#and bam! they mention steve or the other way around lmao
steveseddie · 2 months
it was already confusing sometimes to scroll through my dash and find a post about an eddie and not knowing if it was eddie diaz from 911 or eddie munson until i read a little bit more or they mentioned steve or buck and now there's also a tommy in 911 which is even more confusing svdhshhd
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xenon-demon · 11 months
ok so HI 👋 you're gonna get multiple of these by me because I wanna know everything. but first. I wanna know about the steddie soulmate tattoos because I looOOove a good soulmate fic??? 👀👀
LUIIIIIIII please ask as MANY questions as you want I love talking about all the different versions of steddie that exist in my brain 🤩 thanks so much for the question!!!
SO this is actually my First Ever Steddie WIP 🥲 and it was inspired by something I saw on Twitter where the make up artist who designed Eddie’s tattoos was like “yeah the bats tattoo is actually a reference to Steve and how both Steve and Eddie were chomped on by the demobats” and everyone was like "OMG STEDDIE SOULMATE TATTOOS REAL?" So I took that and ran with it lmao. The conceit of this soulmate universe is that a tattoo forms on your body the moment you fall in love with your soulmate, and the tattoo is in some way symbolic of that moment.
Eddie's tattoo is the bats, obviously, and Steve's tattoo is of Eddie's guitar, spanning the length of his ribcage on his left side. That tattoo appeared when Dustin gave Steve the play-by-play of The Most Metal Concert Ever™ while they were both in Eddie's hospital room waiting for him to wake up from his post-near-death-experience coma; Steve visualized Eddie doing that in all his glory, though about how Eddie saved Dustin's life, and then BAM. Soulmate tattoo. Dustin will never let him live it down.
Also Steve and Robin have a tattoo for each other because I refuse to write a soulmate AU where Stobin are not soulmates in some way, even if platonic soulmates are not a thing in universe <3 (although in this particular AU platonic soulmates ARE a thing)
Have a look under the cut if you'd like to see Eddie's POV of the moment he got his soulmate tattoo ;) (yes it's That Scene from canon because of course it is)
Send me an ask about my WIPs!
He stops short the moment his brain registers what’s happening in front of him. Steve Harrington, in all his shirtless glory, is currently wailing on that goddamned bat with nothing more than his bare hands. He’s got it by the tail and swings it around over his head before slamming it into the ground, grunting with the exertion of it. Before it has a chance to move, Steve swings it back up again and slams it back down just as hard. Even in the gloom of this nightmare realm, Eddie can see the way his muscles flex with the strain. It’s not like Steve’s muscles are difficult to spot, okay - for all jocks are the enemy, Eddie can respect an attractive man, and he’d certainly been respecting Steve’s athletic physique when he stripped off in the boat ten minutes ago. Seeing Steve shirtless and seeing Steve’s nicely toned upper body in action are two very different things, however, and Eddie most certainly was not prepared for the latter.
It doesn’t end there, though, because Steve’s next move is to step on the damn thing’s neck and pull its tail until its head tears clean off its body, with his bare hands. Eddie thinks he mentioned the ‘bare hands’ bit already, but fuck it, it bears repeating. Eddie’s just watching this happen, wide-eyed, when Steve fucking spits blood onto the bat’s corpse, leaving a string of sticky red fluid trailing from his lips. Holy shit, when did he bite that thing? He’s breathing hard, chest heaving from the adrenaline, and even though it’s on the chilly side his torso is shiny with sweat. Steve tilts his head back, mouth open and chest still heaving, and it makes the blood trailing from his mouth fall back against his chin. Eddie could almost pretend it’s something else dripping from those plush lips, if he tried, but he’s so buzzed from the adrenaline and the absolutely obscene display in front of him that he can’t quite make the fantasy consolidate.
It’s the hottest thing Eddie’s ever seen.
He doesn’t even get to enjoy it though, because as soon as he registers that thought in his brain, there’s a tingling sensation on his right forearm. It starts near the crease of his arm, and within a few seconds it’s spread outwards and down towards his wrist, about halfway down his forearm. The tingling starts to intensify, turns more into a warm, not-unpleasant burning sensation, and Jesus fucking Christ this had better not be what Eddie thinks it is.
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