#and another when maya says all his friends call him nick. he glances at edgeworth and says 'well. larry does'
im-still-a-robot · 1 year
Taking it here instead of the discord, Turnabout Musical is making my brain do flips
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thefandomcassandra · 5 months
hallowed be thy unknown Ch4: Haunted Turnabout 4: Nightshade and Nettle
Maya spent her entire morning—what precious few hours she had between waking up and when the cops came to take her to the defendant's lobby—tending to where Redd White hit her and reviewing the transcript and evidence from yesterday's trial. Nick came back from his excursion at the Fey & Co. Law Office with a stern look in his eyes and a dry smile—some twenty-odd names memorized just in case—to find Maya sitting on the floor, surrounded by loose papers. She was looking for relevant pages and information, choosing to cut out all superfluous fluff so she had a concise idea of what she could get Redd White on if he tried to lie. About ten pages wound up folded and tucked into her sash for later.
In a surprising turn of events, Maya and Phoenix were not alone in the defendant's lobby that morning. Prosecutor Edgeworth had deigned to visit her before the trial.
Maya barely spared him a cursory glance. She had breakfast to eat and, like before, Gumshoe had been kind enough to get her something more substantial than granola bars. Devouring the apple left for her took all her attention and it's not as if she wanted to speak with him anyway.
"You should still greet him. It's polite." Phoenix refused to wither under her dry glare. Fine. She could be polite.
To appease her dead friend, Maya turned to Prosecutor Edgeworth and inclined her head slightly. She still had a mouthful of apple—the whole apple, really, to keep her hands free in the moment—but that was a genuinely useful excuse to not say a word to him. She didn't trust herself to be civil, considering yesterday's...everything.
"Miss Fey." Prosecutor Edgeworth's light voice carried surprisingly far in the lobby. His grey eyes lingered for far too long on her cheeks, especially the one that was bandaged. "Are you entirely set on trying for a full acquittal?"
What did he think? She raised an eyebrow at him and bit down on the apple, taking a huge chunk out of it.
"You will not get a more lenient plea than the one I offered on the first day." Was he warning her or threatening her? It was almost laughable. She'd already come so far. Why would she back down? "You'll come to regret not taking that offer."
"I assume," speaking around a mouthful of apple was a chore but she needed the energy, "it's off the table now, Prosecutor Edgeworth?"
In response, Prosecutor Edgeworth only said, "You will be found guilty of your sister's murder now that this witness has agreed to testify. The judge will rule against you. Don't press your luck and push him too far."
"Neat. Thanks."
Before he left the defendant's lobby, hand on the knob, Prosecutor Edgeworth paused and looked over his shoulder. His brows were furrowed, lips pursed, and he seemed...oddly hesitant. "Did something happen yesterday?"
Was he playing dumb? "What do you mean?"
"Detective Gumshoe was...rather subdued, more than normal this morning. I was just wondering if that had to do with your investigation the day before. If not then don't mind me."
"I won't, then." And that was that.
Phoenix settled midair and stared at where Prosecutor Edgeworth had been standing, face inscrutable. Without shifting or looking away, he gently admonished Maya. "He was trying to ask if you were okay."
"I'm not. He should know that — be able to see that." Maya finished the apple and wrapped the core in a napkin, using bottled water and another napkin to rinse her hands and wipe her face clean. The cold stung the place where Redd White's rings tore the corner of her mouth open and she winced. "If he wanted to apologize, he could drop the charges."
"That's not his call to make. The case is the state—more specifically: the local court—versus yourself. If he's not the prosecutor, someone else will be." Phoenix stared in the middle distance for a moment before speaking again. "You want Edgeworth on this case. He's less likely to bend to White's whims."
"What a gift I've been given." Thankfully, the bailiff that came to get her prevented her from hearing another 'actually Edgeworth is good Maya, why are you so bitter?' speech from Phoenix. Small miracles. The sooner she got in court, the sooner she could put Mia's killer behind bars. Maybe the oh-so-good Prosecutor Edgeworth would show him the same amount of mercy he showed her.
Knowing what she was doing—somewhat—made being in the courtroom slightly less stressed than the first time. Key word being 'less', of course. She was still moments away from freezing in place and losing every word in her head.
The judge was less a looming terror and more a stern authority figure, above even Prosecutor Edgeworth, the police, and Redd White. There was something almost comforting about the way he peered down his nose at the courtroom as a whole. Granted, he was one man, but he was a man who had a fair view of the proceedings. Hopefully that meant he was above being bribed or threatened, in spite of what Redd White might say.
Speaking of: the man banged his gavel against the podium, drawing the entire court's attention. The gallery fell silent and both defendant and prosecution looked up at him, at attention.
"Court is now in session for the trial of Maya Fey. Has the prosecution managed to get ahold of Miss May's employer?"
Prosecutor Edgeworth tilted his head so he was looking directly at the judge. "We were contacted yesterday and he agreed to testify in court, yes."
"Good to hear." Turning his attention to Maya, the judge's face did something complicated that ended with a sort of neutral frown. "Will you be alright to defend yourself today?"
"Of course, Your Honor." She tried to keep her gaze fixed on a point just past his head so she didn't have to feel his pity bore into her. "It's superficial."
"Understood. Your opening statement, prosecution?"
"As stated before: the prosecution has managed to get in contact with Miss May's employer in order to properly verify her alibi and the validity of her testimony yesterday." Prosecutor Edgeworth glanced down at his own copy of the transcript. Unlike Maya's own creased and loose mess, his was kept in a crisp looking binder that he leafed through idly with one hand. "He graciously cleared time in his schedule to appear on stand for us today. The prosecution believes this will be the decisive testimony to prove the defendant's guilt, Your Honor." The bow he gave to the judge felt more a sarcastic dig at Maya than anything else. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from letting him know how irritated she was.
She already had one penalty, she needed to keep it that way.
"Thank you. Your witness, prosecution." And so it was to begin.
Redd White looked as at ease as he had been when Maya and Gumshoe were in his office. He took time to adjust his lapel, polished his rings against his breast, and flashed the judge and gallery a blinding smile to try and win them over. "Salubrious greetings, your judgeship! And to you, court."
"Name and occupation, witness." Like with April May, Prosecutor Edgeworth apparently wasn't entertaining Redd White's nonsense in any way. Considering what Gumshoe said yesterday, it wouldn't surprise her if he disliked the man in the same way Maya did.
"You wish to know the title of my personage?"
"Your name, yes." Prosecutor Edgeworth pressed him, the faintest hint of irritation sounding around his vowels.
"You are unaware of who I am?"
"Your name and profession!"
"I am the one and only Redd White. My friends call me Blanco Niño." He flashed the gallery another winning smile as if he hadn't managed to make the seemingly-unflappable Prosecutor Edgeworth slam his bench in frustration. "I am the president, or perhaps the CEO to you simple sorts, of Bluecorp."
He let a hiss of breath through tightly clenched teeth. "Thank you. Now: did you know the victim, Mia Fey?"
"Who?" Liar. "The name seems familiar, if only a little bit. Perhaps I am acquainted with her in passing then."
"And you were with April May in her room in the Gatewater the time of the murder?"
"So you witnessed the moment of the crime, same as she did?"
"Please give us your testimony regarding what you saw."
"It's almost like watching someone pull teeth." Phoenix murmured from where he was watching Edgeworth. "I don't envy him."
"He deserves it," Maya replied under her breath. Phoenix snorted but didn't have time to respond as Redd White turned to smile at her.
"I hope the defendant has made her peace with God." That was a threat.
Two could play at that game. "I hope the witness has as well."
Then, turning back to the court as a whole, Redd White began to lie like the garish, ugly rug in his office. "Sometime around nine, I was reading a paper or book or somesuch in the hotel. It was a vacation for me, though Miss May decided to work anyway. Hearing a bedlam outside, in the building across the way from ours, we both turned and watched this hippie girl attack a long-haired woman. The woman tried to flee but was struck down, so I instructed Miss May to call the police." He made deliberate eye-contact with Maya, almost daring her to speak out of turn. "And that is all. You'll find my recollection is perfect, as am I."
The gallery flew into a frenzy, talking among themselves about the lies they just heard. Maya caught the sound of someone even supposing that, because his and April May's testimony matched, she had to be some kind of budding serial killer to have murdered her older sister. Thankfully, before the noise got any louder or before what they said really got under her skin, the judge smacked his gavel several times.
"Order! Order in the court!" The gallery trailed into a hush while the judge fixed Maya with a stern look. "Defense?"
"Your Honor?"
"He's going to ask you for your cross-examination," Phoenix supplied her addled mind. Maya blinked away scattered stars of anxiety and took even breaths to try and center herself.
"These are serious charges and that is a rather thorough testimony. It paints you in an unflattering light, defense." No, it wasn't thorough, but okay. "Your cross-examination."
"Ah, yes, thank you, Your Honor." She graciously took her copy of the transcript and found the bit she wanted to tear into first.
Redd White looked unbothered by anything, even at ease on the stand. Maya was going to change that.
"Witness, you said that you and April May were both there during the moment, looking out the window of her room in the Gatewater, correct?" Probing, then poking holes. That was the tactic she and Phoenix had decided on so that, if he needed to feed her information, there wouldn't be an unnatural break in the dialog.
"Did you not hear my testifying the first time?" Once again, Redd White was being stubborn and playing dumb—although Maya was certain that he wasn't playing dumb in the slightest, he was just stupid.
"I'm simply double-checking that you understand what you've told the court." Maya hissed through her teeth. Her cheek hurt for how hard she was clenching her jaw. "That is all, witness."
The gallery rippled with soft interest, not loud enough to be silenced but not quiet enough to be unheard.
"I assume then that you were aware of what 'work' April May was doing that night?" Imply he was the one who told her to tap the offices.
"The felonious thing with the phones?" He idly examined his rings and glanced at her, coyly, as if he wasn't quite sure what she wanted. "If she was, I was entirely unaware. It's not as if I was the one who ordered her to do that." That was a lie and she had April May's admission in the visitor's room to prove it, but that would be for later.
"Hm." No dice then. Next part. "You're entirely certain, same as April May, that I was the person attacking Mia?"
"It would be quite hard to mistake your antiquitous garb for anyone else, even at a distance." He learned from April May's time on the stand then. Maya bet anything that he visited her in the center and dragged her testimony from her. Or maybe Prosecutor Edgeworth gave him the transcript to...peruse and refine his own version of the truth. "The victim was a tall and striking woman. I have excellent vision. It would be foolish to mix you and her up in silhouette, even at a distance."
Fine. "Nine on the dot, you said?"
"Indeed. We each imbibed a rigid drink of iced coffee, brought up by room service."
"That bellboy testified that he didn't see you in April May's room when he delivered the coffee."
"I was using the faculties when he came by. Unless he has X-ray vision, he wouldn't have seen me there." Cheeky.
"How would you have seen the assault if you were in the bathroom at the time? That's clearly a contradiction!"
"Objection!" Finally, Prosecutor Edgeworth stepped in to save Redd White from the pile of shit he was burying himself in. "It isn't impossible for the witness to have both taken a trip to the bathroom, missing the room service entirely, and come back in time to witness the murder."
That was nonsense at the best. "Are you saying the prior witness committed outright perjury instead of simply omitting information on your order?"
"Not in the slightest." And that was that.
"Objection sustained." Bang. Get on with another line of questioning.
Maya looked down at her transcript to hide the flush creeping across her cheeks.
"Get more details about the exact event. If he's forced to explain himself, he'll probably slip up in one way or another." Phoenix, court face on, was staring holes in Edgeworth's head.
"The scene you witnessed—"
"The murder." Redd White sounded too pleased about correcting her.
"Could you give us more details about it? You do seem...proud of your eyesight, considering the distance between your vantage point and the scene." Stroke his ego to get what she wants. Swallow the bile to get the opportunity to drag the truth from him, willingly or otherwise.
"Of course." True to form, the man rose to the occasion. "You were gripping that clock in your hands like a sledge. The woman dodged to the left and you struck! Then she dropped from sight." One blow, like April May said. The important part was—
"Left?" Maya shuffled through the evidence prints and found the layout of the office.
"Did I stumble? Am I being opaque?" Redd White scoffed. "Yes. She ran left."
"That's funny." Maya smirked at him, pleased she finally had something concrete. "She couldn't have run left. It would have been stupid if she was being attacked."
"Would it?" It seemed as if he really just enjoyed being contrary. All the better for her to drag him for all he's worth.
"If the court would turn their attention to the diagram of the Fey & Co. Law Office with me, I'd like to point out something about the witness' testimony just now. From where the witness claims to have seen the murder—the Gatewater Hotel across the street—if Mia had run the way he says, she would have run herself into a corner instead of towards the exit." Maya smirked at Redd White.
He flinched, sweat beading on his forehead. If there was one thing Maya knew for certain, it was that his image was everything. Being called a liar, with proof at that, in public was a nightmare for him. "I..."
"What do you say to that, witness?"
"Objection! We've already proven that Miss May is prone to flights of fancy, perjury included." Prosecutor Edgeworth was trying to help him recover. She wasn't going to give him the chance. Not while Redd White was struggling for words.
"Counter. Don't let him turn this his way. You've got him."
"Objection! Whether or not April May was lying isn't the problem here! If you listen to what the witness here said, it is in obvious contradiction to the facts!" Maya leaned over her bench slightly and stared Prosecutor Edgeworth in the eyes, daring him to try and talk over her again. "And if the prosecution would allow me to finish, I was about to point out to the court that the defense believes the current witness isn't lying either."
A wave of surprise rippled through the gallery. What did she mean? What was she implying? He isn't lying? But the door would have been to the right, wouldn't it?
"Order in the court!" The judge reigned in the noise. Maya patiently waited for her cue to continue. "What are you saying?"
"What I'm saying is this: both April May and the current witness are telling the truth, even if it doesn't seem like it." Now she leaned back and grinned at the man who, just the day before, acted like he had the upper hand. Her cheek stung beneath the bandage, right at the corner of her mouth where it was scabbing over.
Maya could feel confusion and frustration burning holes in her head. "What are you implying?"
"Does he not realize it yet?" Phoenix mused from his spot next to Maya, brows furrowed as he watched the opposition. "What are you playing at, Edgeworth?"
"I am implying, Prosecutor Edgeworth, that both of them are being truthful about the direction Mia ran because they were both in different places when they saw the murder happen."
"Where, pray tell, do you think Mr. White was witnessing the crime from then?" Prosecutor Edgeworth tilted his chin so he was looking down his nose at her. All he needed were glasses and he'd look the part of an angry librarian.
"Oh, easy enough. He was between my sister and the exit, inside the Fey & Co. Law Office." The gallery exploded again.
Redd White's entire posture changed as the judge tried to get a handle on the gallery. The man was pale, eyes wide and wild, and he kept looking over to the prosecutor's bench as if Prosecutor Edgeworth would have any kind of answer for him instead of frowning at his transcript so hard he looked like he was getting a headache. Maya had to swallow vicious laughter just to avoid getting another penalty.
Got him.
When the gallery calmed down—without the judge having to demand it, surprisingly enough—Maya gave Prosecutor Edgeworth the sweetest, fakest smile she could muster. He broke eye-contact from her and looked up at the judge. "Your Honor, the postulations laid by the defense at this time are outlandish. She only wants to divert attention from the truth."
"It is a stretch to believe that this witness would have been inside the room, watching the murder like that without helping the victim." The judge peered at Maya as he spoke.
"Is he just not thinking about the obvious answer?" Even Phoenix was put-off by how stupid it all was.
"The defense is asserting that the current witness was inside the office during the murder because he is the murderer." Maya spoke clearly so she could be heard, chin up, chest forward. She didn't waver. She couldn't waver.
Be like Mia.
A loud sharp noise came from the witness stand. The judge and both attorneys turned to see what was going on only to see Redd White dabbing sweat from his brow with a silk handkerchief. He was laughing. "Apologies. The hilarity of the defendant's accusation just reminded me that I misspoke earlier. Might I be allowed to rectifly my mistake?"
"By all means." Prosecutor Edgeworth seemed surprised and yet, somehow, not relieved in the slightest.
Redd White straightened his lapel again before he spoke. "Truly, as the defendant says, Miss May was not lying about what she saw and neither am I. The victim was being attacked and dodged to the left, where you struck her once. Then she made a break for the door to the right and you dealt the finishing blow."
"Well, unless he plans on updating the autopsy again, that's a worse contradiction than before." Even without Phoenix's comment, Maya keyed in on the problem like a laser.
"That statement is in direct contradiction with the autopsy report which states that Mia died from a singular blow." She was going to drive him into a corner and go for the jugular. She was going to prove, in front of a gallery of people who thought she was a weird cultist who killed her sister, that she wasn't stupid. She was going to show Prosecutor Edgeworth that he was being stupid.
She was going to avenge Mia.
"Ah, uh..." The façade of collected and suave Blanco Niño was peeling away, revealing a man who, when pressed, didn't know how to untie his own tongue. Maya felt vindication in seeing him trip over his words.
"Explain to the court how you could have seen that, witness? A second strike to Mia that isn't recorded? Do we need to update the autopsy report again or will you stop lying?"
"Careful." Even with his quiet warning, Phoenix seemed as delighted and hungry for justice as Maya was. He was leaning forward, eyes trained on the witness stand.
"Objection! The defense will refrain from attacking the witness."
"Sustained!" The judge was swift with his decision. "But she brings up a good point. Witness: two times you have perjured yourself. Will you make it a third?"
"O-of course not. Allow me to, uh, adjust my statement. I, ah, have just recollected something important regarding the blow and - and..." Redd White couldn't even finish his attempt to recover. She had him on the ropes.
"Go ahead."
Sweaty and nervous, some of his bluster gone even as he tried to paste a wide smile over his discomfort, Redd White tried again. "She ran to the left and you swung, yes, but she dodged. Then she ran to the right and your attack found its mark. She dropped. That's - that's all." Short and sweet.
Maya didn't even need the transcript to start pressing. "You say that she dodged my first strike?"
"Yes." Even though she wasn't giving him time to breathe, his posture and attitude were starting to recover. "She dodged and that thing broke, which is why I was so insistently sure you hit her twice."
"Look at Edgeworth. White's giving you things he shouldn't. Remember what I said in questioning?" Don't give him anything he doesn't ask directly for. "Looks like White is flustered enough to be feeding you information. That's his weak point: he talks a lot."
"'That thing'?" Maya kept her gaze on Prosecutor Edgeworth as she asked, reveling in how his jaw clenched and worked while he glared daggers at his own witness.
Redd White straightened up and gave Maya a short, stiff nod. "The glass light stand. You missed her and broke the stand. That noise sounded like you striking her."
Phoenix knew the office layout like the back of his hand and, judging by the way he was leaning back and grinning, that had been the wrong thing to say. "The diagram. Remember where we found the shards?"
Maya did. To the left of the window, the metal part of the stand had toppled over, taking Charlie with it. Multicolored shards scattered on the floor like impact marks in a comic or cartoon. And that meant...
"You're certain that, from the Gatewater, you saw the first swing break the light stand and the second swing is the one that killed her?" Maya wanted the clarification on the transcript. She needed him to dig the last three feet of his grave, turning the dirt so she could shove him in.
"Abso-posi-lutely, as I said before!" It was so funny how cocky he got seconds before she was going to destroy him.
"That's three strikes, witness!" Maya didn't care if she was being unprofessional, this was delightful. "If the court will, once again, turn their attention to the diagram of the crime scene, you will notice a glaring contradiction in the witness' current testimony. The glass light stand, 'that thing', is indeed shattered on the floor to the left of the window. However, if you note the position of the base, it would be impossible for the witness to have seen it from where he claims to. It's outside of the window frame, especially out of view for the room April May had been in, which was directly across the street."
Redd White gaped at her.
"The only way you'd know the shattered object was a light stand was if you had been inside the office the night of the murder!" Maya slammed her hands on the bench. It made her palms sting, the pain bracing. "You are the one who killed my sister!"
The gallery erupted as Redd White stammered and stuttered, his mouth working around unsaid lies as he tried to recover. How could he? She'd managed to back him into a corner so thoroughly even he couldn't pay his way out of it. The satisfaction curled in her gut, sending waves of pleasure through her limbs. It was a headrush. She wanted to keep feeling like this.
"Order! Order!" The judge tried to reign in the gallery. Eventually the courtroom fell silent again, the only sound Redd White's heavy breathing as he mopped at his forehead with his expensive handkerchief.
From across the court, Prosecutor Edgeworth tutted, his disappointment audible. "Now, now, I had hoped it wouldn't come to this."
"Huh?" What was he on about?
Even Redd White seemed confused, his eyes almost bugging out of his head. "Wh—?"
"You and I discussed this beforehand and I promised it wouldn't come up but with all the accusations the defense is slinging about, it can't be helped. It is in my best interests to protect my witness from false accusations, after all. So it's high time you admit to your crime, Mister White."
Phoenix cursed under his breath, one sharp expletive. "That's his game."
When Redd White didn't seem to understand, Prosecutor Edgeworth fed him more. "After all, you had gone into the office recently to tap Fey & Co. Law Office's phone."
"Objection! That's — that's leading the witness!" That was something she could object to, right? Leading? Or, no, not leading, he's feeding the witness an alibi. That has to be illegal!
"Objection overruled." She'd lost the judge. He was more interested in what Prosecutor Edgeworth had to say. "What are you saying, prosecution?"
"The witness and I, while discussing his testimony, came to an agreement regarding his involvement with Miss May's crime of wiretapping." Prosecutor Edgeworth was cool as a cucumber, smiling at Maya as if he had her in check. "So long as he promised to testify in her trial, I wouldn't bring up his involvement unless absolutely necessary. It is necessary now."
Maya held eye-contact with him, hoping he could feel how furious she was. Did he think he was clever? Feeding Redd White that nonsense just to get him out of a corner? And after all the work she'd done—
"Don't give up yet." Phoenix was calm for her. "There's still a way out. It's somewhere in the evidence or whatever testimony White's going to give. Don't let this get to you yet. You still have him worn down."
It didn't feel like it, but she had to trust Phoenix or she'd lose her mind. Speaking of evidence, there was one piece she hadn't bothered to examine in detail yet: the 'hard evidence' from yesterday—the paper with 'Maya' written on it. The evidence write-up she had been given said it was receipt paper which was an odd detail but...
"What's on the other side of the receipt?" Maya asked Phoenix. The ghost looked at her, confused, then looked at where the evidence was being kept.
"You want me to check?" Maya nodded and he floated off to try and phase through the desk to get a good look at the front of the 'hard evidence' using the slim space between the plastic bag it was in and the desk it was on.
While he did that, Redd White managed to regain his composure and was once again spewing honey-coated bullshit on the stand. "Indubitably. As the prosecution said: I hoped we could have avoided this but if need must."
He lied about his involvement with the wiretapping on the stand already. There was a transcript of him doing so. He lied about this and was going to get away with it because now he was being 'honest'. What a crock.
"While I certainly was unaware that Miss May was tapping the phone the day of the murder, I was the one who placed the device on the office line. It was some time last week when I made my way into the victim's workplace and instilled the machinery on her phone. I saw the light stand then. My testifying still stands as honorific and correct. I haven't lied in the slightest."
Maya bit down on her knee-jerk desire to call bullshit. She needed to be smart, be calm, be like Mia.
Being Maya had gotten her this far, being Mia would carry her over the line—even if she wasn't going to actively become her.
(For a brief moment she had considered, late the night before, channeling Mia but it felt...cheap. Her sister was dead. She couldn't rely on her forever. She had to be independent and...being in court like this made her feel closer to her. So she had resolved to do this on her own, with Phoenix at her side.)
The transcript made it to Maya's hands as the judge turned his attention to her. "Defense?" He was asking her—asking, as if she had any desire to stop now when she'd gotten so far with the deck stacked against her—if she wanted to continue the trial. He might not have been bought completely—or if he was, he was being subtle about it—but he wasn't on her side. He was the so-called neutral third party and the deciding vote.
She steeled herself and turned so she was staring him right in the eyes. "The defense will exert its right to a cross-examination, Your Honor. I maintain my prior assertion as to the guilt of the witness, however."
He pursed his lips in confusion but gave her the go-ahead. "Understood."
Maya turned her gaze to Redd White. Gone was the sweaty mess who was grasping at straws to stay afloat in the torrent of words she was drowning him in. Here was the same self-assured asshole who had backhanded her in front of a police officer if only to prove how powerless she was. Maya's hand brushed the bandage on her cheek, the memory of the shame nauseating and bitter.
'The only people who believe you are dead.' Not any more. She had Phoenix, yes, but she had Gumshoe too—even if he couldn't do anything without endangering his job. She wasn't alone and, even if she was, he didn't scare her here. In court she could wear the armor of a defense attorney. In court he was just a man and men were mortal.
Phoenix caught Maya's eyes as he came back to the defense's bench, a barely-hidden smile turning his mouth. "The light stand. The day before the incident. We got him."
Maya leafed through the transcript as if she was looking for something while actually pulling the record of the receipt. Then she took a deep breath, held it, and let it out. Be Mia. Be Mia. Mia would be ruthless and sharp and precise.
"You say that you planted the wiretap in the Fey & Co. Law Office a week before the murder, correct?" Probing question, find the right way to word it, present the evidence.
"You have the trans-whatsit in your hand don't you?" He felt safe, secure in his position. He felt safe. He felt safe.
Probing and patience be damned. She wanted the man laid low now. "Witness, you can't have seen the light stand that day."
"Objection!" Prosecutor Edgeworth interjected. "What right do you have to insinuate that?"
What right? Maya slammed her hand on the defendant's bench and glared at him. "It's not insinuation if I have proof!"
"Where is this proof?"
Maya walked to the evidence on the desk and held up the receipt. "Here."
"The paper that names you as the killer?" Prosecutor Edgeworth scoffed at her.
She scoffed back. "A receipt for the purchase of one glass light stand dated for the fourth of this month."
Redd White let out a choked, strangled noise. "But—!"
"If, as the witness said, he was in the office a full week before the crime, there is no way he could have seen this light stand because it didn't exist in the office until right before the murder. Therefore—" she pointed an accusatory finger at Redd White for emphasis, like she'd seen her sister do—like she'd seen Phoenix do—before, "—the witness had to have seen the light stand, and it's shattering, the same time he witnessed Mia running left: the night of the murder. The moment he killed her!"
The judge was brought the receipt by one of the aides and looked over it—both sides—with extreme scrutiny while Redd White silently sweated, head laid on the witness stand. The man wasn't trying to bluff his way back into favorable standing, wasn't trying to fight her accusations, and wasn't trying to ply the court any longer. He was just resigned. Maya had dealt him a lethal blow.
It was Prosecutor Edgeworth who was sweating and shuffling through his transcript and evidence list as if he could find some life preserver to throw into the riptide. It felt good to watch him struggle against her after all he'd put her through, no matter how concerned Phoenix was for his well-being and apparent odd behavior.
Maya made her way back to the defendant's bench and stared at Redd White, daring him to try and weasel his way out of this one. That's why she didn't notice when Prosecutor Edgeworth recovered his composure.
"Your Honor," Prosecutor Edgeworth cleared his throat so everyone would look at him.
"Yes, prosecution?" The judge seemed concerned, almost conflicted. Was the demand of White tearing the seams of his fair justice in the face of overwhelming evidence in Maya's favor? Or was she reading too much into expressions she didn't know the point of on the faces of people she didn't know the temperament of?
"In light of the new evidence offered by the defense—" old evidence turned over, since apparently common sense leaked out of everyone's ears when they entered a courtroom "—the prosecution would like another day to track down the store this was purchased at to verify it's the stand in question."
"Is he really—?!"
"Objection!" Maya shouted out. Panic—real, genuine terror—overrode the part of her that had learned to keep a lid on her emotions in court because Phoenix sounded scared and upset. She hadn't heard him be scared yet and the fact that what Prosecutor Edgeworth was saying was the source of his fear was worse.
He was stalling, wasn't he? And if he stalled, if he bought one day of time outside of the courtroom and the gallery and the judge, then he could do anything and everything to get the verdict he wanted. He could buy off the clerk at the store, pull and falsify credit card receipts, or even put more money in the judge's hand so she would be found guilty.
If there was one more day, Maya would be done for.
The judge looked at her in surprise. "On what grounds?"
"Uh..." What grounds did she have to object? Nothing to do with cross-examination, nothing to do with inappropriate behavior, just a gut feeling, deep overwhelming dread. "There isn't a need to verify because—"
"Objection!" Prosecutor Edgeworth must've scented blood because his gaze was honed on Maya with dull, unsettling hunger. "It is our duty to verify every piece of evidence to the fullest potential of our forensics and investigative department. Therefore—"
"Where was that when you accused her of writing my name? That's not even her handwriting! If she wrote it, she would have used—"
The judge slammed his gavel down, interrupting her. "Defendant, do not make me penalize you again!" She withered under his glare.
Phoenix was silently seething, glaring holes in Prosecutor Edgeworth's head as the man turned his face up to the judge.
"Don't penalize her for that, she's just a child."
"I hate him," Maya hissed under her breath. This time, Phoenix didn't try to defend him. Instead, his brows pinched and he counted something silently on his fingers.
"If you say so." The judge seemed amenable to Prosecutor Edgeworth's 'kind' suggestion.
"Are we done here?" Redd White had been given enough time to recover from the shock of being found out and was back to his smiling self—if you ignored the sweat stains on his pink suit. "I am a busy man with a busy itineraration to fill."
"Of course. The court is—"
"Interject!" Phoenix commanded. Maya didn't question him.
"Your Honor!" Maya felt the weight of the entire courtroom's gaze press down on her. She swallowed heavily and looked over to Phoenix in her peripheral vision as she mirrored what he told her. "I have one last thing to say to the witness before we convene for the day!"
"You're asking quite a lot of the court today." He didn't seem upset, more amused than anything else, but she still felt pinned beneath his stare. "Does the prosecution have any complaint to hearing her out?"
She could see Phoenix staring at Prosecutor Edgeworth, muttering under his breath, "C'mon Edgeworth. Rise to the occasion. I know you want to hear what she has to say. C'mon. C'mon..."
"The prosecution sees no issue in letting Miss Fey say her farewells." Prosecutor Edgeworth bowed to her, a low flourish added as he dipped down and peered through his fringe to smirk her direction. "By all means, be my guest."
"Thank you." Phoenix let out a breath he didn't need to hold, tension dropping from his shoulders. "Okay, repeat after me—"
Maya said name after name after name uninterrupted. She recognized a few—Lana Skye chief among them—but the rest were largely just nonsense to her. They weren't, however, nonsense to Redd White. Each name seemed to strike him physically and by the time she got to the tenth or so, he was once again backed into a corner. At name twenty he broke, shouting for all the court to hear.
"Stop! Halt! Cease!" Even as he cried out, the prosecution and judge remained eerily silent, as if they were waiting to see where this all went.
Phoenix gave the man on the witness stand a dry, cutting smile and began to speak, prompting Maya to continue to echo him.
"Those names and more are all on record in the Fey & Co. Law Office. There's also clearly recorded links between scandals, sudden loss in funds, suicides, and Bluecorp's sudden influence in their lives."
"You might have taken and destroyed the evidence in the Thinker—the ones with your name directly on them—but you didn't get everything. Mia had been building this case for years. She had more evidence than you could have expected."
He looked like an insect pinned to a board. "Please—!"
"I won't release these names to the press because I don't have to. The court stenographer has already noted them down. The public gallery has heard me speak them out loud. Everyone saw you fold like a bad hand of poker. You can't hide that from anyone now."
"I'll do anything—how much?!"
"For what?" Maya asked, the first thing she said herself since Phoenix began listing the names he'd memorized.
"Defend me. You're clever, you've proven it today. Defend me in court when—"
She cut him off. "And you'll give me anything I want?"
"Anything!" The world seemed to narrow in, focusing on her and him and no one else in the world. No Prosecutor Edgeworth, no judge, no Phoenix, no gallery. Just Maya Fey and Redd White.
Just Maya Fey and her justice.
"I want my sister back, you son of a bitch." The gallery erupted in noise, the spell broken. Maya could barely be heard over the din as she continued, "There's no running from your crimes now. Take the easy way out." Phoenix nodded at her. Going to jail for one murder—even first degree—would be preferable to every person attached to every name on that list coming after him for every crime he'd committed in the pursuit of power and money.
He'd be safer in jail, even if it would be for life with the best possible sentence.
Redd White finally broke. "I confess!"
It took several seconds of the judge banging his gavel to get the courtroom under control. By the time the gallery fell silent, Redd White had slumped against the witness stand and Prosecutor Edgeworth looked resigned to his loss, if not extremely sour.
"I...I killed her." Despite how boisterous he had been before, Redd White was nearly inaudible now that he was caught. Defeated by her persistence, Maya had broken his seemingly ironclad spirit. "That night...it's like the - like the defense said: I was the one who hit the victim with the Thinker. I tapped her phone and, learning of the moment she was passing off evidence to her sister, took advantage of her open doors to get rid of her. She would have ruined me..."
"I did it anyway." It wasn't professional but, in all honesty, screw professionalism. This was a personal victory. She had planned, from the very beginning, to get him on the stand and found guilty and she'd succeeded. Against all odds, the Fey Clan had come out on top against the man who ruined them.
"You confess, in full, that it was you who murdered Mia Fey the night of the fifth of September and not the defendant?" The judge was searching for clarity in full.
Redd White nodded, miserably silent as he hung his head.
"Then the court, in awe of young Miss Fey's prowess these last two days, declares the defendant not guilty." His gavel came down with a clack and Maya jumped as several confetti cannons went off, filling the courtroom with streamers and colorful paper to celebrate.
Phoenix whooped and spun about in the air. "We did it! You did it, Maya! Not guilty!"
She had, hadn't she? She'd finally done it.
Redd White was cuffed and escorted to the detention center. The courtroom filed out, first the gallery and then the floor, and Maya collapsed into one of the chairs in the defendant's lobby, finally a free woman.
Adrenaline tore through her like before but more than that she felt...relieved. Accomplished. Happy. She was happy.
And yet—
From an adjoining room, Prosecutor Edgeworth entered, flanked by Gumshoe. His cool expression remained largely unreadable and his voice gave nothing away as he simply said, "Congratulations on your acquittal."
"You said I shouldn't try. How's it feel to be wrong?" She wasn't going to congratulate him on a fight well fought when he'd done everything in his power to try and get her put in jail for murder. Charitable interpretation demanded reason and he'd been nothing but awful to her.
"I will confess...it was like facing off against your sister again. You take after her quite a bit." He sounded like it hurt him to say that.
Phoenix frowned. "There's something there," he thought out loud. "Something more than just animosity..."
"You're the second person to tell me that. The first was April May." She hoped he understood the dig she was getting at.
He did, judging by the slight disgusted twitch to his expression. "You'll likely be contacted later to testify on behalf of your sister in the trial against Redd White and Bluecorp. Should the prosecutor's office call the Fey & Co. Law Office number to get in contact with you regarding that?"
Right. They only just arrested Redd White. They still needed to try him for his crimes. "The office phone. My personal phone is still being held as evidence, unfortunately." When would she get that back? She should ask Phoenix.
"You can expect a call within the next few days." Always the professional, Prosecutor Edgeworth didn't bother with superfluous details like her personal phone.
How did she even respond to that?
Maya just settled with a new thought, far removed from dry discussions about business and the future. "Why do you hate me?"
That seemed to throw a spanner in his perfectly constructed conversation. "What?"
"Ever since we met in questioning you've had some kind of issue with me. Is it my sister? I have it on good authority you had some kind of professional relationship with her but I didn't kill her—I insisted time and time again that I didn't do it—and that didn't change your attitude once. So what's your problem?"
"Maya..." Phoenix's sigh fell on deaf ears.
Prosecutor Edgeworth took a long while before he spoke, his jaw working in the silence. "Your sister...your family is...your sister and I had a very complicated working relationship. We shared our first case and, for all that it might have been a win for myself, it has bound us in a way that is no one's business but ours— mine. As such, I held her in some regard. Her death was...unfortunate and perhaps some of my...perhaps I was mourning in my own way."
"Glad to hear you got it out of your system then."
"Miss F— Maya!" It was the first time since the trial started that he called her Maya. She stared at him, unsure of his intentions. "I really do want— that is...I hope..." He trailed off, trying to find the words he wanted. It would have been novel—Prosecutor Edgeworth at a loss for words—if she wasn't so bitter about it. "I wish you the best of luck."
"Thanks." That was a dismissal from her. Get out of my sight. Leave me alone. She shifted in the seat she was sitting in and glared at him, hoping he would get the message.
He did, thank goodness, and she was alone with Phoenix once more, the weight of grief back in its entirety. Compounded even. She exhaled, an explosive sigh, and closed her eyes.
Her heart hurt.
"What now?"
She cracked her eyes open and looked at Phoenix. "What do you mean?"
He wasn't asking maliciously, he genuinely wanted to know what her plans were. "You're free to go after they finish processing the paperwork. What's the plan after that? Are you going back to Kurain or—?"
What was she doing next? She could go back to Kurain after Mia's funeral, take Mia's ashes to put on the family altar in Fey Manor. Aunt Himiko wouldn't let her go again, too protective of the tradition of the Fey Clan. She'd never leave Kurain save on business. That'd be miserable probably because Maya liked her freedom, even if she also liked her family.
She could live in the city, doing whatever she could to survive. Flipping burgers or working customer service sucked but it was better than starving to death. Mia had an apartment somewhere and it was a safe bet she had legal rights to her things and her living space. She could just be Some Person and find her own way as best she could.
She could be a lawyer, like Mia, and search for their mother, like Mia. Being in court was exhilarating, like nothing else, and arguing to prove a point felt correct. She'd never been good at the spiritual aspect of channeling anyway—barely capable of the more mundane magics associated with the Fey Clan let alone the actual Kurain Technique—so it's not as if she'd be wasting her talents or whatever. Pearl was better at it than her, she'd make a better Master that Maya.
And maybe if she did that...maybe she could help Phoenix like he'd helped her.
She settled on, "I don't know."
That was funny, apparently, because Phoenix snorted hard enough to cause him to phase through the chair. "Sorry," he apologized as he climbed out again, "I just wasn't expecting you to be so honest about it."
"Why not? You've already seen me at my worst. Why hide anything from you?"
"Fair enough." He sat himself down in the chair next to her, knees pulled against his chest, and gave it some more thought. "You really were like Mia in there."
"Three now."
A laugh bubbled out of him and he smiled at her. "I hope I'm better than April May, at least."
"You're the best of the three." He was her friend, unlike the other two.
"Mia was...I never saw her first trial but during mine she was aggressive and persistent and..." He trailed off as the memories took him deeper into the past. A sheen of sweat covered his forehead and he coughed into his scarf for a moment. "Watching you—helping you—reminded me that she was a person too and she probably had her moments. But like you, she fought her way forward to prove the truth."
What could she even say to that? Maya pulled her legs against her chest and leaned her head on her knees. "I avenged her."
"Yeah." Even he found it bittersweet.
"Now what?" Maybe he could point her in the right direction.
"Didn't you say you didn't know?" Touché.
"I don't think...I don't think I'm cut out to be a spirit medium. I've never...Pearl is more...and now there's..." Every time she tried to start a thought the words caught on her teeth and stumbled, tumbled river rocks spilling out clumsily from a mouth that didn't know what was coming next. "But I liked this." That was an easy admission.
"This?" Phoenix fixed her with a strange look—made more strange by his blank, white eyes.
"The whole...lawyer thing. Aside from being the accused and all, I mean." Obviously.
"You...liked that?" She nodded at him. "Enough to want to continue to do it?"
"Don't I need a degree to be a lawyer?" Mia had spent days and weeks worth of time complaining about her homework and the Bar Exam and so on. Maya remembered thinking it seemed like an awful lot of work for a job but also she'd been homeschooled so the idea of learning outside of home was a little novel.
Phoenix shifted so he was sitting cross-legged in front of her, floating so he would be eye-level with her. "So, hear me out..."
Laughter tore free from her, unbidden. True, genuine, unbridled laughter caused her to curl in on herself, shaking with mirth. Even after everything, even after she'd done it and had no reason to stay, Phoenix was the same as he was when he first met her. He's the same dead man who apologized for scaring her while mourning her sister—someone who hadn't even known he was there. He's the same ghost who saw how unfairly the justice system was treating her and offered her a far-fetched way to seize control of her fate. He's the same person who never left her side for more than a few minutes and whispered encouragement when she was falling apart.
Maya wiped tears from her eyes and met Phoenix's perplexed gaze. "Yeah? Is it unorthodox? Is it unlikely to work? Will it help me help someone who definitely didn't do it?"
His face lit up and he grinned back. "Yeah."
"Then hit me." She stretched out. "Your far-fetched ideas have done well so far."
"Alright. Continue practicing law out of Mia's firm." That's about what she expected. He continued on, talking without breathing like he did when he was excited. "There's specific circumstances regarding exempting yourself from standard education that I think growing up in Kurain affords you. We've already said you were studying law in your spare time so if you were to exercise those rights and take the Bar Exam, becoming fully certified, then you'd be within your rights to practice law legally."
"Cheat on exams?" Maya raised an eyebrow at him.
"You'll still be studying, won't you Maya?" Phoenix raised one back at her.
What else could she say to that? Stay here, in her sister's apartment, in her sister's office, with her only friend or go back home to Aunt Himiko and Pearl and dream of the endless what-ifs? It was a no brainer.
"Yeah, I'll study." If he noticed the defeat in her voice, he didn't bring it up. "You drive a hard bargain Nick."
"Nick?" That caught him a little off-guard.
Oh, maybe she should have asked first. "Yeah, Nick. From the back end of 'Phoenix'. Is that okay?"
"Y-yeah. Yeah it's fine. It's what...my friends called me when I was younger." He looked like he was somewhere between fond nostalgia and crying. "I haven't heard it in a while is all."
"Nick it is then. Maya and Nick, Attorneys at Law!" She grinned at him. "We'll put Fey & Co. Law Office on the maps, won't we?"
"So long as you learn to not swear in court."
"It was the one time!"
"And that was enough, wasn't it?"
"You're awful!"
When the cops came to inform her she was free to go, giving her her phone and several other personal items they confiscated upon her arrest, Maya felt lighter than air. She had her entire future ahead of her and her best friend beside her. With Nick, she could do anything, no matter how daunting or difficult.
Even cheat at pass the Bar.
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amazingmsme · 3 years
Well if You Really Don’t Like Him...
AN: Here’s that fic about Godot flirting with Phoenix just to get at Edgeworth. This was seriously SO much fun to write! Ugh I love all these dorky ass lawyers, I need more content. So here you go, have some jealous Edgeworth, flustered Wright, & a very flirty Godot, all served to you on a silver platter!
Godot sat in the prosecutions office, reading over some old case transcripts. Detective Gumshoe was mulling about the room, browsing some of the books on the shelf. Godot snickered to himself, drawing Dick's attention.
"Something funny Prosecutor?" he asked with a curious smile. It was rare that he heard the other man laugh, so it warmed his heart to hear the sound.
"Yeah, actually. I can't help but notice... Is something going on between Edgeworth and Trite?" he asked, holding a page closer as he inspected the words. "I mean, it's hard to pick up a person's tone just from text, but I can't imagine another way to interpret this," he mused.
"Who? Oh you mean Wright! Yeah, we've all been wondering the same thing. He and Prosecutor Edgeworth have more chemistry than a chemical reaction!"
Godot smiled and shook his head. "Your analogy is weaker than decaf, but your point still stands."
"Hey!" Gumshoe shouted defensively, pouting at the other man's words.
"So I'm not crazy? Do they actually like each other? Because I can't possibly find any other meaning behind, "Court is no place for such fanciful stories. But if you drop by my office, I'd be more than willing to... indulge you?" Did Miles actually say this shit?" he asked, barely containing his laughter. One hand pressed against his forehead, fingers curling in the white locks as his shoulders shook with his chuckles.
"Heh, yeah I remember that. Poor Nick blushed redder than a ripe tomato!" he exclaimed, smiling at the memory.
"Hm, so Trite embarrasses easily? That's interesting," he hummed.
Detective Gumshoe shrugged. "Yeah, but he seems to get flustered a lot more when Edgeworth's involved," he explained. He found the book he'd been searching for, and bid him ado with a nod and quick wave. Diego was left pondering the new information, a sly smirk forming on his face.
The next day he strode into Edgeworth's office with even more swagger than usual. He sat on the corner of his desk, crossing one leg over the other. He slurped his coffee loudly to gain the other's attention. Miles sighed and glanced up at him.
"May I help you?"
"Who me? Nah, I just came in here to chat," he said, but the grin on his face told of an underlying motive.
"Please, you of all people are the last to want to chat while working. What's really going on?" he asked, cutting to the chase. Godot shrugged.
"A little birdie told me you might have feelings for Trite."
Miles stiffened, but other than that showed no outward emotions. "His name is Wright, and that's preposterous. I merely admire his skill in court and respect him as a peer. You would be wise to do the same."
"Really? 'Cause Dick sure thinks there's something more to it," Diego said. Edgeworth snorted out a puff of air in lieu of a laugh.
"And you believed him? Gumshoe is a well intentioned man, but he can let his imagination get the better of him."
"Transcripts don't lie bud. And I can smell the truth like a fresh pot of coffee." Miles rolled his eyes.
"Of course you can," he said sarcastically. "Now if you're done reciting your little fairytales, I'd love to get back to work," he said, opening a thick binder and smacking Godot's leg with the front half as he opened it. He stood, getting the hint.
"You know, that reminds me of something you said to Trite in court," he spoke as he began to pace the room. He piqued his interest, so he continued. "Something about fanciful stories, and him stopping by your office to "indulge" you," he said using air quotes.
Miles abruptly stood, slamming his hand on the desk. "That's out of context!"
Godot shrugged, swirling the coffee in his cup. "Trust me, the context doesn't make it sound any better. I'm surprised the two of you ever manage to reach a verdict, what with all the flirting going on."
"It's not flirting! It's merely playful bickering between childhood friends, nothing more," he reasoned.
"Is that what you call it?" he asked, cocking his head to the side and stuffing his free hand in his pocket. Edgeworth practically growled at him, shooting a harsh glare his way.
"What exactly are getting at Godot?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"So you really don't like Trite?"
"For the last time, his name is Phoenix Wright. The fact that you don't refer to him as such is wildly immature and petty."
Godot smirked in triumph. "You sure are defensive of him."
"Of course I am; he's my friend and a talented attorney who, might I remind you, proved my innocence and convicted my father's true murderer. So I won't stand idly by while you blatantly disrespect him," he snapped. He turned his back to him, busying himself with straightening stacks of paperwork.
"You misinterpret my intentions," he said, holding up his hand placatingly. Edgeworth looked over his shoulder, watching as he sipped his coffee.
"Then enlighten me."
"I admit I've been giving him a hard time. But most guys do that when they have a crush," he bluffed. Miles whipped around to face him.
"Ha! You're lying through your teeth, I know how much you despise him," he said, seeing right through the lie.
"Do you? Or was that just a front I put up to hide my feelings?" Edgeworth paused, considering the possibility.
"I don't know what your angle is, but you should stop while you're ahead. If you're only doing this to get at me, then I'm telling you right now it will all be in vein. But please, don't bring Phoenix into this if it's only a farce. He's had his heart broken before, and I won't allow you to needlessly toy with his emotions."
"Aw, how noble. Truly a knight in shining armor. But if you aren't in love with him, why should you care?"
Edgeworth recoiled, a pink tint coloring his cheeks at the L-word. "B-because he's my friend!"
Godot smiled softly, staring at his reflection in the dark liquid inside his cup. "I wondered what had happened to the hard ass prosecutor I knew. What made you go soft. But then I met Mr. Wright," he said, complying with his wishes and using his actual name.
"Don't act like I was someone to admire. I had lost myself and forgot what justice really meant. He merely opened my eyes," he explained.
"Now that's sounds like a love confession if I've ever heard one. You two go together like coffee and cream: he sweetened the dark bitterness you're known for and made you more palatable."
Edgeworth straightened to his full height, hair falling in front of his face. "Excuse me? I refuse to be insulted in my own office!"
"Well that was hardly an insult."
"You just called me bitter an insinuated that I was intolerable," he deadpanned.
"Heh, I did, didn't I? Well I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."
"Whatever. I request that you leave my office so that I may get back to work," he said, sitting back down at his desk.
Godot snorted in amusement. "That's the kindest way I've ever been told to get the hell out."
"Alright, alright." He turned to leave, but paused at the door. Miles sighed deeply.
"What now?"
"If you really don't like him, then you shouldn't mind if I flirt with him, right?" he asked smugly. Edgeworth's head snapped up with a gasp. He made to stand, a protest already on the tip of his tongue, but Diego shut the door before he could say anything.
Miles was left in his office, seething with a quiet rage. He couldn't go after him, that would only prove his point. So he did the only thing he could think to do. He pulled out his phone and texted Franziska.
be mean to Godot
A few minutes later, his phone dinged with her reply.
lol ok. Why?
because we're mad at him >:(
what did that fool do now?
He thought about his answer carefully before sending it.
he's going to break Wright's heart
No, he couldn't send that.
he accused me of being in love with Wright
He shook his head, deleting the message and starting over.
nothing. Just let him know you're angry
haha got it. I'll whip his mask clean off his face! >:)
He chuckled softly at his sister's antics.
maybe not that mean
By the next day, Miles had mostly forgotten about his conversation with Godot. That was until he walked into the courthouse and was greeted by his stupid smug face.
"There you are Edgey boy!" he greeted enthusiastically, coffee sloshing in its mug.
"Don't call me that."
"Right, only Phoenix can call you that," he teased. Miles allowed a smirk to grace his features.
"Or Larry. He was the one who came up with the nickname after all." Godot hummed as he walked beside him. For a moment, the only sound was their shoes clacking in unison on the linoleum tiles. Then they spotted Phoenix and Maya come out of a debriefing room. Miles shot Godot a glare.
"Don't you dare," he threatened.
"Oh I dare," he said, trotting away and over to his target. Phoenix spotted him coming his way and quickly turned around, grabbing Maya's arm and speed walking away. He kept his head down and eyes focused on the ground. Maya let out a small "ope" sound as he dragged her along. She looked over her shoulder to see what made Nick turn so abruptly down the hall.
"Uuuh Nick? Godot's jogging right towards us," she whispered.
"I know," he said, keeping his voice down.
"Well what did you do?" she asked before plastering on a wide smile to hide her confusion when the man approached suddenly. "Heeeey!" she waved, coming off as overly friendly in an attempt to hide the fact they were just talking about him.
"Hey Trite, whatcha been up to?" he asked, sidling up next to him. He slung his arm around his shoulders and pressed into his side. Phoenix made a small noise of shock, body going rigid.
"Umm, I was in a briefing," he said, casting a glance towards Maya. She merely shrugged.
"That's nice. So what's this case about?" he asked, letting genuine curiosity seep into his voice. Edgeworth was grumbling to himself as he stormed after him. He needed to intervene somehow.
Phoenix was slightly taken aback by the question. "Oh! It's nothing too exciting, just an assault charge."
Godot clicked his tongue, tipping his mug in his direction. "That's a real shame, your best work is on murder cases."
Wright blinked in surprise. "Really?" he asked skeptically. "I thought you said that I was a sloppy rookie who didn't deserve to be where I am today," he sassed, crossing his arms and looking him up and down.
He winced slightly, hearing his own words said back to him. He needed to try to smooth this over to seem sincere.
"Oooooo," Maya said in typical childish fashion, like when another student is called to the principal's office. She shut herself up when Godot shot her a look. A small, guilty smile was still on her face however.
Edgeworth had been able to hear most of the conversation and was eager to hear the prosecutor dig himself out of that one.
"My opinion of you is starting to change amigo," he said smoothly, taking a sip. Phoenix's eyes widened in surprise.
"I'm truly shocked to hear you admit that you've changed your mind," Miles spoke snidely. He purposefully stood closer to Phoenix, subtly separating the two. Godot noticed and smirked.
"What can I say? It's called growing as a person," he snarked back. Godot reached out and grabbed Edgeworth by the shoulder, then had the gall to shove him out of the way. He leaned into Wright's personal space, posture lax with one hand in his pocket. Phoenix had a nervous grin on his face, cheeks growing pink.
"Aaah I'm- glad for the personal development," he said, arching his back a bit to lean away. He gave a quick and confused glance towards Miles, as if to say "what the hell's going on?"
"Didn't anyone ever teach you about personal space? I'm sure he would prefer not to have to smell your coffee breath," he scolded, and this time it was Godot's turn to blush from embarrassment.
Maya snorted and giggled softly, and Phoenix had to plaster his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. His cheeks were puffed up with air as he struggled not to chuckle along. The sight was utterly adorable, and Miles felt pride in the fact that he made him laugh.
Godot's lip twitched in an angry sneer as he straightened his tie. "For your information, my breath is perfectly fine. I make sure to always have gum on me," he explained. Maya and Phoenix shared a look somewhere between amusement and annoyance at their exchange.
Godot looked over at Phoenix and flashed his most dazzling smile. "After all, you never know when you'll need fresh breath."
He let out a quiet gasp, eyes shifting down to his mouth for a split second. Godot pulled out his pack of gum, flicking it open with his thumb. "Care for a piece?"
"Oh! I-um- sure," he stuttered, reaching out and taking one.
"Sweet! Can I have some?" Maya asked, batting her eyes. Godot looked down at her, deflating slightly as he remembered she was there. "Oh, yeah I guess," his voice didn't have near the same tone as when he was addressing Phoenix. She either didn't notice or didn't care, snatching two pieces of gum. She offered one to Edgeworth, which he accepted with a soft smile.
"Thank you Maya. I think I'll save mine for later. Like you said, I never know when I'll need a fresh mouth," he said, looking at Phoenix as he finished the sentence.
He smiled and looked down at the floor as his cheeks got redder.
Maya didn't know what was going on exactly, but she could definitely sense the awkward tension between Edgeworth and Godot. And it was clear that Phoenix was caught in the middle of their exchange.
"Um, I'm just gonna pick Pearl up from the play room," she excused herself, heading to the courthouse's daycare.
"Oh good. Maybe Edgey would like to go with you," he volunteered the other to leave. Phoenix quirked a brow hearing the nickname leave Godot's mouth. "Since when did you start calling him that?" He only received a shrug and a crooked grin in return.
"No offense Maya but I would not. Wright and I have plans for lunch," he bluffed, making said plans up on the spot.
"We do?" Phoenix asked, brows furrowing. Then his eyes widened as he caught on. "Oh yeah we do!" He stood next to Edgeworth, his shoulders releasing visible tension as he did so.
"Oh really? Where are you eating?"
They responded in unison, but with different answers.
"Jack's Burger Shack."
"Sashimi Temple."
Godot smirked, catching them in their lie. "Well? Which is it?"
"We haven't decided," Wright said, looking at Miles for "confirmation."
"Right. I'm good with whatever you want," he said, smiling at Phoenix.
"How can you tell when he's agreeing with you and when he's just saying your name?" Godot teased. He couldn't help but giggle at the question.
"Heh, I don't know, I guess I've just learned how to tell the difference," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a half smile on his face and eyes squinted shut. Godot couldn't help but notice the strain on the fabric of his suit as he stretched his arm.
"Whoa, you been workin' out Trite?" he asked and before he could answer, he reached out and squeezed his bicep. His face flushed at the contact.
"Oh y-yeah, you noticed? Glad to see it's starting to pay off," he said, admiring his own arms. He flexed again, striking a new pose.
"Mind if I start calling you espresso? 'Cause you sure can pack a punch," Godot all but purred. Edgeworth couldn't believe that Phoenix was falling victim to his sleazy charm. Who was he kidding, if someone as attractive as Godot hit on him, he'd cave just as quickly. He had to refrain from sneering.
"Ha! If you want I guess you could. But don't start calling me short," he said pointedly, but with just enough playfulness to still be considered flirty. Miles's eyes were still transfixed on Wright's admittedly large biceps. Godot saw the opening and took the shot.
He snapped his fingers right in his face to gain his attention. H blinked and flinched, attention drawn to his smug face. "Earth to Edgeworth. You copy?" He scoffed and shoved the hand out of his face. Phoenix nudged him gently.
"If you wanted to feel them too you could've just said so," he teased.
"That's not-" but his denial died on his tongue when he was met with both of their knowing looks. He turned his head away but still reached out to feel his arm. There was no way he was passing up that opportunity.
"Hard as a rock, huh?" Phoenix asked and yes, he was totally fishing for compliments.
"I was going to say like sculpted marble," he said smoothly. Miles couldn't let Godot be the only one flirting with him. Said man only smirked wider, seeing as he was proven right. Regardless what Edgeworth said after this, it would be undeniable that he had feelings for the defense attorney.
"So, you got room for one more or are you dining at a table for two?" he questioned, subtly inviting himself. Edgeworth was ready to shoot down the request, but Wright beat him to it.
"Uh, sure you can join." Curse his kind nature.
"Sweet. Not as sweet as you, coffee creamer," he let his voice drop an octave, flashing another dazzling smile. Phoenix giggled and hid his face in one hand.
"Oho man, that was like, really stupid."
"Made you laugh, didn't I?" he teased, propping his elbow on his shoulder as they walked. Miles walked behind them and watched the prosecutor like a hawk, gritting his teeth all the while. He was relieved when they got to the parking lot.
"Wright, would you be a dear and ride with me? I'd like your opinion on this case I'm working on," he requested. He immediately perked up and walked over, leaving Diego's side.
"Sure, I'd love to! It'll be nice to give my legs a break from all the pedaling," he joked, walking over to his car and pulled the door handle. When it didn't open he frowned and tried again. And again. He kept pulling, making the annoying clicking noise each time it failed to open the door. "Miiiiiles," he whined.
He shook his head with a fond smile, chuckling softly. He unlocked the car just as Phoenix tugged again. He wasn't expecting that and stumbled a few steps backwards. Godot, never one to miss an opportunity, purposefully knocked his foot out from under him, just so he could catch him in a dip.
Edgeworth gasped as he saw him fall, clenching his fist as he watched Godot swiftly catch him like some kind of techno prince charming. Phoenix let out a small yelp as he fell, gripping onto his vest as he was caught.
His mouth was slightly agape as he stared up at Godot. He wore a sly yet heart-melting grin. Phoenix stuttered out a quiet thank you.
"It was no problem. Be sure to watch your footing next time though," he said, clicking his tongue. The ace attorney felt his heartbeat quicken and butterflies fluttered inside his stomach. Edgeworth's eye twitched in anger and he cleared his throat.
"If my eyes serve me well, which they do, it was you who tripped him," Miles called him out. Godot shrugged guiltily and helped steady him on his feet.
"What can I say? It was just too tempting, just like how you look in that suit," he went on to compliment him. Phoenix's eyes widen, cheeks flushed. He ran a hand through his hair nervously.
"M-me?" Godot nodded.
"Mhmm. It really brings out your eyes. Not to mention how nicely tailored it is." He bit his lip, looking him up and down. "You're about as enticing as a hot steaming cub o' joe," he flirted, laying it on thick. Wright's face turned beat red and he looked at the ground, flattered giggles leaving his lips. He tugged on the collar of his shirt. Edgeworth was by his side in an instant, ushering him closer to the car.
"Where you off to in such a hurry?" he taunted.
"Jack's Burgers," he practically growled, walking around the front of his car. He plopped in the driver's seat as Phoenix closed his door, waving at Godot as they drove off.
Edgeworth's jaw was set and he gripped the wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white. Phoenix placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and he relaxed slightly.
"Miles what's wrong? You've been in a bad mood since I've seen you. Is it the case? Is that why you've been so grumpy?" he asked, concern clearly written on his face.
He sighed deeply. He should probably be honest with him- or rather halfway honest. He couldn't possibly tell him the whole truth.
"Actually I lied about that. I simply wanted to get away from him." Phoenix snorted in amusement.
"What's this? The great Miles Edgeworth lying? This must be serious," he chuckled, bumping their shoulders together.
He seemed to relax now that it was just the two of them. "He was really starting to get on my nerves."
"Yeah I noticed. He seemed to be in a lot better mood today, especially towards me. I don't know, but I can't help but think he's after something," he pondered aloud. Miles glanced at him from the corner of his eye.
"He's a top prosecutor, he's always after something."
"You're not," Phoenix said gently. Edgeworth took a breath to steady himself.
"How do you know we're not after the same thing?" They reached a red light and he turned to look at him.
"I'd ask what it is, but I have a feeling you won't tell me," he smirked.
"You're right, as usual."
"Well it is my name after all," he joked. Miles chuckled and shook his head.
"That was awful. Why did I laugh?"
"Because you love me," he teased. Oh if only he knew how accurate that statement was.
"Heh, I suppose I do somewhat."
"Nah you adore me. Admit it, I'm your favorite person," he goaded, leaning into his personal space. He even went as far as to lay his head on his shoulder.
"You're tied with Franziska," he admits.
"Wow, that's high praise." He hummed in agreement.
When they arrived at the diner, Godot was already waiting for them. Miles rolled his eyes as  he spotted him leaning against the wall near the entrance. And where the hell did he find a toothpick? One leg was propped against the brick, arms folded across his chest and fuck he looked cool. If Edgeworth were a lesser man, he'd want to slap him.
"There you are! For a hot second there I thought you might've changed your mind and tried to ditch me," he taunted.
Miles wore a bored expression. "Don't tempt me."
"Hey, what happened to the Edgeworth that was in the car? All relaxed and smiley?" Phoenix asked, even poking his cheek to try and break the stern facade. He couldn't help but grin at the playful gesture.
"Ah, probably 'cause I'm here," Godot waved him off.
"Yes, that's precisely it," he answered with a rude smirk. Phoenix gasped.
"Miles!" he scolded.
"No no, it's completely my fault. I barged into his office and gave him a rude awakening of sorts. Please, allow me to make it up to you. Edgey."
He scoffed and Godot wrapped his arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer. "Lunch, my treat." When Miles turned to look at him, they were practically nose to nose. And Godot was so smug, it was infuriatingly amusing. He cracked a smile and shook his head.
"I'd be a fool to pass up a free lunch."
"Atta boy!" he cheered, pulling Phoenix closer in the same manner.
They were seated at a booth in a corner. Godot motioned with a bow for Phoenix to sit first. He chuckled and slid into the seat. Before Miles could make it to the seat next to him, Godot sat down in the empty spot in one fluid movement. He shot Edgeworth a victorious smirk.
Wright picked up on the tension, drumming a rhythm on the table and whistling quietly. He tried to make small talk.
"Sooo Godot. Saying you like coffee would be an understatement. I'm curious, if you could make your own coffee, what would you call it?"
He perked up at the question, scratching the stubble on his chin. "I couldn't just make one coffee, I'd have a whole brand. It would be an assortment of the darkest roasts and combination blends out there. I think our signature brew would be called Laser Beans. Ya get it? Like laser beams but it's coffee beans," he rambled on about his imaginary coffee business.
"Please, you do not have to explain the elementary concept of your pun," Miles quipped. Just for that, Godot scooted closer to Wright.
"Another popular blend: number 162, the Phoenix. Strong and sweet, with an unexpected fiery kick that rises from the grounds. Just what you need on those long, rough days." Phoenix gulped, staring at the red lines of his mask. Godot cocked his head, looking over at a furious Edgeworth.
"Wouldn't you agree Miles?"
"Yes- I mean no- I mean- I'm not much of a coffee person," he fumbled over his words. He jerked his head to the side, focusing on a crack in the wall.
"I think he's just too embarrassed to admit it," he whispered loudly, making eye contact with Miles as he said it.
"Heh, yeah you got him good with that one," Phoenix agreed.
"Ngh- who's side are you on anyways?" he asked defensively.
"My side," he said, clearly proud of himself. Miles softened at those words, unable to stay annoyed at him.
"Of course you are."
The waiter came and took their drink orders before leaving them be.
"I'm surprised you got water. I was expecting coffee," Phoenix mused.
"It's important to stay adequately hydrated," he explained, browsing through the menu.
"With how much you drink it, I would've thought you'd drop dead asleep without it," Edgeworth teased, looking at his own menu.
"Nah, I could drink eight cups and go to sleep right after. I'm used to the caffeine," he said casually.
"Wait, then what do you do when you need to stay up? Drink a whole pot?" Phoenix asked, bumping their shoulders together. He turned to him with his most charming smile.
"Well, instead of coffee keeping me awake, I could just have you," he said in a sultry voice. Phoenix flushed a dark crimson with an embarrassed, lopsided grin on his face as his eyes shifted between Godot and Miles. He was rendered speechless, the only sound he was able to make was a drawn out "uuh."
Godot grunted in pain when Edgeworth swiftly kicked his shin.
"Quite forward, aren't we?" he growled.
"You know I am," he said, snapping his fingers at him.
"And has your vulgar cockiness ever gotten you far?" he countered.
"Sure it does. I always make it to home base," he teased. Miles was relieved when the waiter came to set their drinks down, disrupting the conversation. They asked if they were ready to order yet, but Godot had spent so much time flirting with Phoenix, that he'd barely looked at the menu. And Miles was so busy keeping him in line that he didn't know what to order either. So they asked for a few extra minutes.
"You should really consider using your time wisely," Edgeworth advised. Godot snorted and mumbled something about him doing the same.
"I think I'm gonna have the Jack classic, what about you?" Phoenix asked, looking across the table at Miles.
"I think I'll have the same," he said, offering a warm smile.
Godot's smirk grew. "I'm leaning more towards the thhhick patty," he said, drawing out the word. Phoenix arched a brow and chuckled.
"You really put a lot of emphasis on the word thick there," he teased.
"What can I say? I like a lot of meat on my buns," he leaned closer, placing a hand on Wright's knee and squeezed gently. Phoenix giggled and scooted away in the seat.
"Hey, watch it. I'm ticklish," he admitted. Godot grinned like a shark.
"Oh Trite, don't you know that's not something you admit?" he teased, repeating the motion. Phoenix barked out a laugh, pushing the hand away playfully. Miles was glaring daggers at them and grit his teeth. He was the picture of jealousy.
When Wright moved his hand away, Godot purposefully interlocked their fingers so that they were holding hands. Edgeworth let out an angry huff and held the menu up to block his view. Or maybe to prevent them from seeing the sneer on his face. The world is cruel however, and Godot is even crueler. Which is exactly why he grabbed the top of the menu and pulled it down to meet his eyes directly.
"Thought you said you knew what to order. Why're you hiding from us?" he asked, elbows propped on the table as he leaned forward.
"I... I'm not! I simply thought I saw someone I don't particularly like and didn't want them to see me. But looking at them now I realize my mistake," he easily lied.
"Yeah, you and I have made a lot of enemies," Godot agreed. He looked between Wright and Edgeworth. "At first I thought you two were. But now that I've gotten to know you both a little more, I realize that couldn't be farther from the truth." As much as he loved riling Miles up, his ultimate goal was to make him admit his feelings for the other.
They both flushed a pale pink, looking away. After the waiter took their orders, Phoenix excused himself to the bathroom. Godot was smiling smugly as he watched him leave.
"It's times like these that I'm grateful for my visor. It would be a real shame if I wasn't able to watch that ass leave, wouldn't you agree?" he asked, looking at him with a shit eating grin. Miles slammed a fist on the table in anger.
He spoke low so as to not cause a scene, but his jaw was still clenched. "I order you to stop this at once."
"What, the flirting? You said you didn't like him, so why should it bother you?" he asked innocently.
"You speak out of your ass, you use crude and childish humor, you're completely insincere, your pick up lines are cheesy and all coffee related, and you're invading his personal space constantly!" he scolded quietly. Godot shrugged.
"He sure doesn't seem to mind. Maybe he likes the attention. People tend to enjoy my company," he bragged.
"You have no intentions other than making me angry," he pointed out.
"And it's working," he boasted. Miles's mouth gaped open as he thought of a response.
"So what if it is? I could just as easily be angry due to the fact that he's my friend, and you're nothing more than some- some playboy who's trying to prove a point!"
"Aww you think I'm a playboy? That's my new favorite compliment," he said, resting his chin on his hands.
Edgeworth raised an unamused brow. "It really shouldn't be. You're classier than that, Diego."
He snorted in amusement. "Even after all those things you said about me?" Miles rolled his eyes fondly.
"Yes, even after all that. So be the bigger man and put an end to this," he reasoned.
"Depends. You got a crush on Wright?"
"I still don't see how that's any of your business."
He shrugged, halfway triumphant. "Hey, that's better than the harsh no I got earlier. You'll admit it sooner or later."
"Not to you I won't," he growled. Edgeworth fiddled with his napkin and laid it across his lap neatly.
"To be honest, I don't care if you admit it to me."
He cocked his head, looking at him skeptically. "You don't?"
Godot shook his head. "No. I just want you to admit it to Trite."
Edgeworth's eyes widened and he recoiled slightly at those words. "Are you insane? I can't possibly tell him that!"
"Tell me what?" Phoenix asked as he walked up. Miles stuttered out an answer.
"Oh! Um, I-I'll tell you later. Now isn't... a good time."
Phoenix gave him a look as he sat down next to him. "You sure you're okay? You're acting, I don't know, weird."
Edgeworth was going to come up with something to say to that, but Godot beat him to it. He held his hands up in surrender. "You got us. There's no reason to lie to him any more Edgey. Truth is, he's planning you a surprise party."
Phoenix's brows shot up. "Wow really? But it's not for another two months or so."
"Yeah well, you know him. Always so organized, and he thinks three steps ahead. Sorry about ruining the surprise," Godot apologized for wrecking the fake party.
Wright rubbed the back of his neck and offered a shy smile. "Don't be! Knowing me, I'll probably forget about it by then. So-"
He was cut off by Godot's phone ringing. "Sorry, one sec." He checked the caller ID, brows furrowing. "That's weird, it's Gumshoe. Hope everything's okay." He answered the call with a flick of his wrist, holding the phone up to his ear. "Hey Dick, everything cool?"
"IT MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT COOL!" Gumshoe screamed into the speaker. Godot winced and held the phone away from his ear. Edgeworth and Wright shared a look of slight concern.
"Is everything okay?" Phoenix asked quietly. Godot nodded and waved a hand as if to say "all good."
"Hey keep your voice down will you? You're about to burst my eardrum," he said with a small chuckle.
"NO I WILL NOT! JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GETTING BETWEEN PHOENIX AND EDGEWORTH LIKE THAT?" Both men in question went stiff as a board, faces turning red.
Godot paled as he was chewed out. "Uuh hey this really isn't the time-"
Godot offered them an embarrassed grin. "Uh, can you excuse me?" They both refused to meet his gaze and just hummed in agreement. The prosecutor slid out of the booth, holding the phone up to his ear, speaking in a hushed yet firm tone.
"Listen Dick, you got it all wrong. I was just-"
"No you listen to me pal! Maya told me the whole thing!"
Godot walked into the bathroom of the restaurant to have a more private conversation. "Look, it's not like that. I'm not trying to hook up with Trite or whatever you think is going on."
"... You're not?" Gumshoe asked, sounding skeptical.
"No. In fact, I'm trying to get them together." Gumshoe snorted.
"You sure got a funny way of showing it."
"I'm making Edgeworth jealous so that he'll admit his feelings," he explained, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Ooooh, that's smart!"
"Yeah, so don't go blabbering to Phoenix. I know you can't keep a secret."
"Hey I can totally keep secrets! I just don't want to very often!" he defended himself.
"Alright, are we done here? 'Cause we're out at lunch, and our food should be getting here soon."
"Okay yeah, sorry about the mix up. I'll let you get back to lunch," Dick said, hanging up. Godot heaved a sigh of relief, wiping a few beads of sweat from his forehead.
Meanwhile, Phoenix and Miles sat in an awkward silence as they watched Godot leave. Miles was sitting rigidly, staring at the napkin in his lap. Phoenix twirled the straw around in his glass.
"C-can you believe him? Heh, Gumshoe sure does have an active imagination," Wright said nervously, desperate to break the silence. Miles was quick to agree.
"Yes, he does," he allowed a soft smile to grace his features. "I suppose he's a romantic at heart," he reasoned.
"Uh, yeah. I guess he is," he agreed. The expression on his face was a mixture of nervousness, confusion, and a touch of sadness. Edgeworth took a deep breath. It was either now or never.
"But is he wrong?"
Phoenix whipped his head over to look at him. "What?" He tried to mask the hopefulness in his voice.
"While what he says may seem odd or far fetched at times, he's usually right." He spared a glance at Wright, trying to read him.
"Miles, a-are you saying-"
"I like you Phoenix. As a friend, yes, but... also more," he finally admitted.
Phoenix practically lit up. "Really? Wow that's- I mean- I've liked you since the third grade!" he blurted out, relieved to finally get this off his chest.
"I... also had a bit of a crush. And when we met in court that first time, all those feelings I thought I'd left behind came flooding back." Wright reached out, holding his hand. They stared at each other, warm smiles lighting up the room.
Miles started chuckling softly, and Phoenix cocked his head, an amused smirk on his face. "What's so funny?"
"Godot was doing all this to make me jealous, so that I'd admit my feelings. And it worked."
He nudged him with his elbow teasingly. "Well then, I guess a thank you's in order." Edgeworth groaned, though it was just for show.
"If I thank him then I'll never hear the end of it," he complained lightheartedly.
"Maybe that's not the worst thing. You're cute when you're annoyed and embarrassed," Phoenix cooed, propping his arm on the table to rest his chin in his hand. Miles blushed softly.
"S-stop it, that's supposed to be my line," he grumbled playfully, looking away. Phoenix smirked and pecked his cheek, relishing in the way his blush darkened considerably.
Godot was watching from around the corner of the hall, letting them have their moment. He wore a satisfied smirk as he walked up to their table. Both Wright and Edgeworth scooted away, acting as though nothing had happened.
"Don't play coy you two. I knew my plan would work. You're welcome by the way." They were both rendered flustered and speechless, even as the waiter set down their food.
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milk-addicc · 4 years
I really liked that post you made about how Capcom feels about Narumitsu. And I'm wondering how do you think they feel about Narumayo? Personally to me it feels like they throw more hints at Narumitsu since with the other one if Takami wanted it to be canon he would of done it at the end of T&T. I also think the team could of made it more obvious in SoJ with Maya's big return but I never really saw the hints but I know I'm biased lol.
oh i’m glad you like my rambles haha;;
ahh... that ship, 
well first, about the whole Takumi “wanting narumitsu to be canon” thing, its not exactly making them canon but have more fanservice leaning heavy towards narumitsu (which was declined by the director(?) who claimed, i sorta agree with, that the game did well even without the narumitsu hinting since in the first game they didn’t have that intention and it was pure coincidence that their relationship was just THAT deep and meaningful which is incredible lmao, Takumi and co managed to slip his warning and still put at least some of the hints in TT tho hhh-). so even then, i doubt the crew actually want the endgame to come so soon hh.
okay, back on topic. what i think about naru//mayo? yea, i’m not keen on that ship personally at all, actually i despise it. like, they first met in the office, in front of their dead loved one, Mia. Maya was 17, Phoenix was 24. you have Maya, who’s supposedly still in HIGH SCHOOL and Phoenix, who has GRADUATED COLLEGE, has a JOB, and most likely has PAID HIS OWN BILLS. from that point alone, it should already feel weird. 
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Maya’s an adolescence, a teenager, she just lost her sister and barely grew up, in a way she’s still innocent, notice how she tend to ask random questions and or say things that she thinks makes sense or amusing, she tends to be naive too. its kinda like.. a child.
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and Phoenix on the other hand, is a grown man. heck even Maya says he’s an “old fart”, they’re legit aware of their own age gap in game and outright say it. if anything, they both act like self-aware best friends/brother-sister than romantically. even Maya said it herself, she wants to be a good big sister for Pearl and Nick.
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now how about we ignore this obvious fact just for a little while and try to see it from only their interactions in-franchise. heres the kicker, you may not see it in game since they only lightly nudges about this ship (usually with Pearl, and was dismissed by Maya right after.), but in some of AA spin off mangas (and from what i heard, one of the stage shows), for some reason, this ship has their own hints despite being completely aware that Maya is a teenager.
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but its okay now don’t hold your breaths, 
their “hints” are more of a one-off ish thing, most of the time a gag and not taken seriously, and unlike other ship per say narumitsu, where it actually affects their lives and changed it forever IN-GAME. “i care about Maya and understands her” and “i became an attorney because of you, Edgeworth and i don’t have any regrets” are both literally incomparable, especially given Phoenix and Edgeworth’s history together in-game canon.
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anyway, here’s some common arguments i’ve encountered about this particular ship :
“but Phoenix cares about Maya a lot! he literally went through a trial against a hitman and run through a burning bridge for her!”
“Phoenix blushed and goes red when Pearl says he’s Maya’s special someone and he stutters!”
“Well my parents had a huge age gap!"
“well, Maya is 18 in AA2″
“considering Maya is a christmas cake now, Nick better tap that” 
“she’s an adult in AA6 tho”
now lets dissect each of these,
yes, Phoenix cares about Maya a lot he literally did cross a burning bridge for her but people seem to forget that this is the same man who turned his life around, abandon his dreams, study law for four years, and became an attorney to meet one man and willing to defend a girl who looks like his psychotic ex that nearly poisoned him in court. he literally would believe in his clients’s innocence no matter what, he’s by nature would sacrifice anything and even his life for someone. so its normal that he cares about Maya, but is it romantic? i doubt it, he cares about her safety and well being but does it have to be a romantic hint? no, of course not, he’s just very selfless for the people he cares about and Maya has no one to help her but Nick when she’s in trouble, he’s one of few adults she can trust and will help her out.
oh so blushing and stuttering due to embarrassment means having feelings now? and about the stuttering, he literally stutters around Edgeworth a lot lol. i’m starting to feel like people ships naru//mayo not because of their depth but because Pearl said so. Pearl finds them should be together and keep shoving the audience with Nick being “Mystic Maya’s special someone”, well if thats the case, they also explained why this happened, in-game. Pearl grew up very sheltered and among unhealthy marriages she just assumes a girl and a boy together means they’re dating and being “special someones”. she most likely just wants her cousin to be in a happy relationship unlike her parents where her father left both her and her mother but didn’t know any better because she was eight years old.
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now about the parent thing and taking it personal, well my parents too had a huge age-gap of 7 years. but how come is it okay? its because they met when my mum was already a career woman at 26. she’s already an adult when my dad met her. what does this mean? it means my parents were both adults when they’re together, this is why i still like GumMaggey despite their age gap so wide, they first met when Maggey has already had a career, supposedly in her 20′s, she’s a young adult, she can buy alcohol by herself, already knows whats right and wrong and has live life independently, not a still hormonal teenager who depends on one adult figure. did your parents date when your mum is in highschool while your dad is like in his mid 20′s? sorry to hear that.
as for the last three arguments, i don’t even want to touch any of them with a five-foot pole. are you listening to yourself? do you not feel like you’re a creep typing that?
let me give you a benefit of the doubt. yes she’s older and legally an adult, but are you really discrediting the fact they met when Maya was still in highschool? they met and became friends when she’s 17 and he’s 24. sure they barely met during disbarment era, but should that change anything? why should it? how should it? like this?
“Oh this is Maya, i haven’t met her in years but boy she sure has grown up can’t wait to date her since she’s legal now.”
because thats what that argument sounds like, YIKES. 
you know? if they met under a different circumstance and Maya was like 19, i’d let it go. but they didn’t, they met because of a horrible loss, Maya, still in training, 17 lost her big sister and Phoenix, a rookie, at 24 lost his mentor. 
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in conclusion, i don’t like naru//mayo at all
pairing them feels like pairing Edgeworth with Kay or Phoenix with Ema, just because they partnered in investigations, make playful jabs at each other, and saved each others’s lives before, people just think they like each other romantically despite their age-gap in first meetings (not to mention Kay sees Edgeworth as somewhat of a father figure, and she’s nearly 18 while Edgeworth is the same age as Phoenix). especially with how Maya, being a zoomer, calls Phoenix an “old fart” and just makes jokes about how so out-of-touch Phoenix is with the modern entertainment.
from observations, i have a huge hunch that almost all of them pair these two because :
1. Maya’s a girl protagonist so its a male protagonist x female protagonist type of deal and despise narumitsu because “yaoi”
2. AA6 she’s an adult so she’s legal which is damn creepy on its own, or last
3. because of Pearl shipping them in game despite being an eight year old and was so sheltered she thought a man and a woman being next to each other means they’re special someones.
either way, i only see them as best friends, sibling-like relationship with self awareness here and there since they tease the audience a lot with their gag “hints” in spin-off mangas and game. 
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not only that, it kinda showcase how all male/female bond don’t have to be romantic, they can be just friends or familial and still hang together. another plus for the franchise right after encouraging moving on from ex partners. *glancing at Phoenix//Iris*
and as to the people who pairs this for some odd reasons, sometimes i just want to ask these questions,
“how would you feel if you’re in Phoenix’s shoes? met your mentor’s little sister at age 17 while you’re 24, would you feel romantically interested in this high schooler?” because i don’t, to me anyone 3 years younger than me is like a baby, how would Phoenix feel when Maya’s 7 years younger?
“also... why even? narumitsu and other less questionable pairings are RIGHT THERE in the open!”
but oh well people can like and pair whatever hhh, 
and there you have it, my even longer rambling hahaha sorry;;
Edit : To add the final nail to the coffin, Phoenix outright has said that Maya’s like his kid, like a niece.
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Edit 2 : remember that this is simply my personal take, you can somewhat use this to make yourself feel better about your pair nor simply just to hate on the ship itself but do not use this to dictate actual people what to ship and not to ship. 
please don’t be destructive towards others.
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littleladymab · 3 years
(ace attorney) well it’s been a long time
Instead of just letting him go home on a Friday afternoon, Maya seems dead set on finding any little thing she can in order to keep Phoenix in the office.
She finds file after file “mysteriously” reappearing just mere moments after he puts the other one away in its proper place. She finds his coffee mug that has been missing since earlier that morning and makes him wash it because “obviously” it was his fault it went missing and is now gross. She even finds a pack of playing cards and is threatening to play a round of 52 pick up while ignoring his request to just close up the office for the weekend when said door to the office opens.
Before Phoenix can actually lose his mind, Pearls’ voice calls out, “Mystic Maya! Mr. Nick! I’m sorry it took me so long!”
“Pearly!” Maya slaps the deck of cards against Phoenix’s chest and he scrambles to catch them before they spill to the ground as she flounces into the main office. “Good, you’re here!”
“You know,” Phoenix sighs, setting the cards down and rubbing a thumb over his brow, “if you had just told me we were waiting for Pearls, I would have—” He stops dead in his tracks as he notices just who else has entered the office, one hand in Pearls’ and the other grasping the handles of a bag for the fancy supermarket that Phoenix knows for a fact is in the other direction from the Prosecutor’s office to here.
“I found Mr. Edgeworth outside!” Pearls says as she releases his hand.
Edgeworth closes the door behind him and stands there awkwardly. “I’m sorry. I realized on my way here that I didn’t know where we were meeting…”
“What—” Phoenix starts, but Maya talks faster and louder.
“This is perfect,” she chimes, clapping her hands together. “We’ll head over to Nick’s, so you can give us all a ride!”
Edgeworth looks up at Phoenix, and somehow manages to put together what Phoenix is still struggling to figure out in that second. His expression shifts from politely awkward to a mix of embarrassment, frustration, and horrified realization. “I’m sorry,” he says again, but this time it’s through gritted teeth.
“Wait—” Phoenix says without thinking. He’s starting to put it together, and the trouble maker responsible is, of course, unconcerned with the havoc she has caused. “Maya, a word.” He doesn’t give her the chance to protest, clamping a hand down on her shoulder and dragging her back into his office.
She yelps as she stumbles after, and Phoenix only manages to catch Pearls saying, “Oh, they’re going to be lovey-dovey!” and Edgeworth’s confused, “Oh… Wait, what—?” before he slams the door shut between the two rooms.
“Maya Fey, what did you do?” he hisses, and she gives him her best smile.
“I think you would find it’s what did you do, Nick?” Before he can ask for clarification on what either of them did, she pulls out a phone from her sleeve. “Notice anything missing today?”
Phoenix pats down his pockets frantically before snatching his cell from her taunting fingers. “Maya! You should have told me.”
“You would have said no!”
Well, maybe he would have. Instead of trying to find another way to continue the argument, he pulls up his text messages and finds the conversation with Edgeworth (one unread message - I’ll be at your office shortly) up at the top.
“We can’t send him home now.” She glances over from where she’s cracked open the door just a sliver to peek into the waiting room of the office. “Look, I think Pearly likes him!”
“He’s not a lost puppy—”
“No, but he’s your friend, isn’t he?”
This gets him to snap his mouth shut and frown, but he doesn’t disagree with her.
“And besides, you haven’t properly thanked him for his help with the whole me getting kidnapped thing, you know.”
She’s right, and the reminder of what happened not even a month ago still strikes like a hot iron. So he scrubs his face with a hand and says, “Okay, what did we agree on?” For some reason, he can’t bring himself to actually read the text messages between Maya pretending to be him and Edgeworth. In part, he’s afraid to see what fake!Nick might have said, but mostly he hasn’t actually casually texted the other man since… well… Ever.
And the fact that Maya was the one to initiate it…
He’ll be disappointed in himself later. For now it’s “be mildly disappointed in Maya” time.
Maya smirks up at him and he only has a moment of regret before she says, “A Steel Samurai marathon.”
Phoenix doesn’t even have the chance to yell at her as she throws open the door and steps into the waiting room with a cocky grin. He can only follow after and give Edgeworth what he hopes is a reassuring smile. “So, Edgeworth, you’re driving?”
[[read the rest on ao3]]
that’s right folks it’s official i’ve started writing ace attorney fic there is no turning back from this point
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runningwolf62 · 6 years
PART 3 COME GET YA’LLS LARRY LOVING JUICE. We’re moving into Justice for All.
Part 1 | Part 2 | AO3
Larry spends the next few months bouncing from job to job, occasionally writing short snippets of fic, nothing to update though, he and XxWolfDragonxX spend a lot of time chatting, XxWolfDragonxX apparently stuck around and has watched the rise and fall of fandom and catches Larry up to speed on the fifteen years of missed drama.
Larry’s glad he missed most of it, he spends his time now writing a few canon complacent one-shots while he works on a chapter, he doesn’t know how to update, like informing everyone that yes, Edgeworth was not coming back.
So when he gets a call from Maya that Phoenix is unconscious, he doesn’t expect inspiration.
He runs to find out what happened, terrified for a moment that something is taking his other best friend from him, but what he finds out instead is that some crazy prosecutor, von Karma’s daughter, was apparently a very sore loser. He flinches when he hears about the entire case, seemed this von Karma wasn’t the only sore loser but at least one wasn’t manipulating nine year olds.
Assured that Phoenix had somehow come out of being whipped unconscious alright (because of course he had, Larry wonders if he should write a one-shot about a young Firebirdpaw eating nightshade to impress a rogue again) Larry listens to the details of the case.
He doesn’t get to meet, Pearl, not yet, but he files details away, his main focus being Phoenix. He worries, worries that seeing another von Karma will bring back the anger, the fury against Edgeworth, but Phoenix seems too excited and distracted by being able to spend time with Maya again, that Larry makes his departure.
He considers it, later, how cliché it is, but decides that unlike the Erins he can have a female villain. He names her Viper, for the whip, and begins to write, the words coming easier now, now that he has a distraction. But there was a scene he had to write first.
Spiritstar climbed to the top of the rocks overlooking camp, she didn’t need to call, the entire Clan was gathered before her. Orangepaw looked to Firebirdpaw, was she going to hold a vigil for Demon?
“As you know, we won against the rogue group threatening our borders,” Spiritstar began, leading to cheers, while her sister wove through the Clan, attempting to treat wounds. Orangepaw’s cheers died in his throat, looking at the sheer grief on Firebirdpaw’s face.
Spiritstar met her apprentice’s gaze and nodded once to him, “unfortunately, Sharppaw appears to have been lost in the battle.” Firebirdpaw bowed his head, Orangepaw screwed his eyes shut.
“However, while we shall always grieve for Sharppaw, and his father, Stonespirit,” Orangepaw glanced over to see Beetlelight’s head droop, the brown tabby had grieved heavily for his lost mentor, and Spiritstar paused to allow them all a moment, “there’s a duty I wish to perform now that I think Sharppaw and Stonespirit would approve of.”
“She’s not about to,” Orangepaw breathed as she looked down at them fondly.
“Firebirdpaw and Orangepaw have proven their skills as warriors, and their understanding of the warrior code.” She signaled them foreward.
“Firebirdpaw, my apprentice,” Spiritstar’s eyes were warm with love for the younger tom, he took a deep breath and lifted his head, looking every bit the pride of the Clan he was, Orangepaw looked at him with awe.
“Firebirdpaw, do you swear to uphold the Warrior Code and defend the Clan, even at the cost of your life?”
“I do,” he held Spiritstar’s gaze as she jumped down to stand before them.
“Then I name you Firebirdstorm, for your loyalty and your quick thinking.” She touched her nose to his forehead, and he licked her shoulder. And then she turned to Orangepaw.
He stared at her with a mixture of fear and awe, some part of him had thought this moment would never arrive.
“Orangepaw, do you do you swear to uphold the Warrior Code and defend the Clan, even at the cost of your life?”
“I do,” he ducked his head, shaking in his fur, heart pounding, he was actually becoming a warrior.
“Then I name you Orangestripe, for your bravery and your strength.” She touched her nose to his forehead now, gently, and he lifted his head to lick her shoulder.
The Clan exploded in cheers, and he lifted his head to gaze around, eyes wide with shock and warmed by his Clan’s enthusiasm.
Out of the corner of his eye though he could see Firebirdstorm and Spiritstar speaking softly, and in that moment his heart falls out of his chest because it should’ve been three of them.
Larry gets up and walks around his house for a bit after writing that chapter, and after a bit just lays out every curse he knows, anger and rage spilling out of him, he cries again but the entire time he just rants and raves at Von Karma, the older one. For everything he did to Edgeworth that led to this moment.
It takes a while for him to get around to reading the reviews. He can only bring himself to respond to XxWolfDragonxX’s.
Over the next month or so he writes a few more chapters, of Firebirdstorm’s anger at Sharppaw. Of Cherrywing receiving her medicine cat name. He doesn’t bring in Pearl yet, Splashkit, he settles on, Splash for ocean/Pearl connotations and it’s small.
He doesn’t know how to kill Spiritstar. Some part of him doesn’t want to. That’s not his grief. Not his story.
But it’s the path Nick is on. He’s going to be everything Mia wanted to be, and more. He wonders if he could have a visit with her. Or with Miles. Talk to them.
He almost immediately laughs at himself. Oh yeah sure, talk to them and be like “hey I wrote a fanfiction about fighting cats and put you in it to help deal with my and Nick’s trauma, how do you feel about me killing you off in the fic?”
Mia wouldn’t even know who he was.
He decides to give her more time. The time she should’ve had. To guide SpiritClan to greater things, to leave a legacy for Firebirdstorm.
Time to spend with her sister. What he catches from Nick is that she and Maya were close. People love that, talking about how the Erin’s never really show off sisterly relationships. He hates what he’s going to do to this.
He hates how many people have been taken from them. Unlike Phoenix though, he doesn’t feel like he’s been left behind.
“I don’t blame Sharppaw Firebirdstorm!” Orangestripe snapped, and the other tom jerked back. Orangestripe pressed forward and bared his teeth slightly.
“This was all that damn rogue’s fault, Spark killed Stonespirit, and he tormented Sharppaw for StarClan knows how many moons, he killed Sharppaw-“
“Sharppaw chose death.” Firebirdstorm howled in a wild grief-stricken anger, “he could’ve come home with us, but he had to chase after them, he had to leave us-”
“StarClan Firebirdstorm just because you never got over loving him doesn’t mean he was trying to hurt you!” Orangestripe snapped.
Larry pauses, this isn’t an actual argument, he would never say these things to Nick, though the ‘grief-stricken anger’ was an accurate summary of him right now. Some of it though he wishes he could yell at his best friend, because confronting some of this, he thought would help.
But he could never. Nick would probably punch him or something. He’d blow a gasket for sure. Larry let out a sigh, this was shit Nick needed to work through on his own. He couldn't force this realization on him.
But Orangestripe and Firebirdstorm were here for him to work through his trauma.
Orangestripe stumbled back, Firebirdstorm’s claws had been sheathed but it still hurt. Firebirdstorm’s eyes, previously alight with fury were now cold.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Orangestripe.” He turned away, his tail lashed to strike against his nose, “I don’t want to talk about him again.”
And that would be the last time the spoke the name of the cat who’d haunted them through their apprenticehood.
Larry’s readers rioted over that line. Larry can’t help but agree with them. Nick has to be destroying himself like this.
At least they all enjoy the chapter where he gives Firebirdstorm amnesia and has him and Cherrywing fight together against one of the rogue from Spark’s old group, and rescue a kit, Splashkit finally arriving.
Someone comments on how much dumb shit Firebirdstorm seems to survive, playing it off as a joke that maybe he has nine lives.
Larry replies publically on the next chapter, “and you all wondered why I named him Firebird-“. Yeah sure it was mostly because his friend’s parents had terrible ideas about what to name their kids but you know, Nick lived up to it.
The chapter is about Firebirdstorm, Cherrywing and Splashkit. People absolutely adore it, the way Splashkit is so oblivious to the trauma that still tears into Firebirdstorm, the way Cherrywing and Firebirdstorm take her in.
And then someone asks if Sharppaw is actually dead and Larry turns off his computer for the day.
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