#those boys have never lost a game as imposters change my mind
dieanywhereelseart · 4 years
tma s1 among us hcs
Jon: No matter if he’s actually an imposter, he always makes himself look sus. He tends to be long winded and descriptive with recounting his turn, which ends up only sapping lobby time. He’s aggressively sus of everyone else and always ventures off on his own, refusing to spend more than a moment next to anyone else as he works on his tasks. As such, he never has any alibis.
Jon keeps detailed accounts of what everyone did that round, and whenever he gets a target he will Not stop until they get voted out (or, more likely, he gets himself voted out). The Biggest third imposter, once he thinks someone is guilty there is no changing his mind. Usually, he’s either completely wrong or completely right (but for all of the wrong reasons).
When he's an imposter, he’s a horrible liar and noticeably less aggressive in his accusations. Always transparent when he self reports, and always kills the people that try to call him out. Has never won a game as an imposter and it shows.
Better than you think he would be? He’s pretty new to the game so he’s not good at solid alibis and tends to mix up his story a lot as a crewmate. However, he keeps this up as an imposter- stuttering over locations just the same as he would if he were innocent.
This man is the master at faking tasks and the only person to get sus of him is Jon (though, Jon’s always sus of him). Martin also hangs out with crewmates a lot, and very quickly gains the trust of others. He would be a great imposter, but he’s incredibly cautious when it comes to killing. Usually, the other imposter does the murder and he does the damage control. If the other one dies then there’s little chance he’ll get everyone on his own.
Super slow at tasks, but always looking for ways to clear teammates. His biggest problem is that he’s super stingy about calling people out. There have been times where the imposter claimed he was their alibi when he never saw them once, and he doesn’t speak up because he just doesn’t have the confidence in what he saw.
When Martin does accuse someone or go along with the vote, it’s usually game over for them. He rarely ever votes impulsively and almost always skips, so when he does offer his vote it's a Big Deal.
Tries experimental and risky techniques as an imposter, such as the legendary AFK strategy, where she’ll pretend to be away from the game and then kill someone and return to her spot around the table until someone finds the body. high risk high reward plays.
Of course, she’s a nightmare for other imposters since she’s also quick to frame them and get them kicked off to get herself the credit. She’s either big brained or her risky plays get caught immediately, no in between.
She’s a very efficient crewmate, getting tasks done first and then sitting on security or checking vitals for the rest of the game. Sasha is the first person to follow Jon’s lead in accusations, and if she doesn’t back him up then the team usually goes after Jon.
Sasha also gets absorbed in her tasks and usually lets other people handle lights, reactor, and oxygen. Bystander effect victim. Usually travels with Tim or Martin, so if she dies they’re the first to be questioned about it. Pretty fun to play with if you don’t get frustrated with her imposter shenanigans.
Literally the ideal crewmate. He can sniff a lie out a mile away and usually ends up the first one dead because of this. Whether or not he does tasks is up in the air, but when he wants to he can be insanely fast at tasks. You have never seen a man do Simon Says faster. Hangs around medbay for a while so he can clear Everybody that went in and proceeds to hang out with them. Doesn’t talk much during lobby but dont let your guard down he Will come after you if he knows you did it. Never loses when an imposter tries to frame him, Tim’s just too earnest in his seething.
Not a very good imposter, he’s decent at lying but giggles too much and has a lot of obvious tells. Sometimes he’ll just straight up admit he’s imposter bc he knows he isnt good enough to lie himself out of a corner. Tim also rambles a lot as imposter.
Is either incredibly lighthearted or takes the game way too personally and every round is a coin toss as to whether he'll be actually literally upset at you if you’re an imposter. He gets over it fast, and the most heated games are usually the most entertaining to look back on.
(bonus- future jon and martin from my time travel fic)
Future Jon (Nathan):
Nathan is pretty laid back at the game- they might Know the killer if they think too hard about it, so they mostly just chill and hang out around ppl. This lax attitude usually throws ppl off when playing with them for the first time.
They’re a bit chaotic when playing- occasionally making themselves look guilty for literally no reason. Nathan’s a real wild card they can either be super efficient or super dumb it depends on who they’re playing with. Sasha and Nathan are the ultimate chaotic imposter duo, and several times Nathan’s voted randomly and gotten themself kicked off when they were crewmate.
If someone didn’t do their tasks it’s probably Nathan or Tim. Nathan themself cares less about winning and more about the experience. No dull rounds with this bitch. Presses the emergency button for fun.
If Nathan and Gunner are on opposing sides they still have this solidarity like if Nathan’s the imposter and Gunner spots him, he will literally walk away without reporting it. And they never kill each other, either- just continual support. It’s kinda weird to watch.
Future Martin (Gunner):
The most terrifying imposter you’ll ever meet. He’ll kill your friend in front of you and convince you it was a suicide. Literally could say he’s the imposter at the beginning of the round and get away with it for the whole time. One time he managed to successfully win over the last member of the lobby and tied the vote three ways just so he could get one last kill.
Not joking you will feel true, unbridled Fear if he is the imposter. He will lock you in electrical and watch you squirm. Gunner’s at his most terrifying when he’s impostors with Nathan. It’s like those two have a symbiotic relationship (and since Nathan can read minds, the plans the two of them can make are Unparalleled).
Where Nathan slips up, Gunner can easily get the target off of their back. They also switch up play styles every now and then- sometimes they’ll end it quick, a double kill each round, other times they manage to successfully stack bodies in some obscure room in the corner of the map.
If Nathan dies, Gunner will be absolutely brutal in killing everyone else. Letting the O2 get people, or letting the game run until they’re so close to completing tasks before the final kill.
As a crewmate, Gunner is always spot on with accusations and if you’re an imposter your first goal should be to gain Gunner’s trust.
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transbian-uprising · 3 years
Some of my own Danganronpa non-despair AU headcanons/imagines this time! (THH edition)
I was inspired, so I decided why not write down some headcanons/imagines/character adjustments for my Danganronpa non-despair AU! I’m gonna be doing this as a series, starting with the THH characters, then the SDR2 characters, then the V3 characters (although I will mention characters from other games in my headcanons). Enjoy!
Makoto Naegi | 苗木誠
He’d definitely lend a listening ear to whoever wanted to vent to him.
When he first comes to Hope’s Peak, he’s such a fanboy over everyone
He has an inferiority complex and self worth issues because he’s surrounded by insanely talented students, but Sayaka and Kyoko quickly help him get over that
He’s pretty good at keyboard, and plays alongside Sayaka a lot
He actually got noticed by Kaede, who offered to teach him, which obviously he was ecstatic about
He’s the only one in Class 78th, and possibly all of Hope’s Peak, who is neurotypical
Sayaka Maizono | 舞園さやか
Her and Makoto are basically best friends
She’s still a total cinnamon roll, but she loves to play little pranks on the rest of Class 78th and have a good laugh over it
She, Ibuki, Leon and Kaede tried to form a music group together but they fell apart really quickly due to their different styles
She has a huge crush on Makoto, but she’s afraid to admit it
Leon Kuwata | 桑田怜恩
He’s almost always the only one in class, just so he can avoid playing baseball
Ibuki taught him guitar and he’s been playing nonstop ever since
He *tries* to get along with Sayaka, but prefers hanging out with Ibuki since they almost always end up playing together
Everyone in Class 78 calls him the Ultimate Guitarist because... reasons
Toko Fukawa | 腐川冬子
She doesn’t have the weird thing for Byakuya in this au
She doesn’t slut shame the girls either
She’s still really shy tho
She initially dislikes Hifumi for writing fanfic, but they eventually bond over their mutual love for writing
She’s also close with Tsumugi, and the two of them collaborated to write a book that was loosely based on Tsumugi’s favorite anime
Genocider Syo is friends with Sonia, but she’s a bit put off by Sonia’s obsession with her and other serial killers
Kiyotaka Ishimaru | 石丸清多夏
Initially, the rest of the class shys away from him because he has a stick up his ass about the rules, but Mondo and Chihiro quickly befriend him
After a while, he loosens up a bit, but he never stops being the Ultimate Moral Compass
He tries to bond with the class by telling jokes, but he’s always super awkward with it and is usually unsuccessful
He’s SUPER gullible — he’ll believe anything anyone tells him, and you better believe Class 78 uses that to their advantage
Once, he dyed his hair white on a dare, and ended up liking it and kept it that way
He also tries to do impressions of his classmates (mostly Mondo) but, again, is painfully bad at it
Everyone actually finds these funny tho
Mondo Oowada | 大和田紋土
He, surprisingly, likes to play card games, which everyone was shocked to find out
Except Celeste, who is fascinated by his interest
He’s very protective of his friends, and will do anything for them
Especially Taka and Chihiro, his two best friends
He’s an amazing hairstylist, and secretly loves to play with and style people’s hair
Everyone in all of Hope’s peak knows to go to him for hair care tips and tricks
He also taught Chihiro how to ride a motorcycle the two of them rode around together a lot, until Taka ratted them out
He still hasn’t forgiven Taka for that
Chihiro Fujisaki | 不二咲千尋
In this au, he’s a bit more open about his gender, but still has loads of insecurities
At first, he’s completely in the closet, but after rumors spread online about him being a boy, he decides to live as himself and goes to Mondo for help
Mondo became his first real friend to him because of this, and him (and eventually Sakura too) helped him become strong
Eventually, he became an honorary member of Mondo’s gang and would often hang out with them in his free time
His hidden talent is being a voice actor, but he’s super embarrassed to talk about it since he’s the Ultimate Programmer
His first voice role was in a video game he developed himself, which led some talent scouts to notice him
He eventually voiced in several anime and video games, some of which he also helped develop
He’s almost as passionate about acting as he is about programming, but the only people he feels comfortable talking about it to are Hifumi and Tsumugi, who both become huge fans of his, and Mondo and Taka
When he found out Junko had created Monokuma, he was fascinated and offered to help her with ironing out all his kinks
He, Chiaki, Mukuro and Miu also created the Exisals in this au, for the sole reason of fooling around
Although, Chihiro himself was a bit intimidated by his creation at first, but after Tsumugi and Junko pressured him to try one out for himself, he fell in love
Yasuhiro Hagakure | 葉隠康比呂
He’s less of a dumbass in this AU, although he still has a tendency to get himself in sticky situations
Celeste and Hifumi played a prank on him by getting him to dress up in the Robo Justice suit and go around scaring people, but it backfired after Hiro fell down the stairs and broke his leg
Being the only one in the class who can, he often buys wine for Celeste and Mondo (and whoever asks, but only those two ever do)
He and Mondo use the same hair gel, so sometimes he’d take Mondo’s without knowing, which would lead to some awkward misunderstandings
Interestingly, he once predicted the world would end and they’d all end up dead, but that never ended up happening
That’s where the “30% accurate” thing came from— before that he was almost always right
He constantly makes jokes about being an old man (even though he’s only in his early twenties)
Hifumi Yamada | 山田一二三
He’s no longer solely attracted to anime characters, but he still loves them very much
He’s also nicer in this au
He’s besties with Tsumugi, and they bond over their love of anime and fiction
He’s also a huge fan of Chihiro’s, after he found out Chihiro was on the development team for his favorite game AND voiced two of his favorite anime characters
Low key has a crush on Celeste
Angie constantly makes jokes about how his first name is just “one two three” in Japanese
Whenever he’s watching an anime Chihiro was in, he’ll hound him with questions about what it was like recording, which Chihiro doesn’t mind because he doesn’t get to talk about his voice work a lot
Someday he wants to write and direct his own anime, and Tsumugi and Toko give him a lot of writing tips
He formed a LARP group with Gundham, Tsumugi, Chihiro, Junko, and Kaito
Celestia Ludenberg
She doesn’t treat Hifumi like a servant in this AU, but she’s still mean af and has a superiority complex
She eventually revealed her true identity to the class after she got inspired by Chihiro, but it didn’t change anything with her classmates
Except Hiro, who constantly made jokes about them having the same name, much to Celeste’s annoyance
She occasionally brings Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg to school with her, but she doesn’t let anyone except Hifumi, Sonia and Gundham pet him
She high-key has a crush on Sonia
She doesn’t actually know how to do her own hair, so she has to get Mondo to do it for her
Sakura Oogami | 大神さくら
She and Tenko become friends SO QUICKLY because of their shared passion for martial arts
She’s still friends with Aoi tho
The three of them hang out together a lot
She and Tenko developed a new form of martial arts combining Neo-Aikido and Sakura’s own style, which they named the Oogami Method
Junko bullied her because of her ripped uniform, but after she explained that nothing would fit her, Junko offered to have one made for her
Kyoko Kirigiri | 霧切響子
She and Shuichi are very close, obviously
She gives Shuichi a lot of pointers on improving his investigative skills, and they work together often to solve cases
She and Makoto still become close, but their friendship is overshadowed by her and Shuichi’s
She notices this after a while, and makes a concerted effort to spend more time with Makoto
She’s less distant in this AU, but she still tries not to show her emotions
Her hair is naturally black in this AU, she dyed it purple after she lost a bet (with Celeste)
Aoi Asahina | 朝日奈葵
In this AU, she doesn’t just love donuts, but she loves all sweets
She was a fan of Junko’s before coming to Hope’s Peak, and the two of them became friends quickly
She and Akane are also close, and everyone jokes that they’re sisters, though in reality they aren’t
She once got recruited by Kaito to be in a play his class was putting on, but she’s such a terrible actor that they gave her part to Junko
She once walked in on Junko and Mukuro testing out Monokuma for the first time, and they were super freaked out, but Aoi was fascinated and wanted to try controlling him
Mukuro was against it, but Junko was cool with it, so she got to in the end
Byakuya Togami | 十神白夜
He and Makoto are both obsessed with true crime, and the two of them actually become friends because of that
They both love digging into Hope’s Peak’s files and his family’s files to find mysteries they could try and solve
Sonia joins them a lot too
He unofficially became the class’s French teacher after they found out he was fluent
He’s nicer in this au, and he’s kind of the dad of the class
When the Imposter was impersonating him, the two of them got into a little mini-war over who was the superior Togami (Twogami surprisingly won that war, albeit barely)
Mukuro Ikusaba | 戦刃むくろ
She’s away from Hope’s Peak A LOT, usually doing soldier things
When she is at Hope’s Peak, she spends most of her time either developing new weapons or looking after Junko
She’s usually the one who has to clean up after Junko’s shenanigans, even though she partakes in them herself
She helps Junko with a lot of her projects, but usually she ends up working on her own things while Junko does her thing
Despite this, she loves working with her sister when she gets the chance
Her proudest achievement is the Exisals, even though she collaborated with Chihiro, Chiaki and Miu to create them
Junko Enoshima | 江ノ島盾子
While she’s obviously not Ultimate Despair in this au, she’s still very chaotic and loves causing shenanigans and playing (mostly) harmless pranks
She’s friends with Sayaka and Kokichi because of this (both she and Sayaka are members of D.I.C.E. too)
She still puts on different personas, but she does it as a joke
She’s actually a very good actress, and she loves to act, but just like Chihiro, that gets overshadowed by her Ultimate talent
She loves to build and create things, just like her sister, which is why she created Monokuma
She uses Monokuma for her pranks a lot
Sometimes she goes through severe depressive episodes where she doesn’t have the energy to leave her home, but she usually uses Monokuma as a sort of telepresence unit so she can still talk to her friends
At first, no one knew that Monokuma was her, but Aoi ended up spilling the beans
She also learned animation from Ryota, and wants to make an anime starring her, Kaito, Tsumugi, Chihiro, Mukuro and Hajime
She loves to share her projects with her friends, and often lets other people control Monokuma or model for her
She gets hurt a LOT, and usually Mikan has to care for her
Her proudest achievement is replacing the Exisals’ weapons with water guns (even though Mukuro did most of the work)
They actually decided to leave them like that afterwards, since the Exisals were only ever used by her friends to mess around in
She suffers from PTSD, and part of that is recurring nightmares that the world ended and all her friends were forced to kill each other
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realcube · 3 years
can i pls request denki and fem reader as rivals?
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thank you to anon for this request <3 i am 90% sure i’ve seen this trope before but i am unsure as to where- this is just a lil fun thing i wrote bc i can’t stop thinking about pranking kaminari- also shoutout to my followers who've been waiting for some sfw content
summary ♡ your plan to get revenge on kaminari quickly changes when he tells you the motive of his pranks
content warning ♡ balloons and general clownery 
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you sighed, wandering through the hallways of the dorm building, heading towards the lounge in search of your friends. you held your phone close as you walked, paying to attention to your surroundings as you walked - which was your first mistake, considering the various attacks you’ve been a victim to recently.
not by the league of villains, no. but rather by kaminari.
so, you should’ve been surprise when you rounded the corner to the lounge, and were immediately met by a whipped-cream pie to the face, followed by the deafening cackles of multiple members of the notorious ‘bakusquad’.
“gotcha!” kaminari yelled through chortles, “you just got denki’d!”
⊱ ─────── {⋅. ⚡ .⋅} ─────── ⊰
a few months had passed since the little ‘pie incident’ and valentine’s day was fast approaching. 
after many failed attempts, you realised that you simply could not beat ‘kaminari, the great’ at pranks. whether that be in regards to the time you tried to do the ‘electrocuting gum’ prank oh him, completely forgetting that it’s have no affect on it, or that time you put toothpaste in his oreos and he ate them all with a foolish grin on his face as if they were delicious. 
you were able to acknowledge that trying to defeat him was a lost cause. however, you were far from a quitter.
valentine’s day was right around the corner and you had formulated a plan for the greatest prank of all time; this was going to completely humiliate kaminari in front of everyone, as payback for the many times he did that to you. you were going to ask him to be your valentine!
though it might not sound to epic with the summary alone, allow me to elaborate; you were planning on approaching kaminari at lunch with flowers, chocolates, your charming smile and a very special balloon. you’d ask him to be your valentine and when he says yes, you hand him all the goodies you were holding but just as he is about to take the balloon, you back up and use your quirk to burst the balloon from afar - then, not only will he shriek like a little girl, but he’ll be covered with bright pink glitter which will be stored inside the balloon! 
your plan was full-proof! it’d go down in the lunch hall so when you pop the balloon, the loud noise will grab everyone’s attention and when they turn around in search of the source, they’ll see kaminari sparkling! and even if kaminari declined your confession, you’d just pop the balloon anyway.
⊱ ─────── {⋅. ⚡ .⋅} ─────── ⊰ 
you practised your charming smile in the reflective metal spoon which came with you lunch, which you didn’t plan on eating until after you had your starting course of schadenfreude.
once you figured that your smile was perfect, you hopped up from your seat, grabbed your goodies and make your way over to the table that was usually occupied by the ‘bakusquad’; a place you thought you’d never go near under any circumstances but now, you were willing striding up to it, your arms full with presents. 
then your eyes landed on a certain yellow-haired boy so you tapped him on his shoulder, choosing to ignore the question look he directed at you and instead, said the line you had been rehearsing for weeks, “happy valentines day, kaminari!”
he quirked a brow, doing a double-take as the last time he checked, the real (y/n) would not be caught dead talking him, forget wishing him a happy valentine’s day. toga, is that you? “uhh, yeah. happy valentine’s day, (y/n).” he tried to say as casually as possible but it ended up simply sounding condescending. 
“i know we haven’t exactly got- the best history, kaminari. but you’re actually a pretty cool dude so i’d like it if we could put all that behind us. which is why i’m asking you if you’d like to be my valentine?” you stuttered, fixing your gaze on the ground as you twiddled your free finger; was it too coy?
well, clearly not as all previous suspicions that kaminari had about you being an imposter were immediately thrown out the window as he jolted up from his seat with a scarily wide grin, “seriously? y-you’re asking me to be your valentine?”
you stumbled backwards, your lips parting slightly before hastily trying to regain composure, “uh, yeah! i’m asking you to be my valentine. so, erm, is that a y--”
before you could even finish your sentence, your already poor balance was further disrupted by him tackling you with a hug, resulting in both of you falling onto the lunch hall floor. even though you were clearly stunned, he continued to tighten his grip on you and gush about how happy he was, “of course it’s a yes! are you kidding me, (y/n)?! i’ve had the fattest crush on you ever since i first saw you at the entrance exam-- you’re just so badass! why do you think i pulled all those pranks on you? i just wanted a crumb of your attention but i guess it got a bit out-of-hand.” 
as you sat there astounded, you mentally prayed that everything he was saying was nothing more than hyperbole or a joke, because if it wasn’t then you’d feel really bad about humiliating him in front of the whole school. “um, is this another prank, kaminari?” you inquired, slowly trying to slip out of his grip but he only pulled you in closer. 
“nope!” he chirped, retracting his neck when he noticed that you came with gifts, “oh, are these for me? sorry, i didn’t get you anything.” he frowned, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck until an idea struck him, “but if you want, i could take you out to get fo--”
you rapidly shook your head, successfully squirming out his hold, gathering your gift before hopping onto your feet, “uh, no, it’s fine! these aren’t for you! they are for..yaoyorozu!” you blurted out the first name that came to mind and internally cringed when he prompted you to elaborate, “well, they are..thank-you gifts for all the times she’s tutored me! she’s a real star.”
kaminari blinked several time before snatching the balloon out from where it hovered beside your head, “but it’s shaped like a heart.” he muttered outlining it with his fingers, resulting in you quickly dropping all your other possessions to get a firm hold on the balloon so your try pry it out of his hands as now that he had admitted his true feelings for you, it would be immoral for you to embarrass him.
“uh, well, she’s a great teacher! she has my heart!” your tug on the balloon was just as forceful as your smile. 
“but i’m your valentine, i should have your heart!” kaminari yelled as he pulled it towards his chest, with little regard to the many eyes that now lingered on the pair of you - it was just a game of tug-o-war with a glitter-filled balloon. 
“kaminari, don’t be silly!” you rolled your eyes, trying to focus on ensuring that your grip on the balloon wasn’t too loose or too tight, “how about you take chocolates instead?”
“i feel like you’re trying to hide something from me.” he narrowed his eyes, his strength not faltering, “you can’t keep secrets from me, babe!”
you snickered, playfully kicking his ankle, “we’ve not even been together for a 5 minutes.” you winced slightly as he reciprocated your kick, “just give me the damn balloon, de--”
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Meme
tagged by dear @vishcount 💕 am sending you a lot of love because you are doing amazing, even if it doesn’t feel like it. don’t be so harsh on yourself. and thank you for the tag, I did my best. 
tagging @cortue, @intyalote, @the-cloud-whisperer, @not-saying-revolution-but and every writer that sees this and wants to do it! 
I was rambling again so there’s the usual cut
name: here just kiddo please - iamjustakiddo on ao3
fandoms: just for shits and giggles am gonna try and list all the fandoms i’ve written for? roughly chronologically speaking, my first fic was for Kuroshitsuji and the we go to Harry Potter, SKAM, Narnia, Sherlock Holmes (unpublished), Peter Pan (unpublished) - I don’t write for any of these anymore? except for Narnia which I might return to when the mood hits. I’ve written a ton for BTS and The Untamed, and still wish to write more for Nirvana in Fire. I’ve also written for Winter Begonia, Hwarang and YYY: The Series. Current WIPs are Word Of Honor, The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty, Original Sin - none of those will probably see the light of day. I’ve also had thoughts of writing for Killer and Healer, Strangers from Hell and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
two-shot: hmm I guess my two oneshots for YYY could count as a two shot? am not sure, but I simply had different ideas and seperated them instead of writing one coherent oneshot.
most popular multi-chapter fic: my BTS Mafia AU Take Me Into Your Skin. I’m quite proud of this one because it was my first ever multichaptered story back when I wrote it in 2018 and it turned out to be over 160k words long, which is just wild? I guess I cringe at it a lot and I would change a lot about it now, but am still proud of it because I had a lot of fun and am still fond of the story. (Statistics - Subscriptions: 144 / Hits: 18319 / Kudos: 519 / Comment Threads: 83 / Bookmarks: 295)
actual worst part of writing: everything currently. I feel a little bit like an imposter doing these games right now, cause I haven’t written anything that I’m truly proud of recently (or like, this past year I guess). This slump is very hard to get out of.  Under normal circumstances, the worst part of writing is when I know what I wanna write but it doesn’t come out? and when every sentence just sounds horrible and not at all how I imagined. Also the physical act of writing is difficult because I get tired so easily and when I don’t manage to get into hyperfocus and a nice flow, it’s just exhausting. 
also coming up with summaries, fuck that. 
how you choose your titles: i’m very basic and usually use some quotes or lyrics, but recently I’ve been trying to be more creative with my titles? I need to exercise that because I truly wanna learn how to come up with my own titles that sound nice. I suck at them so much 
do you outline: absolutely. my memory sucks badly so I always try to keep an overview in my notebooks because I can’t trust my brain to remember all the important details I come up with. Working with notes is also so freeing because I’m free to do anything I want and don’t need to worry about actually writing it? I like having visuals for my stories so it feels like an anchor I can hold on to when I’m lost.
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice: oh boy this is difficult, because I don’t have specifics for any of these ideas and that’s why I never get around to do them? I guess bringing my Wen Kexing and Wang Zhi character studies into shape is the most doable project rn. I would also love to finish my Original Sin fic because I really want to write a proper case-fic with actual plot but am just so stuck on that and too stupid for my own criminal cases so currently I’ve put that on hold. 
An idea that I’ve had for years now is a Sokka/Suki/Toph future fic? I would ignore what happens in LOK and for some reason I’m stuck on the thought that I want to explore this OT3? I want to explore how in their adult lives, they would fit together and especially how Toph could work as addition to the relationship Sokka und Suki have? I would love to explore the individual relationships they have with each other but I’m also very nervous about it because I’ve never written for ATLA and I don’t know if I can explore this properly. 
another idea that’s been on my mind ever since Singularity dropped is a taegi Dorian Gray AU? I’ve already done a little bit of research about 19th century Korea and Korean portrait paintings because of course, I would wanna make it as historically accurate as I can manage but honestly, I feel this project is quite hopeless. I think I also have very conflicting ideas about how I should do this and if it’s even a good idea to realise. 
Recently I’ve been thinking about writing a slow-burn enemies to lovers adventure story because I have Cravings. I don’t know if this would be an original project or some type of AU for some fandom, but I just really want to write about two people on opposite sides clashing together and having to work together, forming a reluctant bond and just. exploring the progress of that? Maybe there would be horses, probably historical, or maybe fantasy? I have no idea, I just wish I could write something like this some day. 
callouts @ me: stop being pretentious. not everything needs to be existential dread. don’t project all your issues into every character you write. not every sentence you write needs to be a Masterpiece and sometimes less is more. bring more structure to your stories instead of just aimlessly drifting. learn grammar for god’s sake.
best writing traits: i have no idea sorry. maybe that I heavily rely on my empathy? but i  truly do not know.
spicy tangential opinion: I don’t have any spicy opinions I think? Just do what you enjoy. Write what you want, you can worry about what to with it after. If you want to get rid of thoughts just do it. Don’t think about how it looks to other people, because unless you show it someone, it’s your art. It’s okay if it takes time, even if it’s frustrating. Pressure doesn’t help with creating art so maybe allow it to grow organically. is this spicy enough yet? don’t let people tell you you are less of a writer because you do things differently. there are methods, ideas, guides, advice - but there shouldn’t be rules to what makes you writer. everyone works differently. and to everyone who struggles - i know it sucks but as long as you find joy in writing, it’s not hopeless. sometimes things need a break or sometimes it needs a different shape and that’s okay ❤ did I reach the level of spiciness required here? 
summing up, I just wanna send strength to all writers out there because oh boy do we need it! and sending a lot of gratitude to all the fic-writers out there that have made my nights and days more enjoyable by sharing their passion. 
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mab1905 · 3 years
More Fitzjames content? Yeah... here’s a playlist for ya’ll...
These are songs which I think describe him at different points in his character developement or simply different aspects of his personality. Somewhat James/Crozier (Fitzier) but all about James.
(25 songs, 1 hour 33 min)
Song List + Most Character-Relevant Lyrics:
Fancy — Orville Peck
We didn't have money for food or rent / To say the least, we was hard pressed / Then Mama spent every last penny we had / To buy me a dancin' dress / Mama washed and combed and curled my hair / And she painted my eyes and lips / Stepped into a satin dancin' dress / That had a slit in the side clean up to my hips / It was red velvet trim, and it fit me good / Starin' back from the lookin' glass / There stood a woman where a half-gown boy had stood / ... / It sounded like somebody else that was talkin' / Askin', "Mama, what do I do?" / She said, "Just be nice to the gentlemen, Fancy / They'll be nice to you" / "Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down / Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down / Lord, forgive me for what I do / But if you want out, well, it's up to you / Now don't let me down now / Your mama's gonna move you uptown"
gold rush — Taylor Swift
What must it be like / To grow up that beautiful? / With your hair falling into place like dominos / ... / At dinner parties / I call you out on your contrarian shit / And the coastal town / We wandered 'round had never / Seen a love as pure as it / And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea / 'Cause you know it could never be
The Name Of The Game — ABBA
Your smile, and the sound of your voice / And the way you see through me / Got a feeling, you give me no choice / But it means a lot to me / So I wanna know / What's the name of the game?
Spectrum — Florence + The Machine
And when we come for you / We'll be dressed up all in blue / With the ocean in our arms / Kiss your eyes and kiss your palms / And when it's time to pray / We'll be dressed up all in grey / With metal on our tongues / And silver in our lungs / ... / And when we come back we'll be dressed in black / And you'll scream my name aloud / And we won't eat and we won't sleep / We'll drag bodies from the ground / So say my name / And every colour illuminates / And we are shining / And we'll never be afraid again
Dreamy Bruises — Sylvan Esso
How can we question / What we knows feels right / Black eyes turn to marigolds / In the morning light / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / Shaken all over like some dogs at the pool / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / They’re kicken all the records over acting like they hanging water / Ohweeohweeoh kids move so slow / Down in the basement where the sun don't show / Ohweeohweeoh kids movie so slow / Naked dollars wonder piles dreamy bruises rotten lovers / And they say I want you / To bend me back in two / To make me sing your tune / To make those words so smooth / Fill me like a song do
Wolf — Sylvan Esso
But no birds nor beast does he eat / He only wants the tenderest meat / And oh the sounds he makes them speak / Under all different patterns of sheets / ... / The modern wolf, the modern wolf / Drippin' in all the lives that he took / He'll go on home, try to wash them off / But when he shaves, he hears them call
Francis Forever — Mitski
On sunny days I go out walking / I end up on a tree-lined street / I look up at the gaps of sunlight / I miss you more than anything / I don't need the world to see / That I've been the best I can be, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me / And autumn comes when you're not yet done / With the summer passing by, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me
James — MGMT
James / If you need a friend / Come right over / Don't even knock / And I'll be home / The door is always open / And we both can say, "Who's laughing now?" / Oh, James / My little doll / You just go outside and you call / Oh, James / Oh, you're never too far off / If your fire's out / There's no need to shout / I'm always home / And walk on in / I'll make you tea and breakfast / And we both can say, "Who's laughing now?"
South London Forever — Florence + The Machine
I drive past the place that I was born / And the places that I used to drink / Young and drunk and stumbling in the street / Outside the Joiners Arm's like foals unsteady on their feet / With the art students and the boys in bands / High on E and holding hands with someone that I just met / I thought it doesn't get / Better than this / There can be nothing better than this / Better than this / And we climbed onto the roof, the museum / And someone made love in the glass / And I'd forgot my name / And the way back to my mother's house / With your black cool eyes and your bitten lips / The world is at your fingertips / It doesn't get better than this / What else could be better than this? / Oh, don't you know I have seen / I have seen the fields aflame / And everything I ever did / Was just another way to scream your name
Oh! You Pretty things — David Bowie
I think about a world to come / Where the books were found by the Golden ones / Written in pain, written in awe / By a puzzled man who questioned / What we work here for / All the strangers came today / And it looks as though they're here to stay / Oh You Pretty Things (Oh You Pretty Things) / Don't you know you're driving your / Mamas and Papas insane / Oh You Pretty Things (Oh You Pretty Things) / Don't you know you're driving your / Mamas and Papas insane / Let me make it plain / You gotta make way for the Homo Superior
Venus As A Boy — Björk
His wicked sense of humor / Suggests exciting sex / His fingers they focus on her and touches / He's Venus as a boy / ... / All across your lips, oh, then until / Well be that it's a little now, until / He believes in a beauty / He's Venus as a boy / He believes in a beauty and gentle
Winds Change — Orville Peck
Had a lover but I lost my patience / Gonna get a song on a radio station / Got a fire but you just can't use it / I don't mean no lies, baby, please don't lose it / Lost my way on the other side / I know why, I don't know when / From the way that we said goodbye / I knew I'd never see you again / Left my mind in the Salt Lake City / Met a lot of men who would call me pretty / Pack of reds, watch the days get colder / Don't it make you cry, how we're getting older?
Fluorescent Adolescent — Arctic Monkeys
Oh the boy's a slag / The best you ever had / The best you ever had is just a memory / And those dreams weren't as daft as they seem / Not as daft as they seem / My love, when you dream them up... / Flicking through a little book of sex tips / Remember when the boys were all electric? / Now when she's told she's gonna get it / I'm guessing that she'd rather just forget it / Clinging to not getting sentimental / Said she wasn't going but she went still / Likes her gentlemen not to be gentle / Was it a Mecca dauber or a betting pencil? / Oh the boy's a slag / The best you ever had / The best you ever had is just a memory / And those dreams weren't as daft as they seem / Not as daft as they seem / My love, when you dream them up / Falling about / You took a left off Last Laugh Lane / Just sounding it out / But you're not coming back again.
Cheerleader — St. Vincent
I've had good times / With some bad guys / I've told whole lies / With a half smile / Held your bare bones / With my clothes on / I've thrown rocks / Then hid both my arms / I've played dumb / When I knew better / Tried so hard / Just to be clever / I know honest thieves / I call family / I've seen America / With no clothes on / I don't know what I deserve / But for you I could work / Cause I don’t want to be a cheerleader no more
Queen Bitch — David Bowie
She's so swishy in her satin and tat / In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat / Oh God, I could do better than that / Oh, yeah / She's an old-time ambassador / Of sweet talking, night walking games / Oh and she's known in the darkest clubs / For pushing ahead of the dames / If she says she can do it / Then she can do it, she don't make false claims / But she's a queen and such a queen / Such a laughter is sucked in their brains / Now she's leading him on / And she'll lay him right down / Yes, she's leading him on / And she'll lay him right down / But it could have been me / Yes, it could have been me
Boys Keep Swinging — David Bowie
Heaven loves ya / The clouds part for ya / Nothing stands in your way / When you're a boy / Clothes always fit ya / Life is a pop of the cherry / When you're a boy / When you're a boy / You can wear a uniform / When you're a boy / Other boys check you out / You get a girl / These are your favorite things / When you're a boy / Boys / Boys / Boys keep swinging
Caterpillars (Of The Common Wealth) — Will Connolly
You know you'll always be my valentine / Now swear to god that you will never tell / They're streaming every indiscretion live / For caterpillars of the commonwealth / Gotta go / You can stay / Make yourself at home / Gotta go / This campaign / Don't run itself you know / You've got potential little parasite / I tie your hands so i can wish you well / Cuz i'm a gentleman and you are like / A caterpillar of the commonwealth / Gotta go / I said no / You need to know your role / Gotta go / I said no / It's all under control
Imposters (Little By Little) — The Fratellis
You wear your mask, I'll wear mine / They don't come cheap, but they fit just fine / You can be her and I can be him / We can both sink when the rest all swim / ... / We can pretend that our fates were entwined / A beautiful lie is the beautiful kind / Everybody knows that the sun still sets / And everybody gives and everybody gets / ... / I could be the one that you just can't shake / Till you swear that your eyes go blind / We can disappear till the sun burns a hole / In the life that we left behind
Sweet Painted Lady — Elton John
I'm back on dry land once again / Opportunity awaits me like a rat in the drain / We're all hunting honey with money to burn / Just a short time to show you the tricks that we've learned / If the boys all behave themselves here / Well, there's pretty young ladies and beer in the rear / ... / Forget us we'll have gone very soon / Just forget we ever slept in your rooms / And we'll leave the smell of the sea in your beds / Where love's just a job and nothing is said
Super Trouper — ABBA
Super trouper beams are gonna blind me / But I won't feel blue / Like I always do / 'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you / ... / So I'll be there when you arrive / The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive / And when you take me in your arms / And hold me tight / I know it's gonna mean so much tonight
Babooshka — Kate Bush
She sent him scented letters / And he received them with a strange delight / Just like / His wife / But how she was before the tears / And how she was before the years flew by / And how she was when she was beautiful / She signed the letter / All yours...
Paris is Burning — St. Vincent
I write to give word the war is over / Send my cinders home to mother / They gave me a medal for my valor / Leaden trumpets spit the soot of power / They say, "I'm on your side / "When nobody is, 'cause nobody is / "Come sit right here and sleep / "While I slip poison in your ear" / We are waiting on a telegram / To give us news of the fall / I am sorry to report / Dear Paris is burning after all
Dream of Sheep — Kate Bush
Oh I'll wake up to any sound of engines / Every gull a seeking craft / I can't keep my eyes open / Wish I had my radio / I'd tune into some friendly voices / Talking 'bout stupid things / I can't be left to my imagination / Let me be weak, let me sleep and dream of sheep / Ooh, their breath is warm / And they smell like sleep / And they say they take me home / Like poppies, heavy with seed / They take me deeper and deeper
Hunger — Florence + The Machine
At seventeen, I started to starve myself / I thought that love was a kind of emptiness / And at least I understood then, the hunger I felt / And I didn't have to call it loneliness / ... / Tell me what you need, oh, you look so free / The way you use your body, baby, come on and work it for me / Don't let it get you down, you're the best thing I've seen / We never found the answer but we knew one thing / ... / And it's Friday night and it's kicking in / In that pink dress, they're gonna crucify me / Oh, and you in all your vibrant youth / How could anything bad ever happen to you? / You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment / I forget to worry
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
I adore your talentswap backstories! I'd like you to write some headcanons for my Talentshift SDR2 au. It consists of Mechanic!Hajime, ReserveCourse!Mahiru, Photographer!Ibuki, Musician!Fuyuhiko, Yakuza!Gundham, Breeder!Chiaki, Gamer!Mikan, Nurse!Nagito, Lucky!Imposter, Imposter!Peko (impersonating non-despair Junko), Swordswoman!Sonia, Prince!Nekomaru, Coach!Teruteru, Chef!Hiyoko, TraditionalDancer!Akane, and Gymnast!Kazuichi. If not, I completely understand.
Hey anon! I’m glad you enjoyed them! ^_^ And I’d be happy to make some headcanons for your AU. But just to let you know anon, I would appreciate it if you asked me first before sending me your listed requests. I honestly don’t mind writing headcanons for talentswaps (I honestly enjoy doing that) but I would appreciate you asking me and then sending them to me. That way it doesn’t take me by surprise. 
So without further ado, here are my headcanons for your SDR2 Talentswap AU.
Peko Pekoyama as the SHSL Imposter
While Peko was adopted by the Kuzuryu Clan, she didn’t have a choice in her lifelong profession like Fuyuhiko did.
She was made to work as an infiltration agent.
As a professional imposter, Peko learned how to analyze and copy the body movements and behaviors of any potential person. 
She also was taught how to apply makeup to make her disguises as accurate as possible.
Her assignments involved abducting low level workers of rival clans and taking their place while disguised as them.
She’d then relay the rival clan’s weaknesses and business transactions towards the Kuzuryu’s so they can exploit them.
Peko was discouraged from having any personal interests or hobbies so that her infiltration and identity theft skills wouldn’t be tarnished.
This made Peko feel more like a tool and how she only existed to promote the success of the Kuzuryu Clan. 
When Fuyuhiko was scouted to go to Hope’s Peak, her superiors used their connections to grant Peko a spot with him to keep an eye on him.
She would take on Junko Enoshima’s image given that the supermodel was busy with her own personal affairs.
Although no one can recognize her while disguised, the viewer/player can recognize Peko with her thick glasses and piercing red eyes.
Hiyoko Saionji as the SHSL Chef
Hiyoko came from a family of culinary masters who amazed Japan with their creative and flavorful dishes.
There was unfortunately alot of drama within the family as they each wanted to train Hiyoko so they can pass their personal culinary training onto her.
Her grandmother managed to win and was one of the most ruthless teachers ever. 
Under her training, Hiyoko received burns, cuts and having her food thrown in her face just for making the smallest of slip ups.
Her brutal training mixed with having negative relations with her family made her bitter and aggressive towards everyone around her.
She also has a hard time trusting others to work with her in the kitchen due to multiple incidents where dishes were poisoned and nearly tarnished Hiyoko’s reputation.
Because of this, she prefers to work alone in the kitchen. When she’s assigned to work with partners or underlings, she can be best described as Gordon Ramsay if he were a sassy lost child.
She often holds a knife or a frying pan whenever she’s threatening someone she doesn’t like.
Her culinary specialties involve desserts such as wasabon and kompeito.
Ibuki Mioda as the SHSL Photographer
Throughout her childhood, Ibuki was neglected by her caregivers so she took up photography as a means of distracting herself from the loneliness of her household.
She managed to earn her success by taking high quality photos of lovers in romantic situations.
At her middle school, she made it a game for herself to see how many pictures she could get of different couples at her school without getting caught.
While developing her photos, the couples tried to chastise Ibuki for her actions but they immediately changed their minds when they saw how cool the photos looked.
Ibuki gained a reputation among her peers for her photos and now everyone wanted one too.
This resulted in Ibuki getting alot of “friends” who only wanted to hang out with her just so she could photograph them doing what they wanted while conveniently leaving out the photographer herself.
The fact that these people only cared about her talent so she can capture their memories for them gave Ibuki a sense of familiar loneliness.
Despite this, she wants to enjoy her talent as much as she can with an upbeat attitude.
Ibuki’s favorite subject to photograph are people.
She loves to people watch since the people walking around come in different shapes and sizes and are always doing something unique that you wouldn’t expect.
Sonia Nevermind as the SHSL Swordswoman
Sonia came from a family of professional swordfighters who taught her the power of the blade at an early age.
She grew up on European fairy tales and legends of powerful heroes who used their swords to fight for justice or prove their superiority against enemies who opposed them.
Her family taught her classical fencing, mordhau, the half-sword, destreza and several other fighting styles which she claims are a secret.
She earned her title after winning multiple swordfighting tournaments, many of which were held underground. 
Despite her victories, she’s actually been hospitalized due to the extreme injuries she received from sword wounds and physical attacks from her opponents.
Since these wounds have yet to diminish her fighting power, Sonia feels that it’s best to pay them no mind so she can continue her family’s legacy.
She’s never seen without her longsword which she made herself. She calls it Stjerneild because there were shooting stars on the night of making it and also since she burned herself during the process.
Sonia isn’t afraid to boast about her fighting skills and eagerly offers her girl friends the chance to learn how to use a sword.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu as the SHSL Light Music Club Member
Rather than becoming the next heir of his family business, Fuyuhiko wanted to pursue his dream of being an idol.
He takes his career extremely seriously and wouldn’t do stupid stunts or scandals that could jeopardize his work.
To make up for his young appearance, Fuyuhiko uses outfits that have a punk aesthetic while also incorporating black and gold color schemes to make him look older.
Alot of his songs feature themes of embracing your personal talents or how it’s better to carve your own path rather than rely on others.
He knows how to play the electric guitar and the keyboard. 
Having refused his parents’ intended career plans, he feels that he can’t screw up his career or else everything he ever worked for will be for nothing and he’d have to crawl back to them for support.
His sister Natsumi often joins him during his tours and unofficially becomes his manager and bodyguard during her visits. 
He has a hard time dealing with fanclub meetings because the fangirls would make jokes about his baby face which would drive him insane.
Akane Owari as the SHSL Traditional Dancer
Just like in canon, Akane had to take care of her younger siblings while struggling to survive her poor hometown.
While she did take different jobs to support her family, she would lose those jobs constantly because she kept getting into fights against strangers who tried to grope and harass her.
One day, while she was training by herself in an empty plaza, a woman passed by and paid close attention to her fighting form and rhythm.
She revealed herself to Akane as a traditional dance instructor and offered to train Akane to perfect her skills.
The girl wasn’t interested in doing something fancy like dancing but she changed her mind when she realized that her dancing could be used to raise money for her family. To which, she accepted.
While the instructor taught Akane the fundamentals of mai and odori techniques, the girl performed better when she used her own skills.
While frustrated, the instructor decided to rework her teaching style so Akane’s performances would be passable while also integrating her own skills.
She ended up winning multiple competitions and performances and used the prize money to move her family into a bigger and better house.
Although her reputation as an “easy waitress” would often rear its ugly head and would make Akane become agitated.
Her dancing moves incorporate alot of her old fighting techniques.
She wears a cherry red kimono with a yellow dragon etched on the side as a design.
At the end of each performance, she can be found at the snacks table eating just about everything.
Nagito Komaeda as the SHSL Nurse
Nagito lost his family when he was just a child.
Having pity on the boy, along with finding traces of frontotemporal dementia, the head doctor of the hospital he resided in decided to adopt the boy as his own.
Nagito became the doctor’s apprentice and learned of the different techniques that came with working in the medical field. 
The doctor taught him which drugs/medicines were used for what along with how to use the surgical tools properly.
He personally saw different medical cases each more mesmerizing than the last. 
He became fixated on the concept of death and how it was an integral part of life.
When he became old enough, he started to work as a nurse and partake in the same surgeries he saw as a child.
While he certainly participated in a number of cases that saved the lives of his patients, he also had a number of cases that resulted in death.
He personally requested to handle the patients that were unable to be saved so he can spend their final moments with them and capture the memory of their deaths.
There’s been word from the medical staff that he tries to comfort the dying patient and their family with speeches on how they shouldn’t be afraid of death and how the patient will move on to greater things in the next life and how the families will become stronger afterwards.
This has earned him the nickname “Angel of Death”. 
He wears mint green scrubs and carries a portable bag withhis own medical equipment.
Teruteru Hanamura as the SHSL Coach
Despite his physique, Teruteru has amazing stamina and is capable of lifting heavy objects that ordinary people would have trouble lifting on their own.
Teruteru can analyze a person’s physical stature and determine which exercise or physical activity best suits them.
He always offers massage therapy proclaiming that it’s the best way to strengthen the body and relax the mind.
There are multiple cases where the players he’s worked with have accused him of sexual harassment or groping their bodies. 
He has a complicated relationship with his family.
The younger siblings antagonize him for pursuing a career that isn’t related to their family’s restaurant business while putting more hardships on their mother.
His mom on the other hand, is more accepting of his career and asks that he focus more on what he enjoys doing in life.
Teruteru’s massages originally stemmed from how he would give massages to his mama to help alleviate her of her body aches.
He wears a dark red track suit and gold chain. Mixed with his combed over hair, it makes him look like a sleazy gangster.
Chiaki Nanami as the SHSL Animal Breeder
As the daughter of a rich family that hardly had time for her, Chiaki’s parents bought her a variety of animals to keep her company.
She found comfort with them but was heartbroken when she noticed that they became saddened and died.
She became motivated to learn from them so they could stay alive for long as possible.
Chiaki began studying different types of animals and what behaviors are ideal and which are concerning.
After school, she would venture to local animal shelters and veterinarians and offer to volunteer so she can work with different animals and examine first hand their behaviors.
She earned recognition by forming connections with the animals in her care and teaching them commands.
While she prefers the company of animals to humans, she will make an effort to help her human clients have a better relationship with their pets.
She can often be found napping alongside any of her animal friends.
Sagishi as the SHSL Lucky Student
Saigishi grew up in an orphanage having been abandoned by their family before they can remember.
They noticed that they had an unusual luck themed streak when it came to playing with the other kids.
If they were playing soccer, they would accidentally kick the ball into the window which surprisingly knocked out a janitor that was about to assault one of the orphanage workers.
If they tried to pass a love letter to another child they had a crush on, a burst of wind would fly the letter straight into the child’s face and they’d end up having a terrible accident.
If they were preparing food for an upcoming dinner, they would end up pouring too much vinegar into the meal which would spoil the dinner resulting in the staff having to order pizza for the kids.
Saigishi developed a reputation as a kid with creepy powers which both amazed and terrified their fellow orphans.
The kid realized that their luck would only benefit the people around them but would make bad things happen if they tried to use it for themselves.
At the urging of their friends, they ended up participating in the Hope’s Peak Lottery and wound up with the chance to join them as the next SHSL Lucky Student.
Sagishi was worried since something bad would eventually happen if it was the work of their luck, but they decided to take the offer knowing that they needed to make a future for themselves.
They wear a white collared shirt with old jeans. 
They still have a mullet which has a small ahoge on the top of their head.
Mikan Tsumiki as the SHSL Gamer
She still had a horrible childhood growing up where her family and classmates would bully and abuse her for a variety of reasons.
Not wanting to put up with their abuse anymore, Mikan decided to drop out of middle school and become a hikikomori.
Using her worn out computer, Mikan found comfort in playing online video games. 
She personally enjoys fighting games as she imagines her enemies as her abusers and would deliver swift justice on them by beating them up.
Mikan has a preference for playing as male characters since the female characters wearing skimpy/stripper-esque outfits bring back painful memories for her.
After sufficient online practice, Mikan gained enough confidence to try tournaments in the real world. 
But she kept this secret from her family in fear that they would use this to torment her.
When it comes to tournaments, she unleashes her pent up anger and frustrations for her past tormentors by cursing at her opponents as she beats them.
While her fandom is impressed with her gaming skills, they do question why they would call her opponents by a different name and accuses them of doing something awful to her.
When she wants to calm down after a heavy day, she likes to play relaxing games with cute animals.
Nekomaru Nidai as the SHSL Prince
During his childhood years, Nekomaru stayed in his room because of his heart condition.
He received private tutoring based on the history of his kingdom along with different world cultures.
His father and mother spared no expense in providing the best doctors and medical professionals who could ensure that their son would be physically fit.
When he started making appearances outside of the palace, there were rumors that the frail prince was placed in a secret government program that was designed to create super soldiers.
He’s often recognized for working first as a soldier under his father’s militia before becoming of it’s main generals.
Nekomaru is well versed when it comes to proper etiquette and engaging in the company of royals or high class aristocrats. 
He has a personal club made of suitors who have fallen for his image as a charming (and handsome) prince.
He also devotes alot of time to interacting with the middle class of his kingdom as he believes having a bond with his people is important for a royal to have.
The main uniform he wears is a blue military outfit with a silver sash and a black beret with a family jewel in the front.
Gundam Tanaka as the SHSL Yakuza
He inherited the throne of the Tanaka Empire at an early age due to the death of his father.
He wasn’t able to remember his father but the stories passed by his underlings and advisors describe him as a devil who was incredibly powerful but dangerous when provoked.
His mother on the other hand, remembers him as a loving man who was very attentive toward her needs.
Gundam would unintentionally embrace his father’s memory thanks to his “overlord” personality which would make him come off as overly dramatic and sinister to his enemies.
His reign as a yazuka lord involved more emphasis on spiritual affairs by bringing spiritual communities under his Empire.
He personally believes that maintaining ties with the spirits and Gods will grant the Tanaka Empire a stronger chance of survival.
While maintaining relationships with minor businesses under his control, he would also invite potential gang groups for tea ceremonies and offer them the chance to join him.
He’s been trained by his advisors in using a katana and gun making him skilled enough to handle even the most dangerous of gang members.
While he’s capable of defeating them, he vows never to take the blood of anyone weaker than him or unless he’s given no other choice.
Before entering high school, Gundam was able to have his upper and lower body tattooed with images of oni demons and spirits.
He found the Four Dark Devas when he passed by a street and saw the four hamsters foraging for food in a dumpster. 
He also expresses admiration for Sonia’s impressive swordfighting skills and has offered her an opportunity to work for his Empire if she wishes.
Kazuichi Souda as the SHSL Gymnast
Kazuichi got into gymnastics by reading alot of shonen manga.
He was impressed by how athletic and fit the heroes were so he wanted to train and be like them.
When not helping in his dad’s shop, he would try practicing parkour near the streets of his town to help him develop better flexibility.
While practicing at middle school, his teachers noticed his potential and offered him a spot in a gymnastics program.
His dad didn’t like him getting into “girly shit” like gymnastics and frequently insulted him for it. 
He would often perform for his friends which impressed them at first. But then things got troublesome when they requested him to do flips and jumps for their amusement.
It got worse when they tricked him into breaking into a second story classroom so he could steal the answers for an upcoming test.
Not wanting to be taken advantage of again, Kazuichi gave himself a radical makeover so no one would mess with him.
Along with his pink hair, his outfit consists of a black tanktop with neon green stripes and yellow shorts.
Hajime Hinata as the SHSL Mechanic
His parents rented his own shop for him to work at but they personally didn’t invest their own time to work with him.
To avoid having to think about his loneliness, Hajime placed all of his effort and thinking into his work.
He began receiving requests to repair average household appliances before moving on to bigger machines.
He’s received alot of praise for improving the appliances while also explaining to the owners on how they should best maintain their appliances so they can last longer 
The machines that he worked best with were vehicles and motorcycles.
Despite being underage, Hajime managed to practice driving on his own and learned how to drive the basic motor vehicles.
While he’s grateful for his mechanic talent, he often worries if he’s really living his life to the fullest and if there’s something missing that he needs to achieve.
His favorite invention is a hoverboard that he uses to ride around his hometown to clear his mind after a hard day’s work.
His mechanic uniform is a mechanic uniform with a design similar to that of a racecar driver. 
Mahiru Koizumi as a Reserve Course Student
While Mahiru was interested in the idea of going into Hope’s Peak, she wasn’t confident enough in her photography skills to go through with the entrance exam. 
At the insistence of her best friend Sato, Mahiru ended up in the Reserve Course so they can fight for the chance to be special.
While she didn’t mind the work provided by her classes, Mahiru took notice of how her peers had a hard time with paying for their tuition along with even getting into the Talent program. 
She also had to deal with Sato having to fight against her old rival Natsumi who was picking fights with her while trying to get recognized herself.
She became an unofficial peace keeper of her class as she would chastise her classmates for picking fights against each other or making rude remarks.
As time went on, Mahiru herself was unable to keep up with her classes since the money to pay for them was running low. 
She would later receive an e-mail from the Steering Committee offering her a chance of entering the Talent program through an unconventional method that was funded by the school.
She had to cast that thought aside when Natsumi ended up dead and Sato is all but stated to have killed her out of frustration.
Soon vengeance would claim Sato’s life with Mahiru finding her in an empty classroom and on the brink of death with her head bleading.
Before dying, Sato begs her friend to make something special with her life and not to waste it in the Reserve Course. She knows that Mahiru will do great things in her life and that she believes in her.
Casting her doubts aside and refusing to let her friend’s death be in vain, she accepted the Steering Committee’s offer by participating in the Hope Cultivation Project.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
03 | gangsta, sweetpea
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Honestly, I do not know where I got the idea for this chapter beyond just.. Wanting to throw Sweetpea and Alyssa together in situations to see how it worked. I think it was cute? Probably not logical IRL, but this is fanfic. And some people just can’t deal with the smell of formaldehyde or dissections. Facts because I am one.. I think I might have gone a little overdramatic with some areas in how it played out, but I just decided to lean into it because it made things interesting.
Annnyway. another chapter absolutely noone asked for but I totally needed to write, apparently. Lmaooo.
Opposites attract. But when they can’t fight that attraction any longer, will there be a comforting warmth, an inferno from the sparks, or a messy explosion?
Sweetpea x Andrews!OFC, Alyssa.
Angst. Slow burn. Eventual filth. Typical teenage drama. Embarassing situations. Boyfriends behaving like oblivious idiots. Pining. Language. Fighting / Violence. Going to go on a limb and say that this is kind of non canon compliant.
As far as this chapter goes.. The class did a dissection. But given the nature, I went as vague as possible in describing it. There’s mention of fainting and the fact that Alyssa wants to puke at one point, but beyond that, there’s really not much.
Other Parts:
[ one - two - soundtrack ] 
Other Stuff:
[ faq - tag list doc ] 
- if you wanna be tagged in this fic or in my riverdale writing tell me. I’ll happily add you to my tag list thing.
I wasn’t expecting Toni to actually spare me a passing glance the next day, let alone look up from reapplying my makeup to find her standing behind me when I turned around after shutting my locker.
Reggie’s throat cleared and I felt him tense up almost immediately. I nudged him in the side, shaking my head “No” at him before he even got a chance to start.
But he went and did it anyway.
“What do you want?” Reggie spoke before I could.
I couldn’t resist the smirk that came when Toni flicked her eyes over him dismissively before deadpanning, “ I came to talk to Cherry. Not you. Pound sand.”
Reggie eyed me.
“I’ll catch up to you, Reg.”
He refused to budge and I felt my jaw clenching.
“I’m not leavin you by yourself. Not after what happened with the Ghoulie in the hall yesterday.” Reggie folded his arms over his chest. Speaking up with a calm smirk. “Whatever you gotta say to princess, you can say to me too.”
Toni studied him, unimpressed. “Where was this energy when a Serpent handled that Ghoulie you speak of, hm? Now you wanna play the protective boyfriend?”
I tensed a little, shooting her a pleading glance. She eyed me a second or two but luckily, she let the issue drop.
We started to walk towards the direction of our classrooms, talking about music and bands we’d seen live, basically continuing our conversation from the afternoon before when we’d been lounging on the bank down by the quarry.
“Hey, we’re gonna go hang out by the quarry this afternoon if you wanna come with again.” Toni slipped it in just as we got to the door of Biology. Reggie tensed even more, his gaze settling on me as if to ask what she meant by again.
I honestly didn’t give it a second thought, smiling and nodding, a lazy shrug. “Yeah. I mean the Vixens aren’t practicing and pretty much done all the stuff around my dad’s. Hey, remind me around lunch and I’ll go by my dad’s after school and grab that mix tape.”
“Definitely. I’ll see you later.” Toni smiled at me and gave Reggie a dismissive eye roll and as she walked away, Reggie spoke up. Calm and firm.
“Absolutely not. Are you out of your mind, babe? They’re in a gang. Is that where you were when you blew off school and practice yesterday afternoon? I thought you were at home. That prick Sweetpea wasn’t with you… Right?”
Reggie looked far less cocky when his eyes met mine. Almost as if he felt threatened by my choice to branch out. Stop losing myself in this person I was becoming. I’d talked to Archie the night before and Archie had basically told me that he’d been able to tell something was bothering me for weeks now, since even before Reggie and I became a thing. He thought I was homesick.
I’d explained to him how I’d been feeling out of place. Like an imposter because everyone in Riverdale either only knew the me I’d been presenting since I moved back, or remembered me as his younger sister only and that it bugged me because I wasn’t the same person they remembered or were expecting.
He basically told me that as long as being myself didn’t mean sneaking off to frat parties and older boyfriends or anything dangerous, if it made me happier, I should try just being myself more. He seemed to think that I might be surprised by how people reacted to it and sadly, from the looks of it, my own boyfriend was not going to be one of those who welcomed any sign of change.
,, because when you’re truly being yourself, you know he’d never be able to control you, let alone begin to be able to keep up with you. The balance of power is off now and he’s insecure.” 
It worried me, more than I cared to admit.
I didn’t want anything to come between us. I didn’t want to fight with him all the time like we’d been doing lately. I just wanted to enjoy being his girlfriend.
“What if I was, huh? They’re normal. You talk like they’re all hardened criminals or something.”
“What’s this like.. A random act of charity?” Reggie eyed me, searching my face for any hint of an answer. 
,, maybe the random act of charity is the time I’ve been spending pretending to be someone I’m clearly not.” the thought came but I stopped myself from giving voice to it. I sighed and shook my head, disappointed that Reggie was having such a hard time grasping the fact that I could be friends with whoever I wanted… Not excluding Toni Topaz.
Because we’d just kind of clicked. And I actually wanted to be friends with her.
“Reggie, if you really care about me, you’ll lay off this.” I said it as patiently as I could.
“It’s because I care about you, princess, that’s exactly what I’m not gonna do. They’re dangerous. Half of ‘em have a rap sheet as long as this hallway! What if they do somethin and you happen to be out with them, huh? How are you gonna explain that you were just there and not taking part?”
“Do you have to die on this hill?” I asked, giving him a pleading look. 
The last thing I wanted right now was yet another argument with him. But the way he kept assuming he knew me like the back of his hand was starting to get exhausting. I wasn’t that same shy sweet little pushover I’d been when we were kids. I mean, I was still the same girl who hid with him in a tunnel on the playground and split a Hostess cupcake when his father came to collect him and happened to see him mess up a pass while just playing a casual game of toss the football with my brother and the other boys and started to yell and cut him down in front of everyone… I was still her, but I was also different... In so many ways.
“I’m willing to, yeah. Why’s this matter so much?” Reggie studied me intently. 
I swallowed hard and took a deep breath or two to calm myself down. “It matters because I’m not the girl you think I am, okay? You’ve had this image of me built up in your head since I moved back and I’m sorry to say it, I’m not her anymore. I’m not the quiet little kid who used to hide behind my brother or tag along with you guys to play in the park like a lost puppy.” 
“You’re not a Serpent, either, princess.” Reggie explained, a coaxing tone as he raised a hand, resting it against my cheek. “That’s one thing I like about you, okay? You were always the one to take in the strays. All I’m saying is there’s a time and a place for that and now is not the time. They don’t like us any more than we like them.”
“Don’t lump me in with the rest of you.” I glared up at him. “ As far as your earlier question as to whether this is a random act of charity, no. It’s actually not. I enjoyed talking to Toni yesterday.”
Reggie’s brows raised. “Why?”
I shrugged. “We have a lot in common.”
“Yeah, not likely.”
I took a deep breath. Trying to stay patient. Trying not to push this conversation even further into argument territory.
Because I knew that despite the way it felt, Reggie was only doing this because he cared. He didn’t really have any ill intent. He was merely being overprotective. Probably to make up for the rough time we’ve had being on the same page for nearly three weeks now.
Because I’d be lying to myself if I tried to pin all our fighting lately on the fact that Sweetpea was my Biology partner and Reggie was jealous because this started before that. I’d put it off to tension then, but maybe it was just me, starting to realize that no matter how hard I tried, things just weren’t working.
Before that thought could rear it’s ugly head again, I shoved it back down.
We walked into class and I sat down in my seat. Drumming my pencil against the desktop.
From beside me, Sweetpea spoke up. I didn’t have to be looking at him to know he was smirking when he made the remark, either. “Trouble in paradise, cherry?”
“Sweetpea, not today.” I muttered quietly, fixing my gaze intently on the open text book between us. The teacher rolled in the specimens we were supposed to dissect and my stomach rolled as the scent of formaldehyde filled the air.
I could feel my breakfast creeping back up my throat slowly. I took a deep breath.
That was probably the first way I fucked up.
As soon as we got our specimen, I grimaced. Gingerly picking up the scalpel. I could feel myself getting paler in the face by the second. Sweetpea grabbed the scalpel from me and eyed me with a brow raised. Pointing away from us. “If you’re gonna hurl, do it towards that side. Not into vomit on my leather.”
“I’m fine.”
Except, oh no. No I was not fine.
And the scent of formaldehyde was so thick in the air that I honestly felt a little dizzy…
She almost looked green.
Sweetpea shot a glance back towards the back of the classroom where Mandy and Reggie were absorbed in their conversation… More to the point, Reggie was so caught up in Mandy pouring on the dramatics that he hadn’t spared a single glance towards his actual girlfriend. The thought had Sweetpea’s jaw clenching tight. Alyssa’s hands shook as she picked up the scalpel.
“Give me that.” Sweetpea reached out, taking the scalpel. Because shaking hands and a sharp object in their grasp was never a good idea. He’d been around enough to know that if the person with the knife had a shaky hand, more often than not, things tended to get messy.
,, right and this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that even the thought of her injured kind of makes you physically ill lately. You did move that entire fight between the team and your boys to a vacant lot because you weren’t willing to risk her rushing out to try and stop it and getting hurt by somebody...” his mind taunted him, but he shoved the thought right out of his head. And then more thoughts came.
Like a replay of the argument he’d caught the tail end of between Alyssa and Reggie as he shoved past them to take his own seat. The way she actually didn’t fold under the pressure of Reggie’s argument, but stood her ground instead. Admitting that she enjoyed talking to Toni and she wasn’t going to stop just because it made Reggie Mantle uncomfortable.
Maybe he’d written her off a little too quickly.
He made the first cut in the specimen sitting between them and he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. Luckily he happened to, because he saw her swaying a little right as the color drained from her face completely and she started to slump just a little. He grabbed her up quickly and shoved through the aisle, pushing open the door of the classroom to step out into the hallway, completely ignoring the threat of yet another detention from their Biology teacher.
“Did you not see her about to pass out?” Sweetpea snapped as he peered back in the door of the classroom. Their teacher stepped out into the hallway, giving him a firm warning look as he pointed to the classroom and Sweetpea clenched his fist, grumbling. Lingering for a few seconds before the teacher spoke up in a crisp tone, “Inside now. Unless you enjoy a month of Saturday detention.” before turning attention back to Alyssa, trying to make sure she was alright. 
Alyssa met his gaze over the teacher’s shoulder, flashing him a weak smile, giving him a pleading look as the teacher warned him a third time to go back into class. “Sweetpea just go, I’m fine. I’ll be back inside soon.”
Sweetpea eyed her a second or two and finally stepped into the classroom, shutting the door behind him. Turning to find himself body to body with an angry Reggie Mantle. Glaring at him.
“I know you didn’t touch my girl, Serpent.”
“Would you rather me touch her or have her crack her head on the floor, dog?” Sweetpea stood taller, cracking his knuckles. Nodding to Reggie’s lab partner, who was grumbling and pouting, rolling her eyes because all the attention had been taken off her. Sweetpea stepped closer, smirking at Reggie, “Mad because you weren’t paying attention and another guy picked up your slack, asshole?”
Reggie went to shove him but the teacher’s throat cleared from behind the two, putting an end to the confrontation.
“This isn’t over, Serpent.”
“ I can do this all year, Bulldog. Just gives me the joy of kicking your ass over and over.”
“Enough you two!” the teacher yelled, silencing both males. “You two can settle whatever this is off of school grounds. In your own time. Understood?”
Sweetpea smirked, rolling his shoulders. “Gladly.” he muttered as he stormed over to his seat.
Alyssa made her way back in and over to the seat beside him, not looking at anyone in the room instead, burying herself in the text. Letting Sweetpea make the cuts as she pointed out the parts of their specimen’s anatomy they had to label and show.
“Are you okay, princess?”
“I’m fine, Reggie. For the thousandth time. I guess the smell of formaldehyde got to me. It happened at my old school once in eighth grade. I’m just embarrassed.” I answered. The scent was still stuck in my nose. It drifted through the entire hallway.
I knew I should’ve gotten my dad to write me a note so I could go and sit with the other students who’d chosen to opt out. It slipped my mind.
From across the table, Mandy spoke up. “ What was worse? That freak putting his hands on you or almost fainting in front of everybody?” with a smirk as she gazed at me.
Reggie tensed and I gave Mandy a dirty look. “Almost fainting in front of everybody. Hands down. Can we not call him a freak? He’s not in a side show. And he’s not any different than the rest of us.”
“He’s  from South Side. Of course he’s different.” Mandy looked at me as if I’d grown two additional heads. I rolled my eyes and went quiet.
Irritated by her remarks.
Irritated by her in general.
Reggie cleared his throat, taking a bite of his burger. Nodding to mine. Coaxing me to eat. I shook my head, glancing at the burger in disgust. “I’m good.”
“You need food, princess.”
“If the drama queen doesn’t want to eat, Reggie, don’t make her. She could stand to lose a few pounds anyway.”
I tensed. Under the table, my fists clenched. Since I moved back to Riverdale, Mandy’s had it in for me. And she doesn’t bother hiding it.
And I was sick of playing nice. Looking stupid when I know what she’s about.
It wouldn’t have flown in my old school, why was I letting it fly here?
Was it really worth it to just come off like a doormat? I was really questioning my logic on that front a lot lately, it seemed.
I smirked at her and bit my lip. The smirk was replaced with a smile as I spoke up. “In that case, maybe you should skip the ice cream. Since we’re talking about losing a few pounds here. Just trying to help.”
Mandy’s jaw dropped and I shrugged, going back to my cell phone to scroll my Snapchat. Checking the stories of my old friends from my school in Chicago. Responding to a few snaps they’d sent me.
“ Mandy you’re so fuckin rude.” Reggie spoke up, surprising me. I kept my gaze fixed on my phone and Mandy shrugged as if his criticism rolled right off her. “I was just trying to be helpful.”
“You were being a bitch.” Reggie grumbled, fixing his eyes on me. He leaned in and asked quietly, “You wanna get outta here?”
I eyed him, biting my lip. Something told me if I hadn’t had my little incident in the lab, Reggie wouldn’t be trying so hard right now.
,, maybe that’s not true, you don’t know that..” my mind argued.
“It’s okay. I don’t like her enough to give a shit if I’m being honest.” I muttered, making Reggie chuckle quietly and smirk at me. “That’s my girl. It’ll be okay. People are totally gonna forget by last period, you’ll see.”
“It is what it is.” I shrugged, eager for the conversation to switch topics.
Toni caught up to Alyssa in the hallway, tapping her shoulder. Alyssa turned around, smiling. For a second or two, Toni thought she’d beg off. Change her plans under pressure. She rolled her eyes at Reggie when their gazes met. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah! Just give me a second.”
Reggie’s facial expression told the tale. He was not even remotely happy with being stood up.
“Babe, you were gonna watch me practice.. Remember?” Reggie butted in, pouting at her. reaching out to pull her close to him. Alyssa hugged him and gazed up at him, biting her lip, a patient look on her face.
Toni watched their interactions with amusement. The panic was plain to see on Reggie’s face. She found herself scowling at him. The guy was a fuckboy. For the life of her, she hoped for Alyssa’s sake the whole interest in him was just a phase because guys like that only hurt people...
“Reggie, I can watch you tomorrow. It’s just one afternoon.” Alyssa held firm, surprising Toni. Maybe she hadn’t been wrong to trust her gut like Sweetpea and Fangs insisted she was going to be proven to be.
After a whispered exchange of heated words, Alyssa jogged over, grumbling and rolling her eyes at the whole thing. Smiling at her. “Hey, if you want, we can stop by my dad’s together. Oh and the construction site. I usually take him a snack when  I get in.”
“Aww, that’s cute.” Toni gave her a gentle but teasing smile, nodding. “Let’s go.”
They took off, falling back into conversation. Losing track of everything else.
After stopping by Alyssa’s to pick up the food for her dad and the mix tape she’d promised to lend Toni, they found themselves wandering around. Flopping on the grass at the park, watching the clouds roll overhead.
“ What made you join the Vixens anyway?”
“Cheryl strongarmed me into it. They needed a gymnast. I used to hate the cheerleaders at my old school.”
“ You’re the only halfway cool Vixen I’ve met so far.” Toni admitted, shrugging.
Alyssa stood, holding out her hand. Pulling Toni off the grass. “Let’s do something.”
“I don’t know. What is there to actually do in Riverdale if we’re being honest?” Alyssa joked, making them share a laugh.
“Oh.. Oh.. no, you’d probably hate that idea.”
“No, what?”
“There’s a Mortal Kombat machine in the Wyrm…”
“Pretty sure Fangs and Sweetpea would be thrilled about me showing up there.” Alyssa mulled it over before smirking a little. “Okay, let’s go. It beats absolutely not shit to do here.”
“Don’t let them get to you. They’ll be assholes until they warm up to you.”
“Sweetpea confuses me? Like.. I know he’s being a jerk over half the time, then he does something like he did in Biology this morning and I don’t know what to think.. Anyway, I need to just not worry about it either way.” Alyssa tried to dismiss it, but Toni smirked to herself.
Determined not to just let her dismiss it.
Because any idiot could see what was going on.
Or she could, at least.
“No, what do you mean?”
“You know what I mean… Sometimes I feel like.. I don’t know… Like he’s trying too hard to be an asshole?”
“Oh no, he’s an asshole. Mega grouch. But you’re right. He does have his moments.” Toni kept things vague enough that she wasn’t putting her best friend Pea in any compromising positions, but she hoped that she said enough to get Alyssa really thinking.
It wasn’t like they were close enough friends just yet that Toni could go and tell her that she just needed to open her eyes. Pick a better boyfriend, because Reggie Mantle only liked the idea of her. Or the her that he’d known years ago from what she’d been hearing around school.
,, not to mention there’s the whole conversation you happened to overhear about there being a bet between Reggie and some Chuck asshole about getting in her pants..” the thought came but Toni shoved it down. Because how did you go about telling someone something like that?
Especially when you really didn’t know them well at all.
She didn’t want to lose a friend she was only just getting to know yet. She just needed to come up with a way to break it to Alyssa so that Alyssa understood. And wasn’t hurt or embarrassed or angry. So that Alyssa believed her.
Because she was disgusted with the fact that the guy had done that in the first place. The fact that she’d had the misfortune of overhearing only made things worse...
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Title : Making sense
Author : @alyssaleandra (komakaikoma on twitter)
For : @fhantomhives
Rating/Warnings : G, mentions of Hinata’s surgical scars
Prompt : for the fic - first date; for the fanart - soft forehead touch
Author/Artist’s note : I hope the recipient enjoys!! I tried to make something very gentle and heartwarming! There is an image embedded within the story.
Things are hard when the former Class 77-B ship off to real life Jabberwock Island. Unlike its virtual counterpart, it’s been abandoned for who knows how long, and it shows. There’s insect infestations to counteract, living quarters to rebuild, water sources to purify… Hinata never imagined he’d see his friends farming, but here they are with Imposter (who everyone still affectionately refers to as Togami because it’s familiar) assigning tilling duties for the week. They can’t rely on Naegi and the others on mainland to supply too much, lest they out their location to those who’d prefer to see the Remnants of Despair at the bottom of the ocean.
Hinata knows that the others are looking to him for some measure of guidance, even if no one’s said anything outright. He’s Kamukura Izuru, after all. The Ultimate of Ultimates. The one who babysat everyone’s pods until each was safely out of cryosleep and in recovery plans that mainly he (and later Tsumiki) was responsible for formulating. But if he’s being honest with himself, he’s had his fair share of being an Ultimate, and he’s happy to take the supporting role to more charismatic figures like Sonia and Togami. The irony of longing for a normal life is not lost on him, but he thinks undergoing a major brain surgery, surviving a killing game, and getting spit out into a completely changed real world is enough excitement for a lifetime. He’s earned a bit of normalcy.
…So of course he’d find himself fawning over Komaeda Nagito, of all people, once things have settled down around Jabberwock. Hinata’s bewildered by it when he realizes what’s happened; it’s like an errant seed found root in his heart while he was distracted with fixing cottage roofs, then budded while he was modifying meal plans, and then the second he had a chance to breathe and check in on himself, full blown feelings had blossomed right under his nose.
It’s hard, and a little frustrating, that it had to be Komaeda, because nothing’s ever been easy with Komaeda. Hinata had nursed something of a crush on the boy when they’d “met” in the virtual world and he thought that Komaeda was just a kindhearted oddball with a pretty face. That whole thing got dashed to pieces during their time in the program once he realized there was at least a few dozen more layers to Komaeda he had yet to scratch the surface of, let alone come close to ever comprehending. It was unthinkable, for a time, that he’d ever be able to feel anything other than confusion with a tinge of what he can only describe as unease towards Komaeda. Now, though, with everyone recovering and filling in the cracks left by their past lives, he feels a bit like he first did on that digital shoreline in the beginning.
Except, no, it’s more profound this time because he feels like really understanding Komaeda is something that’s within arm’s reach for him, rather than an amorphous, far-off concept.
He can’t pretend to fully follow all of the hope-obsessed boy’s fervid ramblings about life and fate, but… nowadays, it’s almost endearing. It’s just routine enough that it’s become comforting. Like Komaeda’s some piece of music that was too dense and intimidating for Hinata to really appreciate the first time he heard it, but now he’s developed the taste for it.
It helps that Komaeda’s achingly pretty, and Hinata’s always been slightly weak for the quirky pretty ones. Even during their conflicts in the program, Hinata had to reel himself out of those serene gray eyes sometimes—really yank himself out of a few unwanted idle daydreams about the Ultimate Luck who caused everyone so much grief, and yet—and yet—Hinata never could shake the desperate desire to figure him out. He’d always thought if he could solve the inscrutable puzzle that was Komaeda, just maybe they could be on equal footing again someday.
And so, it’s somewhat frustrating that it had to be Komaeda because Hinata knows by now how complicated Komaeda likes to make things for himself (and everyone around him), but it also makes perfect sense that the living science experiment known as Hinata Hajime would set his sights on the shining beacon of maladaptive coping mechanisms known as Komaeda Nagito. Since when has Hinata ever taken the path of least resistance for anything?
They aimlessly spend time together just like they did back in the program before things really went south. They do chores together, tag-team scavenging together, and spend cool off periods walking down the beach together. Komaeda still tends to fret over doing anything where his misfortune flares could pose a threat to Hinata, but they’ve managed to go unscathed thus far.
They’re sitting hip-to-hip on the sand and watching the sunset after a particularly lengthy conversation about their childhoods, when it occurs to Hinata that this is basically a date. He feels his heart kickstart at the notion and a heat creep across his face, and he’s suddenly scared to move or even so much as glance at the boy next to him, lest Komaeda be made aware of Hinata’s sudden onslaught of self-consciousness. He’s kept completely quiet about his festering feelings for Komaeda and never once dared to imply that anything between them means any more or less than what he has with everyone else on the island. He’s shy, sure, but he also just isn’t certain of Komaeda can handle that kind of information. He can practically see the spiral that would unfurl if Komaeda were to confront the reality of knowing that someone cared for him.
“Oh, sorry, did I say too much? Ahaha… I never know when to stop talking…”
Hinata’s ears tune in to the sad note in Komaeda’s voice, and he realizes he’s been spacing out. “No, no! I just got lost in thought, sorry about that.” His throat feels tight, and there’s a dozen things he wants to say but doesn’t know how to. “Um… Komaeda?”
“Yes?” Komaeda tilts his head, attentive.
“I was wondering if… well, if you wanted to—to come over to my cottage tonight?” It’s funny, really, the way everyday words rattle up his ribs and get stuck on his tongue like they’re something profound or difficult, given everything else he’s been through by comparison. It’s funny and embarrassing and so normal that it would make Hinata laugh if he weren’t preoccupied with not humiliating himself in front of Komaeda right now. “Just to… I dunno, hang out. Maybe we could… watch one of the movies that Asahina-san sent over for us.”
Komaeda’s eyes widen just a little as he processes this invitation before relaxing back to their usual calm state. “Hinata-kun, aren’t we hanging out already? Or am I mistaken?”
“W-well, yeah! But this is…” Hinata’s voice drops to a fragile murmur, “…different.”
“Different? Hmm… I see.” Hinata isn’t sure what it is that Komaeda sees, and that makes him nervous. The slightly taller boy stands up and dusts sand off his bottom. “I’d be happy to accompany you.”
And he smiles, framed by oncoming nighttime and high tide, and Hinata’s heart stutters. Okay, cool, he accepted it without being weird. Even if I didn’t really explicitly call it a date or anything. God, my collar feels tight right now. He tugs at the offending collar and tries for a casual smile. “Cool. Cool.”
They follow the road back to the inland.
Silence transpires, and in the bit of quiet, Hinata takes note of Komaeda’s hands swinging gently at his sides. Hinata’s never thought about the idea of holding them before, at least not in public, but once it crosses his mind, he can’t stop thinking about it. How would Komaeda react if he just… went for it? Would he be startled? Angry? Beyond that, how would it feel? Would it be clammy? Soft? Would it feel good? …Well, the hand closest to him is the metal one, so that’s irrelevant.
A past Hinata might have been content to let the idea remain as just an idea, but the Hinata now knows that if he wants something, he should probably chase after it without sweating the details so much. He reaches out and takes the mechanical left hand into his right. It takes Komaeda a moment to notice, due to a lack of nerve endings.
“Oh…” he says faintly, too caught off guard for much else.
“Sh-should I not…?”
They’ve both stopped walking so that Komaeda can stare down at their point of contact. He’s yet to put on any kind of discernible emotion about it. “No, it’s okay. It’s—nice. But it’s scary, too.”
“Scary??” Hinata’s grip loosens, prepared to drop the other boy’s hand and forget he ever tried.
“Because it’s so nice.” Slowly, carefully, internal mechanisms work together to tighten Komaeda’s hold on Hinata so that the connection isn’t lost. “It’s… hard to not wonder when my luck might strike again. And I know you have luck now, too, somewhere inside of you… But…” He shakes his head and dismisses the thought. “Never mind. Let’s get going.”
Hinata wants to protest and prod Komaeda into finishing what he was saying, but the gentle pull of Komaeda’s hand takes his attention by the reins. He hasn’t rejected Hinata, and he isn’t running away. That small realization fills Hinata with relief that he didn’t know he was hoping for. His step feels lighter as he catches up to his friend’s side.
Hinata sets up a tape on an old CRT that Souda put together, sits on the floor with Komaeda, and immediately finds himself regretting suggesting a movie. It’s impossible to focus with so many things weighing on his mind and the subject of his inner turmoil right next to him.
As if sensing Hinata’s thoughts, Komaeda leans against him, so warm and tangible on his shoulder. It seems he’s equally unengaged with the movie before them. “Hey, Hinata-kun. Would you mind telling me that you hate me?”
“…Huh?” The odd request catches Hinata off guard. “Why on earth would I ever say that??”
“It’d be the greatest comfort to me right now. The bad luck of being hated by you… maybe it’d make everything even. Maybe I could enjoy being at your side like this a little longer without fearing what might come next. But I’m too much of a coward to actually try to make you hate me anymore.” He outstretches his right hand, flexing and relaxing the muscles. Even as he talks of being hated, he nuzzles closer into Hinata’s shoulder, as if afraid Hinata really will say he hates him. “I used to try so hard to invite disaster in my life when things were going too well. It scared me so much to enjoy the quiet moments. It scares me even now, to be close to you and have your friendship. I always tell myself that I need to stop being selfish and push you away for your own good, but… then I see you every morning, still alive, still smiling, and my greedy heart can’t help but want to bask in you.”
He shifts and makes direct eye contact with Hinata. As frank as he can be at times, Komaeda always tends to direct his gaze elsewhere during conversations. His hand, or his feet, or just somewhere in the far distance. It always makes him feel unreachable. But this time, his stare is open and earnest. “After everything that happened, I wonder what my standing with luck even is anymore. I died in the program… but then I was alive. But then I had the apocalypse and my own horrible actions to clean up after.” He reflexively rubs where metal and flesh meet on his left arm. “So in the end, was that all good luck or…”
And Komaeda cuts himself off, like he’ll never find an answer unless he just takes action already, and he leans into Hinata and brushes trembling lips against a dumbstruck mouth. His eyes are rife with a dozen conflicting emotions, as Komaeda often is, but this time it feels as though one wrong move will make him burst and everything will come spilling out unfiltered. His eyes widen in something akin to surprise, as if he wasn’t in control of his own actions. Before Komaeda has the chance to overthink things or run away, Hinata catches him by a jacket lapel and pulls him close. He uses his other hand to wrap gently around the back of Komaeda’s head, reveling in soft white curls, and pulls their foreheads together.
“Do you feel them? The scars, I mean.” Hinata pulls his short bangs aside. “Sometimes I forget they’re there. But they remind me of everything we all went through… that we’ve seen hell and death and everything in between, and we’re still here. In the grand scheme of things,” he gestures between them, “this isn’t going to be what ends the world. …At least, that’s what I think.”
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Komaeda’s quiet, for a bit. He inhales like he forgot to breathe. Then he breaks, and laughs, and laughs. His eyes water from the force of it. “Aha-hahaha! Hahaha! Ha…” He holds Hinata for support, and Hinata holds him back. Once the fit has passed, he sniffs and straightens up, face still slightly quirked with hysteria. “Perhaps—perhaps you’re right. Maybe it’s arrogant to think luck cares that much about what makes me happy. Maybe it never cared. I’ve been wondering about that lately. It’s a scary thought.”
On the surface, it’s a pessimistic notion, but for Komaeda to yield to the idea that, to some extent, things just happen and that he should do something that makes him happy without psyching himself out of it for once, is the kind of paradigm shift Hinata expects only a virtual death and rebirth could have brought about. “Luck never cared about what any of us wanted. Not just me. And maybe it’s giving luck too much credit to say that it’s what brought me to you.” Then Komaeda does something unexpected—tilting his chin upwards at a pretty angle and kissing the raised skin of Hinata’s forehead scars. “But whatever did, I’m glad for it. I’m… unspeakably glad that you’re still here after everything, Hinata-kun.”
It’s always a toss-up with Komaeda on whether or not his penchant for saying really vulnerable things will embarrass him. This ends up being one of the times where it does, and he flushes a bright red and looks away, direct eye contact finally too much for him. He’s nearly confessed to Hinata once before, but that was ages ago in the program, under far different circumstances. Perhaps this is the first time Komaeda’s ever been really honest about how much Hinata means to him. No wrapping it up in vague non sequiturs about talent and hope. Just, “I’m glad you’re here.”
It’s more powerful than a typical confession in some regards.
“Me too. I’m glad you’re here, too.” Hinata feels his face burning as well, but he tries to will himself to remain cool. “…This feels pretty dumb to say now, but I was trying to ask you on a date earlier. So, uh, this is a date. …If you want it to be. I feel like, after… y’know, everything, we need things like this. Normal things.”
Komaeda smiles genuinely, and fondness bears down on Hinata full-force at the sight. “I figured that was what you were trying to get at. It’s really funny, Hinata-kun, when I look at you and think about how your sheer will power broke us out of the killing game and probably saved us all, and yet you can’t even ask someone out without being absurdly awkward about it. I think it’s something I like about you.”
Hinata burns more furiously but can’t find the words to retort, instead opting to fold his arms and stare at the ceiling. “W-well… yeah. Those are two totally different things!! Maybe if lives were on the line, I could find it in me to ask you out a little more tactfully…”
“Hmm, I see, so saving lives is easier than trying to date me, huh? I suppose that’s fair…”
“Hey, you…” Hinata snags Komaeda’s jacket lapels again and pulls him close. The banter ceases, and the two enjoy a normal date, like they deserve.
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hekate-the-witch · 7 years
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@agenthensem For my dear, lovely Tetsuya :3 I tried to do something artsy for your liking, then I got hit by and idea for a story… So here it is. It’s a bit rushed, and I am uploading this via phone, so I might need to make some changes later. (Also grammar mistakes -_-) I hope you will like it, and I would love some comment :)
Title: Do you really need to ask? Words: 1267
“Tetsuya, I have a few words on my mind for some time now,” said Akashi and then gently took Kuroko’s hand in his own. Kuroko remembered how fast was his heart beating at that time, like it wanted to get out of his chest. “Since the first day we met, I had feelings for you. Kuroko Tetsuya, I love you.” That were the words that changed his life – he felt so happy when he heard them, and also assured his beloved Akashi that he has the same feelings for him. This happened on Valentine’s day in their second year in Teikou.
Kise was all over Kuroko, laughing and explaining how great (and also exhausting) was his day, which he spent with Akashi at the modeling company. It was in the middle of his whining about his too strict manager when their redhead captain suddenly appeared behind them, with a glance in his eyes. “Kise. May I know what are you doing?“he asked in a tone that wasn’t exactly friendly. "Akashicchi!"smiled the blond and he let Kuroko go, only to wrap his hand around Akashi. "I was telling Kurokocchi how great was my day. We had a lot of fun, haven’t we?"he gave Akashi a bright smile, to which followed another rant about his manager.
Then one day, not long after that, Kise came to basketball practice with a few bandages on his arms and on his face. When Aomine asked what happened, Kise only said that he was very unlucky while climbing a tree to save a cat, and he fell. The cuts on his cheeks were from the cat - or so he claimed. That happened in middle of summer in their second year in Teikou.
It wasn’t exactly rare to see Midorima in Akashi’s presence. They could be considered friends, almost. But it definitely was rare to see Midorima and Kuroko together. Kuroko was too different for Midorima’s liking, also an Aquarius, so there was never big chance they would be something more then team mates. So their argument could be considered very rare, and also odd. They were standing in the corner of basketball gym and Midorima was quietly but fiercely telling Kuroko something that caused Kuroko´s flushed cheeks and gritted teeth. The bluenett responded in a different tone, his voice quiet and calm, but his wide stance and clenched fists gave away his true emotions. Ah yes, Kuroko was angry. Akashi was watching this all from a distance, disapproval glint in his eyes. After few minutes, the argument ended with Kuroko looking quite sad, and Midorima walking towards Akashi. Once the green headed boy came close, he pushed his glasses on his nose. "I understand that he’s your boyfriend, but what is he thinking? He can’t do that, nanodayo,"he said with growl. Akashi haven’t responded, he just walked to Kuroko and kissed him lightly on his lips, which caused small smile form on the bluenett´s lips.
Midorima couldn’t attend school the next day, due to his ‘visit in hospital’. Apparently he somehow slipped on his lucky item and broke his glasses, which also led to one of his eyes being minorly hurt by the glass shard. Which could be considered suspicious, because his lucky item that day was a pillow. But the GOM thought that maybe their shooter was just to proud to admit he tripped or something, so they let it go. That took place in first month of their third year in middle school.
Kuroko didn’t know how it happened - he wasn’t there. He was chasing after Aomine, his one truly dear friend, except Akashi of course, but that was different, since they were boyfriends. But Aomine abandoned him, he said such cruel words… so he came back to basketball gym. He recognized the slight difference in his boyfriends behaviour only after a while. Akashi looked differently, spoke differently, and Kuroko knew that something big happened while he was outside. Akashi changed somehow, and he didn’t know why, only that he suddenly became even more direct, more aggresive, in a way. For the first time, he felt hopeless about their relationship - but there wasn’t anything he could do. Akashi was suddenly so different from that gentle boy who expressed his feelings for the bluenett back then. He was absolute. That happened before the last game in Teikou. Their last game only led to disaster, in Kuroko’s opinion. He quit basketball after that, and more than that - he broke up with Akashi. It wasn’t easy, the redhead didn’t want to allow him to go - but Kuroko was persistent in his own unique way, and he won this one last argument. It surely broke his heart, that’s what Momoi gathered when she found him on the school backyard, shaking with heavy sobs. That happened in their last year in Teikou.
Mayuzumi. Chihiro. Those two words echoed in Kuroko’s head as he watched the grey haired male. Better shadow, wasn’t it? Something like version 2.0, something… improved. He clenched his fists, glaring at said imposter of himself, and then he glanced at his former captain, with something different in his eyes. Stranger might call it anger or desperation, but it was Kagami who noticed that Kuroko looked at Akashi with expectation. Like he was waiting for something… But then, once again, he stilled his stare at Mayuzumi. "I don´t want to lose. Maybe I got an idea, Kagami-kun,"he said after a while in a low voice. It hadn’t been long before Kuroko was back at his position of a shadow, Mayuzumi standing useless against him and Seirin back at their momentum. But even after this little victory of his, Kuroko didn´t seem satisfied. He still kept looking in Akashi´s direction, and now and than in Mayuzumi´s. Whenever he looked at the grey haired male, his eyes twinled with hatred – but nobody acknowledged it.
Nobody knew how Mayuzumi ended up on the bench with a mild concussion, nothing less. One moment he was trying to catch the ball, and in the other he was lying on the floor. It almost seemed like the ball changed direction, but nobody saw Kuroko touvhing the ball, so he couldn´t be blamed.
Seirin won. Everybody started to celebrate, some of his team mates jumped in the air and triumphantly yelled, some of them started to cry - and Kuroko did celebrate too, at first. But after few moments he stepped away from his team and looked at his former captain. It was once again the Akashi he knew back in Teikou… Kuroko didn´t waste any time and he didn´t even let Akashi speak – he gently placed his hands on Akashi´s face a kissed him. And Akashi was surprised, once again today, but he kissed him back. „Seijuro,“Kuroko whispered after a while, when their lips parted. „Don´t you dare get lost again. I might not be able to get you back next time,“ the bluenett said. He really didn´t care in that moment that everyone was staring at them, he only lifted one finger to shush Kagami. „You too. I don´t want to get rid of you too,“he said with a small smile on his lips, but it sent shiver down everyones spine. Was this really Kuroko. „I love you, Seijuro. You´re mine… that means I protect what´s mine. I don´t care who I need to hurt,“ he hummed, but this time only for Akashi to hear. The redhead looked quite shocked, when he murmured in response. “Was it you, back then?“he asked. The bluenett only chuckled. „Do you really need to ask, my dear Seijuro?“
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pseudinymous · 7 years
Even after ten years, Danny and the Ghostwriter are still not exactly getting along...
Big thanks to @thehobblefootalchemist, who gave me the prompt for this piece.
The Ghostwriter was just sitting down to continue writing the second book in a series of novels when an unholy crash shuddered the very foundations of his house.
He ignored it and put a few more pen strokes down. After all, this was Amity Park.
Unfortunately the crashing seemed to continue. The pen was placed carefully upon the table after one of the windows nearly shattered, only to be bumped off by yet another earth-shaking thump. It felt like living in the pits of a battlefield — usually ghost fights didn’t get this bad, did they? Not that he ever participated in them enough to know. He understood exactly how weak he was and pushing that wasn’t a rabbit hole he wanted to fall into.
He opened the front door to find one Daniel Fenton wasted on the concrete outside. The ghost he’d tangled with was already flying off into the mid-morning sky, its need for violence apparently satiated by beating Amity Park’s ghost boy senseless.
Writer crept out of his house. They weren’t on the best of terms, yet. “Are you all right?”
“Yes, I’m lying spread-eagle on the ground after a ghost mauled me. I’m fantastic.”
… Well, one thing was for sure. This Daniel Fenton certainly wasn’t an imposter.
He also didn’t seem particularly able to move — the man was staring up at the sky as if still quite dazed even though his speech didn’t slur, and Writer, in spite of himself, felt a mollusc of pity well up within his chest. “Do you want some help?”
Danny snorted his laughter and looked away. “As if I want help from you.”
The Ghostwriter looked around — there was no one else here. After a commotion like that most Amity Parkers would be hiding in their closets and trying their best not to be seen. At the very least, probably no one saw Danny get beaten into a pulp and then presumably lose grip on his ghost form. It might be better for everyone if his human form wasn’t found lying out to dry on the sidewalk sometime later.
“What are you doing?” Danny asked. Writer ignored the question and kept his pace up the driveway until he was standing over him, holding out a hand. “I said I don’t want your help.”
“Actually, you said ‘as if I want help from you’, which if you studied English a little harder in your school years, you would understand doesn’t quite literally mean as much as it implies. And in any case, I think we both realise your sister would have my head if I didn’t help you, and your head if you chose not to accept.”
Amity Park’s resident ghost boy glared at his equally miffed helper, but finally, with the air of someone expending great effort, reached up an arm. The Ghostwriter wasn’t sure, though, how much was actually great effort and how much was simple reluctance to be helped.
Danny was pulled to a standing position, but wobbled to the side just before Writer caught him.
“You might not want my help, but it’s fairly obvious you need it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” said Danny. He stumbled along as Writer guided him back down the driveway, up the stairs of the decking, and through the front door of the house. The front door of course was never opened — it was easier for the Ghostwriter to just haul the man in there intangibly, and considering Danny knew who he was and was himself quite used to intangible hijinks, it was the preferable method. “Thanks, I’ll be fine from here.”
The Ghostwriter let him go, and he collapsed in a heap on the lounge room floor.
“Mm. Yes. Fine, as you say.”
Danny glared, and had to be helped back up off the floor and hauled into the Spare Room.
There is a reason that the author, here, chose to use capital letters for the Spare Room. It wasn’t that the room itself was anything spectacular, no, but what was in the room was a different story entirely. Sure, it had a nice relaxing bed and a decent reading lamp, but one hardly needed any extra light with all of the strange glowing books, native Ghost Zone plants that were suspiciously potted and domesticated, and the downright off-putting ghostly fragments, smaller than the size of the tip of your nail, that seemed to go along with this. Danny got the most suspicious feeling that they were all somehow watching over the plants.
“Glad to see you drag Jazz into all of your creepy Ghost Zone shit,” Danny shot, even as the Ghostwriter carefully laid him down.
“I’m glad to see you’re willing to drag Jasmine into all of your dangerous ghost fights,” Writer shot back, glaring. “Mind explaining why you ended up on this side of town?”
“I don’t choose where the ghosts show up!” His voice was full of indignant rage from just having lost. “Anyway, that ghost wasted me! I tried to draw it away from here but it kept hooking me from behind!”
The Ghostwriter decided to leave that information where it was. “I assume you’d like some water?” he asked, skipping ahead.
Danny made a grunt that was taken as a vague form of acceptance. When the Ghostwriter returned with the glass, Danny took it without thanking him and almost threw three quarters of the liquid down his throat. The rest he splashed over his face. It was supposed to be a warm day today, Writer recalled.
“Where’s Jazz?”
“Shopping, I believe.”
“Good,” said Danny. Writer arched a brow. “Hey, you know what she’s like when she fusses.”
For the first time in their exchange the ghost cracked a genuinely amused smile. “Oh, I do. Now, mind if I leave you there and get back to my work?”
“I dunno, are these plants gonna eat me if you leave me alone in here?”
Writer shrugged. “No one’s died yet.”
“I feel so much safer,” said Danny, apparently unable to restrain his sarcastic tongue. The Ghostwriter ignored him, and left the room.
Writing this book was very much like attempting to restrain a lion. Difficult, messy, and if you were very unlucky it was dangerous — if only in terms of sanity. It also meant that breaks were frequent and frustration always imminent on the edge of the swimming pool that was his mind. The Ghostwriter sighed, put the pen down (this time it did not rattle its way onto the floor), closed his eyes, and tried to think.
“Those books are weirder than the plants.”
Writer’s head shot up — it seemed Danny’s exceedingly quick natural healing cycle had reinvigorated him enough to peel himself off that bed, and he seemed to be balancing rather well too for someone who’d just been so knocked around.
“They do tend to have minds of their own,” Writer agreed, quickly flipping closed his notebook, but trying to leave out just enough urgency that the other wouldn’t get curious enough to read it. “You seem to have recovered quite well.”
Danny just seemed to shrug oddly. “Yeah, I guess.”
“No ‘thank-you’?”
Silence. Obviously that was too much to ask. The Ghostwriter let out a heavy sigh and began tying all of his nice pens together with a rubber band. Danny had been more than just irritated when he found out just who Jazz was getting so friendly with, and when they’d eventually decided to go out with each other and live together, Danny had nearly exploded.
It had been a quiet explosion, of course. Precious few others knew Writer was a ghost, and anyone who didn’t know was under the keyboard’s spell; they simply didn’t notice the grey, glowing skin, the luminescent green eyes, the teeth. They could look at it all day and they would never be the wiser, for that was how his keyboard worked — he typed in a command, and reality changed to suit.
“I see you’re still upset with me.”
The direct query seemed to catch Danny off-guard. “I— but— you…” he stumbled, before collecting himself. “Dude, you’re a ghost. And you’re going out with my perfectly normal, perfectly human sister. It’s weird.”
“I’ll admit to it being unorthodox.” Writer found his arms crossing, and his muscles getting tight. Being questioned on his life — or perhaps post-life choices was one of his least favourite activities, and he’d already had enough teasing from Randy to last into the next century. “But that’s between Jasmine and I.”
“Sure it wasn’t just you?”
The words came out with just as much accusation as they implied. Danny had found himself taking a step forward, falling — out of habit — into an almost aggressive stance. Like a challenge. The Ghostwriter decided to play his game, and stared him right in the eyes.
“I never intended for any of this to happen the way it did, but I assure you the feeling was mutual. And with all of that amateur surveillance you did—“ Danny’s face twisted to abject horror. “—Yes, I do know about that, you should know by now that I hold the utmost respect for your sister. Is this how you would treat me if I were human?”
Danny grunted some noncommittal answer or another. The Ghostwriter’s frown grew as he stood from his chair, book and tied-up pens in hand.
“Mm. I see how it is, ghost boy.”
“Don’t call me that!”
Writer shrugged. “Well, I’ll admit to you not being a boy anymore, but you most certainly are — at least in part — a ghost. Perhaps you should use that knowledge to enhance your perspective.”
Oh yes. And there was the huff, the turn away — for an adult he certainly remained well within the throes of teenager-hood. The Ghostwriter found that the best strategy was simply to ignore him and continue going about his business. In this case, that involved carefully putting away his writing equipment in a draw and wandering over to the kitchen to make lunch. Jazz would be home soon. Danny ‘settled’ into a chair, face sour, arms crossed, and generally looking rather miserable.
“Since when do ghosts eat?” Danny shot, as Writer pulled some ingredients out of the cupboard.
“They don’t. Your sister however does, and since I don’t have any sort of job the least I can do is make some meals for her.”
“Mm. Okay.”
The Ghostwriter didn’t argue, because “Mm. Okay.” was probably the most positive response he’d gotten out of the half ghost all morning. He continued on with what he was doing: Sandwiches. Sandwiches were easy, and easy was important when your cooking skills were subpar at best and unable to be supplemented with a sense of taste.
“It’s weird watching a ghost look so domestic.”
Writer kept cutting up the carrot as he spoke. “No more strange than watching a human turn into a ghost and vice-versa, I assure you.”
“…Eh. I guess not.”
The sandwiches came together into little sets of four. There was chicken, lettuce, tomato, salad onion, and cucumber in there, with a bit of salt and pepper for good measure. Hard to mess that up, right? You just put equal amounts of each ingredient in except for the onion, which you went easy on. He could do Rules. He just couldn’t do anything that required taste testing to get right. At the end he had four sets; two went on one plate, two went on another.
Danny looked up to the sandwiches as if they were about to attack him. Just… really? The Ghostwriter thought? This reaction still, even when he was obviously trying to be civil? He was willing to give having a neutral relationship with Jazz’s brother a go, but his stubborn demeanour made it all the more difficult. A slight of anger whipped around in his stomach, and he quelled it.
“It’s lunchtime and you’ve been mauled. Take it, or I’ll type on my keyboard that you did so whether you wanted to or not,” said the Ghostwriter, frown increasing with the seriousness of his expression.
Danny was still suspicious. “Is this forced care?”
“I understand what you’re like. And I also understand what Jasmine would be like if she found out I didn’t look after you properly after a ghost fight. So I suppose the answer to your question is yes.”
There was a ginger way he took the plate, before finally he cracked one of the first smiles Writer had ever seen on him. There was even a genuine laugh. Writer found one of his eyebrows cocked, unable not to show the scepticism he was feeling.
“No, just—“ Danny stuttered. “I mean, I guess Jazz would lecture you endlessly about needing to nurse me back to health, or something.” He took a bite, screwing up his brow as he did, though not telling the Ghostwriter why. “As if I need nursing when I can heal like this.
“Nursing present or not, you still need energy from something,” said Writer, turning on his heel and returning to the kitchen counter. “Human bodies are unforgiving, that way.”
Danny paused halfway through a mouthful, thought about this, and swallowed. “How do ghosts get more energy, anyway? I mean, it’s gotta come from somewhere, right? Or doesn’t anyone know?”
The Ghostwriter had picked up the knife to go and wash it, but slowly put it back down as his curiosity about this question piqued. “We absorb ambient ectoplasm from the air. Obviously it’s not so plentiful in the Real World, but that’s one of the reasons I revisit the Ghost Zone every so often. Doesn’t your ghost half require some similar type of nutrition?”
A shrug. “… Not really, I just eat and sleep, then I’m fine.”
Writer found himself frowning. “Isn’t that curious?”
“Is it really?”
“Mm. It’s just another impossibility about you, really.”
In the absence of any further comment he went back to dealing with the dishes — much as he disliked them he didn’t really want to leave them all to Jazz, not when she’d had such a busy week and this was her only day off.
“I gotta get out of here before Jazz gets back,” said Danny, suddenly, having finished the sandwich. In a surprising gesture of politeness he brought the empty plate to the kitchen and placed it neatly by the sink. “She’ll start, y’know… fussing.”
The ghost gave a sagely nod in reply. “If being coddled after injury isn’t your thing, then I can’t imagine this will be a fun place for you very soon.”
The Ghostwriter washed the plate as Danny gathered his things together. And if Writer hadn’t been listening for them, the words would have been so quiet that he’d have missed them: “Hey… thanks,” said Danny, as he slipped out the door.
After a few seconds of it sinking into his mind, the Ghostwriter laughed. It was in a way that was perhaps a little self-satisfied. And then he drained the water and sat in wait for The Great Fusser of Things to arrive home.
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