#and apparently ctrl y doesnt work on tumblr
bmcblr-remake · 1 year
if you want to be like mentally prepared on whats to be expected or something idk
---- all auditions here ----
actors/auditions FAQs
what you will be doing:
if you get a conducting video: you will be asked to sing along to a video of someone conducting. we are using conducting videos to make sure everyone is in sync, and i need to be sure you can follow conducting. it shouldnt be hard its sort of like a metronome you just need to be able to keep tempo, and understand when to start singing after a pause. there will be an example video (conducting along to the og soundtrack) and the actual backing track (conducting along to instrumental). please be sure the backing track is playing in the background and audible
if you do not get a conducting video: there will just be a backing track. if you dont get a conducting video dont stress about starting at the right time after a pause, just be sure you can keep tempo. we will still be using conducting videos for the actual remake, you'll just have to learn along the way if you get cast. please be sure the backing track is playing in the background and audible
what im mainly looking for:
your own portrayals of your character. im giving you complete creative freedom. say your line a different way, or faster or slower if you want. take a breath in the middle of the verse. make reaction noises. pitch your notes higher or lower if you have to go the troy iwata rich route. pretend youre actually doing the show live, some minor changes can be made here and there
you can keep tempo. of course if we have conducting videos it would be easier but if we dont, try your best and dont stress about starting at the right time after a pause. just be sure you can keep tempo while youre singing
not mic quality lmao. you dont need a professional mic or anything as long as whatever youre using is decent quality it should be fine. BUT please use whatever you will be using if you get cast. phone mic, singing recorder app, voice notes app, whatever
what you will need to submit:
an approximately 1 - 1:30 minute audio clip of a song from bmc. the required song for each character will be listed below
an approximately 1 minute audio clip of spoken lines of choice, recommended from bmc. i know there arent a lot of continuous spoken lines so you can just say your lines and pause when the other character is speaking if you pick a scene like that
any song that makes you look good! give me anything you did best in, it can be from bmc but it doesnt have to. can be as long as you want. please be sure the video is fairly recent i need to see what you can do now, not what you could do 6 months ago
(edit we most likely will not be adding lgw)
-- REMEMBER I WILL BE ALLOWING A COUPLE MONTHS OF WIGGLE ROOM FOR AGES. you will just have to specify in the audition form
jeremy: required song: more than survive/voices in my head. take your pick age limit: at least 16 and up
squip: required song: the pitiful children age limit: at least 16 and up
christine: required song: i love play rehearsal age limit: at least 15 and up
michael: required song: michael in the bathroom age limit: at least 15 and up
rich: required song: the squip song. will NOT be required to screlt please dont kill your voice age limit: at least 15 and up
jake: required song: halloween. specifically his solo age limit: at least 15 and up
chloe: required song: do you wanna hang age limit: at least 16 and up
brooke: required song: do you wanna ride age limit: at least 15 and up
jenna: required song: the smartphone hour. will not be required to hit her high ass notes age limit: at least 15 and up
a 30 seconds - 1:30 minute audio clip of a song from bmc. the required song for each character will be listed below
a 30 seconds - 1 minute audio clip of spoken lines of choice from bmc. recommended spoken lines for each character will be listed below
-- you guys are a little more relaxed lmao you wont have to do 1 minute clips. a little shorter is fine
mr heere: required song: the pants song. 1 - 1:30 minutes long recommended spoken lines: your choice but i recommend the argument with jeremy
creepy stock guy: required song: "it's from japan..." literally the only bit he sings. not sure if backing track will be provided yet recommended spoken lines: again literally the only bit he says
mr reyes: recommended spoken lines: idk anything he says take your pick. i dont think he sings
note: it is very highly recommended you are close to the og range of your character, so the sheet music writers dont have to transpose stuff and do more work. dont worry if you cant hit every single note! remember im being very lax with creative choices. this is from the concord records website so im assuming its accurate
Tumblr media
you will be emailing your auditions files to [email protected] and then filling out a form to verify your age.
JEREMY AUDITIONS: opens 29th may
EVERYONE ELSE: opens LATEST 10th june
i WILL be asking for your age unfortunately. please dont lie about it, some actors are uncomfortable with certain ages and we have to respect that. also ill be able to tell when you start singing i promise you i wont share or remember it afterwards and i promise you i dont care lmao
speaking of remember there ARE age limits to all major characters. i might allow 2-3 months of wiggle room, 4 if we're pushing it, but you'll have to specify in the actual audition and ill have to check if your potential co-stars (wow CO-STARS we're getting serious huh) are comfortable with that
feminine and masculine voices wont matter! if you have a fem voice and want to audition for michael go ahead. if you have a masc voice and want to audition for brooke im not stopping you. as long as you can hit the notes well you should be good. if anything this makes bmc more gay and thats very on track with tumblr
there is a chance i will do callbacks and you might be casted as another character if i (or future casting crew) think you fit! but that being said please dont try to cheat the auditions and audition for one with the other in mind
there will be a "main" actor and an understudy who will also act as the characters squip in the play. the squip might have a main and then two additional others for the robot effect instead of just three mains, cause of different portrayals and whatnot. i might open additional auditions if there arent enough people interested in a character like jake and chloe, but AFTER the others are casted for the sake of fairness and all. if i dont, then the two other voices from the squip will step in
EDIT: we're not doing any of that lol
most importantly have fun with it! remember this is not a serious project we are just making our silly little remake
auditions will open a couple weeks later depending on the conducting videos cause lemme tell you end of school year is not the best time to do this
(this post will be edited if needed)
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