her birthday. Everything is in shades of green: the trees and the leaves and even the lake. There’s a crooked brown line that runs from the bottom lefthand corner of the map, up and across the page in zigzag lines that makes Nicole twist her head back and forth as she tries to follow its winding path. It eventually ends at a large red ‘x’ over a few black circles in the middle of the green-blue lake. “We’re going to cut through the woods,” Waverly says proudly, jabbing her finger at the brown zigzag. “I even wrote when we’re taking snack breaks.”
Like. Where do I start? The construction paper Waverly used because - hey - she’s 9. All the shades of green because Waverly would do that, to be as accurate as possible on her little map. The fact that the crayons came from Wynonna (because this fic is from the POV of little Nicole, and little Nicole would note these things! a;lksfjjfgiuhiaj;iasejf!! [Sorry. Excited key smash]). Waverly writing down when they take snack breaks.
The details in the setting, the character behaviors, the items they carry around with them, they’re all just outstanding. Mindblowing. They immerse you, %1000, into this world. This is so much more than a story because of these details. So, so much more.
Without details, a story doesn’t really exist. This couldn’t be truer for 180, by @sensitive-pigeon . I don’t know if there’s anyone in the Wynonna Earp (fic reading) fandom that hasn’t read this. It’s so universally appealing.
Once again it’s incredibly difficult to choose an example of a detail I love. Because I love. Love. LOVE. all of them. Every single one. They are all pitch perfect and so full of purpose. Here’s a delightful one that is particularly fantastic (ch 2):
@ssssspaggeti2: #alphabase is anyone seeing this [photo attached] I think shes dead. its been six hours. Check raw stream nasa.gov LivingSpace2 cause the public is off at 4am. No sound on raw =/ @StetsonBot: houston’s not said anything so she’s probably sleeping after work, nbd @ssssspaggeti2: @MarsAlphaBase @NASA @POTUS houston we got a sleeper... @BotanyisBest: wow what a surprise!! 14:35 on Mars too. whats that like 2pm??? @CBSNews: @ssssspaggeti2, do you mind if we use your photo?@BotanyisBest: hahah rip @EarthToWaverly please draw on her
Pigeon created twitter personalities. And it’s not just that she created these twitter personas. Each one has a specific voice, a specific purpose. Excuse me while my brain explodes.
Oh no but wait there’s more. All of this? All of Alpha Base, the science behind this - it works. IT. WORKS. Not only is Pigeon a brilliant author, she’s an actual genius.
I’ll tell you right now, if I don’t stop here, I won’t stop.
I might be slightly obsessed with @iamthegaysmurf ‘s You’re Going To Find Your Way Back Home. (read: very obsessed) Haven’t read it? K. Go Read. Seriously, right now. Stop what you are doing, go read, then come back (if you so wish).
...... Did you read? 
That was pretty great, right?
Smurf dug into a ridiculous amount of historical legends, myths, lore, etc, specifically for this Halloween fic. And then carefully adjusted them to make, big, incredible story. It makes it so intense and believable - the dedication and time that was put into researching all these factors she put in. Everything flows seamlessly, it’s Emily Andras level dedication to myths and lore and telling those stories. (Did you guys know that Emily is a total nerd for all things legend/myth/lore? This was the question I asked her on the reddit ama and she confirmed - yes, she is.)
Here’s a passage that is just ... whoa. You go to the movies for the visuals of it. But you read to get these kinds of descriptions (ch 7):
She can feel the jagged shards of bone littering the ground digging into her back and shoulders, ripping her flannel – and her skin – in places.  Feel the razor-sharp claws tearing at her ribs and throat.
She can smell the putrescence on its breath, hot and fetid in her face.  Smell the sour tang of its unwashed body, a century and a half of dirt and sweat and sulfur permeating its desiccated, leathery skin.
She can see its yellow eyes inches from her own.  See them burning not with the color of the sun or spring flowers or the eggs that Waverly makes them for breakfast on their lazy Sundays, but with that of infernal hellfire.
She can taste the copper in her mouth where one of her teeth sliced into her tongue with the impact.  Taste it mixing with the dust from the air and the clay from the ground and the ash from the aura that engulfs the creature, the flavor of it causing bile to rise in the back of her throat.
I mean. I think that speaks for itself. I can’t add anything to that. It’d just be air. It’s stunning.
Well, this was difficult. After all of that??
But here is a bit in You’re A Beautiful Thing that I am fond of:
She ran her fingers through those wonderful locks. It felt like silk. Like actual, real silk. The fact sort of confused her for a moment. No hair could truly be that soft. But it was. It really was.
Then a thought hit her.
She laid the baby gently down in her lap and unwrapped the blanket, releasing the bundled up arms. Tears rolled down her face, and she sobbed, openly.
Waverly had been sitting quietly, letting the new mother wonder over her daughter. But at the sound of her sister crying, she went to sit next to her on the bed. 
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”
Wynonna wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “I was so scared of her hands.” She gazed in earnest into Waverly’s face. “But they’re so beautiful. Look at ‘em!” She took a little hand, and it immediately wrapped around her finger. “Oh my god,” now she whispered, staring once again at her daughter, awestruck.
Wynonna wondering at her new baby was always something I wanted to see, from the moment we found out Wynonna was pregnant. Because new babies are magical. So I just wrote it. (This was written before the finale)
And now I need to go do day 5! hahah
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raeyvies · 7 years
What happens when Seven finds out about MC’s anxiety? pt.1
MC has anxiety revolving fear of being abandoned/thrown away as though she were worthless. However, she has violent and destructive tendencies to cope with her distress. Luckily she has it under control with medication, but what happens when MC stops taking her meds and Seven accidentally triggers her anxiety once again?
Suggested by @revalya​ : “What would Seven do if he meets an MC who has anxiety like Saeran and she only wants to run away?” I switched it up a bit and instead of running away, she pushes Seven away.
You can read the Saeran version of this story here.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Part: 1/3
Length: 2751 words
Pairing: SevenxMC
Warnings: implied sex (still SFW)
Your hands gently grazed the polished, glossy surface of the vehicle you had been saving up for years to buy. You were at a dealer ready to seal the deal and possibly get yourself into a well worth debt with this Mercedes C-Class Coupe. Imagining yourself riding out of this place with a bright red luxury vehicle and driving up to work with it, you were lost in your own world for a while.
I’ve worked hard for this. I deserve this, you told yourself as you chuckled, all the while antsy to finally sign the contract. After all, you didn’t work as a forensic ballistics analyst for nothing, making almost six figures.
Taking a peek at the inside while waiting for a sales representative, you closely looked at the designing of the inside, down to the stitch work, until you felt someone’s body invading in your own personal space. It sent chills down your spine as you felt whoever’s hair it was touch your earlobe and the moment you turned your head to meet his eyes, you saw how close his face was to yours. Reflexes kicking in, you attempted to back away from the car, only to hit your head against the car’s roof, gripping at the top of the opened door to keep your balance.
Grunting at the thumping pain in your skull, you shouted at the red hair man, “Aghh! Don’t you have any sense of personal space? There’s literally another door, use it!”
“Oh but from here I can get the best view,” he said. You thought it was a joke but as you glared at him, practically burning holes through him, it came to you that he was actually being serious.
“I’m guessing no one taught you how to be patient then.”
“Anyway, my bad. I didn’t know you would freak out like that, I just assumed you wouldn’t mind.” What bugged you was how casual he was being about this all. Who in the world actually assumes that having a stranger that close to you wouldn’t scare you at all?
Rolling your eyes, you were about to leave him to his own businesses, and dismissed him sarcastically, “Yes, because everyone in this world doesn’t mind having someone four inches away from themselves. Have a good day--”
“Saeyoung,” he interjected.
“Excuse me?”
Finally pulling himself out of the car, you finally took a full look at him and you almost gasped at how handsome he was. You were surprised seeing as he was so much taller than you. He was wearing a black tank top showing through his opened, white button up shirt, sleeves folded at his elbows. And his hair was a bright vermillion. You had never seen someone with such vibrant hair and from what you could tell, it was his natural hair color. And it looked so fine on him.
“‘Have a good day, Saeyoung,’” he bowed slightly, moving his hand in a rolling motion, as though he were greeting himself even though you were just leaving him. “I think that’s what you meant to say.”
You gave him a side glare, a confused yet stunned expression painted on your face, “You don’t really know how to...uh...be social, do you, Saeyoung?”
Saeyoung awkwardly scratched the back of his head, and shook his head, “I’m really sorry. I hardly get to talk to anyone besides my computer. We got off on the wrong hand didn’t we?”
You confess that maybe you did get slightly defensive unnecessarily and you apologized too. The two of you view the inside of the Mercedes, this time from different doors and from there, you two continued your conversation, you being first to break the ice. “You're right though. She's a beauty and I'm hoping to drive out with one of these today.”
“Good choice. I already have one of these but next year's model,” Saeyoung boasts while you were left dumbstruck. How could he have the next model if this one just came out? Picking up on your confusion, he laughed, “That’s everyone’s reaction. Let’s just say I have connections and a garage with fifteen cars.”
This guy, this tall glass of fruit punch, had it all. At this point you wouldn’t be surprised if he said he was heir to some conglomerate. For a few more minutes, the two of you shared some conversations of over your interests and about cars, and in the end you found he was actually a cool guy. You wouldn’t mind being friends with him. Saeyoung was about to ask you if you wanted to keep talking over some bubble tea or whatever appetized you when a sales representative finally approached.
“Give me an hour and this baby will be mine,” you crow at him in return for bragging about his fifteen some cars. Saeyoung smirked in response and told you he would wait until you came out with your new car.
You thought little of it thinking he was just being friendly to you, but when you left the office with new keys in your hands, you saw that he was still there with headphones over his ears. He really had waited for you and that made you heart swell just the slightest bit. You had grown so used to blowing off others or being the one blown off, so seeing him there gave you joy.
Despite having anxiety about being abandoned, your medication always kept you stable and able to socialize without your fears disturbing you. Saeyoung now said what he was previously planning to say, and asked you out to keep talking over fried chicken and honey bwatda chips since that was what you were hungry for.
You drove out of the dealer with a brilliant and shiny new Mercedes while Saeyoung followed behind you in his own luxury sports car. Since you were in the city, you couldn’t afford to go speeding down the streets but at night you knew you would. You got to know Saeyoung even more, and you found his personality attractive. You felt a magnetic pull to him. His cheeriness and joking aura charmed you in the end. You hadn’t felt this with anyone since you started your therapy sessions years ago and quite honestly you missed this feeling. Then again, you were the one who avoided any possible attachment but with Saeyoung you felt that if you at least remained casual, you wouldn’t be hurt. You also didn’t plan to tell him anytime of your mental issues.
However, you wouldn’t know what to do if the two of you did become serious.
The both of you had a great time on your first date that happened later that weekend after your first encounter with him. You got to know more about each other’s occupations and you became more sociable. You found out he was working as an intelligence specialist under an agency and he learned you were a ballistics analysts for an agency as well. Saeyoung thought to himself that he caught a real smart one and told you that. It was burdensome and embarrassing to have been told that, but you couldn’t help but blush. In fact, you felt like nothing was wrong with you when you blushed. It was like you had become a new person. Although in Saeyoung’s presence you didn’t think much of your dilemma, at home, you stirred at night unable to sleep. You kept asking yourself why you weren’t fearing attachment to him.
And that was what you discussed with your therapist that week. She told you that therapy was working very well and since you were always on top of your medication, you were more in control of your emotions now. So she recommended to lower your dosage gradually until you were off the medication for good. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you had a bad feeling. You felt that one day you would fall back and be consumed by your worries and become violent again. It was your way of protecting yourself. You would rather abandon someone than to be thrown away by that person. You would drive them away like that.
Worst of all, you had no control over yourself. Once your violent outbursts were triggered by fear, it was nearly impossible for you to stop.
You prayed that you wouldn't lose your self control in front of Saeyoung. He really didn't deserve it.
That week you declined a date with Saeyoung because you were still adjusting to no longer using your anxiety medication. For a while, though it felt like an eternity, you would be jittery. You wouldn't eat. You couldn't sleep. You wanted to be with Saeyoung. But he can't see me like this, you thought to yourself as you held a mug a little too tight. Before it could break in your own hand, you lunged it at a wall, letting it shatter and litter the floor.
That became a routine because laying off the medication was not the wisest decision, but your therapist refused to give you another prescription. For now, even though you were anxious and violent, you weren't afraid, and that was progress admittedly. Your therapist told you to give it some time, so everyday you broke one mug, or plate, or cup. And when you ran out of them, you bought some more. As unorthodox as it was, it kept you stable.
You couldn't imagine what would happen the day fear came back into your life, reclaiming its pedestal in your body. You wouldn't let it; you knew that Saeyoung wouldn't throw you away and dispose of you like a used doll.
What you didn't know was that Saeyoung had already tapped into your phone and had already run a background check on you. Through your phone’s microphone, he heard you smashing every single mug. The first few times he was distressed and wanted to run to you, but that would reveal he knew more about you than you thought.. You didn't even know yet where he lived and you hasn't told him your address either.
It was a bad habit of his but it served its purpose as he found out about your therapy sessions too. The night he read about you, he knew he couldn't push you away like he did to everyone else. He didn't want to damage you more than you already were; rather, he wanted to stitch you back up piece by piece until your anxiety was imprisoned. Saeyoung would be doing what he couldn't do for his brother all those years ago. Of course he never made a mention about knowing, but his subtle gestures hinted that he knew something.
Having recuperated your center and grown used to the lack of drugs in your body, you finally cleaned up the mess you had made in your apartment. It took a few hours but you were proud of yourself. Cleaning up the pieces of glass was like picking up the missing pieces in your life.
Saeyoung stopped hearing the sound of shattering glass every day and was sure that you were recovering and moving past your anxiety. He also learned that you had been accused of domestic violence but now he understood where it came from. He began putting two and two together, and it dawned on him that it was just your defensive mechanism because he had read that you feared commitment and attachment.
But both of you knew that you wanted to take it further. You started making an effort to change yourself, and Saeyoung’s subtle gestures were making a difference even if you didn't see it.
After about two months as a casual couple, one date the both of you took deepened your relationship.
It was Saeyoung’s idea to go out and have a little race in the middle of nowhere. Oh he has some creative ideas for dates right? Seeing as you were competitive too, you accepted his challenge. The two of you in separate cars, engines roaring, sped down a deserted highway that day, and adrenaline coursed through your veins. The rush of driving at 100+ miles per hour was so exhilarating that you hadn’t notice you won until you finally came to a stop.
In the end, you came out victorious against the one who even suggested the race and with a smirk you greeted the unfortunate loser. Leaning casually against your car you winked at your boyfriend as he got out of his car and jokingly, relished in his misfortune, “Don't tell me now that you just lost on purpose. Admit it, your girlfriend is a better driver than you.”
As your boyfriend stepped out of his car, he swept his hair back and chuckled at your cocky way of expressing yourself, striding towards you. Saeyoung placed his hands on your waist and closed the space between the two of you. You saw that he was biting his lip as he looked down at you. Since there’s such a height difference between you and Saeyoung, it made you look like an adorable couple. But in that moment, it only increased the tension between you two. He was so close to you and you could feel his heartbeat; you could hear his breathing so closely that you could tell he was still calming down from the rush of racing. Moving a strand of hair from your face with his finger, he admitted, “You know I actually won right?”
Seeing your confused expression, he added in a lower voice, “Because you're my girlfriend.”
You gave him a glance that only said, Tell me more. Honestly you couldn't get enough of his flattery and just waited for Saeyoung to continue as you pulled him closer, your fingers hooked in his belt loops.
“You're beautiful. Competitive. Extremely intelligent. A fighter.”
“I know.”
“We're all alone out here too. No one’s watching us.”
Instead of saying anything, you just closed the gap between the both of you even more.
“And I love you. So so much.”
“I know,” you whispered as though it were a secret. You licked your lips out of habit waiting for Saeyoung to say more.
“Do you?” He asked with an implying tone. You two had grown to know each other so well in the last few months and you knew exactly what he was trying to say. You rise to your tip toes, one hand grasping at his shirt to pull him down to your level, and clashed your lips with his. You felt as Saeyoung caressed your waist, he was also pushing you onto the hood of your car, slowly and gently.
As the kiss became more heated, the sexual tension multiplied, feeling his waist between your legs. Saeyoung bit your lip and loved the sounds you made as you tried to find some breaths in between. It was almost a whining yet pouty sound.
And then the kisses moved on to your neck, making you gasp but wishing for it to never end. He started unbuttoning your shirt all the while grazing your skin with his rough fingers under your tank top. You could feel his heat so close to you and you just pulled him closer to you, desperately craving more of him.
“W-wait,” you whispered and Saeyoung paused. He thought that maybe he was crossing a line but as he was about to pull away from you, you pouted, “I don't want a dent in my baby!”
You were obviously referring to your car.
“Oh my god, MC,” Saeyoung sighed in relief half out of breath with his heart racing. “Ruining the moment much.”
You gave him a devilish smile, with lust clouding your eyes, as you slid off the hood and opened the door to the passenger seat. “I learned it from you, love.”
Saeyoung laughed under his breath thinking that he was right; he had the greatest girlfriend he could ask for. He knew that he made the right choice to never push you away. He watched as you teasingly removed your shirt and jeans, only leaving your translucent tank top on, revealing your body’s curves, and slid into the passenger seat that had readily been adjusted for such an occasion. Saeyoung didn't take long to follow you, allured by your seduction.
Right then and there he left his trace on you that he existed. That was not the last time he left his seal on you, and you never wanted it to stop.
To be continued.
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chorusfm · 6 years
Gang Of Youths – Live at The Forum, Melbourne, Australia
Gang Of Youths are Australia’s biggest success story in years. The Sydney-based band formed in 2012 and has enjoyed a steady stream of success, be it selling out larger and larger venues or recipients of critical acclaim. Flash forward to now, when Gang Of Youths had to announce a whopping 21 dates (all sold-out) for their Say Yes To Life Tour, with eight sold-out dates at Melbourne’s iconic Forum Theatre alone. Last year, the band received seven ARIA award nominations for their brilliant #1 album, Go Farther In Lightness. They won four of them (Album Of The Year, Best Group, Best Rock Album, and Producer of The Year – for Gang Of Youths & Adrian Breakspear). They even supported the mighty Foo Fighters for seven nights in the US during the band’s Concrete and Gold Tour last month! So, Gang Of Youths’ Say Yes To Life Tour is a big deal; for the band and their loyal, growing fan-base. It’s an absolute triumph: a homecoming for our dearest indie rock band, and a celebration of positivity and growth. If you rolled into Melbourne’s Forum Theatre early enough, Publique were there warming up the room. The five-piece from Sydney delivered a sweltering half-hour set of post-punk. New single, “Deprecate,” was a highlight of their set, seeing the band experimenting a touch with their signature sound. They had me enamored for the short time they had the stage. Publique certainly didn’t appeal to all members in the crowd, as a few rude patrons demonstrated, but I believe they’re brimming with potential. In a few years time, Publique could be Australia’s answer to IDLES, the formidable English post-punk group breaking ground just two albums into their career. Second support act Charlie Collins (ex-Tigertown) has joined Gang Of Youths every night of the Say Yes To Life Tour. She and her band were just delightful. Charlie Collins’ sentimental yet fresh brand of indie rock is sure to gain her tons of fans – and, god, her voice is marvelous. Donning an acoustic guitar and using the harmonica for two songs, Charlie Collins’ talent was undeniable. Her band was incredibly solid, effectively capturing the magic of obvious influences such as Fleetwood Mac and Johnny Cash. “Mexico,” her latest single, which she dedicated to her sister currently having a rough time, had the large crowd swaying and even singing along. At the end of her set, my sister turned to me and said, “we are so seeing her next time she’s here.” My sister and I felt the same thing on Monday night: Charlie Collins is destined for greatness. If you’re a fan of Kacey Musgraves, Angus & Julia Stone and/or The War on Drugs, then Charlie Collins is one to keep on your radar. The sold-out Forum Theatre was absolutely buzzing with anticipation when Gang Of Youths strode onto the stage. Opening with the Springsteen-esque, “Fear And Trembling” was a tremendous choice – Monday night’s crowd was already in for something exceptional. Dave Le’aupepe began the song solo, only with his acoustic guitar. He was greeted with deafening applause and cheers, and the first of many crowd sing-alongs. Following the first verse, all hell broke loose: the full band charged in, the crowd sing along grew somehow louder, and everyone began dancing. The band immediately followed “Fear And Trembling” with the equally blistering, “What Can I Do If The Fire Goes Out?.” Again, it was pure madness. I’ve never seen such an enormous reaction from a crowd. Every member of Gang Of Youths shone that night. Le’aupepe’s voice was silky smooth. He often boogied towards guitarist, Joji Malani, sharing overjoyed grins. Jung Kim is an understated star on the keys. The rhythm section was also incredibly tight, with bassist Max Dunn holding songs together and providing a further layer of vitality, while Donnie Borzestowski crushed the drums for 90 minutes straight with the power Gang Of Youths are renowned for. With Le’aupepe’s honeyed vocals, long curly brown hair, cheeky smile, and sometimes-ridiculous dance moves, he’s already a superstar. Perhaps even a spiritual successor to the dearly missed INXS frontman, Michael Hutchence. After only two songs, Le’aupepe greeted us. Most importantly, he made sure to remind us all that: “everyone in this room should be comfortable. Look out for the people around you and take care of each other.” He didn’t have to say anything of the sort. But, as a young woman in the crowd looking out for my younger sister, it was comforting to hear that Gang Of Youths cared for every single person in the packed theatre. Of course, a majority of Gang Of Youths’ setlist comprised of their latest album, Go Farther In Lightness. However, nothing could’ve prepared me for the beautiful three-song-punch of “Keep Me In The Open,” “Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane,” and “Persevere.” Proving to be a genuine, down-to-earth frontman and individual, Dave Le’aupepe left us with some deeply honest monologues before both “Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane” and “Persevere” – about the experience of being labelled an atrocious band to see live, and of his family’s struggles before he was even born. Then, prior to “Persevere,” every band member except Le’aupepe left the stage. He sat by the grand piano and delivered such an intimate, stunning rendition of the song, that I currently struggle to hear the studio version. An older woman turned to me after “Persevere,” remarking how the men around her were “in their feelings.” She wasn’t wrong. Whether Gang Of Youths are capturing hearts with lovely ballads or inspiring thousands to rally against negativity with rip-roaring rockers, the result is the same: a Gang Of Youths concert isn’t simply another gig. It’s a life-changing experience. Go Farther In Lightness is only just over a year old. You wouldn’t know it by the rapturous sing-alongs witnessed on Monday evening! What might be the best thing about seeing Gang Of Youths live is simply watching everyone around you, and from my field of vision, here were some of my favourite unbridled moments: two teen girls singing smash-hit, “Let Me Down Easy” to each other, holding hands; a 20-something-year-old man resembling The 100’s Richard Harmon on someone’s shoulders, gleefully throwing his arms at the band during “The Heart Is A Muscle”; a 40-something-year-old man yelling at the top of his lungs for the chorus of devastating breakout hit, “Magnolia”; and beautifully, a group of four strangers with opposite ethnicities, arms around shoulders, chanting along to the refrain of “Say Yes To Life”. It was a night of exuberance, acceptance, and diversity; which is what Gang Of Youths have always been about. Four years ago, Dave Le’aupepe was in the darkest place he’s ever been in. He has expressed immense gratitude towards his bandmates for helping save his life. A huge portion of Gang Of Youths’ debut album, The Positions, tracked the tragedy that plagued him at the time. See “Magnolia,” the precise recollection of the night Le’aupepe would attempt to take his life. “Magnolia” could have easily been a song that dwelled on the darkness; Le’aupepe could have given up. But, he didn’t. On Monday night, he dove into the loving arms of the audience, all of us celebrating life with him. “Magnolia” was one of the first of several songs where Gang Of Youths would revere in making the most of life, setting the path in which the band has continued to follow. What I witnessed when I finally saw Gang Of Youths live a few nights ago was more than a concert. I’m fully aware that I was in the presence of a band poised to take the mantle from epic rock acts (who the band happen to be influenced by), such as Bruce Springsteen, INXS or U2. Gang Of Youths already have an incredible repertoire of ginormous rockers, as well as gorgeous, wholly unique ballads. What every sold-out audience beheld over the Say Yes To Life Tour is a fully-formed band. Love them or hate them, something I’m entirely sure of is Gang Of Youths are here to stay. Soon enough, the world will experience what thousands of Australians have during this tour: two hours of unadulterated bliss and walking out of iconic venues, gobsmacked. I can’t wait to hear more stories like mine. --- Please consider supporting us so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/features/gang-of-youths-live-at-the-forum-melbourne-australia/
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Let me preface this entry by apologizing for not posting this blog entry earlier. It’s been an incredible, rewarding, and extremely busy month (+) in Thailand. Along with exploring a new city, meeting a terrific group of new friends, and integrating ourselves into the Thai culture, we have had homework to complete and lesson plans to write.
So, finally, I have a moment to put the stories and experiences of the first wonderful week onto virtual paper.
Ryan and I arrived at the Chiang Mai airport, grabbed our bags, and met up with our driver, as well as some new friends from our program. We were taken to La-Mer Hostel in the Old City of Chiang Mai and given the keys to our assigned rooms. (Mine is a cute little corner room with sky blue walls and floral tile. I have grown quite fond of it.) Soon after, we had our first meeting with the entire group of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) students.
We will spend the majority of the month of October living in Chiang Mai and training to become English teachers. Following our certification, we will receive our school placements and move on to our respective cities all over Thailand.
Saying that the group is absolutely wonderful would be an understatement. Every single member of our class of 22 is so kind-hearted, open-minded, and ready for challenge and adventure. Many, though not all, are extremely well-traveled, and some have previous teaching experience. Regardless, everyone is so unbelievably excited about being here and supportive of each other.
Alayna (Minnesota), Alex (California), Brandon (New York), Celia (Washington), Conor (Manchester, England), Dalton (Washington), Erica (Tennessee), Erica (Maine), Nathia (Maryland), Gabe (Colorado), James (Melbourne, Australia), Jessica (Vancouver, Canada), Kelly (Oregon), Mallory (Tennessee), Nicole (Michigan), Ryan (Illinois), Taylor (Colorado), Taylor (Kentucky), Tori (West Virginia), Tori (Minnesota), Vee (Illinois)
Yes, you read that right! There are two other girls from Tennessee! And guess what?! THEY ARE FROM NASHVILLE! There are three Nashvillians in our little group all the way across the globe. They went to school just down the road from me! It always surprises me how small the world can be.
After the initial meeting, at which we introduced ourselves and received information about the next month of training, we all headed just a few streets down to the famous Chiang Mai Sunday Walking Market.
I’m glad you asked. Simply put, it is a long stretch of the city blocked off for vendors to set up small stalls of food, clothes, trinkets, bags, sunglasses, etc. Pedestrians make their way through the crowded streets to shop and eat and listen to the live music played by buskers on the street.
It was absolutely packed, which added to the crazy energy and authenticity. We bumped and pushed our way through the people and stalls for about two hours before stopping off to listen to live music at a patio bar on a side street. A bluesy-rock band of Thai men belted out a classic: “They call me the breeze. I keep blowing down the road.” A fitting end to our first night in the city of Chiang Mai.
We began our day in the classroom with a brief meeting. Soon, we departed for the nearby mall complex in our very first songthaew ride. Remember that pickup truck with the roof and benches welded on the back that I mentioned in the previous post? Turns out that would become the staple method of transportation around Chiang Mai.
At the huge mall, we shopped around for necessary items (Thai burner phone circa 2007), and then had the unique pleasure of enjoying a Thai food court.
Later that night, we all decided to check out a local reggae bar and were absolutely floored by what we heard. The band, which consisted of 5 Thai guys playing the guitar, bass, drums, saxophone, keyboard, played through a mind-blowingly varied setlist. Not only did they smash out some classic reggae hits, but they also played rock, ballads, country, latin, and pop. It was fabulous, even “transcendent.”
Tuesday began with a trip to the rice paddies in the outskirts of Chiang Mai. We had a lesson on planting rice and spent an out pushing clusters of rice bulbs into the muddy floor of the paddies. Though our group made it fun, planting was hot and physically tiring. I have so much respect for the farmers who do this work day in and day out. It is such a difficult and taxing job for people who get little societal respect or recognition. Next time you have rice, take a moment to think about where it came from and who spent their days planting, cultivating, and harvesting it.
After rinsing the mud of the paddies of our feet, we hopped back into the red songthaews and continued on to our next stop: a Muay Thai gym.
(n.) a martial art developed in Thailand in which blows may be struck with the fists, elbows, knees, and shins
Our training session began with stretching, running, and a crash-course in the standard Muay Thai boxing moves. Then, we rotated through a weight-lifting circuit (complete with flipping massive tires). We finished by practicing our jabs, cross-jabs, elbow strikes, kicks, and knee strikes one-on-one with a Muay Thai fighter. Needless to say, we were all sweaty and exhausted.
To cap off a day of new experiences, Ryan and I decided to try a fish pedicure, aka submerging your feet into a tank while a bunch of tiny minnows nibble all the dead skin off of your feet. IT WAS WILD. The first few minutes consisted of squealing and squirming, because it really did feel like a bunch of tiny minnows were munching on your toes. As we settled into the idea of it, though, it began to feel more like a consistent vibration. It turned out to be a very relaxing experience, and my feet had never been softer.
The overcast Wednesday morning was a perfect backdrop for a meditation session with a very informative and funny monk. He spends his time traveling around the world teaching and practicing Buddhist meditation. Because of this, he can imitate a startling number of global accents, including (but not limited to) Australian, German, English, and even Minnesotan! After answering our questions about the monkhood and cracking more than a few jokes, he led us in a short guided meditation. If you’ve ever tried meditation, you know it can be a tedious and difficult task, but if done right, it can be cleansing and rejuvenating. For most of us, it leaned more toward the former. Add ‘improve mediation skills’ to the Thai to-do list!
Next, we visited the tunnel temples and pagoda connected to the meditation center. Both were beautiful—ancient gray stone covered in brilliant green moss. The small temples at the end of each tunnel were simple but fascinating, all with small sticks of incense spiraling smoke into the air.
We piled back into the trusty songthaews and made the twisting climb (almost 5,500 feet in elevation) up the mountain to Doi Suthep, a famous temple outside Chiang Mai. We arrived and promptly hiked up the few hundred steps to the entrance of the temple. Once inside, we were stunned by the glorious colors and intricate detail of the space. Equally as breath-taking was the view from the side balcony. You can see for miles and miles—all of Chiang Mai and the mountains beyond.
That evening, we all walked across the old city to the Night Bazaar, a nightly market with clothes, souvenirs, cheap gadgets, an international food stand area, and live music. We sat together and drank and ate and sang along with the music AND THEN WE ATE A BUNCH OF BUGS.
Yes. Bugs. Crickets. Silk worms.
At first, it was a cautious nibble and then, before too long, it became a game of ‘what are the odds you’ll eat x amount of bugs.’ Hilarious and gross.
In case you’re wondering, the jury is split. I say silk worms are way better. Ryan opts for crickets every time.
Thursday was packed with classroom time—Thai language, Thai culture and politics, and more information regarding placements.  
Most Thai noodle dishes are eaten with a spoon in your dominant hand and fork in the other. The eater is to fork the food onto the spoon and eat.
You can make or break relationships in Thailand depending on your wai (customary Thai greeting in the form of a small bow).
The Thai monarchy is intertwined in almost every facet of Thai life. In the wake of the former King’s death, Thailand has been in a state of mourning since last October.
After a few classes in the morning, we visited a huge market in the heart of Chiang Mai’s Chinatown. This market was particularly interesting, because it was seemingly located in an abandoned three-story mall complete with non-functioning escalators. It boasted a unique mix of smells and goods.
That evening, our program agency hosted a family-style dinner in a gorgeous riverside restaurant for both our group and the other TESOL group studying across the city. The restaurant is owned by a former Thai pop star and was absolutely beautiful, especially lit up at night. We were able to mingle, admire the beauty of the location, and enjoy the live folk music.
We ended the night dancing to the now-infamous band at the Reggage Bar. Groovy. Boogie on, Thailand!
After a week of XploreAsia-sponsored orientation activities, we took it upon ourselves to organize something: a visit to the Elephant Sanctuary. It did not disappoint.
We were picked up outside the hostel by two rugged-looking songthaews early in the morning. For almost 2 hours, we twisted down the windy roads deeper and deeper into the jungle. As we drew closer to the sanctuary, the road turned into a bumpy dirt path. We weaved through the trees until we reached a steep trail, at which point we hopped out of the trucks and carried massive bundles of bananas across a rushing river and down to a bamboo structure with a primitive deck and long table. We were met by our guide, who talked to us about Asian Elephants and the Karen People, a mountain tribe in the hills outside Chiang Mai, and their role in caring for the animals.
With bunches of bananas in our hands, we followed the mahouts to a small grassy patch with five or so elephants—3 big and 2 babies.
A mahout! A mahout is an elephant trainer and care-taker. Each mahout is assigned an elephant when he is of age. This assignment lasts for life, as elephants have roughly the same life expectancy as humans. The mahout and the elephant develop a relationship over time, and the mahouts use verbal commands to train and communicate with the elephants.
Hesitant at first, we fed the elephants one banana at a time and moved cautiously around them. Soon, though, we understood how gentle and smart these elephants were and began to interact with them, pet their trunks, and pat their sides.
We restocked our bananas and continued on to another area with another group of elephants. The oldest elephant, a grandma to most of the babies, was my favorite. I found her rough trunk and wrinkly, smiling eyes to be so endearing and captivating. I could have spent all day feeding and petting her.
After lunch and a quick nap in the sun, we headed down to a muddy pit to give the elephants a mud bath. We splashed them with the brown water and rubbed handfuls of mud into the skin on their backs. Once we were all covered in mud, elephants and humans both, we walked to the creek to rise off. The elephants piled into the deepest section and rolled around—massive creatures tumbling in the water like children. It was quite a sight to take in.
After a final talk from our guide about treating elephants ethically with care and dignity (no riding!), we said goodbye to our amazing friends and made our way back to Chiang Mai.
For more information and to support a very worthy cause, visit http://www.elephantjunglesanctuary.com/
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