#and b) that's obviously because not all formats support a lot of documentation
The United States of Cryptids by JW Ocker
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Here are my horribly blurry photos. Behold.
Firstly: this book was written by the author who wrote the Salem book I read mid quarantine. I don't remember it being particularly exceptional. This book reads more as a reference book, which immediately makes it more tolerable than a rambling sort of narrative, and separates each region of the country to help further organize cryptid lore around the country.
However. LOOK at that block of text. It's formatted so tightly. It's not horrible to read, but in a tiny book...it's dense to look at. It's a lot. I wasn't pleased.
I forgot that people are more aware of the Jersey Devil now, so I was surprised to see the local mascot show up in the book. First off, when telling people how popular Jersey Devil iconography is, instead of naming a couple small sites and restaurants, you should probably point out that our hockey team is literally The Devils. I'm fairly sure that's our main export of Jersey Devil paraphernalia. It feels Relevant.
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Secondly. There are two books on the Jersey Devil that I consider must reads. (The two books are The Secret History Of The Jersey Devil and here by The Jersey Devil by McCloy + Miller). Having read both of them, there are things the author missed that would have been GREAT to add. Without that context, the bulk of the books's description is a little...off.
My notes on the matter are:
The date is wrong. Or, more accurately, there IS no set date; Ocker gives us a definitive year for the Jersey Devil's birth, when the actual date for the events of the story depends on who's asking. There are only certain dates that are documented, and that includes a) The Magical Week, which is a week in which phenomena attributed to the Jersey Devil was published in newspapers for about seven days in NJ and PA, and b) That Time Napoleon's Brother Fucked Back Off To France (because he SWORE he saw the Jersey Devil). 1735 is a very specific date, and certainly not the only one attributed to the story. It feels disingenuous to add it very confidently to the story without further detail.
The book gets the Leeds family origins wrong— or, again, not quite correct. Ocker claims that the Leeds family was ostracized for being supporters of the British right to rule during the revolution, which ignores the way more relevant reason they were ostracized; the Leeds family owned a printing press and published almanacs that promoted astrology, which was considered evil occult knowledge at the time. There was a religious division in the community between the local Quaker population (against this) and the Leeds family (trying desperately to get on the ball of what the main man thought was a Hot New Science) after the book almanacs were published, which raised local tension pretty high. I could summarize this more but honestly just read The Secret History of the Jersey Devil book by Esposito and Regal; it's pretty thin anyway.
All the facts in the author's description are presented as if they're certain and true, BUT worded very vaguely as to obscure the actual situation: that there are many stories about the Jersey Devil instead of one carefully worded one. Instead of briefly mentioning different versions of different details that emerge overall, a pretty interesting story from an area famous for resisting colonial overtaking has been flattened down and ironed of all its cool details. Lame. He didn't even name the Magical Week, which has a name. Instead he just said "there was a week in 1909 in which a lot of stuff happened." It has a cool title!! Come on!! It was published in two different states!! Say its name!!
Also, respect the Pine Barrens more. They're an ecological wonderland. I'm also pretty sure they have the largest indigenous population in New Jersey. Add some respect when you say that name.
I can't do the same fact checking of every other cryptid in this book, obviously, as I lack similar expertise, but between this book and the author's Salem trip, I'm kind of over this author on the whole. I don't think I'll finish this book.
(I may skim it though.)
Best regards, readers;
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realtalk-princeton · 4 years
@Sulpicia do you have any advice on how to achieve such a high gpa in the humanities, when essay grades can sometimes seem subjective and different professors have different preferences? for ex, do you recommend using office hours in a certain way?
Response from Sulpicia:
I think that one thing to keep in mind is that I’m in a humanities major where empirical exams often determine 70-80% of your grade in a class; while they’re not usually curved, the language exams I took had a pretty similar format between classes, and so with every class you’re more prepared to engage with the material in that way. I personally think the best thing you can do to do well in a humanities class is to do the work; coming into class having prepared and done the readings will mean you have things to say, which translates into a better class discussion; this then will inevitably inspire thinking about what to write about for papers, and will also give you a better idea of how your instructor responds to your thinking. I’m not pretending that I showed up to class prepared 100% of the time, but I think sometimes people take humanities classes here and don’t take them seriously and then struggle at the end because they weren’t really trying to understand things on a week-to-week level.
In terms of writing papers, I generally tried to be in contact with instructors as much as possible throughout the process. Going to office hours with an idea (or, better yet, an outline) is really helpful, since you can get feedback before you spend a ton of time writing something that is founded on a mistaken assumption (which was something I did a LOT in my thesis process) or following a line of argument that might not be as strong as you initially think/hope. I often tried to come up with paper topics early on and even when (as was inevitably the case) I didn’t write anything, I knew I a) had the green light from a professor and b) was passively thinking about the topic for a long time. I also tried to write about things that made me excited, since the best papers are the ones you actually care about.
I actually have not found that professors have hugely different expectations for writing, because at the undergraduate level, good academic writing is good academic writing. I’m not the best essay writer in the world, but here are some tips I have for essay writing that I’ve learned over the past few years:
- Structure is so important, and is something a lot of essays miss. You should have a clear thesis statement of 1-2 sentences for a term paper, and this should be clearly positioned at the end of your introduction. For a shorter paper (5-10 pages) this should be at the end of the first page or top of the second page, while for longer papers, a JP, or a thesis chapter, they can be a little bit further in. Overlong introductions are my weakness as a writer, but a good intro basically just needs to provide the context you need to set up your thesis statement. I would stay away from the “three-pronged” thesis you learned in high school, but your thesis should correspond with the structure of your paper by presenting your claims in the order you will address them.
- Structure is important in your main body too! Write an outline before you begin your essay that briefly sketches out the progression of your argument and what evidence you will use to prove each part of it. Use transition words to link together ideas, and make sure to regularly tie back all of your claims to the main idea of your paper. Don’t write anything that does not support your thesis or provide a counterargument that you can then mitigate or disprove. Always let your reader know where they are in your argument, and don’t be afraid to refer back to earlier parts of the paper.
- Every sentence should matter. When you’re presenting a piece of evidence or analysis, think about its relationship to the one previous. Is that relationship meaningful? If not, the sentence shouldn’t be there (or should be placed elsewhere in your paper). The ideal is that every piece of your paper will follow naturally from what immediately precedes it, guiding the reader on a nice walk through your argument.
- In the humanities, close engagement with primary sources is key. Yes, you need to use secondary scholarship. However, engagement with the “scholarly conversation” should be second to your unique contribution, which is your close reading of the text/images at hand. This was something I struggled with in my thesis, since I felt so pressured to read all the scholarship and lost my close focus on primary sources. The absolute first thing you should do when you write a humanities paper is sit down with the sources you’re analyzing and think about them. What questions do they raise for you? Why are they confusing or contradictory? How does this source connect what you discussed in lecture, precept, or seminar? What can one source say about another? If you can, annotate the source on a piece of paper or take notes alongside it.
From there, you’ll start to find your unique insights which will form the backbone of the paper. Then, if this is a research paper and not just a close reading, look at secondary sources. If you have your own opinions about a primary text, however naive, you’ll feel more confident looking at *the discourse*. Sometimes, this will answer questions you had about the text, and so you don’t need to do that work in your paper. Other times, it will give you more interpretive tools to understand a text (e.g. you might find that X feature of the writing is typical of a certain genre, and you can think about the implications of that on your text). Sometimes, it’ll show you that the scholarly consensus is, in your opinions, totally wrong; for example, one chapter of my thesis was inspired by the fact that I visual source I thought was straightforward and was going to use in another chapter had in fact been pretty clearly misread by scholars, so my new project became proving why my identification was correct. However, any engagement with scholarship should only work to support your argument; unless you’re doing a lit review or writing about scholarly history (in which case the scholarship is your primary source), you don’t just want to slap different people’s opinions next to each other.
- Use lots of evidence and use lots of analysis. Graders are not mind readers, even if they are familiar with the material you’re studying. Good essays will present a lot of evidence; one thing I find helpful is breaking up longer quotes into shorter sections and treating them separately. Every piece of evidence should also be given analysis about why a) it is proving whatever point you’re making in the paragraph and b) how this connects to your larger argument. Part (b) might be implicit, but many essays could be stronger by making clear, distinctive points. Obviously not every piece of evidence merits a lot of analysis, and you can feel free to draw together several quotes to make one larger point.
- Speaking of, make specific claims. This refers both to the evidence that you use and how you use it. It’s totally okay to make general statements about a work, or an author, or an artistic movement; you couldn’t write an essay without doing that. However, those broad claims need to (at least in part) be grounded in some form of evidence; this can come from a secondary source or from an illustrative quote from a primary source. Inexperienced essay writers will be too vague and general--while there are dangers in getting to hyper-specific, I think it’s important that if you make a claim in your paper, you point to the specific thing that made you think that way (this is also a good way to avoid misconceptions/bad assumptions in your argument). When you’re using evidence, you should also try to say something as specific as possible about it, rather than just continuing to string up evidence and restating your thesis. Your thesis statement is just a summary of your ideas; your reasoning should be more nuanced and complex than that one concept. The more specific you are the more original you are, which helps you make points.
- Revise, revise, revise! When I did HUM, I would write up to five drafts of each paper. As a senior, I’ve gotten a lot lazier about this, but part of the reason I could do that was because I had learned a lot from revising previous papers and knew what mistakes to avoid. I think that papers grow the most between a first draft and a second draft. My favorite way to revise (and this is what I did with my thesis, JPs, and many papers I’ve written at Princeton) is to take a draft, print it out (with professor comments, if applicable), and then go through and retype the whole thing into a blank document. Optionally you can mark it up yourself as well, which is probably for the best. I like this because it means you have to read every word of your paper and also don’t feel bound by its existing structure; you can move paragraphs or shuffle things around more easily. I also always find myself adding more things or rephrasing analysis, which improves the paper. You’ll never come up with every idea in a first draft, so it’s good to revisit the paper as much as you can.
- Ask other people to read your work. We all have bad writing habits, from overuse of certain words to repetitive syntax to skipping steps in our logic. These things are not always obvious to us, but are very obvious to other readers. If you can, ask a friend (or writing center tutor, or instructor) to read your paper and help you identify these “bad habits” so you’re more conscious of them in future drafts. They can also often help you see where you skipped a step in your structure or the logic of your argument, or where your treatment of evidence doesn’t fully make sense. This is not always an option, of course, but especially early on, having people who will frankly tell you what’s not working will be helpful to your development as a writer.
- Learn from your mistakes. Criticism, even of the kindest, gentlest, most constructive kind, is hard to hear. To be honest, I would sometimes put off writing my thesis for hours because I was so embarrassed that my advisor had seen a stupid mistake I’d made in my writing (which is entirely irrational, yes, I get it). However, it is very important not only to bask in the positive comments on your paper, but to look at any more constructive ones to see what you can do better next time. Every paper teaches you how to write the next one better. Keep old papers and use them as teaching tools; you might even find it helpful to pin a list of things you know you need to remember when writing next to your desk or on your computer desktop. Professors offer comments because they want you to do better and understand more, not because they want to tear you down (unless they’re really mean).
Anyway this was kind of long-winded, but hopefully at least a little helpful as Dean’s Date approaches (the one lesson I never learn is how to stop procrastinating). I don’t know if there’s a secret to having a good GPA. I don’t consider myself to be brilliant or industrious at all, really; I think I’ve been lucky, taken classes that suited my academic strengths, come into them prepared, and really spent time understanding what exams and papers are trying to assess and then crafting my responses accordingly.
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apadaily · 4 years
New Post has been published on Ashley Parker Angel Daily • APADaily.net
New Post has been published on http://apadaily.net/2020/03/ashley-parker-angel-recalls-making-a-band-in-real-time/
Ashley Parker Angel Recalls Making a Band in Real-Time
Diehard pop fans want nothing more than to feel close to their favorite artists. Twenty years ago this month, ABC and MTV fulfilled that dream with the creation of Making the Band. The reality show is probably best known for its second iteration when Diddy modernized the program with R&B groups like Danity Kane, but in 2000, it was all about boy bands. Lou Pearlman, a manager and con man fresh off successfully creating Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, and LFO, decided the next step in the lucrative teen pop business was to give fans what they always wanted: day one access, so that they, too, could feel like they participated in the creation of their beloved groups. And it began with O-Town.
After hand-selecting members in a countrywide search, Pearlman assembled O-Town with Ashley Parker Angel, Erik-Michael Estrada, Trevor Penick, Jacob Underwood, and Dan Miller, who replaced Ikaika Kahoano. The success of the show’s debut season inspired the network to continue the series, documenting the entirety of the band’s existence, including their discovery of Pearlman’s financial crimes and rumors of his alleged sexual abuse. O-Town broke up after only three years (a short run, even for the most flash-in-the-pan boy bands) but left the world with two memorable singles—“Liquid Dreams,” and the ballad “All or Nothing”—and a shockingly prophetic show that would influence future reality TV programming.
To mark the 20th anniversary of Making the Band’s premiere, I called up O-Town’s frontman Ashley Parker Angel to talk about the show. Our conversation below is condensed and edited for clarity.
JEZEBEL: On Making the Band, O-Town became television stars before you were music stars, and becoming a music star was the entire point. That feels like a really modern way to pursue a pop career. I guess in 2020, it’s social media instead of TV.
ASHLEY PARKER ANGEL: Me and my acting manager, when the audition came through, we thought [Making the Band] was a scripted TV show. We thought it was going to be scripted the same way the Monkees was a scripted show about a band, and then the Monkees obviously used that TV show to launch a legitimate recording career. Having talked to Lou Pearlman once I actually made the band, I’d come to find out that the Monkees were his inspiration. He wanted to make the next iteration of that, and who better to do that than the guy who just created the two biggest superstar boy bands of the day? *NSYNC and Backstreet were just dominating.
At the time, we didn’t have tons of reality TV. The ones that did exist were like Real World or Road Rules. It wasn’t the most popular format. O-Town was essentially two worlds crossing: the world of reality TV shows and the world of boy bands. Those two worlds emerged into Making the Band as an experiment. Nobody knew if it would work. They would even refer to us as lab rats throughout the whole process. The first season was a full 22 episodes, and by the time 20 episodes had aired and it was a hit TV show, we still did not have a record deal.
Because of the success of the TV show, we were able to get the interest of Clive Davis. Cameras flew with us to New York. We signed the deal the week before the finale was going to air. They very quickly edited in the footage of us signing. If you look at what’s happened now with American Idol and The Voice, I think Making the Band really proved that that format could not only be a successful television series, but it can actually launch a legitimate recording group that could have legitimate hit songs on the radio.
And then other people caught wind. Simon Cowell ended up being in one of the early meetings we had with Clive Davis. Very quickly after that, he goes and does Pop Idol. We’d always heard on the record label side that Simon Cowell had been really inspired by what happened with Making the Band and O-Town—so he started Pop Idol, that becomes a huge success, and then, of course, Pop Idolbecomes American Idol.
Pop music has a storied history with reality TV—like everything you were saying about American Idol and The Voice, but also One Direction 10 years later. They were made on The X-Factor UK, and they lost. The experiment with boy bands and reality TV has continued.
Right. And it doesn’t always work. Just because you have a TV show doesn’t mean it’s going to translate to actual radio play. ABC tried to launch a show based on Making the Band called Boy Band. Nick Carter was a judge on it. Timbaland was a judge on it. There was a big primetime push. And then nothing. Those guys are not around. I don’t think they were able to mount a successful single.
I actually really liked that show, but I also love boy bands.
I did, too. As I watched it, I was like, “Oh, they’re doing Making the Band but with a new spin, those superstar judges, which is going to add that American Idolelement.” But it just didn’t pop.
I was listening to a podcast recently with Paris Hilton and she was talking about The Simple Life, which debuted in 2003. She argued that unlike reality television today, reality TV of the early 2000s wasn’t as manufactured or fabricated. Do you agree with that?
I tend to agree with her comment. Yes, there are things being manipulated behind the curtain when you’re in that world. Yes, good reality TV producers see where the conflict is happening, and they massage your life from behind the scenes to make sure those conflicts occur, but those conflicts are real. They’re capturing real life. Obviously, you can do a lot in editing, but primarily [Making the Band] was a very real situation we were all going through.
We had cameras living with us in the house we were living in as O-Town. We had hidden microphones in the house. In Making the Band, if you had a conversation in the middle of the night, these huge production lights would pop on and some guy, another guy with a boom microphone, and a cameraman would rush in. It didn’t matter what time it was. They would film everything. You couldn’t leave the house without telling them because they wanted a camera crew on you. As it went on, however, even by the third season of Making the Band, there was a lot more soft scripting going on. A lot more of producers saying, “Hey, we need you to have a conversation on camera about this.” They’re really kind of directing it more.
How did O-Town try to differentiate itself from the other boy bands at the time?
Making the Band came about at a time where you had a pretty dense field of pop bands. You had LFO, BBMAK—outside of Backstreet and *NSYNC, you had so many offshoots of bands in that style—of course, 98 Degrees. Without the show, there was a lot of noise in an already crowded room. I think the TV show set us apart because now it’s a window into this life that you would never get from just listening to an album. You’re now living in this world. You get the chance to be a fly on the wall and watch that process in a TV show. It set us apart in a way that would’ve been very difficult had we not had the show. I’m not saying we weren’t talented guys, but we had the benefit of being a part of something manufactured, which allowed there to be a higher degree of talent pulled from all these different cities.
I agree. But also, I think of the pop songs of the era—“Liquid Dreams,” come on, you were the boy band unafraid to get sexual. That separates you.
[Laughs] Thank you! I will add to that, too, we were set to do a fourth season of Making the Band. The TV show was always a hit, even though music changed and started to go more R&B and alternative rock again. The second album didn’t sell what the first album did, but the show was still getting really awesome ratings. So we moved into production for Season 4. At that point, a lot of guys in the band were not as excited to keep living on camera. We had a lot of internal debates about whether or not we should be a TV band or if we should move away from that and try to convince people of the longevity of our career. I, personally, always felt the two were connected. Then things started to change. When we got dropped by our record label, MTV also dropped the show. In the end, [the band] did mutually decide to call it quits for a while and all go our own ways with the idea that maybe we would come back in the future.
For the first two albums, we had this unbelievable hitmaker, Clive Davis, and we had ABC and MTV supporting our careers. Once we kind of lost those things, I could see the writing on the wall.
Not only does that sound like a clean break, but you also have a documentary of the entirety of O-Town in Making the Band. That’s unique to your group—even considering later seasons of Diddy’s revamped Making the Band. I think the only thing that’s comparable might be K-pop boy bands whose social media streaming is archived.
You’re so right; it’s so rare. It’s this little window into your life for three or four years. Who has that? And what a crazy time to have captured: a life-changing moment, and here it is in these well-produced, well-edited snapshots of your life.
At the time, were you cautious about working with Lou Pearlman? The show premiered a year or two after both Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC cut ties with him, so litigation must’ve been going on while you were filming.
There was a really specific 20/20 special that aired that was all about *NSYNC and Backstreet’s legal troubles with Lou. Up until that point, Lou was the most charming businessman you’d ever meet. He was obviously making the careers of young pop stars. He was a fun character to be around. Once it started hitting the mainstream media, and you’re hearing all these legal terms and trouble, that definitely started to throw some salt on the situation. And Lou started getting really pushy about us signing contracts. I’ll never forget the first lawyer we hired to look at our initial contract with Lou and said, verbatim, “In my 30 years of entertainment law, this is the worst contract I’ve ever seen.” That added fuel to the fires of what was already happening with Backstreet and *NSYNC.
Some of that actually ends up spilling out onto Making the Band; some of the storyline gets shared. Things start getting sort of intense because he wants certain things we are not signing. So he cuts off our money supply. There were weird scenarios like that that started to occur. But once Clive Davis came into the picture and we had two managers, we side-stepped a lot of trouble with Lou, whereas Backstreet and *NSYNC were right in it with him. We had a lot of other people around us, caretakers to say, “Hey, by the way, there are some other rumors about Lou. Don’t be alone with him.” Those kinds of things.
I remember at one point we were with Lou in his office, and literally, he said, “Guys, I would love to keep this meeting going, but the FBI are here, so we’re going to have to wrap this meeting up now. Because the FBI are here.” And, no joke, the FBI came in and they investigated the offices while we were there.
What? Where’s that footage?
I know! It’s all come out now. Lou was sharing with me, in private, some of his con man-style tricks. Like, he had pictures of himself in his offices where it looked like there were these 747 airplanes in the back, supposedly he had this airplane company, and he goes, “Look at this picture of me with this airplane on the tarmac. Do you see anything weird about that photo?” And I go, “No, it’s you with your 747 airplane.” And he goes, “That’s a model airplane, hanging from fishing string, held from the right perspective so it looks like a full 747 airplane.” He was using little miniature models, and using little tricks of the eye, to make it look like these little miniature airplanes were real airplanes. He would use pictures like that to convince investors that he had all these companies and airplanes. As an 18-year-old kid, I’m thinking, Wow, this guy’s really smart, but also, Wow, this is so illegal, but he’s bragging to me about it.
I’m surprised he revealed his tricks to you.
It was total Catch Me If You Can, that movie. You’re kind of impressed because it’s this evil genius type of thing, but it’s still lying and fraudulent. Now it’s all coming out after years of being investigated by the FBI. That was when things really started to go South for Lou.
Some of your issues with Lou are documented on Making the Band, but he was also an executive producer and creative consultant. Did he have to approve the storyline? The show doesn’t paint him in the best light, but now it’s well-documented that he was guilty of so much more than what was presented on the show.
I wasn’t there, so this is speculation, but I imagine Lou regretted involving himself on camera and not having complete control of it. Lou didn’t think he did anything wrong. Lou’s giving hope to these young, talented kids that would never have a shot. He’s Mr. Money Bags. He’s coming up with millions of dollars behind the scenes—for rehearsals, styling sessions, and putting demos together to actually get you to the place where you can sign a deal—so he never looked at himself as having done anything wrong. The guy could sell anything to you. He was a master salesman. If you sat in a room with him, he’d have you convinced that he was Mother Theresa. He was very good and very shrewd at business. He was just taking advantage in so many different ways. And yet, he was the Berry Gordy of the Motown era, but it was all in O-Town, this whole new pop phase of music that he ushered in with *NSYNC, Backstreet, Britney, Aaron Carter, O-Town, and LFO. His fingerprint was on all of that, and that was a huge movement in music. It’s too bad that he was as crooked as he was.
How do you view the legacy of Making the Band, 20 years later?
There are always going to be gatekeepers, but I think the barriers of entry started coming down with shows like Making the Band. Now you have an opportunity, on a national level, to hear about an audition and show up for it. Making the Band was a shot for someone who would’ve never had a shot. Shows like American Idol and The Voice have continued to take that concept even further.
Making The Band really was the first of its kind. We proved the platform could work because we actually transformed it into a legitimate music career. For young, hopeful, talented people out there, I’m glad that Making the Band could pave the way, and I’m glad there are even more formats like this for young, talented, hopeful people who’d like a shot at success.
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bentuhoekenobi · 5 years
In Transit
My mind is relocating. From the 7 years of being and educator and gamedev community volunteer in Auckland to something else.
This transition will take between 2 to 12 months. Likely around 8.
Because of this I am  going to migrate my few posts on my staff blog to here with some post reflection on them.
I’ve also removed mention of my PhD from this blog. Although I am still planning to do the project that was the core of my PhD, it will be different due to the loss of an academic context and the gaining of a commercial one. It is highly unlikely I will ever do PhD. Or re-enter academia.
Published by Ben Kenobi on August 29, 2018
In the interest of documenting my process and outcomes:
for my professional profile,
to promote my events and attract collaborators for research projects,
to slow myself down and do less,
to reflect critically on the outcomes of my efforts and potentially drop responsibilities,
to act as a way to collect all of my efforts in to a single place,
I'll start by identifying value in what I produce to help me select what remains - or becomes - a part of my workload and what doesn't.
As it affects the documentation process itself I'll also be developing workflows to COPE (create once publish everywhere) (Fox, 2017) and identify - and potentially create - value across all metrics: learning, research and leadership.
Published by Ben Kenobi on August 30, 2018
What a busy couple of days...
I've organized the content and set up the event page for the next AKLgamedev Meetup.
This month coming is the first time since the idea first surfaced a couple of years ago, that the AKLgamedev Meetup is going to provide an 'Indie' Launch Party service. The idea is that the meetup trades a themed catered celebration for a developer presentation and, depending on the size of the studio, some sponsorship contributions.
See the announcement in Yammer event page for more details.
I'm having troubles with the room booking because I'm dead keen to use the WZ building in some new and interesting way.
I have two potential supervisors meetings early next week.
Ultimately I just want someone who can guide me through the PhD process. It doesn't really matter too much what they do. I prefer someone with a qualitative background.
I've been set a deadline of "the end of September" to have my PGR2 accepted.
I also met Boris Bacic who takes the COMP819 Ubiquitous Computing paper. I have asked if I could go along to a class to see what they do there and connect.
I've been quite thoroughly testing the new features of 365 - especially those available off-campus.
We are now using a platform and front end that Microsoft are still willing to support and update. This means obviously good and potentiually easy-to-implement features are now available to us...
Some features seem to work well off campus now (like the scheduling assistant) and I'm hoping to identify interesting work habit opportunities that can make for better work/home habits and more productive off campus working.
Ultimately I am focusing on identifying how this new platform can help us breaking the culture silos at AUT. The financial silos are harder to break, so it's more a matter of either ignoring them or just "playing them" - making them work in ad-hoc ways with 'back-room deals'.
One of the more technical advantages is that it's easy to invite AUT staff and students to the platforms. This is a big deal as the first 'wall' is often enough to turn new adopters away.
Delve has helped me understand a bit more about how the university works and exactly who everyone is. It's still not as good as it could be and I suspect that a lot of the HR information is out of date (e.g. who reports to who).
Behaviour change. Even for the willing it's hard to adopt new skills, approaches and workflow cultures.
I've already noticed some features lacking from the suite. For example Trello is still far more advanced in many ways than Planner (although Planner does have some nice things that Trello doesn't). So far I haven't seen enough of a feature 'dip' to warrant not giving it a good test. I'll be testing Planner out, for example, on the Creative Tech Showcase + Awards (staff and students) and some Bachelor of Creative Tech Planning tasks (staff only).
I've also started up my "Lego Sketches" exercise again as part of my PhD. The image above is an example and I'll explain more as I go.
I've started working on a 20min presentation I'm giving at Pete Rive's CTEC704 Transmedia Narratives paper on Sep 19th. It's split in to two halves:
A brief intro to some of the more famous ARG's that have been born out of the commercial video game industry focusing mostly on Fletcher Dunn's presentation on Valve's Potato Sack ARG at Digital NatioNZ 2014.
A quick look at the Suburban Quilt: A street-game about bees. Although not a transmedia project, it was planned to be and it has some parallels with some of design tools and the fact that it needs to be facilitated.I'll then be working my way through the teams talking to them about their projects.
Published by Ben Kenobi on September 04, 2018
I have two days of solid meetings lined up. So I doubt I'll get much work done.
I'm reminded of the race on Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy that realises that the only way to mask their telepathy was to talk more because beings that talk more usually think less.
I met with my first potential PhD supervisor. We both feel we'll be a good fit.
Next step is to meet with my first potential secondary (Wednesday) and then start on my PGR2 to help clarify to all involved parties what our expectations are. I'll blog my update but I need to narrow down some theoretical frameworks and methodology.
I've asked for some good PhD examples in my area.
During our Senior Studio meeting today we reflected on the crit format.
The students receive a slideshow template that has instructions for what kind of information is expected in what week.
This is a shared doc so all students and staff can see each others progress. I've never had a problem with students deleting or interfering with other team's presentations in the 4 years I've been doing it this way.
This is a formative assignment and feedback is written by all staff present in to the notes of the first slide of each group's presentation. This means that we need a minute or two between each group to clean up the feedback but at the end of the session the assessment task is done.
A roughly clustered continuous timeline is be made. Students are expected to engage with 1-2 before and 1-2 after their own. The idea is to increase engagement:
teams are clustered with projects relevant to their own,
there is often a lot of repetition in the verbal feedback so we only say the repeated stuff once every 3 presentations and constantly remind groups to engage during other crits to hear their feedback,
engaging with a crit is exhausting - the fewer that each student has to see the more they will engage themselves...
What was interesting to me was when one of the 'commercial-video-game' teams had made the terrible mistake of focusing on all the things in their game that didn't matter. Assets and animations and no mechanics. They have a fairly clear final visual aesthetic but were under the unjustified impression that they could design their mechanics in complete abstract. Maybe I wasn't as explicit about that at our last meeting.
The interesting part was that the team they were clustered with had done a pretty rigorous prototyping process making several 'grey-box' (Winters & Zhu, 2018) and they jumped in before I could comment and 'laid in to them'. It was good advice - so I let them go and endorsed them.
The first group, who were mostly younger (half were year two) got to see that the techniques were 'not magic', 'obvious' and something they would be expected to do in a year's time.
A staff member asked if they should consider using Planner in their team.
I'm an avid and relatively expert Trello user. I prefer Favro over Trello but it costs more. I have used both in other organizations and they save a tonne of time. No more agendas - just agenda tags. Minutes are much shorter as the action item info is translated straight to the task during the meeting. Although things like conflicts of interest still need to be reported.
The hardest thing about trying to use all of the good tools that the industry use at the university is that academics don't want to learn them. I'm hoping that the lack of a registration wall, and the fact that if managers start using OneDrive, staff will hopefully gradually start to use the associated apps. I'm not holding my breath. But I'm optimistic.
I've started using Planner with some of my more willing tutors, technicians and professional staff and it's working well:
meeting action items go straight to the buckets on the fly
static info is stored in the associated Sharepoint,
and chatting[1] is done through the associated Teams team.
Although Planner it's definitely a 'Trello-lite' I think the fact that it integrates with the other 365 platforms that have no "registration-wall" - and is part of a infrastructure eco-system that the staff can't really avoid - is why I'm optimistic the culture may gradually shift towards realising these tools may help us not just save time and work more effectively as individuals, but reject some of the silo-culture tendancies we all have.
The hard part is how attractor landscapes (Case, 2018) can be used to show that these tools can help us work across faculties.
Before the coalition of the willing can tackle that we must first prove that they can help us work across faculties.
I've been documenting the pros and cons through this blog. This weeks lists of downsides:
Shortcuts. Especially for searching/filtering. Which I do often.
Removing a deadline seems to be impossible and you have to delete the task and start again.
Feature request: Add students from a class to a Teams team (and subsequently a Planner plan, OneDrive folder and Outlook group).
[1] The 'chatting' I'm referring are things like: clarification and exploratory conversation. Not 'off-topic' banter.
We've made positive steps towards streamlining the Mechatronics Lab and equipment loan processes using Office 365 apps.
My almost 4yr old started kindy today. It was definitely cute. But what was interesting was seeing her observe what we'd all done - introduce ourselves - and then do her most confident and best interpretation. "Hello my name is Amelie. I live in Ruakaka. I go to the beach. And I have so many toys at my house to play with." None of that was scripted. It was all from her watching the adults introduce themselves. She deconstructed our introductions as far as:
Hello my names is [name].
I live in Ruakaka.
A few other things.
Published by Ben Kenobi on May 30, 2019
I live in a culture that encourages overworking. You need to set your boundaries. Doing everything accomplishes nothing.
Potential advisor.
Regular meetings. Some structure is necessary. Primary good of regular meetings is spitballing.
Potential Masters supervision with some overlaps.
Project Shadowmeld.
Post Secondary School Play
Macarthur foundation 2010
Gee 2007
identity, conversations, sharing, presence, relationships, reputation, and groups
Attending an ethics approved playtest.
Tasks workflow is finally ​almost there. One feature that Planner has that Trello doesn't. A sortable personal task list - removes the need for a separate app to handle you own personal tasks. You just need to create a separate "Personal To Do Planner Plan" for any tasks that you don't want to show up on another team's Plan.
OnePlaceMail looks like it might have some good uses. It's not a big priority for me right now (until more of the team start using Teams). What I'm really looking for is something that can convert an email in to a Planner task. I've Tried using Flow but it's very limited. It's hard, for example, to bring in links (like what happens in the example on that OnePlaceMail site) from a webmail. This guy got it working so the email body is trawled for links that get turned in to link attachments on the card. But it's a lengthy hack. The main thing is that I don't want to lose the initial information from the email. Judging by my forums search, there's not even an easy way to add the email as an attachment to the Planner task.
Case, N. (2018, May). An Interactive Introduction to Attractor Landscapes. Retrieved September 3, 2018, from https://ncase.me/attractors/
Fox, V. (2017, December 5). Five Benefits of Using the Create Once, Publish Everywhere (COPE) Method - Blackboard Blog. Retrieved August 30, 2018, from https://blog.blackboard.com/five-benefits-of-using-the-create-once-publish-everywhere-cope-method/​
Winters, G. J., & Zhu, J. (2018). Guiding Players through Structural Composition Patterns in 3D Adventure Games, 8.
0 notes
wsiwebecom · 7 years
How to Choose the Best Software to Send Email Newsletter Templates
These last years we’ve seen how countless means of communication, including the unbeatable social networks, take the world. We are surrounded by innumerable different channels to communicate with others, so it’s easy for the old ones to rapidly become obsolete.
However, if there is a tool that remains strong against its competitors, that is the email. Is it out of style? No way! Studies show that it’s still one of the most used services, and experts estimate that it will keep going strong during the next years. Moreover, with the smartphone boom, almost everybody has an email app in their phone and checks it regularly throughout the day.
Apart from having the advantages that it has always offered, new applications for the old-school tool are coming up. One of the latest ones is the concept of email marketing, mailing or newsletter sending, with the revolutionary idea of email newsletter templates. You’ve never heard of this? Let’s get into it then!
What is a newsletter?
A newsletter is basically an electronic document that a company sends periodically by email to its subscribers, that is, people who have previously agreed to receive the bulletin. Here lies the difference between a newsletter and the well-known and widely hated spam; when people receive a newsletter, it’s because they have voluntarily given a company a permission to send it to them.
Why should I be using a newsletter to give my business a push?
To be honest, if you’re a company with a large list of clients which you want to keep updated and, especially, involved, we don’t know what you’re waiting for! A newsletter can offer this advantages and many more, being easy to use, quite cheap and saving you lots of time.
One of its main benefits is that it creates brand awareness like no other; some mailing apps, as we will discuss later, will let you personalize your emails depending on your subscriber’s characteristics (addressing everyone by their name!), which generates engagement. By receiving news, special offers and promotions and even invitations to events, the subscriber develops, little by little, something most enterprises would kill for: loyalty.
When our company’s dedication is selling a product or a service, email newsletter is definitely perfect for us, because it offers the ultimate advantage of including the so-called Call to Action buttons, which are buttons that link directly to the company’s website, leading the user there when he clicks the button. It makes it easier for them to purchase, so this technique holds a fantastic conversion rate, this is, turning subscribers into actual clients.
As we have mentioned, it comes in handy because it automatically sends your campaigns to your list of contacts, so it isn’t as time consuming as sending emails one by one. We also mentioned that it is considered unexpensive, and we should add that, moreover, its return of investment (ROI) is one of the highest among digital tools or channels. Email marketing’s ROI is, nowadays, of 4.300% (wow!).
Finally, we must mention its great opening rate; it is likely that your subscribers will actually open and read your campaign, since newsletters are widely accepted by users. That is because they have previously agreed to receive them, as we mentioned before, and they don’t feel overwhelmed and forced, like with spam.
This is especially relevant, because why should we waste time creating a nice campaign if the user will probably never open or read it? Mailing generally avoids such a waste!
How do I create a newsletter?
Now the question you are probably asking yourself: OK, I get it, sending newsletter is a fantastic idea, but I’m not a graphic designer! Calm down, because the twenty first century always has a solution for almost anything tech-related. We now present you the fabulous mailing apps!
These apps are made to make our lives easier while creating our email marketing campaign. You don’t need to be a graphic designer; in fact, you don’t even need to know anything about design, nor to be a geek. Mailing apps explain the process step by step, usually using video tutorials, so we end up with the perfect campaign for our business idea.
The best part is that they offer countless email newsletter templates for us to choose from, with models that adapt to every type of business; we can find templates appropriate for fast food restaurants and also templates for a clothing online shop. They can be very specific; we’ve seen incredible templates for travel agencies, for pet stores and even for dating agencies!
We can obviously customise these email newsletter templates; add or erase text, change colours, include our social media links, completely change the order if we wish to… but yet, we’ve had a base, and, without knowing how to design, we’ve created our very own mailing campaign. Isn’t it great?
What do I include in my newsletter?
Remember that not only the design is important; the content is what will engage our subscribers! Which structure should it have? Here we present you a little guide with the main aspects you should pay attention to.
The subject should be short and concise, without capital letters and spam words such as free, offer…
The preheader, which acts as a second subject, should also be short and clear
Our message has to be meant for our target and to include Call to Action buttons
We should include our social media links, and we must include an unsubscribe button; it is legally compulsory.
The structure must also be clean and organized. Here’s an example:
Presentation (1). We should include our name or the name of the company in the beginning of our email, so the receiver instantly knows who the sender is.
Title (2). The title will reflect the aim of our campaign, and it must be clear and attractive.
Lead (3). Two or three lines giving a little bit more of information than the title.
Images (4) (6). These have to be related with the campaign’s objective and awaken the subscriber’s desire to purchase our product or service. They must be nice, because it’s the only image the client has of our product.
Calls to action (5) (7). They will generate web traffic to our own website, and will lead the customer directly to the site to facilitate the purchase.
Social media buttons (8). Integrating our channels is a great idea, since it will increase our effectiveness, and we will better communicate
Unsubscribe link (9). As we’ve said, it’s essential to include it, as it’s legally compulsory.
What should I take into account when choosing a newsletter sending software/email marketing app?
There are some characteristics that make everything even easier, and make our campaigns look more professional. Not only this, we also want them to offer us some tools so we can track how our campaign is working. This is extremely relevant, as knowing what worked and what didn’t or what did our subscribers prefer will be crucial when taking decisions for our next campaign and its approach.
We can always use the A/B test; sending two different emails, with different content or format, and watching which one works better among our clients once sent; the mailing app should be able to automatically send the campaign with best results to the rest of our database; these are some tips and tricks to pay attention to when choosing the so-called app; Because what can’t be measured, can’t be improved.
First of all, we must make something clear; without a database, no email marketing strategy will work, even if you choose the best mailing app in the market. Maybe our objectives are defined and we have a solid strategy, but we must have quality readers! Make sure that your database consists of contacts that will actually be interested in opening and reading your content; if not, start it over. Focus on quality rather than quantity.
We mentioned it before and we will do it again because it is, in our opinion, what makes email marketing so special and mailing apps so useful; customization is everything! Not only do they send different campaigns to different contacts, and not only do they address every contact by their name; they can also send unique emails to a particular contact, just like when we purchase a plain ticket and we receive a confirmation email. These are called transactional emails, and are important because they also generate brand awareness, loyalty and give the client a very positive impression when he gets a rapid response from us. Our mailing tool has to be able to do this!
Of course, we have to make sure that the app includes information, support and templates in your language. These days, it is also indispensable that it has a responsive format; this means that the campaign will adapt to any device, showing itself perfectly on a laptop, on a smartphone or wherever. A huge amount of people check their emails on their tablets or phones, and we cannot accept that our well thought campaign appears messy or even look like a nonsense.
For the same reason, a great option would be that the app we use allows us to preview the campaign with both a computer and a smartphone format; maybe after seeing it in the smartphone format we will want to change something before sending it; who knows.
We mentioned before that mailing is quite cheap; in fact, sending our campaigns by email is definitely inexpensive. OK, creating an email account is free; we all know that. But using mailing apps will not burn a hole in your pocket either! Their services are usually, as we said, quite inexpensive, and some of them even offer us the opportunity to try their app for a month or so for free, so we can properly decide if their templates, system, etc is what we are looking for!
Lastly, it is important that the app in particular is able to properly manage our contact list, to keep it updated and, in general, to act as our agenda. Some apps even automatically identify and correct misspelled email addresses, or remove duplicates: that is what you must look for!
Which tools should it include?
It’s also fantastic when these apps are linked to other tools that perform a related job, so it makes things even easier. One of the best ones is Google Analytics, which allows you to track your results, or to know which one of your campaign generated more sales. If you own an online shop, having the app connected and synchronised to an e-commerce tool is a great idea; it gives you some information about your client’s shopping habits, giving you a deeper knowledge on how to approach your next campaign.
Nowadays we cannot forget social media. The app has to allow us to connect our emails and campaigns to our social media links, so our customers can be even closer to us. Moreover, we live in the digital era; images, gifs and videos are welcome! Surprise your subs with funny gifs, beautiful pictures or videos that might be useful for them; tutorials on how to use a product or a service can tilt the balance in favour of buying it!
This makes our email way more interactive, and the customer will probably react much better to it: something nice or funny is always well received. In order to do this, the mailing app has to offer us enough space, because emails that are too heavy are usually not received or sent directly to the spam folder. We should make sure that the app we use takes care of this.
You see, there are many things we must consider when choosing our perfect software to send a newsletter. I hope this article has cleared up what a newsletter is, which are its advantages and what should a mailing app offer so your campaigns really shock your subscribers! Now… what are you waiting for?
0 notes
lilithblanc-blog · 7 years
It has come to my attention that I enjoy thinking on a consistent, daily basis. In reality, I end up deeply thinking on an hourly basis. Obviously, there is no way for me to truly know how other human brain’s think. I think in a matter that likes to question all sorts of things within our daily lives. That being said, I also enjoy writing. In the past years leading up to the present, I liked the idea of writing but was always discouraged from doing it in my free time. This was a result of previous teachers that often made me disgust and fear writing. I only wrote in school for the purpose of attaining a letter grade. My teachers may have never realized this, but most students (at least with the people I knew) only ever write for school. They never gain a true passion for writing that enables them to continue this wonderful, joyous skill outside of a classroom environment and mindset (I include this word because you could counter my argument by saying students spend hours outside of time researching the paper and actually writing). As a result, teachers (the ones I had) taught in way that allowed students to attain this letter grade. They might have not realized it, but they structured the class to focus on strictly academic matters such as getting the best letter grade and “how to prepare for college.” The small portion (but most important) section of writing they never taught my classes and me was how to A. gain the passion to write for fun and B. how writing in your own time not only benefits your “writing/English” capabilities but also improves the mind to work, thus developing the same brain that will be used in pursuit of your true passions in other fields of life. Continuing my journey in writing, I noticed the first signs of enjoyment when was forced to continually write ACT essay papers weekly during the summer before my senior year. The format of ACT papers required one to pick a side to the argument and fully support it with the best examples, resources, and logic based on the knowledge inside of your head. I am not quite sure why I enjoyed doing these at some point because these types of papers are common in schooling. I can speculate by saying the weekly papers made me gain as much information in a short amount of time (the more news, books, resources, anecdotes you knew, the more repertoire you had to argue with). I began to think of it as a debate that people such as Socrates would engage in, and I loved that idea. Shortly afterwards, I went on a dry period for writing. Not much was done outside of class. However, there were two moments within my writing career or senior year. The first was measly, but important for the confidence experience I received. The second was grand and very luxurious. The first was getting a 36 on my ACT essay (I think I got it both times I took it). This was the first time an “academic institution” of sorts showed me some appreciation for the words I was crafting on paper. The second was when I quit lacrosse ¾ in the spring season of my senior year. After I quit, I immediately composed a “blog post” (really a google document) of the events that led up to me quitting, why I did it, what comes next, and the people I wanted to thank. I was decently well known within my community (and perhaps sometimes nationally) for being a very good lacrosse goalie (I personally found myself at the mean of goalies but my achievements throughout my life, especially junior year of high school says otherwise). As a result, I felt more incentive to write. I dropped this link to all the close people to me to clear things up. The links somehow eventually spread throughout my grade in school. Obviously, it was not something that every single person had. However, there were people I did not send it to that ended up reading it and giving me acknowledge in person (or text). These events combined with my online research of Mr. Elon Musk’s blog power (seriously though, he can release a single blog post and probably change the world) slowly gave me a more passion to write. I wanted / still want to gain this power of moving people within a blog or a blog post. Blogs are slowly fading away, but I will always value it more than vlogs or newer mediums. This is because blogs show the world through the eyes of someone’s internal thinking. There is something that talking, showing, and videoing will never reveal that only writing does. I finally found the incentive to create my own today. The posts featured here will include most of my writing that I find worthwhile posting. There will also be a section for academic writings that I enjoyed doing in school. The main blog postings will be a variety of sizes and thoughts. I will attempt to put in my observations, thoughts, analysis of life. These will be strictly opinion based (obviously if it comes from my brain) and are not here to spur up a commotion. I am never forcing my words upon anyone but simply here for people to enjoy (and ultimately gain a new perspective in life). This is just “what it is” (said by a girl who came into the common room freshman year of college after a night at the bar). return lilith_blanc (LOOOOL I want to create something cool like “c/o Virgil Abloh” but this is techier cause it is used in python) P.S. The medium I have chosen to use for these blogs is tumblr. I will ultimately have a personal website in the future. tumblr is good for now because it is something I used frequently in high school. tumblr (I do not think) was not directly within my generation but is the closest to mine than mediums such as blogger and wordpress are. P.S.S. The focal point of the blog is the display my thoughts in writing. However, there will also be a section for reblogs (mostly likely #inspo), my photography, my playlists, and lots more.
0 notes
lilithblanc-blog · 7 years
It has come to my attention that I enjoy thinking on a consistent, daily basis. In reality, I end up deeply thinking on an hourly basis. Obviously, there is no way for me to truly know how other human brain’s think. I think in a matter that likes to question all sorts of things within our daily lives. That being said, I also enjoy writing. In the past years leading up to the present, I liked the idea of writing but was always discouraged from doing it in my free time. This was a result of previous teachers that often made me disgust and fear writing. I only wrote in school for the purpose of attaining a letter grade. My teachers may have never realized this, but most students (at least with the people I knew) only ever write for school. They never gain a true passion for writing that enables them to continue this wonderful, joyous skill outside of a classroom environment and mindset (I include this word because you could counter my argument by saying students spend hours outside of time researching the paper and actually writing). As a result, teachers (the ones I had) taught in way that allowed students to attain this letter grade. They might have not realized it, but they structured the class to focus on strictly academic matters such as getting the best letter grade and “how to prepare for college.” The small portion (but most important) section of writing they never taught my classes and me was how to A. gain the passion to write for fun and B. how writing in your own time not only benefits your “writing/English” capabilities but also improves the mind to work, thus developing the same brain that will be used in pursuit of your true passions in other fields of life. Continuing my journey in writing, I noticed the first signs of enjoyment when was forced to continually write ACT essay papers weekly during the summer before my senior year. The format of ACT papers required one to pick a side to the argument and fully support it with the best examples, resources, and logic based on the knowledge inside of your head. I am not quite sure why I enjoyed doing these at some point because these types of papers are common in schooling. I can speculate by saying the weekly papers made me gain as much information in a short amount of time (the more news, books, resources, anecdotes you knew, the more repertoire you had to argue with). I began to think of it as a debate that people such as Socrates would engage in, and I loved that idea. Shortly afterwards, I went on a dry period for writing. Not much was done outside of class. However, there were two moments within my writing career or senior year. The first was measly, but important for the confidence experience I received. The second was grand and very luxurious. The first was getting a 36 on my ACT essay (I think I got it both times I took it). This was the first time an “academic institution” of sorts showed me some appreciation for the words I was crafting on paper. The second was when I quit lacrosse ¾ in the spring season of my senior year. After I quit, I immediately composed a “blog post” (really a google document) of the events that led up to me quitting, why I did it, what comes next, and the people I wanted to thank. I was decently well known within my community (and perhaps sometimes nationally) for being a very good lacrosse goalie (I personally found myself at the mean of goalies but my achievements throughout my life, especially junior year of high school says otherwise). As a result, I felt more incentive to write. I dropped this link to all the close people to me to clear things up. The links somehow eventually spread throughout my grade in school. Obviously, it was not something that every single person had. However, there were people I did not send it to that ended up reading it and giving me acknowledge in person (or text). These events combined with my online research of Mr. Elon Musk’s blog power (seriously though, he can release a single blog post and probably change the world) slowly gave me a more passion to write. I wanted / still want to gain this power of moving people within a blog or a blog post. Blogs are slowly fading away, but I will always value it more than vlogs or newer mediums. This is because blogs show the world through the eyes of someone’s internal thinking. There is something that talking, showing, and videoing will never reveal that only writing does. I finally found the incentive to create my own today. The posts featured here will include most of my writing that I find worthwhile posting. There will also be a section for academic writings that I enjoyed doing in school. The main blog postings will be a variety of sizes and thoughts. I will attempt to put in my observations, thoughts, analysis of life. These will be strictly opinion based (obviously if it comes from my brain) and are not here to spur up a commotion. I am never forcing my words upon anyone but simply here for people to enjoy (and ultimately gain a new perspective in life). This is just “what it is” (said by a girl who came into the common room freshman year of college after a night at the bar). return lilith_blanc (LOOOOL I want to create something cool like “c/o Virgil Abloh” but this is techier cause it is used in python) P.S. The medium I have chosen to use for these blogs is tumblr. I will ultimately have a personal website in the future. tumblr is good for now because it is something I used frequently in high school. tumblr (I do not think) was not directly within my generation but is the closest to mine than mediums such as blogger and wordpress are. P.S.S. The focal point of the blog is the display my thoughts in writing. However, there will also be a section for reblogs (mostly likely #inspo), my photography, my playlists, and lots more.
0 notes