#and as for me ? well. maybe i impulse bought the driver era tickets as soon as i learned they'd be in md when i am this summer
clumsyclifford · 2 years
helloooo bella, it’s luke a like anon (back to being a mysterious anon after forgetting last time lol) (don’t worry tho, i don’t mind you knowing who i am and i doubt anyone else cared).
how are you doing??? i am alive and have not forgotten about you, just sent those last asks and immediately got hit with real life and just.. yeah i’ve had some weeks oof. but all is well now and i’m seeing 5sos in hamburg tomorrow i’m so PUMPED! its my first show after over 2 years and the fact that it’s 5sos is so so special to me, they really kept me afloat through these goddamn plague times, i love them so much!!!
luke a like and i are still talking, still in that weird are they aren’t they stage, but he’s coming home from his internship today and will be back at work next week so that’s that. we met a few times while he was away and i can report that he gives incredible hugs and smells very good. honestly this crush is getting very embarrassing (what am i, 14???) and our coworkers make fun of me 24/7 bc apparently i’m very obvious so i’m just gonna have to suck it up and make an actual move some time soon.
in other news, i actually got into the maine recently after seeing them on your blog so thank you for that, your music taste is just *chefs kiss* might start watching teen wolf too, just for good measure
anyway, what have you been up to since i so rudely left you on read? tell me about itttt (if you like). sending lots of love and a promise of luke pics if i can get close enough tomorrow xx
LUKE A LIKE ANON!!!! HELLO!!!!!! and don't worry, i literally do not remember what your url is, so it's just like you never revealed your identity. sometimes there are benefits to having a swiss cheese memory after all
i'm doing rather well!!! today is the last day of a show i'm doing ushering/front of house work for at my school (as part of a drama "class" where people have to work certain crew assignments) which means that strike is today, and i have never participated in a show strike in college but my friend says it will probably take, like, four hours, which i am not at all excited about. and then after that i have to study for an exam i have on tuesday, AND i have to figure out what i'm writing for three short papers that i have that are ALSO due on tuesday. so i have a fair amount going on ! but honestly overall i'm okay. once tuesday is over so will most of my stress be, so that's nice.
ahhh!!!!!!! finally seeing 5sos!!!!!!! i'm so happy for you 😊 that really is so so special i hope you have the most amazing time.
omggggggggg i am on the EDGE OF MY SEAT about luke a like.........but hey i'm glad to hear you managed to keep talking while he was away. and even meet up! and now he's coming BACK!!! i agree with your coworkers you are gonna have to make a move sooner or later. i am sending you strength.
you're joking sfdkglhfg this is fantastic news i'm so happy to hear this please say more, what did you listen to what was your favorite song you heard can i entice you into listening to other songs/albums of theirs perhaps. i would probably cry real tears of happiness if you started watching teen wolf that is a threat and a promise. wow this is crazy i really am a one-woman street team where are my royalties @ johno
anyway i have to get ready to go to the show now and hopefully eat something beforehand. please do provide luke pics if you take any good ones eyes emoji or really just any good pictures you get at all, i would like to see them. hey have the most fun EVER tomorrow!!! i'm so stoked for you that you get to see 5sos, it's gonna be so amazing
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