#and another 50 years picking a graphic lsdkmakldaslkd
lgcwenjun · 3 months
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show us your best ! iu - someday dream performance ! verivery - ring ring ring
he thinks he's spent enough time in disbelief. while staring at yourself in the mirror and pinching your own skin while trying to figure out if you're stuck in a dream is most definitely something that wenjun's been doing very often, he realizes that if he wants to prove his worth, he'll have to work hard.
wenjun by no means has ever thought of himself as an amazing performer. even more so in comparison to all the other trainees in legacy. everyone is amazingly talented and good looking, and it doesn't exactly help that wenjun's always been the kind of person who'd prefer to stay at the sidelines ( mostly because he's always been sidelined ). but there had to be a reason, right? there had to be a reason as to why they chose him to be a trial member.
misaki's words ring in his mind – he'll have to be more confident. he'll work hard to prove his worth.
choosing a song, takes him ... well it takes him almost forever. only because wenjun is so picky. he wants to pick something good, something that'll stand out – something that best represents him.
he has the hardest time choosing a song that shows his best. it doesn't take him long to figure out what he'll do ( he'll most definitely sing. while he isn't one to toot his own horn, he's always been the most comfortable with singing ). it's the song choice that takes him ages.
finally though, he settles on one. someday. a song from a popular drama, a song that he feels represents him best. the lyrics, "when i feel that i’m getting tired of myself, i want to give up on all of my dreams i have kept so hard," speak to him in particular. "maybe one day, these tears will stop."
the song is soft, and wenjun feels that it fits his personality quite well. while it isn't a song that he has to belt out, it does showcase his falsetto quite well near the end. it's a song he holds close to his heart. the perfect song, he thinks, to introduce himself. a vocalist with a soft heart. yeah, he'd like that.
choosing a dream performance song is a little easier. wenjun's already got one in mind – a guilty pleasure of his. ring ring ring.
it's a bright song, with fun lyrics and he's always enjoyed songs with a fresh-like concept. it had been a song he'd had on repeat quite a bit, and in truth, a song that he'd once imagined himself debuting to.
the kind of song asking for love, about your heart practically ringing because you've found yourself in love. not only that but it's fun and upbeat. wenjun finds himself feeling light on his feet as he practices the dance, and it isn't hard for him to smile. if anything, he finds himself smiling almost naturally as he practices the song, excited to show it to everyone else. to everyone that might be tuning in to nknd.
wow. hold on. wait.
people... would people be tuning in to nknd? would they be tuning in to wenjun? he bites his lip. again, it feels unreal.
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