#and as a time travel lover myself i couldn't help but sprinkle in Nathan and Gunner
dieanywhereelseart · 4 years
tma s1 among us hcs
Jon: No matter if he’s actually an imposter, he always makes himself look sus. He tends to be long winded and descriptive with recounting his turn, which ends up only sapping lobby time. He’s aggressively sus of everyone else and always ventures off on his own, refusing to spend more than a moment next to anyone else as he works on his tasks. As such, he never has any alibis.
Jon keeps detailed accounts of what everyone did that round, and whenever he gets a target he will Not stop until they get voted out (or, more likely, he gets himself voted out). The Biggest third imposter, once he thinks someone is guilty there is no changing his mind. Usually, he’s either completely wrong or completely right (but for all of the wrong reasons).
When he's an imposter, he’s a horrible liar and noticeably less aggressive in his accusations. Always transparent when he self reports, and always kills the people that try to call him out. Has never won a game as an imposter and it shows.
Better than you think he would be? He’s pretty new to the game so he’s not good at solid alibis and tends to mix up his story a lot as a crewmate. However, he keeps this up as an imposter- stuttering over locations just the same as he would if he were innocent.
This man is the master at faking tasks and the only person to get sus of him is Jon (though, Jon’s always sus of him). Martin also hangs out with crewmates a lot, and very quickly gains the trust of others. He would be a great imposter, but he’s incredibly cautious when it comes to killing. Usually, the other imposter does the murder and he does the damage control. If the other one dies then there’s little chance he’ll get everyone on his own.
Super slow at tasks, but always looking for ways to clear teammates. His biggest problem is that he’s super stingy about calling people out. There have been times where the imposter claimed he was their alibi when he never saw them once, and he doesn’t speak up because he just doesn’t have the confidence in what he saw.
When Martin does accuse someone or go along with the vote, it’s usually game over for them. He rarely ever votes impulsively and almost always skips, so when he does offer his vote it's a Big Deal.
Tries experimental and risky techniques as an imposter, such as the legendary AFK strategy, where she’ll pretend to be away from the game and then kill someone and return to her spot around the table until someone finds the body. high risk high reward plays.
Of course, she’s a nightmare for other imposters since she’s also quick to frame them and get them kicked off to get herself the credit. She’s either big brained or her risky plays get caught immediately, no in between.
She’s a very efficient crewmate, getting tasks done first and then sitting on security or checking vitals for the rest of the game. Sasha is the first person to follow Jon’s lead in accusations, and if she doesn’t back him up then the team usually goes after Jon.
Sasha also gets absorbed in her tasks and usually lets other people handle lights, reactor, and oxygen. Bystander effect victim. Usually travels with Tim or Martin, so if she dies they’re the first to be questioned about it. Pretty fun to play with if you don’t get frustrated with her imposter shenanigans.
Literally the ideal crewmate. He can sniff a lie out a mile away and usually ends up the first one dead because of this. Whether or not he does tasks is up in the air, but when he wants to he can be insanely fast at tasks. You have never seen a man do Simon Says faster. Hangs around medbay for a while so he can clear Everybody that went in and proceeds to hang out with them. Doesn’t talk much during lobby but dont let your guard down he Will come after you if he knows you did it. Never loses when an imposter tries to frame him, Tim’s just too earnest in his seething.
Not a very good imposter, he’s decent at lying but giggles too much and has a lot of obvious tells. Sometimes he’ll just straight up admit he’s imposter bc he knows he isnt good enough to lie himself out of a corner. Tim also rambles a lot as imposter.
Is either incredibly lighthearted or takes the game way too personally and every round is a coin toss as to whether he'll be actually literally upset at you if you’re an imposter. He gets over it fast, and the most heated games are usually the most entertaining to look back on.
(bonus- future jon and martin from my time travel fic)
Future Jon (Nathan):
Nathan is pretty laid back at the game- they might Know the killer if they think too hard about it, so they mostly just chill and hang out around ppl. This lax attitude usually throws ppl off when playing with them for the first time.
They’re a bit chaotic when playing- occasionally making themselves look guilty for literally no reason. Nathan’s a real wild card they can either be super efficient or super dumb it depends on who they’re playing with. Sasha and Nathan are the ultimate chaotic imposter duo, and several times Nathan’s voted randomly and gotten themself kicked off when they were crewmate.
If someone didn’t do their tasks it’s probably Nathan or Tim. Nathan themself cares less about winning and more about the experience. No dull rounds with this bitch. Presses the emergency button for fun.
If Nathan and Gunner are on opposing sides they still have this solidarity like if Nathan’s the imposter and Gunner spots him, he will literally walk away without reporting it. And they never kill each other, either- just continual support. It’s kinda weird to watch.
Future Martin (Gunner):
The most terrifying imposter you’ll ever meet. He’ll kill your friend in front of you and convince you it was a suicide. Literally could say he’s the imposter at the beginning of the round and get away with it for the whole time. One time he managed to successfully win over the last member of the lobby and tied the vote three ways just so he could get one last kill.
Not joking you will feel true, unbridled Fear if he is the imposter. He will lock you in electrical and watch you squirm. Gunner’s at his most terrifying when he’s impostors with Nathan. It’s like those two have a symbiotic relationship (and since Nathan can read minds, the plans the two of them can make are Unparalleled).
Where Nathan slips up, Gunner can easily get the target off of their back. They also switch up play styles every now and then- sometimes they’ll end it quick, a double kill each round, other times they manage to successfully stack bodies in some obscure room in the corner of the map.
If Nathan dies, Gunner will be absolutely brutal in killing everyone else. Letting the O2 get people, or letting the game run until they’re so close to completing tasks before the final kill.
As a crewmate, Gunner is always spot on with accusations and if you’re an imposter your first goal should be to gain Gunner’s trust.
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