#and as for aubrey.... i like to call her a girlboss but only like in an ironic sense
voltfruits · 1 year
Ok this is a unpopular opinion and I want to share with everyone that sunburn is more of girllosser x boyfailure rather than girlboss x malewife
you're so correct anon. i wish everyone was as smart as you
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Aubrey (OMORI) Propaganda Post
First Multi-Paragraph Submission:
hear me out. shes no criminal but please.
also full of spoilers obviously general death trigger warning also
she was a pure, good kid, but when her friends all went to cope with Mari's (one of their friends) death in different ways, she felt like they were trying to abandon her, and she grew bitter because she felt that she was the only one who was actually hurt by Mari passing away.
the way Aubrey coped was not exactly the best way, as she followed through with her and Mari's promise of dyeing their hair matching colours, purple for Mari, pink for Aubrey. not only this, but Aubrey took Mari's clothes and wore them as her own, since they reminded her of Mari.
Aubrey tried to get her friends back together, but it was impossible. Kel was trying to move on and distract himself with sports and other people, Hero tried to ignore it and go to college, Sunny was nowhere to be seen, and Basil was merely a shell of who he once was. this led to her finding a new group of friends, known as The Hooligans, who are a gang (although their biggest crime is shoplifting small things such as sweets) of five other teens. Aubrey also begins to carry around a wooden bat with nails in it for intimidation when she joins The Hooligans.
one day, Aubrey went to Basil's house to study with him. when Basil went to the bathroom for an unknown reason (probably to calm himself down as shown in-game) Aubrey had noticed that he still had their old photo album, so Aubrey decided to look inside for old time's sake. what she found, however, shocked her. Basil had used markers to cover up and ruin every photo of Mari he could find in his photo album. Aubrey was understandably furious, and so she confronted Basil when he came back into the room. Basil simply stared at her, and she eventually left his house, seething with rage and album in hand. she tries her best to fix and clean the photos, eventually succeeding.
presumably not too soon after that, Aubrey and The Hooligans started bullying Basil, calling him a freak and possibly even physically hurting him. The Hooligans had no idea why they were doing this, but they weren't going to go against their leader.
depending on what ending of the "Sunny Route/True Route" you got, it shows that if Basil successfully kills himself, Aubrey feels terrible, claiming that it was all her fault due to her bullying.
so please, consider. vote Aubrey.
Second Multi-Paragraph Submission:
in the beginning of the reality section of the game, she is actively bullying her and the main characters ex best friend, basil (he deserved it). gets mad if you pull a knife on her when she fights you even though she carries around a baseball bat with nails in it (the dull side is exposed). fights you in a church later that day and admits to stealing basils prizes possession (he deserved it) and the next day she gets so mad at him she pushes him into a lake (he can’t swim, and she didn’t mean to, but i’m biased, so he, again, deserved it). she’s really just angry because she felt abandoned in her grief and felt she was the only one who cared about the death in their friend group (she says this to the guy who’s sister literally died which she was wrong for) so she was taking her feelings out on basil (he was mostly responsible for said death but she doesn’t know that <3) they end up making up but i still feel she was right for bullying basil for 4 years. for bonus points, during a nightmare the main character is having, she beats basil over the head with a baseball bat and it one shots him.
her actions are mostly ambiguous by how her actions are influenced by her anger, because if she wasn’t bullying basil, it’d be fucked up, but she just didn’t want to feel abandoned by him so she rejected him first. she’s a girlboss because she bullied basil and she’s a real sweetheart at her core, which is seen through other actions (like how she meticulously cleans damaged polaroids, even one’s with the people she felt abandoned by in)
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fee-phy-fo-fum · 1 year
“This is Memory Replicated Android, the Eleventh. The other roboticists have taken to calling it MAR11 for short.”
“Mari,” she echoes. “She… She looks just like... Himari...”
So I've watched a few M3GAN things last night (may or may not be minorly absorbed in it right now, I can't wait for it to come out) and then I was just thinking about OMORI because yknow. OMORI has consumed my mind and my every waking hour. So... M3GAN au!
I wanted to like. Write it out as a story but I'm. Not up to it right now. So these are just. Thoughts on the whole thing plus colour coding because I love colours, they make my brain go "mmmm shinyyy"
Also Sunny is yellow not black because I love colour theory and opposing colours as a juxtaposition of who these characters represe-
(And also bc I worked on dark mode and literally could not see black)
Let's go!
Suzuki Himari (aka Mari) passes away due to an illness. Her father is a roboticist and her mother is a lawyer and they divorced after Mari's death. Their son, Tsuneyuki (Sunny), lives with their mother in Faraway Town.
Due to the kids' (the whole gang, really) young ages (8 and 11), their parents explain Mari's disappearance as... Boarding school. Hero has his suspicions, Sunny grows more withdrawn without his Nee-chan, and everyone misses Mari.
A year or two after Mari's death, the father brings the mother to his workplace to show off MAR11, who has Mari's memories uploaded to it. (Why does he have Mari's memories? He took her to his workplace once - there was a whole argument with her mother over it that also played a part in the divorce.) The mother brings her home.
Sunny is positively delighted by the reappearance of his Nee-chan and immediately drags her out to meet their friends. Without letting his mom tell him about. Stuff. And then it's never the right time to talk about the stuff.
So! MAR11 is an android, yeah? Her instructions are really just... to the extent of "Embody Mari and fulfill her wishes". There's just... one issue. Mari was like. 11. When she passed.
Now, I don't know about you but when I was 11, I would stare at people and wish they would explode.
MAR11 is also not really equipped to handle and process any emotions that Mari had. She just has the memories and a logic-based decision-making system. ("Would Mari do this? How would she go about doing this? Will this impact their views of Mari? Will this make them unhappy?")
Mari just... really wanted to make her friends happy. And so MAR11's mission starts off with that! Sunny drags MAR11 to reunite with all their friends! Everything goes great! Yes, sure MAR11 is a little different from Mari, but it's been two years. Surely she's grown up!
(Little note on the gang's reaction to MAR11: Their ideas of Mari have been warped slightly by time, distance and longing. "Distance makes the heart grow fonder" and all that. They have a bit of an idealised and romanticised view of her - maybe not to the extent of canon not quite, but definitely something. MAR11 makes it worse, because she's an android and is capable of doing things literally perfectly. Cue the gang (mostly the younger ones) trying to live up to even more impossible standards.)
Once the euphoria wears off, Hero starts noticing... things. Things about how MAR11 is acting. So he starts asking the adults questions. The adults (probably only Sunny's mom) are cagey af. (The rest are just very confused?) He asks Sunny. Sunny is blinded by having "Mari" back. He asks MAR11 instead. MAR11 gaslights, gatekeeps and girlbosses because ignorance is bliss.
Whether or not the gatekeeping is a success (I can't decide), the escalation of MAR11's behaviours and actions starts slowly.
Maybe someone picks on... one of the younger kids. MAR11 steps in, like a big sister would. Normal kind of stepping in.
("Thank you, Mari!" Aubrey sniffs, even as a smile takes over her face and she throws her arms around MAR11's waist.
MAR11 smiles, carding her fingers through Aubrey's hair. "Don't worry! Big sister Mari will always take care of you. All it costs is your love!")
That's just how it starts, of course.
Maybe the bullies are relentless. Maybe even after they stop, strange things happen to them. Maybe they, strangely enough, insist on moving away from this place they've lived all their lives. Maybe they can't speak of what happened.
Maybe they can. Maybe they report it. Maybe they try to. Maybe they never succeed.
If the gaslighting works, Hero is dragged along by MAR11 on this unfortunate ride - a blinded accomplice. No one believes that Mari would do... any of the heinous crimes she actually does, and they're even less willing to believe Hero would.
("You're joking, right? ... ... ...Puh-lease, Hero's... He's Hero, y'know? That's just crazy!"
"... No."
"Mari...? And Hero...? That... That wouldn't make sense..."
"Hmph! You don't even know them well enough to be talking about them like that!")
If the gaslighting fails, Hero tries to talk MAR11 down from what she's doing, under the impression that she's actually Mari because the poor guy just doesn't have the full story. Emphasis on that he tries.
("Did I do something to upset you?" <- aesthetically placed bloodstain
"Mari, please... You don't have to do this. This isn't like you!"
"Silly Hero." That mildly creepy cheek caress that people do. "I'm just making sure that no one can ever harm our little siblings ever again."
"I don't want to hurt you. But if you keep getting in my way... I'm afraid I may not have a choice.")
...How it ends? ...Ask me tomorrow if you're really interested, I've exhausted my brain juice.
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