#and apparently later on they changed the gender and wrote ''queen'' instead bc love songs were already male-dominated
castratedvader · 2 years
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dmitri-writes · 5 years
INFO -this is shitty i'm so sorry -i wrote like 3 different versions of this bc i wasn't happy with it -requested by a wattpad reader -trans ftm logan -nb critic and remy -remus is wearing a dress
TRIGGER WARNINGS -transphobia -sexism
Logan wanted to go to Prom, he really had. Especially when his boyfriend Roman asked him in such an extravagant way. He had Patton help him pick out a nice suit and everything. But Patton also told him he shouldn't wear a binder since he'd be moving around a lot. Logan saw his point and wore a sports bra instead. He thought it was okay at Patton's house but after walking in with him, seeing people look at him with slight confusion or disgust... He doesn't feel okay anymore.
He tries to brush it off and have fun with Roman. He talks to some people he knows like Virgil, Remus, Dee, and Remy. He slow dances with Roman in a corner, and watches him dance with friends to more upbeat songs. While Roman is dancing to a song Dee requested with him, someone else slides up to Logan. "What's up girlie? You know girls aren't supposed to wear suits right?" Logan glares, trying to seem more confident than he is.  "I am not a girl," He says with the deepest voice he can muster, "And girls and women can wear whatever feels most comfortable to them."
The guy gets angry and balls his fists, glaring harder. "Don't try that fake deep voice shit, you weirdo. Everyone knows girls should wear dresses. You shouldn't have come if you were just gonna look like a tranny." Logan tenses at the word. The guy berates him more and Logan's eyes start to water. Some of the guy's friends had apparently heard the commotion and came over to help. The louder they get the more Logan feels eyes on him. He panics and runs, past Roman and Deceit and past Patton and Virgil and past Remy and Remus.
He made it into the only gender-neutral bathroom on the second floor in a little less than five minutes, tears falling the entire way. A minute later, a knock is heard on the door. "Logan. It's me." Roman. Logan unlocks the door, opening it only slightly. "Hey. Can I come in?" Roman's voice is much quieter than it usually is. Logan opens the door all the way and shuts and locks it as soon as Roman is inside. "Are you okay?" Logan shakes his head, unable to lie as the tears just get worse. Roman gently puts a hand on Logan's shoulder and pulls him closer as he deems it safe.
Logan ends up closing the gap first and hugs Roman tightly, burying his face in his chest. Roman doesn't care about his suit getting wet as he rubs circles into Logan's back. "Remus is dealing with those villains. Apparently, they tried saying something about him and his dress too." Logan eventually calms down, and they both sit on the floor, backs to the door. They can hear the music still going downstairs. "Thank you." "Of course." After a minute, they hear Remy on the microphone, muffled through the floor.
"It's time to vote for prom royalty!" Logan turns to Roman, "Go, you shouldn't miss getting prom king for me." Roman shakes his head and pulls Logan closer, "You're my king, I can't win without you." Logan smiles at the cheesy statement, kissing Roman's cheek. "Let's just listen then." After the voting period, the mic person changes to Emile. "I'm happy to announce, the winners are not kings or queens, but royalty, Remy and Critic!" Roman smiles, "Cri definitely convinced everyone that they look the best."
"Thank you Picani, but I'd like to give an honorable mention." Logan and Roman are both shocked, Critic giving someone else a mention when they're the winner? "Logan and Roman looked stunning this evening, wherever they ran off too, I hope they can hear this, love you kings!" Logan and Roman burst out in laughter, smiling. Remy agrees through the mic and the two kings hiding in the bathroom smile at each other, kissing again. "We're the cutest kings around," Roman says, kissing Logan's hand.
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